Mage Shoots a Headcanon: Earth Pony Powers

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • A video of Mage explaining a thing, using drawing of her friends as puppets.

Комментарии • 519

  • @Poetess
    @Poetess 10 лет назад +7

    Mage, you always manage to outdo yourself. This was a fascinating watch and the hair theory is very intriguing. Loved that hilarious luchador mask on my pony too! I gotta do something with that in the future XD.

    • @moonflower1822
      @moonflower1822 9 лет назад +1

      Awesome! I'm glad to be an earthpony!

  • @noelani7
    @noelani7 9 лет назад +11

    This is why I do like Earth Ponies. They are pretty hardworking, and very intelligent in using things ;)

    • @Su1t3dBr0n3FiM
      @Su1t3dBr0n3FiM 9 лет назад +1

      Caroline Who
      I looked at ur name, and it reminded me of that episode...
      Man I was so hoping that would go into it's own series.
      (I'd call it "Daughter Who" lol)

  • @Gibbontake
    @Gibbontake 10 лет назад +32

    This has always been my argument, earth ponies are not magically strong, but due to their environment and history as peasants and laborers they have evolved to have more strength potential, it's genetics.
    Also nice hair headcanon. But i always liked thinking that it's actually not balanced.
    Sure it's nice if all three races have a special magical trait but considering the Unicorns and Pegasi treated the earth ponies like "dirt" i think it's safe to assume that the earth ponies have nothing special at all. Which is why they were pushed around so much historically.
    As such they had to learn to adapt to be able to do many many things besides farming in order to be competitive with the other races. So earth ponies have greater potential but start with nothing while the Unicorns and Pegasi start with magic and have less choice in what their special talent would be.

    • @WeirdTale
      @WeirdTale 10 лет назад +3

      I always had the idea that Earth-Ponies had better Engineers, due to them not considering Magic as a short-cut to scientific discovery. If we take a look at (what I think is a mostly Earth-Pony city and Earth-Pony capital of Equestria.) Manhattan. We notice that, for the most part, (excluding the carriages.) the city has a late 1950's tech level to it. So it can be argued that some of Equestrias best tech savvies are Earth-Ponies. Not that there aren't any unicorn Engineers, but it's most likely that the more educated Earth-Ponies tend to become Mechanical Engineers and unicorns then to gravitate towards Chemistry and Medicine.
      Food for thought......

    • @Emptybee
      @Emptybee 10 лет назад

      My problem with the earth ponies are magically stronger argument is _Fall Weather Friends_. Applejack is a stickler for fair play, she'd never agree to a contest if she had an unfair advantage over Rainbow Dash.

    • @dreammirrorbrony1240
      @dreammirrorbrony1240 10 лет назад +3

      I might agree with that except for Maud Pie. No amount of physical training is going to let a pony of any race preform rock throwing nukes or smashing a 5 ton boulder to shards. That has to be a form of earth pony magic. My 2 cents.

    • @Emptybee
      @Emptybee 10 лет назад +4

      +Dreammirror Brony
      I agree, my issue is with the idea that _all_ earth ponies are magically strong. Certainly some of them seem to be (Big Mac, Maud Pie).
      Though whether Maud is superstrong or "just" has super rock powers is a fun topic for debate.

    • @Kassidar
      @Kassidar 10 лет назад

      I imagine that when Rainbow dragged her over sized friendship rockcandy necklace to Maud and Maud added it to a box of all her rockcandy necklaces without batting an eye, that it's not because she has super strength when dealing with rock weight and would be as weak/strong as the others when carrying the weight of non-rock items.

  • @RedCordPlayer
    @RedCordPlayer 10 лет назад +8

    Hmm that kinda makes senses. It makes me think that being able to use your tail or hair in certain ways is like how some people can whistle or even curl their tongue. Some people can do it while others have a hard time attempting it.
    And for the whole earth pony strength and ability to grow plants, that's probably just do to the earth ponies doing manual labor more than others and zap apples being magical on their own.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      Yup, that's basically what I said in my video~ c:

    • @RedCordPlayer
      @RedCordPlayer 10 лет назад +3

      Yep. But still, what magic or abilities did Tirek steal from the earth ponies? Their strength? I mean all the other earth ponies were still laying on the ground when they got their magic back but then how was Applejack standing and walked to the tree of harmony to open the box?

    • @Emptybee
      @Emptybee 10 лет назад +2

      Redcord CHN
      I noticed that all the ponies who were drained of their magic seemed listless and unable to move - except for the Mane Six. Even after Tirek drains them they seem alert and active. And then when Twilight gets drained, she too becomes listless _until Discord gives her the key_. Perhaps their connection with their Element lets the Mane Six draw upon its magic?

    • @Kassidar
      @Kassidar 10 лет назад

      Redcord CHN
      Sounds good to me. If they've been moving their bodies round all their lives with a special magic that grants them strength beyond what their muscles can produce and bones can support and then it suddently gets taken away i'd imagine they'd drop at the sudden missing magical support and stumble or fall from being surprised by the physically effort actually needed to do what they were being helped to do since birth.

    • @TheRealE.B.
      @TheRealE.B. 10 лет назад

      Emptybee Heh, that's actually a really hilarious point in favor of Earth Ponies Actually Have No Magic: Unicorns can't do magic, Pegasi can't fly, and, oh, yeah, the Earth ponies are really tired, just like everybody else.

  • @AnYEntertainment
    @AnYEntertainment 10 лет назад +13

    I experience the sudden urge to grow a beard... Oo

  • @cobaltbuster4907
    @cobaltbuster4907 10 лет назад +3

    All ponies have a degree on in-born magic. They confirmed this in the season 4 finale when Tirek absorbed their "strength" and "connection to the earth"

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      I did mention that, and it's something I said I didn't really like. >wo

  • @adolfodef
    @adolfodef 8 лет назад +2

    Even without the last third, this video is (overall) the best of both 2014 and 2015 in your channel.

  • @obsidianscale5380
    @obsidianscale5380 10 лет назад +2

    I love the idea that the earth pony's have a special magic too.

  • @Unknownlight
    @Unknownlight 10 лет назад +3

    It always confuses me when people have arguments about earth pony magic, because in Season 2 it was explicitly stated in the show what it is. Everyone seems to have forgotten it.
    Think about Pinkie Pie for a moment. She has the Pinkie Sense and does a bunch of other magical things that unicorns or pegasi can't do. People just think "that's just Pinkie Pie", but that's not true.
    Think about Cheese Sandwich. He's an earth pony; he has a "Cheesy Sense" and does a bunch of other Pinkie-like things. Again, people think he can do that just because he's a foil to Pinkie, but that's also not true.
    Think about Season 2's "Family Appreciation Day". Granny Smith does a bunch of weird, Pinkie-like things to activate the magic in the zap-apples. At the end of the episode, she outright says that her magic is based on rituals and instinct, and that she doesn't understand it but it works.
    _That's earth pony magic._ They also have strength (think Big Mac or Maud Pie), and they probably have a connection to the earth, and they probably also have this hair thing you talked about, but their base magic seems to be subtle and instinct-based.

  • @WingerB17
    @WingerB17 10 лет назад

    I will never get tired of these cute little pony models.

