Trinity DEBATE: Is Jesus God or the Son of God? versus James White, Michael Brown

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2011
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Комментарии • 426

  • @praveenUFO
    @praveenUFO 8 лет назад +31


  • @Robert_L_Peters
    @Robert_L_Peters Год назад +73

    Remarkable how scholars can look at the same evidence and come to different conclusions...

    • @danniequesenberry9951
      @danniequesenberry9951 Год назад +25

      In my opinion it might be that they are scholarly minded but not spiritually minded.......

    • @jameswagner2116
      @jameswagner2116 Год назад +5

      Except when it comes to the false doctrine of tithing

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 Год назад +2

      That's exactly the problem with Christianity.

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 Год назад

      ​@@jameswagner2116Another one for the list. More about business.

    • @1NationNetwork
      @1NationNetwork 4 месяца назад +1

      @@aaronsanchez3141Jesus was not God

  • @jrozlie2280
    @jrozlie2280 Год назад +24

    If someone is gonna try solving the Trinity they gotta think in the 10th dimension and probably so

  • @gokartbob6478
    @gokartbob6478 Год назад +48

    It's clear to me, when Jesus/Messiah said to Mary "touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to..... MY GOD". (Jesus said he has a God)
    Also Rev 3.12 (4 more times Jesus says "My God" 📖 (it is written)

    • @truechristianity74
      @truechristianity74 5 месяцев назад +3

      1 Corinthians 15:24-28
      😊24Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. 25 For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. 26 And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing. 27 For God “subjected all things under his feet.” But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him. 28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone

    • @jordaircooke7618
      @jordaircooke7618 3 месяца назад

      This comment makes sense as someone who was raised in a non trinitarian church, my wife was raised a trinitarian out discussion regarding this topic are heated but respectful lol

  • @glorialoo3165
    @glorialoo3165 8 месяцев назад +4

    If Jesus said eternal life is to know the ONE true lGod and Jesus Christ whom God sent, that is good enough for me.😮

  • @normanmcdermid1951
    @normanmcdermid1951 9 месяцев назад +11

    Jesus himself called himself the son of God..........why is there debate for petes sake.

  • @tutaman2910
    @tutaman2910 Год назад +228

    Good debate but God is not the Author of confusion. It's simple if you read the Bible yourself. Jesus is the Son of God sitting at the right hand of the Father. Easy

    • @bpositive9267
      @bpositive9267 Год назад +18

      AMEN!! And AMEN!!

    • @Joshcaldwell24
      @Joshcaldwell24 Год назад +4

      Not easy. Does the father and the son have the same mind?

    • @caroldorothy4138
      @caroldorothy4138 Год назад +44

      @Josh No, Jesus clearly has his own will. Luke 22:42
      “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.”

    • @sambrian5405
      @sambrian5405 Год назад +19

      ​@@Joshcaldwell24 Jesus knows God's word 100% so he can speak on behalf of the father with no corrupted conclusions. The only begotten son.

    • @danniequesenberry9951
      @danniequesenberry9951 Год назад +6

      Amen and Amen.......

  • @ventin75
    @ventin75 Год назад +20

    Questions for Trinitarians
    1. The Father has a name, the Son has a name. What is the name of the Holy Spirit?
    2. In Paul’s epistles, why did he leave out salutations to the Holy Spirit?
    3. Why is there no conversation recorded between the Father and the Holy Spirit or the Son and the Holy Spirit?
    4. Isaiah 45:21, why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned in this verse?
    5. Isaiah 57:15, the Father dwells only with the Son?
    6. Matt 28:18-20 - Jesus commanded his disciples to baptise in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. However, his disciples in the book of Acts only baptise in Jesus name. Why?
    7. Revelation 22:1, why is there a seat for Jesus but no seat for the Holy Spirit at the Great White Throne? If the Father is the Son and vice versa, why is there a need for separate thrones?
    8. Why John 1:1 does not mention the Holy Spirit?
    9. Why was 1John 5:7 only added in AD325? This verse is not found in scriptures before that time.
    10. John 5:30, John 6:38, If the Son is also the Father, why would there be 2 wills?
    11. John 10:30, why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned?
    12. Revelation 5:7, why would God hand the book to Himself?
    13. Revelation 11:15, why only mention Lord and Christ but not the Holy Ghost?
    14. John 10:30, why Jesus did not include the Holy Spirit?
    15. 1Cor 3:23, Christ belongs to God or Christ is God?
    16. 2John 1:3, why John’s salutation also omit the Holy Spirit?

    • @fredcalledbygod
      @fredcalledbygod 11 месяцев назад +5

      Very good questions that will leave trinitarians stunned.

    • @natureeye8953
      @natureeye8953 7 месяцев назад +4

      Also the non trinitarian?

    • @TshepisoMagomane
      @TshepisoMagomane 6 месяцев назад +5

      You left out:
      Do they keep secrets from each other? If not why does only the Father know of the great day?

    • @TheRealTrucido
      @TheRealTrucido 5 месяцев назад +2

      These are great questions for Google.

  • @TshepisoMagomane
    @TshepisoMagomane 6 месяцев назад +8

    When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.
    - 1 Corinthians 15:28

    • @particles9221
      @particles9221 4 месяца назад +2

      🙂👍🏻 One true God and His Son 🙌🏻

  • @j.w58
    @j.w58 Год назад +15

    If we only look at the heroic and redeeming role Jesus fullfils in creation. Its such a glorious position in creation that emphasizes an respect and worship that only belongs to God. A position that should only belong to God. Only God deserves the honour to be the savior of mankind.
    Futhermore , Jesus says: if u love me u obey my commandmends.
    Who is he that we are to obey his commandmends? Who is he that he can give commandmends? Are we not only to obey God? Is God not the only one who has the authority to give laws?

    • @lucas29210
      @lucas29210 Год назад +13

      God give that autority to him

    • @WheedlesDome
      @WheedlesDome Год назад +13

      You're forgetting that Jesus said he came not speaking his own words but his Father's who sent him.

    • @LawOfNonContradiction
      @LawOfNonContradiction Месяц назад +1

      Jesus also is quoted to have said: "And “Why callest thou Me good? There is none good but One, that is, God." (Mark 10:18)

  • @kaylinsajili6706
    @kaylinsajili6706 2 года назад +67

    The big question is if Jesus was part of the Trinity or he was God, why did Jesus claim his God who is his God is the one and only true God?

    • @rockstaricky
      @rockstaricky 2 года назад +5

      Many scriptures from the writers were bias that's why there were 4 gospels to show that. plus many verses were added later and some earlier so deciding on the accuracy is suspect to flaws. Yes the scripture is authentic yet the writers wrote in their bias.

    • @brenosantana1458
      @brenosantana1458 Год назад +2

      test Paul as a true apostle

    • @RIDE_26
      @RIDE_26 Год назад +11

      This is so easy to explain. God gave his only son to give us eternal life, this is what we preach. The part if Jesus is God is not what Jesus wanted us to preach.

