Adam you are truly an inspiration. Your giving and helping to those less fortunate is uplifting and breeds hope for everyone's future...the world and its people will benefit from educated people.
Right on, Adam. I am absolutely moved by not only what you've done or accomplished, but by your determination to trust your heart and affirm your own truth. Good on you!
Every one of these people who speak to us through social media delivering great information through motivational speaking. God bless you all. We are one, I LOVE you ALL
So inspiring. I'm working with a non-profit that builds Tiny Homes for the homeless in Bellingham, WA. This talk by Adam Braun telling his story and successful experience of starting so many schools for kids in poor countries is exactly my dream for the low-income and homeless people here in Bellingham, the United States and the world. Thank you for voicing it so well!
The thing about comfort is that as humans, our minds so powerfully desire comfort that when in uncomfortable zones for a period of time, we eventually become comfortable or atleast used to it.
We hear the common phrase: everyone is born with a purpose in life. No matter where and how our lifes began, I believe in most cases, we shall end up doing what we were born to do. Thank you Adam for sharing your true purpose for living - we need more people like you!
Thanks for the video. I am inspired by Adam's path and the impact he has made to date. If I could do it over against (am 32 now), I would have made it a point to get out my of my comfort zone and be on a path of discovery like Adam. I guess it is never too late to start and I will take those 5 phrases to heart: 1. Get out of your comfort zone. 2. Challenge your assumptions. So you can find your truths. 3. Speak the language of the person you seek to become. 4. Make the little decisions with your head and the big one with your heart. 5. How can you create the most positive impact on as many lives as possible? Keep up the good work!!
I am in the verge of lost becoz founded my non profit foundation but now, in the state of status quo. What Adam Braun does bring back the positive suggestion for me to keep going. Thanks for sharing Mr. Braun.
It's maybe not about dreaming big on going high up in society, but on following your own path and your own dreams apart of what other people can think of you. That's a beautiful idea, I hope one day we'll change what we understand as non-profit organisations for a "for-purpose and profital organisations".
Thank you. Powerful! It was a message I will treasure always. On this day, Adam your words brought me to tears. I believe the universe brings you just what you ask for. Today it brought me your message. I am sending you my truest heart felt gratitude.
Whether we come from a life of privilege or not is besides the point. We all have to give up some things dear to us and get out of our comfort zone, in order to make a positive difference in the world. Some have to give up a lot, some have to give up less, but all of us have to give of ourselves if we want to impact others. Some of us can do it in bigger ways, some in smaller ways. I think both his book and this TED TALK present challenges to all of us to try to take an extra step to help others. It is inspiring how due to the "Pencils of Promise" concept, a young girl would bike across the US to help others, others would give of what little they have in order to help others. It gives others purpose, meaning and a chance to help others. I have lived outside the US for decades now, and when I return to visit, I see how so many of us live in a world of privilege without realizing us. Granted, we all can't do a Semester as Sea, but we all have so many opportunities that others in the developing world would die for.
He had a great journey with both challenges and happiness. His speech is supper inspiring and profound. I hope, I will become a member of PoP in the near future.
In my family we are teachers for like... historical generations. But my dad is an engineer - I am graduating also an engineering university - so I found a way - I love to teach children and grown ups the passion for dancing, movement, gymnastics as I am doing this before even taking school classes! This is so much more than sports - is about organizing, discipline, following a goal! I love to make people happy by offering them value. Currently in my 22-23 stage, hope that the future will help me to share all I have in my heart to offer!
You are truly inspiring!!!!and I clapped at the end of your speech.The newer phases of our life can be created only if we stop worrying and pondering about the existing problems.
That was a completely life changing message for me. Excellent, excellent,excellent. Thank you for sharing your time, talent and your treasure (your experience). Outstanding and well done. Very motivational!
I am really inspired by this guy... in this my quest to setting up my own initiative which is virtually similar to Pencils of Promise, I Shall Succeed despite the hurdles...