  • @CureSapphire
    @CureSapphire 10 лет назад

    Great video Mage, I really like that you took a different route for earth pony magic than the standard models we see put out by bronies. Also, the video itself was simple but entertaining :3 I hope to see more little tidbits of headcanon like this, it was fun
    P.S. Your voice is so freaking adorable X3

  • @katiebreeze2705
    @katiebreeze2705 10 лет назад

    That's one of the more thought out and creative head cannons on earth pony magic. good job mage

  • @fredalicious10
    @fredalicious10 10 лет назад +1

    I can agree with this a lot, probably a lot of other people noticed this but that would maybe explain how Applebloom can fly with the loop de hoop (pardon my spelling), by using her tail and the loop de hoop like a helicopter (kind of more like Tails in the Sonic games) in the Cutie Pox episode! But she could also be able to do that due to the cutie pox itself giving her all that talent with the hoop. idk watching the video made me think about that haha ^3^

  • @killgriffinnow
    @killgriffinnow 10 лет назад

    According to the Crystal Heart Spell book, an Earth Pony's special ability is to have a 'good, strong heart', which is probably why Fluttershy was originally meant to be an Earth Pony and Pinkie a Pegasus.

  • @ThePastAnalysis
    @ThePastAnalysis 10 лет назад +1

    I actually like the plant growth theory. However, I didn't get the idea from the zap apples. Instead, I got it from the plant growing in Hearths Warming Eve. Secretary Smart Cookie had a plant grow right out of her hoof. I admit its not much in terms of evidence, but that's where I got the idea. I just like the idea is all. :)

  • @alexfotland
    @alexfotland 10 лет назад

    The idea of earth ponies being good at growing things long preceded season 2. I've been in the fandom since a few months after season 1 ended, and that fanon, like so many others, is older than me.

  • @NelsonDemifur
    @NelsonDemifur 10 лет назад +1

    You know I never thought about the hair thing. So I approve that part of your head cannon. I may hold onto the idea of Earth Ponies just knowing how to tend the land better and break through easier

  • @MewDenise
    @MewDenise 10 лет назад

    ''Tirek has started takin magic from the earth ponies as well. Without their strenght they won't be able to tend the land''

  • @Melindaington
    @Melindaington 10 лет назад

    The way I saw the plant growing was, outside of Everfree, that ONLY earth ponies could germinate or grow ANY plants. That their magic somehow activates the seeds growing potential, which would make sense in Hearth's Warming Eve why none of the other races even TRIED to grow food. It could be a passive power, just like the pegasi cloud walking just kind of happens for them. The strength could be more focus based, like flying, which obviously takes effort.
    Also, just thinking how magic in MLP works, I love the idea of cutie marks being "your" kind of magic. Whatever your cutie mark ends up being is the kind of magic you keep inside, and getting the mark is just kind of unlocking the inner magics potential, which we saw most obviously in Twilight's case, that once you unlock that inner magic your mark apprears,

  • @Ijiot
    @Ijiot 9 лет назад

    I love your theory on the hair, and like that Zecora also supports it as seen in "The Cutie Pox". I also believe that Earth ponies have natural longevity and can live for a very long time. Case in "Winter Wrap-up" Twilight says that "for hundreds of years they've never used magic to clean up winter". And we know Granny Smith was part of Ponyville's founding from "Family Appreciation Day". This implies that Twilight got a very large history fact wrong >.< or that Granny Smith is in fact hundreds of years old. Personal theory, take it how you will, but haven't seen it out there so figured I would share.

  • @WillPennerson
    @WillPennerson 10 лет назад +1

    While the hair theory is pretty cool, I remember another good theory (from where, sadly, I don't remember) that stated that Earth ponies are actually low-level psychics. They can predict growing times in order to get the best yield, where as the other subspecies (yes, I know, that *is* a very PC term...) would have to run calculations and do years of observation and basically do what humans in the early 1900's had to do to get the best yield. Why expend all that effort when John Q. Hoof over there can do it naturally? This theory also explains Pinkie's *other* talent as a reality warper; she's just a very, very skilled member of her subspecies, like Twilight and Rainbow. That might even explain Luna's dreamwalking and Celestia's visions, too; the video or story that contains the theory was produced at least before Season 4 and (in the theory, at least) never mentioned Luna's dreamwalking from 'Sleepless in Ponyville'. That would also make for an interesting balance: body (wings), mind (magic), and soul (psychic ability) [though the latter two could probably be switched...].

  • @Chris-jx4ij
    @Chris-jx4ij 10 лет назад

    Personaly my headcanon about Earth Ponies is their insticts. Whether we see Granny Smith with her ability to tell just what needs to be done for the magical zap apple jam or Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich with their predictive capabilities it seems to be a rather unique sort of magic for them.

  • @BBBHuey
    @BBBHuey 10 лет назад +1

    Earth Ponies may not have flight or casting abilities, but they are more closer to the earth than any of the others.
    As the show has revealed, Earth Ponies can grow bigger and healthier food, can feel and sense nature around them, are skilled builders and sometimes have strenght to move, lift or crush heavy objects without tiring or overexerting themselves.
    This pretty much makes them perfect survivalists.
    If a unicorn lost its magic or a pegasus lost its wings, they would be pretty much lost without Earth Ponies because they wouldn't know how to survive without being too dependent on their magic, .

  • @lehahiah81
    @lehahiah81 10 лет назад

    The hair seems like a good idea, but they also showed rarity using her tail to carry something in the episode with pinky's birthday, but that could just be do to how her tail is styled in a curl

  • @mikea491
    @mikea491 10 лет назад

    They have the power of hair... That would also explain why pinkie's hair is directly relative to her mood...damn, this makes more sense than any of my theories...

  • @drbatt5141
    @drbatt5141 10 лет назад

    1:52 In the center is the amazing Drowning in Horseshoes. I applaud you for this.

  • @NthDoctorWho
    @NthDoctorWho 9 лет назад

    Well, that explains Time Turner's absolutely fabulous manestyle...

  • @SOB4real
    @SOB4real 9 лет назад +2

    *Philosopher's face* But then... The Mane-iac is just a psycho but normal Earth pony?

  • @ThePastAnalysis
    @ThePastAnalysis 10 лет назад +4

    Regardless, I love this video. Interesting headcanon and awesome art :D

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      *hugs teh pasta* c:

    • @thunderflare59
      @thunderflare59 10 лет назад +1

      But his name is "Past An..."
      I JUST GOT IT!

  • @killgriffinnow
    @killgriffinnow 10 лет назад

    Earth ponies have the amazing power of being ultra mundane. Pinkie and Maud were mutants who were born without this power.

  • @verzeihturncoat27
    @verzeihturncoat27 10 лет назад +4

    In "Party for one" Rarity carries the cake with her tail. Please form-fit that with your headcanon...

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +1

      Mmmm~ nope! ^u^
      As I said in the ACTUAL VIDEO; my 'hair theory' is not canon and I'm not claiming it to be. =u=

    • @verzeihturncoat27
      @verzeihturncoat27 10 лет назад +2

      Of course it´s not canon the only thing canon is a canon itself.
      I am always just interested if someone can pull of f and suitable explaination for flaws in his/her/their theories.
      Often ppl go with animation errors or the writingstaff didn´t thought so far back than. If they encounter things they don´t want to have happen.(Example "Equestria Girl is not Canon!") If ppl even neglate what had happen in the show, their is nothing "canon"
      A flaw in a theory doesn´t make a theory wrong
      2 + 2 x ? = 3
      Fact + Fact x Flaw = True

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +1

      Verzeih Turncoat But I don't even believe in the hair theory myself ~u~ I just thought it was a fun silly idea I'd mention... vwv;

    • @verzeihturncoat27
      @verzeihturncoat27 10 лет назад

      LethalAuroraMage I don´t want to force you anyway, that just something i love to do when it happen to any of my headcanons.