    • @wjdyr6261
      @wjdyr6261 Год назад +22

      The trinity doctrine is man-made

    • @ChristisLord2023
      @ChristisLord2023 Год назад +5

      ​@@rockstaricky your statements on accuracy of scripture are blatantly false.

  • @benblackburn2693
    @benblackburn2693 2 года назад +33

    I come to this with a bias to one side but this is a really well done debate and very informative

    • @jessenone3708
      @jessenone3708 Год назад +9

      I come with a belief in john 17.3 and 1 cor. 8.6 that flat out state that God the Father is the one and only true God, but I feel the unitarians did a worse job than the trinitairans did in proving their points.

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 Год назад

      @@jessenone3708 💯 truth

  • @emtiedvessel
    @emtiedvessel 11 месяцев назад +7

    This was a very good debate. My question is of Jesus is an Agent or representative of God then why would he share a throne with an agent of his in heaven and have all creation worship his agent rather than himself as God?

    • @TshepisoMagomane
      @TshepisoMagomane 6 месяцев назад +1

      He is his Son. He is the heir to the Throne. But since the Father can not die, Jesus will live for eternity under his Father. He is the ertenal Prince of Peace.
      When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.
      - 1 Corinthians 15:28

  • @debiamdeb
    @debiamdeb 7 месяцев назад +5

    Very interesting to listen to this debate. The one crucial issue is that Jesus NEVER ONCE claimed he was God. Now, if in fact he was God in the flesh, he would have revealed this, but never did. He was clear in saying he was sent BY God.
    Luke 4:17-21 (CSB): “The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him, and unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written:
    The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to preach good news to the poor.
    He has sent me
    to proclaim release to the captives
    and recovery of sight to the blind,
    to set free the oppressed,
    to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
    The people in the synagogue got riled up & a growing opposition against him took place.
    “He also said, ‘Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown”
    There he states clearly he was likening himself to a prophet.
    Everyone in the synagogue was enraged & tried to force him up a hill intending to push him off, but Jesus disappeared into the crowd.
    Seriously, can you see the ridiculous notion that Almighty God would have been bullied like this?? Of course not!!!

  • @grahamtrout9441
    @grahamtrout9441 Год назад +21

    This is a great debate and very informative presentation from the Trinitarians. Blessings

    • @theguyver4934
      @theguyver4934 11 месяцев назад

      Just like biblical and historical evidence proves that jesus and his apostles were vegatarians biblical and historical evidence also proves that the trinity, atonement, original sin and hell are very late misinterpretations and are not supported by the early creed hence its not a part of Christianity I pray that Allah swt revives Christianity both inside and out preserves and protects it and makes its massage be witnessed by all people but at the right moment, place and time
      The secred text of the Bible says ye shall know them by their fruits
      So too that I say to my christian brothers and sisters be fruitful and multiply
      Best regards from a Muslim ( line of ismail )

    • @leonardwitucke1
      @leonardwitucke1 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@theguyver4934 Nonsense. Jesus is the SON of God. There is no trinity.

  • @stevenwebb6253
    @stevenwebb6253 Год назад +21

    Jesus calls our God and Father his God and Father at John 20:17.
    See also Rev. 3:12

    • @simonline1194
      @simonline1194 Год назад

      The Messiah, as God, was distinguishing between His relationship with the Father and His disciples’ relationship with the Father as adopted human creatures (Jn.1:12-13). Simonline 🤔🙏😀👍

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@simonline1194 When you write "the Messiah, as God...", you are literally saying "the anointed one of God, as God..." or "the man anointed by God, as God..."

    • @dlbard1
      @dlbard1 2 месяца назад

      One of my go to verses against the Trinity. How can God have a God?

  • @chasedollars1643
    @chasedollars1643 2 года назад +54

    In John 14 Jesus Say's that his father is greater than he is. so if Jesus was God then how can one be greater than the other

    • @ounkwon6442
      @ounkwon6442 Год назад +6

      They claim that the verse means 'co-equal'. 😂

    • @anneviggiano3801
      @anneviggiano3801 Год назад +5

      Good observation.
      Jesus submitted to His Father’s will. Entirely. His humility is our example to be obedient children also.
      Jesus surrendered from His true humanity. TO His own true Divinity n

    • @anneviggiano3801
      @anneviggiano3801 Год назад +1

      Good observation.
      Jesus submitted to His Father’s will. Entirely. His humility is our example to be obedient children also.
      Jesus surrendered from His true humanity. TO His own true Divinity

    • @dualtags4486
      @dualtags4486 Год назад +6

      Because Jesus explicitly saids over and over he came to serve (Matthew 20:28). This perfect example of humility is further shown in Philippians 2:5-11

  • @mutata057
    @mutata057 Год назад +20

    what a wonderful debate. For me using titles like God & Lord is what is confusing. God has a proper name Yahweh and Jesus is Yeshua. Unfortunately modern translations have taken Yahwehs name out of the writing & hence this confusion (LORD in caps is where the original name shud be) Two different beings surely. NT also says No-one knows the day or the hour not the angels, nor the Son but only the Father. Surely if Jesus was equal to His father he would know it. Also Corinthians 15 where Jesus subjects himself to Yahweh His father so that all things may be reconciled to Yahweh whether in heaven or on the earth. Yahwehs universal family will be brought into full unity and peace.
    I think the trinity doctrine is rather confusing. But then I only have one brain cell.

  • @georgemessenger7567
    @georgemessenger7567 2 года назад +3

    Oh fascinating

  • @robingoh2325
    @robingoh2325 2 года назад +64

    Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. Does this not mean that there are two distinct entities, Father God and the son of Father God, Jesus Christ.

  • @chabirajpersaud9647
    @chabirajpersaud9647 2 года назад +14

    Trinitarians why did the old testament never mentioned my Son and me are one and existed with me eternally? Give me one verse only one!

    • @leef_me8112
      @leef_me8112 2 года назад +7

      You are asking a question and expecting a "one verse" answer. As a Muslim you are supposed to ask:
      where in the bible did Jesus say "I am God worship me"? Why can you get the question right?

  • @hashemisbeautiful6615
    @hashemisbeautiful6615 Год назад +35

    22:28 - I could not resist the temptation to respond to this point. White says that we "can't start with the presupposition of Unitarianism and" enforce it upon the text, but that's exactly what Christians do when they read the Tanakh. They enforce a Trinitarian presupposition on a "Unitarian document" without letting the text instruct them.
    Brown says that it was a perfectly natural Jewish position to believe in the complex unity of God (Minute 34:12), but then quotes (Minute 48:17) John 5:18, in which the Jewish audience wanted to kill Jesus. If Jews had a natural predisposition to believing in the plurality of God, why did they want to kill Jesus?

    • @davidgeorge6410
      @davidgeorge6410 Год назад +11

      I know I am late, but one answer to your last question would be: those Jews didn't believe a man could be God. Incarnation and Plurality-of-God are two different things.

