Exclusive Interview With Darrel Walls

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 71

  • @d.bacote694
    @d.bacote694 3 года назад +30

    This is not coming from a place of judgement but edification. Deliverance comes with a decision to do right. Darrel, there is no question that your gift comes from the Holy Spirit. You are one of my fav singer. 1 John 2:6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. We have to die to our flesh daily. Yes we all fall short or fight strongholds, but we have to uphold a standard to walk in obedience to God’s word. We don’t have time to act Church. It’s time to do the right thing and that is to walk with God. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. God be with you. Praying Always 🙏🏾 #DarrelWalls

    • @dwightPhoenix
      @dwightPhoenix 3 года назад +2

      Amen. I agree with everything. It hurts me to see Darrel this way. He needs to give everything over to christ.

    • @SoFocusedonTheMark
      @SoFocusedonTheMark 3 года назад

      People believe Jesus for other people but not for themselves. Meaning that yes people will be saved, people will get delivered, and go on to do great things for God and then that Fay ok judgment will try to say to God what all they done in His name, but he will say depart from me I never knew you. So let’s pray that doesn’t happen to him. Only God knows the heart of men, so for now we just have to pray for one another hope we make it in.

  • @jasjas562
    @jasjas562 3 года назад +8

    Love you much Darrell Walls. God bless ! Keep going forward brother ❤️ God doesn’t choose the qualified... but he qualifies who he has strategically chosen .. “commenters” always remember that 😊 be blessed always do not judge lest ye be judged .. let him without sin cast the first stone 🙃 not really our business or place to say what God will and do not allow . Pray for him and yourselves it’ll make the world just a tad bit better 😉 BLESSINGS!

  • @sheronda4833
    @sheronda4833 3 года назад +52

    Pastoral role??? Sir, let's get saved and delivered first so you can properly tell people the truth! You cant operate in the spirit of homosexuality and preach against homosexuality. Come on now church....let's be the church for real and stop having itchy ears and accepting this weakness!!!

    • @TylerMauga
      @TylerMauga 3 года назад +1

      Spirit of homosexuality?

    • @shadetx713
      @shadetx713 3 года назад +1


    • @TylerMauga
      @TylerMauga 3 года назад +1

      @@shadetx713 no

    • @TheSanzSho
      @TheSanzSho 3 года назад +1

      @sheronda so I'm guessing you have the "spirit of heterosexuality"? You can't speak on something that you do not know first hand sis! Homosexuality is not a choice! People are born to be who they naturally are. You ain't never struggled with who you are, so why should we? Go somewhere and sit down. Leave us alone.

    • @TheSanzSho
      @TheSanzSho 3 года назад

      @@TylerMauga I was talking to sheronda not you. My bad!

  • @diamondstar4111
    @diamondstar4111 3 года назад +29

    Come on y’all Darryl Walls is talking about worship and his ministry. Darryl Walls is also talking about obedience to God and being disappointed . There is no way you Radio folks did not ask him how does he feel he can be obedient and serve God in truth sleeping with men like their women. Is this pleasing to God? Asked Darryl Walls if he thinks God is disappointed in his sexual behavior? Come on get legit and ask the tough questions!!

    • @Eternity244
      @Eternity244 3 года назад +8

      Exactly!!! Thank you!!!

    • @ladyados
      @ladyados 3 года назад +2


    • @jasminep93
      @jasminep93 3 года назад +6

      Being gay isn't a sin LOL but I have to assume you must be perfect with no sins if you're sitting over there acting all high and mighty? I can't take people like you seriously lmao

    • @PowerhouseRadio
      @PowerhouseRadio  3 года назад +17

      Thank you for your support and following! We’ll just mention that this conversation was had prior to any potentially compromising information being released, and furthermore we believe that those hard questions and confrontations should be had with leadership and those who have been placed in his life to hold him accountable, which excludes our team. Thank you for your comment and feedback, we appreciate it!

    • @jasminep93
      @jasminep93 3 года назад +1

      @John P thank goodness I don't have share the same close-minded beliefs 🙃

  • @3513covj
    @3513covj 3 года назад +1

    The church is on life support...scheduled to check out of here real soon. We have to understand that the singers and preachers haven't arrived. They have shackles just like the people they minister to. We miss the message because we are too focused on the messenger. Instead of trying to say what someone needs to do...lift them up in prayer. When you are finished... lift yourself up!

