Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakhatu brothers and sisters. I made a more accurate and short version of this video:видео.html I have heard good criticism about one part of this video, and that is the section about bees. I think the bees described as feminine argument lacks the strength to be placed with the others. This is because a "50/50" masculine or feminine designation is not comparable to the "odds" of the other points. I do ask though "what if the opposite were the case?" If in Arabic these words were masculine, obviously the enemies of Islam would use it as a point. They would ask why God did not will the Arabic language to form differently. So while I believe there is merit in the point, it should have probably been in a separate video. Allahu 'alam. Brother Arthur Davis made an excel sheet explaining the first miracle:видео.html For people Googling and saying the Iron temperature is wrong, melting points can differ with conditions, this case being the inner core. Check this link: In addition, any time I mentioned "boiling" I meant melting.
@Jeri Zee Thank you for your question Jeri. Islam is submission to The Creator and a Muslim is one who submits to him. Adam the Father of Mankind, Prophet Noah, Prophet Moses, King Solomon, the Messiah Jesus Christ and his mother Mary, peace and blessings be upon them all, are all Muslims because they submitted to Allah (God). The Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him did not found Islam. He is the final prophet of Islam and delivered the final of Allah's scriptures, the Qur'an, to mankind. Put simply: The Glorious Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad SAW are not the first message and messenger of Islam, they are the last.
@Copy of fruit ninja Wa alaikum salam brother. This looks like an interesting video, but we should not listen to people like this. In his own biography he admits he attempted to liberalize Iran through a newspaper: On his Twitter he identifies himself as a socialist and a feminist: Needless to say, he is obviously not a Muslim especially since he doesn't identify himself as such anywhere.
@Jeri Zee All of the religions which claim to be the religion of Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, say that God sends miracles to identify himself, his messengers, his scriptures, etc. so that we follow him. By verifying the Qur'an is from God by verifying its miracles like in this presentation, we know we can trust it. God's statement is more than sufficient evidence. There is also secondary evidence that the Torah and Gospel have been tampered with. For example Bible scholars will tell you that the so-called "Torah" we have today was written by three or four different groups of authors over the course of centuries and couldn't have been authored by Prophet Moses alone, peace be upon him. However, this is only secondary evidence which increase our knowledge and sometimes helps with missionary work. God's statement is sufficient for us. You're very welcome
@Jeri Zee Allah only sent one religion and it’s Islam. Islam means submission to Allah however, he sent different laws as times change and societies require different ones in the past. All prophets precahed the same message (Allah is only one pray to him etc.) that’s why you see in the Bible a lot of prophets bowing down to Allah and putting their face on the ground which is the Islamic prayer. Allah also says: “And for every nation is a messenger. So when their messenger comes, it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged” (10:47) He also says: “Whoever chooses to be guided, it is only for their own good. And whoever chooses to stray, it is only to their own loss. No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. And We would never punish ˹a people˺ until We have sent a messenger ˹to warn them˺.” (17:15) This is very logical and also no one will be held accountable for something he didn’t know or if he never received the message. Lastly, read this verse: “We have revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ this Book with the truth, as a confirmation of previous Scriptures and a supreme authority on them. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires over the truth that has come to you. To each of you We have ordained a code of law and a way of life. If Allah had willed, He would have made you one community, but His Will is to test you with what He has given ˹each of˺ you. So compete with one another in doing good. To Allah you will all return, then He will inform you ˹of the truth˺ regarding your differences.” (5:48) May Allah guide us
Makes me so grateful that I was born Muslim-I have so much respect for new Muslims that struggle with unaccepting family. We take this for granted. Ironically Often the new Muslims teach us to better Muslims by example
Mashallah my brother. Becomes muslim 2-3 months prior and is already in the Service of Allah's Deen. May Allah grant you a GREAT REWARD in this life and the hereafter
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!* To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
@@Hannestv4607 in that case keep your religion simple and refer to Jesus(peace and blessings be upon him) as Word Of God instead. We Muslims are now in agreement as the Holy messenger truly was sent by God. Sadly most Christians actually call him his "only begotten son"
John 1,1 -3 + 14 confirms the creator of all creation became human! = YHWH! as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
To all born muslims who neglect and who left Islam remember the verse from Surat Al-Ma'idah and learn from this intelligent blessed man: O believers! Whoever among you abandons their faith, Allah will replace them with others who love Him and are loved by Him. They will be humble with the believers but firm towards the disbelievers, struggling in the Way of Allah; fearing no blame from anyone. This is the favour of Allah. He grants it to whoever He wills. And Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing.
@SwiftAqua it's a bit more tricky than that simple answer, fact is most are born into colonized nations who have abandoned the faith to begin with and under regimes who attack it which makes it not so easy to get information aside from the fact that scholars are jailed and murdered regularly and the Arabic language is traded off for other languages which plays a huge role in not understanding the Quran
50 REASONS why Mr MUHAMMAD WAS NOT A PROPHET & why the entire world should reject him & fight the spread of the quranavirus : 1). When Muhammad began receiving "revelations", his first impression of these "revelations" was that they were demonic. 👹 2). Mr Muhammad was so traumatized by his encounter with "Gabriel" that he repeatedly tried to commit suicide by hurling himself off a cliff. 3 ). According to Muslim sources, Muhammad once delivered a revelation from the devil (the "Satanic Verses"). 4). Mr Muhammad claimed that he was a victim of a magic spell that gave him delusional thoughts and false beliefs. 🤪 5). Islam promotes idolatry (e.g., bowing down to the Kaaba and kissing the black stone). 6). Islam promotes pagan rituals (e.g., the pilgrimage to Mecca). 7). Islam deifies Muhammad by requiring unconditional obedience to him and by requiring Muslims to talk to him during their daily prayers. 8). After leaving Mecca, Mr Muhammad supported his religion by robbing people. 9). Muhammad ordered his followers to torture a man named Kinana to find out where some money was hidden. Muhammad then had Kinana killed, and took his wife for himself. 10). Mr Muhammad commanded his followers to murder critics of Islam. 11). Muhammad ordered his followers to murder apostates, even if they had good reasons for leaving Islam. 12). The Qur'an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians. 13). The Qur'an claims that stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons. ☄☄🤣🤣 14). The Qur'an claims that the sun sets in a pool of murky water. 🤪 15). Mr Muhammad's teachings about personal hygiene would lead to death if Muslims took them seriously. 16). Muhammad claimed that Gabriel explained to him why children look like one parent or the other. Gabriel's answer is completely false. 17). When Muhammad was too shy to tell his dinner guests to leave, Allah stepped in with a special revelation that should make everyone wonder whether Muhammad's revelations really have anything to do with God. 18). The Qur'an declares that Christians find Muhammad mentioned in their scriptures. Yet their scripture calls Muhammad an antichrist. 19). In the Qur'an, Allah promises to kill Muhammad by severing his aorta if Muhammad invents a false revelation. When Muhammad died, he said he could feel his aorta being severed. 20). The Qur'an contains a prophecy that wasn't fulfilled. 21). The Qur'an presents a test for divine inspiration, but fails the test. 22). The central argument for the inspiration of the Qur'an is the "Argument from Literary Excellence," which is absurd on multiple levels. 23). The author of the Qur'an doesn't know that Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, is a different person from Mary, the mother of Jesus (because their names are the same in Arabic). 24). The Qur'an claims that Alexander the Great and Aesop were devout Muslims. 25). Allah promises to protect the Qur'an from corruption, but the Qur'an has been corrupted (by Muslim standards). 26). Muslims believe that the Qur'an is Allah's eternal Word. Yet Allah repeatedly changes his eternal mind about his eternal Word via abrogation. 27). The Qur'an is missing at least two verses in which Allah commands grown women to breastfeed grown men in order to prevent sexual misconduct. 28). The Qur'an contains numerous false stories that were plagiarized from other sources. 29). Mr Muhammad allowed his followers to hire prostitutes. 30). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to have up to four wives at a time. But Muhammad received a very very special revelation giving him (and him alone) the right to break the four-wife limit. 31). Mr Muhammad had sex with a prepubescent nine-year-old child named Aisha. 😯 32). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to beat their wives into submission. 33). Islam allows Muslim men to rape their female captives and slave-girls. 34). Muhammad married the divorced wife of his own adopted son (after Muhammad caused the divorce), and the Qur'an offers an absurd defence of Muhammad's actions. 35). When Muhammad's wife Sauda became fat and unattractive, Muhammad intended to divorce her. Sauda had to relinquish some of her marital rights to avoid being abandoned. 36). After Muhammad got caught having sex with his slave girl in the bed of one of his wives, he swore that he would stop having sex with his slave-girl. Allah ordered him to break that oath. 37). Mr Muhammad claimed that women are less intelligent and less moral than men. 🤔 38). When Muhammad's wives asked why he was giving special privileges to Aisha, he justified his actions by saying that he received revelations while wearing Aisha's dress! 39). According to the Qur'an, Allah has no love for unbelievers. 40). According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers." 👺 41). According to Mr Muhammad, Allah wants people to sin, and he threatens us with annihilation if we refuse to sin. 42). Since Allah would destroy us for not sinning, the true saviour of humanity, according to Islam, is Satan, who tempts human beings to sin and therefore protects us from being destroyed. 43). Muhammad didn't know whether he would go to heaven or hell when he died. 44). Islam teaches that Allah will punish Jews and Christians in hell for the sins of Muslims. 45). Mr Muhammad promises his followers a paradise in which Allah will bless them with eternal erections so that they can continually deflower their virgins. 46). Islam affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, yet Islam contradicts these scriptures on a fundamental level. 47). Islam claims to respect and honour Jesus, yet it portrays him as a complete failure. 48). Muslims believe that the Gospel has been corrupted. But according to Islam, part of the Gospel was corrupted by Allah himself. 49). Islam reverses the Gospel by having the guilty Judas die on behalf of the innocent Jesus, rather than the innocent Jesus dying on behalf of sinners. 50). Christianity is confirmed by Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Since Islam contradicts Christianity, and has no comparable confirmation from God, we must reject Islam .
Allah replaced the ignorant Muslims with the New Muslims who went all the way to learn the dean. Some even learned Arabic. May Almighty Allah bless them all.
Reverted to Islam in 2004. Watching this Brother I am both embarassed for myself, but also in awe of him. Ma Shaa Allah. Am going to watch this video on repeat to boost my Iman, just what we all need with Ramadan coming in 2 weeks times In Shaa Allah.
USA Israel and even many other Middle East countries helped India against Pakistan, they all intended to completely destroy Pakistan. So Pakistan had a very large amount of enemies, but Allah protected Pakistan with around 3,000 black fighter jets. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Wow, Ex-orthodox Christian reverted to Islam 4 years ago and all I can say is you nailed it and there are sooo many more miracles!!! Yet people want to disbelieve..
@@Brandon-ju5pg I was more Christian than you and your entire family ancestors combined. I grew up praying at the 1st and 2nd oldest churchs in the world in Syria. My family is Armenian/Assyrian/Syrian and been Christian for thoursands of years. But hey whatever lets you sleep at night and worship a human being instead of the creator.
So which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? And how do you deal with all the mistakes and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. So tell me, why do you believe that following Mohammed will get you to be with GOD in heaven on judgement day my friend? And remember on judgement day there will be ONLY heaven where GOD is or the other place, so where does that leave you my friend?
I love the way how you use a board and marker to teach us. I feel like a student learning from my teacher . No flashy lights or annoying music , I love this.
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11. There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82. The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28. Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63 .The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh. Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275. Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103. Pillars of Islam : An Nissa 136. Al Mukminun 1- 11. Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264. Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20 An Nissa 114. Al Furqon 68 69 70. Al Baqarah 275. Al Mukminun 101-103. An Nissa 17-18. An Najm 32. An Nissa 31 An Nissa 36.
Kashmir will be free by the mercy of Allah SWT before Ghazwa e Hind happens. Muhammad Qasim's dreams show us the recompense for the people of Kashmir in the future to come. Many of Qasim's dreams are already coming true. #MuhammadQasimDreams
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11. There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82. The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28. Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63 .The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh. Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275. Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103. Pillars of Islam : An Nissa 136. Al Mukminun 1- 11. Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264. Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20 An Nissa 114. Al Furqon 68 69 70. Al Baqarah 275. Al Mukminun 101-103. An Nissa 17-18. An Najm 32. An Nissa 31 An Nissa 36.
Commenting for the algorithm + May Allah reward you for your efforts, use you as a means for the reversions of many, especially your family and friends, and grant you the highest ranks of Paradise. Ameen.
U can see it in this guys smile and demeanour every time he says a fact about the Quran that he is truly a proud Muslim. Mashallah JazaakAllah Khair my brother!!!
I am also an American convert from many years ago AlhamdAllah, and you have taught me details that I did not know! You are very comfortable to listen to with a great flow. Please make more videos! May Allah reward you for your wonderful efforts. Im watching your video from Kuwait, just to let you know how you can impact people all over the world!🤲🏻 Jezak Allah Khair.
