If they are not too busy being absolute cowards. While they are at it, they should also check out the insane findings of the forensic audits in Arizona surrounding 2020.
💯% On point! Our Body Our Choice✨🏆 The Big question is Simple, if Big Drug Companies can't accept Full Responsibility for Any and All risks, why should any mandates Exist?
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies! The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him! The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades! You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!! However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!! Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
@@miaash3870 again very on point. I mean behind fauci is likely George Soros and Bill Gates but I feel someone even deeper in the network in the Deep State behind all of them...
Are you forgetting the antivax movement after the eradication of mumps, measles, etc?? The only reason they are still around is because people stopped getting vaccinated. Guess that medicine was 'ineffective' too, huh?
Anybody who is OK with what he did to those beagles should be fired and prosecuted. I cannot believe that his wife is the ethics decider for where he works.
@@metaphyziks7579 he killed many beagle dogs by introducing the beagle head into a glass cage and poured sand fleas in to see how long it took for the dogs to die. He had the dogs vocal cords cut so the dogs whining and crying did not disturb him and his workers and these tests were for no medical study other than him wanting to know! I saw it on a video with Fauci slamming the little dogs around. He is a real piece of 💩.
"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, bullied, pressured, incentivized, intimidated, lied to, guilt tripped, coerced, socially shamed, censored, threatened, paid, fired, punished, and criminalized in order to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain what is being promoted is not in your best interest".
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies! The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him! The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades! You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!! However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!! Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies! The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him! The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades! You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!! However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!! Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
Makes me happy to hear Paul tell him what he needs to hear but angers me that Faucci doesn't take any responsibility for his actions... his arrogance is flawless
Paul, it's about the money, it always has been. You're never going to get that answer out of them since they will defend that with their lives. Take the money out of government and you will see a much different place.
Wrong, it is no longer about the money but about power and control. Certain groups in power have so much assets that they don't care about money, all they want is control of the masses with mass psychosis through massmedia. This group have manipulated a lot of people, BUT fortunatly technology today also makes their work much harder than just 10 years ago. We will make these people responsible because the truth is on our side. The time will come.
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies! The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him! The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades! You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!! However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!! Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
Why in the world do people give up their responsibility for their own lives to other people? No politician and no other human being should decide for you! The so called leaders of societies are just other humans, since when did they turn into gods that decide for you how to live and what to do? I’m not a leader by nature but at the same time I am not a follower either! I believe in my own responsibility for my own life and action! No
Because there are real world consequences for action. Historically, those in the front line are shot first. I’m now looking for a job because I refused to continue to comply. I was talked down the previous time I stood up by loved ones. It’s a lonely road and affects families. I’m certainly not suggesting we don’t stand up, but it’s not a crowded platform. It’s easy to talk. It’s hard to make these decisions and most people are not leaders….they seek the crowd and the easy way.
That's the question I ask others rhetorically: What do you think the gubment is? It's just other people that in all likelihood aren't as smart as they want you to think they are.
Thank you someone with some common sense. Dr. Fauci or Rand Paul are just human beings. But ultimately people are going to do just what they want to do. They need to stop blaming other people. Personal decisions are made by every individual who choose to not follow any of the guide lines that were given in the beginning of this pandemic.
"The NIH never did GOF research" True! We outsourced it through Eccohealth alliance after Obama banned it. As they don't have pesky safety rules and China would be happy to have the shared resources. It's that simple.
US Developed Gain of Function At Fort Dietrich, and University of North Carolina -- funded by Fauci and NIH. Congress Outlawed, and NIH (Eco Alliance) outsourced to their Chinese Brethren. Why are we paying the CCP for anything?????
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies! The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him! The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades! You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!! However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!! Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
It's the upside down world we live in. I don't identify with either party although I have a liberal mindset, but I feel the same way you do, I find Paul's line of questioning reasonable and absolutely necessary.
That is a good thing viddrone, that tells me that you are waking up to the leftist ideology ( not assuming your affiliation) thats destroying our way of life. I vote conservative more so than republican as i know blindly following a party is foolish as there is bad apples on both sides. Rand Paul has emerged as someone I truly believe he is standing up for americans abroad and has been relentless towards the truth and for the return and recovery for the health of our social society. Most importantly for our children, which blows my mind how much damage they are doing to these kids. Could you imagine how you or your peers might've developed had the same thing happened during your grade school years? I personally can say that I know the damage psychologically would be great.
You find it to be strange times because because you agree with maybe the only politician(Paul)that's honest and has the American peoples interest as a top priority and not because Americas number one doctor (fauci)has been playing games with all of our lives by lying to us and Congress for years now.
If you think it strange to agree with Sen. Paul you apparently haven’t listened to what he says and most likely listened to those who only disagree due to politics
And remember to check all your guests at the door for their vaccine cards when you have a family gathering. That was Fauci's advice for Christmas gatherings. This is for the shots that are not preventing transmission!
Exactly!! Constantly says this, despite Rand giving citations, examples, and explanations of his evidence for each accusation he brings forth. Instead of offering counter evidence or explaining why he did what he did, he simply keeps denying repeatedly any wrongdoing, even when the evidence to the contrary is very obvious. He has no credibility left after being exposed as a lier repeatedly, yet knows that as long as it isn’t a court of law and he doesn’t confess or apologize, he legally hasn’t committed any crime as these are simply allegations currently no matter what concrete evidence is presented and isn’t formally being charged, yet.
This mans speaks eloquently because he is still making millions off of this pandemic. Is that to be admired. This is the world of Oz and we can see behind the green curtain. Stop praising this idiot. People are still dying not because of Dr. Fauci. People have to take personal responsibility for their own lives. Dr. Fauci is not every ones personal Dr. He can only recommend what to do. Ultimately people are going to do just what they want to do. Stop blaming Dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci is not the whole world's Dr.
@@angelajefferson5874 No, not the whole worlds doctor. He's the chief medical advisor to the president. That means he tells your doctor what to tell you. Most people's personal doctors aren't any more qualified than they are to decide what to do about Covid. Doctors are just people, no smarter than you or me, who went to school and most of them didn't go to school to specialize in virology or immunology. They take orders from somebody above them who takes orders from Fauci.
@@crecenciogonzalez9875 Just proved how easily you can be brainwashed. good luck with your skydaddy BS "my life is so horrible so I need a sky daddy to blame" SICKENING
I cannot stand hearing his voice any longer, when he gets to the response period he just talks about himself. he never addresses the kids that he is poisoning.