You are "speaking the language of the person you seek to become." I was Inspired by your talk. It looks like you found your purpose. I have to review again and again to get and share all four or five mantras!
Well done. It’s so easy to get caught on a roundabout to no place. Working at jobs you hate and not realising that even if you have to work at thes jobs to survive, there has to be some time for you to get out of your comfort zone. It makes life worth living.
This speach talk is so inspiring, i listened to it while i was working at my desk. i am feeling this is so powerful. Recently, i am feeling i am trapped and stucked at this point of my career life. I am seeking to change myself, i have been doing a lot of reading, and thinking about what i want to do next step of my life, i want to be a very successful person, i want to go back finance industry, i want to step out of comfy zone and talk to people and be more social, i have been taking actions to change, i believe every change starts from DO SOMETHING!
"If your dreams are not scaring you, you're not dreaming big" well said! The best gift you can give a person is a gift of knowledge, a gift that keeps on giving. Thanks Adam Braun for sharing your journey of finding your purpose.
Adam Braun! WOW this is amazing! Guatemala changed my life just over a year ago as well. My journey there also made me look inside and discover my purpose. I am also 29 years old. Ha..Saturn Return. The time we are meant to find our soul purpose and get it up and rolling. Well congrats. What an extraordinary achievement. Maybe someday we can work together. Keep on dreaming. - ENB
I have the same dream as yours, too big for me, and I just started to advocate at least. Now some people are listening. How preschool and parent interaction is a huge deal for a child's brain development. Or intentionally stimulating a child's brain. My goal is... Ethiopia and Eritrea.
1 Get out of your comfort zone 2 Challenge your assumptions so that you can find your truths 3 Use the language of the person that you seek to become 4 Make the little decisions with your head and the big ones with your heart 5 How can you create the most positive impact for as man lives as possible
Thanks for sharing Joseph - very amazing story on Adam's journey in finding is calling. Taking the path less traveled and letting go of one's comfort zone is where one discover their true hidden potential. In time of misery and discomfort most will turn around and alienate their dreams. Those with reasons "WHY" that are bigger than themselves will swim the ocean, weather the storm and will continue moving gracefully forward with their blood guts and tears to make it happen. If it's near and dear to your heart - you will most certainly find a way. If it's not - you will find excuses.
So inspired by your story and your service. I watched you on Marie TV and bought your book immediately. I think you are a fantastic role model and want to thank you for being such a genuine and good person.
Great job Adam, keep up the amazing work. Truly inspiring and gives me great hope for the future. Always lead with your heart... the universe will fill in the details.
The Five Phrases That Can Change Your Life: 1- Get out of your comfort zone 2- Challenge your assumptions 3- Speak the language of the person you seek to become 4- Make the little decision in your head and the big ones with your hearth 5- How can you create the most positive impact on as many lives as possible?
Challenge your assumptions so you can find your truth. I over came depression, anxiety, suicidal attempts over 10 Times and took strong meds for 4 years. I am enlightened and I want to help others by sharing my story and how I over came fear to best the mental illness and got off the meds and now I am free from it all!!
Maybe you could share your story and strength through creating RUclips videos. Other people's videos have helped us? Why not our turn now to help others? That's what I want to do (still struggling with the anxiety most of all right now though, holding me back majorly). I am so very happy to hear you're on a better and healthier journey every day!! That really helps me focus on achieving and maintaining a positive mindset and believe in the possibilities to keep pushing forward. Keep on being good to you and surrounding yourself with positive people. And congrats for getting off the meds!!! Way to go!!!