@@fremex8861 Sorry dear Islam is not false Alhamdulillah to Almighty. Our God isn't the author of confused One God + one God +one God = not theer but one God..Jesus peace and blessings upon him not God according your bible and Quran. Read Matthew 11 :25
As an Arab born muslim, I can say you have served islam more than many of us born muslims done in our entire life. Indeed better people before islam are better muslims after islam. May Allah reward you for this work and guide people who only believes in science and numbers to the right path through you insha Allah 🤲🏻
Muhammad Qasim has been shown that what Imran Khan did at Pak Pattan shrine is Shirk, that Allah does not forgive. Whoever has died is dead and he is disconnected from this world and one cannot call him or them for help. #MuhammadQasimDreams
50 REASONS why Mr MUHAMMAD WAS NOT A PROPHET & why the entire world should reject him & fight the spread of the quranavirus : 1). When Muhammad began receiving "revelations", his first impression of these "revelations" was that they were demonic. 👹 2). Mr Muhammad was so traumatized by his encounter with "Gabriel" that he repeatedly tried to commit suicide by hurling himself off a cliff. 3 ). According to Muslim sources, Muhammad once delivered a revelation from the devil (the "Satanic Verses"). 4). Mr Muhammad claimed that he was a victim of a magic spell that gave him delusional thoughts and false beliefs. 🤪 5). Islam promotes idolatry (e.g., bowing down to the Kaaba and kissing the black stone). 6). Islam promotes pagan rituals (e.g., the pilgrimage to Mecca). 7). Islam deifies Muhammad by requiring unconditional obedience to him and by requiring Muslims to talk to him during their daily prayers. 8). After leaving Mecca, Mr Muhammad supported his religion by robbing people. 9). Muhammad ordered his followers to torture a man named Kinana to find out where some money was hidden. Muhammad then had Kinana killed, and took his wife for himself. 10). Mr Muhammad commanded his followers to murder critics of Islam. 11). Muhammad ordered his followers to murder apostates, even if they had good reasons for leaving Islam. 12). The Qur'an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians. 13). The Qur'an claims that stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons. ☄☄🤣🤣 14). The Qur'an claims that the sun sets in a pool of murky water. 🤪 15). Mr Muhammad's teachings about personal hygiene would lead to death if Muslims took them seriously. 16). Muhammad claimed that Gabriel explained to him why children look like one parent or the other. Gabriel's answer is completely false. 17). When Muhammad was too shy to tell his dinner guests to leave, Allah stepped in with a special revelation that should make everyone wonder whether Muhammad's revelations really have anything to do with God. 18). The Qur'an declares that Christians find Muhammad mentioned in their scriptures. Yet their scripture calls Muhammad an antichrist. 19). In the Qur'an, Allah promises to kill Muhammad by severing his aorta if Muhammad invents a false revelation. When Muhammad died, he said he could feel his aorta being severed. 20). The Qur'an contains a prophecy that wasn't fulfilled. 21). The Qur'an presents a test for divine inspiration, but fails the test. 22). The central argument for the inspiration of the Qur'an is the "Argument from Literary Excellence," which is absurd on multiple levels. 23). The author of the Qur'an doesn't know that Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, is a different person from Mary, the mother of Jesus (because their names are the same in Arabic). 24). The Qur'an claims that Alexander the Great and Aesop were devout Muslims. 25). Allah promises to protect the Qur'an from corruption, but the Qur'an has been corrupted (by Muslim standards). 26). Muslims believe that the Qur'an is Allah's eternal Word. Yet Allah repeatedly changes his eternal mind about his eternal Word via abrogation. 27). The Qur'an is missing at least two verses in which Allah commands grown women to breastfeed grown men in order to prevent sexual misconduct. 28). The Qur'an contains numerous false stories that were plagiarized from other sources. 29). Mr Muhammad allowed his followers to hire prostitutes. 30). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to have up to four wives at a time. But Muhammad received a very very special revelation giving him (and him alone) the right to break the four-wife limit. 31). Mr Muhammad had sex with a prepubescent nine-year-old child named Aisha. 😯 32). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to beat their wives into submission. 33). Islam allows Muslim men to rape their female captives and slave-girls. 34). Muhammad married the divorced wife of his own adopted son (after Muhammad caused the divorce), and the Qur'an offers an absurd defence of Muhammad's actions. 35). When Muhammad's wife Sauda became fat and unattractive, Muhammad intended to divorce her. Sauda had to relinquish some of her marital rights to avoid being abandoned. 36). After Muhammad got caught having sex with his slave girl in the bed of one of his wives, he swore that he would stop having sex with his slave-girl. Allah ordered him to break that oath. 37). Mr Muhammad claimed that women are less intelligent and less moral than men. 🤔 38). When Muhammad's wives asked why he was giving special privileges to Aisha, he justified his actions by saying that he received revelations while wearing Aisha's dress! 39). According to the Qur'an, Allah has no love for unbelievers. 40). According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers." 👺 41). According to Mr Muhammad, Allah wants people to sin, and he threatens us with annihilation if we refuse to sin. 42). Since Allah would destroy us for not sinning, the true saviour of humanity, according to Islam, is Satan, who tempts human beings to sin and therefore protects us from being destroyed. 43). Muhammad didn't know whether he would go to heaven or hell when he died. 44). Islam teaches that Allah will punish Jews and Christians in hell for the sins of Muslims. 45). Mr Muhammad promises his followers a paradise in which Allah will bless them with eternal erections so that they can continually deflower their virgins. 46). Islam affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, yet Islam contradicts these scriptures on a fundamental level. 47). Islam claims to respect and honour Jesus, yet it portrays him as a complete failure. 48). Muslims believe that the Gospel has been corrupted. But according to Islam, part of the Gospel was corrupted by Allah himself. 49). Islam reverses the Gospel by having the guilty Judas die on behalf of the innocent Jesus, rather than the innocent Jesus dying on behalf of sinners. 50). Christianity is confirmed by Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Since Islam contradicts Christianity, and has no comparable confirmation from God, we must reject Islam.
question 1 : to all believers.... why God sent all his profits to middle east only ,not to Japan or Europe or Russia or any other country in the word ,i know the answer do you know the answer?/question 2 :why the believe in God religion started before 2000 year only while the human being exists on earth 300000 years ago ,why God didn't sent a profits all these years ,i know the answer what about you ????????????????????......... if you think correctly you will know the truth
@AJ-qv5ev prophets were sent to every nation The qouran clarely state that God sent Prophets to every nation and the qouran also state that he mentioned stories of Prophets in the qouran and some prophets he didn't mention their stories . There are ten of thousands of prophets .
@@1isamboi you just said it's rubbish without any proof, l advise you to read the Quran ,it is not like any thing you read before. ln lslam we have no photos ,no music ,no visual effects, just the word of Allah ,good luck
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
@@1isamboi @C M if the miracles of the quran aren't enough to prove that quran is from god, then your heart is sealed because god may seal someone's heart to never accept islam no matter what due to things you may have done or your character. but in any case, if these signs are possible for a man who lived in a desert- i mean what are the chances you can order and write a comprehensable quran while limiting the number of verses and knowing your odd and even numbers and making them all align without making the quran lose meaning, not to mention the level on literacy used in the quran cannot be replicated by anyone. if such things are possible in an age of uneducation then surely divine unusual things can be possible as well. at the end of the day it's about belief since there is no way you can go back in time and watch the prophet receive revelation in real time. instead you can reason and observe what is apparent through the quran and it's perservers (the scholars and such) also god hasn't spoken to anyone since moses, the prophet used to recive revelations through angels (in the example you used it was Gabriel who spoke to him directly and commanded him to read as an illiterate) and sometimes directly into his mind. here is a video in support of the quran numberingвидео.html may god guide you to islam, hopefully you keep a open heart.
@@zidzaini5764 never feel ashamed. Just make an intention to continue learning about Islam and read even one line from Quran daily. Your faith will grow InshaAllah
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11. There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82. The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28. Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63 .The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh. Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275. Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103. Pillars of Islam : An Nissa 136. Al Mukminun 1- 11. Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264. Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20 An Nissa 114. Al Furqon 68 69 70. Al Baqarah 275. Al Mukminun 101-103. An Nissa 17-18. An Najm 32. An Nissa 31 An Nissa 36.
@@hannawurst6064 really now. Where in the Bible did Jesus ever say he was God and as God he will die for your sins. It is illogical. Jesus did however ask God for guidance. Jesus placed his head on the ground to pray to God. Jesus did also say only the Father knows the hour. But I know… I know…. Trinity will mess with your intellect & we as Muslims get your persistent hesitation as a result of confused intellects and failure to recognise the Truth- that Jesus is NOT God.
May Allah grant you the highest rank on Jannah. Subhanallah what an amazing work and beautifully explained. Walaikum salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ♥️
That is such a beautiful explanation. JazakAllah. I'm a revert of 18 yrs now and the scientific miracles of the Quran is what caught my interest. Alhamdulillah
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!* To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11. There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82. The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28. Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63 .The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh. Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275. Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103. Pillars of Islam : An Nissa 136. Al Mukminun 1- 11. Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264. Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20 An Nissa 114. Al Furqon 68 69 70. Al Baqarah 275. Al Mukminun 101-103. An Nissa 17-18. An Najm 32. An Nissa 31 An Nissa 36.
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Mohammad couldn't tell the difference between Angel Gabriel or Satan. I wouldn't believe in this guy's dream. When God truly speaks, he will speak to many, not just 1 person....
This was extremely fascinating. I throughly enjoyed it all! May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast. May Allah make you a means for people to be guided to Islam.
Muhammad Qasim Ibn Abdul Karim has seen many dreams in which Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advised him to follow the straight path and the things he should avoid. All these dreams confirm the message of Quran and hadith. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Extremely fascinating Elijah! I am Muslim and from Saudi Arabia, I am so impressed by knowing these facts and miracles. Alhamdulillah, this even increase our believe further.
Brother God revealed the Torah bible and Quran to guide humanity because of corruption of the devil the message has been changing so God have to keep on revealing the message till the last prophet Muhammad SAW were the message will be memorised and practiced inshallah
Exactly! the Koran writer didn't even know what Christians believe! The writer of the Koran didn't even know that God became man according to Christianity! The writer of the Koran did not even know the most important foundations of Christianity!
Outstanding, May Allah swt continue to bless you and our Ummah. May he give relief to all our brothers and sisters going through difficulties. I was a Christian until my early 30s. This ride with Allah Azawajal only gets better. Reflect on Allah Azawajal often. Alhamdulillah for Islam
You are on fire! We are reverts now for a few years (Catholic to Born again to Islam) Allah will be using your intelligence to show the world there is only One God and Mohammad is the final messenger. The Quran is preserved. You made it so clear to understand and easy to follow just as the Quran is made to be clear and easy to understand. May Allah continue to enlighten you to the world. You seriously blew my mind. Keep going brother. From Your sister in Islam.
@yoUR.F.Worldwide Urquidi (Deuteronomy 18:18-19), Moses stated that God told him: “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account.” Now that prophecy cannot be for Jesus as Christians do not consider Jesus as prophet but son of God. Christians who believe that Jesus is God's manifestation in human flesh fail to understand the aforementioned verse. The aforementioned verse according their beliefs would have been like ''I shall send myself to earth in human form and everything I say will be my command. If anyone does not listen to me, I shall call him to account.''
@yoUR.F.Worldwide Urquidi yep and Muhammad (SAW) is not one of them. Go and research Muhammad in the Bible. His name is still preserved in the old testament in the Hebrew.
Thank you my brother for this valuable information may Allah reward you. One of the most beautiful aspect of Islam is Brotherhood, I don't know you, never see you, and we're living thousand of miles apart, but I feel that deep of love and connection with you, and the strong eagerness to help and defend you, as Allah said: "He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren". Surah 2, verse 103.
and Dajjal said to me that "Qasim if you do not join me then I will kill you, so go home and think carefully which path you want to choose.” Then I came home to Muslims and said that ‘’If anyone went to Dajjal then there's a 99.9% chance that he would join him. #MuhammadQasimDreams
This's a simple board and simple presentation, however it's jam packed with stunning Miracles. The most intelligent people may need just one example to recognise the truth, and many others may need hundreds to come to that realisation. I kindly urge you to continue to make videos of these facts in the Qur’an, as it's full of them. Our fellow human beings deserve the efferts from us to share with with them the truth goodness, so they may taste the sweetness of connecting to their creator and his Miracles. I hope your channel get bigger and wider, as you deserve a platform brother.
I agree with your outlook brother, and I intend to create more of these inshaAllah. I imagine they will be shorter than this one, potentially one thing at a time. Thank you for your well wishes. Also your profile picture is very based
Prophet Muhammad SAW makes dua (supplication) for his ummah and cries for them like no one ever cried before. He is deeply aggrieved over his ummah and makes dua for the astray. Muhammad Qasim has seen many dreams of our Prophet SAW. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Hello. I am French of Moroccan origin. I knew of some miracles cited here about water and bees. But the last one with the sun is wonderful there are so many Miracles that remain for us to discover in the Koran. Whether about extraterrestrial life and the world of jinns. Many thanks for this work. May God guide us to the path of righteousness!
@@kingmosesix432 😂. Was Muhammad resurrected? Didn't Muhammad deny Jesus even though he never met Jesus? 😆. Jesus said many would deny him. Muhammad did exactly that even though he never met him! Think about that! How could he have the balls to to make that claim even though he never even saw Jesus ? That's because Muhammad is a false prophet and Allah is Satan. Your religion is of Satan
@@kingmosesix432 Muhammad had sex with a 9 year old. Muhammad killed anyone who was an unbeliever. He lied and stole from unbelievers. He stoned women who were adulterers. He had 9 wives and kept sex slaves. What were Muhammad last words? "Perish the Jews and Christians". The man was absolute evil and you follow him?
