8:13 don't do that. Visit respective bank website, credit card section will have list of lounges your card will provide. Take a print of that if needed. Avoid carrying 6-12 cards and check all of them at the counter. This leads long queue as there are people like you with dozens of cards and swiping all of them and trying their luck.
One like pls 👍 comment any questions or what you think about this 😀 why no comments yet 🤔🤔
8:13 don't do that. Visit respective bank website, credit card section will have list of lounges your card will provide. Take a print of that if needed. Avoid carrying 6-12 cards and check all of them at the counter. This leads long queue as there are people like you with dozens of cards and swiping all of them and trying their luck.
Thanks for this. will try this option. there is an app also like this to check where it works. I will explore and make video with that
To enter into the lounge do i have to take boarding pass first.
My flight is at 2.45 pm can i check in to the lounge at 6 am?
They generally allow only before 3 hours but when I visited 4 hours before. I don’t think they will let you in that early
@azharsassy boarding pass is needed ?
@syedmohammed2499 yes we will have to show that..
@ yes it is need to be shown
@azharsassy ok thanks bro.take care
You move the camera too early, and too fast. Explain and how the scenes a little bit slower. Otherwise, it’s not enjoyable.
Thanks for the feedback. I will note this and apply