Why would Fauci address something that is only happening in the fevered minds of fools? I see the hospital admission and death reports every week and every child who died due to covid-19 complications had not been vaccinated.
Notice how his response is just to deny it and call it misinformation. It’s like a child saying they didn’t draw on the walls when they have the marker in their hands and all over their fingers.
Today parents would believe the child. They wouldn't get in trouble but the parents would call the child " gifted," and proceed to subjectively critique the wall masterpiece.
Senator Paul laid it out as well as I've seen anyone explain it. But even at dr. Fauci age he is still emotionally immature and allows his ego and ideology to control his understanding of how things really are. The only solution for this man to understand is that he has to go.
He says that all he does is recommend what government organizations are saying. Except has access to the highest levels of media spitting out propaganda every week.
The sad thing is that Fauci could of handle so much better. I know Fauci is a lair but even then he could at least do a better job at addressing his critics. Just by being open debate would be much of an improvement.
At least you admit your mistakes. Good on you, man. We should all be on the same team here, which is American. We should all want what’s best for our country instead of this fighting, but I guess some bruises are needed before we can heal.
@@DRock70 Fauci. Paul accused him, was told how dare you! Then we found emails that prove without a shred of doubt that he is being dishonest and evading accountability. I'm not saying conspiracy. I try to avoid those, but he is not being honest. This could mean a lot, or a little. Big evil China conspiracy? Or maybe just an elderly narcissist with his financial interests put above the lives of the world? Who knows. But it's not right.
So... Fauxii says things like.. Acording to our definition.. Or it was approved up and down the chain.. I followed CDC recommendations to the t.... Ya, becouse you did practice runs on messenging back in 2014-15? I forget but you know. Cement shoes and a nice long boat ride for him... Just heavy enough for him to not give up too fast...🤔
Yes and he actually is a true patient advocate. Unfortunately they have weeded out many patient advocates from healthcare facilities with their mandates.
@Debora He is a medical doctor that went through medical school like any other doctor, then he specialized in Opthalmology. Dr Fauci is not even a medical doctor. Get your facts straight.
I would love to see you in the witness stand in any occasion and being treated like this. I thinK Rand Paul and these committees have lost any decorum and respect and you cheering them on. It's not a matter of content. If someone is asked to come and be available to Congress or committees, this kind of treatment is unacceptable towards anybody. I wish for you that you never going to be treated like this and wonder why you condone it.
Fauci casually said he forgets about the issue of natural immunity in setting the vaccination policy during our of the hearings. Fauci is the director of NIAID, how can that be possible or acceptable? Just that statement should have Fauci fired.
Senator Paul you are restoring somewhat little faith I had in politicians so thank you for working and speaking for we the people you are a patriot sir
This man speaks for you. I bet all of the people who family members have died would disagree. Because he is still making millions off of this pandemic. Never stopped making money. Wake up! He is a snake that people still give donations to.
I would love to see you in the witness stand in any occasion and being treated like this. I thinK Rand Paul and these committees have lost any decorum and respect and you cheering them on. It's not a matter of content. If someone is asked to come and be available to Congress or committees, this kind of treatment is unacceptable towards anybody. I wish for you that you never going to be treated like this and wonder why you condone it.
@@AMeierhoefer you said a whole lot of nothing and you lack priorities. What's more important in this situation? The fact that Fauci was exposed for his blantant and obvious lies? Or the fact that Rand paul was mean spirited? His lies led to some serious harm and you sit here complaining about how Pual hurt fauci' feelings. You have no sense of empathy at all for those affected by Fauci's behavior.
I feel like Faulty is about to milk this to get Rand fired..thats why he mentioned the threats. Threats they ALL received but they are gonna make faultymams magically more important.
@@michaelrusso3613 I hope you was vaccinated with that vaccine trump rushed with operation warp speed! If they are so safe why are the manufacturers released from lability?
I love your statement but I'd like to add "us" to the list. You know, the working class that Dr. Rand Paul represents every day. I am very proud of him and I feel like he is the one looking out for us.
@@DarrellBeckford who says I am angry? Rand Paul is using his nonsense attacks on Fauci to grift money from low IQ supporters. That isn't pointless, its a statement of fact. He just got exposed badly. If anyone is angry it should be his low IQ supporters. Nothing like being conned out of your hard earned money.
And if we looked at their vitamin D levels (we are in a vitamin D deficiency pandemic), we would see those with vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency have the worst outcomes.
@Roman Bystrianyk Exactly. At the very beginning they new it attacked the respiratory system they could have advised people to start talking D3, Zinc and NAC or give it out free. But there's no money in that. I understand some people have underlying health issues. This should show people how unhealthy our society is. We need to be our own advocate and take care of our health.
Not WOULD SEE...HAVE SEEN...that research has already been published and isn't under dispute. Only potential discussion point re: vitamin D and Covid is how effective nutritional supplementation is at correcting for the problem. Even for that there are many studies suggesting Vitamin D can be used effectively not just to improve outcome but even as a treatment for Covid.
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies! The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him! The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades! You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!! However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!! Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
Getting my d-3 dose naturally today. Remember Shelter in place?" Remember playgrounds wrapped in caution tape? Remember walk alone outside" Remember No funerals, but you could go to home Depot?.No church, Even outdoors. Hollywood studios could dine outdoors, but another Restaurant next door to them, Was Shuttered...Alot of people supported that young lady, & I believe she made it through. But many didn't......Newscums business never closed....How CON=veinient....puglosi, shifty, waters, all dirty, & tied at the hip..... Remember garcetti July 4th is Cancelled.....We can shut off your power & water..... 🤔 Yep....
Buttercup There’s more to love in the Republican Party besides Mr. Paul. Your Country for a start. Not like seeing what Is happen to it? Make the necessary change. 👍.
You would not be a democrat today, buttercup, if you did a little digging into what the party is truly about. The goal? It’s not loving… the goal is to enslave the majority while a few elitists sit at the top. Of 4 million slaves in 1860? 99% were owned by democrats. They have tricked you… and they are smart. They have played on your emotions… on your genuine desire to be a “good person”. Trouble is, you’re voting for snakes.
You go Senator Paul. Thank you for standing up for what is right. Period. Please continue to press Fauci about no mandates and natural immunity (which I have and have proof by 2 antibody tests) which I acquired over a year ago.
