A woman told prophet Nuh(as) that her son died and he was too young as he was only 450 yrs old. Nuh (as) said; there will be an ummah(generation) whose lifespan will be 60-70 yrs. The woman replied: that's very less time, if I'll be in that ummah I'll never raise my head from prostration...
I'm curious, could you please let me know the source of the narration you shared about Prophet Nuh (as)? It's an interesting story, and I'd like to learn more about it. Thank you!
I've come across that narration myself. I think I read it in a book. If you want to search for the source, you could reach out to scholarly individuals, books or websites. Regular people like us often times would just come across such narrations by chance. Good luck.
my brother & my sister.. i became a muslim again, after watching ur review on the islamic lectures. as a born muslim, i need to continuously learn islamic knowledge. thank you. i pray for ur prosperous life in this life & hereafter. please accept the islam if u have such contentment in ur heart. dont deny it. remember the uncle of Rasulullullah.. ? he was the uncle of Rasulullah peace be upon him. this life is short, we'll die around 60's.. maybe earlier or later, but later we'll live forever in paradise or hell.
Nabi Nuh gave Da'wah for 950 years and then the flood came. After the flood Nabi Nuh went on to live for another 350 years. Subhanallah This is the miracle of ALLAH.
I am still waiting for the day you guys meet mohammed ali " muslim lantern" he will answer a lot of your questions That is why i advise you guys to write down all the questions you have , and any curiosity about the quran so that you can easily ask him about it May allah guide us all , I love your reactions guys ❤
Honestly this is the best advice someone can give on the internet to you right now, Muhammad Ali ( The muslim lantern) is very patient and respectful. And he actually has a lot of experience Q & A about Islam, you can see from his channel while waiting for the chance to get to have a conversation with him. He was actually live yesterday evening on his channel
You know Han it is so funny that Christians believe that the angel Gabriel came down to Noah and instructed him how to build the ark but they disbelief that the same angel went to the prophet Muhammad (saw) !!! What they believe about the angel is beyond me
They deny that's y They don't use logic When u talk about Islam They say it's a new religion and that it's false bcz it's "new" But when u talk about how Judaism is older than Christianity, they start to sweat and talk about how both of them were here to guide ppl bla bla bla Doesn't that already explains their mentality and logic?
Listening to the Prophet series always brings tears to my eyes when you hear what they went through with such patience… I’ve listened to these series maybe 10 times now as I have it in dvd in my car. Noah didn’t live for 950 years… he preached for 950 years, first he grew up and maybe at 40 started preaching for 950 years and then for 100 years he built the ark and then he lived for another 350 years after landing on dry soil once again… so he lived for some 1450 yrs by what they stated. Adam AS lived for 950 yrs because he gave 50 yrs of his life to Prophet David AS, everyone lived for over 1000 years back in those days as they had to populate the earth, and also the air, water and food quality would have been so enriching for the human bodies, and as time went by life spans shortened, now we’re at a time when the Prophet Muhammad PBUH said “majority of my ummah will live between 60-70 yrs” and that’s what we see today… the majority of the world populations passes away between 60-70 yrs. You’re wondering how one of the children of Noah didn’t get on the ark and yet you forgot that the first male child of Adam AS killed his brother!!!
You know why i strongly recommended this Prophet Series? Ok i tell you..., because from all prophet stories ,..you both will more easy understanding..what is ISLAM...from that stage...you will learn and lastly...you will realise about this life in this world ,...history level, science, etc....that will become complete your puzzle in knowledge of why ISLAM is truth...so may Allah bless and guide you both..... jazakallahu khairan.. aammiinn
Allah only immortalizes major events and important events during the time of the prophets, to be a lesson for mankind, and the last prophet Muhammad saw, taught in detail every stage of the news received from his God, to be applied in daily actions,
You are about to spread islam more and more , Allah chose you for this, such a unique oportunity you got,may Allah guide you to the muslim path and give you strengh for it, amiiiiinnnn. Looking forward to see you taking shahada inchAllah. AMIN.❤
Just adding a small detail: - From the descendants of Sam, comes the Arabs, Persians and Romans. - From the descendants of Yafeth, comes the Turks, Khazars, Slavs, Gog & Magog (Ya'juj & Ma'juj). - From the descendants of Ham, comes the Copt (ancient Egyptians), Sudanese, Berbers, basically most of dark looking people. And Allah knows best.
˹He is the One˺ Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving. surah mulk 67 .so you see even Adam alayhi salaam was created from different color sands ,it doesn't matter the color of skin its the deeds that matter in the end and whether Allah has mercy upon us that time and tribes and nations were created so we can recognize one another so it really doesn't matter in the end.
Ma Sha Allah. I'm glad you guys finally watched the entire Noah episode not just 6 to 10 minutes one. Keep on reacting the Prophet series consecutively you will understand the beauty of Islam. Because Islam is about all the Prophets not just Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
هذي الاية تتكلم عن سفينة نوح (( ان لما طغى الماء حملناكم في الجارية (١١) لنجعلها لكم تذكرة وتعيها أذن واعية )) انا متاكدالعلماءسيكتشفون سفية نوح بواسطة الاجهزة السمعية او السمع او مايخص الاذن . This verse talks about Noah’s Ark ((Indeed, when the waters overflowed, We carried you in the ship (11) to make it a reminder for you and an aware ear would understand it)) I am sure that scientists will discover Noah’s ark by means of audio devices, hearing, or whatever pertains to the ear.