Mashallah. U have latched on well on the miracles of the Qur'an. Of course the Qur'an itself is a miracle. And there r many many more numerical miracles, besides scientific, medical,physical etc, miracles. Alghamdullillah. Watching from Cape Town, South Africa. First time I come across ur video. May u go nd grow from strength to strength in the Deen nd I'd like to see more videos from u. insha'Allah.❤️👏🤗
Muhammad Qasim has seen when & how Ghazwa-e-Hind will happen, and how Muslims will win this war with the help Black Jet Fighters. Allah will save Islam, and it all starts from Pakistan. #MuhammadQasimDreams
This is one of those videos that has the capability to open one's mind and bring the person closer to Allah! As a revert, you know more than most of the people who are Muslims by birth. MashaAllah Allah Humma Barik Brother. May Allah bless and reward you for all your hard work and make you steadfast on the straight path. Ameen🤲 Assalaamu Alaykum Warehmatullah Wabarakatuhu
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar 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“When the wars (conflict) begin, which will all be part of World War 3 and Ghazwa tul Hind, then after these wars, there will come a time of peace. World War 3 will last for about 4 years, and the era of peace after this will be 7 years. #MuhammadQasimDreams
This guy has explained it better than born-muslims, the signs and the conclusion he came up at the end, was phenomenal. Masha'Allah brother, my words aren't enough to admire your work. You are part of the Ummah, we support you. May Almighty Allah bless you and guide you, and make you as a means of guidances for others, Ameen
It is very easy to refute Islam! Because the God of Islam does not know that according to Christianity God incarnated True love = the love of God! *God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being* Philippians 2:5-8
@@user-k4d-e59mo28oc ... How unfortunate for our prophet, Prophet jESUs (pbuh). He was being made a man-made pagan god by the Romans as a substitute for Emperor Romulus who mysteriously disappeared from his chariot during a parade at a town plaza when a lightning struck it. The Romans believed that their emperor ascended to heaven and became one of the brightest stars called Uranus. And so they worshipped Uranus as their pagan god. But when the Romans made their conquest to other countries, they substituted Uranus to Prophet jESUs (pbuh) as their pagan god since Uranus did not anymore appeal well to their conquered countries. Under the guise of spreading religion, they thought that making Prophet jESUs (pbuh) as a front for their religious campaign, it will them make easy to convince the people to bow to them. Thus, Prophet jESUs (pbuh) became the rallying cry of the Romans. And they were successful. So, up to today, Prophet jESUs (pbuh) becomes the god of Christianity. Maybe, before Christianity, the Romans had thought of the idea that the name of their religion would be Romanticity, or Romanticism. But their bishops maintained the name of their religion as Christianity since they are using Prophet jESUs (pbuh) as their god. It is for this reason that no Jew in Israel, a place where he came from, did not recognize him as some kind of a divine being. Thus, the Jews maintained their religion as Judaism. Christianity thrived only in Rome. Hence, the name "Jesus" does not ring a bell today in Israel. If you ask a Jew today in Israel if he knows "Jesus", his answer will be a resounding NO.!!! 03-29-23
Until Imran Khan makes a firm and sincere promise that he will never bow down to anyone except Allah(SWT) as he used to say in the past, his troubles and difficulties will remain the way they are today. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Dear Brother Elijah, your Qurani insights are outstanding, backed by science and logic. May Allah Shower Mercy, Grace and Blessings upon you. You're a divine gift to reach out to those who ignore about Islam guidance and Quran!
Masha Allah. Alhamdulillah. I was so amaze listening your shahadah since you said you just convert to Islam for 2 months. How smooth and fluent your shahadah in Arabic as if you already learn it for long. I am muslim myself. I learn a lot from your video. Thank you my brother Elijah
I just have to say I love that smile of confidence in Allah and Islam... it's the knowing firmly to the depths of your soul that you are speaking - Allah's truth in the Quran... great work MashAllah.
im 3-4 months late but as your muslim brother i want to say welcome to Islam brother Elijah, its always so beautiful to witness someone joining this wonderful ummah. love hearing you say the shahadah at the beginning, and words like alhumdulillah throughout the video. may allah increase you (in wealth, health, and all good things) ameen
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar 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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar 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Muhammad Qasim has seen that Ghazwa e Hind will be imposed on Pakistan, and will be the beginning of World War 3. Pakistan must plan for the future to come because Pakistan's role is important for the future of Islam. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Humbly confused. Only Jesus can absolve us of sin, by accepting him as our Personal Savior, as the Living Son Of God. Jesus washes our feet and offers us Infinite Love through Sacrifice.
@@MyTwoCentsIMO This is where the doctrinal fallacy begins and mushrooms. The birth, death and resurrection of Christ the Messiah was predicted by Isaiah and a panoply of others. He died on a cross, corroborated at a location known as Golgotha. And the tomb where he was born is also known. Three Wise men knew of His birth in a lowly manger, as they followed.the North Star even to him
Allahuma baarik my brother in Faith! Being a new revert with this amount of knowledge & eloquance already speaks volumes about you as a believer! May Almighty Allah keep increasing you in beneficial knowledge & may He use you to spread الحق/The Truth to the rest of mankind! Ameen
50 REASONS why Mr MUHAMMAD WAS NOT A PROPHET & why the entire world should reject him & fight the spread of the quranavirus : 1). When Muhammad began receiving "revelations", his first impression of these "revelations" was that they were demonic. 👹 2). Mr Muhammad was so traumatized by his encounter with "Gabriel" that he repeatedly tried to commit suicide by hurling himself off a cliff. 3 ). According to Muslim sources, Muhammad once delivered a revelation from the devil (the "Satanic Verses"). 4). Mr Muhammad claimed that he was a victim of a magic spell that gave him delusional thoughts and false beliefs. 🤪 5). Islam promotes idolatry (e.g., bowing down to the Kaaba and kissing the black stone). 6). Islam promotes pagan rituals (e.g., the pilgrimage to Mecca). 7). Islam deifies Muhammad by requiring unconditional obedience to him and by requiring Muslims to talk to him during their daily prayers. 8). After leaving Mecca, Mr Muhammad supported his religion by robbing people. 9). Muhammad ordered his followers to torture a man named Kinana to find out where some money was hidden. Muhammad then had Kinana killed, and took his wife for himself. 10). Mr Muhammad commanded his followers to murder critics of Islam. 11). Muhammad ordered his followers to murder apostates, even if they had good reasons for leaving Islam. 12). The Qur'an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians. 13). The Qur'an claims that stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons. ☄☄🤣🤣 14). The Qur'an claims that the sun sets in a pool of murky water. 🤪 15). Mr Muhammad's teachings about personal hygiene would lead to death if Muslims took them seriously. 16). Muhammad claimed that Gabriel explained to him why children look like one parent or the other. Gabriel's answer is completely false. 17). When Muhammad was too shy to tell his dinner guests to leave, Allah stepped in with a special revelation that should make everyone wonder whether Muhammad's revelations really have anything to do with God. 18). The Qur'an declares that Christians find Muhammad mentioned in their scriptures. Yet their scripture calls Muhammad an antichrist. 19). In the Qur'an, Allah promises to kill Muhammad by severing his aorta if Muhammad invents a false revelation. When Muhammad died, he said he could feel his aorta being severed. 20). The Qur'an contains a prophecy that wasn't fulfilled. 21). The Qur'an presents a test for divine inspiration, but fails the test. 22). The central argument for the inspiration of the Qur'an is the "Argument from Literary Excellence," which is absurd on multiple levels. 23). The author of the Qur'an doesn't know that Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, is a different person from Mary, the mother of Jesus (because their names are the same in Arabic). 24). The Qur'an claims that Alexander the Great and Aesop were devout Muslims. 25). Allah promises to protect the Qur'an from corruption, but the Qur'an has been corrupted (by Muslim standards). 26). Muslims believe that the Qur'an is Allah's eternal Word. Yet Allah repeatedly changes his eternal mind about his eternal Word via abrogation. 27). The Qur'an is missing at least two verses in which Allah commands grown women to breastfeed grown men in order to prevent sexual misconduct. 28). The Qur'an contains numerous false stories that were plagiarized from other sources. 29). Mr Muhammad allowed his followers to hire prostitutes. 30). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to have up to four wives at a time. But Muhammad received a very very special revelation giving him (and him alone) the right to break the four-wife limit. 31). Mr Muhammad had sex with a prepubescent nine-year-old child named Aisha. 😯 32). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to beat their wives into submission. 33). Islam allows Muslim men to rape their female captives and slave-girls. 34). Muhammad married the divorced wife of his own adopted son (after Muhammad caused the divorce), and the Qur'an offers an absurd defence of Muhammad's actions. 35). When Muhammad's wife Sauda became fat and unattractive, Muhammad intended to divorce her. Sauda had to relinquish some of her marital rights to avoid being abandoned. 36). After Muhammad got caught having sex with his slave girl in the bed of one of his wives, he swore that he would stop having sex with his slave-girl. Allah ordered him to break that oath. 37). Mr Muhammad claimed that women are less intelligent and less moral than men. 🤔 38). When Muhammad's wives asked why he was giving special privileges to Aisha, he justified his actions by saying that he received revelations while wearing Aisha's dress! 39). According to the Qur'an, Allah has no love for unbelievers. 40). According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers." 👺 41). According to Mr Muhammad, Allah wants people to sin, and he threatens us with annihilation if we refuse to sin. 42). Since Allah would destroy us for not sinning, the true saviour of humanity, according to Islam, is Satan, who tempts human beings to sin and therefore protects us from being destroyed. 43). Muhammad didn't know whether he would go to heaven or hell when he died. 44). Islam teaches that Allah will punish Jews and Christians in hell for the sins of Muslims. 45). Mr Muhammad promises his followers a paradise in which Allah will bless them with eternal erections so that they can continually deflower their virgins. 46). Islam affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, yet Islam contradicts these scriptures on a fundamental level. 47). Islam claims to respect and honour Jesus, yet it portrays him as a complete failure. 48). Muslims believe that the Gospel has been corrupted. But according to Islam, part of the Gospel was corrupted by Allah himself. 49). Islam reverses the Gospel by having the guilty Judas die on behalf of the innocent Jesus, rather than the innocent Jesus dying on behalf of sinners. 50). Christianity is confirmed by Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Since Islam contradicts Christianity, and has no comparable confirmation from God, we must reject Islam...
And thus World War 3 had begun and the battlefields where countries of the Middle East. Due to which the worst destruction took place in the Middle East and huge number of Muslims were massacred. #MuhammadQasimDreams
We showed this video to our non-believing sister-in-law, please make Duaa that she becomes muslim!! Great video Elijah! May Allah reward you for your efforts.
Mashallah I'm proud to call you my Muslim Brother.. The dedication you have in just 2 months is more than my 44 years as a born Muslim. May Allah SWT Bless you in this world and the next, Ameen. Subbed.
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11. There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82. The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28. Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63 .The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh. Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275. Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103. Pillars of Islam : An Nissa 136. Al Mukminun 1- 11. Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264. Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20 An Nissa 114. Al Furqon 68 69 70. Al Baqarah 275. Al Mukminun 101-103. An Nissa 17-18. An Najm 32. An Nissa 31 An Nissa 36.
It is very easy to refute Islam! Because the God of Islam does not know that according to Christianity God incarnated True love = the love of God! *God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being* Philippians 2:5-8
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!* To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
@Krish MashaAllah, we welcome you into our beautiful Deen Islam. May Allah SWT make it easy for you &accept your Shahadah as act of Ibadah Ameen Ya Rabb.
And they continued fighting one another while massacring the Muslims. On the other side Pakistan grow stronger and started expanding, but then India who was Allied with Israel started attacking Pakistan. #MuhammadQasimDreams
@@specilegg if the most important thing to you in this life is to serve god, then serve god and not his creation. Why would a false prophet come to bring back strict monotheism of the same god of abraham, the christians lost to the romans and were enveloped by the roman church and corrupted the monotheism with paganism through bloodshed, everyone who disagreed with the divinity of jesus (a.s) were heretics and killed. Before saying anything against the prophet (saw) you should consider your position, that a 3 persons god is polytheistic, that the holidays are pagan holidays, that the birthdate of jesus (as) was changed to pagan goddess's birth, that the laws you abide by now were not jesus (as) laws but paul's who never met jesus (as) in his life. God's religion is perfect, ill say this out of concern, that christianity has failed the western society by admonishing its values and mocking its prophets (pbuta). We make no distinction between the messengers of Allah (swt), we believe in them all, they submitted their will to god and spoke not of their own will. It has always been both, rather it has always been ALL.
My brother am a born Muslim mashaa Allah and I’ve always believed the Quran to be a miracle but then Allah just used you someone who just reverted to Islam to teach me what exactly it means when the Noble Prophet (Saw) always refers to the Quran as his Miracle may Allah bless, protect and guide you and us all bro.
watching this video and smiling all the way through it. may Allah swt reward you for your work and may Allah bless and guide you. Allahumma braik for being such a smart brother. Elhamdulillah for smart people like you in the ummah explaining stuff so good. may Allah reward you for every soul that may revert because of your work Allahumma amin.