Listening to “Dr. Death” answers sounds like I’m listening to Bill Clinton on trial again. Fauci has only left out… “depends on what ur definition of the word is is”. He’s gotta go
I’m not much for communism but let’s go take this dudes house car chairs everything. 1 for lying to the public about involvement (funding eco health alliance came from NIH) 2 For trying to ruin the reputation of many people. He has built his stuff off the backs of us/deaths.
@Mike Oxlong He only tries to in this video, but in others he does it repeatedly, allowing Fauci to look like a victim instead of being forced to defend his conduct.
That's why it's powerful. He comes across as confident and calm and that is what people want. People are thirsty for logic. Rand Paul is needed now more than ever.
I did what the pharmaceuticals told me to do. “I said to do what the FDA and the CDC recommended.”Anthony Fauci. Sounded very much like he’s covering up something.
I'm sorry but I thought RUclips wasn't allowed to show such a brutal online. Seriously though, Thank you, Paul for calling out this joke of a "medical expert."
We only have one politician like this in america. At least on the federal level. There's 99 other senators who are scumbags who would gladly take away our rights to increase their power. Rand Paul is the only one that has any integrity. If it wasn't for him, Tony science might have gotten away with more murders.
You mean, not letting the guy finish answering a question before trying to hit him with another? That’s the tactic of someone who is trying to push an agenda rather than uncovering the truth. Is he afraid of hearing the answers to his own questions?
lol. Do you not wish to have a country any more? Rand Paul and his ilk are the reason why this country is in danger of being no more. Selfish politicians driven by nothing but pure greed and ambition
@@candacemildred9906 good idea. The last 200 years have proven that central power leads to immeasurable death and destruction. Let's call the whole thing off and start over. Each state should be independent. The federal government is a mafia, a criminal organization.
Dr. Fauci is a doctor as infectious disease specialist with over 20yrs of experience. These are his certifications: - American Board of Allergy and Immunology Certified in Allergy & Immunology -American Board of Internal Medicine Certified in Internal Medicine -American Board of Internal Medicine Certified in Infectious Disease -NY State Medical License Active through 2023 -MD State Medical License Active through 2022 (D)(U)(M)(B) Rand Paul Ophthalmologist. from Wikipedia: In 1995, Paul was certified to practice by the American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO). Three years earlier, the ABO had changed its certification program, which previously awarded lifetime certifications, and required ophthalmologists to recertify every 10 years, while those who had already been given lifetime certification were not required to recertify. Paul felt this was unfair and began an aggressive campaign to have all ophthalmologists recertify every ten years. In 1997 he set up the National Board of Ophthalmology (NBO) to offer an alternative certification system, at a cost substantially lower than that of the ABO. Its certification exam, which Paul completed for his own certification, was an open book take-home test that Paul helped write. Paul appointed exclusively his own family members to the board of directors and registered the Board to an incorrect address. So, you decide who has more credibility, an eye doctor who created his own take-home, open book certification with his family as board of directors or a REAL DOCTOR with over 20 yrs. of experience in relevant infectious disease field!
@@mailarrives The one with more credibility is the one who stands with integrity and truth. No amount of accolades within years of scientific background can secure honesty or true credibility. Transparency is key to uncovering deception, and deliberate manipulation.
@@mailarrives And yet...Fauci hasn't seen a living patient in 30+ years; flip flopped about COVID dozens of times since the pandemic erupted; and worst of all, refuses to admit he collaborated with the CCP as their germ warfare lab synthesized COVID-19 from pre-existing viruses. Fixed it for ya.
@@bjk7167 lol ... do you even know the definition of pandemic? maybe not! and what part of medical certification you don't understand? but who cares right? I mean a horse medicine, summer and what else was suppose to get rid of COVID according to your orange clown?
It's okay that Tony Fascist, oops, Fauci doesn't listen. I think Senator Paul's intent is more to give a voice to the large number of Americans who strongly disapprove of the authoritarian measures that have been instituted under the cover of public health policy.
Tries to defend himself by saying he was always just following the guidelines, at $420k salary, the highest paid job in government, you ARE the guideline.
Yes, Fauci admits the only thing he says is advocating for masks, vaccine. What about Ivermectin, NAC and other known measures that he FAILS to promote and actively suppresses.. Criminal negligence and corruption.
Dr. Fauci's is trying to redirect the focus off his part in this situation. He does have a part, Senator Paul is right on the mark, or better yet in the money.
@@stevecollins9650 when going through schooling for anything in the medical field, you learn how to read and analyze data that you receive. Data and statistics do not lie, but they can be politicized and spun so that it looks good in their favor. For example, instead of Dr. Fauci stating that 0.27% of the population has died from the virus, he instead states that "almost 900,000 people have died". You tell me which one better suits his agenda, bigger numbers sure are scary aren't they?
@@JDPersonal trying to save lives is not an agenda. it's noble. He said 900k because people can understand that number. The lowest common denominator of society doesn't understand a decimal number less than one. His job is to try to save lives. He's done it. This right wing stupidity about the vaccine being unsafe is horseshit and anyone that shows some level of intelligence understands this. He's not lying to you. You just wanna look for a lie because you don't wanna do this anymore... Even though anti vax pricks never did it in the first place...
Oh, how I wish I could have the pleasure of applauding Rand Paul in that Senate chamber! What an heroic American he represents in this fight against medical tyranny.....
Fauci gets irritated but never explains HOW Paul is wrong or misrepresenting things.
Rand kept cutting him off.
@@clenke0 he never tried to explain himself. He is a slimeball, through and through
it's called full of shi-...
That's because he can't.
I hope the Supreme Court justices heard this exchange.
This admin will bury this way before it get to the Supreme Court wait and see.
If they are not too busy being absolute cowards. While they are at it, they should also check out the insane findings of the forensic audits in Arizona surrounding 2020.
They were too busy watching cartoons.
NOPE chief justice john roberts is compromised and w cabal
@@highpriestofgavinalmightyh1304 can you share that info?
Kids were fine until they started messing with them.
That's for most if not all other vaccines too.
💯% On point! Our Body Our Choice✨🏆 The Big question is Simple, if Big Drug Companies can't accept Full Responsibility for Any and All risks, why should any mandates Exist?
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies!
The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him!
The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades!
You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!!
However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!!
Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
@@miaash3870 again very on point. I mean behind fauci is likely George Soros and Bill Gates but I feel someone even deeper in the network in the Deep State behind all of them...