    • @booleanbrony5696
      @booleanbrony5696 10 лет назад +3

      Verzeih Turncoat for the sake of this theory, Rarity has earth pony envy, obviously she curls her tail in such a way that it will hold items between its coil things

  • @amuesli5358
    @amuesli5358 10 лет назад

    I had always taken earth pony strength to mean their constitution. Their ruggedness, persistence and perseverance.
    Earth pony hair can be used for many useful tasks, but let's not underestimate the usefulness of Pegasus wings for carrying lots of baby ducks over a mud puddle! :)

  • @Aroddo
    @Aroddo 10 лет назад

    Since Maud Pie I interpreted Earth Pony magic as instinctive manipulation of their environment by physical contact. Including hair.

  • @EnigmaPrince101
    @EnigmaPrince101 10 лет назад

    Creative and innovative headcannon Mage. I think it makes some good sense and the reasoning is throretically sound. Also.........

  • @killgriffinnow
    @killgriffinnow 10 лет назад +2

    That Drowning in Horseshoes cameo!

    • @thunderflare59
      @thunderflare59 10 лет назад +2

      She does a lot of art with his Ponysona. Either they're friends or she really likes the design of his OC. Or both.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +5

      Thunderflare Both! Both. Both is good~ :3c

  • @dawndreamer7840
    @dawndreamer7840 9 лет назад

    I saw this video many months ago and was turned off by the idea, but after re-watching a lot of the episodes, I'm starting to notice that it fits more and more. Neither pegasi nor unicorns are ever shown using prehensile hair as far as I know, and now...I'm kind of hoping it stays that way!

  • @Ninjaslikelamas
    @Ninjaslikelamas 10 лет назад

    My head cannon for different magics in equestrian goes something like this:
    Firstly all ponies have equal magical potential but each race tends to specify in a specific type of magic. The three types of magic being the: conscious magic of unicorns, the instinctive magic of pegasi, and the unconscious magic of earth ponies. Conscious magic is magic that is being directly controlled by the conscious thought of a pony and is the type that unicorns are most skilled at. Their magic does not typically show up willy-nilly and the only exceptions I can think of are emotion driven magical bursts, that emotion still requiring something of a conscious channel to activate. Pegasia sit at the point between conscious and unconscious magic at a point I am calling instinctual. Some of their magic requires their direct effort and conscious thought, weather manipulation, while other parts of it seem unconscious, cloud walking, and flying is likely a mix of conscious and unconscious manipulation of their magic. Earth ponies though stick to unconscious magic and this magic can crop up in weird ways. There is the general enhancement of their physical strength from their magic, but there are also ponies like Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich who have these random unexplained magical abilities (Their respective senses for example.) Other instances I suspect earth pony magic is being used unconsciously is with their prehensile hair, skill with the earth, Pinkie Pies general antics, Applejack’s lasso, the Cakes’s decorative skill without magic, and other little skills that show up in the show, but are logically hard to justify. The use of this magic is the hardest to identify and define, but that is because it is not consciously being manipulated and is instead a magical reflex. It is worth mentioning that these types of magic’s falling to specific races seem to be trends, not rules. I suspect Fluttershy’s skill with animals is more unconscious than instinctual, Rarities gem finding more instinctual than conscious, and maybe Pinkie Pie’s magic is more conscious than unconscious. This idea might also explain how a pony like Cadence, as a pegasus, was able to change the spell being caste in the Crystal Heart Spell, but I suppose that could have been instinctive magic to.
    All of this is just a head cannon though so I would hesitate to bet on this horse. :D

  • @sneepsnop9613
    @sneepsnop9613 9 лет назад

    (when touching someone's face and saying "touch", it's so cute!!!!)

  • @DeathAlchemist
    @DeathAlchemist 9 лет назад

    You know after seeing pinkie fly with her tail in amending fences, this headcannon just gained a bit more weight.

  • @Rose_Harmonic
    @Rose_Harmonic 10 лет назад

    This is interesting because I've seen prehensile hair (the trait you described) used in a few different fan fics. In any case I mostly agree but I also think the earth ponies have a larger variety of abilities that fall outside of being called unicorn magic but are still a difficult feat for most ponies.
    One thing that comes to mind is Pinkies abilities including Pinkie Sense and access to hammer space. Apart from that you have everyday jobs that an earth pony may do better than most individuals of other races.

  • @mybookworm2
    @mybookworm2 10 лет назад

    I like that hair thing. Pinkie Pie is pinkie Pie, of course she would discover the magic, and everyone (including earth ponies) wouldn't think of it as extraordinary, because she is Pinkie. And AJ would certainly prefer using her tail to lasso instead of her mouth or hooves, it would probably improve accuracy, and simply be more comfortable and convenient. And other earth ponies would probably not think of that as extraordinary either, just something that perhaps AJ has trained for a long time to do or something like that.

  • @treblecleft4241
    @treblecleft4241 10 лет назад

    That is an intriguing take on earth pony magic but in all honesty it seems to make sence. Mu personal head cannon though is that earth ponies have a stronger connection to cosmic or life energy. This would explain why they tend to be farmers hence crops possibly growing better and are very strong, it would also explain why pinkie pie seems to be psychic or at the very least precognitive. Also if they have greater control over their own bodies it would explain why earth ponies are the only ones who seem to be able to use thier hair to hold objects

  • @Zodia195
    @Zodia195 10 лет назад

    I think it is a known fact that Earth Ponies have magical abilities, otherwise how would AJ and Pinkie be able to use the elements? I like your theories Mage and I do respect them, but at the end of the day, if something is cannon, I am going to accept it over a head cannon any day simply because "Truth is truth". Cool video though and I love those vectors. AnY as a farmer? HAHAHAHA!! Oh that is too cute! I'd love to see that style used in another video hehe.

  • @reflectivevagrant5531
    @reflectivevagrant5531 10 лет назад

    You know, I also noticed hair manipulation among ponies in the show. Mr cake has used it in a way that couldn't be explained with momentum like applejack's lassoing. (And speaking of the cakes, Pound cake is unusually strong for the head cannon of earth ponies being the magically stronger.)
    The only instance I can recall where a non earth pony uses hair manipulation would be in the very first episode where Twilight Sparkle straitens her tail somewhat stiffly for Spike to slide off of it.
    However, I feel this might be explained with a combination of two head cannons.
    1) The common head cannon theory that alicorns are a combination / common-ancestor of all three pony races.
    2) Twilight sparkle never 'became' an alicorn but was rather born an alicorn in unrealized form as a unicorn. Thus having traits of the other races hidden in her. (ever see her fall through a cloud?)
    The events of magical mystery cure simply activated the rest of the traits. This would make the concept of her godlike powers when she was trying to hatch Spike far more feasible. Celestia wouldn't have recognized a powerful unicorn, but another alicorn not yet fully realized.

