Sarika Neupane (Lil Foodie):पढ्नेलाई पढाउने के Teacher, नपढ्नेलाई पढाउने पो Teacher:The Storyyellers

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Sarika Neupane, popularly known as Lil Foodie, is a digital creator who makes food-related contents. At the 53rd session of The Storyyellers, she flashbacked to a time that made her realize the importance of having the right teacher at school.
    From nursery to class four, Sarika was a very happy kid. Her life consisted of good friends, a happy family, and school. However after class four, her family had to move to a completely new location. The distance from the new location to her old school was quite far, and there were transportation issues. So, her parents enrolled her in a new school closer to their home.
    Everything was new: new school, new place, and new friends. Gradually, while coping with the new environment there, she realized she was weak in math. The math teacher started to target her, constantly questioning her for solutions she couldn't provide and humiliating her in front of the entire class. Without even listening to her answers, the teacher would tell her, "Get out of my class." With tears in her eyes, she would go out of the class and stand outside, holding her ears. Her cousin was in the same class, and the teacher often compared her with him, saying, "Your brother is such a topper, and you're just a loser." Right to her face, she was told, "This girl can't do anything. Nothing."
    As a child, hearing such words made her feel terrible. Later, her friends also started saying, "We shouldn't sit with this girl; otherwise, we'll fail in math and become losers like her." After all, students learn from what teachers do. Gradually, her new friends in class five started distancing themselves from her. She was left all alone.
    She took the class five exams, and when the results came, she found out she had failed in math. After she failed, her mom was worried and thought her daughter needed tuition. To inquire about tuition, she went to the math teacher and asked about the procedures for tuition classes. But that math teacher told her mom that Sarika was not eligible for tuition because she would never be able to pass the exams and even told her that she would never achieve anything in life. Sarika was sitting beside her mom, with tears in her eyes, while the teacher refused to let her join the tuition. She couldn't say anything as her teacher and mother argued about tuition. During argument her mom told him, “पढ्नेलाई पढाउने के Teacher, नपढ्नेलाई पढाउने पो Teacher” What happened next?
    Supported by - Foodmandu
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Комментарии • 154

  • @saharsha4046
    @saharsha4046 Месяц назад +29

    To 'The Gentlemen' reading this, you're the best, you truly are the gem one can ever imagine on their school days. I love you, we all love you.❤️

  • @kritirai1872
    @kritirai1872 Месяц назад +27

    We don't know about you and what you felt but the teacher you're talking about has taught us too and I also got separated with my friends in tution and was in first bench alone but I'm grateful for that because it helped me improve my studies and I never felt like you .Teachers are only trying to improve you maybe but you're taking it wrong so don't spread hate towards anyone❤

    • @Kaley-69
      @Kaley-69 Месяц назад +3

      Kriti I KNOW YOU and i am reading in same school you used to read and now i know who is that teacher he was strict in past but not now and he is a great teacher she didnt understand that feeling and took it at a wrong way

  • @lasatamaharjan2175
    @lasatamaharjan2175 Месяц назад +19

    13years and I've never felt how she explained about the teachers as far as I know she had her friends all around her teachers never neglected her abo sympathy gain garna ki attention seek garna yesto vaneko vaye xutai ho😊

    • @RameshYadav-d1r
      @RameshYadav-d1r Месяц назад +1

      कसरी शरणार्थी राय, लिम्बूहरू किरात बने: राय र लिम्बू समुदायहरूको इतिहास शरणार्थीको रूपमा सुरु भएको हो, तर उनीहरूले आफ्नो पहिचानलाई फेरि परिभाषित गरेर आफैंलाई किरातको रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरेका छन्। राय र लिम्बूहरूले विभिन्न समुदायहरूको स्क्रिप्ट, भाषा, पहिरन, र पहिचान चोरेर आफूलाई किरातको रूपमा स्थापीत गरे। सिचुवानबाट सुरु भएको यात्रा: राय र लिम्बूहरूको उत्पत्ति चीनको सिचुवान क्षेत्रबाट भएको हो। सातौं शताब्दीमा, यी समूहहरू मंगोलियाबाट सिचुवान क्षेत्रतिर आएका थिए। तिनीहरूले त्यहाँ आफ्नो अस्तित्व जोगाउन संघर्ष गरे। तेरौं शताब्दीमा मंगोल आक्रमणबाट बच्न यी समूहहरू उत्तर तिब्बततिर भागे। यो प्रवास कुनै सजिलो थिएन; यसले उनीहरूलाई विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक प्रभावहरूलाई आत्मसात गर्न बाध्य पार्यो।
      नेपाल र सिक्किममा शरण: १६ औं शताब्दीको अन्त्यतिर, तिब्बतमा भएको जातीय उथलपुथलका कारण यी समूहहरू नेपाल र सिक्किमतिर शरणार्थीका रूपमा प्रवेश गरे। नेपालमा उनीहरूलाई सेन राजाहरूले शरण दिए। सेन राजाहरूले पूर्वी नेपालमा तिनीहरूलाई बसोबास गर्न अनुमति दिए। सिक्किममा पनि, लेप्चा समुदायले उनीहरूलाई शरण दियो। तर यो शरण अवस्था लामो समयसम्म रहन सकेन। लिम्बूहरूमा शक्ति प्राप्त गर्ने लालसा देखियो र उनीहरूले सेन राजाहरूको हत्या गरे। यसको परिणामस्वरूप, गोरखाहरूले हस्तक्षेप गर्नुपर्‍यो र क्षेत्रमा पुनःशान्ति कायम गर्नुपर्‍यो।सांस्कृतिक चोखचोख र नयाँ पहिचानको निर्माण: राय र लिम्बूहरूले आफ्नो नयाँ ठेगानामा बसाइँ सरेपछि, तिनीहरूले आसपासका संस्कृतिहरूबाट तत्वहरू चोरेर आफ्नो पहिचानलाई पुनःपरिभाषित गरे। भोटिया लिपि: लिम्बूहरूले भोटिया लिपिबाट धेरै तत्वहरू लिएर आफ्नो लिपि विकास गरे। यसले तिनीहरूलाई अलग भाषिक पहिचान स्थापित गर्न मद्दत गर्‍यो, यद्यपि यो लिपिको जरा भोटिया संस्कृतिमा रहेको थियो। किरात उपाधि भिल समुदायबाट: "किरात" शब्द ऐतिहासिक रूपमा भिल समुदायसँग सम्बन्धित थियो। राय र लिम्बूहरूले यो उपाधि अपनाएर आफूलाई किरातको रूपमा पुनःब्राण्ड गरे। किरात पहिचानको यो चोखचोखले तिनीहरूलाई पुरानो र सम्मानित वंशको रूपमा प्रस्तुत गर्‍यो। राय थर दनुवार समुदायबाट: राय थर, जुन अहिले राय समुदायसँग सम्बन्धित छ, दनुवार समुदायबाट अपनाइएको मानिन्छ। यस थरलाई आत्मसात गरेर, रायहरूले आफूलाई अलग जातीय समूहको रूपमा स्थापीत गरे। गोरखाहरूको विश्वासघात र बेलायतीहरूको मनपर्ने:राय र लिम्बूहरूको इतिहास विश्वासघातको कथा हो। गोरखाहरूलाई धोका दिएर, तिनीहरूले सिक्किमका शरणदाताहरूको पनि विरोध गरे। तर, लिम्बूहरूले बेलायती उपनिवेशवादहरूसँग मिलेर आफ्नो शक्ति बलियो बनाए। लिम्बूहरूलाई बेलायतीहरूले गोर्खा सेनामा भर्ती गरे, जसले तिनीहरूको सैनिक शक्ति र राजनीतिक प्रभावलाई मजबुत बनायो। दार्जिलिङ र कालिम्पोङमा इतिहासको पुनःलेखन: बेलायतीहरूको संरक्षण पाएपछि, राय र लिम्बूहरूले दार्जिलिङ र कालिम्पोङ पहाडहरूमा आफ्नो इतिहासलाई पुनःलेखन गर्न थाले। तिनीहरूले आफूलाई मौलिक किरातका रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरे, जसले किरात उपाधिको वास्तविक उत्पत्तिलाई धुमिल बनायो। चेम्जोङको किरात पहिचानबारेको अनुसन्धानले राय र लिम्बूहरूको आधुनिक पहिचानलाई पुनः परिभाषित गर्‍यो। साथै, यो प्रयास सिक्किमको परम्परागत शक्तिहरूलाई कमजोर पार्न मद्दत गर्‍यो, जसले गर्दा सिक्किमको राजतन्त्रलाई कमजोर बनायो।