    • @jamesworthy1132
      @jamesworthy1132 Год назад +2

      Because Jesus wasn't wat they expected black man talkn bout he is who uve been waiting on, remember, they where and are waiting on a king of kings he was born in the slums praise Jesus

    • @reynaldobellocillo1911
      @reynaldobellocillo1911 Год назад +11

      Because it was already prophesied in the scripture that the Jews would kill Him.

    • @marijancorluka4500
      @marijancorluka4500 Год назад

      ​@@davidgeorge6410 Exactly.

    • @RRyxn
      @RRyxn Год назад

      ​@@reynaldobellocillo1911which scripture is that please

  • @TheDarkRaven
    @TheDarkRaven 6 месяцев назад +3

    56:22 A better example would be that if a king wants to build a castle, he will commission and assign builders but in the end, it was the king who built the castle. The builders would get praised as having done a wonderful job but everyone would say and agree that the king built it including the builders even though we know that technically it was built by the hands of the builders.

  • @henriettemcpartlin8640
    @henriettemcpartlin8640 7 месяцев назад +3

    Interesting Scripture says that God cannot be tempted yet Christ was tempted in all thing YET WITHOUT SIN. It was for this reason that he was given a name above all names. It is the wages of sin that causes death….

  • @mintoo2cool
    @mintoo2cool 7 месяцев назад

    wonderful debate.. gonna watch part2 next! thanks for uploading this! btw is it just me or does the moderator look like george from seinfeld ? 😅

  • @emmanuelmakoba6085
    @emmanuelmakoba6085 Год назад +3

    Look at how James inserts his own understanding here 47:35

  • @shatterpointgames
    @shatterpointgames Год назад +13

    If the trinity is true then nobody "died for your sins". If a "part" of God was still alive after he "died" then he didn't die. However, we know that God and Jesus both have the ability to perform resurrections. So if "God's son" died the separate being that created him in the first place would be able to raise him from the dead. I'm sorry but "it's unexplainable" isn't a valid answer.

    • @nick49817
      @nick49817 5 месяцев назад

      interesting point, ;)

  • @falacoruja2399
    @falacoruja2399 2 года назад +52

    I have a few questions for Trinitarians:
    If indeed there is a Trinity and all are equal, where in the Bible is it said or even suggested that the Holy Spirit is to be worshiped or in any way equal to Yahweh?
    I can see how the confusion/lack of understanding of the person of Yeshua is derived, but isn't it clear why the argument for the Trinity never tries to equate the Holy Spirit with God?
    And if one part of the so called Trinity is not equal, doesn't that just throw a spanner in the whole theory?

    • @deesteven
      @deesteven 2 года назад +43

      Matthew 28:19 when we're told to baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To be baptized into God is what the verse is about. If Jesus and the Spirit are not God, then we are being baptized into "the One true God.. and a created being, and a presence of God" essentially. putting the latter two persons in the same sentence as God, if the two are not God, doesn't makes sense.

    • @gypsytellingthetruth
      @gypsytellingthetruth 2 года назад +18

      There is no trinity in God they can't prove anything.

    • @JeffreyJuanitaTaylor
      @JeffreyJuanitaTaylor Год назад +6

      ​@@gypsytellingthetruththey did quite well in this debate.

    • @greywolf850
      @greywolf850 7 месяцев назад

      @dee mark 5:7 read verse Matthew 28:18 all authority have been given to me- given meaning he doesn’t have authority without the Father GIVING it them … 1 Corinthians 15 says Jesus presents perfected creation to the Father so THE FATHER may be all in all

  • @catherinecastle8576
    @catherinecastle8576 2 года назад +10

    Is a man his father? No. He is his father 's son, yet, especially when the son is so much like his father, we tend to say "look at father like son!". If we can get that sameness and that difference at the mortal human level, surely Holy God our Creator can have an Only Begotten Son, the same as His Father, yet, different?

    • @loridavis7086
      @loridavis7086 Год назад +3

      Yes, it’s interesting how many people like to limit God based on our limited human capacity to understand eternal things… they cherry pick parts of the Bible to confirm what they’ve already decided to believe (& condemn everyone else for … cherry picking different scriptures to confirm their different belief.). My experience with Evangelical trinitarians is too many are more interested in being “right” & proving everyone else wrong (& therefore going to hell), than in following the first 2 great commandments: love God with all your heart, might, mind,, and strength; and love others as yourself…

    • @dr.schultz9023
      @dr.schultz9023 Год назад

      Did it ever occur to you that "same" and "different" are opposite words?

  • @jaysoncruz5583
    @jaysoncruz5583 Год назад +6

    Very funny when trinitarian said "cant deny all the scriptures and just pick some...
    Straight to unitarian faces😂

  • @kingdomquest2521
    @kingdomquest2521 Год назад +3

    Where in the bible does it say you will be saved for confessing that Jesus is God? All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God.
    1John 4:15

  • @nyshoefly
    @nyshoefly Год назад +33

    Notice how the trinitarians use the scriptures WAY more than the unitarians in this debate. Very telling...

    • @ancora966
      @ancora966 9 месяцев назад

      Great point!

    • @leonardwitucke1
      @leonardwitucke1 9 месяцев назад +1

      Not once did any scripture say trinity or tri-unity. The trinity is a man made delusion in my opinion. These people mean well, but don't even understand what they mean.

    • @MrPcairns
      @MrPcairns 8 месяцев назад +3

      Jesus is the son of God and he tells us clearly that his Father is greater than himself

    • @tshepobaardman993
      @tshepobaardman993 7 месяцев назад

      Amen the Trinity is a lie

    • @ghernandez2263
      @ghernandez2263 7 месяцев назад +7

      Notice how trinitarians take things out of context & can’t comprehend what a metaphor is? They claim that “The father & son are one” but Jesus also claims all of us can be one with God.

  • @rbwinn3
    @rbwinn3 Год назад +5

    Sectarians do not understand authority because they do not have authority. For example, Genesis 16 tells us that an angel appeared to Hagar at the fountain of water in the wilderness and told her to return to her mistress, Sarah. Hagar immediately said that the Lord God had told her to do this. Hagar was right. The Lord God had told her to return to her mistress. The angel had authority to speak for God.
    Jesus is the Son of God. He has authority to speak for the Father. When Jesus as Jehovah tells the backsliding idol worshipping children of Israel that he is the only true God, he is speaking for the Father.
    John 8:23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father, He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Fatherwhich sent him.
    The Son has authority to say anything the Father would say.

  • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
    @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 10 месяцев назад +3

    You are wrong Micheal and here is why……. John 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.
    The Father sent his Son and when you honour the Son you honour the Father and all the works of the Father, it’s not complex it’s simple.
    I take issue with individuals flaunting their education as if it bestows upon them a superior authority over the teachings of God. It is essential to remain humble in the presence of the Lord.