"It is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who haven't taken it."
Exactly Right.
Are you forgetting the antivax movement after the eradication of mumps, measles, etc?? The only reason they are still around is because people stopped getting vaccinated. Guess that medicine was 'ineffective' too, huh?
Beautifully said...
@@Skidwell19 don’t care didn’t ask, plus you got the jab
Anybody who is OK with what he did to those beagles should be fired and prosecuted. I cannot believe that his wife is the ethics decider for where he works.
The karmic boomerang seems to really be coming back/backfiring on the plandemic he and his genocidal globalist buddies started!
Kate 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
@@mimib6253 put very well 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Please remember the group trying to stop Fauci and his ilk: White Coat Waste Project
@@metaphyziks7579 he killed many beagle dogs by introducing the beagle head into a glass cage and poured sand fleas in to see how long it took for the dogs to die. He had the dogs vocal cords cut so the dogs whining and crying did not disturb him and his workers and these tests were for no medical study other than him wanting to know! I saw it on a video with Fauci slamming the little dogs around. He is a real piece of 💩.
"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, bullied, pressured, incentivized, intimidated, lied to, guilt tripped, coerced, socially shamed, censored, threatened, paid, fired, punished, and criminalized in order to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain what is being promoted is not in your best interest".
This needs to be put on billboards & T-shirts.
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies!
The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him!
The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades!
You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!!
However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!!
Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
More dead Americans from COVID
than any other country. But you all are all so-o right. You can’t be trusted in a foxhole that’s for sure.
@@elizabethwolfgang4017 I agree!
How is he still employed. The swamp is deep
Who is the Kuntren that gave time?
It's not a swamp it's a sewer. And it's full of $#¿t.
He can give you whatever dollar amount is sufficient for you to allow this genocide to continue.
Fauci should be in quick sand.
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies!
The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him!
The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades!
You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!!
However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!!
Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
Makes me happy to hear Paul tell him what he needs to hear but angers me that Faucci doesn't take any responsibility for his actions... his arrogance is flawless
Paul, it's about the money, it always has been. You're never going to get that answer out of them since they will defend that with their lives.
Take the money out of government and you will see a much different place.
He's not trying to get an answer. He's telling us what the news SHOULD tell us.
But know one but Dr. Fauci has called him out on it. They keep making money off of this pandemic.
Wrong, it is no longer about the money but about power and control. Certain groups in power have so much assets that they don't care about money, all they want is control of the masses with mass psychosis through massmedia. This group have manipulated a lot of people, BUT fortunatly technology today also makes their work much harder than just 10 years ago. We will make these people responsible because the truth is on our side. The time will come.
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies!
The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him!
The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades!
You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!!
However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!!
Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
Why in the world do people give up their responsibility for their own lives to other people? No politician and no other human being should decide for you! The so called leaders of societies are just other humans, since when did they turn into gods that decide for you how to live and what to do? I’m not a leader by nature but at the same time I am not a follower either! I believe in my own responsibility for my own life and action! No
Because there are real world consequences for action. Historically, those in the front line are shot first. I’m now looking for a job because I refused to continue to comply. I was talked down the previous time I stood up by loved ones. It’s a lonely road and affects families. I’m certainly not suggesting we don’t stand up, but it’s not a crowded platform. It’s easy to talk. It’s hard to make these decisions and most people are not leaders….they seek the crowd and the easy way.
That's the question I ask others rhetorically: What do you think the gubment is? It's just other people that in all likelihood aren't as smart as they want you to think they are.
Your absolutely RIGHT!!!
Thank you someone with some common sense. Dr. Fauci or Rand Paul are just human beings. But ultimately people are going to do just what they want to do. They need to stop blaming other people. Personal decisions are made by every individual who choose to not follow any of the guide lines that were given in the beginning of this pandemic.
"The NIH never did GOF research" True! We outsourced it through Eccohealth alliance after Obama banned it. As they don't have pesky safety rules and China would be happy to have the shared resources. It's that simple.
Ecohealth is Bill Gates ,NIH is headed up by Fauci wife - coincidence ??
But then he endeavored to go around the ban
US Developed Gain of Function At Fort Dietrich, and University of North Carolina -- funded by Fauci and NIH. Congress Outlawed, and NIH (Eco Alliance) outsourced to their Chinese Brethren. Why are we paying the CCP for anything?????
@@mgilmore5931 manning iv been saying this for so long......... Everything Judy said Is coming to pass.
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies!
The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him!
The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades!
You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!!
However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!!
Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
Thank you Senator Rand Paul for your diligent and tireless work. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Sir. You are a true patriot!!!
I know we are in strange times when I not only agree with Rand Paul but find even the way he stated his point inspiring.
It's the upside down world we live in. I don't identify with either party although I have a liberal mindset, but I feel the same way you do, I find Paul's line of questioning reasonable and absolutely necessary.
That is a good thing viddrone, that tells me that you are waking up to the leftist ideology ( not assuming your affiliation) thats destroying our way of life. I vote conservative more so than republican as i know blindly following a party is foolish as there is bad apples on both sides. Rand Paul has emerged as someone I truly believe he is standing up for americans abroad and has been relentless towards the truth and for the return and recovery for the health of our social society. Most importantly for our children, which blows my mind how much damage they are doing to these kids. Could you imagine how you or your peers might've developed had the same thing happened during your grade school years? I personally can say that I know the damage psychologically would be great.
Well I fully support and agree with Bobby Kennedy, so there. I could have never predicted that but right is right and wrong is wrong. Period.
You find it to be strange times because because you agree with maybe the only politician(Paul)that's honest and has the American peoples interest as a top priority and not because Americas number one doctor (fauci)has been playing games with all of our lives by lying to us and Congress for years now.
If you think it strange to agree with Sen. Paul you apparently haven’t listened to what he says and most likely listened to those who only disagree due to politics
Well said Paul right on please keep holding him accountable !!!!
Accountable for what??
@@ScottA2345 by asking that question I can already tell your a 🤡
"You don't wanna give us advice but rather Tell us what to do!!!" That's it right there!!! SMH
And remember to check all your guests at the door for their vaccine cards when you have a family gathering. That was Fauci's advice for Christmas gatherings. This is for the shots that are not preventing transmission!
Right? The boarder situation already proved that. Where do they think they cam still pretend about it?