Subhan Allah. I was looking for something like this all my life and this video is very underrated. Jazak Allah khair putting this in a very simple and logical way
@La Lisa Thanks for sharing. I don't belive in heresy, I rather not comment on issue you raised ! " Truth comes with proof " As Muslims the only authentic sources we rely and believe in is the Holy Quran , the last Testament of the Creator of Heavens and Earth, revealed 1,400 to our beloved Prophet Muhammed SAW through Angel Jubril as guidance humanity. Also the Sunnah the teachungs of our beloved beloved Prophet Muhammed SAW. May Allah SWT make it easy for humanity to seek for knowledge in our beautiful Deen Islam Ameen Ya Rabb. Islam Ameen Ya Rabb.
I am a Moroccan Muslim. I memorized the entire Qur'an by Arabic when I was 5 years old. You are all correct. I am happy for you because you have become a Muslim and may Allah guide you to the straight path. Great video, may Allah reward you. You are our brother in Islam ❤️🇲🇦
The way Imran Khan prostrated in the shrine is a major form of shirk and until he repents to Allah(SWT) for that very action, he will not be successful. Muhammad Qasim was shown this in his dream in July 2018. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Elijah, may Allah open the doors of Jannah for you brother. This was beautiful and amazing. You are an inspiration to both Muslims and non-Muslims. May Allah guide us all to the right path!
@@yololololo9081 death comes to everyone , destruction is a part of the Universe.. we don't know the wisdom behind natural disasters. But we all know one day it will all be over. The earth is getting exhausted. So by earthquakes, disease or by misery leaving children,parents and friends...we go to our Creator one by one. The Sublime, the Magnificent, the kind , the merciful , the powerful, The Destroyer....because He Can , because it all belongs to Him. Created by Him. A Creator Can make or destroy whenever and however he wants. We have no say eitherway. But that doesn't take away the majesty of the King of kings.
@@yololololo9081 Bruh, Calamaties happen all around the world and you don't even know why they are happening. There are reasons in the Qu'ran and even the Bible mentioned Earthquakes long time ago. Bruh.
I thanked Allah ﷻ that he saved me and then I ran away from there. When Dajjal woke up again then he thought that he had killed me. And the Dajjal came back to Muslims and told them that he had killed me and the Muslims felt weak after hearing this and Dajjal continued his Mission again without any hurdle. #MuhammadQasimDreams
SubhanAllah, excellent video my brother. I am so happy that an intelligent and sophisticated man such as yourself has accepted Islam. May Allah bless you with health and success. Keep up the great work!
BarakAllah fee What an amazing and inspiring video, It makes me want to dig down deeper and deeper in the Quran and learn more and more about it. May Allah bless you
There's nothing to say but Subhanallah! I can't believe I bumped into this 45 minutes clip and absolutely blew my mind. Was this a coincidence! Allah knows best. May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast on Islam. I will definitely subscribe and watch other videos and also share with others. Jazakallah khair brother.
I happened to see your channel and straight hit the sub button. I am so proud of you and may Allah bless you and make you steadfast in learning Islam and propagating it to other people, esp the non Muslims. Salaam from Indonesia.
Mashallah Brother Elijah, it's wonderful to see a muslim brother with so much knowledge about his faith. May Allah (SWT) allow you to keep doing great things!
Mashallah! Becoming a Muslim is so beautiful and profound. It's like puzzle that you have to put the pieces together in order to understand the meaning, you have to think and put some efforts so you can live better and meaningful. This absolutely amazing.
Your laugh @43:10 Elijah is perfect! Your video is really well done, Alhamdulillah and thank you for taking the time to do all this research for us. May The Most Merciful bless all of your hard work.
SubhanAllah, Allah SWT guides whoever strives in HIS path. This is incredible brother . Allah SWT has blessed you! May Allah SWT guide all Umma and Humanity Ameen
Very informative. Regardless the background and history of the Qur’an, any human being with a sincere heart seeking truth will burst into tears as to what kind of phenomenon the Qur’an is. It’s knowledge and wisdom is eternal, extremely captivating for the soul.
Assalamo Alikom brother Thank you for such a great presentation I live in CA & born as a Muslim alhamdo lellah and always pray to Allah to give me such pure heart as new muslim who proceeded hundreds of millions of Muslims by spending years looking for the truth, and then face many obstacles to become a muslim. May allah accept from all of you Its my first time to know your first point which is really interesting for my However I am so cautious about dealing with numeric miracles in Quran As it is so tricky and hard to convince non muslims. And I think we have enough Scientific indications I collected like 11 Aya have very clear interpretation and match what we discovered these days And these Ayas cannot be interpreted in a different way
Welcome to Islam may Allah make you steadfast in his part and strong. No sane and educated person will watch this video and won't accept the Quran as the word of God.
@La Lisa ইমাম মাহাদীকে সময়ের আগে কেউ চিনতে পারবেনা৷ তাকে পাওয়া যাবে মক্কায় এমনকি সে নেতৃত্ব দিতেও রাজি হতে চাইবেনা৷ তাই এমন সব দাবী করে মাহাদী বানিয়ে মানুষকে পথ ভ্রষ্ট করা ছাড়া আর কিছু নয়
Allahu akbar! This is amazing! I Love this video. I was born Muslim but I never in my life come across something like this even to imagine this. Allahu akbar Allahu akbar Allahu akbar. Takbhir brothers and sisters. May Allah bless you brother Alijah and bless us all
Allah will help Pakistan by his mercy with powerful Black Jet Fighters, that will help conquer India in the Ghazwa-e-Hind and will later help in reclaiming lost Muslim countries. What are these black jet fighters? The black flags of Khurasan? Learn more at #MuhammadQasimDreams
Brother Elijah, mashaAllah this was an amazing video outlining a few of the many miracles of The Noble Qur'an and how they are the clearest proofs of the existence of One God, One Creator -- Allah. I mean it when I say you are an incredible teacher and I genuinely look forward to seeing more of your videos. May Allah reward you!
Great job brother!! May Allah reward your effort and give you alfirdaws of his paradise!! Keep going!! I learned so much from your video! Jazak Allah khairan!
Prophet Muhammad SAW makes dua (supplication) for his ummah and cries for them like no one ever cried before. He is deeply aggrieved over his ummah and makes dua for the astray. Muhammad Qasim has seen many dreams of our Prophet SAW. #MuhammadQasimDreams
A Proud Muslim for 4 months tomorrow on my 57th Birthday, June 23rd, 2024. Alhamadulillah! Amazing video! Elijah Kareem, Shukran. ALLAHU AKBAR! AL HAQ! AL JABBAR!
Subhanallah how beautifully u proved that the Quran is the book of Allah. May Allah azzawajal put baraqah on ur research. Preserve your imaan nd increase you in taqwaa and good deeds Ameen.
God bless you. This is the best method to talk to the current generation with a scientific approach to spreed the word about Islam. And the Quran is full of it. So thank you
Holy Quran [22:46] Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind. May Allah bless you for your great effort that you have done brother and may Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus and all Muslims around the world
MashAllah brother, this is amazing, you discovery is an honest approach to a beautiful enlightment of Islam ❤ the heart and mind as intended to follow the faith ❤
This video benefited me greatly please make this a series! May Allah swt grant you jannah for your efforts and may he reward you with his mercy guidance and love.and may he reunite us all in jannah my brother ameen!
Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakhatu brothers and sisters. I made a more accurate and short version of this video:видео.html
I have heard good criticism about one part of this video, and that is the section about bees. I think the bees described as feminine argument lacks the strength to be placed with the others. This is because a "50/50" masculine or feminine designation is not comparable to the "odds" of the other points. I do ask though "what if the opposite were the case?" If in Arabic these words were masculine, obviously the enemies of Islam would use it as a point. They would ask why God did not will the Arabic language to form differently. So while I believe there is merit in the point, it should have probably been in a separate video. Allahu 'alam.
Brother Arthur Davis made an excel sheet explaining the first miracle:видео.html
For people Googling and saying the Iron temperature is wrong, melting points can differ with conditions, this case being the inner core. Check this link: In addition, any time I mentioned "boiling" I meant melting.
@Jeri Zee Thank you for your question Jeri.
Islam is submission to The Creator and a Muslim is one who submits to him. Adam the Father of Mankind, Prophet Noah, Prophet Moses, King Solomon, the Messiah Jesus Christ and his mother Mary, peace and blessings be upon them all, are all Muslims because they submitted to Allah (God).
The Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him did not found Islam. He is the final prophet of Islam and delivered the final of Allah's scriptures, the Qur'an, to mankind.
Put simply: The Glorious Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad SAW are not the first message and messenger of Islam, they are the last.
@Copy of fruit ninja Wa alaikum salam brother. This looks like an interesting video, but we should not listen to people like this.
In his own biography he admits he attempted to liberalize Iran through a newspaper:
On his Twitter he identifies himself as a socialist and a feminist:
Needless to say, he is obviously not a Muslim especially since he doesn't identify himself as such anywhere.
@Jeri Zee All of the religions which claim to be the religion of Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, say that God sends miracles to identify himself, his messengers, his scriptures, etc. so that we follow him.
By verifying the Qur'an is from God by verifying its miracles like in this presentation, we know we can trust it. God's statement is more than sufficient evidence.
There is also secondary evidence that the Torah and Gospel have been tampered with. For example Bible scholars will tell you that the so-called "Torah" we have today was written by three or four different groups of authors over the course of centuries and couldn't have been authored by Prophet Moses alone, peace be upon him. However, this is only secondary evidence which increase our knowledge and sometimes helps with missionary work. God's statement is sufficient for us.
You're very welcome
@Jeri Zee You're very welcome, are you saying you're Muslim now?
@Jeri Zee
Allah only sent one religion and it’s Islam. Islam means submission to Allah however, he sent different laws as times change and societies require different ones in the past. All prophets precahed the same message (Allah is only one pray to him etc.) that’s why you see in the Bible a lot of prophets bowing down to Allah and putting their face on the ground which is the Islamic prayer.
Allah also says:
“And for every nation is a messenger. So when their messenger comes, it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged” (10:47)
He also says:
“Whoever chooses to be guided, it is only for their own good. And whoever chooses to stray, it is only to their own loss. No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. And We would never punish ˹a people˺ until We have sent a messenger ˹to warn them˺.” (17:15)
This is very logical and also no one will be held accountable for something he didn’t know or if he never received the message.
Lastly, read this verse:
“We have revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ this Book with the truth, as a confirmation of previous Scriptures and a supreme authority on them. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires over the truth that has come to you. To each of you We have ordained a code of law and a way of life. If Allah had willed, He would have made you one community, but His Will is to test you with what He has given ˹each of˺ you. So compete with one another in doing good. To Allah you will all return, then He will inform you ˹of the truth˺ regarding your differences.” (5:48)
May Allah guide us
This video pushed me over the edge on my path to reversion. I said Shahada one day after watching it. I'm spreading it everywhere. Alhumdulillah
Welcome brother!
Mashallah brother may Allah grant you the best in this life and the next ❤️ also reverted 9 months ago and dont regret it :) best decision of my life
This man became Muslim 3 months ago....what am I doing with my life? This is inspiring. God bless.
May Allah guide you brother ❤
@your girl , you are using your brain and learn
t the fact checking all of this is bs and debunked eons ago.
@@jonathanfell688 cry me a river?
@@jonathanfell688 Cry harder.
@@jonathanfell688 can you read arabic?
I am a Salvadoran American Latino 🇸🇻 I became Muslim back in August and it was the best decision I ever made. Alhamdulillah 🤲🏽
Que dios te bendiga ❤amin
@@rainbowheartrainbow igualmente Allahuma Barik hermano 🤲🏽
@@Salvadoransilverback lots of love brother❤
Esa es una buena noticia bienvenido a la verdad que Allah te proteja y te guíe 🤲
When I see my ummah like this, it makes me even prouder to be a Muslim. Masha Allah, Alhamdulillah!! Great work 😎
Makes me so grateful that I was born Muslim-I have so much respect for new Muslims that struggle with unaccepting family. We take this for granted. Ironically Often the new Muslims teach us to better Muslims by example
Mashallah my brother. Becomes muslim 2-3 months prior and is already in the Service of Allah's Deen. May Allah grant you a GREAT REWARD in this life and the hereafter
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!*
To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;*
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
@@Hannestv4607 in that case keep your religion simple and refer to Jesus(peace and blessings be upon him) as Word Of God instead. We Muslims are now in agreement as the Holy messenger truly was sent by God. Sadly most Christians actually call him his "only begotten son"
John 1,1 -3 + 14 confirms the creator of all creation became human! = YHWH!
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
To all born muslims who neglect and who left Islam remember the verse from Surat Al-Ma'idah and learn from this intelligent blessed man:
O believers! Whoever among you abandons their faith, Allah will replace them with others who love Him and are loved by Him. They will be humble with the believers but firm towards the disbelievers, struggling in the Way of Allah; fearing no blame from anyone. This is the favour of Allah. He grants it to whoever He wills. And Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing.
@SwiftAqua it's a bit more tricky than that simple answer, fact is most are born into colonized nations who have abandoned the faith to begin with and under regimes who attack it which makes it not so easy to get information aside from the fact that scholars are jailed and murdered regularly and the Arabic language is traded off for other languages which plays a huge role in not understanding the Quran
Allahu Akbar!
May Allah bless you for this great, Powerful reminder! Ameen Thumma Ameen!!