  • @christopherj.l.watson3560
    @christopherj.l.watson3560 Год назад +10

    Sir Anthony is truly a righteous man of God

    • @theguyver4934
      @theguyver4934 11 месяцев назад

      Just like biblical and historical evidence proves that jesus and his apostles were vegatarians biblical and historical evidence also proves that the trinity, atonement, original sin and hell are very late misinterpretations and are not supported by the early creed hence its not a part of Christianity I pray that Allah swt revives Christianity both inside and out preserves and protects it and makes its massage be witnessed by all people but at the right moment, place and time
      The secred text of the Bible says ye shall know them by their fruits
      So too that I say to my christian brothers and sisters be fruitful and multiply
      Best regards from a Muslim ( line of ismail )

  • @sulongenjop7436
    @sulongenjop7436 Год назад +4

    Yeah! The Angel told his mother that she would conceive by the power of on High, Holy Spirit of God. So Joseph is not his biological father.

  • @TshepisoMagomane
    @TshepisoMagomane 6 месяцев назад +3

    But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.
    - 1 Corinthians 11:3
    Trinitarians say they are three in one God and equal but the Scriptures say otherwise.

  • @DP-bx5fg
    @DP-bx5fg Год назад +6

    James White said on Matthew 28:19 "In the name (singular)" then he finish off " of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit". And no one in this comment section sees the contradiction in that? Very sad.

  • @normanmcdermid1951
    @normanmcdermid1951 7 месяцев назад +2

    Why do you need to have an elaborate debate. Jesus himself called himself....son of God or son of man. Never once did he call himself God.

  • @henriettemcpartlin8640
    @henriettemcpartlin8640 7 месяцев назад +1

    I agree with the guys on the left. Believing in a triune God is not a requirement for salvation according to the word. I think the guys on the right must have been influenced by their theological schooling.

  • @josehuerta4398
    @josehuerta4398 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @carlosguiterez8037
    @carlosguiterez8037 Год назад +2

    Jesus ask Peter who do you think i am Peter says your the son in of God Jesus was sent for salvation he lead by example Changing the old testament to the new testament Jesus says only way to get to heaven is through me I am the way he has many titles by the people The Messiah the prince of peace the anointing one our Lord in savoir

  • @kiwihans100
    @kiwihans100 Год назад +4

    The 'Jesus' of trinitarians is a 'hologram' or mere 'human incarnation' of the Real Son of God who never came down from heavan because he is an essentail part of the 'trinity'! Thus hollow are Jesus words "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life ( Greek ='psychi' 'soul) on behalf of his friends. According to the trinity, that DIDNT happen for Jesus 'Soul' is claimed to have been intact as part of the trinity in heavan! Thus a mockery of Christ's Ransom. A mockery of God's love for us. A mocker of Christ's love for us too! No wonder it is not taught in any verse in the NT. If so, where?

    • @IsJesusGod.
      @IsJesusGod. Год назад

      Very true and well said.
      The Trinity is a false faith and Gospel.

  • @ivanos_95
    @ivanos_95 Год назад +20

    The Bible doesn't claim that God is divided into three entities, or that Jesus himself is a part of God, so the point with the concept of trinity is not to go against the Bible and reject the oneness of God, or prove his humanity, but rather to explain how God as a single entity is capable of having a direct relation with humanity, and take part in the created world, despite being outside of time and space, so rejecting this basic concept means that God is only capable of having one of those three manifestations in the same moment, or is incapable of having the other two manifestations at all, what leads to a theological absurdity.

    • @hashemisbeautiful6615
      @hashemisbeautiful6615 Год назад +1

      This is a very insightful comment, in my opinion. However, it assumes that God cannot relate to the created world without being in it. If this is what you're actually saying it exposes an imperfection in God. The way Judaism understands this, God can (and does) achieve this interaction without reducing Himself into a finite form, completely bypassing the need to establish any sort of divine intermediary.
      The idea of a finite reduction of God is essentially identical to polytheistic thought, as prohibited in Exodus 20:4. Now you may say that Christianity is guiltless here because it does not create a statue of Jesus. While true, that ignores the concept of the spirit of the Law, which is only guided by, but not necessarily limited to, the letter of the Law. While Christians may not create a physical statue of God, they assume that God can be expressed and represented in physical form, which is the precursor to actually creating one.
      The resolution is that God is capable of everything in a completely unified, intangible form. We struggle with this as human beings, but alas, God says, _"'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts [higher] than your thoughts.'"_ (Isaiah 55:8-9). I'm not sure how much more explicit you can get! Ironically Christians use these verses to support the Trinity, but they actually refute it! Good day.

    • @eve3363
      @eve3363 Год назад

      Superbly stated!

  • @damienlim6712
    @damienlim6712 8 месяцев назад +7

    I’m amazed by these 2 non Trinitarians who read the Bible for the decades they said they had but still not see that Jesus is GOD!

    • @ilkbaharist
      @ilkbaharist 8 месяцев назад +4

      Well l was only a Trinitarian for 1 year, after understanding the scriptures l understood Jesus was not God. I am not a scholar.

    • @ilkbaharist
      @ilkbaharist 7 месяцев назад +2

      Could say the same to the Trinitarian Scholars who have read the Bible for decades but haven't yet understood Jesus is not God. 😊

    • @TshepisoMagomane
      @TshepisoMagomane 6 месяцев назад +2

      Jesus is the Son of God amen.

    • @LawOfNonContradiction
      @LawOfNonContradiction Месяц назад

      no where in the entire old testament do you get anything trinitarian. on the contrary, over and over and over again, the old testament repeatedly states GOD IS ONE, and there is NONE else besides him. "Hear O Israel YHWH is our god, YHWH is ONE.
      Even the new testament itself never gets you to a clear trinity. God, "the father," is always contrasted to, and being supreme above, Jesus, the son.

  • @truechristianity74
    @truechristianity74 5 месяцев назад +1

    Here are some scriptures for you all that’s undebatable.
    1 Corinthians 15:24-28
    24Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. 25 For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. 26 And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing. 27 For God “subjected all things under his feet.” But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him. 28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone

  • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
    @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 10 месяцев назад +1

    Very sad and evil comment Micheal referring to “ an other guy with the other guys wife in his place” tragic response , very dark.

  • @tomking8690
    @tomking8690 Год назад +17

    just because Jesus pre existed with God befor the creation of this world, how does this proove that he is God the father? He maintained that the Father was and is greater than he. It seems to me that Jesus is the offspring of God and always was. He is by the choice of God our father from everlasting to everlasting , always was always will be. I have no problem with that but the father will in my opinion always be greater than the son. comments?

  • @jacksyoutubechannel4045
    @jacksyoutubechannel4045 2 года назад +37

    It's like saying, "Mom's name is 'Carol.' There is only one Carol who is Mom. You can't just say that Carol is Mom, _and_ Grandma, _and_ Sissy. Those are three different things!" Sure, it's three names for three different ways that Carol is--a mother to her children, a grandmother to her grandchildren, and a sister to her siblings--but that doesn't mean there's more than one Carol.

