GTA LCS :: How to GET/FLY all Helicopters in the Game [TUTORIAL/GUIDE]

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии •

  • @SuperDuperNick
    @SuperDuperNick 3 года назад +59

    I LOVE that helicopters are flyable in this game since they weren’t in GTA 3, but I HATE how helicopters are CLEARLY in the game and clearly flyable, yet the game designers are doing everything possible to try and stop us from flying them which is so stupid

    • @reyzavcy7827
      @reyzavcy7827 3 года назад +10

      Maybe because some the building is not solid so rockstar doesn't want us to fly compare dodo from gta 3

    • @GGadcDiff
      @GGadcDiff 5 месяцев назад +2

      Helicopter ruined the experience for me. When you have a helicopter shoreside Vale especially feels useless and small. With a car is more fun since it gives the feeling of a real city instead of going across the map in 3 seconds over hollow buildings

  • @Badinfos
    @Badinfos  4 года назад +63

    And here it is guys, the long awaited helicopter guide video!!!!!!
    I promised it about 3 years ago and after so so so so much research and testing it's finally here.
    These are all the methods I know of, but if you manage to figure out more which don't include the use of cheats, let me know. Enjoy..

    • @69420joemama
      @69420joemama 4 года назад +2

      Badinfos heart me!!!!!

    • @69420joemama
      @69420joemama 4 года назад +2

      Badinfos pls put for mobile

    • @VexxyKay
      @VexxyKay 4 года назад +2

      Amazing video as always Alex! I was just wondering.. did you see my comment on the LCS Hidden Packages video you posted not too long ago?
      I was talking about Re:LCS. We can finally play LCS on PC! The mod is almost fully completed and it runs on Vice City's engine and it's fully standalone.

    • @washim-7867
      @washim-7867 4 года назад +3

      you were real late

    • @blanknamedaccount7584
      @blanknamedaccount7584 4 года назад +1


  • @TRibsey
    @TRibsey Год назад +29

    The Hunter in "False Idols" seems to be a debug feature (found in the mission script code) and is also totally invulnerable to damage.

  • @albertding2553
    @albertding2553 3 года назад +33

    Hey Badinfos, there is a way to permanently save the Maverick in method 1:
    Get yourself a taxi or a cabbie, and drive to Portland car sales to start a rampage. Wait for a timer in the rampage to expire, and when it reaches zero enter the taxi and start the taxi driver side mission. Then immediately cancel it as you head to start the mission "Calm Before The Storm". From there, play thorough the mission until you reach Salvatore's mansion without entering the marker just yet. When a timer on your screen reaches 10 seconds, enter the marker, skip the cutscene, and head for the street just outside Salvatore's mansion. Once the helicopter reaches the street, activate the Taxi Driver side mission, and then cancel it; if you do it correctly the helicopter will simply land on the ground which is now yours to take.
    You need to unlock Staunton Island to save the Maverick permanently. Just complete a mission, return to the garage where you left the heli, and reenter so it doesn't despawn later. Repeat this process until you unlock Staunton Island.

    • @chicc2826
      @chicc2826 3 года назад +2

      that is soo complicated and not worth the effort at all

    • @xXxKAMIKAZExXx
      @xXxKAMIKAZExXx 2 года назад +1

      @@chicc2826 Who asked?

    • @Ghoul-b1p
      @Ghoul-b1p Год назад

      @@xXxKAMIKAZExXx me :)

  • @camocamel8217
    @camocamel8217 4 года назад +108

    Fun fact: liberty city stories is made with the same engine as vice city so yeah thats why you can fly helis

  • @andytoskovic
    @andytoskovic 4 года назад +35

    Wow, impressive...
    I'll just pretend Toni doesn't know how to fly a helicopter, too much work 😂

    @ARGYRISPETRIANIDIS 4 года назад +18

    I've been waiting 3 years for this. Finally it's here. Thank you badinfos for the guide 😊

  • @lucassantos7474
    @lucassantos7474 4 года назад +92

    I didn't know that this game had a hunter

    • @choyi-hyun8977
      @choyi-hyun8977 4 года назад +10

      Can we use it for vigilante

    • @deaclavilis6760
      @deaclavilis6760 3 года назад +4

      @@choyi-hyun8977 No.