    • @0101_AI
      @0101_AI 28 дней назад

      @@lasatamaharjan2175 lol chhu jula Pasa.

  • @sabinlimbu3504
    @sabinlimbu3504 Месяц назад +14

    Ja samma malai lagxa hami same class ma paday ko thim hola . I was the weakest student in the whole class . Kheai tme Lai Testo huda Malai nii same testai hunu parnay theyo hola Tara kheai Malai tw Testo kei Vaya na tw . In fact he used to support me a lot . Yo video hernu vanda aagadi ma proudly mero family haru Lai Mero relative haru Mero neighbors haru Lai vantheya uh Mero Sathi hoo hami sangai paday ko hoo vanera Tara yo video pachi I feel shame .

  • @krischalthakuri4537
    @krischalthakuri4537 Месяц назад +18

    Never liked you but also never thought you’d stoop so low.
    The teacher in question was one of the major reasons most of our school life was bearable. The amount of people defending him in the comments prove that.

  • @biyushmaharjan4003
    @biyushmaharjan4003 Месяц назад +20

    Really shocking the way u r talking as a victim is all the false statement he was the teacher who has made me and other students as well he was the coolest teacher ...
    K ho ali ali fame payo vandai ma j pai ni bolnu vayena ni

    @BRABIMTAMANG Месяц назад +27

    Getting a bit of hype doesn't make you talk shit about all those teacher's. That teachers were one of the coolest and talking about friends, you got one of the best friends ever. Negative points haru matra vanera teachers haru la naramro banauna nakhoja sathi , we know what's true. It's completely a false statement.
    Disgraceful 😊

    • @RiyaLama-g4k
      @RiyaLama-g4k Месяц назад +7

      She is still immature.

      @BRABIMTAMANG Месяц назад +7

      @@RiyaLama-g4k To be honest she still needs some time to grow.

    • @RiyaLama-g4k
      @RiyaLama-g4k Месяц назад +4

      @@BRABIMTAMANG publicity gain garna holanita bhai.

    • @homochomosofo
      @homochomosofo Месяц назад

      Tapai usko classmate ho? Kura sunda testai lagyo?

    • @manavkaphle5483
      @manavkaphle5483 Месяц назад

      Abui abui😂

  • @shresthaaman
    @shresthaaman Месяц назад +4

    Jo maanxelie pareko xa tei maanxele matra bhujxa. Keep Growing. Lots of love.

  • @RiyaLama-g4k
    @RiyaLama-g4k Месяц назад +35

    Timi sanga yo sabai vako vaye timi or timro parents ley principal or tei teacher sanga confront garna milthyo hola. Katai na katai timro actions pani teacher prati respectful thiyena hola ki, timro activity schoolma ramro thiyena ki .So, ailey ayera one sideko narrative matra yeha sunayera koi teacher lai ekasi esari naramro banauna mildaina .

    • @pratimakshetri1086
      @pratimakshetri1086 Месяц назад

      Shut up

    • @RiyaLama-g4k
      @RiyaLama-g4k Месяц назад +9

      @@pratimakshetri1086you shut up because you dont know the reality and you’re not in that place. Its my opinion and if she has her opinion, I have mine.

  • @Maharjan-8
    @Maharjan-8 Месяц назад +15

    Such disappointing statements for sympathy and what?some number of views? really???he is literally one of the finest teachers in the school as being a part of the same school....
    Really disappointing!!

