Theft and tampering, shop lifting was also on the rise this year. I also experienced some who were so deep in conversation or over whelmed they almost walled off with unpaid goods unintentionally. Lastly interpersonal drama.
I will stress Expo staff did there best to be on top of all of this via reports and warnings to all traders and policing entering for anyone not in a green uniform.
1:08 - Just curious - what was the nature of the incidences that occurred? Model shows usually seem rather sedate. Thanks.
Theft and tampering, shop lifting was also on the rise this year. I also experienced some who were so deep in conversation or over whelmed they almost walled off with unpaid goods unintentionally. Lastly interpersonal drama.
I will stress Expo staff did there best to be on top of all of this via reports and warnings to all traders and policing entering for anyone not in a green uniform.
Of course I show up on the worst day