Shitting outdoors is a skill you should be able to include on a resume! My old man was always fond of bib overalls in the winter months and at least 3 times he's had to unzip and say goodbye to his hood bc he accidentally shit into it!
I use wet wipes at home too. There is nothing like to to leave you clean and feeling fresh. When in the woods, I just back up against a tree. I call it the modified Asian.
The problem is the cheap people who buy non-flushable wipes to save a buck and the idiots that flush cooking oil down the drain. I have not seen any reports of issues in our state, so maybe it is also a particular method of processing the waste that is the issue. I only saw 4 or 5 states listed.
Dude I shit in my car all the time, nothing wrong with that. Anyways, I was really hoping for a live demonstration, but I can just use Google for that I guess...
I have the best form off a truck bumper! Bury it! Hell no! I want to mark my territory. Let those apex predators know that there's a super predator about! Or if you have females with you use female Lincoln logs to scent mark/defend your territory. Everyone knows girl poop is by far the worst poop you could have the misfortune of coming across.
In my journeys, I have found there are two types of people; the crumplers and the folders.
The Rhino is Rockin POO in his Jeep! LOL :D
Thanks for the info. When I camp, I usually hold it in and I know that can't be good.
I thought I would be watching this for a joke, but actually some very good ideas for this matter. Thanks again Rino!
+eaglet260100 I'm an expert on crap. =)
Shitting outdoors is a skill you should be able to include on a resume! My old man was always fond of bib overalls in the winter months and at least 3 times he's had to unzip and say goodbye to his hood bc he accidentally shit into it!
The Bumper Dumper is great. Just slide it into trailer hutch and you have a toilet. Dig hole or bring bucket, your choice.
I use wet wipes at home too. There is nothing like to to leave you clean and feeling fresh. When in the woods, I just back up against a tree. I call it the modified Asian.
Lol, get educated.
The problem is the cheap people who buy non-flushable wipes to save a buck and the idiots that flush cooking oil down the drain.
I have not seen any reports of issues in our state, so maybe it is also a particular method of processing the waste that is the issue. I only saw 4 or 5 states listed.
Dude I shit in my car all the time, nothing wrong with that. Anyways, I was really hoping for a live demonstration, but I can just use Google for that I guess...
I have the best form off a truck bumper! Bury it! Hell no! I want to mark my territory. Let those apex predators know that there's a super predator about! Or if you have females with you use female Lincoln logs to scent mark/defend your territory. Everyone knows girl poop is by far the worst poop you could have the misfortune of coming across.