  • @ashmitarasaily4491
    @ashmitarasaily4491 Месяц назад +24

    This is so not done. I mean school journey ma teacher le student lai gali garnu karaunu swabhabik ho but it depends on the student too kati kura student le kasari linxa kasari liyo vanney kura ma. Hola timro sathi haru thiyena hola, timlai isolate feel vako thyo hola that is part of life when you are exposed to new environment you feel like no one likes you, you feel no one is gonna talk to you but that doesn’t mean we need to picture our teacher in a bad way.
    And after watching the whole video, you made me a failure as a friend too. I thought I tried my best to be there for you when you were having a hard time. I thought I kind of helped you no matter what situation you were in or whatever you were going through but you clearly said you had no one. Not appreciating what people did right and making a bad picture out of it hurts the other person too when he or she knows that they had constantly been trying to be there and wanted the best for you.
    Coming back to the teacher you are talking about, we know how he was and has been through. He made our school memories the best ones. Just before tagging someone with something huge please be aware of how badly it can impact the other person’s well being and mental state too. I want no one to doubt themselves just because someone looked at things in a negative way out of immaturity and portrayed them as a bad person. We are proud and will always be for having him in our school and I thank him for making our memories a golden one. And I thank you for clearing my head.

  • @Ana_sh3
    @Ana_sh3 Месяц назад +6

    Fame ko lagi ta manxe haru k k matra garna sakxan same school same teacher but i have never gotten the same feeling as you did. You must be very proud of you self right sis?

  • @raveenaraveena9049
    @raveenaraveena9049 Месяц назад +14

    Sarika Neupane’s story highlights how personal narratives can sometimes misrepresent the reality of a situation. She portrays her experience with her math teacher as one of hardship and mistreatment, but it’s important to consider that the teacher might have been genuinely trying to help her improve in a subject she found challenging. The extra attention she received could have been a sincere effort to support her learning, and her eventual success in math suggests the teacher’s methods were effective. Blaming the teacher and school environment for her adjustment difficulties might not be fair or productive. Many other students taught by the same teacher have consistently praised him, even mentioning him in their convocation speeches after earning master's degrees abroad. This suggests that Sarika’s negative perception may be more about her own challenges in adapting to a new environment rather than the teacher’s actions. Creating an exaggerated story for sympathy isn’t the best approach. To Sarika, I’d like to say: Your followers may be numerous, but true success is built on respect and gratitude towards those who’ve helped you along the way. Your inability to adapt to a new environment doesn’t mean everyone there is against you. It takes maturity to recognize the support around you and appreciate the efforts others make to help you succeed.

    • @raveenaraveena9049
      @raveenaraveena9049 Месяц назад +4

      At last पढ्नेलाई पढाउने के Teacher, नपढ्नेलाई पढाउने पो Teacher। हो तिमीले mention गरेको म कमजोर रैछु mathsमा म fail भए मलाई केहि आउदैथ्यो जस्तो शब्दले, नपढ्नेलाई पढाउनै teacherले तिमीलाई specially छुटै पढाउन तिमी साथीहरूको कुरामा divert नहोस् distract disturb नहोस् भनेर गर्नुभएको activityलाई गलत तरिकाबाट story telling गर्ने तिमो अझै अशिक्षित नै रैछौ नत्र जुनदिन तिम्रो DLE को result राम्रो आयो त्यहि बेला you would have realized that teacher ले तिम्रै राम्रोकोलागि गर्नुभएको थियो।
      आजकल अभिभावक आफैले बच्चालाई special treatment होस् भनेर home tuitionमा हजारौं रूपियाँ खर्च गर्नुहुन्छ तिमी त्यो special treatment लाई torture भन्छौ?
      हुन त आजकलको जमानामा आफ्नै आमाबाबुले गर्नुभएको राम्रो काम नदेखिने बच्चाले शिक्षक शिक्षिकाले गर्नुभएको राम्रो काम देख्दैनन्।
      साच्चै भन्नु पर्दा मान्छेको सोच हो, जसरी हेर्न खोज्छन् त्यसरीनै देख्छन्।

    • @TimbaTumba
      @TimbaTumba Месяц назад +1

      Tapaiko perspective aafno thau ma thikai hola tara kosaiko ko dukha lai hajur le exaggerated bhanna paunu hunna because kunai kura ko impact harek manche lai differently parna jancha . Sabai ko aafnai perspective huncha @raveenaraveena9049

    • @Dahlia_unique12345
      @Dahlia_unique12345 Месяц назад +5

      Ekdam thik we know the teacher very well and we know he never had did this to any one and he never will do pani, he is such a coolest teacher i have ever seen...Baru josle yo story vaneraxa uslai chy testo feel vako hola naya thau naya sathi huna sakxa adjust huna nasakera sabai le afulai hepeko hochyako feel gareko but my friend timle sanai dekhi wahalai galat way ma herera raixau vanni kura ya bata bujinxa..hami sabailai euta pointma gali garnuva hola xa pani tara yesko matlab yo haina ki he is trying to hurt you mentally wahale hamrai ramroko lagy garnu vako ho. You are wrong here Sarika.

    • @Yuriii7
      @Yuriii7 Месяц назад +1

      That’s why he said sorry to sarika just recently.😉
      Thankfully, he realized his mistakes too.

    • @Dahlia_unique12345
      @Dahlia_unique12345 Месяц назад +4

      @@Yuriii7 my dear sorry vannu wahako greatness ho.
      Anyway if she is happy after insulting such a nice person and satisfied after his apology vanye all the best to her and best wishes.
      Congratulations 🎉
      Phoolko akhama phoolaiko sansar kadako akhama kadakai sansar

  • @lhakpadolmasherpa6161
    @lhakpadolmasherpa6161 Месяц назад +19

    Sarika.. really??? Everyone of us are shocked... you were the one who was appreciated by the teachers and students... yes, the teachers used to scold us but those times were different and were really best times... Now the the things has changed drastically and dramatically... but we learned alot from it... there are many perspectives to look at it, the way you have looked and made false statements in your story... Maybe this has brought you a lot of sympathy and more love from your followers.. but we were friends in some point.. we danced together in every year dance competition, we did the chart display.. many mang things are yet to be mentioned.. but its alright.. youve made your storyyyyyyy and also a point where to cryyyy... *sigh*
    Never expected this!! We were still supporting your food vlogs and sharing it and using it for future references.. this has change my mind now.. i would never be able to believe any popular people's speech..

    • @JennyAli-v8u
      @JennyAli-v8u Месяц назад +2

      I wonder how you guys know the exact teacher if he hasn’t done anything at all. Weird right? As she hasn’t mentioned anywhere. I think bunch of jealous and berojgar people are commenting here.