    • @africanelephant2221
      @africanelephant2221 3 года назад +5

      @@choyi-hyun8977 "brown thunder"

    • @yusufmalcolm3233
      @yusufmalcolm3233 3 года назад +1

      Dont know if you guys gives a shit but if you guys are bored like me atm you can stream all of the latest movies and series on instaflixxer. I've been binge watching with my girlfriend for the last few weeks =)

    • @dexteraldo2482
      @dexteraldo2482 3 года назад +1

      @Yusuf Malcolm yup, I have been watching on InstaFlixxer for since november myself :D

  • @Cj_3o03
    @Cj_3o03 4 года назад +27

    Why does the hunter spawn from doing that button combination?

    • @mistera2834
      @mistera2834 4 года назад +14

      From what I know, it's called a "debug code"

    • @beachesandhose2374
      @beachesandhose2374 3 года назад +7

      How the hell did someone find this? Lol

    • @jmailsooti6765
      @jmailsooti6765 3 года назад +4

      @@beachesandhose2374 files.

    • @jmailsooti6765
      @jmailsooti6765 3 года назад

      @Medal of honor allied assault oh wait, except for mobile although you're using a controller.

    • @jmailsooti6765
      @jmailsooti6765 3 года назад

      @Medal of honor allied assault well it's playstation only

  • @mistera2834
    @mistera2834 4 года назад +16

    Thanks Mr. B, I never know that you could get a hunter in this game but because of you, I have found out about it... Thank you soooo much, you deserve more subscribers

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад +4

      Glad I could help!

  • @drjnn2626
    @drjnn2626 4 года назад +4

    Thanks to your previous gta lcs tutorials, i have completed 100%. Big thanks to Badinfos

  • @mcplayer3.173
    @mcplayer3.173 4 года назад +4

    Finally, it's here.Thanks for the very useful video.

  • @hiimgamerspruzzino5804
    @hiimgamerspruzzino5804 4 года назад +1

    Alex, holee fuck, just yesterday i saw the video about stealing the helis and couldn't do it. I said id try again and that is alright and now i see an in depth video about this thing? You must been watching all of us and not leaving anyone unsatisfied. Keep up it dude, you really impressed me!

  • @Blacklung1899
    @Blacklung1899 4 года назад +15

    FINALLY !!!
    the vid all LCS gamers waited for

  • @slight3814
    @slight3814 4 года назад +5

    If anyone is reluctant to try it on android, I can say with confidence that the false idols ambulance method works on the android port. I have the maverick stashed in my staunton garage.

    • @codpexlegends3763
      @codpexlegends3763 3 года назад

      I tried the False Idols method too, but on IOS. I didn’t get the heli, but instead I managed to unlock Shoreside Vale early.

  • @dubdood
    @dubdood 4 года назад +1

    Fot the last Method you can directly drive to the pyramid once you started the Mission do the button combination and go to the roof you dont have to do the mission if you fail or die you can redo it however you want.

  • @orangejacket4551
    @orangejacket4551 3 года назад +5

    You can actually get the black calm before storm maverick out of those boundaries with a little merge glitch with the taxi side mission and one of the rampages.

  • @cryinggreyguyholdingachick6010
    @cryinggreyguyholdingachick6010 4 года назад +1

    Thanks man the hunter one really worked

  • @Cj_3o03
    @Cj_3o03 4 года назад +8

    Anyone trying the false idol method where you get an ambulance, it doesnt work on psp. The doors are locked.

    • @captainantilles9094
      @captainantilles9094 4 года назад +1

      Use method #3, but remember to always keep your camera facing the helicopter and when you get it in your garage, make sure the tail is facing your right hand side so it doesn’t despawn

    • @daddyspacebear
      @daddyspacebear 4 года назад +1

      the doors are also locked on the unofficial pc port, but you can stand up there and kill the pilot with a m4 as soon as hovers over the invisible roof, you gotta kill him quick tho or the helicopter will fall off the side. I can't get the mf in my garage tho, it keeps despawning as soon as the doors closed but I already explored everywhere, it can't fly very high so there's not a lot of stuff you can explore

  • @adibmouhanna6823
    @adibmouhanna6823 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for the tipz badinfos!.
    Now i can fly and have fun seeing the beautiful sight of liberty city without crashing!

  • @EverythingAboutGTA3
    @EverythingAboutGTA3 4 года назад +2

    Nice video, mate! I didn't know about the Hunter :)

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад +1

      Glad I could help!

    • @JulenGames
      @JulenGames 3 года назад +1

      @@Badinfos Does the Hunter method works in PS2 version?

  • @aftermath20
    @aftermath20 4 года назад +6

    I know about first 2 methods but I didn't know about rest of them. I didn't know that LCS has a hunter and you can actually steal it.