operation.eight you can totally do this. I can help. That's all I want to do. You have no idea. I was medicated on antii anxiety medication for so long that my own body had lost the ability to Fight off any type of anxiety at all. I stopped those meds 3 years ago and the first 9 months I woke up every day in Panick and Tears and I wanted to die. I kept going to the hospital and it took 8 months for me to meet a psychiatrist that was able to explain to me that although they could Medicate me and detox me for one week it was going to take at least 2 months for my body to gain any kind of strength or balance and for the Panics and anxiety to go away. Luckily he prescribed me a non narcotic called Nuerton at a very high dose like 800mlbgs 3 times a day and since I had never taken it this medication which fights pain thru your nerves had my Just cloudy and mellow enough to get thru thru the months while my body leaned to produce endorphins and dopamine and seratonin again and I was able to be free of anxeity once and for all. I swear to God I have not had an attack in 3 years. There is once key element that causes ANXIETY that is not produced because of chemicals and medication and that is FEAR. And here is the Good News. FEAR IS NOT REAL AND IT IS JUST A FEELING THAT WILL PASS thru the Conscious mind. And since it enters our Subconscious that gives us the Ability to Fight it through the many tools out there to distract or dismantle Anxiety. The BeSt one is Called MINDFULLNESS. Embrace the Anxiety? FIGURE OUT WHAT FEAR IS CAUSING IT. THEN MAKE THAT FEAR BECOME COMPLETE BULLSHIT AND TAKE AWAY ITS POWER. ALSO FIND SOMEONE OR SOMETHING TO MAKE YOU LAUGh. JOY AND Depression or Anxiety cannot exist in the same space. Find something in nature to focus on. And totally allow all your senses to focus on this thing and stay in the Present and the moment and I promise you that eventually you will calm your mind Enough that it won't even remember why it felt fear or anxiety. I am def going to start a blog. I know I can help people. I made a Facebook page. Friend me. cheryl Lynne Davies and the group is called Overcoming mental illness I would love for us to become friends and you can help me also by giving me the strength and ideas you have on how I can make you tube videos and stuff and possibly Turn my passion for helping others into a realIty, NAMASTE
You're proof of my theory. I imagine my new Self, I just do it, following my heart, then I am myself, from a runaway, to chef, to communication tech, to volunteer! Now caregiving... STOIC bro.
I paused for a moment that when he said mind says small but heart says big things and follow your heart, this was my mantra for a long time and I forgot about it. However just gave my quit notice from my job to follow my heart which is my fashion jewelry business and to support the artisans and children education in India to begin because I myself poor family worked hard to come to USA and trying to make a change in life and the world and believe my dream is going come true and
once I was I travelling in local train of Mumbai, after my college ..I saw 2-3 kids inside d train... fighting for small charcoal to scribble on the walls of train....I felt their likeness to scribble ...I gave them a box of my crayons....they were so happy...
While 'getting out of your comfort zone' might sound like a great idea, what we need to remember is that you have to be prepared for failure, and know what to do when that happens. Because success is not universal. A very large percentage of people who leave what they know well to experience a new endeavor will fail. Don't assume that everything will work out the way you hope it will.
Yea you will fail. Failing is inevitable. You will always fail. But it's what you do after you fail that counts. Are you giving up? Or getting up to try again? You have to try over and over until you succeed. Failing is part of the road to success, so next time you fail, think that you are one step closer to your dream.
Most great men failed 90% of the time but remained diligent until their goal was accomplished. Unwavering commitment , forward thinking, belief in yourself, creativity, and diligence creates new realities.
***** It's just a warning to people who are competent to do one thing, may not be good at something else just because they WANT to be. I've known several folks who quit a good job, only to invest everything in a small business, then lose everything. Getting out of your comfort zone and wanting to do something new by no means guarantees that eventually you'll be successful just because you're willing to work hard. you also have to know what you're doing. 2 examples. One opened a restaurant despite not knowing how to cook; he just assumed he'd manage the place and hire cooks. Lost everything when the chef walked out. Another wanted to run an auto repair shop. But he only knew how to work on his own car. When people came in to have other cars fixed, he didn't know how to fix them, and he had to hire mechanics but couldn't get enough customers, and as he wasn't actually doing much work but had to pay the mechanics, he want bankrupt. Wanting to do something and being able to do it are two entirely different things. Giving up a decent job to pursue your dreams won't work if you don't have enough knowledge to do it.
