中國傳統武術宗旨是强身健體兼訓練德行,並不是用作時下的MMA格鬥。 到了七,八十歲時,練習傳統武術者還可以繼續運用各種武術兵器在公園健身,耍不同套拳有節奏地活動筋骨。 觀看者請尊重各門各派的師傅表演者! Viewers, please respect all traditional martial arts(TMA) performers/masters(Shifu-師傅). The foundamental purpose of TMA is meant to train people for maintaining good health and for personal morality, not for the purpose of MMA,which is trained under different technique. For people who have learnt TMA, they are still able to continue performing such technique, or so call 'dance' with smooth and rhythmic patterns, even when they are aged 70-80 plus, whenever they want in parks to upkeep their health. Whereas the aged MMA fighters, they are lacked of such skills, I'm afraid.
Viewers, please respect all traditional martial arts(TMA) performers/masters(Shifu-師傅).
The foundamental purpose of TMA is meant to train people for maintaining good health and for personal morality, not for the purpose of MMA,which is trained under different technique.
For people who have learnt TMA, they are still able to continue performing such technique, or so call 'dance' with smooth and rhythmic patterns, even when they are aged 70-80 plus, whenever they want in parks to upkeep their health. Whereas the aged MMA fighters, they are lacked of such skills, I'm afraid.
'萬法歸宗' 功夫無息法自修
中國功夫, 騙人騙了幾百年了 ,甚麼中國功夫都花拳繡腿,配唱歌跳舞還可以,要上場格鬥就現出原形了 別再鬧了,會喪命的