50 REASONS why Mr MUHAMMAD WAS NOT A PROPHET & why the entire world should reject him & fight the spread of the quranavirus :
1). When Muhammad began receiving "revelations", his first impression of these "revelations" was that they were demonic. 👹
2). Mr Muhammad was so traumatized by his encounter with "Gabriel" that he repeatedly tried to commit suicide by hurling himself off a cliff.
3 ). According to Muslim sources, Muhammad once delivered a revelation from the devil (the "Satanic Verses").
4). Mr Muhammad claimed that he was a victim of a magic spell that gave him delusional thoughts and false beliefs. 🤪
5). Islam promotes idolatry (e.g., bowing down to the Kaaba and kissing the black stone).
6). Islam promotes pagan rituals (e.g., the pilgrimage to Mecca).
7). Islam deifies Muhammad by requiring unconditional obedience to him and by requiring Muslims to talk to him during their daily prayers.
8). After leaving Mecca, Mr Muhammad supported his religion by robbing people.
9). Muhammad ordered his followers to torture a man named Kinana to find out where some money was hidden. Muhammad then had Kinana killed, and took his wife for himself.
10). Mr Muhammad commanded his followers to murder critics of Islam.
11). Muhammad ordered his followers to murder apostates, even if they had good reasons for leaving Islam.
12). The Qur'an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians.
13). The Qur'an claims that stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons. ☄☄🤣🤣
14). The Qur'an claims that the sun sets in a pool of murky water. 🤪
15). Mr Muhammad's teachings about personal hygiene would lead to death if Muslims took them seriously.
16). Muhammad claimed that Gabriel explained to him why children look like one parent or the other. Gabriel's answer is completely false.
17). When Muhammad was too shy to tell his dinner guests to leave, Allah stepped in with a special revelation that should make everyone wonder whether Muhammad's revelations really have anything to do with God.
18). The Qur'an declares that Christians find Muhammad mentioned in their scriptures. Yet their scripture calls Muhammad an antichrist.
19). In the Qur'an, Allah promises to kill Muhammad by severing his aorta if Muhammad invents a false revelation. When Muhammad died, he said he could feel his aorta being severed.
20). The Qur'an contains a prophecy that wasn't fulfilled.
21). The Qur'an presents a test for divine inspiration, but fails the test.
22). The central argument for the inspiration of the Qur'an is the "Argument from Literary Excellence," which is absurd on multiple levels.
23). The author of the Qur'an doesn't know that Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, is a different person from Mary, the mother of Jesus (because their names are the same in Arabic).
24). The Qur'an claims that Alexander the Great and Aesop were devout Muslims.
25). Allah promises to protect the Qur'an from corruption, but the Qur'an has been corrupted (by Muslim standards).
26). Muslims believe that the Qur'an is Allah's eternal Word. Yet Allah repeatedly changes his eternal mind about his eternal Word via abrogation.
27). The Qur'an is missing at least two verses in which Allah commands grown women to breastfeed grown men in order to prevent sexual misconduct.
28). The Qur'an contains numerous false stories that were plagiarized from other sources.
29). Mr Muhammad allowed his followers to hire prostitutes.
30). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to have up to four wives at a time. But Muhammad received a very very special revelation giving him (and him alone) the right to break the four-wife limit.
31). Mr Muhammad had sex with a prepubescent nine-year-old child named Aisha. 😯
32). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to beat their wives into submission.
33). Islam allows Muslim men to rape their female captives and slave-girls.
34). Muhammad married the divorced wife of his own adopted son (after Muhammad caused the divorce), and the Qur'an offers an absurd defence of Muhammad's actions.
35). When Muhammad's wife Sauda became fat and unattractive, Muhammad intended to divorce her. Sauda had to relinquish some of her marital rights to avoid being abandoned.
36). After Muhammad got caught having sex with his slave girl in the bed of one of his wives, he swore that he would stop having sex with his slave-girl. Allah ordered him to break that oath.
37). Mr Muhammad claimed that women are less intelligent and less moral than men. 🤔
38). When Muhammad's wives asked why he was giving special privileges to Aisha, he justified his actions by saying that he received revelations while wearing Aisha's dress!
39). According to the Qur'an, Allah has no love for unbelievers.
40). According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers." 👺
41). According to Mr Muhammad, Allah wants people to sin, and he threatens us with annihilation if we refuse to sin.
42). Since Allah would destroy us for not sinning, the true saviour of humanity, according to Islam, is Satan, who tempts human beings to sin and therefore protects us from being destroyed.
43). Muhammad didn't know whether he would go to heaven or hell when he died.
44). Islam teaches that Allah will punish Jews and Christians in hell for the sins of Muslims.
45). Mr Muhammad promises his followers a paradise in which Allah will bless them with eternal erections so that they can continually deflower their virgins.
46). Islam affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, yet Islam contradicts these scriptures on a fundamental level.
47). Islam claims to respect and honour Jesus, yet it portrays him as a complete failure.
48). Muslims believe that the Gospel has been corrupted. But according to Islam, part of the Gospel was corrupted by Allah himself.
49). Islam reverses the Gospel by having the guilty Judas die on behalf of the innocent Jesus, rather than the innocent Jesus dying on behalf of sinners.
50). Christianity is confirmed by Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Since Islam contradicts Christianity, and has no comparable confirmation from God, we must reject Islam .
Allah replaced the ignorant Muslims with the New Muslims who went all the way to learn the dean. Some even learned Arabic. May Almighty Allah bless them all.
@@rifaathanver1221 The new muslims ARE the ignorant muslims ! They know nothing about Islam. If they did then they never would have joined.
i became a muslim in June 2021.
Congratulations welcome to the big family of Islam
Congratulations 🎉
You da man!!!!!
Aslamualekum congrate 🥰
I converted from switzerland after studying the quran in Arabic. Best decision of my life alhamdulillah.
Reverted to Islam in 2004. Watching this Brother I am both embarassed for myself, but also in awe of him. Ma Shaa Allah. Am going to watch this video on repeat to boost my Iman, just what we all need with Ramadan coming in 2 weeks times In Shaa Allah.
Inshallah!. May Allah bless you.
Alhamdulillah... 💚🇮🇩
The saddest story I heard all day
USA Israel and even many other Middle East countries helped India against Pakistan, they all intended to completely destroy Pakistan. So Pakistan had a very large amount of enemies, but Allah protected Pakistan with around 3,000 black fighter jets. #MuhammadQasimDreams
It’s good to have humility. It’s a trait encouraged.
You are Muslim only for 3 months and your Arabic Pronunciation is very good Masha Allah.
Not that good but it was impressive knowing that he reverted in 3 months
You should watch Sam Shamun
@@jakejeff4145 he’s a fraud
@@Lilbro742 how is he a fraud
@@jakejeff4145 liar
Wow, Ex-orthodox Christian reverted to Islam 4 years ago and all I can say is you nailed it and there are sooo many more miracles!!! Yet people want to disbelieve..
you were never christian
@@Brandon-ju5pg I was more Christian than you and your entire family ancestors combined. I grew up praying at the 1st and 2nd oldest churchs in the world in Syria. My family is Armenian/Assyrian/Syrian and been Christian for thoursands of years. But hey whatever lets you sleep at night and worship a human being instead of the creator.
Yes, I agree, there are Miracles we ourselves receive as well!видео.html
@@Johnny-jg2xpthey have a hard time accepting Christianity doesn't make any sense
So which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? And how do you deal with all the mistakes and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated.
So tell me, why do you believe that following Mohammed will get you to be with GOD in heaven on judgement day my friend? And remember on judgement day there will be ONLY heaven where GOD is or the other place, so where does that leave you my friend?
Bro being a Muslim throughout my whole life and a mathematitian I never thought of these you are a real genius Allah bless you
I love the way how you use a board and marker to teach us. I feel like a student learning from my teacher . No flashy lights or annoying music , I love this.
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11.
There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82.
The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28.
Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63
.The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh.
Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins
but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275.
Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103.
Pillars of Islam :
An Nissa 136.
Al Mukminun 1- 11.
Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264.
Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20
An Nissa 114.
Al Furqon 68 69 70.
Al Baqarah 275.
Al Mukminun 101-103.
An Nissa 17-18.
An Najm 32.
An Nissa 31
An Nissa 36.
It’s not Mukmin lol, it’s mu’min
So sad to watch
Kashmir will be free by the mercy of Allah SWT before Ghazwa e Hind happens. Muhammad Qasim's dreams show us the recompense for the people of Kashmir in the future to come. Many of Qasim's dreams are already coming true. #MuhammadQasimDreams
@@kamekameha721 ??
this is not only a presentation but also genius dawah, you will get a lot of rewards from allah, inshaallah
Wow brother I’m an Austin Texas revert took my Shahada early this year. Incredible work brother, Masha’Allah
I would love to know your conversion story
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11.
There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82.
The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28.
Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63
.The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh.
Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins
but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275.
Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103.
Pillars of Islam :
An Nissa 136.
Al Mukminun 1- 11.
Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264.
Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20
An Nissa 114.
Al Furqon 68 69 70.
Al Baqarah 275.
Al Mukminun 101-103.
An Nissa 17-18.
An Najm 32.
An Nissa 31
An Nissa 36.
Bless you brother!👏🙏
@@Ledgerjedi god must love you ❤❤
MashaAllah 🤲
This young man has inspired me to wake up and learn more ( especially we that were born Muslims). May Allah increase his Iman.
Everything is manipulation from propaganda unfortunately. Check my other comments …
Commenting for the algorithm + May Allah reward you for your efforts, use you as a means for the reversions of many, especially your family and friends, and grant you the highest ranks of Paradise. Ameen.
Ameen, and Jazakallah Khair
Interestingly, Algorithm was invented by a Muslim scientist named Alkhawarism.
U can see it in this guys smile and demeanour every time he says a fact about the Quran that he is truly a proud Muslim. Mashallah JazaakAllah Khair my brother!!!
Alhamdulillah, it makes me proud
I am also an American convert from many years ago AlhamdAllah, and you have taught me details that I did not know! You are very comfortable to listen to with a great flow. Please make more videos! May Allah reward you for your wonderful efforts. Im watching your video from Kuwait, just to let you know how you can impact people all over the world!🤲🏻 Jezak Allah Khair.
Alhamdulillah me too I from 🇪🇷 I concerted before 13 Alhamdulillah for everything .
Barakallah fiikum
@@fremex8861 Sorry dear Islam is not false Alhamdulillah to Almighty. Our God isn't the author of confused One God + one God +one God = not theer but one God..Jesus peace and blessings upon him not God according your bible and Quran. Read Matthew 11 :25
@@fremex8861 All I got from your nonsense is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH ….. go play with your Barbie’s and leave adult content with adults.
From South Sudan, Jazaakallah-khair brother Elijah. May Allah keep us steadfast in this true path,grant you the highest paradise. Allah akbar!
My dad is from cartoon sudan much love brother
As an Arab born muslim, I can say you have served islam more than many of us born muslims done in our entire life. Indeed better people before islam are better muslims after islam. May Allah reward you for this work and guide people who only believes in science and numbers to the right path through you insha Allah 🤲🏻
Muhammad Qasim has been shown that what Imran Khan did at Pak Pattan shrine is Shirk, that Allah does not forgive. Whoever has died is dead and he is disconnected from this world and one cannot call him or them for help. #MuhammadQasimDreams
50 REASONS why Mr MUHAMMAD WAS NOT A PROPHET & why the entire world should reject him & fight the spread of the quranavirus :
1). When Muhammad began receiving "revelations", his first impression of these "revelations" was that they were demonic. 👹
2). Mr Muhammad was so traumatized by his encounter with "Gabriel" that he repeatedly tried to commit suicide by hurling himself off a cliff.
3 ). According to Muslim sources, Muhammad once delivered a revelation from the devil (the "Satanic Verses").
4). Mr Muhammad claimed that he was a victim of a magic spell that gave him delusional thoughts and false beliefs. 🤪
5). Islam promotes idolatry (e.g., bowing down to the Kaaba and kissing the black stone).
6). Islam promotes pagan rituals (e.g., the pilgrimage to Mecca).
7). Islam deifies Muhammad by requiring unconditional obedience to him and by requiring Muslims to talk to him during their daily prayers.
8). After leaving Mecca, Mr Muhammad supported his religion by robbing people.
9). Muhammad ordered his followers to torture a man named Kinana to find out where some money was hidden. Muhammad then had Kinana killed, and took his wife for himself.
10). Mr Muhammad commanded his followers to murder critics of Islam.
11). Muhammad ordered his followers to murder apostates, even if they had good reasons for leaving Islam.
12). The Qur'an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians.
13). The Qur'an claims that stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons. ☄☄🤣🤣
14). The Qur'an claims that the sun sets in a pool of murky water. 🤪
15). Mr Muhammad's teachings about personal hygiene would lead to death if Muslims took them seriously.
16). Muhammad claimed that Gabriel explained to him why children look like one parent or the other. Gabriel's answer is completely false.
17). When Muhammad was too shy to tell his dinner guests to leave, Allah stepped in with a special revelation that should make everyone wonder whether Muhammad's revelations really have anything to do with God.
18). The Qur'an declares that Christians find Muhammad mentioned in their scriptures. Yet their scripture calls Muhammad an antichrist.