Thank u so much for Reacting to this beautiful video about Prophet Noah.. It really touches the heart. I love your reaction videos, May Allah give both u Hidayah
Noah called to his people for 950yrs. He lived for about 40 to 50yrs, before he started preaching . Therefore the mention of 1000 less 50yrs. So when the flood started, Noah was 1000yrs.old.
Yes they say people used to live longer. Even now in comparisson with 300 years ago we know that people lived longer...up to 150 years...and now the avarage age is 70 to 80 in europe alone. 100 plus is becoming very rear today
@@handleisGG ofcourse there must have been. 1000 years of preaching and result is just 80 people, that means for little over 1 century he got 1 follower.
Good information of the day 😊 The prophet’s duas (prayers) always come true Also I think everyone lives for a long time because lifespan kept declining until 100 years today 😅
71:26 And Noah, said: "O my Lord! Leave not of the Unbelievers, a single one on earth 71:27 "For, if Thou dost leave (any of) them, they will but mislead Thy devotees, and they will breed none but wicked ungrateful ones
The question is, whom we stand for ? If we lived during that time? Are we join to mock the prophet? Or we are as his follower? Remember that people followed him just a few!
with the level of thought in ancient times, humans in that era could only be convinced by the miracles of previous prophets in each era, but as time passed, the level of human thinking began to develop from the life lessons received, so that from the time of the last prophet Muhammad SAW onwards, the people of the end times will be more encouraged to think and consider everything, in accepting the truth and in every action.
That time people used to live for more than thousand years like 1300, 1400, 1500 yrs old. We know this from the hadith of the lady who came crying to noah who's children dying young and when noah asked her how old she said 350 yrs old, then noah tells her there will be people at the end times who will love around 70 yrs. And she said what's 70 yrs I can spend that time in prostration (sajda) so from this we can see 350 yrs old was a young child to them
Complete the series of the stories of the prophets, it will open up your realisation of what happened after Noah in many ways and some stories may be familiar to you in the Bible. Nice content good luck 🤞
i am still waiting for the day you guys meet mohammed ali " muslim lantern" he will answer a lot of your questions That is why i advise you guys to write down all the questions you have , and any curiosity about the quran so that you can easily ask him about it May allah guide us all , I lkve your reactions guys
I have for you a video of the Muslim Lantern titled Non-Muslim Audience Asks Muslim Difficult Questions! Muhammed Ali It's very informative and will benefit your journey to know more and more about Islam .
Love your reaction. So many people think that Allah's miracles are fairy tales. The arrogance. People of these times lived well over a thousand years. 950 years to try and save his people. Who can blame Allah for his punishment. Today the corruption is rife. Had it not been for Prophet Muhammad pbuh, asking Allah to restrain from punishing humanity as he had before and to forego it until the Day of Judgement ❤
Most prophets have a long age to dakwah, when prophet muhammad PBUH has only 63 years (proximate of human nowadays live), and from what i read and hear some stories, only prophet muhammad PBUH who doesn't even claim a complaint (idk how to say it wisely) to allah about his people who didnt want to follow him Even jeebreel AS self tell to prophet muhammad PBUH "i will flip a mountains to every single humans who didnt believe in you and ur revelations right now if you pray for it" . But he says no. Whats more is, our pray times was 50 times, but prophets Muhammad PBUH begged to allah to decreased the amount of it until what we doin now ( 5 times pray/Salah)
The prophet Muhammad said Allah gave Adam a life span of 1000 years and he was 60 cubits tall. If you think about the height of Adam he was probably as tall as dinosaurs. I believe he also said on Judgment day we will be as tall as Adam and have the age of Jesus when he ascended to heaven (33 Years old)
You answered it very well yourself. He was given a longer life than most (even though most people back then lived longer than now) so that he could spread the message to as many people as he could. And Allah gave people a lot of chances to repent, for years and years because he is merciful. But they did not listen and eventually the mercy was closed for them and the punishment of the flood was put on them
Yes.. Old generation always have more ages like 1000 yeare or more until Muhammad PBUH, so now we have Night "Lailatul Qadr" At Ramadhan, its like 1000 months, so we just have 60 years but in Ramadhan every years our prayer like 1000 months
Remember, in Quran it was not said to have flooded the whole world rather from the description it seems to be a flood for his community. And, Allah knows best.
Great reaction! i really recommened the next 2 videos in the prohpet series: Prophet Hud (Destruction of The Giants - Nation of AD ᴴᴰ) and after that Prophet Salih (Destruction of Thamud ᴴᴰ). It's one speaker and the production of the video is really good with great explaination. It's also uploaded by The merciful servant!
If you are confused about the age of the Prophet Noah, you should be more confused about the Prophet Isa (Jesus) being born without a father and the Prophet Adam being created without parents. This is what is called religious logic.
