Hyperloop between fantasy and reality

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Hello
    We may all have seen in many science fiction films the existence of long tunnels and tubes deep underground or above, and inside them are capsules that transport humans to perform their daily tasks or goods to the farthest distances within minutes or limited hours, even if the workplace is in another continent! Such scenes used to appear in Hollywood's cinematic style, but can such a sophisticated transportation system really be built?
    The "Hyperloop" is a high-speed transport system, by traveling in a hovering chamber inside an evacuated tube at speeds up to (1220 km / h),
    It is very similar to the technology advanced in high-speed magnetic trains in Japan and Germany. Launched by American businessman Elon Musk, based on principles dating back 100 years. So let's go back to the past and see what happened?
    Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: Scientists' imagination of the hyperloop
    The 18th century British inventor George Medhurst was one of the first people to imagine a prototype of the Hyperloop. Medhurst, who pioneered the use of compressed air as a means of propulsion, filed a patent for a system that could move goods through a system of iron tubes in 1799.
    In 1845, the London and Croydon Railway built an experimental freight station where a vacuum was created between the rails and the train, causing it to be pushed forward by atmospheric pressure. Although the Croydon railway experiment was abandoned two years later.
    20th Century: Airbag Technology
    In 1909, American rocket scientist Robert Goddard wrote an article called "The Limits of Rapid Transit", in which he described a train that would travel from Boston to New York in just 12 minutes.
    Although it was never built, the project did include some of the basic building blocks for a hyperloop. After World War II, attempts were made to build a system similar to the Hyperloop. However, these projects were stopped in the end, either for lack of funding or for the high cost of infrastructure.
    The 2000s: From ET3 to Elon Musk
    In the early 2000s, Daryl Oster, CEO of ET3 USA, designed a magnetic train in which car-sized capsules moved in elevated tubes. A patent was registered in 1999,
    And the years passed, with 2012 and Musk first mentioning the hyperloop, but he didn't reveal the first design until August 2013. Musk explained how the hyperloop model would consist of closed capsules, each containing up to 28 people - moving through a system of tubes. .
    2013-2020: Making way for the Hyperloop
    In the years between 2013 and 2020, a handful of companies - including Virgin Hyperloop and Zeleros - began working on the Musk-designed hyperloop. In March 2017,
    Virgin Hyperloop has shown the first images of its Hyperloop development site, which is being built in the Nevada desert. With a diameter of 3.3 meters and a length of 500 meters, this site was the world's only complete test site and complete system.
    After showcasing the project's design around the world and conducting passenger app demos, Virgin Hyperloop successfully conducted its first passenger test in October 2020.
    So how does the Hyperloop system work now?
    At its core, the Hyperloop system is about eliminating the two things that slow normal vehicles: friction and air resistance. To get off the former, the capsule needs to fly over its track, making the Hyperloop a magnetic train.
    As for getting rid of the second, the tubes are completely emptied of air, and they are closed on both ends, with a capsule inside. Once the tubes are completely deflated, the technology raises the passenger compartment slightly above the rail via electromagnetic waves.
    Challenges facing new means of transportation
    As with any new mode of transportation, there are many hurdles Hyperloop must overcome before it can become a stable, secure, and certified option for high-speed services. There are three main problems: technology development, the commercial viability of building and operating an affordable line, and the time required to develop solutions, run tests and obtain the required certification. In addition, there are some conditions in the design
    Will we see the Hyperloop being used on a large scale in the world?
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