    • @sanskar9145
      @sanskar9145 Месяц назад +3

      ​@JennyAli-v8u First of all , don't try to butt in if you don't have any clue about the person that sarika is talking about . Secondly, girl are you deaf cuz she have clearly mentioned that he is a math teacher of class 5 and as being the student of same school as her we know the teacher from the core of our heart. You could have understood if you were also from same school as us . And get your ears checked 😊

    • @lhakpadolmasherpa6161
      @lhakpadolmasherpa6161 Месяц назад +3

      @@JennyAli-v8u Wbu?? She didn't mention but we are still in touch with our school and mentors. You seemed to have lots of time reading all the comments and responding.. who's berojgar?? it's clearly seen...

    • @AasmaKhanal54601
      @AasmaKhanal54601 Месяц назад +1

      @@sanskar9145and who are you someone hiding behind a mask? That teacher was clearly a hypocrite and the most biased person alive on earth. You must be someone who he favored the most. #shame on you for even being a human supporting this biasses.

    • @lhakpadolmasherpa6161
      @lhakpadolmasherpa6161 Месяц назад +3

      FYI.. we can see it's new joined account on RUclips.. if you people can speak why don't you come up with your own names.. show us what you are!!.. I commented in all perspectives.. I'm not hating her.. or else are, we are just being respectful to the place and mentors from where we have learnt a lot.. that's it.. no hatred!!!

  • @sabalgreat
    @sabalgreat Месяц назад +7

    Really disgraceful
    Listening such a false statement here, The teacher who you are talking about is actually a hero and a really good mentor.
    "Kudos to a true hero and exceptional mentor! "

    • @0101_AI
      @0101_AI 28 дней назад

      @@sabalgreat tell me more kid .

    • @sabalgreat
      @sabalgreat 28 дней назад

      @@0101_AI more

    • @sabalgreat
      @sabalgreat 27 дней назад

      ​@@0101_AI More Uncle.

  • @nischal747
    @nischal747 Месяц назад +14

    Aba j manlagyo tei tah navanana baini
    He was the best and coolest teacher we had. Aba student lai student jasari treat garda yetro issue vako raixa vaney
    what is he supposed to do ?
    Hami ni tei school padheko ho hamilai ni sir le padhaunu vako ho
    never in my 10 years i have seen him doing that
    please yettikai j pai tei kura chai nafailau

      @BRABIMTAMANG Месяц назад +1

      @@nischal747 dai ko tarfa bata baini lao jaos na yek dui

  • @ayusha-x7z
    @ayusha-x7z Месяц назад +12

    WHAT!!!!!!!! I mean really????? was it that necessary!!! views paiyo vandai ma yesto gari halna ta nahune ho....we are also the students of the same teacher we never felt so but infact is a great teacher..........and no he is not even 0.01% as you mentioned.. we love him as a teacher and please stop spreading false sorry but you have no rights to accuse him for all those false statements

  • @ozaswithapa3180
    @ozaswithapa3180 Месяц назад +11

    I've always enjoyed the content on this channel, but this video feels like a step down in quality. It is disappointing to see a one-sided story focusing on victim-playing and blaming the teacher without providing a balanced perspective (claiming this because I am very familiar with both the speaker and the teacher mentioned).
    Unfortunately, her experience wasn't how she wanted it to be and It seems rather petty to hold onto made-up issues without having a self-reflection for such a long period.
    It would have been beneficial for her to receive encouragement to take accountability and positive attitude from her parents from an early age. Learning to take criticism is an important skill, and I hope she can grow from this experience.
    To Storytellers Team,
    Compared to other videos and guest appearances, this one doesn't meet the usual standards we've come to expect and creates a doubt regarding the level of truthfulness in all other stories yelled out here.
    I look forward to seeing more balanced content in the future.

  • @1vy.Magarr
    @1vy.Magarr Месяц назад +9

    girl Hjr did we even go to the same school and experience the same thing 😭😭 why yapping for fame and things? whatever you’re saying about our teacher is not right, he supports us and gives us very motivational advices whatever you are saying sister is not right and Ali fame ko lagi ni yesto garna hunna

  • @sannayaaa
    @sannayaaa Месяц назад +7

    Please don't hate her without me👍

  • @cynicseason7600
    @cynicseason7600 Месяц назад +7

    गिराएर आफूलाई आज, अरुको नजरमा सम्मानित हुन चाहाँदा
    बिर्सियौ आफू उभिएको धरातल आज
    नाम र दामको मैमता लाग्दा
    छेपारोले के रङ्ग फेर्छ, तिमि त्यति सिपालु रहेछौ
    मगरमच्छ्को आशु बगाएर अरुको सान्तोना पाउन निकै सिपालु भइछौ
    इमान बेचेर आज अभिमानी भइछौ
    आदर्श बेचेर आज अहंकारी भइछौ
    अभागी तिमी अनि बिकृत तिम्रो सोच
    अब थोरै कमाइको इज्जत पनि माटोमा मिल्नेछ
    बिगत वर्तमान र भविस्ष्यले सदैब तिमीलाई धिकारी रहनेछ
    संस्कार सिकेको भए पो सम्मान गर्न जान्थ्यौं
    फेद बाट पलाएको भए पो हुन्थ्यो
    टुप्पो बाट पलाको तिमी अनि अरुलाई काहाँ मान्छे गन्थ्यौ र?

    • @Rumba-v1f
      @Rumba-v1f Месяц назад

      Beautifully said 💐...

  • @yohonozima9605
    @yohonozima9605 Месяц назад +5

    Behind every successful person is a good teacher for me-I wouldn’t be who I am today without the teachers who poured into me when you were growing up.
    And yet, educators so often go underappreciated barely getting any props for making the world go round! Well, I think its time you change that. After all, a few words of appreciation are all it takes to make a teacher smile and say, It’s all worth

  • @garimaale1540
    @garimaale1540 Месяц назад +3

    Why so much negativity? She is just explaining her experience and her perspective. She was new in the school so maybe that’s why she felt that way. This is one of the reasons hamro Nepal ma afno experiences and truth share garna ni daraunu parne

  • @Isbonitamacaroni
    @Isbonitamacaroni Месяц назад +6

    To sir reading this don’t u dare deteriorate urself just from this shitty video. We the students know how amazing and inspiring as a teacher u are. Sure garo dinharu thyo but u always entertained us with ur creative and funny dialogues. Always gave us music concerts and extra infos regarding the topics outside the books. We the students are nothing without ur guidance and just because of this ass video don’t downgrade ur worth. Remember that you are our pillar and a flex that we had u as our teacher.