  • @DoodleDabble
    @DoodleDabble 10 лет назад

    This kinda actually makes sense XD And the power ponies villain was an earth pony, too

  • @uberdueler2990
    @uberdueler2990 10 лет назад

    Cheese Sandwich also briefly used his tail as an extra limb during his musical number.
    3 Ponies confirmed for magic hair.

  • @Doughboy123x
    @Doughboy123x 10 лет назад +5

    Great video.
    But I still would have to stick with the concept that the earth ponies have a special connection with...well...the earth. And not just zap apples, there was also that sprout in Hearth's Warming Eve.
    Though that mane and tail theory is a rather good one. And I agree with Phantom Horn's comment. That may have been the inspiration for The Mane-iac.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +2

      Feel free to think what you wish~ this is just my own silly thoughts~ x3
      Ah man, I wish I had a chocolate bar every time people mention hearts warming eve xD I'd have so many~ my thoughts on that are; theatrical representation of the earth pony power for the audience.
      And I was gonna mention mane-iac, but I decided not to and looking at some of the comment here, I'm happy I didn't xD

    • @Doughboy123x
      @Doughboy123x 10 лет назад +2

      While it does make sense that anypony of any race can build their physical strength, I doubt any pegasus or unicorn could reach the fullest potential an earth pony could. I doubt anypony could pull a friggin' house like Big Macintosh could. The only exception is, like you said, Bulk Biceps, but note that because of his extremely muscular physique, he can hardly fly.
      Nonetheless, great video, and well done on the animation.
      Here's hoping that the power of earth ponies is explored more in the future.
      I like the thumbnail too. It's cute. =3

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +2

      Doughboy123x Though, Big Mac pulling the house; who's to say his strength wasn't amplified by the love potion?
      As for Bulking Biceps; the show's inconsistent with him! Apparently he was a good enough flyer to make it into the wonderbolt academy but then he can hardly fly? das silly~
      And thank you~ x3

    • @Doughboy123x
      @Doughboy123x 10 лет назад +1

      You're welcome.
      As for Big Mac, he was also able to lift an entire stove with one hoof and pulled a big wagon full of supplies and furniture and didn't break a sweat, so.
      Also, one last thing. It's obvious that alicorns have the power of all three races. Celestia and Luna's manes are always flowing, like they are filled with a special magic. When they removed themselves of their magic in Twilight's Kingdom, their hair stopped their flow. So that MIGHT be a support to your theory.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +1

      Doughboy123x ehe, yush! more supports! xD But honestly; I doubt my hair theory is true, but it was just a fun thought I tagged on. x3

  • @BubblingBrooke
    @BubblingBrooke 10 лет назад +1

    Well as seen in Heartswarming eve, and one other episode I can't seem to remember, a plant was shown growing in a pony's hoof so saying that they are more in tune with the earth makes sense.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      About hearts warming eve tho; it could be just a theatrical representation to illustrate their point. c: 

    • @misspurdy27288
      @misspurdy27288 10 лет назад

      Well that episode in my book isn't cannon,
      flutter... On stage.
      Need I continue

    • @BNuts
      @BNuts 10 лет назад

      Truestm I'd say it was a different kind of performance, but then there's 'Filli Vanilli' which was a similar type of performance. Not the same, though. Plus, Fluttershy is shown as being nervous prior to the show starting. You might ask how she could get over her nerves so quickly. It's probably because the Unicorns were covering the stage in a layer of illusion -- the ones that can use illusion magic, like Rarity did in 'Suited for Success.' So, indeed, do continue.
      So you can say that a play is not the most faithful and trustworthy source.

  • @Eggs_hatching
    @Eggs_hatching 10 лет назад +1

    I agree that i don't like how rainbow dash without wings is equivalent to applejack in a race (especially since Rainbow dsn't really do a lot of walking). But hair magic? Isn't that much more limited than assuming earth ponies have specialized physical capabilities? Holding things with hair seems to be just a way to animate ponies without interrupting their walk cycle or garbling their words. Unicorn and Pegasus gifts vary, so why not the more subtle earth pony gifts? What about the pinkie sense? What about pinkie's incredible speed which matches rainbow dash *in the air*. Bulk Biceps is cited as a Pegasus exception, but that is not a gift- that is something he can be seen working hard at. Furthermore, has anyone noticed bulk biceps height? or his hooves? I am pretty sure he isn't a pony- he looks like a pony-horse mixbreed (horses are cannon-- the ambassadors from Saddle Arabia). It could explain his tiny wing to body ratio, and why he tries so hard to forge a talent for himself-- since his flying is impaired. Apple Jack and Big Mac's abilities are most easily explained by hard work as well, but one cannot ignore the glaring exception: Pinkie. Perhaps the Earth pony abilities are more subtle than we think (since there is no glowing aura or glaring surealism, like being on a cloud, to suggest they are in play). I hope we get some answers in season 5. Earth pony's are terribly underrepresented. They're being treated like the hufflepuffs of Equestria-- and hufflepuffs are still being treated poorly.

  • @elisabetzavala6535
    @elisabetzavala6535 8 лет назад

    Mage, Mage! I found another example of earth ponies using their tails as an extension of their bodies. In an episode with the Cakes Mr. Cake uses his tail to hold a stack of cloth diapers.

  • @Nepheon
    @Nepheon 10 лет назад

    I won't go as far as to call you wrong. But earth ponies have one of the best magic of all. they have the ability to do things such as stick to platforms (Temporarly) summon strength, jump really high, run far distances without getting tired, flexibility, and breaking the fourth wall. And it may not show it half the time but they also have good invonrability.
    But of course I should say much because my OC can be betrayed as an Alicorn when really its a different kind of pony of my own creation.

  • @NeoStickman16
    @NeoStickman16 10 лет назад

    In some cases, maybe strength can be applied to several parts of the body, instead of just the body as a whole. Rock Farmers, like Maud and Pinkie, have incredible strength imbued in their heads and legs. Maud has a Drill Punch(?) and Pinkie has Mane Drill. With Applejack, she has strength in her legs, due to apple bucking. Big Mac also has strong legs, and maybe also a powerful back to carry things with.

  • @RedBlueProductions1
    @RedBlueProductions1 10 лет назад

    Season 1, Episode 1. Twilight uses her tail to guide Spike to the ground, straightens it out, etc.

  • @No1ofgreatimportance
    @No1ofgreatimportance 10 лет назад

    Maybe One should think of the Earth Ponies as the race that is able to utilize their magic in a different way, without the horn, or the wings, but with the wholehearted effort that one chooses to put into whatever they deem most worthwhile.
    Think about Mr. and Mrs. Cake for a minute... In doing what they do, they might inadvertently put a bit of themselves or rather their magic into the things they bake and cook. Ever heard of the saying, "You can taste the love so and so put into this"? In the Earth pony sense, it might actually be magic..
    Pinkie Pie puts her whole effort into bringing cheer and happiness to her friends, and if she was actually utilizing her earth pony magic, that could 'almost always' guarantee her success.
    Some earth ponies have greater strength than others, part of it's natural, (from working hard) and part of it may in fact be from their earth pony magic.
    But I'm still left with a couple of questions.. One, if there had been an honest to goodness taste test between the Cider made by the Apple Family, and the Cider made by the Flim Flam brothers, would there have been a different enough taste from the Apple Family's Cider, due to their hard work and effort/earth pony magic? After all, Granny Smith did get a taste of the Flim Flam Brother's Cider, and she looked a little worried... And two, What the Heck is Diamond Tiara's and Silver Spoon's special talent, and thus earth pony magic?.....

