Yeah, new favorite upload of yours for me now. I can really feel the Impressionism shine through with this performance, the love and micro muscle adjustment you give to each note as well as polyrhythm control. This is the fundamental level of artistry we should all strive for.
This is so beautiful ,Thank you for the analytical explaination of this piece. Just following every artwork of your channel, Thank you and Happy New Year!
聆聽這首曲子讓我收穫許多的心得感想。 首先是曉彤的純情本質與酒石讓(Joe Hisaishi, )初次受邀至吉卜力工作室與宮崎駿動漫合作(電影配樂)的藝術風格類似,故能展現其中多層次的活潑風貌。 其次是曉彤為了練習這首曲子應該是下了不少的苦心,直到琴鍵與指頭之間產生了濃情密意的火花,然後能夠產生出如此高格調又富含情調的絕美作品。 最後我要衷心祝福世界上如曉彤般純淨自然、專情認真的音樂美女新年快樂! It gave me abundant feelings while listening to this song. 💗 Firstly, it seems that Xiaotong's pure love essence is much similar to the artistic style of Joe Hisaishi ( ), whom was invited to Studio Ghibli for the first time to cooperate with the soundtrack of Hayao Miyazaki's animation. Therefore, XiaoTong Piano could reveal the multi-layered and lively style of the song. Secondly, Xiaotong must have pay a lot of efforts to practice this piece of music, until the spark of affection derived from the touching of keys and fingers, and thus she was able to produce such a beautiful art work with upgraded levels and various emotions. Finally, I would like to sincerely wish a happy new year to the pure, natural, and fully dedicated musician, Xiaotong ! 💌
謝謝你帶來這麼精彩美麗的 Fantasia for Nausicaä,太喜歡了!一直反覆的聽,宛如每七分鐘你帶著重溫一次風之谷的世界與故事,愛不釋耳!
0:00 開頭似乎述說著世界有多麽殘酷而嚴峻
0:45 左手五個音像風吹拂;右手 Mi-Fa-So 連續兩個向上的全音音程,我把這想成風之谷的動機,帶出旋律,如講述一個傳說。演奏娓娓道來好美
1:40 切分音彷彿象徵時代的巨輪前進,國家之間無情的戰爭,這時候Si-Do-Re 也是兩個向上全音帶出的旋律在高位, 切分音在低位,還沒有重疊
2:12 右手八度 La-Si-Do 兩個向上全音,與這裡的切分音,在同樣的位置;左手五個音再度唱出風的吹拂,像是被捲進巨輪,被戰爭蹂躪,這裡的切分音也像是命運的鐘響,多聲部演奏得好精彩
2:42 右手八度象徵飛翔的娜烏西卡;漸漸下行到 3:06 似乎飛得慢了,也像是牽掛著什麼
3:11 三度下行帶出腐海降下大量孢子晃動著飄落的感覺,弱音踏板帶出那種綿軟的質地
4:25 像思索回憶,整理心情,然後開始前進。情緒的轉折寫得美,演奏更是美得驚人
5:01 與 0:45 敘述傳說那段同樣的安排, 但右手變成雙音並行刻畫, 前進的娜烏西卡與傳說之人重合了... 這讓我雞皮疙瘩都起來了
5:39 左手的切分同樣是巨大的衝突,右手八度與前面 2:42 象徵飛行的八度演奏得不同,呈現出非常堅決的心意,知道故事的人一定能體會這有多讓人難過...
6:10 吹起不同的風,結束
2:12 被體會到了🥹 看到那麼詳盡的解說非常感動,謝謝❤
you will be one of the best pianists in youtube after few time .thats for sure
Yeah, new favorite upload of yours for me now. I can really feel the Impressionism shine through with this performance, the love and micro muscle adjustment you give to each note as well as polyrhythm control. This is the fundamental level of artistry we should all strive for.
Thank you! Love every word from you 🥹
This is so beautiful ,Thank you for the analytical explaination of this piece. Just following every artwork of your channel, Thank you and Happy New Year!
Thank you very much! I love they way you use the word "artwork" :)
this is amazing! wonderful playing and arrangement!
Thank you!! 😃
I have to compliment your wardrobe on top of the playing. Your clothes are always so nice.
Thank you! 😀
好有力道的風之谷, 這次是聽過cover很棒的版本之一, 很享受😃
最近兩次都遲到 😓
這首曲子我本來就非常喜歡,曉彤的演奏只能以完美來形容! 詮釋得太好了!
謝謝Vic! 沒關係有到就好🥹
這首算是最愛的曲子之一,而妳的詮釋更是將其氛圍和情感發揮得淋漓盡致,很開心看到這部影片 :)
P.S. 搭的服裝都滿好看的,卻又不喧賓奪主,恰如其分!
beautiful performance ^_^ i love hearing studio ghibli music~
Thanks for listening!
恭喜 Xiaotong 訂閱破 6,000!!!
謝謝Vic 🥰
I love ghibli, thanks for your performance
Beautiful night 🌃
Good night! Thanks for coming to the premiere :)
Beautiful sound
Great playing! Do you plan on doing music from the wind rises by any chance? I would really like to hear "a journey".
Je me joins à vous pour cette demande...
I’ll take the request! :)
really well done!
Thank you! :)
Très beau!... superbe partage d'émotion avec vous à travers votre interprétation...
Un grand merci ! :)
謝謝Justin! :)
Hi Justin XD
@@VicJang Hi Vic
听着听着感觉画面就出来了…… (然后5秒后画面真的出来了哈哈哈)
Gran interpretación de tan hermosa banda sonora, un saludo y felicitaciones.
Gracias! :)
Muito bom, parabéns!
Listening to your absolutely perfect cover of this magical music is a pleasure, you are a very talented musician.
Thank you Xiao Tong
首先是曉彤的純情本質與酒石讓(Joe Hisaishi, )初次受邀至吉卜力工作室與宮崎駿動漫合作(電影配樂)的藝術風格類似,故能展現其中多層次的活潑風貌。
It gave me abundant feelings while listening to this song. 💗
Firstly, it seems that Xiaotong's pure love essence is much similar to the artistic style of Joe Hisaishi ( ), whom was invited to Studio Ghibli for the first time to cooperate with the soundtrack of Hayao Miyazaki's animation. Therefore, XiaoTong Piano could reveal the multi-layered and lively style of the song.
Secondly, Xiaotong must have pay a lot of efforts to practice this piece of music, until the spark of affection derived from the touching of keys and fingers, and thus she was able to produce such a beautiful art work with upgraded levels and various emotions.
Finally, I would like to sincerely wish a happy new year to the pure, natural, and fully dedicated musician, Xiaotong ! 💌
@@XiaoTongPiano 過年後上班的第一天,曉彤早安!