  • @simrikapoudel4187
    @simrikapoudel4187 Месяц назад +8

    Aee dijju I also have been part of that school for 13 yrs anf i have never felt that kind of disrespect .I fully respect your feelings but famous bhayo vandaima yeti chai bhannu bhayan anii??२ ४ hota views ko lagi yeti ta vannuhunna ni hau.Such a disaapoinment.literally he was one of the best teacher i have ever met.He never made difference between janne ra najanne.He would rather motivate us to work hard..U have made a bad image in front of many peoples.yesto vanna ni ksri akoo hora.This much just for a famee..

  • @shilabhandari-rs6id
    @shilabhandari-rs6id Месяц назад +8

    Xyaa eti low standard vako manxey ni hamro scl ma padheko raixa yr
    Like literally ali ali views ko lagi eti saro naramro vannu is not cool.
    He is one of the coolest and best teacher k..there are many students weaker than u but we've never felt discriminated. He really motivates us. SIS REALLY FAILED AS A STUDENT.He really did everything he could to help the weak ones k.shame on u

  • @sanskar9145
    @sanskar9145 Месяц назад +10

    Sarika you failed as a student 😔
    Fame ko lagi testo ramro teacher lai ne naramro vannu is so cheap . #shameonyousarika

  • @AlizaShrestha-ww4ic
    @AlizaShrestha-ww4ic Месяц назад +11

    Really sis!
    How can you be soo much disappointing and ungrateful
    The teachers you are taking about is one of the best and friendly teachers we can ever have
    Ahile Aayera yo issue nikalera Thulo banaunu it’s just a part of public stunt
    Hola timro perspective ma you are right Tara vako navako kura lai lambayera k payau ?
    Ahile Aayera kosai ko mental health lai hamper garera k Kam
    We agree you were sharing your thoughts but never had any friends bha bha bha what nonsense?We have seen you having a good circle of friends.
    You are behaving like an immature kid

  • @anukoirala1281
    @anukoirala1281 Месяц назад +7

    A lot of years i've studied there he's the most favourite teacher of all the students. How can you have such audacity to say things like that. Its such a cheap behaviour. You can't just talk shit about others like that. you need to respect the teacher who taught you all those years.. instead of being appreciative you return it with ungratefulness, so insolent.
    (remember karma is a bitch)

  • @BimalaGhale-BG
    @BimalaGhale-BG Месяц назад +14

    Jabo views ko lagi j paitei chai vannu navako vaye hunthyo ..uha jasto friendly teacher koi hununna hjr lai ni thaxa .. eti saro jhut bolera aru lai naramro ta dekhaunu
    vayena ni .. ali famous vayo vandaima hamro respected sir lai accuse ta garnu payena hai
    Hjr ley afno reality dekhaihalnu vayo 👏 attention seeker 💯

  • @Yashminthapaa
    @Yashminthapaa Месяц назад +7

    This video proves how someone can stoop so low for fame nd views!!! you failed as a student tbh!!! As far as i know, sir is the coolest and one of the best teacher of the school. The comments prove that too!!

  • @RomanPariyar-z4s
    @RomanPariyar-z4s Месяц назад +5

    Jhut bolni pani tarika hunxa ni I've been through the same school and the same teacher you're talking about although he was really a strict teacher but he has done all the things that a teacher should do he never disappointed his students and shame on you talking all this shits about him he was really kind towards his students and he has always been real haii even tho I didn't spend a really good time with him but the time when I was with him when he used to teach me he was really the best

  • @Yukiii-q8v
    @Yukiii-q8v Месяц назад +17

    What nonsense are you yelling here?
    Testo ramro teacher ko naramro garera k payou man shanta vo?
    Kunai bela hami pani tei school padheko ho tei teacher le padhaunu vako timi vanda kamjoor student thiye ekdam lwatt tara pani khaii hamilai testo kahile garnu vayena
    don't think that you're now popular and j vaneni hunxa
    timro school ko kanda haru ko kura garne ho vane dherai xa
    And talking about your friends koi pani thiyena?
    Then what about benju and ashmita? Like timi haru ta ek aarka lai kahile naxodne sathy thiyo ta aahile aayera ka gayo tyo friendship ki yettikaii dekhawati thiyo tyo pani?

    • @RiyaLama-g4k
      @RiyaLama-g4k Месяц назад +1

      Class 5 mai sathi tadhiyera gayo rey kya . Pachi pachi jhyalma herera basthin arey kya kasto nabujeko

    • @Yukiii-q8v
      @Yukiii-q8v Месяц назад +1

      @@RiyaLama-g4k haha 😆
      Hope she'll realize someday...

  • @SuzyLama-is1is
    @SuzyLama-is1is Месяц назад +9

    Yesari teacher lai naramro banayerw fame kamauna nakhoja baini hamlai pani thaha xa timi school ma kasto thiyeu vanerw tei vayerw don't act as a victim

  • @swikarmainali1889
    @swikarmainali1889 Месяц назад +15

    Views ra fame pauna tmley yesto garera aaru ko najar ma ramro banla aaru ko sympathy paula tara tya
    padhne students haru lai thaha xa testo keii vako thiyena

  • @nabinupreti
    @nabinupreti Месяц назад +5

    Oh my goodness! All the lines give me goosebumps. All the teachers must watch this video.🥹❤

  • @bimalmagar-u5f
    @bimalmagar-u5f Месяц назад +1

    Teacher always think positive about students,i think u are a teenager ,one day u will realize and regret about this..