"You are completely incorrect" -Fauci who never explains why. 🤔🙄
Exactly!! Constantly says this, despite Rand giving citations, examples, and explanations of his evidence for each accusation he brings forth. Instead of offering counter evidence or explaining why he did what he did, he simply keeps denying repeatedly any wrongdoing, even when the evidence to the contrary is very obvious. He has no credibility left after being exposed as a lier repeatedly, yet knows that as long as it isn’t a court of law and he doesn’t confess or apologize, he legally hasn’t committed any crime as these are simply allegations currently no matter what concrete evidence is presented and isn’t formally being charged, yet.
explain to pigs, works?
@@yuanren4029 bot. Bots be bottin'.
You are responsible for covering up the origins! SO YES YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE !!!!!
I agree, he colluded with the labs so Fauci is very much responsible and should be held accountable
He is at the top of the food chain as far as culpability is concerned
Emails out today .. awesome. YT "The new Fauci emails are even more damning..."
You literally made that up.
What were the origin's??
So eloquently argued, again, Sen Rand Paul, Sir. Thank you for standing up for the people. Keeping me proud to be an American.
This mans speaks eloquently because he is still making millions off of this pandemic. Is that to be admired. This is the world of Oz and we can see behind the green curtain. Stop praising this idiot. People are still dying not because of Dr. Fauci. People have to take personal responsibility for their own lives. Dr. Fauci is not every ones personal Dr. He can only recommend what to do. Ultimately people are going to do just what they want to do. Stop blaming Dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci is not the whole world's Dr.
@@angelajefferson5874 No, not the whole worlds doctor. He's the chief medical advisor to the president. That means he tells your doctor what to tell you. Most people's personal doctors aren't any more qualified than they are to decide what to do about Covid. Doctors are just people, no smarter than you or me, who went to school and most of them didn't go to school to specialize in virology or immunology. They take orders from somebody above them who takes orders from Fauci.
Fauchi lost all credibility when he declared himself to be "the science".
He lost all credibility way before that.
He lost all credibility when he said Cuomo did it right.
@@crecenciogonzalez9875 Just proved how easily you can be brainwashed. good luck with your skydaddy BS "my life is so horrible so I need a sky daddy to blame" SICKENING
I cannot stand hearing his voice any longer, when he gets to the response period he just talks about himself. he never addresses the kids that he is poisoning.
Why would Fauci address something that is only happening in the fevered minds of fools? I see the hospital admission and death reports every week and every child who died due to covid-19 complications had not been vaccinated.
@@linusa2996 facts
This guy needs to be in jail
And that jail need to be dropped in the ocean.
Lock Rand up! Lock Rand up!
And melt down the key
And then eaten by sharks
Notice how his response is just to deny it and call it misinformation. It’s like a child saying they didn’t draw on the walls when they have the marker in their hands and all over their fingers.
I love that analogy, it cracks me up 😂 thank you!
You should see him freak out when a senator asked for his financial records!!!
Well said 👏
It reminds me of a child s rhyme," who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?"and the book. "No, David, no".
Today parents would believe the child. They wouldn't get in trouble but the parents would call the child " gifted," and proceed to subjectively critique the wall masterpiece.
Go Rand Paul
Go to Prison
Love this man!! He speaks truth, and is not afraid to hold Fauci responsible
He can be a president of the USA people ok
Senator Paul laid it out as well as I've seen anyone explain it. But even at dr. Fauci age he is still emotionally immature and allows his ego and ideology to control his understanding of how things really are. The only solution for this man to understand is that he has to go.
And his pension needs to be taken away.
🏆 Good one! 🏆
LOL.. Rand is off his rocker and DEAD WRONG.
@@fsmdanimal About what? The fact that Fauci collaborated w/ Wuhan virology (germ warfare) lab and lied about it? Unfortunately that is all too true.
He is a socialist.... and that means no regard for facts.... only getting and using power over others. That is Obama, Hillary, LBJ, Schumer, et al.
Let's stop talking to this Criminal. Throw him In jail already!!
I agree Rand Paul deserves to be in jail
Better yet, give Fauci a 1 way ticket to China. He really loves the CCP.
When you are the science you don’t need data or facts.
According to Dr. Fauci you do not have to explain any thing to any one!...
He says that all he does is recommend what government organizations are saying. Except has access to the highest levels of media spitting out propaganda every week.
The sad thing is that Fauci could of handle so much better. I know Fauci is a lair but even then he could at least do a better job at addressing his critics. Just by being open debate would be much of an improvement.
I voted for Joe Biden and I wont again. Theres no reason this should be partisan. I stand with Rand Paul. Lies Lies Lies!
Free Julian Assange
Just a little bit of buyers remorse? You dug your hole. Lie in it
Calm down , anonymous bot Account
wow seriously
At least you admit your mistakes. Good on you, man. We should all be on the same team here, which is American. We should all want what’s best for our country instead of this fighting, but I guess some bruises are needed before we can heal.
"there is no shred of evidence!"
Proceeds to find evidence
"How dare you!"
What side,Who are you referring your comment to.?!
@@DRock70 Fauci. Paul accused him, was told how dare you! Then we found emails that prove without a shred of doubt that he is being dishonest and evading accountability.
I'm not saying conspiracy. I try to avoid those, but he is not being honest. This could mean a lot, or a little.
Big evil China conspiracy? Or maybe just an elderly narcissist with his financial interests put above the lives of the world? Who knows. But it's not right.
Fauci is completely insane.
@@sunbro2115 who happens to be a jew
Fauxii says things like..
Acording to our definition..
Or it was approved up and down the chain..
I followed CDC recommendations to the t....
Ya, becouse you did practice runs on messenging back in 2014-15?
I forget but you know.
Cement shoes and a nice long boat ride for him...
Just heavy enough for him to not give up too fast...🤔
People forget that Rand Paul is also a doctor. Rand Paul is amazing. Thank you for telling the truth.
Prayers for Sen Ran Paul and family--God Bless our courageous truth seeker at the expense that almost cost him and his wife to be assaulted and maimed
Yes and he actually is a true patient advocate. Unfortunately they have weeded out many patient advocates from healthcare facilities with their mandates.
@@universalsoldier2293 He is not an Optometrist, he is an Ophthalmologist, which IS a medical doctor.
@Debora He is a medical doctor that went through medical school like any other doctor, then he specialized in Opthalmology. Dr Fauci is not even a medical doctor. Get your facts straight.
He's an eye doctor, not an infectious disease expert.
I love when Rand Paul latches onto this squirmy gremlin, and doesn’t let go.