  • @yoloepmd7274
    @yoloepmd7274 3 года назад +7

    This isn't said in anger: How can you say you "Revere God or Fear the Lord" & willingly in bed w/ sin... Like READ THE BOOK OF ACTS AGAIN, The apostles had to completely surrender EVERY PART OF THEIR LIVES...so we got leaders/ music artist being exposed left & right amd its not because of judgement but mercy so ya have a chance to turn... So I keep the body of Christ in prayer

  • @dawnnita
    @dawnnita 3 года назад +6

    Can we have the full interview? 😌

    • @PowerhouseRadio
      @PowerhouseRadio  3 года назад +1

      Hey! Unfortunately there was an error during recording and this is the best of what we could salvage, next time!

  • @aaronnewman19
    @aaronnewman19 9 месяцев назад

    did yall just look up this interview just to complain in the comments lol

  • @yoco7290
    @yoco7290 3 года назад +1

    Best wishes to him with his ministry,his music career and his personal life.If he is is in a romantic relationship with the guy he kissed in the video,awesome.I saw a video discussing their friendship and they seem to really care for each other.If he is only attracted to men I would prefer he be in a relationship with a woman rather than not living his truth and wasting some women's time.Love is love

  • @cammimitchell7626
    @cammimitchell7626 3 года назад +4

    Acts Church and Act's church Live are a blessing to us! AC is literally a safe space for worship,fellowship, and love of God.
    I am forever grateful.

  • @mwajumavieira3401
    @mwajumavieira3401 3 года назад

    I love you brother Darrell in Christ!

  • @tiwanstrong1413
    @tiwanstrong1413 3 года назад

    If I fornicate with a woman, Im CLEARLY choosing to do it. If I take a life premeditatedly, yep, choosing to do it, stealing, yep choosing to do that too, cheating on my wife, you guessed it-- choosing to do it!!! And so with "that way", I'm sorry but you don't have any more excuse than the rest of us!! You're choosing to do it!!! Stop blaming God✌🏿

  • @zeuswill9523
    @zeuswill9523 3 года назад

    My GOD look at all these perfect church people on here...o wow..you can call out his sin but wait..how about your lying, cheating, gossiping, adultering, hateful, judmental, self righteous, puffed chest selvessssss... o how yall so quick to call out the homosexual sin but negate to call on your own sins of your mind and spirit....BROTHER DO WHAT THE LORD HAS SPOKE IN YOUR HEART....SPEAK BRO..you are going to SAVE MANY SOULS with being your authentic self....let these HYPOCRITES BE WHAT THEY ARE....DAMM CHURCH HYPOCRITES! O how the self righteous and the RELIGIOUS SADUCEES AND PHARISEES can stand in the courtyard sputting scriptures and hate loudly for all to hear just for show....I been in church all my life...THEEEE CHURCH..THEEE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST...and I've seen it all and one thing I don't do is let yall church hypocrites dictate and quote me scriptures on how I SHOULD be used of GOD...have some seats ..;.saints and aints...The same folks yall putting in hell are the same ones are going to be speaking favour for you at the gate...MIND YA OWN SIN...we all live in a glass house...and the only reason your shyt has not be been uncovered is because of GOD'S MERCY..let's not forget...we are all FILTY RAGS AND CAME FROM THE DIRT........I pray he is favoured and succeed in every thing God himself has planned for his life.....yall church aints kill me...yall will run a gay person from the house of God but your cheating ass husband with his extra babies on the other side of town , o you will forgive him and bring him back in the house, and the house of God, because that is acceptable...right...gtfoh...have some seats please...no not near me...over there, out there.

  • @maxwell9714
    @maxwell9714 3 года назад +4

    So nooone is gonna address the pink Elephant???

    • @wonkat.v.7427
      @wonkat.v.7427 3 года назад


    • @maxwell9714
      @maxwell9714 3 года назад

      @@wonkat.v.7427 I guess its back to church as usual?