Absouetlty incrediable heartfelt story ,what an exceptional life that changed for you by one choice that led you in your true direction! I will try to escape my comfort and hope im as fortunately driven and set into new ways of what My True Purpose is ! Thank you for this inspirational story, ur amazing and wonderful im happy for you that you made these choices and now spread your story, hopefully that sets change into mine! God bless you.
Great! Thanks for doing this meaningful work! I'm inspired and will be making a donation soon. I've traveled to many poor countries and have personally seen the very sad plight of so many poor children. Now I can help them through supporting your organization.
This is such an inspiring TED talk!! Thx a lot Adam for sharing your heart with us all :) ! This is the second time I have watched this (needing more inspiration to follow my dream, which is similar to yours).
Thanks so much Adam!!! Very inspiring talk, and for me, the part where you met the 3 girls in Laos was almost identical to an experience I had in Cambodia and stirred within me again a big part of my life purpose, which is similar to yours :)
This is a really inspiring story and experience! I love traveling and hope to make an impact on the world too! I think non-profit orgs mean orgs that are not centered on profits which most businesses are. This is the precise reason why I'm interested in working in non-profits rather than businesses. They are centered on a purpose, but they happen to emphasize lack of profits more than for a purpose. I think he's kinda right that they should be called for-purpose orgs.
Adam, thank you for speaking from your heart to inspire countless others for their hearts to speak
Adam you are truly an inspiration. Your giving and helping to those less fortunate is uplifting and breeds hope for everyone's future...the world and its people will benefit from educated people.
Right on, Adam. I am absolutely moved by not only what you've done or accomplished, but by your determination to trust your heart and affirm your own truth. Good on you!
Every one of these people who speak to us through social media delivering great information through motivational speaking. God bless you all. We are one, I LOVE you ALL
Listeners like me I LOVE YOU 💜
exceptional ... Life is LIVING in aid of LIFE to process ... Much admired ...
I've never seen a Ted Talk that resonated with me more, beautiful and heart opening.
Love what you stand for and how you continue to impact the world by educating the children.
Thank you Brother!
Wow. It was so touching to me when Adam returned to Guatemala to thank Joel. Adam is an extraordinary person
So inspiring. I'm working with a non-profit that builds Tiny Homes for the homeless in Bellingham, WA. This talk by Adam Braun telling his story and successful experience of starting so many schools for kids in poor countries is exactly my dream for the low-income and homeless people here in Bellingham, the United States and the world. Thank you for voicing it so well!
Wow this guy is awesome. Thanks for helping the world!
The thing about comfort is that as humans, our minds so powerfully desire comfort that when in uncomfortable zones for a period of time, we eventually become comfortable or atleast used to it.
We hear the common phrase: everyone is born with a purpose in life. No matter where and how our lifes began, I believe in most cases, we shall end up doing what we were born to do. Thank you Adam for sharing your true purpose for living - we need more people like you!
Adam is a wonderful person with an incredible purpose.
8 years later.
January 19, 2020.
This guy is awesome.
Gracias Adam! May God bless you and your supporters for changing the lives of many.
Thanks for the video. I am inspired by Adam's path and the impact he has made to date. If I could do it over against (am 32 now), I would have made it a point to get out my of my comfort zone and be on a path of discovery like Adam. I guess it is never too late to start and I will take those 5 phrases to heart:
1. Get out of your comfort zone.
2. Challenge your assumptions. So you can find your truths.
3. Speak the language of the person you seek to become.
4. Make the little decisions with your head and the big one with your heart.
5. How can you create the most positive impact on as many lives as possible?
Keep up the good work!!
never too late! I am almost 60, inspired, still want to leave an impact in this world.
thanks for TLDR
This story made me cry. You are so young and so wise!