19). In the Qur'an, Allah promises to kill Muhammad by severing his aorta if Muhammad invents a false revelation. When Muhammad died, he said he could feel his aorta being severed.
20). The Qur'an contains a prophecy that wasn't fulfilled.
21). The Qur'an presents a test for divine inspiration, but fails the test.
22). The central argument for the inspiration of the Qur'an is the "Argument from Literary Excellence," which is absurd on multiple levels.
23). The author of the Qur'an doesn't know that Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, is a different person from Mary, the mother of Jesus (because their names are the same in Arabic).
24). The Qur'an claims that Alexander the Great and Aesop were devout Muslims.
25). Allah promises to protect the Qur'an from corruption, but the Qur'an has been corrupted (by Muslim standards).
26). Muslims believe that the Qur'an is Allah's eternal Word. Yet Allah repeatedly changes his eternal mind about his eternal Word via abrogation.
27). The Qur'an is missing at least two verses in which Allah commands grown women to breastfeed grown men in order to prevent sexual misconduct.
28). The Qur'an contains numerous false stories that were plagiarized from other sources.
29). Mr Muhammad allowed his followers to hire prostitutes.
30). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to have up to four wives at a time. But Muhammad received a very very special revelation giving him (and him alone) the right to break the four-wife limit.
31). Mr Muhammad had sex with a prepubescent nine-year-old child named Aisha. 😯
32). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to beat their wives into submission.
33). Islam allows Muslim men to rape their female captives and slave-girls.
34). Muhammad married the divorced wife of his own adopted son (after Muhammad caused the divorce), and the Qur'an offers an absurd defence of Muhammad's actions.
35). When Muhammad's wife Sauda became fat and unattractive, Muhammad intended to divorce her. Sauda had to relinquish some of her marital rights to avoid being abandoned.
36). After Muhammad got caught having sex with his slave girl in the bed of one of his wives, he swore that he would stop having sex with his slave-girl. Allah ordered him to break that oath.
37). Mr Muhammad claimed that women are less intelligent and less moral than men. 🤔
38). When Muhammad's wives asked why he was giving special privileges to Aisha, he justified his actions by saying that he received revelations while wearing Aisha's dress!
39). According to the Qur'an, Allah has no love for unbelievers.
40). According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers." 👺
41). According to Mr Muhammad, Allah wants people to sin, and he threatens us with annihilation if we refuse to sin.
42). Since Allah would destroy us for not sinning, the true saviour of humanity, according to Islam, is Satan, who tempts human beings to sin and therefore protects us from being destroyed.
43). Muhammad didn't know whether he would go to heaven or hell when he died.
44). Islam teaches that Allah will punish Jews and Christians in hell for the sins of Muslims.
45). Mr Muhammad promises his followers a paradise in which Allah will bless them with eternal erections so that they can continually deflower their virgins.
46). Islam affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, yet Islam contradicts these scriptures on a fundamental level.
47). Islam claims to respect and honour Jesus, yet it portrays him as a complete failure.
48). Muslims believe that the Gospel has been corrupted. But according to Islam, part of the Gospel was corrupted by Allah himself.
49). Islam reverses the Gospel by having the guilty Judas die on behalf of the innocent Jesus, rather than the innocent Jesus dying on behalf of sinners.
50). Christianity is confirmed by Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Since Islam contradicts Christianity, and has no comparable confirmation from God, we must reject Islam.
question 1 : to all believers.... why God sent all his profits to middle east only ,not to Japan or Europe or Russia or any other country in the word ,i know the answer do you know the answer?/question 2 :why the believe in God religion started before 2000 year only while the human being exists on earth 300000 years ago ,why God didn't sent a profits all these years ,i know the answer what about you ????????????????????......... if you think correctly you will know the truth
@AJ-qv5ev prophets were sent to every nation
The qouran clarely state that God sent Prophets to every nation and the qouran also state that he mentioned stories of Prophets in the qouran and some prophets he didn't mention their stories .
There are ten of thousands of prophets .
l am a born muslim , thanks for reviving the faith in our hearts in such a material gloomy time. may Allah grantus all Jannah
@@1isamboi you just said it's rubbish without any proof, l advise you to read the Quran ,it is not like any thing you read before. ln lslam we have no photos ,no music ,no visual effects, just the word of Allah ,good luck
Son of God does not mean that God has a child in Christianity!
*what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
Son of God is a title referring to the Word of God!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;*
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
@@1isamboi @C M if the miracles of the quran aren't enough to prove that quran is from god, then your heart is sealed because god may seal someone's heart to never accept islam no matter what due to things you may have done or your character. but in any case, if these signs are possible for a man who lived in a desert- i mean what are the chances you can order and write a comprehensable quran while limiting the number of verses and knowing your odd and even numbers and making them all align without making the quran lose meaning, not to mention the level on literacy used in the quran cannot be replicated by anyone. if such things are possible in an age of uneducation then surely divine unusual things can be possible as well. at the end of the day it's about belief since there is no way you can go back in time and watch the prophet receive revelation in real time. instead you can reason and observe what is apparent through the quran and it's perservers (the scholars and such) also god hasn't spoken to anyone since moses, the prophet used to recive revelations through angels (in the example you used it was Gabriel who spoke to him directly and commanded him to read as an illiterate) and sometimes directly into his mind. here is a video in support of the quran numberingвидео.html may god guide you to islam, hopefully you keep a open heart.
SubhanAllah.. youre a Muslim here for 2 months but your knowledge and heart have always been searching… mashaAllah
and i'm a shame muslim born by this brother ... subhanAllah ...
@@zidzaini5764 never feel ashamed. Just make an intention to continue learning about Islam and read even one line from Quran daily. Your faith will grow InshaAllah
@La Lisa astaghfirullah. Just ✋ stop.
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11.
There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82.
The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28.
Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63
.The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh.
Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins
but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275.
Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103.
Pillars of Islam :
An Nissa 136.
Al Mukminun 1- 11.
Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264.
Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20
An Nissa 114.
Al Furqon 68 69 70.
Al Baqarah 275.
Al Mukminun 101-103.
An Nissa 17-18.
An Najm 32.
An Nissa 31
An Nissa 36.
@@hannawurst6064 really now. Where in the Bible did Jesus ever say he was God and as God he will die for your sins. It is illogical. Jesus did however ask God for guidance. Jesus placed his head on the ground to pray to God. Jesus did also say only the Father knows the hour.
But I know… I know…. Trinity will mess with your intellect & we as Muslims get your persistent hesitation as a result of confused intellects and failure to recognise the Truth- that Jesus is NOT God.
May Allah grant you the highest rank on Jannah. Subhanallah what an amazing work and beautifully explained.
Walaikum salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ♥️
That is such a beautiful explanation. JazakAllah. I'm a revert of 18 yrs now and the scientific miracles of the Quran is what caught my interest. Alhamdulillah
Which one?
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!*
To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;*
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11.
There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82.
The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28.
Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63
.The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh.
Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins
but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275.
Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103.
Pillars of Islam :
An Nissa 136.
Al Mukminun 1- 11.
Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264.
Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20
An Nissa 114.
Al Furqon 68 69 70.
Al Baqarah 275.
Al Mukminun 101-103.
An Nissa 17-18.
An Najm 32.
An Nissa 31
An Nissa 36.
@Harald TV dude man , the guy went through all that mathematical explanation, can you Bible even marvh 10% of that ?
Wallahi this was far better than I initially thought it would be.. well done beloved. May Allah protect you from evil
Wow I'm a Muslim covert from Texas too 🥰🥰❤️💕💝😊 You are amazing brother what a blessing you are ❤️
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar 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Alhamdulillah... 💚🇮🇩
So sad
Mohammad couldn't tell the difference between Angel Gabriel or Satan. I wouldn't believe in this guy's dream. When God truly speaks, he will speak to many, not just 1 person....
You inspire me. I am a born muslim woman from New Zealand. Welcome to Islam. May your and your family's paths always be blessed Insha Allah.
This was extremely fascinating. I throughly enjoyed it all!
May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast.
May Allah make you a means for people to be guided to Islam.
Ameen and Jazakallah Khair
Muhammad Qasim Ibn Abdul Karim has seen many dreams in which Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advised him to follow the straight path and the things he should avoid. All these dreams confirm the message of Quran and hadith. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Extremely fascinating Elijah! I am Muslim and from Saudi Arabia, I am so impressed by knowing these facts and miracles. Alhamdulillah, this even increase our believe further.
Mashaa ALLAH
@@hannawurst6064 still waiting for the refutation
@@hannawurst6064 ...
Philipians - letter of Paul to the church of Philippians. You are Paul-possessed.
Brother God revealed the Torah bible and Quran to guide humanity because of corruption of the devil the message has been changing so God have to keep on revealing the message till the last prophet Muhammad SAW were the message will be memorised and practiced inshallah
Exactly! the Koran writer didn't even know what Christians believe! The writer of the Koran didn't even know that God became man according to Christianity! The writer of the Koran did not even know the most important foundations of Christianity!
Good Work, Elijah : you don't know how much more knowledge you have added to the *TREASURE* for human on the GLORIOUS Al-Quran.
Jazakallah Khair
@@ElijahKareem we Muslims learn too much from reverts... Subhanallah alhamdulillah... Jazakallah khairan kazeera
@La Lisa bro what is this nonsense...
This is what Allah meant when he says he replaces us with someone better
Literally I wish I had the iman he has
@@Bsbawkdbeisnwpwytry to improve your Iman brother
Don’t change your name from muhammed to moe brother
I got chills watching this. The most complete explanation I've watched by far on the miracles of islam. Got my faith renewed!
Outstanding, May Allah swt continue to bless you and our Ummah. May he give relief to all our brothers and sisters going through difficulties.
I was a Christian until my early 30s. This ride with Allah Azawajal only gets better. Reflect on Allah Azawajal often. Alhamdulillah for Islam
You are on fire! We are reverts now for a few years (Catholic to Born again to Islam) Allah will be using your intelligence to show the world there is only One God and Mohammad is the final messenger. The Quran is preserved. You made it so clear to understand and easy to follow just as the Quran is made to be clear and easy to understand. May Allah continue to enlighten you to the world. You seriously blew my mind. Keep going brother. From Your sister in Islam.
@yoUR.F.Worldwide Urquidi (Deuteronomy 18:18-19), Moses stated that God told him: “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account.”
Now that prophecy cannot be for Jesus as Christians do not consider Jesus as prophet but son of God. Christians who believe that Jesus is God's manifestation in human flesh fail to understand the aforementioned verse.
The aforementioned verse according their beliefs would have been like ''I shall send myself to earth in human form and everything I say will be my command. If anyone does not listen to me, I shall call him to account.''
@yoUR.F.Worldwide Urquidi Sounds like Paul, the false prophet and anti Christ.
@yoUR.F.Worldwide Urquidi christians are clowns
@yoUR.F.Worldwide Urquidi yep and Muhammad (SAW) is not one of them. Go and research Muhammad in the Bible. His name is still preserved in the old testament in the Hebrew.
@yoUR.F.Worldwide Urquidi go learn islam and then talk again
MashaAllah this is great may Allah bless this brother immensely ,i'm on a journey to learn islam on a deeper level and this is of great help
Thank you my brother for this valuable information may Allah reward you.
One of the most beautiful aspect of Islam is Brotherhood, I don't know you, never see you, and we're living thousand of miles apart, but I feel that deep of love and connection with you, and the strong eagerness to help and defend you, as Allah said:
"He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren".
Surah 2, verse 103.
Yes we are brothers now
So sad
and Dajjal said to me that "Qasim if you do not join me then I will kill you, so go home and think carefully which path you want to choose.”
Then I came home to Muslims and said that ‘’If anyone went to Dajjal then there's a 99.9% chance that he would join him. #MuhammadQasimDreams
This's a simple board and simple presentation, however it's jam packed with stunning Miracles.
The most intelligent people may need just one example to recognise the truth, and many others may need hundreds to come to that realisation.
I kindly urge you to continue to make videos of these facts in the Qur’an, as it's full of them.
Our fellow human beings deserve the efferts from us to share with with them the truth goodness, so they may taste the sweetness of connecting to their creator and his Miracles.
I hope your channel get bigger and wider, as you deserve a platform brother.
I agree with your outlook brother, and I intend to create more of these inshaAllah. I imagine they will be shorter than this one, potentially one thing at a time. Thank you for your well wishes. Also your profile picture is very based
jam packed with stunning Miracles. ???
What is your point?
What is the Quran?
Well let me put your intelligence and rationality to the test. First of all, can you tell me what the Quran is? What is the Qur'an?
May Allah bless you my brother, thanks for this amazing video!
This video should have billions of views
Ameen Jazakallah Khair
Ameen Ya Rabb.
Prophet Muhammad SAW makes dua (supplication) for his ummah and cries for them like no one ever cried before. He is deeply aggrieved over his ummah and makes dua for the astray. Muhammad Qasim has seen many dreams of our Prophet SAW. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Hello. I am French of Moroccan origin. I knew of some miracles cited here about water and bees. But the last one with the sun is wonderful there are so many Miracles that remain for us to discover in the Koran. Whether about extraterrestrial life and the world of jinns. Many thanks for this work. May God guide us to the path of righteousness!
