Have you ever wanted to jump off a bridge so much you actually do it lol. Like seriously the only good thing about this ad is the cats because they're cute.
Лплпмллммлилмлмлилилиллилимлпшпшмлмлмлмлилилил л л л л лилиоиоиоилилишишишишилилилилилиоиоиоигиошиишилилилилилилиоиоиоиоилиоиоиоиоиоилилмллрилилилилилилилилилилилил
When the nemeses are squeaking is sooooo CUTE!!!! Awwwwwww !!
When the meemeaws are squeaking is sooooo cute AWWWWW !!!!!
They’re squeaking and they’re squeaking. Sound is so cute.
I have a sun cat and 7 other meemeows! Sun cat is prob my favorite tho
So cute! ❤️
Squeak so cuuuuute :3 :3 :3
These sounds are looks like taco cat
I love it
i just got one at warlmalt!!! it a red on like embralds!!❤
I have the cherry cupcake
March= spring
Have you ever wanted to jump off a bridge so much you actually do it lol.
Like seriously the only good thing about this ad is the cats because they're cute.
Yeah cute 🥰
Лплпмллммлилмлмлилилиллилимлпшпшмлмлмлмлилилил л л л л лилиоиоиоилилишишишишилилилилилиоиоиоигиошиишилилилилилилиоиоиоиоилиоиоиоиоиоилилмллрилилилилилилилилилилилил
If you have a plush Aphmau plush can you give me one please 🙏