I am in the verge of lost becoz founded my non profit foundation but now, in the state of status quo. What Adam Braun does bring back the positive suggestion for me to keep going. Thanks for sharing Mr. Braun.
Such a great guy and so inspirational. Imagine if he had been a management consultant! He's really helping the world 😊
It's maybe not about dreaming big on going high up in society, but on following your own path and your own dreams apart of what other people can think of you. That's a beautiful idea, I hope one day we'll change what we understand as non-profit organisations for a "for-purpose and profital organisations".
Thank you. Powerful! It was a message I will treasure always. On this day, Adam your words brought me to tears. I believe the universe brings you just what you ask for. Today it brought me your message. I am sending you my truest heart felt gratitude.
Anji Udy catholic
Catholic prayers
Anji Udy catholic
Catholic praye
Whether we come from a life of privilege or not is besides the point. We all have to give up some things dear to us and get out of our comfort zone, in order to make a positive difference in the world. Some have to give up a lot, some have to give up less, but all of us have to give of ourselves if we want to impact others. Some of us can do it in bigger ways, some in smaller ways. I think both his book and this TED TALK present challenges to all of us to try to take an extra step to help others. It is inspiring how due to the "Pencils of Promise" concept, a young girl would bike across the US to help others, others would give of what little they have in order to help others. It gives others purpose, meaning and a chance to help others. I have lived outside the US for decades now, and when I return to visit, I see how so many of us live in a world of privilege without realizing us. Granted, we all can't do a Semester as Sea, but we all have so many opportunities that others in the developing world would die for.
well said John Rose
Kudos to You ! Ammmazzzing !!! Yes !! Education is The Key !!!!....& Children Our Future!! Thanks for Sharing & ' Giving Back ' !!
Genuine speech and thank you for sharing. Every person should always speak of their ideas and dreams because every being matters.
You are my new hero! thank you for making world better place! stay healthy and keep going
He had a great journey with both challenges and happiness. His speech is supper inspiring and profound. I hope, I will become a member of PoP in the near future.
Such an inspiring story--children's education. Yes, it is their birth right to get educated.
Inspiring!!!!! Thanks Adam.... Make the world a place to enjoy....
You are a beautiful soul Adam. Kudos.
What a wonderful human being!🙏🏻
I'm crying 😭 I hope I could do something to change someone's life
In my family we are teachers for like... historical generations. But my dad is an engineer - I am graduating also an engineering university - so I found a way - I love to teach children and grown ups the passion for dancing, movement, gymnastics as I am doing this before even taking school classes! This is so much more than sports - is about organizing, discipline, following a goal! I love to make people happy by offering them value. Currently in my 22-23 stage, hope that the future will help me to share all I have in my heart to offer!
You are truly inspiring!!!!and I clapped at the end of your speech.The newer phases of our life can be created only if we stop worrying and pondering about the existing problems.
Love it! "Its all about finding your purpose and activating it "
That was a completely life changing message for me. Excellent, excellent,excellent. Thank you for sharing your time, talent and your treasure (your experience). Outstanding and well done. Very motivational!
Conocer a alguien como tú es una inspiración que gran corazón dios debe estar muy orgulloso de un hijo asi
I am really inspired by this guy... in this my quest to setting up my own initiative which is virtually similar to Pencils of Promise, I Shall Succeed despite the hurdles...
Hello James. How did it go? What did you do and how far have you gone? I am asking because I have a similar dream/vision.
One of the most inspiring TED talks .Thank you.
You are "speaking the language of the person you seek to become." I was Inspired by your talk. It looks like you found your purpose.
I have to review again and again to get and share all four or five mantras!
We need to become more like this guy. Awesome person.
Well done. It’s so easy to get caught on a roundabout to no place. Working at jobs you hate and not realising that even if you have to work at thes jobs to survive, there has to be some time for you to get out of your comfort zone. It makes life worth living.
