Vulcans have emotions - Star Trek Enterprise - "The Forgotten", 3x20

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 64

  • @WarThunder-zt4xw
    @WarThunder-zt4xw 6 лет назад +182

    This show was underrated.

    • @matvangogh
      @matvangogh 4 года назад +4

      i agree, by the end of season 2 it was great. such a shame fucking stations are quick to cancel the good stuff

  • @Kezzeract
    @Kezzeract 7 лет назад +62

    The way she stares at Trip, unwaveringly, as he breaks down is fucking sublime.
    Her empathy is almost tangible.

    • @virginiaconnor8350
      @virginiaconnor8350 5 лет назад +1

      He helped her too when baby Elizabeth died by holding her hand.

  • @VinceLyle2161
    @VinceLyle2161 3 года назад +55

    This is my favorite scene of the whole series. Trinneer breaking down on "my baby sister" gets me every time. In my mind, it's just as moving as Kirk talking about Spock's soul: "His was the most...human."

    • @SweetBearCub
      @SweetBearCub  3 года назад +6

      So many people give this series shit (and I'm no fan of the theme song), but damn did it have its moments.

  • @JiraiyaSama86
    @JiraiyaSama86 4 года назад +102

    So in a short summary, Vulcans’ emotions can be overwhelming for them. So they developed a logic based culture to keep their emotions in check. Humans are the closest they have to cousins and yet don’t need to develop that part of the brain as they can handle it.

    • @robwalsh9843
      @robwalsh9843 4 года назад +28

      Vulcans ultimately have superior physical strength and mental prowess compared to humans, so that when they get passionate, jealous, vengeful, etc. they are a force to be reckoned with. Humans are much more controlled and adaptable than Vulcans. This is why Vulcans need the teachings of Surak and Romulans need the disciplined militaristic culture they created, it helps keep them in check as an emotional people.

    • @hamhockbeans
      @hamhockbeans 3 года назад +6

      Since the Vulcans true cousins abandon them namely the Rumulan.

    • @xxlCortez
      @xxlCortez 3 года назад +6

      Vulcans developed the logic system because their emotions turned thrm into savage warmongers.

  • @bobpage6597
    @bobpage6597 4 года назад +88

    In other words........Trip had never properly grieved for his sister. Instead shutting out the pain as best he could, until the reality of it overwhelms him here in this scene.

  • @marynichols438
    @marynichols438 6 лет назад +84

    Another good example of Connor's excellent acting ability.

  • @charleskuckel3173
    @charleskuckel3173 4 года назад +64

    This Star Trek series was deplorably underrated. I loved how dark it got because the Starships were practically in their infancy. NO legit shields, transporter barely available, NO phasers, Warp 5 maximum ALL makes this look like the Stone Age compared to The Next Generation! It was more claustrophobic as well instead of the VASTNESS of Enterprise-D.

    • @hamhockbeans
      @hamhockbeans 3 года назад +7

      Also no true main computer. Most things was manual service.

  • @3Rayfire
    @3Rayfire 7 лет назад +145

    That's a heartbreaking scene all around. Excellent work by Connor and Jolene. Also showed their bond which I'm a fan of.

  • @Extremefighters
    @Extremefighters 4 года назад +38

    Trip is and will always be one of the top 10 best Star Trek Characters....

  • @eowritesnow8922
    @eowritesnow8922 7 лет назад +81

    Great acting from Connor.

    • @virginiaconnor8350
      @virginiaconnor8350 5 лет назад +6

      Yes. So sweet of him to put his hand on hers too. For a Vulcan, T'Pol sounds like she's almost crying too-for him.

    • @virginiaconnor8350
      @virginiaconnor8350 5 лет назад +2

      And Jolene too!

  • @virginiaconnor8350
    @virginiaconnor8350 5 лет назад +62

    T'Pol gave into her emotions when her mother died. Lt.Saavik also got upset-in the novel of "ST:WOK", she threw a chair into a wall after Peter Preston died-and cried at Spock's memorial service. Who can even blame a Vulcan for crying at the right time?Even I could hear her voice break a little as she tells Trip this".

    • @bobojo37
      @bobojo37 4 года назад +4

      Saavik wasn't full Vulcan, she was half-Romulan

    • @ZephyrBW
      @ZephyrBW 4 года назад +2

      Unlike us they cant have it both ways. shame

  • @KhemistryIBMOR
    @KhemistryIBMOR 7 лет назад +83

    An honest admission from the Vulcan lady.