    • @xyi898
      @xyi898 Год назад +1

      Me either.

  • @nightstriker42
    @nightstriker42 8 месяцев назад

    In The mission calm before the storm you get the helicopter and place it next to the bill board and wait for the cut scene to finish then kick the pilot out of the helicopter and you can actually start flying freely without the mission failing it’s a secret so you can try that method.

  • @michazmuda1477
    @michazmuda1477 4 года назад +4

    Sadly Hunter is not programmed to be used in Vigilante oddjob. It would be much easier to do that then getting tank from 6 star wanted level.

  • @adityavinayaksharma2952
    @adityavinayaksharma2952 4 года назад +1

    Thanks you put so much work in your videos.

  • @petevance6803
    @petevance6803 4 года назад +3

    You know Jam8tone? I'm glad that you know him:)

  • @daniyalahmed6662
    @daniyalahmed6662 4 года назад +12

    QUALITY over QUANTITY 🥴👌✌️😂
    Thanks for remembering ..... 😂

    • @6S3
      @6S3 3 года назад

      @@IsM1ku nice haha

  • @yusufamir3318
    @yusufamir3318 4 года назад +5

    I got the notification while playing Keep your friends close with ohko.

  • @infinite_xx3162
    @infinite_xx3162 3 года назад +1

    I'm subscribing to you!

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  3 года назад

      Welcome new subscriber, have a nice stay here :)

  • @Zubimane
    @Zubimane 4 года назад

    awesome video dude

  • @williamfrieden1
    @williamfrieden1 2 года назад

    Great video nice job, keep it up!

  • @Berserkerenergy
    @Berserkerenergy 3 года назад +3

    I doesn't work the second Method I play on ppsspp I tired to steal it but toni doesn't get in can someone help please 🥺🙏🙏🙏

    • @laylongsolo
      @laylongsolo 3 года назад +1

      same here, the heli is locked

    • @khunayanasarn6788
      @khunayanasarn6788 6 месяцев назад +1

      It only works on the ps2 you can see that toni is a little bit stretched

    • @khunayanasarn6788
      @khunayanasarn6788 5 месяцев назад

      So then use method 3 it’s the same mission

  • @averyaveragetrain233
    @averyaveragetrain233 4 года назад +1

    Ah yes my Favorite GTA Helicopter The Mayverick

  • @nicksaffari4412
    @nicksaffari4412 4 года назад +3

    In the last method do you know what the button combo does. Just curious :D

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад +3

      It spawns the Hunter.

  • @rogerchuah1630
    @rogerchuah1630 4 года назад

    You keep your word and it was good work, salute to you badinfos !

  • @leonardoa7405
    @leonardoa7405 3 года назад

    WoW bro so useful!!!! I like this vid so much!!!

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  3 года назад +1

      Glad you liked it!

  • @infinite_xx3162
    @infinite_xx3162 3 года назад +1

    Thank you,thank you soooooo much!

  • @khunayanasarn6788
    @khunayanasarn6788 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you it works! (I use method 3)

  • @BigSmoke-zl2sv
    @BigSmoke-zl2sv 5 месяцев назад +1

    In the mission Karmaggeddon, you Can fail too the mission, the Hunter Is still on the Casino's roof and don't dissapar.

  • @rascallygoose4926
    @rascallygoose4926 4 года назад +1

    I’m on mobile with a PS4 controller, is it the same button layout? Or does it not work?

    • @captaindowntown7851
      @captaindowntown7851 3 года назад

      Try it out it might work

    • @rascallygoose4926
      @rascallygoose4926 3 года назад +1

      @@captaindowntown7851 Never worked, mobile game patches it out I think, although the “Spawn rhino” cheat was bugged so it just went through vehicles in a specific order, so I was able to get every heli including the VCN Maverick

    • @captaindowntown7851
      @captaindowntown7851 3 года назад

      @@rascallygoose4926 I tried this back when I had the game on PS2 so I assumed it works on mobile as well. Sorry for that.

    • @rascallygoose4926
      @rascallygoose4926 3 года назад

      @@captaindowntown7851 All good

  • @NewGuyLT
    @NewGuyLT 4 года назад +16

    I always wonder why does Hunter spawn in that mission?

    • @user-2723
      @user-2723 3 года назад +5

      Debug feature

    • @NewGuyLT
      @NewGuyLT 3 года назад +1

      @@user-2723 hmm ok.