What a beautiful human
Thank God you are still here
This speach talk is so inspiring, i listened to it while i was working at my desk. i am feeling this is so powerful. Recently, i am feeling i am trapped and stucked at this point of my career life. I am seeking to change myself, i have been doing a lot of reading, and thinking about what i want to do next step of my life, i want to be a very successful person, i want to go back finance industry, i want to step out of comfy zone and talk to people and be more social, i have been taking actions to change, i believe every change starts from DO SOMETHING!
You are truly an Inspiration!
"If your dreams are not scaring you, you're not dreaming big" well said! The best gift you can give a person is a gift of knowledge, a gift that keeps on giving. Thanks Adam Braun for sharing your journey of finding your purpose.
Such a great idea, and truly beautiful. It is amazing to see what a single person can accomplish if he finds his purpose and begins to work towards it
Adam Braun! WOW this is amazing! Guatemala changed my life just over a year ago as well. My journey there also made me look inside and discover my purpose. I am also 29 years old. Ha..Saturn Return. The time we are meant to find our soul purpose and get it up and rolling. Well congrats. What an extraordinary achievement. Maybe someday we can work together. Keep on dreaming. - ENB
Watch a lot of TED videos but this one resonated to make me change.
Empowering, uplifting & inspiring. Born to manifest! Thank you
Adam, you're an inspiration!
I have the same dream as yours, too big for me, and I just started to advocate at least. Now some people are listening. How preschool and parent interaction is a huge deal for a child's brain development. Or intentionally stimulating a child's brain. My goal is... Ethiopia and Eritrea.
1 Get out of your comfort zone
2 Challenge your assumptions so that you can find your truths
3 Use the language of the person that you seek to become
4 Make the little decisions with your head and the big ones with your heart
5 How can you create the most positive impact for as man lives as possible
Thanks for sharing Joseph - very amazing story on Adam's journey in finding is calling. Taking the path less traveled and letting go of one's comfort zone is where one discover their true hidden potential.
In time of misery and discomfort most will turn around and alienate their dreams. Those with reasons "WHY" that are bigger than themselves will swim the ocean, weather the storm and will continue moving gracefully forward with their blood guts and tears to make it happen.
If it's near and dear to your heart - you will most certainly find a way. If it's not - you will find excuses.
Congrats from the deep of my heart
You are truly inspirational..... Thank you..
big thanks from Vietnam!!!!
big thanks from India👳🙏👳
Such a great talk. Such a wonderful organisation and purpose. Favourited!
So inspired by your story and your service. I watched you on Marie TV and bought your book immediately. I think you are a fantastic role model and want to thank you for being such a genuine and good person.
He's definitely an inspiration
Simply wonderful!! WONDERFUL and so Inspiring! Thank you so much! Kudos to you, Adam Braun!
What a good guy
Great job Adam, keep up the amazing work. Truly inspiring and gives me great hope for the future. Always lead with your heart... the universe will fill in the details.
Thank you very much Adam ! Denis :)
You are an amazing human. Thank you!
The Five Phrases That Can Change Your Life:
1- Get out of your comfort zone
2- Challenge your assumptions
3- Speak the language of the person you seek to become
4- Make the little decision in your head and the big ones with your hearth
5- How can you create the most positive impact on as many lives as possible?
thank you
Mrm Trgt, thanks for summing up the 5 frases.
Saves me 20 minutes of valuable time.
Thank you so much. I feel like i need this thing for all the ted talks 😂😂😂
You guys missed a great talk.
Thank you. That saves times. I can get on with my life now.
I am proud of him. He can draw with his pencils of promise anything he wants. Everyone has a magic pencil. But, everyone doesn't use it.
How blessed people are from the well developed countries.
Challenge your assumptions so you can find your truth. I over came depression, anxiety, suicidal attempts over 10
Times and took strong meds for 4 years. I am enlightened and I want to help others by sharing my story and how I over came fear to best the mental illness and got off the meds and now I am free from it all!!