  • @dineshkhatri1093
    @dineshkhatri1093 Месяц назад +9

    Totally fake and banaoti katha ghuda bata asu po ayo, khai hamro baccha haru ta ekdamai khusi chan ta spotted teacher bata. Bahini bhanna chai k khojeko ho , yo bahini lai yetti ko bhanna laune manche le ekpatak sir ko barema school ma ayera bujnu parne ho

  • @ashika125
    @ashika125 Месяц назад +3

    How could u stoop so low for likes and popularity sis
    He is very nice teacher and i don't just understand how could u do itt

  • @TimbaTumba
    @TimbaTumba Месяц назад +4

    Honestly I dont understand why is everyone attacking her … she has talked about both good and bad teacher of the same school … and how she was impacted because of their behaviour towards her with a message for teachers to be considerate towards both good and bad students . Why is not everyone getting the important message and simply attacking her supporting the teacher

    • @Rumba-v1f
      @Rumba-v1f Месяц назад +1

      I feel like this timba tumba account is the fake account created by Sarika..
      My perception timba tumba please dnt smile after seeing this comment i caught you😂

    • @JennyAli-v8u
      @JennyAli-v8u Месяц назад

      @@Rumba-v1fand what about you teacher? We caught you too

    • @Rumba-v1f
      @Rumba-v1f Месяц назад +2

      @@JennyAli-v8u the teacher is not as foolish as you and fake account holder to waste his valuable time messaging in such a non sense video🤣🤣🤣

    • @Rumba-v1f
      @Rumba-v1f Месяц назад +1

      @@JennyAli-v8u teacher is not that free to act such nonsense activities like you ppl... Ms Another fake account of so called Sarika

  • @1vy.Magarr
    @1vy.Magarr Месяц назад +6

    Aafno food vlog ko views likes haru ghaterw publicly yesto fake kura vanna hunxa? Testo jabo food vlog ya herdai xa ni manxe le I mean among the few famous food blogger I think you may be 5-6th famous one so please food blog ko kaam mai basnu yesto fake story chai na vannu👏🏻 please

  • @Glamourbliss
    @Glamourbliss Месяц назад +3

    I respect the teacher who are always there for the students but at the same time there are some teachers who just are so egoistic and all that they think that student should know everything. For all the teachers who have been there for the students when they need help I salute you but to those who demotivate them needs to understand that every student learns at different pace

  • @Rameshgrg-0
    @Rameshgrg-0 Месяц назад +2

    I was also weak in maths and other subject. Jhan mah tw sarkari schl bata aako thiye. I also failed my exams. But he was the one who help me build my confident regarding my studies and other activities. Ani arko kura hjr le jun teacher ko kura garnu vako xa uha le kahile discrimination garnu vayena. Uha le tuition napadaune ani xuttai rakherw chahi kahile padhaunu vayena hola because uha le tw jahile weak students lai badi focus dinu hunxa. He was and still the one who helps other build the students confident regarding studie. Hjr le jun teacher ko kura varnu vako xa uha mero matra navayerw aru students ko pani fav teacher ho. Jabo famous vayo vandaina aru ko barema yesto jhuto kura tw vanna hudaina ni. Jabo 3,4 views ko lagi aru ko barema yesto jhuto chahi nabolnu hai sis.🙄😒

  • @Annemarieeeee
    @Annemarieeeee Месяц назад +2

    y'all mocking her as if you know who she's talking about. Even if you do, you are not the one who faced that, SHE DID, so SHE KNOWS. Emotionally abused for the sake of improvement, seriously? You didn't go through that so shut up. Some people are sensitive, things do affect them, and they have the right to speak about it. She was a kid, the teacher could have had different ways but he chose underestimating her that crushed her inner child. Just because you didn't feel so doesn't mean she didn't. You guys are so into bringing her down and it shows

    • @anukoirala1281
      @anukoirala1281 Месяц назад +2

      Bro we know who's she talking about.. u don't know anything so shut up we studied in the same scl with the same teacher.. without knowing anything don't meddle your nose in here.

    • @Annemarieeeee
      @Annemarieeeee Месяц назад

      @@anukoirala1281 Just because you studied with the same teacher at the same school, I don't think lets you know what she went through emotionally. She was a kid, maybe she expected to be taught in a way where her emotions are respected. I know teachers do yell, they do it for the good. But sometimes, yelling is not just a solution, if you see the kid being emotionally down, you let them know that they have the potential and push them rather than mocking them. Results day ma, she and her mother heard that statement, you definitely did not. Just because he was nice to everyone does not mean he was the same way with her. She lived that life, you did not, so I think its better for you to not meddle your nose in someone else's story.

    • @anukoirala1281
      @anukoirala1281 28 дней назад +2

      @@Annemarieeeee u didn't study there u don't know how great of a person he is.. he cared for all of the student weak, strong, good and bad he supported all and i am very grateful to have a great teacher like him.. he's the favourite teacher me and my school and the students of that school has ever got.. so bcz of a friking lie i'm not gonna stand there doing ntg .. no matter how much of u sheep talk. the truth is not gonna change for us.. u don't know her she had lots of friends and was a captain too. So before u speak think with your head..

  • @raubinshahthakuri6136
    @raubinshahthakuri6136 Месяц назад +8

    Tyo sir sapana ma aauda man city ko jacket lagayera aaunu hunxa ki ns bike ma?🤔

  • @StepPrak-c8c
    @StepPrak-c8c Месяц назад +12

    Rijan sir yo video herna aaunu vako xa vani mero comment ma like garera janu hai 😁

  • @Mr.mundray11
    @Mr.mundray11 Месяц назад +3

    2-4 janna followers chayeko vaye school ma gayera vaneko vaye hunthyo sathi tera sathi pani k vanu... 2-4 jana followers ko lagi school ra teachers ko nam chai kharab na gara

  • @Kaley-69
    @Kaley-69 Месяц назад +2

    I know of which teacher you're taliing about and i'm reading in tge same school you used to you just took it in a wrong way he was stirct in past but not now Uf he didnt did that today you've not been here So, It was a technique to teach you which you tool in wrong way and you are talking about seperation then everyone faced it from topper to looser dont take it in negative way and think it as a great thank to him❤

  • @SmritiGiri-s4q
    @SmritiGiri-s4q Месяц назад +3

    Dd popularity pauna man lagxa bane hardwork garne ho aru le gareko hardwork ko mathi jpt banne haina la. Plus hamilai tha teacher baneko bhawan ho banin xa. And how the hell can you say bad thing about sir. Hamlai pani thehe sir le padako ho. If sir le hamilai guidance na diyeko baye I don't think Hami yaha samma aaipugthiyau hola. And we all know he is the most coolest teacher we have ever seen. As your junior we are freaking disappointed with you. Shame on you.

