Wykonanie piosenki jak zwykle zajebiste, ale ktokolwiek to montował powinien się nauczyć, że dodawanie dziadowskich efektów nie wychodzi klipom na dobre.
Does anyone happen to know where can I find the lyrics in english? or can someone please give me a general idea of the song themes? I love the song and would love to have more context on it...
It's based on Bolesław Leśmian poetry entitled "Ballada Dziadowska" which we can translate as "grandpa's ballad". Im afraid my english is not perfect by i can show you the meaning of this song. First u can hear about old man which is cripple and old, in next verse rusalka show to him (its something like water or tree demon, in this situation it is water demon. I think in English it is called water nymph but not sure it is similar to "rusałka") and she try charm him like succubus but he laugh because of fact he is too old to be bewitched by her. Next we can hear the refrain and i try to translate it: "From Golub to Dobrzyń, people say Drwęca young ladies are absorbing force of holiday/christmas" but im not sure the word "świątek" is about "holiday/christmas" or the sculpture because it's pretty archaic word. Fun fact : Golub and Dobrzyń is single city now but in old days they used to be separate villages on opposite sides of the river called "Drwęca". I think about this song for a while and I think I understand now. Refrain meaning is - people who's live next to the river "Drwęca" know that the Rusalka's (young ladies in my translation, because in folklor Rusalka's are not married women which drowned not long before wedding so maybe better word is miss) and word "świątek" meaning sculpture becaus old man's sometimes we call as "ligneous" so that's water demon are hunting on old mans energy but that's one in song laugh because of it. After refren we can hear she did it and he passed away. So song is about old man and demon which trying to feed on her prey. Im sorry but I had to understand song firstly (and I understood the second time :D) and next translate it. I'm afraid there's no other translate because this music is underground even in my country so there's no one else who's want's translate it. But you can try find translate for Bolesław Leśman poetry because most of this song is based on one of his poems.
@@whitenygga THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is a far better and long explaination and context than I could have wish for... I will look more into the Boleslaw Lesman poetry, but again: thank you SO much for pointing me in the right direction!
To jest jedno miasto nad rzeką Drwęcą (dlatego mowa o Drwięckich pannach czyli rusałkach z tej rzeki) lecz kiedyś to były dwie różne wsie po przeciwnych stronach rzeki, a więc od Golubia do Dobrzyna znaczy tyle, że ludzie żyjący nad tą rzeką wiedzą doskonale, że te Rusałki kradną moc z takich dziadyg.
i don't speak a word of polish, but i'm obsessed with this band.
Patka jest po prostu niesamowita...
To był mistrzowski koncert :)
Takie folkowe techno. Super.
Dzwięk robi wrażenie! Te efekty przejscia / graficzne na mój gust niepotrzebne :)
nice song 🤘🤘
Greetings from Ukraine
This should expand dong .... and it does!
Wykonanie piosenki jak zwykle zajebiste, ale ktokolwiek to montował powinien się nauczyć, że dodawanie dziadowskich efektów nie wychodzi klipom na dobre.
Does anyone happen to know where can I find the lyrics in english? or can someone please give me a general idea of the song themes? I love the song and would love to have more context on it...
It's based on Bolesław Leśmian poetry entitled "Ballada Dziadowska" which we can translate as "grandpa's ballad". Im afraid my english is not perfect by i can show you the meaning of this song. First u can hear about old man which is cripple and old, in next verse rusalka show to him (its something like water or tree demon, in this situation it is water demon. I think in English it is called water nymph but not sure it is similar to "rusałka") and she try charm him like succubus but he laugh because of fact he is too old to be bewitched by her. Next we can hear the refrain and i try to translate it:
"From Golub to Dobrzyń, people say Drwęca young ladies are absorbing force of holiday/christmas" but im not sure the word "świątek" is about "holiday/christmas" or the sculpture because it's pretty archaic word.
Fun fact : Golub and Dobrzyń is single city now but in old days they used to be separate villages on opposite sides of the river called "Drwęca".
I think about this song for a while and I think I understand now. Refrain meaning is - people who's live next to the river "Drwęca" know that the Rusalka's (young ladies in my translation, because in folklor Rusalka's are not married women which drowned not long before wedding so maybe better word is miss) and word "świątek" meaning sculpture becaus old man's sometimes we call as "ligneous" so that's water demon are hunting on old mans energy but that's one in song laugh because of it. After refren we can hear she did it and he passed away. So song is about old man and demon which trying to feed on her prey. Im sorry but I had to understand song firstly (and I understood the second time :D) and next translate it.
I'm afraid there's no other translate because this music is underground even in my country so there's no one else who's want's translate it. But you can try find translate for Bolesław Leśman poetry because most of this song is based on one of his poems.
@@whitenygga THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is a far better and long explaination and context than I could have wish for... I will look more into the Boleslaw Lesman poetry, but again: thank you SO much for pointing me in the right direction!
dlaczego jest od dobrzynia do golubia? co jest
To jest jedno miasto nad rzeką Drwęcą (dlatego mowa o Drwięckich pannach czyli rusałkach z tej rzeki) lecz kiedyś to były dwie różne wsie po przeciwnych stronach rzeki, a więc od Golubia do Dobrzyna znaczy tyle, że ludzie żyjący nad tą rzeką wiedzą doskonale, że te Rusałki kradną moc z takich dziadyg.