Maybe you could share your story and strength through creating RUclips videos. Other people's videos have helped us? Why not our turn now to help others? That's what I want to do (still struggling with the anxiety most of all right now though, holding me back majorly). I am so very happy to hear you're on a better and healthier journey every day!! That really helps me focus on achieving and maintaining a positive mindset and believe in the possibilities to keep pushing forward. Keep on being good to you and surrounding yourself with positive people. And congrats for getting off the meds!!! Way to go!!!
operation.eight you can totally do this. I can help. That's all I want to do. You have no idea. I was medicated on antii anxiety medication for so long that my own body had lost the ability to Fight off any type of anxiety at all. I stopped those meds 3 years ago and the first 9 months I woke up every day in Panick and Tears and I wanted to die. I kept going to the hospital and it took 8 months for me to meet a psychiatrist that was able to explain to me that although they could Medicate me and detox me for one week it was going to take at least 2 months for my body to gain any kind of strength or balance and for the Panics and anxiety to go away. Luckily he prescribed me a non narcotic called Nuerton at a very high dose like 800mlbgs 3 times a day and since I had never taken it this medication which fights pain thru your nerves had my Just cloudy and mellow enough to get thru thru the months while my body leaned to produce endorphins and dopamine and seratonin again and I was able to be free of anxeity once and for all. I swear to God I have not had an attack in 3 years. There is once key element that causes ANXIETY that is not produced because of chemicals and medication and that is FEAR. And here is the Good News. FEAR IS NOT REAL AND IT IS JUST A FEELING THAT WILL PASS thru the Conscious mind. And since it enters our Subconscious that gives us the Ability to Fight it through the many tools out there to distract or dismantle Anxiety. The BeSt one is Called MINDFULLNESS. Embrace the Anxiety? FIGURE OUT WHAT FEAR IS CAUSING IT. THEN MAKE THAT FEAR BECOME COMPLETE BULLSHIT AND TAKE AWAY ITS POWER. ALSO FIND SOMEONE OR SOMETHING TO MAKE YOU LAUGh. JOY AND Depression or Anxiety cannot exist in the same space.
Find something in nature to focus on. And totally allow all your senses to focus on this thing and stay in the Present and the moment and I promise you that eventually you will calm your mind Enough that it won't even remember why it felt fear or anxiety.
I am def going to start a blog. I know I can help people. I made a Facebook page. Friend me. cheryl Lynne Davies and the group is called Overcoming mental illness
I would love for us to become friends and you can help me also by giving me the strength and ideas you have on how I can make you tube videos and stuff and possibly Turn my passion for helping others into a realIty, NAMASTE
true . Fear is not real .
I admire you sooooo much and I'm so glad you found your passion early on life, you rock!!!!
You passivley said what stev jobs thought us in Stanford College speech
❤️ Love from india 🇮🇳
What a great testimonial...this guy is so inspiring...
Such a beautiful story.😍
You're proof of my theory. I imagine my new Self, I just do it, following my heart, then I am myself, from a runaway, to chef, to communication tech, to volunteer! Now caregiving... STOIC bro.
Self? Man's biggest flaw...Self! Why don't you follow Christ?
“I was the first gringo,
in the history of their village”☺️💛🙏
Thanks Adam, such an inspiration!
I paused for a moment that when he said mind says small but heart says big things and follow your heart, this was my mantra for a long time and I forgot about it. However just gave my quit notice from my job to follow my heart which is my fashion jewelry business and to support the artisans and children education in India to begin because I myself poor family worked hard to come to USA and trying to make a change in life and the world and believe my dream is going come true and
once I was I travelling in local train of Mumbai, after my college ..I saw 2-3 kids inside d train... fighting for small charcoal to scribble on the walls of train....I felt their likeness to scribble ...I gave them a box of my crayons....they were so happy...
estar daniel you dumb? you should have teach them that scribbling on train is bad. wtf is wrong with you?
estar daniel that's so nice of you
Great Job Adam
Inspirational. Really glad I decided to watch this.
