Pennsylvania Judge Blocks Voter-ID Law

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2012
  • A Pennsylvania judge on Tuesday blocked the state's controversial voter-identification law from taking effect in time for the November election. Kris Maher has details on Lunch Break. Photo: Getty Images.
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Комментарии • 29

  • @mrbillablehours
    @mrbillablehours 11 лет назад +1

    Thank you, yours is the most thoughtful, objective, well-reasoned argument i have ever heard to keep this law.
    What a fine scholar you are.

  • @mrbillablehours
    @mrbillablehours 11 лет назад

    I could not agree more. This is a no brainer and is not worth the time when there are real issues to deal with.
    Get and ID and vote or don't.

  • @Kalkas53
    @Kalkas53 11 лет назад +1

    why is this such an issue you need an id everywhere you need one to drive to get a public library card to buy alcohol to travel to get government assistance

  • @mrbillablehours
    @mrbillablehours 11 лет назад

    I have yet to hear a reasoned argument as to why IDs should not be required to vote.
    I have heard many arguments, but yet to hear a reasoned version.

  • @PrivateWarrior1
    @PrivateWarrior1 11 лет назад

    you're welcome Sir...

  • @raidersSolja
    @raidersSolja 11 лет назад

    (part 2) keep in mind that is to cast only 1 extra vote. This already is enough to scare off people from voting twice, (slight tangent- compromise increase fine?) and if you can take a quick estimation, the amount of people who voted twice under a false name (which would be tiny) would not sway the election, remember that electoral votes decide close elections. point, this legislation would be a waste of time and money for a non factor issue.

  • @raidersSolja
    @raidersSolja 11 лет назад

    part 2.
    would you like to hear more ?
    it would have been unreasonable to require people to get ids to vote, sure...they might eventually be able to get one...but the time it takes to get it, (up to 6 months) the voting days would have passed. it is unreasonable to pass a law like this right before the election, this is unreasonable because it wouldnt have given potential voters timely notice.

  • @Kalkas53
    @Kalkas53 11 лет назад

    how typical you picked one small part of my comment to try and discredit me
    yet still you miss the point completely

  • @raidersSolja
    @raidersSolja 11 лет назад

    heres costs money to buy a government id...since when should we be required to pay for our rights to vote. you may argue that we use ids to buy liquor or like things, but its not its own right to buy liquor.

  • @mrbillablehours
    @mrbillablehours 11 лет назад

    Nope. Government IDs can be acquired for free.
    And even if they were not free, they are required for virtually everything else.
    Still waiting.

  • @MrDirtBeard
    @MrDirtBeard 11 лет назад

    Do you feel the same about how you can be barred from buying a firearm without an ID? It's a right to own one and its too hard to get an ID. I'm betting no...

  • @raidersSolja
    @raidersSolja 11 лет назад

    your talking to a liberal here ; ) .... being that a firearm is dangerous, is tangible, and can pose a threat if in the wrong hands. i would say that you do need an id in that context.

  • @raidersSolja
    @raidersSolja 11 лет назад

    voting is a right.. alcohol isnt

  • @raidersSolja
    @raidersSolja 11 лет назад

    they are not free.
    voter barred from voting if law passed. - college students with ids from other states, as it will not be accepted under the law (asking students to go to their hometown to vote us unreasonable)-elderly people who may have lost id or access to a birth certificate in order to get an id (it is possible for elderly people to lose information such as this, as driver license become unusable, unreasonable to take their right to vote)- continued....

  • @raidersSolja
    @raidersSolja 11 лет назад

    fact must pay for gov't id.
    it is possible to live without an id, as it doesn't physically fit the criteria of necessities of life.
    believe it or not some people cannot afford to pay for an id, the sum of money may seem like nothing to you, but for some people it means alot. (price of gov't id also depends the state you live in).
    why would having to prove who someone is bar them from voting?
    the penalty for voter fraud (again depending state). is 500$ plus time. (continued..)

  • @raidersSolja
    @raidersSolja 11 лет назад

    wrong. gov't ids cannot be acquired free of charge, and if they were it would cost the gov't considerable money.
    The argument is not about being required for anyother thing. its about being required for voting, which you would be paying for...they cannot deny you the right to vote if you cannot pay, unless we do pay for our right...america doesn't work like that does it?

  • @mrbillablehours
    @mrbillablehours 11 лет назад

    Absentee voting has been around for decades. I did it twice in college myself.
    Excuses excuses excuses. This is a non-issue...we need to have IDs to buy liquor, rent a car, get in a bar, buy tobacco, rent an apt., and
    This would not be a discussion if it was not for some Democrats simply wanting to argue with republicans and independents.
    Move on to a meaningful topic.

  • @mrbillablehours
    @mrbillablehours 11 лет назад

    Nope. State IDs are free in most if not all states
    We need to stop enabling and making excuses for people and hold them accountable for such small...small things
    Many of these people manage to make it to emergency rooms when they have a cold, they can make it to the state building to get their ID.
    We need IDs for just about everything else, casting votes should be near the top of the list.
    You have the right to your opinion but please don't confuse what you wrote with a reasoned argument.

  • @MrDirtBeard
    @MrDirtBeard 11 лет назад

    Hey Judge, can we get right of background checks and ID's when buying firearms too? It is my RIGHT after all and it shouldn't be suppressed.

  • @raidersSolja
    @raidersSolja 11 лет назад

    i see what your saying about my comment...but why put that into your original comment its so irrelevant. the only thing almost comparable is government assistance. My question is what benefit would voter id have.

  • @douginamerica
    @douginamerica 11 лет назад

    @recalcitrist1 Interesting because the same Republicans and people like you want no government interference on guns but you want it on voting? If the minorities did not vote and stayed home, I am sure this "issue" would be something to worry about. Black Panthers intimidating voters? Oh I am sure you had no problems with Jim Crow laws as well? Or you were ok with lynchings? Or you hated the Voting Rights Act?