  • @Dahlia_unique12345
    @Dahlia_unique12345 Месяц назад +2

    Whoever go through my comment, Will you please leave a message for the teacher. Mine is in the first comment

    • @Dahlia_unique12345
      @Dahlia_unique12345 Месяц назад +1

      We are proud to have you as our teacher. You are the best teacher. We love you ❤

    • @ThaChaina-h2m
      @ThaChaina-h2m Месяц назад +1

      You are the best teacher we've ever got and we love you and respect you with all our hearts❤ euta le vandei ma Tapai naramro hunu hunna sir you are the best and coolest teacher❤

    • @sanskar9145
      @sanskar9145 Месяц назад +1

      You are the coolest teacher that I've seen in my school life . I'm blessed to have you as a teacher . Don't worry about haters(sarika's so-called fans). These people are those kinds of dogs that just know how to bark . Let those people keep bitching about you cuz they don't know your worth . We love you sir and we are always greatfull to have you as our teacher ❤.

    • @SmritiGiri-s4q
      @SmritiGiri-s4q Месяц назад +1

      @Dahlia_unique12345 you have always encouraged me to do any kind of work even I was new (I came back to this school ) you have encouraged me to make new friends you have make me feel like we all are like a family .

    • @1vy.Magarr
      @1vy.Magarr Месяц назад +1

      Sir we all love you so much! Yesto kura haru sunerw kaam xaina sir we all know how best you are as a teacher ani even as like a friend to us! you are the best teacher I’ll ever have in my life even in the life of our school

  • @AasmaKhanal54601
    @AasmaKhanal54601 Месяц назад +4

    Just going through the comments and why is everyone blaming this girl for just sharing her own story & opinion. She hasn’t personally hurt anyone. Usle afnu opinion bhannu usko right ho. She hasn’t even mentioned tyo teacher ko name or school. She has just shared her story ani all those students who think they know the teacher are accepting it about that school. What I personally feel about this case is she felt it because she received such behavior from that teacher. If she really wanted to have sympathy and be a victim then she could’ve mentioned tyo teacher ko name ani taken him down. But no she chose to share her personal experience when she was a child in a healthy way possible and did not even mention his name. “Hawa nachali paat halidaina” so I respect her feelings and all those people here commenting such bad words must be ashamed of themselves for commenting such bad words. Whatever she said was just a personal experience of a little girl.
    Well, how this world has become this much.

    • @Classicallyalive
      @Classicallyalive Месяц назад +5

      @@AasmaKhanal54601 girlllll experience ko kura garyo vani sabai le aafno aafno opinion nai khada gariraheko nai xan yeta. Trust in me kasailai ni yeta kasaiko ejjat falnu xaina.Ani kura aayo what she felt about that teacher obviously is her opinion too Tara half of the comment section is literally filled with her classmates and everyone of us are from the literal same school that she studied in and we all in a way are really close with that teacher. Ani kura aayo how she hasn't personally hurt anyone's feeling you can clearly read some of her close friends' comment k they literally are hurt in the best way possible from her words ani you also don't know ki tyo sir lai aahile school ma k bitiraheko xa vanera so before commenting about respecting someone's opinion make sure ki tyo opinion harule pani in a way sense lera aaos vanera.

    • @Dahlia_unique12345
      @Dahlia_unique12345 Месяц назад +3

      She hasn't personally hurt anyone re .No you are wrong here she had personally hurt her classmate her teacher more she had hurt her closest frn from the class who always supported and were with her. Sharpner dera sathilai fakauthiyo re ammaa vanna ni limit hunxa ni khaja share garera khani sathi lai nayanaya item haru le impress parthye re what the hell is that.
      Usle afno opinion rakhna pauxa ani public ma rakhesakpaxi tyo opinion galat raixa vanye galat vanna pani pauxaum hamile personal feeling usko matra xaina ya comment garni sabai janako afno afno personal feelings haru xan, usko casema usle bad feel garyo re garyo adi yo kura truth thiyo vanye jati pani yo comment sectionma ur r wrong sarika vaneraxan ni sachinai sarika mathi galat vako vaye hami sarika lai support gardai usko support ma bolthyeum tara yaha Yo videoma boleko 1%kura k 0.1%kura ni sahi xaina .ani galat kura lai galat vanera comment garnu Pani afno opinion rakhnu nai ho.
      Hawa nachali pat halidaina re pat jabar jasti sarikale hallauna khojeki ho so called usko followers and fameko lagy.
      Teacher ko name mention garthiyo re if she wanted she chosed the healthy way re yeslai fake way vaninxa heryo vanda akha taryo vanni gali garyo vanda pityo vanni pityo vanda maryo vanni mentality ko manxe positive way re.
      Galat lai galat vanera comment garenai rakhxau she is wrong here so we will be saying again n again she is wrong.
      #Negativemindedperson #attentionseeker
      #the falsestoryteller
      Yes, she is the false story teller

    • @ayusha-x7z
      @ayusha-x7z Месяц назад +4

      @AasmaKhanal54601 its okay that you feel sorry for her tara if you are unfamiliar with the subject you should stay out of it ani kura aayo teacher ko behaviour ko then he is nothing like she mentioned cuz we know him personally and also her not like you judging people just bcuz of some random victimized words and some girl crying over a hola if the teacher was bad then noone wold be here wasting there time tara commonsense yarr ek jana ko sabda birudda yeti jana tyo teacher lai defend garna aairakoxa vane ta its not a joke honey....kei kura hawa ko pachi lagera comment gardai ma ni hudaina if you dont know the real thing, feri tei hawa le udayera khalto tira parla haii hos garnuss

    • @sanskar9145
      @sanskar9145 Месяц назад +1

      baini Timi natw hamro school chenxau na hamro school ko teacher harulai . Yo video ma jojas le tyo teacher ko support comment garerako xa ne tinaharu sabai tei school bata ho . Sir ko support lena jati sabai hamro seniors ra juniors ho ra sabailai tei sir la nai padhaunu vako ho . Ani, what do you mean by she hasn't personally hurt anyone ? She has hurt a lot of people from our school . Hamro headmam,headsir,teachers who support her, juniors who used to look up to her and especially her batchmates ra close friends .... are heartbroken because of her false narrative. Timilai jaba kei thaxaina vane chup lagera basa.