You have been deceived
@@PeaceMakerChadur the only one deceived…
If u insist u r heading to hellfire
@@kingmosesix432 😂. Was Muhammad resurrected? Didn't Muhammad deny Jesus even though he never met Jesus? 😆. Jesus said many would deny him. Muhammad did exactly that even though he never met him! Think about that! How could he have the balls to to make that claim even though he never even saw Jesus ? That's because Muhammad is a false prophet and Allah is Satan. Your religion is of Satan
@@kingmosesix432 Muhammad had sex with a 9 year old. Muhammad killed anyone who was an unbeliever. He lied and stole from unbelievers. He stoned women who were adulterers. He had 9 wives and kept sex slaves. What were Muhammad last words? "Perish the Jews and Christians". The man was absolute evil and you follow him?
Mashallah. U have latched on well on the miracles of the Qur'an. Of course the Qur'an itself is a miracle. And there r many many more numerical miracles, besides scientific, medical,physical etc, miracles. Alghamdullillah. Watching from Cape Town, South Africa. First time I come across ur video. May u go nd grow from strength to strength in the Deen nd I'd like to see more videos from u. insha'Allah.❤️👏🤗
Definitely Allah has graced with much more knowledge than this, there's so much. Ameen and Jazakallah Khair
From CT too first time watching..interesting..
Muhammad Qasim has seen when & how Ghazwa-e-Hind will happen, and how Muslims will win this war with the help Black Jet Fighters. Allah will save Islam, and it all starts from Pakistan. #MuhammadQasimDreams
This is one of those videos that has the capability to open one's mind and bring the person closer to Allah! As a revert, you know more than most of the people who are Muslims by birth. MashaAllah Allah Humma Barik Brother. May Allah bless and reward you for all your hard work and make you steadfast on the straight path. Ameen🤲
Assalaamu Alaykum Warehmatullah Wabarakatuhu
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar 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The saddest story I heard all day
“When the wars (conflict) begin, which will all be part of World War 3 and Ghazwa tul Hind, then after these wars, there will come a time of peace. World War 3 will last for about 4 years, and the era of peace after this will be 7 years. #MuhammadQasimDreams
@@mrb5651 jahil jokers ,,, qasim is an uneducated lad ,, tell him to get some Education.
This guy has explained it better than born-muslims, the signs and the conclusion he came up at the end, was phenomenal. Masha'Allah brother, my words aren't enough to admire your work. You are part of the Ummah, we support you. May Almighty Allah bless you and guide you, and make you as a means of guidances for others, Ameen
It is very easy to refute Islam! Because the God of Islam does not know that according to Christianity God incarnated
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
Allah is the neo-Canaanite, neo-Ba'al moon-god of the Ishmaelites.
Because born Muslims are lucky the don't have to journey the desert to find water like these Brothers/Sisters are.
@@user-k4d-e59mo28oc ...
How unfortunate for our prophet, Prophet jESUs (pbuh). He was being made a man-made pagan god by the Romans as a substitute for Emperor Romulus who mysteriously disappeared from his chariot during a parade at a town plaza when a lightning struck it.
The Romans believed that their emperor ascended to heaven and became one of the brightest stars called Uranus. And so they worshipped Uranus as their pagan god. But when the Romans made their conquest to other countries, they substituted Uranus to Prophet jESUs (pbuh) as their pagan god since Uranus did not anymore appeal well to their conquered countries.
Under the guise of spreading religion, they thought that making Prophet jESUs (pbuh) as a front for their religious campaign, it will them make easy to convince the people to bow to them. Thus, Prophet jESUs (pbuh) became the rallying cry of the Romans. And they were successful. So, up to today, Prophet jESUs (pbuh) becomes the god of Christianity.
Maybe, before Christianity, the Romans had thought of the idea that the name of their religion would be Romanticity, or Romanticism. But their bishops maintained the name of their religion as Christianity since they are using Prophet jESUs (pbuh) as their god. It is for this reason that no Jew in Israel, a place where he came from, did not recognize him as some kind of a divine being. Thus, the Jews maintained their religion as Judaism.
Christianity thrived only in Rome. Hence, the name "Jesus" does not ring a bell today in Israel. If you ask a Jew today in Israel if he knows "Jesus", his answer will be a resounding NO.!!! 03-29-23
Until Imran Khan makes a firm and sincere promise that he will never bow down to anyone except Allah(SWT) as he used to say in the past, his troubles and difficulties will remain the way they are today. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Dear Brother Elijah, your Qurani insights are outstanding, backed by science and logic. May Allah Shower Mercy, Grace and Blessings upon you. You're a divine gift to reach out to those who ignore about Islam guidance and Quran!
my brother from another blessed mother
Masha Allah. Alhamdulillah. I was so amaze listening your shahadah since you said you just convert to Islam for 2 months. How smooth and fluent your shahadah in Arabic as if you already learn it for long. I am muslim myself. I learn a lot from your video. Thank you my brother Elijah
I just have to say I love that smile of confidence in Allah and Islam... it's the knowing firmly to the depths of your soul that you are speaking - Allah's truth in the Quran... great work MashAllah.
im 3-4 months late but as your muslim brother i want to say welcome to Islam brother Elijah, its always so beautiful to witness someone joining this wonderful ummah. love hearing you say the shahadah at the beginning, and words like alhumdulillah throughout the video. may allah increase you (in wealth, health, and all good things) ameen
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar 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Muhammad Qasim has seen that Ghazwa e Hind will be imposed on Pakistan, and will be the beginning of World War 3. Pakistan must plan for the future to come because Pakistan's role is important for the future of Islam. #MuhammadQasimDreams
MashAllah , I became Muslim to be a better Christian , Islam is the way of life .The greatest gift is given to us.
mashaallah ❤, may Allah guide u brother
Humbly confused. Only Jesus can absolve us of sin, by accepting him as our Personal Savior, as the Living Son Of God.
Jesus washes our feet and offers us Infinite Love through Sacrifice.
@@GrassrootsLibertyBillFosterin Islam Jesus is a Prophet. Not gods son. There is no Blood sin. Everybody is accountable for their sin.
@@MyTwoCentsIMO This is where the doctrinal fallacy begins and mushrooms.
The birth, death and resurrection of Christ the Messiah was predicted by Isaiah and a panoply of others.
He died on a cross, corroborated at a location known as Golgotha.
And the tomb where he was born is also known.
Three Wise men knew of His birth in a lowly manger, as they followed.the North Star even to him
@mhhssa .. No Pain No Gain.
It would be expecting to lose weigth eating gouda cheese all day lol
Allahuma baarik my brother in Faith! Being a new revert with this amount of knowledge & eloquance already speaks volumes about you as a believer! May Almighty Allah keep increasing you in beneficial knowledge & may He use you to spread الحق/The Truth to the rest of mankind! Ameen
50 REASONS why Mr MUHAMMAD WAS NOT A PROPHET & why the entire world should reject him & fight the spread of the quranavirus :
1). When Muhammad began receiving "revelations", his first impression of these "revelations" was that they were demonic. 👹
2). Mr Muhammad was so traumatized by his encounter with "Gabriel" that he repeatedly tried to commit suicide by hurling himself off a cliff.
3 ). According to Muslim sources, Muhammad once delivered a revelation from the devil (the "Satanic Verses").
4). Mr Muhammad claimed that he was a victim of a magic spell that gave him delusional thoughts and false beliefs. 🤪
5). Islam promotes idolatry (e.g., bowing down to the Kaaba and kissing the black stone).
6). Islam promotes pagan rituals (e.g., the pilgrimage to Mecca).
7). Islam deifies Muhammad by requiring unconditional obedience to him and by requiring Muslims to talk to him during their daily prayers.
8). After leaving Mecca, Mr Muhammad supported his religion by robbing people.
9). Muhammad ordered his followers to torture a man named Kinana to find out where some money was hidden. Muhammad then had Kinana killed, and took his wife for himself.
10). Mr Muhammad commanded his followers to murder critics of Islam.
11). Muhammad ordered his followers to murder apostates, even if they had good reasons for leaving Islam.
12). The Qur'an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians.
13). The Qur'an claims that stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons. ☄☄🤣🤣
14). The Qur'an claims that the sun sets in a pool of murky water. 🤪
15). Mr Muhammad's teachings about personal hygiene would lead to death if Muslims took them seriously.
16). Muhammad claimed that Gabriel explained to him why children look like one parent or the other. Gabriel's answer is completely false.
17). When Muhammad was too shy to tell his dinner guests to leave, Allah stepped in with a special revelation that should make everyone wonder whether Muhammad's revelations really have anything to do with God.
18). The Qur'an declares that Christians find Muhammad mentioned in their scriptures. Yet their scripture calls Muhammad an antichrist.
19). In the Qur'an, Allah promises to kill Muhammad by severing his aorta if Muhammad invents a false revelation. When Muhammad died, he said he could feel his aorta being severed.
20). The Qur'an contains a prophecy that wasn't fulfilled.
21). The Qur'an presents a test for divine inspiration, but fails the test.
22). The central argument for the inspiration of the Qur'an is the "Argument from Literary Excellence," which is absurd on multiple levels.
23). The author of the Qur'an doesn't know that Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, is a different person from Mary, the mother of Jesus (because their names are the same in Arabic).
24). The Qur'an claims that Alexander the Great and Aesop were devout Muslims.
25). Allah promises to protect the Qur'an from corruption, but the Qur'an has been corrupted (by Muslim standards).
26). Muslims believe that the Qur'an is Allah's eternal Word. Yet Allah repeatedly changes his eternal mind about his eternal Word via abrogation.
27). The Qur'an is missing at least two verses in which Allah commands grown women to breastfeed grown men in order to prevent sexual misconduct.
28). The Qur'an contains numerous false stories that were plagiarized from other sources.
29). Mr Muhammad allowed his followers to hire prostitutes.
30). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to have up to four wives at a time. But Muhammad received a very very special revelation giving him (and him alone) the right to break the four-wife limit.
31). Mr Muhammad had sex with a prepubescent nine-year-old child named Aisha. 😯
32). The Qur'an allows Muslim men to beat their wives into submission.
33). Islam allows Muslim men to rape their female captives and slave-girls.
34). Muhammad married the divorced wife of his own adopted son (after Muhammad caused the divorce), and the Qur'an offers an absurd defence of Muhammad's actions.
35). When Muhammad's wife Sauda became fat and unattractive, Muhammad intended to divorce her. Sauda had to relinquish some of her marital rights to avoid being abandoned.
36). After Muhammad got caught having sex with his slave girl in the bed of one of his wives, he swore that he would stop having sex with his slave-girl. Allah ordered him to break that oath.
37). Mr Muhammad claimed that women are less intelligent and less moral than men. 🤔
38). When Muhammad's wives asked why he was giving special privileges to Aisha, he justified his actions by saying that he received revelations while wearing Aisha's dress!
39). According to the Qur'an, Allah has no love for unbelievers.
40). According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers." 👺
41). According to Mr Muhammad, Allah wants people to sin, and he threatens us with annihilation if we refuse to sin.
42). Since Allah would destroy us for not sinning, the true saviour of humanity, according to Islam, is Satan, who tempts human beings to sin and therefore protects us from being destroyed.
43). Muhammad didn't know whether he would go to heaven or hell when he died.
44). Islam teaches that Allah will punish Jews and Christians in hell for the sins of Muslims.
45). Mr Muhammad promises his followers a paradise in which Allah will bless them with eternal erections so that they can continually deflower their virgins.
46). Islam affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, yet Islam contradicts these scriptures on a fundamental level.
47). Islam claims to respect and honour Jesus, yet it portrays him as a complete failure.
48). Muslims believe that the Gospel has been corrupted. But according to Islam, part of the Gospel was corrupted by Allah himself.
49). Islam reverses the Gospel by having the guilty Judas die on behalf of the innocent Jesus, rather than the innocent Jesus dying on behalf of sinners.
50). Christianity is confirmed by Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Since Islam contradicts Christianity, and has no comparable confirmation from God, we must reject Islam...
And thus World War 3 had begun and the battlefields where countries of the Middle East. Due to which the worst destruction took place in the Middle East and huge number of Muslims were massacred. #MuhammadQasimDreams
We showed this video to our non-believing sister-in-law, please make Duaa that she becomes muslim!! Great video Elijah! May Allah reward you for your efforts.
Mashallah I'm proud to call you my Muslim Brother.. The dedication you have in just 2 months is more than my 44 years as a born Muslim.
May Allah SWT Bless you in this world and the next, Ameen.
A mukmin ( believers) must be a Muslim but a Muslim is not necessarily a mukmin ( believers). The requirement for a mukmin ( believer) is to guard his penis or vagina, shalat zakat, and not commit useless acts. Al Mukminun verses 1 to 11.
There is not a single verse of the Qur'an that mentions that Muslims must go to heaven but mukmin will definitely go to heaven Al Mukminun ayat 11. Muslim adulterers are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. Muslims who do not shalat are not a mukmin even though they are still Muslims. A Muslim who does not pay zakat is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. An untrustworthy Muslim is not a mukmin even though he is still a Muslim. A Muslim who commits useless acts is not a believer even though he is still a Muslim. To reach a higher heaven than a mukmin one must become a Muttaqin and must do Amil Saleh ( Al Birru ) Al Baqarah 177 and az Zumar 20 and Al Baqarah 82.
The mukmin and do Amil Saleh also called Muttaqin Sad 28.