  • @issacfrio4901
    @issacfrio4901 6 лет назад +127

    They have emotions they just learn to control them.

    • @virginiaconnor8350
      @virginiaconnor8350 5 лет назад +7

      And even then, they get overwhelmed. T'Pol's voice was breaking here too like it did in "Damages" and when her mother died. For a Vulcan who said she didn't miss people, she found out that Trip was wrong when he said "time heals all wounds"; she realise that she was missing her mother even more so with "absence makes the heart grow fonder" . No doubt she also felt guilty as well.

    • @stephenbyrne2170
      @stephenbyrne2170 5 лет назад

      Shut them down more like. Cause most of the time they're too busy wasting their lives being Logic and behaving like mindless machines to feel anything at all!!

    • @ghendar
      @ghendar 5 лет назад

      Of course. That was established in the original series 50+ years ago

    • @Momus425
      @Momus425 4 года назад +2

      Issac Frio they suppress their emotions

    • @deathstrike
      @deathstrike 4 года назад +5

      Actually most have no idea what it just took T'Pol to do that simple putting her hand on Tucker. Vulcans of the ancient past were extremely emotional and couple that with being a low level telepath and it's taking all her mental control just to stay logical. There is a Vulcan saying "I grieve with thee" it is not only for the one grieving, but in their racial heritage ALL Vulcan grieves.

  • @emperorconstantine1.361
    @emperorconstantine1.361 7 лет назад +54

    I too have a sister and though we might not have a 100% bestest relationship with each other,... I don't know how I would react if my own baby sister had suddenly died and I couldn't do anything to save her. 😪
    This was a personal scene for me. Reminds me that when I sister gets back I need to just hug her.

    • @virginiaconnor8350
      @virginiaconnor8350 5 лет назад +2

      Gee. I have an older brother, a younger sister, and a younger brother. Not sure that losing any of them would be any easier. I'd miss all 3 and I'm sure they'd miss me too if I went first. I try not to think about it too much or I'd be overwhelmed too since we already lost our baby.

    • @Tar-Numendil
      @Tar-Numendil 5 лет назад +2

      I feel you, my little sister is 5 years younger. We don't always see eye to eye, but I can't imagine how painful it would be if she died and I couldn't prevent it.

    • @piprist5099
      @piprist5099 3 года назад +1

      Sir, I think the fact that you can say this clearly indicates a depth of love and your awareness of the possibility of the relationship improving or being less fixed. If you or both of you acknowledge this, recognises a willingness to work on your relationship. All good wishes to you, both.

  • @myriadmediamusings
    @myriadmediamusings 6 лет назад +143

    For all the crap Enterprise gets, some of its episodes, including this one, deserve to sit among the greats of Star Trek.

    • @LordDavid04
      @LordDavid04 5 лет назад +2

      Sure if the context was different. Should have not made the Xindi as their eventual enemies. Enterprise should have had the Orions as the main foes, in which they use Romulan technology to hasten up aggression between Earth and Romulus. They're the ones who are responsible in bringing the two into conflict and the eventual Romulan-Earth war.

    • @Jokie155
      @Jokie155 4 года назад +1

      Yeah, I feel like the Orions have been one of the most under-utilized races in the entirety of Trek. Especially given they also had their origins in Journey to Babel alongside the Andorians, Tellarites and such. Hell, their 'appearance' in DS9 was quite frankly insulting. A few mentions, then when we do see the Syndicate, it's represented by some crappy aliens with the laziest bit of plaster on the nose that even Voyager did better with.
      The fact that they reappear more in Enterprise and Discovery is nice, and I recall enjoying their part of the Star Trek Online early game story, but it's long overdue that there's a proper, full televised arc as well. There is just so much that can be done with them.

  • @Uejji
    @Uejji 6 лет назад +8

    I fucking love Trip and T'Pol.

  • @TheLongjohntim
    @TheLongjohntim 4 года назад +4

    I don't know where my sister is or how she is doing. This has been a very hard Christmas without her! So glad it's over. I'm sure my husband understands how I feel. For a number of years he was estrange from his family, he didn't have anyone. I've got him and for that I'm truly grateful. Our first Christmas I bought him a cheap $20 tool set. He broke down and cried it meant that much to him that someone cared enough to give him a Christmas present. I'll never forget that!

