Ludwig van Beethoven: C-dúr zongoraverseny Op. 15
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Ludwig van Beethoven: C-dúr zongoraverseny Op. 15
A Gödöllői Szimfonikus Zenekar koncertje
Szólista: Ránki Fülöp - zongora
Vezényel: Horváth Gábor
I. Allegro con brio 0:50
II. Largo 15:50
III. Rondo. Allegro scherzando 25:25
A felvétel a XIX. Liszt Fesztivál Gödöllő programsorozat részeként a Gödöllői Királyi Kastély Lovardájában készült 2020. október 22-én.
A XIX. Liszt Fesztivál főtámogatója: Morgan Star Group
A koncert és a felvétel további támogatói:
Európai Unió Kreatív Európa Kultúra Alprogram
NKA (Nemzeti Kulturális Alap)
EMMI (Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma)
EMT (Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő)
HÁTTÉR Kiadó és Kereskedelmi Kft.
Gödöllő Város Önkormányzata
A felvételt készítette a Natural Sound Bt.
Ránk Fülöp remek szólista, kedvencem a rondo tétel
Une pure merveille d'interprétation.
Thanks for sharing your talents. BRAVO!
Festejo haber escuchado hasta ahora está magnífica orquesta! Me rindo como admiradora de su arte!
So enchanting
통통튄다 경쾌하고 좋어요
Excellent interpretation. I like the steady tempo. Very good pianist. In addition, how nice to see a conductor propperly dressed, not wearing one of those horrible black-pijama-like uniforms that some modern conductors dare to use.
Bravisimo semerece un ascar hay muy pocos que agan sonar asi al piano
Josefina espinosa
Awesome performance.. who is the pianist
I like early Beethoven. He would still have made a significant contribution even if he hadn' t moved forward with the Eroica.
Completely wrong. Nothing singular or more innovative than Haydn or Mozart before Eroica. If Beethoven would have died at 31 like Schubert, he would have been totally insignificant in the history of music and completely forgotten. Where as Mozart or Schubert already composed immortal masterpieces like Winterreise or Le Nozze di Figaro.
@@Alix777. and yet his early works still show up on programmes.
Who is the wonderful player?
The soloist was Ránki Fülöp (Hungarian) which translates into English as Philip Ranki who seems to be a complete mystery. I've tried Googling his name but cannot find him performing anything other than this Beethoven Piano Concerto in C Major OP.15. Would be pleased if someone else knows where to find other performances by this very talented young player.
Is this our Beethoven’s First Piano Concerto?
Formidabile talento per la sua giovane età, farà una strada piena di successo.Complimenti
In fact the second piano concerto was written before the first