  • @rayenbenrhouma1867
    @rayenbenrhouma1867 4 года назад

    Thanks badinfos NOW i can fly any hélicopter !!

  • @mahfjmajf6895
    @mahfjmajf6895 4 года назад

    Amazing video very good tutorial

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад

      Glad you liked it

  • @washim-7867
    @washim-7867 4 года назад

    Thanks for these tutorials

  • @klejdireci7284
    @klejdireci7284 4 года назад

    Thank you so much badinfos for this guide

  • @juliusbertsch1219
    @juliusbertsch1219 4 года назад

    Awesome video badinfos.

  • @kinzamujahid3523
    @kinzamujahid3523 3 года назад

    I just realized how to do that dam hard misson now,thanks 😂

  • @AlexStroiescu
    @AlexStroiescu 4 года назад +1

    You are doing a really good job with games, dude, and I apreciate it!

  • @grubykot3920
    @grubykot3920 4 года назад +2

    does the 5 method work when you activate karmageddon as side mission by getting into fire truck in fire station of stauton island?

  • @t1luso609
    @t1luso609 4 года назад +2

    I enjoyed the Method 2 but other methods were too meme that I have made a meme of badinfos xD.

  • @wtf698
    @wtf698 4 года назад

    Thanks man! You re awesome!

  • @codpexlegends3763
    @codpexlegends3763 3 года назад +2

    Hey Badi, so I tried the False Idols methods. 2 times using the second one, and 1 time with the third method. After failing the second method twice, I used the waterproof bike method to glitch myself to Shoreside Vale to unlock the 6 star wanted level. But for some reason when I reached the Shoreside Lift Bridge, the lift was down, which I meant I easily drove to Shoreside. When I was going back to Staunton, cars spawned on the bridge, and the lift was working, even though Love on The Rocks hasn’t been completed yet. Is failing False Idols like a glitch that unlocks Shoreside Vale early? Because it happened to me.

    • @g_webb21
      @g_webb21 2 года назад

      Hello, happened to me as well back then🤝

    • @codpexlegends3763
      @codpexlegends3763 2 года назад

      @@g_webb21 were u on PSP or Mobile because to me it happened on Mobile

    • @khunayanasarn6788
      @khunayanasarn6788 4 месяца назад

      @@codpexlegends3763nope it works for me on the second method on mobile but the third method doesn’t work for me on mobile

    • @khunayanasarn6788
      @khunayanasarn6788 4 месяца назад

      @@codpexlegends3763 nope it works for me on the second method on mobile but the third method doesn't work for me on mobile

  • @BrutalHeroBR
    @BrutalHeroBR 4 года назад

    Nice video!

  • @restlessheroes
    @restlessheroes 4 года назад +1

    Can you tell us how can we save the hunter? Because it won't fit in the garage in stauton island.

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад +3

      You need to complete the next 2 missions and unlock Shoreside Vale. You can save it in that garage.

    • @restlessheroes
      @restlessheroes 4 года назад +1

      @@Badinfos won't it despawn until then ?

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад +1

      Nope, just keep it in sight and hop into it as much as you can.

  • @jsk1493
    @jsk1493 4 года назад +1

    Hey badinfoes your first trick truly works even in Android but the control of helicopter on Android sucks. Soo sad I can't fly a helicopter in gta lcs android
    Well thanks for a quick guide

  • @yuriee_sus
    @yuriee_sus 3 года назад

    Thanks you so much the hunter works

  • @pbthegreat6604
    @pbthegreat6604 4 года назад +1

    Hey bro there is no improvement it gets stuck infinitly on the black loading screen in the mission no. 3 in gta tbogt can u help in the next video please.

  • @isyrafafendi9524
    @isyrafafendi9524 4 года назад

    Actually I know this game had a Hunter by Lethal Vaccine and Stefan Isfan. But, nevermind. Thanks for sharing, dude!😅

  • @jacobcadiou8452
    @jacobcadiou8452 4 года назад +1

    I noticed that Method #2 was recorded on the PS2 emulator. Is the bug patched on the PSP version?

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад

      The helicopter is locked on PSP. If you wanna do it on PSP you should do the other method for the same mission.

  • @pbthegreat6604
    @pbthegreat6604 4 года назад +1

    Hey bro please give the fix for infinite black loading screen after the mission no. 3. This also happens in a mission in lost and damned also in momma 's boy. If you do some research you'll see many people have the same problem. Please make a video about this issue's fix. If you can

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад +2

      Alright, you need to stop spamming this on all my comment sections. I, along with a few other people tried to help you out by giving you ideas, you left more than 20 comments with the same thing. We saw it the first time and helped you out. Search around on forums, steam or Google your problem if our ideas were not helpful.

