When you crack the wifi that doesn't mean that you cracked any device on that network what you can do further up attacks like Man in the middle attack to intercept the traffic and communications sending from or to the victim so if you are a skilled attacker you may use pivoting attack to gain access to another devices on the network and escalate your privileges so in this case you can maintain your access on that device and create a rootkit or backdoor and put your milious file to the firewall white list in order to make your way easier and put your file in place which called Persistent situation where your file would be executed without the user interaction and dont forget to cover your traces that way no one can recognise you ;)
ابداع استاذ يأسر
ابداع ياسر معروف
ايه معروف شوف ذحين كان صغيررر
ترى اختراق الواي فاي مو بس اتصال في نفس الشبكه ترى يقدر ينشر فايروس ويقدر ويسحب كل الباسوردات وكل الصور وكل الملفات واي شي يقدر يسويه يعني يصير root
When you crack the wifi that doesn't mean that you cracked any device on that network what you can do further up attacks like Man in the middle attack to intercept the traffic and communications sending from or to the victim so if you are a skilled attacker you may use pivoting attack to gain access to another devices on the network and escalate your privileges so in this case you can maintain your access on that device and create a rootkit or backdoor and put your milious file to the firewall white list in order to make your way easier and put your file in place which called Persistent situation where your file would be executed without the user interaction and dont forget to cover your traces that way no one can recognise you ;)
@@robinhood3841 when he crack wifi he can do sniffing attack
ضيفك اهو الغير آمن،
الرجال يعلن عن مواقع تقدم خدمات لكن تطلب منك قراءة الايميل بالكامل..
الحل الجذري بنسبة 50٪ عليك انت ايها المستخدم < ثقافة المستخدم هي الحل
الضيف وماادراك مالضيف
توقعت مادة أعمق.. لكن للاسف ما استفدت شيء
برنامج عام صعب يتكلم موضوع دقيق
المذيع كل شوي يسأل سؤال جديد ووقت البرنامج ضيق ، يعني اجوبة الدكتور متوقعه وبالعكس جاوب اكثر من المتوقع .. انت اللي توقعك كان غلط
تابع المهتمين بالمجال واقرأ بلا كلل ولا ملل وطبق العلم مو بس سماع
ماشي جديد