  • @blanktheorist3058
    @blanktheorist3058 10 лет назад

    As an earth pony of no physical strength what so ever, I have to agree with at least the "strength isn't magic" argument. Personally, I've always thought of the hidden magic inside of us as adaptability to our surroundings.
    Look at Pinkie's "Pinkie Sense" or how the apples can grow plants amazingly quick, like AJ when she holds the dirt up and a plant literally grows right there out of basically nothing.
    Pinkie's in tune with everything around her, to the point she can manipulate space, time, and mater at a level almost as impressive as discord.
    AJ has been on the farm for her whole life besides a very VERY small time as a filly, when she went to the Orange's. Thus she is able to manipulate the earth, and plants.
    This would also explain some things that seem odd,such as Suri and Coco being able to take all of Rarity's designs and make them with the same level as a unicorn, who had the only design plans.
    This would put all ponies at even levels of aptitude, and make the most sense in my head, but explains many reasons why earth ponies can be as amazing as the beloved Maude Pie and Coco Pommel.

  • @elderscrollsswimmer4833
    @elderscrollsswimmer4833 8 лет назад

    Makes sense.... and I guess Pinkie knows most of Earth Pony Magic of anyone I've seen...Another thing I thought of: for a unicorn, it's mind-based, creative or studious; pegasi have emotional based thing (emotions affect weather..) -- Earth Ponies are rooted in Tradition. Tradition is apparently very important to them...

  • @Lori_P89
    @Lori_P89 10 лет назад +2

    According to Lauren Faust, Earth Ponies do have their hooves. Even the Alicorn Races have "Earth Pony hooves" according to her. That's why they have that "magical connection to the Earth" to begin with.
    In season 4 I think they just said "Earth Pony strength" because it was easier than saying "Magical connection to the earth".
    Then again Lauren Faust isn't 100% canon, I just sort of always took her word for it on the matter. (Even the animators did a little shout out in that direction when they had Smart Cookie lift up some soil and suddenly a sprout popped out)

    • @Lori_P89
      @Lori_P89 10 лет назад

      That said I totally wanna see an Earth Pony who's gifted in magic but does it in an Alchemist kind of way :)

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +1

      Lori P I would like the topic to be more explored in the show, to be honest~ The way you say it makes it sound more cool! x3

    • @IMakePeopleSaltyApparently
      @IMakePeopleSaltyApparently 5 лет назад

      Since she's the literal creator of Gen 4, I'd say whatever she says is canon as she's the one who re-made up the universe in the first place

  • @TangerineBlast
    @TangerineBlast 10 лет назад

    In "For Whom Sweetie Belle Toils" Apple Bloom was also shown manipulating her tail.

  • @TyroneDracula
    @TyroneDracula 10 лет назад

    Don't forget about Applebloom using her tail to hula hoop in Cutie Pox.

  • @Trueknightofblades
    @Trueknightofblades 10 лет назад

    Actually, I think that it is not just the hair, but an entire specialty skill set, with different specialties, similar to how some Pegasai are better with speed while others are more graceful, or Unicorns have different variations of Spells, keyed to their talent.
    I think that Pinkie Pie is a high example of one of the specialties, while Maud Pie is another, and AppleJack is a third. Pinkie is not particularly good in terms of strength or growing, but she shows instances of speed, teleportation, control of her hair, and other seemingly "Pinkie-only", That is, until you see Applejack in "Somepony to Watch Over Me", when she was taking so many pages from Pinkie's Book that I swear, she was one song short of getting challenged to a Goof Off.
    Maud, on the other hand has no capacity with Pinkie's abilities, or plants, but she is a master of rocks, and she is stronger than should be physically possible.
    I think Earth Pony Magic makes Earth Ponies tougher, more resilliant, and more versitile of any pony type.

  • @NerylaLouvel
    @NerylaLouvel 9 лет назад

    Mage has a point on the strength part and on thehair, many of them have been seen working those tails, even Zecora in the Cutie
    pox, but I still say that strength can be a possible unique and constant magic
    in Earth ponies (not that they all do but they have that strength in potency
    and it must be exercised), also on the season 4 Finale its said that their
    magic helps to tend the land but in Over a barrel Braiburn says that they can’t
    plant just anywhere. Earth ponies have a connection to the earth and
    physical attributes (again though, in potency) but it's not the only thing.
    Every Earth pony can have a more advanced trait than others. AJ's
    strength is on her rear hooves v.s. Maud's front hooves v.s. Pinkie's apple
    bucking performance in Magical mystery cure. Just like Fluttershy is more
    careful and soft caring to even the gentle breezies RD is faster in her wings;
    same on earth Ponies: Strength v.s. Pinkie sense. Earth ponies like
    Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich show an amplified 6th sense of some sort that warns
    them of danger or unique occurrences and or have a superior control over their
    bodies may be literally their body hair or mind like Pinkei's super memory and
    energy, AJ, Big Mac and Maud show the strength aspect and Braiburn is an in
    between, he can tell quality in soil and is good in the works. I know
    pegasi can reach their potential in strength but both these races depend on
    physical attributes, we haven't yet seen large quantities of unicorn who are
    buff or athletic, AJ and RD's attributes make them equal but one still out
    bests the other in specific deals, racing is an in-between since their both
    resilient stamina-wise so it's a good tie braking contest.
    I say that their magic manifests in
    their body, genetics(suggested by Gibbontake) and senses, their more connected
    to nature and can mold it accordingly, capable of living in many unique
    environments as seen in Some pony Watching Over me. I imagine it how Toph
    describes her ''vision'' to Korra on the Legend of Korra season 4 episodes.
    Granted their the minecrafters of Equesteia, feeling a pull towards the
    earth itself and feel satisfaction to surround their lives in it no matter
    where or how and with all resources built up from the very tools the used to
    make other tools to make their entire success theirs to be proud of, this
    allows tradition and culture to flourish and a great deal of expansion and
    exploration of the unknown aspects of the surface. Of course all ponies
    choose different things to do besides farm life such as Mayor Mere and Photo
    Finish, but no matter what their specifically good at (or choose to be) they'll
    be the easiest to be able to connect more directly to the magic within nature
    itself on earth and harmoniously mold it to their interest or needs, their the
    counterpart of pegasi, both resilient and crafty yet they control the opposite
    sides of the biosphere. What do you think?