    • @pbthegreat6604
      @pbthegreat6604 4 года назад +1

      @@Badinfos alright sorry, I'm a big fan of your walk-throughs so I started completing gta tbogt by getting inspired by u but now I'm stuck! , I just wanted you to make a video on thisissue 'cause I'm not only the one with this problem there are several others facing this.if you can make a video I'll be thankfull. I'll stop commenting about this from now onwards. And sorry again don't be angry. Well thanks for your support though. 😊 your videos are awesome. Big respect from here!

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад +1

      I appreciate the kind words and sorry that I could not help further. I provided all the info I could on fixing the bug, my solution fixed it for me so that's why I wrote it. If many others have the same issue there is bound to be a solution somewhere, good luck finding it.

    • @pbthegreat6604
      @pbthegreat6604 4 года назад

      @@Badinfos thanks!!

  • @davidgaming4013
    @davidgaming4013 4 года назад

    I Thought You Could Only Get The Maverick, Thanks Badinfos :)

  • @Armandosparadais69
    @Armandosparadais69 Год назад

    I remember watching these tutorial "how to get an heli in gta lcs" when i had my portable psp and gta and always failing

  • @stonecoldsteveaustin5602
    @stonecoldsteveaustin5602 4 года назад

    Hey Badinfos do you play max payne games?

  • @jakubpodolak4104
    @jakubpodolak4104 2 года назад +1

    The helicopter from "False Idols" is locked, I can't enter it.

  • @justaguyivory
    @justaguyivory Год назад

    Omg I didn't knew about hunter secret spawn😮😮😮😮😮😮

  • @gabrinjos104
    @gabrinjos104 4 года назад

    I have a question:
    I decided that i wanted to complete some gta games and i dont know which, I only played GTA SA and GTA V.
    So can you suggest some gta games (like GTA 4 or whatever) for me? And can you suggest in which order should i complete them?
    Like first complete GTA SA and then hop on GTA V.
    I hope you understand this 2 questions!

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад

      Just do them in order of release.

  • @mecka9389
    @mecka9389 3 года назад +3

    I hate that on psp the bridge method doesn’t work and the helicopter is locked on false idols

  • @otavioitalonunes6245
    @otavioitalonunes6245 4 года назад

    Im mobile version the car exploded not appear and fixed 5:39

    • @tronaxis198
      @tronaxis198 3 года назад

      Yup thats right,try doing it by ambulance method

  • @TheFreshMango
    @TheFreshMango 4 года назад

    Hey badi how is quarantine?

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад


    • @TheFreshMango
      @TheFreshMango 4 года назад

      @@Badinfos i mean u make videos thats a good way to kill time

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад

      It's the only thing that keeps me sane :D

    • @TheFreshMango
      @TheFreshMango 4 года назад

      Badinfos me too😂

  • @MohamedAhmed-hs1bv
    @MohamedAhmed-hs1bv 3 года назад

    Thank you ❤️

  • @mobgamerred8555
    @mobgamerred8555 4 года назад

    thanks for the guide i have a hunter

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад

      Glad I could help

  • @jian9345
    @jian9345 4 года назад +1

    Ahhhhhhh the storm thing mission i already finished it 😂😂😂

  • @braixy642
    @braixy642 4 года назад

    Hold on a moment. How exactly is this button combination and fire truck mission causing a hunter to spawn ?

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад

      It's glitch.

    • @braixy642
      @braixy642 4 года назад

      @@Badinfos but it's very unusual. How did anyone figure that out.

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад +2

      Like how many other glitches are found, by looking through the code most likely. That's how cheats are usually found.

    • @braixy642
      @braixy642 4 года назад +1

      @@Badinfos interesting. I always thought the hunter was a cut vehicle and could only be spawned via cheat menu.

  • @someguyIl
    @someguyIl 2 года назад +1

    I tried to get heli in false idols but it always locked?

  • @gmont28
    @gmont28 2 года назад

    The helicopter from the passion of the heist is fireproof

  • @SonINK
    @SonINK 2 года назад

    You can steal the first heli and fly any where just fly it nex to the stairs down and continue the misseon when they shot you steal it fast XD

  • @laylongsolo
    @laylongsolo 3 года назад +1

    On the second method, with Maverick mission, I did it but when I tried to steal the helicopter it was locked! He just passed me :'(

    • @xyi898
      @xyi898 Год назад +1

      It only works on old LCS version or PS2 version I think.