Ibn ‘Asakir reported: Malik ibn Anas, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “The Sunnah is like the Ark of Noah. Whoever boards it will be saved, and whoever does not board it will drown.” Tarikh Dimashq 12275
يُدْعَى نُوحٌ يَومَ القِيامَةِ، فيَقولُ: لَبَّيْكَ وسَعْدَيْكَ يا رَبِّ، فيَقولُ: هلْ بَلَّغْتَ؟ فيَقولُ: نَعَمْ، فيُقالُ لِأُمَّتِهِ: هلْ بَلَّغَكُمْ؟ فيَقولونَ: ما أتانا مِن نَذِيرٍ، فيَقولُ: مَن يَشْهَدُ لَكَ؟ فيَقولُ: مُحَمَّدٌ وأُمَّتُهُ، فَتَشْهَدُونَ أنَّه قدْ بَلَّغَ: {وَيَكونَ الرَّسُولُ علَيْكُم شَهِيدًا} فَذلكَ قَوْلُهُ جَلَّ ذِكْرُهُ: {وَكَذلكَ جَعَلْناكُمْ أُمَّةً وسَطًا لِتَكُونُوا شُهَداءَ علَى النَّاسِ ويَكونَ الرَّسُولُ علَيْكُم شَهِيدًا} والوَسَطُ: العَدْلُ. الراوي : أبو سعيد الخدري | المحدث : البخاري | المصدر : صحيح البخاري | الصفحة أو الرقم : 4487 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : [صحيح] | التخريج : من أفراد البخاري على مسلم .4066 - أخبرنا الحسين بن محمد بن إسحاق ، ثنا محمد بن أحمد بن البراء ، ثنا عبد المنعم بن إدريس ، عن أبيه ، عن وهب بن منبه ، قال : ذكر الحسن بن أبي الحسن عن سبعة رهط شهدوا بدرا قال وهب : وقد حدثني عبد الله بن عباس كلهم رفعوا الحديث إلى [ ص: 415 ] رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - : " إن الله يدعو نوحا وقومه يوم القيامة أول الناس ، فيقول : ماذا أجبتم نوحا ؟ فيقولون : ما دعانا وما بلغنا ولا نصحنا ولا أمرنا ولا نهانا . فيقول نوح : دعوتهم يا رب دعاء فاشيا في الأولين والآخرين أمة بعد أمة حتى انتهى إلى خاتم النبيين أحمد ، فانتسخه وقرأه وآمن به وصدقه . فيقول الله للملائكة : ادعوا أحمد وأمته ، فيأتي رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - وأمته يسعى نورهم بين أيديهم ، فيقول نوح لمحمد وأمته : هل تعلمون أني بلغت قومي الرسالة واجتهدت لهم بالنصيحة ، وجهدت أن أستنقذهم من النار سرا وجهارا ، فلم يزدهم دعائي إلا فرارا ؟ فيقول رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - وأمته : " فإنا نشهد بما نشدتنا به أنك في جميع ما قلت من الصادقين . فيقول قوم نوح : وأين علمت هذا يا أحمد أنت وأمتك ونحن أول الأمم وأنت وأمتك آخر الأمم ؟ فيقول رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - : ( بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم إنا أرسلنا نوحا إلى قومه أن أنذر قومك من قبل أن يأتيهم عذاب أليم ) - قرأ السورة حتى ختمها - فإذا ختمها قالت أمته : ( نشهد أن هذا لهو القصص الحق وما من إله إلا الله وأن الله لهو العزيز الحكيم ) ، فيقول الله عز وجل عند ذلك : ( وامتازوا اليوم أيها المجرمون ) فهم أول من يمتاز في النار .
It was narrated that when Prophet Noah was about to die, he was asked the following question by the Angels, “ How did you feel your stay on earth for so many years? ” Prophet Noah replied, “ I saw this life on Earth like a house with two doors. I entered through one door and I left through the other. ” He meant that it went so quickly.
Ya,Benar 950 Tahun... Itulah Jatah Hidup yang diBerikan Allah SWT.kepada Nabi Nukh AS.dan Jatah Usia Manusia adalah Hak Prerogative Tuhan.Seriap Orang ada yang Sama ada juga yang Berbeda... Namun Yang Pasti,Semakin Mendekati kiamat,Umur Manusia Semakin Pendek...
can you imagine how much faith Noah and the followers has? he did the dakwah for 950 yrs and built the ark for 150 yrs, but before that he actually prepared the woods for the ark for hundreds of years as well (correct me if wrong), what a test Allah SWT gave him! thats why he is one of the mighty prophets, he knows that he is going to get mocked, but he is a man of steel and faith made him strong.
Yeah I def think y’all should listen to the prophet story series in order from the beginning to understand Islam from prophet Adam (the first prophet) to prophet Muhammad (the last prophet) peace be upon them✨
‘Ata’ reported: Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “All of the idols among the people of Noah appeared among the Arabs later. They were the names of righteous men among the people of Noah. When they passed away, Satan inspired in their people to build statues in the places they used to sit and name them by their names. They did so and they were not worshiped until the first generation passed away and knowledge was lost; then they were worshiped.” Sahih al-Bukhari 4636
That’s why Rasulallah said after me near qayyama you will see all those nation temptations rise up and cover you and you will see Dajjal temptations in Muslim house , and only Quran is the one who can save you from each temptations and guide you how to come out and face.
It always make me crying and afraid when Allah says Noah son has wronged Allah, so do not dare order Allah about this. I wish and I hope i'm not part of those who wronged Allah 😢
This is adangerous part of it when you see yoyr son drowning and you cant save him!!No ,No,when they just tell you dont dare to talk about your son!!this place always make me cry!
Yes, Noah was calling the people for 950 years, but he live many years before he became prophet. That was the era of dinosaurs, so people were huge (like human dinosaurs too) and used to live 2000-4000 years.