  • @RosieSievers
    @RosieSievers 10 лет назад

    awwww this is so cute, great head canon about earth ponies i love it :)

  • @lyrasotaku1573
    @lyrasotaku1573 10 лет назад

    I'm an Earth Pony and a huge Fan of your Theory! We're Hair-Magicians! Yeah! XD

  • @TheNYCTwinns
    @TheNYCTwinns 9 лет назад

    this was a very cool video and it brought up the biggest thought I've had ever since entering the fandom,allow me to explain (yes this is possibly the stupidest thing you might ever read and for that i am sorry, and it's headcanon again i'm sorry).
    Even though I like unicorns (no my oc ain't no unicorn), mainly because out of all the classes given in video games the mage is always my favorite, I've always found earth ponies to be like that one cryptic riddle that you try desperately to solve but can't (yea its crazy i know just work with me). Sure unicorns have magic and if one is dedicated enough like Twilight, they could train themselves in greater more powerful magic, maybe even to the point to which they surpass an alicorn, even shining armor knows a spell that the princesses don't, as seen in a canterlot wedding. As for the Pegasus race as seen in the show, we can clearly see that they are the main form of the equestrian military/airforce, since they are literally all over any important building(s) in canterlot. they are also used as they delivery service, since every time we see mail being delivered it's by a pegasus, another job of theirs being obviously weather duty, making it rain and whatnot. Now time for the topic of this comment the Earth Ponies, now in friendship is magic it's shown that the main job for earth Ponies is farming/gardening, other jobs being baking, construction, party planers,school teacher, and just whatever else is open, so basically hard grunt work ... hell in that one rarity ep there was an earth pony cleaning the windows.
    From this it looks like earth ponies are the lowest in society, not having the ability to do magic or fly, so it might make sense that they're at the bottom of the totem pole. But this also means that earth ponies have no extreme power to rely on, unicorns relying on magic and pegasi on flying. I think this just means that an earth pony must work harder than the other races if they want something to work just right and not just 'poof' it fixed like a unicorn might be able to, but instead have to go through much trial and error, and its with this that i have come to the conclusion that maybe there is much more to them then the show tells, sure they cant study the same magic as unicorns or fly like pegasi (YET) but that's all they have going for them magic and flight were as earth ponies can do everything, no not naturally but maybe mechanically, what if the entire race of earth ponies were always aware of their low standing in society and just chose to leave at that not knowing how to change it. one day somepony just had enough of basically being a *slave*, and wanted to change things so they went around gathering their fellow earth ponies telling them how they can change the social standing of the earth pony that ends with most of them leaving either doubting the idea or to think about if it will even work, whilst the rest of those who came to the gathering believe to work. what is this idea you ask, develop an invention that can help make earth pony lives easier.
    so anyway much trial and error ensues those who left the gathering come back at some point, and the final prototype is finished and the invention is ready to shown in public, and it's not taken well everyone else sees it as unnatural for an earth pony to have these new abilities. later on down the line a earth pony revolution starts and with them being more technologically advanced than everyone else.
    that's about it for now i was thinking of turning it into a fanfic but i suck at writing and im not so sure if anyone would want to see where this idea might go. what do you guys think.

  • @fatmanfalling
    @fatmanfalling 10 лет назад

    I love this Head Cannon.
    Every time I think about the season 1 premier and how Rarity just cut off her tail with out a second's hesitation, it makes me cringe every time I see one of the other ponies using their tail like an extra limb.
    being able to think it's some inherent Earth Pony magic instead of something that has to do with bones and muscles makes me feel better about the pilot episode

  • @NickyvMLP
    @NickyvMLP 10 лет назад

    I'm not sure if someone's already said this or not, but I seem to remember Apple Bloom using hair magic as well, when she ziplined herself and the other Crusaders into Sapphire Shores's studio on her hair. Headcanon confirmed.

  • @alexfotland
    @alexfotland 10 лет назад

    "Earth pony magic has atrophied away"?
    That's a depressing suggestion.

  • @Avatarded
    @Avatarded 10 лет назад

    You touched on my head canon but glossed over it. I think earth ponies' special talent is a level of supernatural verity. Every other brand of pony is stereotypically good at one thing and one thing only. Where as earth ponies are shown time and again to have a nearly supernatural sixth sense or ability that differs from pony to pony. Usually these abilities are directly related to attaining mastery of their special talent but could be played off as a form of knowledge.
    Compare the any set of earth ponies and we'll see a drastically different ability. Of the main six Pinkie Sense is self explanatory as for AJ it would seem that she has an endless font of stamina derived from her determination. She has been shown to be able to perform for days on end longer than her older, larger, stronger, and more experienced brother. And persist on pure strength of will alone.
    _Let us not forget she left the farm as a filly when her brother didn't so his training exceeds hers, and she is seen doing things other than farming (such as long trips to exotic locals to save the world) where he rarely is so it is reasonable to assume that his practice exceeds her own as well._
    As a perspective teacher myself I ask if Cheerilee's ability to inspire her students regardless of the situation (no easy task) is left entirely to her training in the Equestrian school system?
    Or Is Zecora's ability to survive for four seasons in the least hospitable place in Equestria entirely due to her study of everything that could at anytime very well have killed her (especially when she was still a novice)?
    I could go on, but my point is that I really think there's more to it. Who knows, maybe even Phantom Horn will develop spell-like abilities.

  • @CritScratch
    @CritScratch 10 лет назад

    I've always thought earth ponies magic effects their bodies and items they touch and also their magic could be channeled through certain things with magical properties like runes, magic circles, or enchanted items....BUT SINCE THE LATTER HAS NOT BEEN IN THE SHOW I GUESS ITS JUST MY HEADCANON. ;P

  • @kommanderskombat3339
    @kommanderskombat3339 10 лет назад

    i always figured earth ponys had a strong conection with anamals as well.
    fluttershy being like an exception considering shes not a very strong flyer.

  • @dandundunafterdark4319
    @dandundunafterdark4319 10 лет назад +1

    Cannon: Mage likes Applejack more than Gibbon!!!!

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      Nuuu, I like Gibbyyyy ;u;

  • @BioniclesaurKing4t2
    @BioniclesaurKing4t2 10 лет назад

    And then Sweetie Belle uses her tail as a feather duster in The Show Stoppers.

  • @katelynskala3234
    @katelynskala3234 10 лет назад

    Your oc in this vid is adorable daww meater broken!

  • @ericshamrock175
    @ericshamrock175 10 лет назад

    I like this headcanon, well done mage. And also... D'AAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!!!!

  • @1Kapuchu100
    @1Kapuchu100 10 лет назад

    Fluttershy has also been shown to move her tail as a limb of its own, in the Breezies episode to be precise. So that theory about Earth Ponies' magic being hair is shut down just by that :/

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      It was false to begin with =u= it's just a silly thought I had that not even *I* believe it could be canon~

  • @Banchoking
    @Banchoking 10 лет назад

    As part of Thank You day,
    Thanks for the videos!

  • @jamesshields9832
    @jamesshields9832 9 лет назад

    Wow. That... oddly makes sense. Alot of sense. I had previously was a part of the belief of physical strength, but you actually changed my mind. In a really odd way, the hair makes perfect sense. I would have never thought of it on my own, but either way, great job! Entertaining video! On the Eternity Scale: 8.7 out of 10

  • @Actionfan19
    @Actionfan19 10 лет назад

    Nice head cannon mage, I don't count alicorns as an extra race of ponies since essentially they are equestrian gods, but that just might be my head cannon seeping through.

  • @nobillismccaw7450
    @nobillismccaw7450 9 лет назад

    With regard to "an earth pony that is better at magic" I would submit that Pinkie Pie appears to be rather good at metamagic, and has demonstrated repeatedly a knowledge of magical things (vis. "too many Pinkies" and the mirror pool). She even takes some of the magic from the mirror portal (in "Equestria Girls").