  • @mirarstudios
    @mirarstudios 3 года назад +9

    Vulcans have intensely deep emotions and passions, perhaps even stronger than humans, resulting in their reliance on logic and mastery of emotions- because they know the consequences for their kind if they let those intense impulses run riot. Vulcan mind mastery is the only way their species got so far and didnt self destruct. Their ambivalence with humans is rooted, deep down, in a kind of envy at the different evolutionary solutions humans arrived at.

  • @virginiaconnor8350
    @virginiaconnor8350 5 лет назад +13

    This is before T'Pol loses her mother and baby and thinks Trip is dead. That'd be overwhelming, even for a Vulcan-and she did cry when her mother died.

  • @mrmagassi
    @mrmagassi 3 года назад +21

    really great scene... Enterprise should've been allowed to flourish for a few more seasons. A lot of talent was wasted and that ending was just insulting to everyone involved.

    • @SweetBearCub
      @SweetBearCub  3 года назад +6

      That ending... woof! It's been said now that if Enterprise had had at least a 5th season, Shran/Jeffrey Combs would have become a regular cast member, maybe even stationed on Enterprise, and they would have explored how the Romulan War started.

  • @danclark1348
    @danclark1348 4 года назад +5

    The main benefit from watching Trek was that- self control over what happens outside my being.

  • @williamr1088
    @williamr1088 4 года назад +6

    Tucker needed to let go his burden. T'Pol was the right person she helped him get through it.

  • @Janus1000
    @Janus1000 5 лет назад +12

    That's some acting right there...

  • @matvangogh
    @matvangogh 4 года назад +5

    I love this scene. tells alot about vulcans. Vulcans think they are so superior and prejudiced against humans- thinking they are illogical but in reality its the HUMANS that were always the superior one because they can control their emotions without becoming violent and paranoid-

  • @zahrans
    @zahrans 5 лет назад +25

    Another brilliant programming decision; the cancellation of STE just as it was finding it's feet and starting to get *real* good.

    • @ethelryan257
      @ethelryan257 4 года назад +8

      Yes, that era was one of the worst for stupid network decisions

  • @2ndviolin
    @2ndviolin 7 лет назад +44

    Well acted!

  • @virginiaconnor8350
    @virginiaconnor8350 5 лет назад +2

    Trip reminds me of my nephew, Gibb Connor, who's about the same age as Connor Trineer.

  • @SiNCry0
    @SiNCry0 4 года назад +3

    I love this scene.

  • @batmanvspredator
    @batmanvspredator 6 лет назад +13

    is it just me or is this darker than everything that came before?

  • @michelguy5569
    @michelguy5569 5 лет назад +9

    It seems that Vulcan are superior to humans because they control their emotions, its look like an advantage, but the reality is that Vulcans have emotions so powerfull (perphaps more than humans) that they decide to control stricktly them, not to live with them. Violence had nearly destroy Vulcan in the past, a common point with humans and Earth. Humans are abble to live with their emotions, not Vulcans. Vulcans fear their own emotions. Who is realy the superio to the other ? Perhaps their is a sort of jalousy, fascination form Vulcans to Humans. Vulcans don't understand how the Humans are able to live with their emotions. Soval explain that very well. Some Vulcans are afraid by the humans.

    • @Marin3r101
      @Marin3r101 4 года назад

      They also have fantastic writing abilities too....

    • @Methos2560
      @Methos2560 4 года назад +3

      I understand Vulcans, being autistic my natrual emotions are also extremely volitile, when i am happy am super happy ecstatic however when I am sad I am depressed or of i bet angry I become enraged. So i also control my emotions i meditate and do breathing exercises and tai chi. When I was younger and did not know better while I mever got volitile towards anyone. I did at one point when overwhelmed destroyed every piece of furniture in my room. In Star Trek i find a kindred spirit a lot with Vulcans.

  • @dereklaw5612
    @dereklaw5612 5 лет назад +2


  • @deansmith9914
    @deansmith9914 4 года назад +2

    TRIP.. the only thing worse than soending three hours in a decompression chamber with a bunch of Klingons is doing twice in one day, i smelled things in there i hope i never smell again 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @GamerToons
    @GamerToons 4 года назад +2

    "Sir this is a starbucks"

  • @batmanvspredator
    @batmanvspredator 6 лет назад +1


  • @ricaard
    @ricaard 4 года назад +2

    0:48 excellent Vulcan butt.

    • @hamhockbeans
      @hamhockbeans 3 года назад

      What butt...🔍. You mean that flat ironing board. Not bump or roundness only square and FLAT.