The age of people before the flood was very long but after the flood it became 200 years and it decreased until it became 60 year average and it maybe dies young or old by the will of ALLAH
Noah spent 950 of his age in calling his people to Allah and 40 years to build the Ark and lived 350 years post the floods. people in early life lived that long as Adam lived 1000 years and Sheith as well some hundreds of years
Noah Pbuh called "People towards lord for 950 Years, because age those days was very very long, which ceased and decreased with passage of time...He lived more then 950 Years as said in video he lived after flood for 350 Years....
Oh and i watched a documentary on netflix caled ancient apocalipse and i found so many pararel with the prophet stories like noah alaihisalam , Wallahualam
i heard in earlier years since Prophet Adam (a.s) , human have a really long span of life . and ive heard some article about human footstep fossil in stone that really massive, it said it's the Prophet Adam footstep , Wallahualam, Allah know best . im just mere weak human , need still research about it. May Allah SWT guide us
@@usmanfarooq9301 There are few hadeeths mentioned variation of Noah age, but Ibnu Katsir prefer Ibnu Abbas hadeeth. Age 1050 yrs. And Jibril used to greet Noah as the longest age among messengers. Maybe you have the point.
The prophet who lived 1000 years? Prophet Adam (the father of humans): He lived 1000 years, was buried in India, it was said in Mecca, and it was said in Jerusalem. Prophet Idris (Enoch): He lived on earth for 865 years. Prophet Noah (the sheikh of the messengers): He remained among his people for 950 years. It was said that he was buried in the Kufa Mosque, and it was said in the Red Mountain, and it was said in the Sacred Mosque.
It is the Islamic belief that previous generations lived longer and were massive in size compared to us explaining the archaeology of megalithic remains found across the world. Also, the lengthy life of Noah is in the oldest record of a global flood found in the tablets in sumarian archaeology which predates christianity. It is believed he is referred to as Gelghamish.
At that time as described in quran people lived so long and they where litterly so tall like Allah said in Quran 60 Arm or like 28 meter was Adam height
everything is different at that time , including age , and height . and strength . did you know its mentionned in one of narration that adam was 90 feet (cuz he was the 1st ) and since that day and days pass and the blessing decreases so the heigh decraeses , the age limit also , till today here we are
A fun fact: The age of the kings in the book of the Sumerian kings are ridiculously high to the certain point of time in history but after that certain point all the ages become normal.
A woman told prophet Nuh(as) that her son died and he was too young as he was only 450 yrs old. Nuh (as) said; there will be an ummah(generation) whose lifespan will be 60-70 yrs. The woman replied: that's very less time, if I'll be in that ummah I'll never raise my head from prostration...
I'm curious, could you please let me know the source of the narration you shared about Prophet Nuh (as)? It's an interesting story, and I'd like to learn more about it.
Thank you!
I've come across that narration myself. I think I read it in a book. If you want to search for the source, you could reach out to scholarly individuals, books or websites. Regular people like us often times would just come across such narrations by chance. Good luck.
قالت المراة اويبنون قال نعم ويتسارعون فى ناطحات السحاب قالت المراة حمقى لو كنت فى زمنهم لقضيتو حياتى فى السجود والله اعلم
I think 200 years
Manshaallah ❤.
my brother & my sister.. i became a muslim again, after watching ur review on the islamic lectures. as a born muslim, i need to continuously learn islamic knowledge. thank you. i pray for ur prosperous life in this life & hereafter. please accept the islam if u have such contentment in ur heart. dont deny it. remember the uncle of Rasulullullah.. ? he was the uncle of Rasulullah peace be upon him. this life is short, we'll die around 60's.. maybe earlier or later, but later we'll live forever in paradise or hell.
Nabi Nuh gave Da'wah for 950 years and then the flood came. After the flood Nabi Nuh went on to live for another 350 years. Subhanallah This is the miracle of ALLAH.
No. That isn't a miracle. Everyone lived that long. Miracle is what is mentioned as a miracle. Not what you think it is
I am still waiting for the day you guys meet mohammed ali " muslim lantern" he will answer a lot of your questions
That is why i advise you guys to write down all the questions you have , and any curiosity about the quran so that you can easily ask him about it
May allah guide us all , I love your reactions guys ❤
He’s my favorite too masha Allah he’s so knowledgeable
Honestly this is the best advice someone can give on the internet to you right now, Muhammad Ali ( The muslim lantern) is very patient and respectful. And he actually has a lot of experience Q & A about Islam, you can see from his channel while waiting for the chance to get to have a conversation with him. He was actually live yesterday evening on his channel
Noah age was nothing strange at that time, as they all had long lives
He preached for 950 years...
May Allah (God) bless you both for spreading knowledge and the words of God :)
Tonight Muslim Lantern has a RUclips live
Please join and ask your questions
yes I agree or at least they can watch the stream
I second this suggestion
Earlier people lived for long age and ages of people go to decrease generation after generation
Yes people in the past have Huge, Tall body and long age and keep decreasing from generation to generation
That the prophet time..when you reach 100 ,they still think you young
You know Han it is so funny that Christians believe that the angel Gabriel came down to Noah and instructed him how to build the ark but they disbelief that the same angel went to the prophet Muhammad (saw) !!! What they believe about the angel is beyond me
They deny that's y
They don't use logic
When u talk about Islam They say it's a new religion and that it's false bcz it's "new"
But when u talk about how Judaism is older than Christianity, they start to sweat and talk about how both of them were here to guide ppl bla bla bla
Doesn't that already explains their mentality and logic?
