Jack Random I can’t believe I forgot this one! I was even thinking about them for some reason today too! Brain melt from the heat today maybe. Antman and Wasp would be near the bottom anyways lol, and I don’t know I consider Red Skull a TRUE team up but I see why it might be.
It wasn’t until after I posted the video that I forgot about Dominos special team up with Deadpool 😂 if I missed any others feel free to let me know.
Think antman and wasp have one, and red skulls ult with all the minions
Add missing ones to the video pls
Jack Random I can’t believe I forgot this one! I was even thinking about them for some reason today too! Brain melt from the heat today maybe. Antman and Wasp would be near the bottom anyways lol, and I don’t know I consider Red Skull a TRUE team up but I see why it might be.
Double like, great idea. Just pulled a 6rs rocket at g13.
Not as meta as he used to be but still a strong character.
Unfortunately Captain America and iron Man's combo breaks my game and the rest of the animations don't work for the rest of the round