  • @chaosxenkon
    @chaosxenkon 9 лет назад

    kind of ridiculous but i like it. i personally think that they are more in tune with the earth like the Pegasus are more in tune with the sky and you could say that the unicorn is in tune with the stars. also zebras can be extremely magically inclined just throwing that out there

  • @alexander12587
    @alexander12587 9 лет назад

    you ever notice that when there is an episode with a hospital every doctor or nurse is an Earth pony? (excluding Doctor Horse) why and how are Earth ponies doing a job that difficult?
    they can at least grow flowers instantly... well at least AJ can, we saw that at least 2 time now!

  • @ShiroNekoDen
    @ShiroNekoDen 10 лет назад +2

    first interesting head cannon, however Lauren Faust stated in an interview that earth pony magic was to do with nature, in season 2 (hearts warming eve we see plant's growing in seconds just from mud.) and in season 4 and we have an example of aj having so much strength that she could cut a thick vine with a window, that takes thousands of pounds of force. now look at aj does she look that strong, does she have the muscle mass equal to the strength she would need to actually pull this off? No because she would be bigger than bulk biceps, so strength and stamina boost from magic (while boring) is a logical reason.
    as for all earth ponies are strong because of tradition *insert tradition song from fiddler on the roof* kinda begs the question. why would all earth ponies be farmers or do back breaking work? they don't. pinkie is a baker, Octavia is a cellist, Bon Bon is a confectioner, cheese sandwich is a party planner, coco pommel is a tailor as is suri polo mare, mare mayor is a mayor and not to mention jobs are based on special talent not family business.
    as for why rainbow dash is as strong as aj perhaps rainbow dash has some earth pony genes in her and is a half breed.
    bulk biceps is a steroid joke or he worked all his muscles but never his wings and sure he is strong but i doubt he'd be aj strong heck he isn't even as strong as pinkie, because in rainbow falls pinkie moves bulk with ease, but poor fluttershy is squashed.
    as for aj manipulating the hair on her tail. that's a no she is using rotational force and the weight of the rope that is tied to her tail to do that. pinkie's hair is just pinkie craziness i mean come on she uses her mane as a drill in bats.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      I'd appreciate it if people stopped quoiting Lauren Faust; she's long gone from the show and no longer has a say in what goes. Hasbro has changed her ideas several times, who's to say they left this one alone?
      Hearths warming eve could've just been a theatrical representation of the skill for the audience, not an actual skill.
      I never said ALL EARTH PONIES ARE FARMERS! I said, they can do any line of work but, chances are, they come from farmer families. Pinkie is a baker but she grew up on a rock FARM.
      Anywho; lighten up! This video was meant to be just for fun and as I stated several times; I'm not claiming this is the truth. Heck, one time I even said 'this is not cannon'

    • @taddad2641
      @taddad2641 10 лет назад

      LethalAuroraMage okay let us quote Meghan McCarthy. she says yes, iti s a nature connection, helps grow plants I would guess, and they have great strength that is tied into their magic. basically it is like super strength to some degree.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      Tad Dad you didn't source your quoooteee~ also, I stated several times in my video it's not meant to be canon and I'm not saying it is -_(\ and people say analysis ponies take things too seriously.

  • @noracream2997
    @noracream2997 10 лет назад

    That say a lot. But in season 1 episode 1 Twilight was able to catch Spike with her tail in the canterlot library.

  • @ExvarnMax
    @ExvarnMax 10 лет назад

    really like your counter arguments, mage ^^

  • @johanngoulet6825
    @johanngoulet6825 10 лет назад

    welp, season 4 finally + Lauren Faust Comment kinda bust it ... BUT
    But I had the same tough as you did a while ago, so I can only appreciate your head cannon ~
    good work

  • @ojhat
    @ojhat 10 лет назад

    i realized this when i first saw the episode boast busters, and when bats! came out, that fully proved my theory. i've been stating this to be the magic behind earth ponies for over 2 years, and now finally someone got it out there.... i just really wish it had been me.

    • @ojhat
      @ojhat 10 лет назад

      this is the entire reason why my OC is an earth pony. earth ponies are not bland or boring or without magic, they can do all sorts of things with their tails

  • @Lin2Waterfall
    @Lin2Waterfall 10 лет назад

    Hair - Pinkie is Pinkie, so it's a crazy psychic limb. AJ can manipulate her's for lasso most likely through practice, like a useful parlor trick. All other earth ponies at most show the ability to use the tail like we would our hands and arms in a conversation (shrugging, motioning)
    Super Strength - as boring and mundane as it is, it makes the most sense, like it or not. Even with a gifted power like flight or magic, each individual pony has to work to bring out the race traits function. Bulk is big because of over-exercise and possible roids, and with the retcon in Rainbow Falls it hasn't exactly increased his strength. AJ/RD hoofwrestling is RD being cunning and AJ underestimating RD. A Unicorn has to study and practice their magic craft, or the most they will get is simple levitation spells. A Pegasi have to train themselves and their wings to flight and the flight while doing other tasks. An Earth Pony, no matter the cutie mark, is most likely going to be the muscle of the group, sense without magic to lift things with ease, the Earth Pony race developed bodies better suited for physical labor and physical manipulation.

  • @oreo482
    @oreo482 7 лет назад

    The hair theory actually makes sense!

  • @privatetowel
    @privatetowel 9 лет назад

    i figured that earth ponies were more attuned to the earth, and thus made some of them better farmers because they knew exactly where the best places to grow crops at. If anything, this was somewhat a developed trait when you think about the three tribes from long ago, and how it was the earth ponies who were the main distributors of food, and had to constantly grow the crops for the rest of pony kind. It may not be so nowadays, but you could argue that earth ponies have created a connection with the earth itself because of the generations of them that dabbled in agriculture throughout their lives. Who better to get your advice for farming and landscaping than these creature that has been earthbound for thousands of years, right?

  • @doomgiver234
    @doomgiver234 10 лет назад +4

    I think you're interpreting strength too narrowly. Earth ponies strength is not only physical strength, such as Applejack clearly being shown as the strongest of the mane 6 or Maud Pie, but also strength in taming the land.
    No pegasi or unicorn could grow crops, maintain them, and harvest them. Neither could either of them go out and build a city in the middle of a desert like in the case of Appleloosa. That takes something special. When it comes to creating, building, or working things of the Earth, its no contest, earth ponies rule!

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      How do you know that to be true? We never saw other races trying to build cities. :P
      Using your logic though, means that Canterlot was made into a grandiose city by unicorns on top of a mountain~ I'd say that's pretty nifty~ :3c

    • @doomgiver234
      @doomgiver234 10 лет назад +1

      LethalAuroraMage Exaclty we dont see other races building things :) Earth Ponies seem to be in charge of that as far as we know. And while Canterlot is cool, its also really impractical lol. It could have been built by all races helping since its seems to be the capitol. I mean the canterlot unicorns dont seem to be he type who would build things.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +1

      doomgiver234 You have no proof other than your assumptions though.

    • @doomgiver234
      @doomgiver234 10 лет назад +1

      I am just going off what I have seen from the show, which can be interpreted in different ways. which means I could be completely wrong :) thats the joy of head canons. At this point Earth Ponies have been the only ones seen constructing and building cities, and also the only ones who seem to use their hair like you pointed out. The fact is though. strength is now canon as their magical property, and strength can manifest in different ways.