Listening to the Prophet series always brings tears to my eyes when you hear what they went through with such patience… I’ve listened to these series maybe 10 times now as I have it in dvd in my car.
Noah didn’t live for 950 years… he preached for 950 years, first he grew up and maybe at 40 started preaching for 950 years and then for 100 years he built the ark and then he lived for another 350 years after landing on dry soil once again… so he lived for some 1450 yrs by what they stated.
Adam AS lived for 950 yrs because he gave 50 yrs of his life to Prophet David AS, everyone lived for over 1000 years back in those days as they had to populate the earth, and also the air, water and food quality would have been so enriching for the human bodies, and as time went by life spans shortened, now we’re at a time when the Prophet Muhammad PBUH said “majority of my ummah will live between 60-70 yrs” and that’s what we see today… the majority of the world populations passes away between 60-70 yrs.
You’re wondering how one of the children of Noah didn’t get on the ark and yet you forgot that the first male child of Adam AS killed his brother!!!
You know why i strongly recommended this Prophet Series? Ok i tell you..., because from all prophet stories ,..you both will more easy understanding..what is ISLAM...from that stage...you will learn and lastly...you will realise about this life in this world ,...history level, science, etc....that will become complete your puzzle in knowledge of why ISLAM is truth...so may Allah bless and guide you both..... jazakallahu khairan.. aammiinn
Islam gives full details of all prophets ther cmplete history.u imagine evrythg u do in ur life Islam has a guidance.islam is a way of life......!
Not exactly their complete history... only what Allah has revealed to us, we only what He decides we should know about them
I want to say its nly in Islam we get more details abt the prophets life....!
Allah only immortalizes major events and important events during the time of the prophets, to be a lesson for mankind, and the last prophet Muhammad saw, taught in detail every stage of the news received from his God, to be applied in daily actions,
It's all stolen from other sources especially the Bible! Islam is a fraud!
You are about to spread islam more and more , Allah chose you for this, such a unique oportunity you got,may Allah guide you to the muslim path and give you strengh for it, amiiiiinnnn. Looking forward to see you taking shahada inchAllah. AMIN.❤
Just adding a small detail:
- From the descendants of Sam, comes the Arabs, Persians and Romans.
- From the descendants of Yafeth, comes the Turks, Khazars, Slavs, Gog & Magog (Ya'juj & Ma'juj).
- From the descendants of Ham, comes the Copt (ancient Egyptians), Sudanese, Berbers, basically most of dark looking people.
And Allah knows best.
What about the eastern looking asians ?
Yup we aren't pure bloods anymore bro we are just mixed blood.@IStevenSeagal
˹He is the One˺ Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving. surah mulk 67 .so you see even Adam alayhi salaam was created from different color sands ,it doesn't matter the color of skin its the deeds that matter in the end and whether Allah has mercy upon us that time and tribes and nations were created so we can recognize one another so it really doesn't matter in the end.
tell me,the asian people decendants from whom
Next prophet Hud pbuh ❤
We love this Prophet Series keep learning we are learning with you 😊
The people of that time not only had a long life span but also had a very large and tall body
They were giants like prophet Adam pbuh ( 30 meters tall ) and lived millions of years ago
Noah was one of the Antideluvian Prophets beginning from Adam. They all had those long lifespan which was common in those times.
Ok thanks my dear brother and sister you reaction this video beautiful quran recit by Muhammad Al kurdi Noah story with English
Ma Sha Allah. I'm glad you guys finally watched the entire Noah episode not just 6 to 10 minutes one. Keep on reacting the Prophet series consecutively you will understand the beauty of Islam. Because Islam is about all the Prophets not just Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Very good reviews.... Very well explained.
هذي الاية تتكلم عن سفينة نوح (( ان لما طغى الماء حملناكم في الجارية (١١) لنجعلها لكم تذكرة وتعيها أذن واعية ))
انا متاكدالعلماءسيكتشفون سفية نوح بواسطة الاجهزة السمعية او السمع او مايخص الاذن .
This verse talks about Noah’s Ark ((Indeed, when the waters overflowed, We carried you in the ship (11) to make it a reminder for you and an aware ear would understand it)) I am sure that scientists will discover Noah’s ark by means of audio devices, hearing, or whatever pertains to the ear.
There is no God but Allah❤
Thank u so much for Reacting to this beautiful video about Prophet Noah.. It really touches the heart. I love your reaction videos, May Allah give both u Hidayah
Noah called to his people for 950yrs. He lived for about 40 to 50yrs, before he started preaching . Therefore the mention of 1000 less 50yrs. So when the flood started, Noah was 1000yrs.old.
And he lived for 350 years after the flood so he should be around 1350 years old when he passed away right? That sounds so cool and interesting
what type Wood material Noah use it to build the arch ,,,???
@@Zayed411 Don't forget he build the Ark for around 100 yeras, so 1450 years of life?
@@v.tantov.14vTeak wood??
ألف سنة إلا خمسين عام ، I don’t think he was 950 years old why would allah use two different words to define years ??#food for thought
Yes they say people used to live longer. Even now in comparisson with 300 years ago we know that people lived longer...up to 150 years...and now the avarage age is 70 to 80 in europe alone. 100 plus is becoming very rear today
Only about 80 people became the followers of Noah during his preaching years (950 years).