    • @nox567
      @nox567 2 года назад +23

      Uhh no, that's modalism

    • @RodMartinJr
      @RodMartinJr Год назад +16

      Jesus was Son of God, not Son of Self!

    • @siraktesfaye7345
      @siraktesfaye7345 Год назад +7

      So you are saying like as said in old testament if or let us us say... God>s(the father) name is "Yahweh" then...... the son of Yahweh can not said "Yahweh"! Why?, first what does it mean "Yahweh"? "Yahweh" means... the one true God or the one who brings whatever exists in to existence!! or simply he is the creator of the earth and the universe.
      So "is not Jesus the creator of the earth and the universe?? and Was not he the Word?? written on John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the was God!" then on verses 14 - "then the word becomes flesh and dwelt among us and called Emanuel....w/h means God with us!. So Jesus who called "the son of God" (b/c God(the word of God).. revealed himself in body of flesh!) and so he is God!, the one true God and the creator( the word)!

    • @MrguiltyInfamous
      @MrguiltyInfamous Год назад +4

      You can have a three in one computer. A laptop/desktop/and tablet but it’s one computer

    • @eve3363
      @eve3363 Год назад +2

      You're making things waaaaay too complicated. God is the God of Truth, not a god of confusion.

  • @gimel77
    @gimel77 11 месяцев назад +1

    Compare John 17:5 with John 17:24, and then with 1 Peter 1:20. 1 Peter 1:20 clearly says Christ was foreknown, the same Greek word used in Romans 8:29. If you do your due diligence in rightly dividing the word, you can clearly see that Sir Anthony is correct on this point. And there's not really even a debate there.

  • @tjlegs6621
    @tjlegs6621 Год назад +2

    Okay. Who did the baptist say jesus is? The baptist didn't call him God. Didn't call him messiah. Baptist said "Behold the lamb of God who comes to atone for the sins of the world!" And that's exactly the role of Jesus 2000 years ago. You can believe the baptist. And what's with the blood of the new covenant this is my body this is my blood stuff? The lamb of God who came to be sacrificed and fulfill the temple sacrificial lamb stuff. Just as the baptist said. The whole temple was set up in order to be a living daily prophecy pointing toward the true lamb of god that was to come. "It is done". And the veil inside the temple was torn into pieces. So the jews are right to say Jesus was not the messiah. But on the other hand, they totally missed the whole lamb of God thing that their entire temple ceremonial system was set up to show them. His role as messiah will be at his second coming. His role 2000 years ago was the true lamb of God who came to atone for the sins of the world. The jews didn't miss the messiah, they missed the true lamb, and the building of this new third temple will be a final admission that they totally missed the point of who Jesus was.
    And the words from heaven said "This is my son in whom i am very pleased"
    I don't know why it's so hard to understand. What did Jesus say about himself just before ascension in order to try to finally resolve the mix-up in understanding? John 20:17. His final attempt to clarify couldn't be much more clear:
    Jesus said to her, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God.'"
    Also please entertain this idea:
    The god depicted in the old testament was not always the one true God but many, not all, depictions were of the false god. And this false god has deceived the entire world right from the start. Don't look to the end of days to be deceived, that's already been done from the start. And you know it. You very well feel this inside. That's why you've ask yourself. Why does Jesus appear to be mostly the opposite personality to the god depicted in the old testament? Most of the acts of god in the old testament were more like how a demon would behave, no? Yes! Can you imagine Jesus doing many of the things that were done by that god in the old book? No way! Wake up. The deception isn't coming, it began right after the start.
    Jesus quoted from the old testament sometimes. But when it came to Moses, Jesus often rebuked moses. Saying things like "Moses commanded you to.... But i don't say that, i say this". What? Wasn't moses speaking for the true God? If so then why did Jesus rebuke many of the things that moses said came from God? I mean, the true God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow, right? Don't cherry pick things from the old a new testaments that defend only what you believe. The law of moses specifically said that that woman caught in adultery was to be stoned to death immediately. But they brought her to Jesus just to test him on this. You know this story well as i do. So if the true God commanded through moses that the woman is to be killed, then why did Jesus say He doesn't condemn her to death? "Neither do i condemn you", and sent her home. If the true God told moses that woman should be killed, did Jesus then go against the true God? No. He didn't. Please wake up.

  • @chilufyamusondaclance3573
    @chilufyamusondaclance3573 Год назад +12

    If Jesus is God, did the world then remain without God for three days when Jesus ("God") died?

    • @starboysmith9142
      @starboysmith9142 Год назад +7

      Jesus is not God, no one can't come to the Father unless they come to Jesus first, he's the way, life and truth

  • @cabonlux5344
    @cabonlux5344 Год назад

    How can Isaiah say that he saw Jesus when Isaiah existed 700 years before Yeshua was even born.

    • @antoinjohnson4146
      @antoinjohnson4146 Месяц назад

      Isaiah is one of the few prophets that prophesied Jesus’ birth

  • @lovingtruth4577
    @lovingtruth4577 Год назад +3

    If you believe Jesus is God then you have to believe Adam and Melchizedek are God because they didn't have earthly mother's or father's. Adam got the breath of life straight from Gods Holy Spirit. God is a Spirit (says several times in the OT that He's not a man nor son of man that He should lie) and His Spirit is holy (He is a/the Holy Spirit). Don't you think God the Father and Jesus would have plainly said if they were one and the same God because that would have been a very important foundational doctrine of KNOWING the one and true God and worshipping Him in Spirit and in TRUTH. God the Father and Jesus are ONE in purpose. He is the perfect IMAGE of God (like Adam was supposed to be). Father God is the CEO/president and Jesus is the vice president and given the honor of taking care of His Father's business since He passed the test here on earth. Jesus plainly said he prays to God/Father. Why would Father God and Jesus lie or manipulate us into believing lies (they wouldn't). Jesus is not God. ❤

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 Год назад +1

      Great statement. Just want to clarify that Melchizedek did have earthly parents. However, there is no record.

  • @r0b0gam3r9
    @r0b0gam3r9 11 месяцев назад +1

    Interpretations belongs to Jehovah alone. Gen 40:8 Man must have Jehovah Interpretation and not his own private interpretation.2 Pet 1:20,21 Jehovah interpretation is Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Matt 16:13-17 . The trinity doctrine is mentioned no where in the scriptures. Why. Because it's a private interpretation and it's not inspired of Jehovah.

  • @brendawolszleger4895
    @brendawolszleger4895 Год назад +2

    Lol , all these learned , so called experts. Get a child up there with them , and ask a child about God, and you will get the truth alot quicker !

  • @NotMyOwn-xd5iu
    @NotMyOwn-xd5iu 3 месяца назад

    I believe Jesus new the True, that the Father alone has the words of eternal life, the Father alone is God.