Me too
If facii was in Germany pre WW2 he would be the jew who held the door for jews going into "showers " @the death camps.
I would love to see you in the witness stand in any occasion and being treated like this. I thinK Rand Paul and these committees have lost any decorum and respect and you cheering them on. It's not a matter of content. If someone is asked to come and be available to Congress or committees, this kind of treatment is unacceptable towards anybody. I wish for you that you never going to be treated like this and wonder why you condone it.
@@AMeierhoefer he's lucky he's not lined up against a wall right now
But then the gremlin sloughs off his skin and doesn't directly address any criticism of him.
The NEW/OLD saying..."How can you tell when Dr Fauchi is lying? When his lip are moving".
But he didn't lie, did he?
just get rid of Fauci already!
i know right i hope this senator wears him down please
Watching from afar; I'm mildly surprised that a petition to "recall" Dr. Faulty hasn't made the rounds.😂✌💉🌍🎯
To late.
exactly! everyone will be better off with out him
Rand Paul is by no means perfect, but I highly appreciate these moments.
Well said
Fauci casually said he forgets about the issue of natural immunity in setting the vaccination policy during our of the hearings. Fauci is the director of NIAID, how can that be possible or acceptable? Just that statement should have Fauci fired.
Why? Because he shows off his ignorance? It must appeal to the ignorant, I guess 🤔
@@bfattori01 Who is HE in your question? Fauci? Or Rand Paul?
Fauci is by far the worst human skunk in the United States.
Fauci needs an orange jump suit and to stand trial!
exactly, he is a killer
Wallyc... I agree F... Should be jailed... And with no water!!!!!
Our immune system is much more intelligent than our politicians.
"Fauci warned Trump administration in 2017 of surprise infectious
disease outbreak" ~ McKenzie Sadeghi, USA TODAY (7/29/20)
Right on Senator Paul 👏👍
Senator Paul you are restoring somewhat little faith I had in politicians so thank you for working and speaking for we the people you are a patriot sir
This man speaks for you. I bet all of the people who family members have died would disagree. Because he is still making millions off of this pandemic. Never stopped making money. Wake up! He is a snake that people still give donations to.
@@angelajefferson5874 pricing. 💯💯💯
Senator Paul certainly speaks for me.
I would love to see you in the witness stand in any occasion and being treated like this. I thinK Rand Paul and these committees have lost any decorum and respect and you cheering them on. It's not a matter of content. If someone is asked to come and be available to Congress or committees, this kind of treatment is unacceptable towards anybody. I wish for you that you never going to be treated like this and wonder why you condone it.
And for me.
No im spartacus!
@@AMeierhoefer you said a whole lot of nothing and you lack priorities. What's more important in this situation? The fact that Fauci was exposed for his blantant and obvious lies? Or the fact that Rand paul was mean spirited?
His lies led to some serious harm and you sit here complaining about how Pual hurt fauci' feelings. You have no sense of empathy at all for those affected by Fauci's behavior.
@@kenpachizaraki4184 That is the Left on full display. Like their hero Fauci they always side with wrong over right and evil over good.
“Poor me…..I’m just a little old doctor getting picked on”
Well said Paul!!!
Rand Paul got exposed as a grifter. He is pure trash.
@@nhlpa17 Fauci is a bigger grifter
@@bonatot6194 that is as moronic a statement as they come. You are a typical Rand Paul supporter.
If I needed a doctor and had to choose between theses two I would choose Ft Rand Paul in a heat beat. Fauci reminds me of Dr evil.
I feel like Faulty is about to milk this to get Rand fired..thats why he mentioned the threats. Threats they ALL received but they are gonna make faultymams magically more important.
in a heat beat ahahahahahaha you need to choose a DICKtionary idiot! FAUCI for PRESIDENT!
@@michaelrusso3613 I hope you was vaccinated with that vaccine trump rushed with operation warp speed! If they are so safe why are the manufacturers released from lability?
I hope you have an eye problem then, because that's the only thing Paul is qualified to diagnose.
Dr Faustus comuning with demons.
Thank you Dr. Rand Paul for standing up for Epidemiologists, Cardiologists, and all the other branches of medicine not corrupted by politics.
I love your statement but I'd like to add "us" to the list. You know, the working class that Dr. Rand Paul represents every day. I am very proud of him and I feel like he is the one looking out for us.
He literally said everything I was thinking.
Thank you for asking these questions
Rand Paul’s golden moments.
golden shower maybe. He is pure trash.
@@nhlpa17 I love how angry and pointless you are. Rand Paul rules your thoughts!
Tehe only golden moments Rand Paul has are when he's peeing on himself in the shower.
@@DarrellBeckford who says I am angry? Rand Paul is using his nonsense attacks on Fauci to grift money from low IQ supporters. That isn't pointless, its a statement of fact. He just got exposed badly. If anyone is angry it should be his low IQ supporters. Nothing like being conned out of your hard earned money.
Thank you senator Paul for holding his feet to the fire instead of just being complicit in the foolishness.
Fire Fauci
He needs to go to jail!
...as well as the WHO leaders.
Love Rand Paul! He made his point so clear and so meaningful! From my personal experience, I can't agree any more!
You go Rand Paul we need your voice! Thank you!
Leave the children alone!! WTH?!
Let them die or continue to get sick.
“ All and All , just another brick in the wall. Teacher- leave those kids alone “
"I didn't say this myself, thus I have no responsibility in it, even though I implicitely agree with it." - A man without honour
Frankenfauci is untouchable. All the crooks & criminals in power love him!
Lol great 1
2 years ago, when Fauci looked into the camera and LIED with straight face about hydroxichloroquine, I knew this is a psychopath..
Or integrity
Why is this man not in prison? Why are we still listening to his advice? Why is this not talked about more in the media? All BS!
And if we looked at their vitamin D levels (we are in a vitamin D deficiency pandemic), we would see those with vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency have the worst outcomes.
@Roman Bystrianyk Exactly. At the very beginning they new it attacked the respiratory system they could have advised people to start talking D3, Zinc and NAC or give it out free. But there's no money in that. I understand some people have underlying health issues. This should show people how unhealthy our society is. We need to be our own advocate and take care of our health.
Exactly what did with research. I was blind to my health before the pandemic.