950? Only 80? We're there many people back then, like the population wise?
@@handleisGG ofcourse there must have been. 1000 years of preaching and result is just 80 people, that means for little over 1 century he got 1 follower.
I mean for 950 years 80 ppl r not alot
Good information of the day 😊
The prophet’s duas (prayers) always come true
Also I think everyone lives for a long time because lifespan kept declining until 100 years today 😅
Keep going in this series 👍
71:26 And Noah, said: "O my Lord! Leave not of the Unbelievers, a single one on earth
71:27 "For, if Thou dost leave (any of) them, they will but mislead Thy devotees, and they will breed none but wicked ungrateful ones
The question is, whom we stand for ? If we lived during that time? Are we join to mock the prophet? Or we are as his follower? Remember that people followed him just a few!
There is but only one answer to these questions. Alhumdillah To be born a Muslim
with the level of thought in ancient times, humans in that era could only be convinced by the miracles of previous prophets in each era, but as time passed, the level of human thinking began to develop from the life lessons received, so that from the time of the last prophet Muhammad SAW onwards, the people of the end times will be more encouraged to think and consider everything, in accepting the truth and in every action.
That time people used to live for more than thousand years like 1300, 1400, 1500 yrs old.
We know this from the hadith of the lady who came crying to noah who's children dying young and when noah asked her how old she said 350 yrs old, then noah tells her there will be people at the end times who will love around 70 yrs. And she said what's 70 yrs I can spend that time in prostration (sajda) so from this we can see 350 yrs old was a young child to them
Complete the series of the stories of the prophets, it will open up your realisation of what happened after Noah in many ways and some stories may be familiar to you in the Bible. Nice content good luck 🤞
i am still waiting for the day you guys meet mohammed ali " muslim lantern" he will answer a lot of your questions
That is why i advise you guys to write down all the questions you have , and any curiosity about the quran so that you can easily ask him about it
May allah guide us all , I lkve your reactions guys
Thanks for trying to find out the truth rather than just listening to the media 🤝🏾🤜🏾
I have for you a video of the Muslim Lantern titled
Non-Muslim Audience Asks Muslim Difficult Questions! Muhammed Ali
It's very informative and will benefit your journey to know more and more about Islam .
Yes, mashallah he is a very intelligent brother.
Descendants of Sam: arabs-jews-europeans.
Descendants of Ham: black africans.
Descendants of Yafith: asians race ( chinese - japanese ....)
Love your reaction. So many people think that Allah's miracles are fairy tales. The arrogance. People of these times lived well over a thousand years. 950 years to try and save his people. Who can blame Allah for his punishment. Today the corruption is rife. Had it not been for Prophet Muhammad pbuh, asking Allah to restrain from punishing humanity as he had before and to forego it until the Day of Judgement ❤
we learn a lot of lessons from these past stories of prophets. that 's the reason they are cited in Quran
When Gibarael anytime came to the prophets he was only visible to them and not to anyone else.
Most prophets have a long age to dakwah, when prophet muhammad PBUH has only 63 years (proximate of human nowadays live), and from what i read and hear some stories, only prophet muhammad PBUH who doesn't even claim a complaint (idk how to say it wisely) to allah about his people who didnt want to follow him
Even jeebreel AS self tell to prophet muhammad PBUH "i will flip a mountains to every single humans who didnt believe in you and ur revelations right now if you pray for it" . But he says no.
Whats more is, our pray times was 50 times, but prophets Muhammad PBUH begged to allah to decreased the amount of it until what we doin now ( 5 times pray/Salah)
i cried no matter how many times rewatching
iya benar , umat umat terdahulu berumur ribuan tahun, kecuali umat nabi Muhammad diberi umur yg singkat supaya tidak banyak berbuat dosa ,
The prophet Muhammad said Allah gave Adam a life span of 1000 years and he was 60 cubits tall. If you think about the height of Adam he was probably as tall as dinosaurs. I believe he also said on Judgment day we will be as tall as Adam and have the age of Jesus when he ascended to heaven (33 Years old)
You answered it very well yourself. He was given a longer life than most (even though most people back then lived longer than now) so that he could spread the message to as many people as he could. And Allah gave people a lot of chances to repent, for years and years because he is merciful. But they did not listen and eventually the mercy was closed for them and the punishment of the flood was put on them
And even now when the word of Allah has come through His last messenger (Muhammad), many people deny it, even though they already know the truth.
Yes.. Old generation always have more ages like 1000 yeare or more until Muhammad PBUH, so now we have Night "Lailatul Qadr" At Ramadhan, its like 1000 months, so we just have 60 years but in Ramadhan every years our prayer like 1000 months
Wow, I like it. The story.
Guys please watch " Funny Aussie's convert story into Islam "
Remember, in Quran it was not said to have flooded the whole world rather from the description it seems to be a flood for his community. And, Allah knows best.
Dan Setiap Era,Tidak hanya Usia,tapi Ukuran Postur juga Berbeda...
Semakin Mendekati Kiamat,Ukurannya Semakin kecil dan Pendek pada Umumnya...
Everyone lived like the noah because that time was old, there's no pollution everything was pure, old age people have long life than today's
Prophet Nuh lived for over a 1000 years. And so does a-lot of people in the past. They had a long lifespan.