  • @katiegallus6876
    @katiegallus6876 Год назад +1

    Brown to don’t worship one absolute God. You worship 3/1 compound God. That is quite different than one God . As 5 in one god is not the same to 3 in one god .. 3 in one God is not the same as one on one God.

  • @khabibtime3689
    @khabibtime3689 Год назад +1

    Jesus prays to His only one God wich is call Yhwh,
    not 3in1 God

  • @leenieledejo6849
    @leenieledejo6849 6 месяцев назад

    Michael Brown and James White have physically aged a lot since this debate.
    Anthony Buzzard has hardly aged at all...

  • @Alleged_Machinist_Bear
    @Alleged_Machinist_Bear 5 месяцев назад +5

    The Trinitarian argument seems to be mostly based on how other people referred to Jesus as God. But Jesus seems to always differentiate himself from God, refers to God as his Father.. I trust Jesus over the authors

  • @scottbyrd43
    @scottbyrd43 Месяц назад

    Every time I listen to this the projection that comes from the trinitarian side of the table is almost unbearable.

  • @Lmr6973
    @Lmr6973 Год назад +6

    Every Christian should read for themselves and see what the Talmud has to say about Jesus. It's nothing nice.

    • @justonetime6179
      @justonetime6179 Год назад

      So Jewish people should read the new testament then

  • @lucas29210
    @lucas29210 Год назад +5

    Trinity is soo confuse for me

    • @fredcalledbygod
      @fredcalledbygod 11 месяцев назад

      Because it doesn’t exist in the fabric of reality.
      Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!”
      Deuteronomy 6:4 proclaims the singularity of God in that He is one. Anything more than one must then be marginalised as erroneous. When you start by saying ‘God is three in one’, before you even get halfway through that statement, there’s a contradiction in juxtaposition to the statement given in Deuteronomy 6:4. The Bible says ‘God is one’ but the doctrinal statement of the trinity begins by saying ‘God is three’. At least if the trinity said ‘God is one in three’, it would be more plausible and that is what new age trinitarians are trying to assimilate as they’ve realised that saying ‘God is three in one’ pertains to three gods. However, even new age trinitarians are wrong because verses such as 1 Corinthians 8:6, 1 Timothy 2:5 and John 17:3 makes a distinction between Jesus and God being separate persons and only One being God:
      1 Corinthians 8:6 - “yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.”
      1 Timothy 2:5 - “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,”
      John 17:3 - “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”
      God the Father is the only true God who sent Jesus Christ His Son to be the mediator for our sins and redeem us unto Him. God the Father exalted Jesus Christ as Lord of all as a reward for the fulfilment of His assignment.
      Now the reason why God the Father begat a Son is because in the grand scale of His omniscience, He foresaw a future event where man fell into sin. Man was not capable of living a completely sinless life because sin itself reigned in our bodies. So someone of a superior substance was needed to live a sinless life, and have their blood shed on our behalf according to the law, for our redemption. Only the divine substance of God was capable of that feat. However, God had a conundrum. If He was to come in the flesh, who would hold the framework of the Universe? And even exempting that, if God came in the flesh and died, who would be there to raise Him up? Therefore, God begat a Son likened unto Him, with the same divine substance that makes God, God. He was manifested in the flesh to die for our sins whilst the Father maintained the framework of the Universe and also rose His Son from the dead.
      The Father is God and Jesus is the Son of the Father, therefore the Son of God. The Son is at times referred to as God as a metonymy and metaphorical ascription to His consubstantiality with the Father, it is not a literal ascription. The Son is substantiated of the same essence that makes God, God; as He is the Son of the Father which allows Him to inherit the exact same compositional makeup of God the Father.
      This is why it is written in Philippians 2:5 “who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God”. Due to the Father and Son’s consubstantiality, they are equal in all things in terms of capability, but due to the Father being the eternal primogenitor and the Son being begotten, they differ in authority hence why it is recorded of Jesus stating in John 14:28 “For my Father is greater than I.”
      Now does this mean that just because the Son isn’t God that He isn’t worthy of worship? No. Jesus is consubstantial with the Father and so the compositional makeup that makes the Father, God, making Him worthy to be worshipped, Jesus also possesses.
      And so it’s recorded of the Father saying unto the angels in Hebrews 1:6 “But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all the angels of God worship Him.””

    • @gapeapril_
      @gapeapril_ 9 месяцев назад

      Confuses me too

  • @normanmcdermid4257
    @normanmcdermid4257 Месяц назад

    How can the mediator (Jesus), between God and man...... also be God.

  • @katiegallus6876
    @katiegallus6876 Год назад

    Humanity ( substance -what) consist of 3 people
    Each person is 100% humanity ? Not each person is one 100 % human . Here is where you see the Trinitarian Error"
    Trinity = full god according to them
    The trinity is consisted of 3 people
    Each person is 100% trinity???
    Can You even connect to G-d as an individual? Is G-d almighty an it for You ?

  • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
    @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 10 месяцев назад +3

    The statement, "Before Abraham was, I am," does not imply that Jesus was God before Abraham's birth but is a declaration that he existed prior to Abraham.

    • @dimitris_zaha
      @dimitris_zaha 10 месяцев назад +2

      Explain how did he exist before Abraham then

    • @ghernandez2263
      @ghernandez2263 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@dimitris_zahamillions of people existed before Abraham that doesn’t make anyone God.

    • @ordinaryoperator
      @ordinaryoperator 7 месяцев назад

      In the knowledge of God or with God in some way, like how jeremiah was already chosen to be a prophet in jeremiah 1:5 and God had already "chosen" many people before the creation of the world too.

  • @fcchblue2936
    @fcchblue2936 Год назад +20

    how does one believe in trinity and claim to be monothiest?
    it doesn't make sense

    • @IsJesusGod.
      @IsJesusGod. Год назад

      The Trinity does not make any sense, because it is completely false.
      Thats why the TRINITY is busting with contradictions!

  • @gypsytellingthetruth
    @gypsytellingthetruth 2 года назад +1

    These jews will tare you apart with the word of God. Reason being there is no trinity in God. You can prove that God was manifested in the flesh and that Jesus is God. But you will not win in believing in a trinity God is one and thats it don't go any further.

  • @stewpidsteve
    @stewpidsteve Год назад +6

    Question for Trinitarians:
    So Jesus the Son of God the second person of the Trinity became a man in the form of Jesus Christ.
    When the Son of God was here on earth
    sacrificing himself for all of our sins, the first person of the Trinity (God the Father) &
    the third person of the Trinity (Holy Spirit) were the only two persons of the Trinity left in Heaven as Jesus the Son of God was on earth dying for all mankind for our sins?
    Is that correct?

    • @kevykukus3472
      @kevykukus3472 Год назад +2

      Can you elaborate? If your question is if the trinity became 2, the answer is no, because Jesus came back to life.

    • @janetnyamongo
      @janetnyamongo Год назад

      Totally correct.