Not WOULD SEE...HAVE SEEN...that research has already been published and isn't under dispute. Only potential discussion point re: vitamin D and Covid is how effective nutritional supplementation is at correcting for the problem. Even for that there are many studies suggesting Vitamin D can be used effectively not just to improve outcome but even as a treatment for Covid.
The corrupt Fauci feels confident about all criticisms and all attacks simply because he is only carrying out his bosses' instructions, ie big monies!
The corrupt Fauci knows he is SAFE, as his bosses will protect him!
The corrupt Fauci has been a player in the system over decades!
You will NEVER hear from this bribed "scientist" advice about a strong immune system! NEVER!!!!!
However, what you will repeatedly hear from this corrupt "scientist" is VACCINATION, VACCINATION, VACCINATION!!!!!
Follow the money, you will know who the VACCINE beneficiaries are!!!!!
Getting my d-3 dose naturally today. Remember Shelter in place?" Remember playgrounds wrapped in caution tape? Remember walk alone outside" Remember No funerals, but you could go to home Depot?.No church, Even outdoors. Hollywood studios could dine outdoors, but another Restaurant next door to them, Was Shuttered...Alot of people supported that young lady, & I believe she made it through. But many didn't......Newscums business never closed....How CON=veinient....puglosi, shifty, waters, all dirty, & tied at the hip..... Remember garcetti July 4th is Cancelled.....We can shut off your power & water..... 🤔 Yep....
Thank you Sen Paul for speaking about V induced myocarditis
I wish we could have open discussions like that in my country ... heads up Sen, Paul
a pity that paul's head is totally empty
Dr. Fauchi needs to be removed from his job.
Fauci playing on your Feelings, over the “Science”
well Fauci said he is "Science" so that is all he needs to do in his eyes
I wish Rand Paul would call Dr. Robert Malone in for one of these hearing to help dunk on Tony Science.
That is something that would get me to watch CSPAN.
Bro that would be the ultimate show down
Yes please.
Oooh, I would love to see that. I would pay money to see that😂
i am a democrat and loving rand paul!!!
You're a liar.
America first, partisan politics second. Help us get rid of this rat and you can call me a racist all day long.
There’s more to love in the Republican Party besides Mr. Paul. Your Country
for a start. Not like seeing what Is happen to it? Make the necessary change. 👍.
You would not be a democrat today, buttercup, if you did a little digging into what the party is truly about. The goal? It’s not loving… the goal is to enslave the majority while a few elitists sit at the top.
Of 4 million slaves in 1860? 99% were owned by democrats.
They have tricked you… and they are smart. They have played on your emotions… on your genuine desire to be a “good person”. Trouble is, you’re voting for snakes.
Thanks Sen. Paul !!! Save the American children!!! 🙏🏻🇺🇸
You go Senator Paul. Thank you for standing up for what is right. Period. Please continue to press Fauci about no mandates and natural immunity (which I have and have proof by 2 antibody tests) which I acquired over a year ago.
Did you notice that Fauci didn't address natural immunity at all in his response?
@@catherineostrom7575 yes I did
Listening to “Dr. Death” answers sounds like I’m listening to Bill Clinton on trial again. Fauci has only left out… “depends on what ur definition of the word is is”. He’s gotta go
I’m not much for communism but let’s go take this dudes house car chairs everything. 1 for lying to the public about involvement (funding eco health alliance came from NIH) 2 For trying to ruin the reputation of many people. He has built his stuff off the backs of us/deaths.
you missed the "depends on what" line from the last time Rand questioned him.
All post modernists out
No- he's done that when he changed the definition of - gain the function
The problem is they should have asked him this stuff. Years ago. Not now. Why didn’t they.
Great speech Senator Paul.
❤️ Senator Rand Paul. You hit it right on then nose.
It’s all personal for Fauci I can’t stand how he never really answers
You just don't want the truth. Have you ever treated a dying covid patient?
@@dba9788 you've been propagandized.
@@badgeoshame389 lol. Do you know Trump has been vaccinated? Can't make this stuff up...
Its like listening to a company spokesperson defend the company for poisoning masses of people. Its always enraging and pointless listening to them.
He tries but idiot constantly cuts him off
How this man can even laugh at anything after what he has done to humanity.
Thank god for Rand Paul! Everything is he is saying is 100% on point.
I love seeing Sen Paul going off yet when he executes a calm speech it is still just as powerful. Stay safe 💚
It's much better than constantly interrupting Fauci's non-answers.
@Mike Oxlong He only tries to in this video, but in others he does it repeatedly, allowing Fauci to look like a victim instead of being forced to defend his conduct.
@Mike Oxlong I didn't say he had.
That's why it's powerful. He comes across as confident and calm and that is what people want. People are thirsty for logic. Rand Paul is needed now more than ever.
I did what the pharmaceuticals told me to do. “I said to do what the FDA and the CDC recommended.”Anthony Fauci. Sounded very much like he’s covering up something.
That's b/c he's covering up years of funding virology research in China off the radar. American taxpayer $$$ at work.
I love RandPaul he is the voice of reason in this madness ….. he speaks real obvious facts period
I'm sorry but I thought RUclips wasn't allowed to show such a brutal online.
Seriously though, Thank you, Paul for calling out this joke of a "medical expert."
Such a brutal? Please explain
@@forthepeoplenottheparty1502 He's joking.
Paul Rand is calm and collected with his statements and articulated. I wish we had a politician like this in NZ
We only have one politician like this in america. At least on the federal level. There's 99 other senators who are scumbags who would gladly take away our rights to increase their power. Rand Paul is the only one that has any integrity. If it wasn't for him, Tony science might have gotten away with more murders.
@@zg-it it is refreshing
You mean, not letting the guy finish answering a question before trying to hit him with another? That’s the tactic of someone who is trying to push an agenda rather than uncovering the truth. Is he afraid of hearing the answers to his own questions?
lol. Do you not wish to have a country any more? Rand Paul and his ilk are the reason why this country is in danger of being no more. Selfish politicians driven by nothing but pure greed and ambition
@@candacemildred9906 good idea. The last 200 years have proven that central power leads to immeasurable death and destruction. Let's call the whole thing off and start over. Each state should be independent. The federal government is a mafia, a criminal organization.
I'd vote for Rand Paul if I lived in Kentucky based on this video alone.
I'd vote for him to be president.
Thank you Paul Rand, you are awesome🤗❤
Shout out to all the purebloods out there who haven't complyed this whole time and are doing just fine.....
salute to you Bro, "pure bloods" sounds so much better than unvaxxed
Im a pureblood also, AWESOME comment my Brother.