Great reaction! i really recommened the next 2 videos in the prohpet series: Prophet Hud (Destruction of The Giants - Nation of AD ᴴᴰ) and after that Prophet Salih (Destruction of Thamud ᴴᴰ).
It's one speaker and the production of the video is really good with great explaination. It's also uploaded by The merciful servant!
we acknowledge the almighty Allah
Muslim lantern reaction or his live streams are a must
If you are confused about the age of the Prophet Noah, you should be more confused about the Prophet Isa (Jesus) being born without a father and the Prophet Adam being created without parents. This is what is called religious logic.
Good reaction ❤❤❤❤❤
Ibn ‘Asakir reported: Malik ibn Anas, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “The Sunnah is like the Ark of Noah. Whoever boards it will be saved, and whoever does not board it will drown.”
Tarikh Dimashq 12275
يُدْعَى نُوحٌ يَومَ القِيامَةِ، فيَقولُ: لَبَّيْكَ وسَعْدَيْكَ يا رَبِّ، فيَقولُ: هلْ بَلَّغْتَ؟ فيَقولُ: نَعَمْ، فيُقالُ لِأُمَّتِهِ: هلْ بَلَّغَكُمْ؟ فيَقولونَ: ما أتانا مِن نَذِيرٍ، فيَقولُ: مَن يَشْهَدُ لَكَ؟ فيَقولُ: مُحَمَّدٌ وأُمَّتُهُ، فَتَشْهَدُونَ أنَّه قدْ بَلَّغَ: {وَيَكونَ الرَّسُولُ علَيْكُم شَهِيدًا} فَذلكَ قَوْلُهُ جَلَّ ذِكْرُهُ: {وَكَذلكَ جَعَلْناكُمْ أُمَّةً وسَطًا لِتَكُونُوا شُهَداءَ علَى النَّاسِ ويَكونَ الرَّسُولُ علَيْكُم شَهِيدًا} والوَسَطُ: العَدْلُ.
الراوي : أبو سعيد الخدري | المحدث : البخاري | المصدر : صحيح البخاري | الصفحة أو الرقم : 4487 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : [صحيح] | التخريج : من أفراد البخاري على مسلم
.4066 - أخبرنا الحسين بن محمد بن إسحاق ، ثنا محمد بن أحمد بن البراء ، ثنا عبد المنعم بن إدريس ، عن أبيه ، عن وهب بن منبه ، قال : ذكر الحسن بن أبي الحسن عن سبعة رهط شهدوا بدرا قال وهب : وقد حدثني عبد الله بن عباس كلهم رفعوا الحديث إلى [ ص: 415 ] رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - : " إن الله يدعو نوحا وقومه يوم القيامة أول الناس ، فيقول : ماذا أجبتم نوحا ؟ فيقولون : ما دعانا وما بلغنا ولا نصحنا ولا أمرنا ولا نهانا . فيقول نوح : دعوتهم يا رب دعاء فاشيا في الأولين والآخرين أمة بعد أمة حتى انتهى إلى خاتم النبيين أحمد ، فانتسخه وقرأه وآمن به وصدقه . فيقول الله للملائكة : ادعوا أحمد وأمته ، فيأتي رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - وأمته يسعى نورهم بين أيديهم ، فيقول نوح لمحمد وأمته : هل تعلمون أني بلغت قومي الرسالة واجتهدت لهم بالنصيحة ، وجهدت أن أستنقذهم من النار سرا وجهارا ، فلم يزدهم دعائي إلا فرارا ؟ فيقول رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - وأمته : " فإنا نشهد بما نشدتنا به أنك في جميع ما قلت من الصادقين . فيقول قوم نوح : وأين علمت هذا يا أحمد أنت وأمتك ونحن أول الأمم وأنت وأمتك آخر الأمم ؟ فيقول رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - : ( بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم إنا أرسلنا نوحا إلى قومه أن أنذر قومك من قبل أن يأتيهم عذاب أليم ) - قرأ السورة حتى ختمها - فإذا ختمها قالت أمته : ( نشهد أن هذا لهو القصص الحق وما من إله إلا الله وأن الله لهو العزيز الحكيم ) ، فيقول الله عز وجل عند ذلك : ( وامتازوا اليوم أيها المجرمون ) فهم أول من يمتاز في النار .
It was narrated that when Prophet Noah was about to die, he was asked the following question by the Angels, “ How did you feel your stay on earth for so many years? ” Prophet Noah replied, “ I saw this life on Earth like a house with two doors. I entered through one door and I left through the other. ” He meant that it went so quickly.
Ya,Benar 950 Tahun...
Itulah Jatah Hidup yang diBerikan Allah SWT.kepada Nabi Nukh AS.dan Jatah Usia Manusia adalah Hak Prerogative Tuhan.Seriap Orang ada yang Sama ada juga yang Berbeda...
Namun Yang Pasti,Semakin Mendekati kiamat,Umur Manusia Semakin Pendek...
can you imagine how much faith Noah and the followers has? he did the dakwah for 950 yrs and built the ark for 150 yrs, but before that he actually prepared the woods for the ark for hundreds of years as well (correct me if wrong), what a test Allah SWT gave him! thats why he is one of the mighty prophets, he knows that he is going to get mocked, but he is a man of steel and faith made him strong.
Short or long lived ALLAH HAZ THE POWER.
