Tigers and Lions are Always Angry.😓


Комментарии • 2

  • @jorgpreis6406
    @jorgpreis6406 26 дней назад

    People ,who treat animals like it is shown here , in these terrible conditions , have to be put into prison...

  • @wasteddude9387
    @wasteddude9387 Год назад

    No. They are almost never angry. Not in everyone else's videos. Only yours. I wonder why.
    Hey The problem is that boraworldstory keeps these majestic creatures in deplorable conditions. In my country, these people would be put in prison for the sheer number of animals being forced to live this way. The people in my country would protest them until they were shut down.
    You are correct to say some animals needing to be confined for their own survival. But these are not those kinds of animals. These animals need to be out in the wild, repopulating their natural habitat. You can be sure that boraworldstory is responsible for many more injuries and deaths than they are accountable for.
    If boraworld was properly caring for these animals, there would be almost no fighting and dying among these magnificent gifts from God. It is truly a sad, sobering, and somber reality that these animal abusers are able to collect far more animals than they can manage, even if they knew how to correctly provide an environment conducive to a healthy productive existence for them.
    Instead, the ignorant vulgar idiots at boraworldstory collect these proud animals like bottlecaps with absolutely no regard for their welfare. These simple-minded fools taunt and tease the animals just to get videos of them being angry, growling, and roaring. While boraworldstory makes these animals live their entire lives in abject misery and overcrowding, these people laugh and enjoy the animals' unhappy and unhealthy existence under their so-called "care".
    Make no mistake. Boraworldstory has only one interest in these great cats - entertainment value. These poor animals are little more than sock puppets performing on stage for their amusement. If boraworldstory care one little bit about the animals, they would acknowledge their limitations and only capture the number of animals they can provide decent lives for.
    You tell me... would you rather live a miserable life of being in constant danger, being poked and prodded repeatedly to make you angry u til you yell, in horrible conditions, with little or no rest for years and years until you die alone in a crowd? Or would you rather live as God intended, in your own homeland with wide open spaces to roam, and freedom to stretch in the sun and to frolic in relative safety for a shorter time, to pass away of natural conditions?
    I can not express the seething contempt I have for boraworldstory for capturing magnificent beasts of the earth who embody royalty in the animal kingdom. Then treat these kings among God's creations as if they deserve no more than to be constantly taunted until angered to the point of screaning, day after day in captivity, contrary to God's intent until the day they die.
    And no, boraworldstory is definitely not "saving" these majestic beasts from poachers and other detestable fates. They are simply stretching out a terrible existence to enjoy that misery as much as possible until these proud animals die. And that's no kind of life for royalty.
    Unfortunately, it's too late for the animal's boraworldstory already has. Those cats can not be safely released into the wild where they belong until they are properly rehabilitated. They have to be taught to forget living a lifestyle unfit for even a mongrel dog. But there are tragicly so, so many animals to stop abusing thanks to the offensive people at boraworldstory.
    May God have mercy on their souls, more so than they have on the animals in their care who deserve so much better. But most of all, may God comfort those animals even as boraworldstory increases their objectified "inventory" of innocent lives. If you need to see what lions are really like; If you need proof that lions are NOT always angry. click on this link: ruclips.net/video/65DuuB9E0vI/видео.html