Same here, and the same goes for my whole family, and many of my friends. Free spirits we are, and as free spirits we shall go
@@marleyb1432 Amen, me and my family also
Senator Fauci... unbelievable.
Calling him “Dr.” at this point is unbelievable too.
The worship is strong with this one
Im proud to be an American when I hear Rand Paul!
I absolutely LOVED this speech!
He's right on!
Thank you Rand Paul for asking the questions I would ask & issuing statements I would utter. This fraud is unbelievably pompous
Dr. Fauci is a doctor as infectious disease specialist with over 20yrs of experience. These are his certifications:
- American Board of Allergy and Immunology
Certified in Allergy & Immunology
-American Board of Internal Medicine
Certified in Internal Medicine
-American Board of Internal Medicine
Certified in Infectious Disease
-NY State Medical License
Active through 2023
-MD State Medical License
Active through 2022
(D)(U)(M)(B) Rand Paul
from Wikipedia:
In 1995, Paul was certified to practice by the American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO). Three years earlier, the ABO had changed its certification program, which previously awarded lifetime certifications, and required ophthalmologists to recertify every 10 years, while those who had already been given lifetime certification were not required to recertify. Paul felt this was unfair and began an aggressive campaign to have all ophthalmologists recertify every ten years. In 1997 he set up the National Board of Ophthalmology (NBO) to offer an alternative certification system, at a cost substantially lower than that of the ABO. Its certification exam, which Paul completed for his own certification, was an open book take-home test that Paul helped write. Paul appointed exclusively his own family members to the board of directors and registered the Board to an incorrect address.
So, you decide who has more credibility, an eye doctor who created his own take-home, open book certification with his family as board of directors or a REAL DOCTOR with over 20 yrs. of experience in relevant infectious disease field!
@@mailarrives The one with more credibility is the one who stands with integrity and truth. No amount of accolades within years of scientific background can secure honesty or true credibility. Transparency is key to uncovering deception, and deliberate manipulation.
@@mailarrives just go get boosted and shut it. Fauci hasn't seen a patient in decades.
@@mailarrives And yet...Fauci hasn't seen a living patient in 30+ years; flip flopped about COVID dozens of times since the pandemic erupted; and worst of all, refuses to admit he collaborated with the CCP as their germ warfare lab synthesized COVID-19 from pre-existing viruses. Fixed it for ya.
@@bjk7167 lol ... do you even know the definition of pandemic? maybe not! and what part of medical certification you don't understand?
but who cares right? I mean a horse medicine, summer and what else was suppose to get rid of COVID according to your orange clown?
Rand Paul is brilliant at getting his point across. Fauci doesn’t even seem to listen to what is said 😳
He put Dr mengele to shame. Evil personified.
Who did most of the interrupting?
You can’t tell chalk from cheese.
He always has Murray rescue him 🙄
Rand Paul has been a hero this entire pandemic. He's speaking up for us.
It's okay that Tony Fascist, oops, Fauci doesn't listen. I think Senator Paul's intent is more to give a voice to the large number of Americans who strongly disapprove of the authoritarian measures that have been instituted under the cover of public health policy.
I can't understand why fauci is still even in charge.
And Sen.Rand Paul thank you.
Sad that he calls himself a doctor yet still want promote good health, exercise, or anything a NORMAL doctor would do.
You're insane.
Tries to defend himself by saying he was always just following the guidelines, at $420k salary, the highest paid job in government, you ARE the guideline.
Sen. Paul states the medical facts like a doctor and the "doctor" responds like a politician. Bizarro world.
Rand Paul is a doctor.... and a senator.
Senator Paul is also a doctor.i would not call Fauci one. He is an incompetent bureaucrat
Rand Paul is an MD an a Politician
Because those r the real roles
Sen. Paul - Good Man and thank you for your services sincerely.
Thank you Rand Paul for standing up for me and MANY Americans like me. You have my support.
Well, when the chairwoman is best friends with Fauci, it doesn’t make for a very productive hearing.
He is literally shaking in fear, can't stop rubbing the white thing in his hand. Obviously lying/ covering
We need an analysis of Fauci by Jesus Enrique Rosas - The Body Language Guy! ;).
Yes, Fauci admits the only thing he says is advocating for masks, vaccine. What about Ivermectin, NAC and other known measures that he FAILS to promote and actively suppresses.. Criminal negligence and corruption.
@@finallythere100 or bleach or disinfectants
@@finallythere100 ooohh yes
@@lindabingham6403 - Looks like he's fighting to me! And so he should be, probably shaking in his boots, too :)
Put him away asap 🤮 he will go to prison, one way ticket 🙏🏻
Dr. Fauci's is trying to redirect the focus off his part in this situation. He does have a part, Senator Paul is right on the mark, or better yet in the money.
one of the most important speeches EVER.... thank you Senator Paul
Senator Rand Paul.. out here doing God's work.
Rand Paul... An eye doctor... He's an ophthalmologist, not an infectious disease expert.
Yes hopefully we have him, because Senator Karen is useless
@@stevecollins9650 when going through schooling for anything in the medical field, you learn how to read and analyze data that you receive.
Data and statistics do not lie, but they can be politicized and spun so that it looks good in their favor.
For example, instead of Dr. Fauci stating that 0.27% of the population has died from the virus, he instead states that "almost 900,000 people have died".
You tell me which one better suits his agenda, bigger numbers sure are scary aren't they?
@@JDPersonal trying to save lives is not an agenda. it's noble. He said 900k because people can understand that number. The lowest common denominator of society doesn't understand a decimal number less than one. His job is to try to save lives. He's done it. This right wing stupidity about the vaccine being unsafe is horseshit and anyone that shows some level of intelligence understands this. He's not lying to you. You just wanna look for a lie because you don't wanna do this anymore... Even though anti vax pricks never did it in the first place...
@@stevecollins9650 people "understand" that number because people respond to fear and outrage better than acceptance and understanding.
Please actually make this guy accountable, or cut him off. Why does it have to be years to get rid of him? Please ask him to resign.
Bravo, Senator Paul!
Tony, feel free to retire.
Please can we have Senator Paul in the UK government? What a treasure! Well done Kentucky, you raised this one right.
Thanks a lot Senator for your wise help 👍
Oh, how I wish I could have the pleasure of applauding Rand Paul in that Senate chamber!
What an heroic American he represents in this fight against medical tyranny.....