Thank you for your story. It is inspiring to me.!!!!
I really admire your work when I see the lovely girls from Việt Nam.
Once again, thank you!!!!!
While 'getting out of your comfort zone' might sound like a great idea, what we need to remember is that you have to be prepared for failure, and know what to do when that happens. Because success is not universal. A very large percentage of people who leave what they know well to experience a new endeavor will fail. Don't assume that everything will work out the way you hope it will.
Yea you will fail. Failing is inevitable. You will always fail. But it's what you do after you fail that counts. Are you giving up? Or getting up to try again? You have to try over and over until you succeed. Failing is part of the road to success, so next time you fail, think that you are one step closer to your dream.
Aleksey Lavochin so true thank you
Most great men failed 90% of the time but remained diligent until their goal was accomplished. Unwavering commitment , forward thinking, belief in yourself, creativity, and diligence creates new realities.
Deb B by writting this comment alone i cant bet ur failling in life if u dont change you mindset
***** It's just a warning to people who are competent to do one thing, may not be good at something else just because they WANT to be. I've known several folks who quit a good job, only to invest everything in a small business, then lose everything. Getting out of your comfort zone and wanting to do something new by no means guarantees that eventually you'll be successful just because you're willing to work hard. you also have to know what you're doing. 2 examples. One opened a restaurant despite not knowing how to cook; he just assumed he'd manage the place and hire cooks. Lost everything when the chef walked out. Another wanted to run an auto repair shop. But he only knew how to work on his own car. When people came in to have other cars fixed, he didn't know how to fix them, and he had to hire mechanics but couldn't get enough customers, and as he wasn't actually doing much work but had to pay the mechanics, he want bankrupt. Wanting to do something and being able to do it are two entirely different things. Giving up a decent job to pursue your dreams won't work if you don't have enough knowledge to do it.
If your dreams aren't scaring you then you are not dreaming big enough. I like that
this one is SO SO SO great!!!!!!!!!
Absouetlty incrediable heartfelt story ,what an exceptional life that changed for you by one choice that led you in your true direction! I will try to escape my comfort and hope im as fortunately driven and set into new ways of what My True Purpose is ! Thank you for this inspirational story, ur amazing and wonderful im happy for you that you made these choices and now spread your story, hopefully that sets change into mine! God bless you.
Very inspiring story..... and its amazing what we can do when we are truly passionate about our purpose.
Great! Thanks for doing this meaningful work! I'm inspired and will be making a donation soon. I've traveled to many poor countries and have personally seen the very sad plight of so many poor children. Now I can help them through supporting your organization.
I Love This Video Because He Reveals Some Great Ideas About Life.
This is such an inspiring TED talk!! Thx a lot Adam for sharing your heart with us all :) ! This is the second time I have watched this (needing more inspiration to follow my dream, which is similar to yours).
That was incredible! This guy is epic!
Very inspiring and real story,thank you 🙏🌸
He really inspires me.... Thx a lot❤️
Thanks so much Adam!!!
Very inspiring talk, and for me, the part where you met the 3 girls in Laos was almost identical to an experience I had in Cambodia and stirred within me again a big part of my life purpose, which is similar to yours :)
This video was so encouraging - how admirable Adam is. God bless you. Will definitely check you out.
Adam, you're really amazing guy, your speech was really inspiring , thanks
Thank you for sharing !
you are such a motivational speaker. we are really proud of you :-) love from Canada :-)
Great talk. Well done.
This is a really inspiring story and experience! I love traveling and hope to make an impact on the world too! I think non-profit orgs mean orgs that are not centered on profits which most businesses are. This is the precise reason why I'm interested in working in non-profits rather than businesses. They are centered on a purpose, but they happen to emphasize lack of profits more than for a purpose. I think he's kinda right that they should be called for-purpose orgs.