Muttaqin must be a mukmin but a mukmin is not necessarily a muttaqin. Muttaqin is also known as Waliyullah Yunus 62 63
.The four sins of going to hell without reckoning ( Hisab) and eternally in hell are shirk, adultery, killing, usury, unless you repent, become a mukmin, and do Amil Saleh.
Repentance alone is not enough for the perpetrator of one of the four sins
but must become a mukmin and do Amil Saleh or become Muttaqin Muttaqin Al Furqon 68 69 70 71 and Al Baqarah 275.
Apart from these four sins a person will be brought to account ( Hisab) with Amil and And there is no lineage of descendants in the afterlife al Mukminun ayat 101 -103.
Pillars of Islam :
An Nissa 136.
Al Mukminun 1- 11.
Al Baqarah 177, 263, 264.
Al Baqarah 82, Az Zumar 20
An Nissa 114.
Al Furqon 68 69 70.
Al Baqarah 275.
Al Mukminun 101-103.
An Nissa 17-18.
An Najm 32.
An Nissa 31
An Nissa 36.
It is very easy to refute Islam! Because the God of Islam does not know that according to Christianity God incarnated
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!*
To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;*
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
The saddest story I heard all day
This are signs. Not miracles. The Quran is a miracle with unlimited signs for us to discover . Very good presentation brother !
Semantics 😊
Commenting from Australia
May Allah bless you always brother Ameen 🤲🏽
Ameen Ya Rabb.
@Krish MashaAllah, we welcome you into our beautiful Deen Islam. May Allah SWT make it easy for you &accept your Shahadah as act of Ibadah Ameen Ya Rabb.
@Krish Jazakallahu Khairan.
And they continued fighting one another while massacring the Muslims. On the other side Pakistan grow stronger and started expanding, but then India who was Allied with Israel started attacking Pakistan. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Masha Allah and may Allah educate you and show you more and more of endless miracles in Quran . You are educating Muslims and non-Muslims
MashaAllah, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, brother. May Allah purify our hearts and keep us on the straight path.
Is pedophilia the straight path
@@specilegg if the most important thing to you in this life is to serve god, then serve god and not his creation. Why would a false prophet come to bring back strict monotheism of the same god of abraham, the christians lost to the romans and were enveloped by the roman church and corrupted the monotheism with paganism through bloodshed, everyone who disagreed with the divinity of jesus (a.s) were heretics and killed.
Before saying anything against the prophet (saw) you should consider your position, that a 3 persons god is polytheistic, that the holidays are pagan holidays, that the birthdate of jesus (as) was changed to pagan goddess's birth, that the laws you abide by now were not jesus (as) laws but paul's who never met jesus (as) in his life. God's religion is perfect, ill say this out of concern, that christianity has failed the western society by admonishing its values and mocking its prophets (pbuta). We make no distinction between the messengers of Allah (swt), we believe in them all, they submitted their will to god and spoke not of their own will. It has always been both, rather it has always been ALL.
My brother am a born Muslim mashaa Allah and I’ve always believed the Quran to be a miracle but then Allah just used you someone who just reverted to Islam to teach me what exactly it means when the Noble Prophet (Saw) always refers to the Quran as his Miracle may Allah bless, protect and guide you and us all bro.
Masha Allah, it is people like you who strengthen my faith in Islam. Thank you young man, may Allah bless you.
watching this video and smiling all the way through it. may Allah swt reward you for your work and may Allah bless and guide you. Allahumma braik for being such a smart brother. Elhamdulillah for smart people like you in the ummah explaining stuff so good. may Allah reward you for every soul that may revert because of your work Allahumma amin.
Subhan Allah. I was looking for something like this all my life and this video is very underrated. Jazak Allah khair putting this in a very simple and logical way
I have greatly benefitted from this presentation. Thank you brother Elijah, may Allah reward you for your efforts.
@@napoleonlaguerre5587 your creator
@@napoleonlaguerre5587 Jesus is not God Jesus is a human being and a prophet of God
Ameen Ya Rabb.
Salam from Indonesian
@La Lisa Thanks for sharing.
I don't belive in heresy, I rather not
comment on issue you raised !
" Truth comes with proof " As Muslims the only authentic sources we rely and believe in is the Holy Quran , the last Testament of
the Creator of Heavens and Earth, revealed 1,400 to our beloved Prophet Muhammed SAW through Angel Jubril as guidance humanity. Also the Sunnah the teachungs
of our beloved beloved Prophet Muhammed SAW. May Allah SWT make it easy for humanity to seek for knowledge in our beautiful Deen Islam Ameen Ya Rabb.
Islam Ameen Ya Rabb.
I am a Moroccan Muslim. I memorized the entire Qur'an by Arabic when I was 5 years old. You are all correct. I am happy for you because you have become a Muslim and may Allah guide you to the straight path. Great video, may Allah reward you. You are our brother in Islam ❤️🇲🇦
Masha'Allah, jazak'Allah khair
Really. Wow . at 5 years old? The entire Quran? Unbelievable ..
How did you make that happen?
@@raslin999 most of us can choose to go to Arabic school, first learn Arabic how to read, then read the Quran.
@@reformCopyright actually I think we’re the richest. And I’m not talking wealth
The way Imran Khan prostrated in the shrine is a major form of shirk and until he repents to Allah(SWT) for that very action, he will not be successful. Muhammad Qasim was shown this in his dream in July 2018. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Elijah, may Allah open the doors of Jannah for you brother. This was beautiful and amazing. You are an inspiration to both Muslims and non-Muslims. May Allah guide us all to the right path!
Isn't our creator the most beautiful. The way he does what he does is just mindblowing everytime
true.... what a sublime performance in turkey
@@yololololo9081 ?
@@yololololo9081 death comes to everyone , destruction is a part of the Universe.. we don't know the wisdom behind natural disasters. But we all know one day it will all be over. The earth is getting exhausted.
So by earthquakes, disease or by misery leaving children,parents and friends...we go to our Creator one by one.
The Sublime, the Magnificent, the kind , the merciful , the powerful, The Destroyer....because He Can , because it all belongs to Him. Created by Him. A Creator Can make or destroy whenever and however he wants. We have no say eitherway. But that doesn't take away the majesty of the King of kings.
Bruh, Calamaties happen all around the world and you don't even know why they are happening. There are reasons in the Qu'ran and even the Bible mentioned Earthquakes long time ago. Bruh.
@@chaosinfernoid9008 why are you angry? i am praising god...why do you think i said it in a negative way?
May Allah keep all of us steadfast on Haqq.
I thanked Allah ﷻ that he saved me and then I ran away from there. When Dajjal woke up again then he thought that he had killed me. And the Dajjal came back to Muslims and told them that he had killed me and the Muslims felt weak after hearing this and Dajjal continued his Mission again without any hurdle. #MuhammadQasimDreams
SubhanAllah, excellent video my brother. I am so happy that an intelligent and sophisticated man such as yourself has accepted Islam. May Allah bless you with health and success. Keep up the great work!
BarakAllah fee
What an amazing and inspiring video,
It makes me want to dig down deeper and deeper in the Quran and learn more and more about it. May Allah bless you
There's nothing to say but Subhanallah! I can't believe I bumped into this 45 minutes clip and absolutely blew my mind. Was this a coincidence! Allah knows best. May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast on Islam. I will definitely subscribe and watch other videos and also share with others. Jazakallah khair brother.
The work and the research the reverts do is amazing. May Allah make your heart firm upon Islam
I happened to see your channel and straight hit the sub button. I am so proud of you and may Allah bless you and make you steadfast in learning Islam and propagating it to other people, esp the non Muslims. Salaam from Indonesia.
Masyaallah brother. Allah blessed you with the gift of Islam. Alhamdulillah. May Allah always increase your iman. Great video.
Mashallah Brother Elijah, it's wonderful to see a muslim brother with so much knowledge about his faith. May Allah (SWT) allow you to keep doing great things!
Mashallah! Becoming a Muslim is so beautiful and profound. It's like puzzle that you have to put the pieces together in order to understand the meaning, you have to think and put some efforts so you can live better and meaningful. This absolutely amazing.
Your laugh @43:10 Elijah is perfect! Your video is really well done, Alhamdulillah and thank you for taking the time to do all this research for us. May The Most Merciful bless all of your hard work.
SubhanAllah, Allah SWT guides whoever strives in HIS path. This is incredible brother . Allah SWT has blessed you! May Allah SWT guide all Umma and Humanity Ameen
May Allah grant you Jannah❤❤ You are doing a good job, introducing Islam, refuting the misconception. You will get a big reward for that inshaalah
Very informative. Regardless the background and history of the Qur’an, any human being with a sincere heart seeking truth will burst into tears as to what kind of phenomenon the Qur’an is. It’s knowledge and wisdom is eternal, extremely captivating for the soul.
Assalamo Alikom brother
Thank you for such a great presentation
I live in CA & born as a Muslim alhamdo lellah and always pray to Allah to give me such pure heart as new muslim who proceeded hundreds of millions of Muslims by spending years looking for the truth, and then face many obstacles to become a muslim.
May allah accept from all of you
Its my first time to know your first point which is really interesting for my
However I am so cautious about dealing with numeric miracles in Quran
As it is so tricky and hard to convince non muslims.
And I think we have enough Scientific indications
I collected like 11 Aya have very clear interpretation and match what we discovered these days
And these Ayas cannot be interpreted in a different way
Me too..i am old woman 62..And convert to islám Now!!!!!!❤❤❤
Good, Maşallah. Just take care not to be blindly misguided & mislead by anyone / groups!!!!
Welcome to Islam may Allah make you steadfast in his part and strong. No sane and educated person will watch this video and won't accept the Quran as the word of God.
Mashallah, what an intelligent young man! Allah bless you in both worlds. Aameen.
@La Lisa Real Mahadi will not share to anybody
@La Lisa It can be... The dream of good man at the end time will come true...
@La Lisa ইমাম মাহাদীকে সময়ের আগে কেউ চিনতে পারবেনা৷ তাকে পাওয়া যাবে মক্কায় এমনকি সে নেতৃত্ব দিতেও রাজি হতে চাইবেনা৷ তাই এমন সব দাবী করে মাহাদী বানিয়ে মানুষকে পথ ভ্রষ্ট করা ছাড়া আর কিছু নয়
@La Lisa From where did you know about mr kasim?
Allahu akbar! This is amazing! I Love this video. I was born Muslim but I never in my life come across something like this even to imagine this. Allahu akbar Allahu akbar Allahu akbar. Takbhir brothers and sisters. May Allah bless you brother Alijah and bless us all
Looking forward to more videos insha Allah
I have another here:видео.html
Allah will help Pakistan by his mercy with powerful Black Jet Fighters, that will help conquer India in the Ghazwa-e-Hind and will later help in reclaiming lost Muslim countries. What are these black jet fighters? The black flags of Khurasan? Learn more at #MuhammadQasimDreams
Love it. Jazakallah kheir. Brother, you will go far in dawah work in sha Allah.
Brother Elijah, mashaAllah this was an amazing video outlining a few of the many miracles of The Noble Qur'an and how they are the clearest proofs of the existence of One God, One Creator -- Allah. I mean it when I say you are an incredible teacher and I genuinely look forward to seeing more of your videos. May Allah reward you!
Mashallah brother, may Allah increase us in knowledge.
Ameen and Jazakallah Khair brother
Subhan Allah,just amazing ❤️,may Allah keep you steadfast on Islam
From Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, may Allah bless you, there is no god but Allah, and Mohd ﷺ is the last massenger and his servant...
Alhamdulillah, very nicely put, may Allah SWT keep increasing in knowledge and you keep holding to his rope, Ameen.
may Allah SWT reward you with Jannatul Firdaus, dear brother. JazakAllahu khair for your amazing work
Great job brother!! May Allah reward your effort and give you alfirdaws of his paradise!! Keep going!! I learned so much from your video! Jazak Allah khairan!
Ameen and Jazakallah Khair
Prophet Muhammad SAW makes dua (supplication) for his ummah and cries for them like no one ever cried before. He is deeply aggrieved over his ummah and makes dua for the astray. Muhammad Qasim has seen many dreams of our Prophet SAW. #MuhammadQasimDreams
A Proud Muslim for 4 months tomorrow on my 57th Birthday, June 23rd, 2024. Alhamadulillah! Amazing video! Elijah Kareem, Shukran.
Brother Elijah, you made my heart smile within the first 10 seconds of this video. May Allah swt increase you in knowledge and in piety.
Subhanallah how beautifully u proved that the Quran is the book of Allah. May Allah azzawajal put baraqah on ur research. Preserve your imaan nd increase you in taqwaa and good deeds Ameen.
👍Ma’sha’Allah Brother! 🤲May Allah bless you and give you good health and long life and increase you in knowledge.Ameen
God bless you. This is the best method to talk to the current generation with a scientific approach to spreed the word about Islam. And the Quran is full of it. So thank you
Holy Quran [22:46]
Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind.
May Allah bless you for your great effort that you have done brother and may Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus and all Muslims around the world
MashAllah brother, this is amazing, you discovery is an honest approach to a beautiful enlightment of Islam ❤ the heart and mind as intended to follow the faith ❤
This video benefited me greatly please make this a series! May Allah swt grant you jannah for your efforts and may he reward you with his mercy guidance and love.and may he reunite us all in jannah my brother ameen!
Well done brother, may Allah reward you in this life and in the hereafter. Our Ummah needs people like you.