    • @adolfodef
      @adolfodef 10 лет назад +1

      Mr Butter Biscuit Not only earth ponies! The "earth kind" of zebras can also use their tails to manipulate small seeds from a saddlebag; or do a gently and precise touch of suspended objects and redirect them to a cauldron [S2E06 "The Cutie Pox"].
      Earth ponies and pegasi may also be capable of using "standard" magic with the help of some device / magic wand.
      For example, the "mirror lake´s duplication spell" recited by Pinkie Pie and her clones [S3E03 "Too Many Pinkie Pies"] could be just a lullaby / memetic song to remember the legend (with the actual lake doing pasively all the work just from a reflected image on the surface); but the wording, rime and cadance is surprisingly similar to other ancient spells with vocal components performed later by unicorns.
      Pinkie Pie knows how to read an ancient, advanced / forgotten spell from a scroll [S2E20 "It's About Time"]; understanding is intended porpouse for travel in time (with the restrictions and everything).
      While this may indicate her having a high degree of proficiency in spellcraft, she may have being tell about it in that episode by other time-travelers (or watching how it works trough her "Fate´s destiny ball" or the scripts/storyboards at StudioB/DHX).
      (The next may be not valid for "earth ponies" or "non-shamans"):
      Zecora can perfom mind controlled ilusions with a green (magically-active?) powder [S2E04 "Luna Eclipsed"]; and minor body transformations trough enchanted potions/brews [S1E9 "Bridle Gossip"] & [S2E06 "The Cutie Pox"].
      The white potion from S4E02 may needs the use of "Sombra´s magic" to be completed (and its usable only to alicorns to view the past); but it surely has other "divination" uses in the original purple form or Zecora would not carry it to Ponyville in the first place.

  • @metaknight4536
    @metaknight4536 10 лет назад

    Another video? This fast? Hooray! :D usually it takes you awhile to put out videos.

  • @Sparkz1607
    @Sparkz1607 10 лет назад +5

    Considering you're ignoring Maud's powers, Pinkie's & Cheese Sandwich's powers, and the feats of *_super_* strength shown in Hearts & Hooves day, I can't help but get the feeling that you _want_ earth ponies to be functionally inferior. :/
    If that isn't the case, then please, present a headcanon that would allow an earth pony to outperform a unicorn or pegasus of equal skill.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +1

      Why would I want that? And I think Maud's powers are unique to her, since she's all about rocks, has a rock cutie mark and stuff. Plus, the other were WAY too surprised by her powers for it to be a 'common' trait.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад +1

      Instead of editing the original comment, just make a reply~
      The actions in Hearts and hooves day cannot be attributed to the two earth ponies because they were under a spell that caused them to act out of character. They weren't being their 'normal' selves.

    • @Sparkz1607
      @Sparkz1607 10 лет назад +1

      LethalAuroraMage Sorry about that, I didn't get either of the reply notifications.
      Anyway, if you want earth ponies to be properly balanced, then why doesn't your headcanon put them on par with the other two races? Hair powers seem like they wouldn't allow an earth pony to _beat_ a unicorn or pegasus at anything, while a unicorn or pegasus can _easily_ beat them with a little magic or flight.
      Second, the very fact that Cheerilee, a normal earth pony whose life does not revolve around physical labor, _can_ do that, shows that all earth ponies can do it without training. So yes, those actions _can_ be attributed to earth ponies.

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      Garuu Spike I still think that Cherilee's powers were because of the potion's influence, or at least, it's something to consider. And this video was mainly a 'why I don't like earth ponies powers being strength and plants because it's not magical enough' video, with a silly hair idea attached at the end. I don't believe the hair idea to be true, I said so in the actual video that I do not believe it's canon.

    • @Sparkz1607
      @Sparkz1607 10 лет назад

      LethalAuroraMage Oh, okay, I guess I was misinterpreting the video. I'm just really goddamn sick of earth pony... uh... inferioritists? Surely there's an antonym for "supremacist" in existence somewhere. Anyway, I'm sick of them, and it has gotten to the point where it literally makes me angry every time I see someone trying to paint them as inferior.
      The implied "racial power hierarchy" is the _biggest flaw_ of MLP:FIM's world, and people like me, who think it's bullshit, create headcanons to try and fix it. Surely you understand.
      My apologies.

  • @eyreyereye
    @eyreyereye 9 лет назад

    I love the idea of the magical hair, but since Rarity was shown carrying a package in her tail in Party Of One, my guess is if it were a thing, it wouldn't be unique to earth ponies. uAu
    I've heard that a few writers have confirmed the nature magic theory, but I do think it's a bit weak as a power, since yeah, it probably more comes from generations of knowledge when it comes to farming...
    Personally, my theory is that earth ponies are more predispositioned to be a jack-of-all-trades breed, whereas unicorns are more mental and pegasi are more physical. I also believe them to be the oldest breed, with unicorns and pegasi coming much later. Though this isn't necessarily a magic power, it certainly gives earth ponies a bit more clout to them, or at least in my opinion.

  • @sydnerd101
    @sydnerd101 9 лет назад +2

    I like the hair idea. It's logical and somewhat amusing, however, I wonder if it means that the 4 main alicorns can do this (it's kind of hard seeing any of their hair dues work as limbs, but I suppose Celestia and Luna could be using it to make their tails cool looking, and I can see Twilight not knowing about this, but what about Cadence?). Also when was this forgotten? If this was known by Celestia and Luna (which it probably is), then why didn't they share it? Why did they just use it to make their mains and tails look impressive?

  • @SirDarkFire
    @SirDarkFire 10 лет назад

    Mage, I like your hair magic idea for the earth ponies. Oh and by the way... I JUST GOT MY DRIVERS PERMIT TODAY!!!!! Watch out Equestria! Chaos just earned itself a pair of wheels! But with an adult inside at all times till I get my license.

  • @HanzKrebs
    @HanzKrebs 10 лет назад

    I have no better theory than yours, but I think the ground synergy fits better IMO. It's not just growing weed better than the next dealer but to feel the earth and it's inhabitants.
    Btw, Zecora as an earth pony that can magic. Use her in your argument as well :3

    • @RemKoshmar
      @RemKoshmar  10 лет назад

      Zecora's a zebra, not an earth pony tho~ :3c

  • @ForestFairy1
    @ForestFairy1 9 лет назад

    I never even paid attention to them picking things up with their mane and tail 0-o. I still feel like they have some magic connected to growing food. With the three tribes thing it was pointed out to much for me not to think that the other races may not have as much luck with growing things.

  • @LeeWave96
    @LeeWave96 10 лет назад

    I have to agree with you when you say the strength is kind of boring as magic and that the hair theory is a logical magic. What I'm most interested to see is the respect earth pony OCs could receive.
    Mad Munchkin made a good argument that earth pony OCs are generally less in number. I for one understand that just being a regular pony is kinda bland without a story to go with it but if this theory does get out, I believe that respect for the Earthen race is deserved (even though all ponies deserve respect anyway).

  • @frejo1931
    @frejo1931 10 лет назад

    Mrs Cake had a box with cupcakes on her mane in lesson Zero... MORE evidens

  • @nukefox13
    @nukefox13 10 лет назад

    I believe there is one major thought that was not pointed out, but what if a part of earth pony magic is extrasensory capabilities? We have Pinkie sense and Cheese Sandwich's cheesy sense. I would propose that there is a sensory capability that manifests based on a ponies talent.
    Though, this is just a thought, and it may not be restricted to earth ponies.