  • @chellegriggs
    @chellegriggs Год назад

    Christianity did not abandon Jesus..

  • @firstnamelastname3280
    @firstnamelastname3280 4 месяца назад

    i find it impossible to read the bible and organically come away with jesus being god. i think that belief has to be fed to a person.

    • @jesusisthechristthesonofgod
      @jesusisthechristthesonofgod 2 месяца назад

      it's impossible to read the holy bible and end up trinitarian at the end of it, because it doesnt teach trinitarianism

  • @kingdombrother
    @kingdombrother Год назад +7

    Good job Anthony. Appreciate the simplicity. Mr White and Brown were condescending and notice how trinitarians can't help but use the word heretical. Debate without smearing for once trinitarians

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 6 месяцев назад

      In the debate (also on RUclips) between White and Dave Hunt, White's attitude and condescension is embarrassing.

  • @GodIsLoveAndMerciful
    @GodIsLoveAndMerciful 2 месяца назад

    If the trinity was biblical, surely we would have seen the word trinity or the doctrine 'one God three persons' in John 1 or in Paul's detailed theological writings. If God was trinity, He would clearly tell us through His Holy Word. The Bible clearly says:
    1. There is one God, the Father.
    2. There is one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
    3. God's Spirit is called the Holy Spirit.
    1 Corinthians 8:6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

  • @katiegallus6876
    @katiegallus6876 Год назад

    White, yes. If your god is a we I expect him to use plurality format.

  • @aaronsanchez3141
    @aaronsanchez3141 Год назад +10

    I find it interesting the Trinity side keeps using the name Yahweh for God/Jesus. First of all, Yahweh is a name for the Father(God) not a title. Jesus is a name, John is a name. Jesus is never called Yahweh or God so when this side keeps using the OT to support that Jesus was preexist-ant as Yahweh they are greatly abusing scripture and ignorantly supporting a human doctrine.

    • @Ladyguite79
      @Ladyguite79 9 месяцев назад

      Even Bart Ehrman says this is a "new phenomenon"!!

  • @wingoreviewsboxingandmma3667
    @wingoreviewsboxingandmma3667 2 года назад +4


  • @eve3363
    @eve3363 Год назад +5

    Uh. Of course you can bow to Jesus. He died for our original sin 🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️ The fact remains is that Jesus is not coequal with God.

  • @sunbirdism
    @sunbirdism Год назад +18

    Trinitarians don't recognize a contradiction, when it's right in front of them.

    • @RodMartinJr
      @RodMartinJr Год назад +1

      Everyone has that capability to fail. It's called a lack of properly aimed humility.

  • @blackholesun9068
    @blackholesun9068 Месяц назад

    The Bible says the Father was never begotten making him eternal. Jesus is said to be the begotten god. Not the same, begotten is a temporal word meaning there was a beginning for that god. Thereby debunking the creed of the Trinity, because if one is eternal and one isn't then they aren't equal.

  • @bjudah
    @bjudah Год назад +10

    The trinitarian men read from misleading versions of the scriptures… their understanding is staked in the NIV the ASV and so on…

    • @alexglase765
      @alexglase765 Год назад +2

      The Nicaean Creed was formulated in 325 AD. The English language didn't exist then. What version is not misleading?

    • @RodMartinJr
      @RodMartinJr Год назад +1

      The version matters, but so does the internal worldview (the bias).

    • @kevin8360
      @kevin8360 9 месяцев назад

      Interesting that you brought up the NIV… Google what role James White had in the NIV.

  • @katiegallus6876
    @katiegallus6876 Год назад

    Brown “ on John 1 1 we either have 2 gods or one god who is also the word” - that is Modalism

  • @spiegel4894
    @spiegel4894 Месяц назад

    as usual a unitarian brings up a really good point in context and then the trinitarians cut them off & proceed to run all over the bible piecing together anything they can out of context to justify their doctrine

  • @christophercaraggayan5220
    @christophercaraggayan5220 Год назад +4

    The trinitarian panel's argument is strong.
    God bless you both

  • @vvxjnq
    @vvxjnq Год назад +10

    Jesus is holy prophet of God blessing on him.

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite Год назад +15

      Beloved, Jesus is far greater than prophets, let alone Muhammad who is claimed to be the seal of the prophets because, unlike prophets, Jesus was from Heaven and not of this world:
      Jesus said to them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.”
      John 8:23‭-‬24
      In scripture, the Son (who actually exists in eternity as spirit, not a man) is the one who ascends to and descends from Heaven.
      The old testament book of Proverbs gives a beautiful insight into God and the son: "Who has ASCENDED to heaven and COME DOWN? Who has gathered the WIND in his fists? Who has wrapped up the WATERS in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name? Surely you know!"(Proverbs 30:4)
      Then in the Gospel, Jesus clearly identifies himself as THAT son: "And no man hath ASCENDED up to heaven, but he that CAME DOWN from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven (John 3:13)
      Did Jesus have power over the wind and water as well?
      'He got up, rebuked the WIND and said to the WAVES, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm (Mark 4:39).
      Jesus said he is from ABOVE, not from BELOW (John 8:23). Prophets are anointed by God but they are not from above. They are from below (of this world).
      Muhammad was a statesman and Jesus was not?
      Jesus's statesmanship was not of this world:
      Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”
      John 18:36
      Even if you park the Gospel aside, the books of the prophets of old, (written without any bias towards either Islam or Christianity) are consistent in stating that the Messiah is KING, would have sovereign power, a throne an everlasting kingdom and would be worshipped by nations and peoples of all languages, to the glory of the Father/"Ancient of days" (Daniel 7:13-14, Isaiah 9:6, 1 Chronicles 17:11-15, Jeremiah 23:5-6 and Psalm 45:6-7).
      Jesus exists in eternity (Micah 5:2, John 5:58) gives eternal life (John 17:2) and is alive in heaven today. He was victorious over death when he rose from the grave and is seated in the throne of God. Muhammad is dead.
      This Jesus spoken of by both the prophets of old and apostles doesn't sound like Isa the 7th century invention and imposter (of the real Messiah) who appears in the delusional and deceptive conversation in Al-Maidah 5:116-117, right?
      How is it that Muhammad, who is claimed to be the seal of the prophets of the true God, never at one point saw his god but Jesus had an encounter with God (Mathew 17:1-6) in which he bacame transformed (transfigured). Jesus's face became like the sun and his clothes as white as light "... and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”
      Matthew 17:5
      The Messenger of Allah said he did not know where he would GO but Jesus GUARANTEED truthfully, "In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I GO to prepare a place for you"
      John 14:2
      How should we live with one another in the world? What is the solution? What is the greatest and most revolutionary statement of all time?
      Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
      Matthew 5:43‭-‬44
      While Jesus CONQUERED with LOVE, Muhammad CONQUERED with TERROR:
      Muhammad is reported to have said: 328. It is related that Jabir ibn 'Abdullah said, "The Prophet said, 'I have been given five things which no one before me was given: I have been helped to victory by terror flooding (my enemies') hearts up to a month's journey away..."
      What is the Qur'anic solution? (QS 9:29)
      "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day... until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued?
      Muhammad certainly hated his enemies and killed them with the sword in defense of his god, Allah, something Jesus warned against. Jesus said:
      "They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service."
      John 16:2
      Can prophets ever create anything? No. prophets are not creators. The Word, Jesus, is YOUR CREATOR (Psalm 33-4-9). "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
      (John 1:3)
      While Muhammad was bed ridden by jinns, demons trembled at the mention of the name of Jesus!
      How come it is Jesus Christ who will fight the real Antichrist, Satan's best agent (not the mythical one-eyed Al-Maseeh Al-Dajjaal! ) and not anyone else? An Antichrist is some who denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God! (1 John 2:22-23). If you do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the spirit of ANTICHRIST already dwells in you. (1 John 2:22-23).
      ONLY God is HOLY (1 Samuel 2:2) and FORGIVES sins. All prophets, because they were human, had a sinful nature. For example: Adam sinned (Genesis 3:11), Moses sinned (Numbers 20:12), Isaiah became aware of his sin (Isaiah 6:5). Their sins can be FORGIVEN. However, there is no trace of sin in God's nature. Jesus is Holy (Mark 1 :24, Acts 3:14] and forgave sins (Mark 2:10).
      Muhammad asked for forgiveness of his sins from his god, Allah (Sahih al-Bukhari 6307)
      Why is it that Jesus Christ will judge mankind John 5:22-27? Only God will judge the world. No creature will judge other creatures!
      Jesus Christ will judge Muhammad.
      Why not make your confession of faith through the one who is GREATER?
      Why do your confession of faith (Shahada) through a SINNER who himself will be judged by Jesus Christ?
      Why not do your confession of faith through the one who is holy and SINLESS, actually forgives sins and will judge you?