  • @mamtagrg.
    @mamtagrg. Месяц назад +2

    ho sahi kura hamro mani same astai xa talent students lai matra badi fokus garne kamjorlai wastai gardaina tyai vaera kailey agadi badeko xaina

    • @smokeyff6087
      @smokeyff6087 Месяц назад

      Bastabikta taha vayara matra bolako ramro hola haii

  • @KiranprakashPun
    @KiranprakashPun 24 дня назад

    Ya kab huwa vai lagta hay may 10years galat school mey pad liya🙏

  • @notyourDUKU
    @notyourDUKU Месяц назад +4

    Vanna payo vandai ma j pani taitt!

  • @saruadhikari7983
    @saruadhikari7983 Месяц назад +2

    How can u stoop that low just to gain sympathy

  • @JennyAli-v8u
    @JennyAli-v8u Месяц назад +3

    Teachers ramro bhoyena bhane estai experience garnu parcha Honestly esto feelings kasailai nahos. And everyone here is attacking the student instead of understanding the situation. #failedteacher #negativepeople

    • @sanskar9145
      @sanskar9145 Месяц назад +4

      Talai kai thaxaina hamro school ra teacher ko barema . Ta fuchi chup lagara bas bugis . Hami le hamro teacher lai ramro sanga cheneko xa tei vayera teacher ko support lerako xa

    • @lhakpadolmasherpa6161
      @lhakpadolmasherpa6161 Месяц назад +4

      ​@@sanskar9145 Actually this person is familiar with the situation, just the thing is he or her is not revealing themselves and they have just created a channel today..

    • @sanskar9145
      @sanskar9145 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@lhakpadolmasherpa6161 I think this is the fake account of someone who is fan of her 😂😂

    • @ozaswithapa3180
      @ozaswithapa3180 Месяц назад +4

      Would have understood the situation if it was true. And no one’s here to attack the student just giving her a reality check. Get out of your bubble.

    • @JennyAli-v8u
      @JennyAli-v8u Месяц назад

      @@sanskar9145and you of that bias teacher lol

  • @sujitatamang5095
    @sujitatamang5095 Месяц назад +2

    Fame ko lagi yeti samma nagarya vaye huntheyo

  • @babinrana5737
    @babinrana5737 Месяц назад +3

    I think, still, it's to relatable in my life✔️🙏,

    • @sanskar9145
      @sanskar9145 Месяц назад +3

      Bro you don't have any ideas about that teacher. As I was also from same school as her that teacher was not even 0.000001% of how she described 🙄. I know that some teachers are egoistic but our school has the finest teachers . She is just making up this story for fame . Believe me , she is hungry for attention, sympathy and fame

    • @SmritiGiri-s4q
      @SmritiGiri-s4q Месяц назад +2

      Bro every teacher have done hardwork for there students like your parents. Halka karaudai ma you won't die. K timro bau aama le chai timilai karaunu hudaina ra?? I know sabai teacher yeutai hudainan but previous comment haru padhera lagxa ki hamro sir yesto hunun thiyo??

  • @shemosam796
    @shemosam796 Месяц назад +1

    2-4 jana followers badhauna k boldiyepani vayo …

  • @0101_AI
    @0101_AI 28 дней назад

    I wanna be your friend. ❤

  • @sajanishrestha9823
    @sajanishrestha9823 25 дней назад

    Tare zamin jasto kt😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @bhuwanshrestha2939
    @bhuwanshrestha2939 25 дней назад

    तारे जमीन

  • @suminalimbu2155
    @suminalimbu2155 Месяц назад +3


  • @sinzoongurung6928
    @sinzoongurung6928 Месяц назад +2


  • @JennyAli-v8u
    @JennyAli-v8u Месяц назад +3

    all the students who the teacher has favored must be here to defend him omg!!! Anyways why do i care! The thing is truth is truth these sheep aren’t gonna change anything. Bunch of jealous & negative people here.

    • @AlizaShrestha-ww4ic
      @AlizaShrestha-ww4ic Месяц назад +3

      We are supporting that teacher Cause we know how he is
      And the mass shows that she is completely wrong and making up things
      Soo please Sabai kura bhujena matra comment garnu hola
      And We her know her very well

    • @Classicallyalive
      @Classicallyalive Месяц назад +2

      @@JennyAli-v8u If what she had said was even half percentage le pani correct people would have applauded.. for her bravery and strong will to improve herself and for literally standing up against that teacher. BUT the way you wanderers who know nothing bout our school and it's people are literally going around only hearing one sided sob stories, completely neglecting half of the people and having the literal audacity to call us sheep.🤣
      When you just said that the teacher favoured half of the students who are commenting so called "negative" stuffs towards her..then care to explain why and how half of the population from the school would be favoured by him except for her!!!!!

    • @ayusha-x7z
      @ayusha-x7z Месяц назад +2

      @JennyAli-v8u Jealous and negative people huh??really? then what do you call yourself ''a care taker of someone who is talking shit and accusing someone for something what he has never done'' okay i get it ... not only her but shame on you honey and for your kind information a teacher never favours his student all of us equal to him .......sansar ma yesto manxe haru ni huda raixan no wonder why i was smelling rats around the corner...... so please dear think before you say anything , k tha aafno tikho boli le kun bela aafnai jibro katla haiii..

    • @sanskar9145
      @sanskar9145 Месяц назад

      First of all, you are the sheep here, and you even have audacity to call us sheep . Ekpati ko story sunera bichara ramrai teacher lai judge garne timi ani sheep chai hami😂. Ani, if you didn't care, why are you reading our comments ? Cuz as far as I know, nobody forced you to read our comments. And for your information, that teacher favoured all of his students either week or talented. Note this point in your brain if you have one 😉. And don't spread negativity 🧿🧿

    • @biyushmaharjan4003
      @biyushmaharjan4003 Месяц назад +1

      Hami le hamro sir ko bata boleko ho stand lina k vayo bolna payo vandai ma man lagi ni vanu vayena jasle chai kamjor lai ramro banauxa uslai naramro vanda chita bujdai na hamlai thaxa theo fuchi kasto xa vaneko yesai galat vanu vayena k paisa kamayo ani fame payo vandai ma j ni bolne chita bujena tei vayera hami boleko bichar puram hai

  • @MansaTree
    @MansaTree Месяц назад +2