Yeah I def think y’all should listen to the prophet story series in order from the beginning to understand Islam from prophet Adam (the first prophet) to prophet Muhammad (the last prophet) peace be upon them✨
it's notable that Allah told people before us had very long life spans. it solves a lot of things about history
‘Ata’ reported: Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “All of the idols among the people of Noah appeared among the Arabs later. They were the names of righteous men among the people of Noah. When they passed away, Satan inspired in their people to build statues in the places they used to sit and name them by their names. They did so and they were not worshiped until the first generation passed away and knowledge was lost; then they were worshiped.”
Sahih al-Bukhari 4636
Great story❤
❤ Allah & Quran 1st. ❤ Primitive people who believed. Allahuakbar.Master creator of the Universe Heaven & Hell.
Before people leave longer than we live today and they was taller than us today !
That’s why Rasulallah said after me near qayyama you will see all those nation temptations rise up and cover you and you will see Dajjal temptations in Muslim house , and only Quran is the one who can save you from each temptations and guide you how to come out and face.
It always make me crying and afraid when Allah says Noah son has wronged Allah, so do not dare order Allah about this.
I wish and I hope i'm not part of those who wronged Allah 😢
This is adangerous part of it when you see yoyr son drowning and you cant save him!!No ,No,when they just tell you dont dare to talk about your son!!this place always make me cry!
The mountain found in Yemen and the ARK still on the top and the shape everything
Yes, Noah was calling the people for 950 years, but he live many years before he became prophet. That was the era of dinosaurs, so people were huge (like human dinosaurs too) and used to live 2000-4000 years.
The age of people before the flood was very long but after the flood it became 200 years and it decreased until it became 60 year average and it maybe dies young or old by the will of ALLAH
Allah akbar 🙏 ♥️ ❤️
Noah spent 950 of his age in calling his people to Allah and 40 years to build the Ark and lived 350 years post the floods. people in early life lived that long as Adam lived 1000 years and Sheith as well some hundreds of years
Noah Pbuh called "People towards lord for 950 Years, because age those days was very very long, which ceased and decreased with passage of time...He lived more then 950 Years as said in video he lived after flood for 350 Years....
Just Prophet Noah long age PBUH for good reason
Oh and i watched a documentary on netflix caled ancient apocalipse and i found so many pararel with the prophet stories like noah alaihisalam ,
i heard in earlier years since Prophet Adam (a.s) , human have a really long span of life . and ive heard some article about human footstep fossil in stone that really massive, it said it's the Prophet Adam footstep , Wallahualam, Allah know best . im just mere weak human , need still research about it. May Allah SWT guide us
You need to watch the greatest Quran reciter of our time. The late Qari Abdul Bassit Abu Samid
950 years before flood and 350 years after flood. Yes everybody at that time lived that long.
Read the Quran. Clearly stated 950 years. Surah al-Ankabut. Verse 29:14. Don't make up own story. Who told 350 years? From which hadeeth?
@@Uda007 950 years Prophet Noah PBUH preached in his nation before the flood.
@@usmanfarooq9301 So, where these another 350 years come from?
@@usmanfarooq9301 There are few hadeeths mentioned variation of Noah age, but Ibnu Katsir prefer Ibnu Abbas hadeeth. Age 1050 yrs. And Jibril used to greet Noah as the longest age among messengers. Maybe you have the point.
The prophet who lived 1000 years? Prophet Adam (the father of humans): He lived 1000 years, was buried in India, it was said in Mecca, and it was said in Jerusalem. Prophet Idris (Enoch): He lived on earth for 865 years. Prophet Noah (the sheikh of the messengers): He remained among his people for 950 years. It was said that he was buried in the Kufa Mosque, and it was said in the Red Mountain, and it was said in the Sacred Mosque.
It is the Islamic belief that previous generations lived longer and were massive in size compared to us explaining the archaeology of megalithic remains found across the world. Also, the lengthy life of Noah is in the oldest record of a global flood found in the tablets in sumarian archaeology which predates christianity. It is believed he is referred to as Gelghamish.
At that time as described in quran people lived so long and they where litterly so tall like Allah said in Quran 60 Arm or like 28 meter was Adam height
Check one of the grave yard more than 100meter in istanbul beykoz. People were big and lived long
What a story 🇹🇷
everything is different at that time , including age , and height . and strength . did you know its mentionned in one of narration that adam was 90 feet (cuz he was the 1st ) and since that day and days pass and the blessing decreases so the heigh decraeses , the age limit also , till today here we are
A fun fact: The age of the kings in the book of the Sumerian kings are ridiculously high to the certain point of time in history but after that certain point all the ages become normal.
Great video now watch the next video the next prophet that was after Noah pbuh idk if it's hud or Salah pbuh but their story is beautiful
He called to his people to worship Allah for 950 yrs ( 9:32 ) & lived more 350yrs if I'm not mistaken
Yes almost everyone at that day had long long life times. Even Adam was 1000.
next is Hud if im not wrong, the nephilim story and the jinn world barrier if im not mistaken
Masha allah
Yes 👍 cause they were giants & lived more than millions of years ago , their height were around 30 meters/ almost 100 feet 🦶 like Prophet Adam pbuh 👍
He preached for 950yrs then 100 yrs of building the ark then 350yrs post flood
In the early ages, humans lived long lives. For example, Adam lived a thousand years