    • @khunayanasarn6788
      @khunayanasarn6788 6 месяцев назад


  • @arleth1475
    @arleth1475 4 года назад +1

    I have a new method for obtaining the Maverick during False Idols, get a PCJ-600 before the mission, then skip all the cutscenes, drive to the Shoreside Lift Bridge fast, drive up the roadway spiral, then when you’re near the actual bridge part, turn left and drive straight into the ledge between the first and second support beam, if you get on the wall between the beams, climb up the ascending beam and jump off near the top, lastly, steal the helicopter and let the mission fail.

    • @arleth1475
      @arleth1475 4 года назад

      I know this works for mobile since the helicopter is unlocked.

  • @ΑντρέαςΤσιρώνης
    @ΑντρέαςΤσιρώνης 4 года назад +1

    Seems like you forgot the Maverick from the mission cash in kazuki's chips...

    • @Badinfos
      @Badinfos  4 года назад +1

      You can get that one? How?

    • @ΑντρέαςΤσιρώνης
      @ΑντρέαςΤσιρώνης 4 года назад +1

      @@Badinfosвидео.html there you go. It works only on PSP

  • @davidb4690
    @davidb4690 4 года назад +1

    Does the Method 5 works on PS2?

  • @houssamdounas5880
    @houssamdounas5880 3 года назад

    Does the hunter method work on ps2? Please reply to me.

    • @user-2723
      @user-2723 3 года назад

      Yes, and make sure, that you not at side mission.

  • @gjbs2206
    @gjbs2206 2 месяца назад

    5:53 I think it disappears because maybe don’t reverse the tank or go to far

  • @Duckingheights
    @Duckingheights 4 года назад

    8:44 iirc, wasn't that method first discovered by F00king? As of now, he has his channel terminated.

  • @RedBullHesi
    @RedBullHesi Год назад


  • @favourokoro5111
    @favourokoro5111 2 года назад

    🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️🥺

  • @idontreallyknowmuch
    @idontreallyknowmuch Год назад +1

    Dude almost every helicopter we can obtained is from the church mission😂

  • @muteclaude6969
    @muteclaude6969 Год назад

    Hey I got the hunter but how do I get it in and out the garage?

  • @malcolmmoore7191
    @malcolmmoore7191 4 месяца назад +1

    Great game 🎮

  • @ThinLynottFan
    @ThinLynottFan 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for the video! Do these work on mobile as well? I know you can't get the Hunter on mobile but I'm wondering about the other ones.

    • @mistera2834
      @mistera2834 4 года назад

      Yes you could but it's much more difficult

  • @Immaflyingapple
    @Immaflyingapple 4 года назад

    Stay safe badi

  • @uradopted5514
    @uradopted5514 4 года назад

    Can i do this with a controller pluged on my phone?

    • @dnim10746
      @dnim10746 4 года назад +1

      Yes but you cannot obtain the Hunter tho.

  • @Polokolo264
    @Polokolo264 3 года назад

    For everyone who is coming from RE:LCS : Yes you can fly the heli just kill the pilot, also the garage dont work.

  • @user-kw2pq8tb7g
    @user-kw2pq8tb7g 3 года назад

    Hi, Alexander! Please tell how to make lots of money in mobile version. Of course without root or mods. Maybe there is a little glitch or something?!))

  • @ice3980
    @ice3980 4 года назад

    I love your accent 😍 badinfos

  • @VisorYT
    @VisorYT 4 года назад

    Hi badnifos is hunter work in psp emulator

  • @bellicenterprises4362
    @bellicenterprises4362 4 года назад

    Im wondering if this also works on the mobile version of the game

    • @dnim10746
      @dnim10746 4 года назад

      You cannot obtain the Hunter in the Mobile version.

  • @mithiranarts2262
    @mithiranarts2262 7 месяцев назад

    I think getting heli is easy in this but GTA CTW is difficult !!

  • @jsk1493
    @jsk1493 4 года назад

    Is there any way of getting that hunter on android

  • @Gattrecity
    @Gattrecity 4 года назад

    Thx man

  • @vinzkarlmarquez1969
    @vinzkarlmarquez1969 4 года назад

    Will the second method work in mobile gta lcs

    • @tronaxis198
      @tronaxis198 3 года назад

      Nope,becoz the mobile version is optimised and that tank method won't work ive tried it.but you can try that ambulance method