    • @mcclay9483
      @mcclay9483 Год назад +3

      @@TheWatchmanWebsite Amen, very well said

    • @annabluebubblegum
      @annabluebubblegum Год назад +3

      Wow what he said is true Jesus is the Son of God given authority in heaven and on earth by his father ❤ he is the king our savior. He came as a man but The fathers spirit is in him always

  • @atyt11
    @atyt11 3 месяца назад

    Michael Brown says the obvious.. We bow down and worship a created being???

  • @johnpro2847
    @johnpro2847 Год назад +11

    0:05 the trinity was an explanation cobbled together by a few bishops under duress,,cannot be taken literally.

  • @travisstrickland7270
    @travisstrickland7270 6 месяцев назад +1

    Shadrach Meshach and Abednego thats a triune statement. Lol🥴. Trinity is does NOT originate with the scriptures... Jesus our savior was born (Col 1:15), Yaweh (Jah) has no beginning Nor end.... ONLY Yaweh knows the time of the End Not Jesus. How could 1 know and not the other. Jesus Died for our Sins. Yaweh resurrected him. Obviously if God Almighty (Pslm 83:18) died there would be NO ONE to resurrect 🤷🏽‍♂️. .... it goes one and on. Trinity Not in harmony with scriptures OBVIOUSLY

  • @aljay2955
    @aljay2955 Год назад +15

    Non Trinitarians major problem is separating Jesus's humanity from his eternal existence as God.

    • @lets_wrapitup
      @lets_wrapitup Год назад +3

      Jesus isn’t eternal. He was birthed by Mary.

  • @briankregg6329
    @briankregg6329 2 года назад +8

    What has to be understood is that White and Brown are polytheistic trinitarians not Christians

  • @cabonlux5344
    @cabonlux5344 Год назад

    The pre existence of Jesus and the souls can be deeply explained in Kabbalah the book of Zohar.

  • @romansempire6214
    @romansempire6214 4 месяца назад

    Trinitarians are only quoting John for the most part. The rest of the connections to Old Testament are subjective. Unitarians win this debate.

  • @fredericorodriguez808
    @fredericorodriguez808 3 месяца назад

    My beliefs on the Unitarian side , but the trinitarians here are very articulate and convincing . Anthony buzzard is good but his partner not so much . Dr brown and white are pretty sharp. I also believe in the pre - existent messiah but not him as the 1 God .

  • @Monotheist-18
    @Monotheist-18 Год назад +6

    Jesus was a prophet ❤

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 6 месяцев назад

      And SON OF GOD and Messiah (God's anointed one).
      And God raised him from the dead.

  • @t2127jd
    @t2127jd Год назад +7

    If Jesus is God, then Moses had to be God, as well, right?...
    Exodus 7:1
    And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
    Deuteronomy 18:15
    The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken

  • @randolphrichards9028
    @randolphrichards9028 Год назад +8

    Jesus is not God, he is God's son. Read philippians 2:4-7

    • @starboysmith9142
      @starboysmith9142 Год назад +3

      That's right. God sent his son, not himself

    • @LordDirus007
      @LordDirus007 Год назад +5

      That would make Jesus a Demi-God.
      Which is Blasphemy.
      No Jesus is God in Human Flesh. "Son" is the only way we can understand it

    • @KhoaNgo-sr4zq
      @KhoaNgo-sr4zq Год назад

      ​@@LordDirus007 I think that's it, I think you nailed it.

  • @katiegallus6876
    @katiegallus6876 Год назад +1

    When brown said no Jew should have a problem to the triunity .. you can see in the body language that he doesn’t mean it . The jerusalem church did not worship Jesus as God. The Jews did not worship men as God .

  • @tinasweeting2666
    @tinasweeting2666 2 года назад +31

    Their is no Trinity. Jesus was created by God. So when Jesus was saying Father forgive them who was He speaking to, When John the Baptist Baptized Jesus, the voice which came from Heaven, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, that Trinity concept came from the Council of Nicea, God Is God Alone. Jesus is God's son and the Holy Spirit is God's power.

    • @AstariahFox
      @AstariahFox Год назад +3

      Exactly. Only a few would know bible truths

    • @acavakacegu3972
      @acavakacegu3972 Год назад +1

      Exactly 👍

    • @eve3363
      @eve3363 Год назад +6

      Thank you! The Trinity is Pagan hocus pocus.

    • @shaiwatts205
      @shaiwatts205 Год назад +1

      The Trinity didn’t come from Nicea in 325.
      The creed even says. “We believe in one God, the Father”
      The Argument is basically what “stuff” Jesus is made of. He’s Begotten from the unbegotten Father. The Holy Spirit precedes from the Father, not the son.
      The modern version of the Trinity is a modern day invention from the enlightenment period.
      The original Trinity is a Monarchy

  • @lesandani9778
    @lesandani9778 Год назад +10

    There is only ONE God not three.

  • @Petercarmo93
    @Petercarmo93 Год назад +1

    both sides are insanity. this whole debate is lunacy.