  • @tiwanstrong1413
    @tiwanstrong1413 3 года назад +2

    If God {THE GOD OF THE BIBLE} intended for there to be gay people then OBVIOUSLY he would have made ONLY males or ONLY females.... The purpose, I assume is to MAKE more males and females.... Being "that way" is a choice🤷🏿‍♂️

    • @LifestyleWithLove
      @LifestyleWithLove 3 года назад

      That’s makes no sense. SHUT UP .....in Jesus name. How bout that

    • @winsoulswiseman9931
      @winsoulswiseman9931 3 года назад

      @@LifestyleWithLove No, how about you learn how to talk like a grown person... And learn how to decipher a SENTENCE.... HOW ABOUT THAT????!!!!🤔

  • @SpokenWord4
    @SpokenWord4 3 года назад

    Can I say I love your music but not your lifestyle. God place you in a position where you are his representative and with that comes moral responsibility. First if your lifestyle is not what the church and bible accepts why put your business in the street? I don't understand that I listen to them talk about a praise album? Im like for real.... Bruh there are people children that listen to your music what you represent and they feel betrayed and lied too. Repent God word is full of forgiveness and turn from your inequity. If you want to continue your lifestyle leave the ministry especially if you want to continue to place it on social media.

  • @nate_djv
    @nate_djv 3 года назад +1

    2nd Timothy 3: 5 7

  • @VDrip90028
    @VDrip90028 3 года назад

    I can’t

  • @Vashishnaigen
    @Vashishnaigen 3 года назад +19

    Why would god anoint someone and then make them have sexual relations with a man??? 😂 you lot are salty as hell, mad Christian logic 🙅🏻‍♂️
    Let this man love who he wants - Darrell, I wish you the best, I hope you live a happy life ✨

    • @eyesthatsmile-heartthatlov8050
      @eyesthatsmile-heartthatlov8050 3 года назад +9

      God didn't make him do anything; that was his decision. God gives us free will. We make our own choices; but people have opinions and they will express them, just like you just did.

    • @Vashishnaigen
      @Vashishnaigen 3 года назад +1

      @@eyesthatsmile-heartthatlov8050 1) Who you love is not an opinion or choice first of all. You only choose whether you show it or not.
      2) The power who have given your god (the christian one, I assume) is unimaginable. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Everything that happens in this multiverse, according to you guys, is his doing. This creates a paradox. Check out the Epicurean Paradox, it'll explain things. I didn't even realise there was an actual name for what I was thinking before this conversation. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    • @eyesthatsmile-heartthatlov8050
      @eyesthatsmile-heartthatlov8050 3 года назад +5

      @@Vashishnaigen The people who have opinions are people, like you, who commented on the video that he put out. It is a choice. You choose your wife, husband, partner or to remain single. There are many denominations in Christianity that range from extremely conservative to extremely liberal; but Ted talks and the theories of its speakers are not one of them. My opinion is he can do what he wants; but don't say God made me do it. I don't think he is saying that; you are.

    • @Vashishnaigen
      @Vashishnaigen 3 года назад +1

      @@eyesthatsmile-heartthatlov8050 Right, you’re not making any sense, it may be a language barrier/dyslexia thing, I’m not sure...
      I’m just gonna lay the facts down nice and simple and leave it at that (he says):
      - Your initial reaction sexually/romantically to the other sex, male, female, whatever, is valid. Those butterflies, that physical reaction you feel in your stomach, is not a choice. You look at someone and you just know what is true to you. This is not wrong. Again, this is not a choice.
      - You choose whether or not to accept it within yourself. Whether you show that love. When you’ve been in a relationship for a very long time, often you will have to ‘choose’ to love them and make it work. However, that has nothing to do with sexuality.
      - My original statement was a hypothetical one. I was assuming God was real (I do not believe in a god). If God is real, it’s quite clear that the Walls group have been so called ‘anointed’. Darrell’s singing is INSANELY good. Now, considering your god is all powerful, all knowing, he KNOWINGLY ANOINTED A GAY MAN. If homosexuality is deemed a sin, why would he then anoint them? This does not make sense. Then you say, ‘but Darrell decided who he loves’, and 1) that’s wrong, and 2) EVEN IF HOMOSEXUALITY WAS A CHOICE, YOUR GOD ALREADY KNOWS THIS, HE IS ALL KNOWING, he knew Darrell would love a man and STILL ANOINTED HIM.
      The end.

    • @Vashishnaigen
      @Vashishnaigen 3 года назад +1

      SIDENOTE: There are good Christians (the ones that I like) that believe you can’t help you love. They allow you to love anybody you want. This is good. This is a better god. God knows what you will do and still loves you. This is good.

  • @kaybryan7530
    @kaybryan7530 3 года назад +2


  • @ladieessence
    @ladieessence 3 года назад
