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Amelia: Is she dead?Dave: *In soo many different ways*
@@jones7778 he was talking about melanie
who are samantha and melanie tho? (i know the song but do they stand for someone/something)
I laughed
she kept trying to roast him but he always came back at her stronger
Maybe your fingers are too fat.*Maybe you’re too fat*
Felix da da da da daaa
He’s to smart for her init
@@OutcastKozify123 🤣🤣
Amelia uninspiredly handing Dave the piano ... Dave trying to reach it:“AMELIA!“ 😂😂😂
Dave was taking the piiiis
Urban Fox he is funny 😂
I was your 3k like
@@Gfresh844 PISS*
this is some exotic chicken shop tho rahh
Supa Dooba truss me😂
i heard the bossmans there can actually speak proper english
Money Motive 😂😂imagine they say "hope you enjoyed your meal" when your leaving 💀💀💀
Naahhh lets stick to the ends
lol my man said exotic u know
It’s a tradition to come back here every now and then😭
Let's get this to 420
Watching this after top boy and This video proves modie isn’t just a character
vdb pierre ok
The awkward silence when she passed him the piano lol
Not even a comment
Crying 😂😂
Morgan Freeman 😂😂😂😭
Most weirdest convo ever 😂😂‘Man just mashed that I’m AJ ahh’‘Mashed what?’*’Hehe. Ok.’*
i mean yea i had no idea wtf dave was trying to say, seem butthurt the whole time
@@elbuki4006 he knows her style of comedy is to be awkward so he was going against it by roasting her hella
@@streettravelxxi wasn’t she roasting him and he decided to shut up ? 😂
@@elbuki4006 I mean it was kinda back and forth the whole time that’s what these vids r like
Mashed potatoes
Think this was the best one Dave opened up more than most of the others
nah mate, the Kurupt FM crew, and Chabuddy G, were much better, coz they didn't know what to expect
This is about 56 minutes to short.
ProHenderson 🤣🤣🤣
Your ‘though’ is too short Your right though haha
59 minutes too long.
I’m exactly the 7000 like 😎
She’s been on the grind for 6 years I’m excited to see her get 1 mil
Man called her too fat
Zinedine Ghauri Life goals complete.
Miji Russell 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Not really, he questioned if she is
Miji Russell raaahhh 😂😂😂
And she thumped her drink down 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Daily offender, Crazy East Ender
What does that mean
@@rea4177 its what dave says in topboy famalam
A-“Maybe your fingers are too fat”D-“Maybe you’re too fat”That one there was a violation, personally I wouldn’t have it😂
Why is the table so long, moving like beauty and the beast
So funny 😒
“Who’s Samantha?”“Ah this is a great story”“Do tell”“Samantha is a great person.”
He definitely didn’t say ‘ah this is a great story’
He said ah ha funny story
@@James-dl6ne chill out love
@@Captain1penguin i am chill what was not “chill” about that?
@@James-dl6ne chill
this girl been out here grindin for years. we all watch her vids. we owe her a subscription....
she actually made an effort to look hot for dave
Think it was more for the venue, bro
Azor Ahai not sure about that
Sam Wooto that's her favourite rapper she said that in one of the episodes
I made it 1.9 from 8 feel good 😂
@Anto 7 she ain't
They're social distancing.
Cispicious lol
Deserves more likes
They’re practicing
We love to see it😅😂
"can you serenade me" 😭🤣 she said that with the dullest face
“Maybe your fingers are too fat” “maybe your too fat” 😂😂😂😂💀
Maybe YOU ARE too fat
Proceeds to jam out on the piano
as I much as I love and respect Dave he's really not funny
Jack Harlow and Aitch got me hooked , but Dave is the one I want to rewatch. 😆This date is everything.
Really ??? I thought this one was boring
"Maybe your fingers are too fat""Maybe you're too fat"LOOOOLLLLLLL mans got me gassed. I'm still feeling light headed 🤣
CAI平 haha.
Your comment has 666 likes
i think this the 50th time i've watch this
Me too
Shut up
Did I ask
He matched her character so good 🤣
Hes so attractive marnnnnnn
Blessing x if he’s your type
Blessing x ikr
Such me of babe
Wow ur sexy
@@TricksEU how old are you?
"You do seem like a plain Jane. Bit borin' " Lmaoo I died.
in soo many different ways
Nah this scared me, I read this comment as he said it in the vid
@@owenanderson628 same omg
she's very far from boring, like the opposite, coz you'd end up leaving with more questions than you arrived with
1:42 gets me every time “ahah okay” doesn’t even make sense
What kind of gentrified chicken shop is this 😂
One's that aren't in London.
A white one
Im dead😂
Man said Gentrified 😂 Geography GCSE right there
"Oh fuck, I forgot to ask about drake" dead 💀
1.2k likes! No comment! Amma fix that!
1.2k likes! 1 comment! Amma fix that!
This just turned Dave into one of my favorite artists
His impression of AJ 😂😂😂
Isaac Le Vay when did he do that?
Man just mash that😂
dave is fully SUCH a nice guy 💙
Ahh you look malnourished
Dave is actually a nice guy 😂
Not in this though
He was getting so pissed off at her you could tell😂😂
Izuku Midoriya it’s obviously staged
he shouldn't be scared of chicken shops, I grew up with them and turned out alright
This was my favourite interview, by far. Please sis, start doing outtakes or something because 4 and a half minutes is not enough 💔
did she pay u to say that
Andrew Moran I wish mate
Aj one was pretty good too
But Tobz was probably the best
+Al Vel she could of got ya 3piece and chips
Can't still believe he was 18 in this video
19* :)
@@1manning9 40*
@@mastaw 66*
they argue like were siblings
Maybe youre siblings
innit fam 😭😭
My mans too prestige to go normal chicken shop rah
Who’s here for Santandaves we re all in this together album release.
I swear they edit it too make it ten times more awkward
That’s the point
maybe you’re too awkward
A ToRnaDo FleW arOunD mY...
Looking at ur comment makes it 100× awkward
2:44 the way he says Amelia 🥰😂😂
Fr? Sounded kinda rapey
Strategy Plus What Bruh you need help
@@Zombiessssss lol
FortniteIs Shit true or nah
You can also here I’m leaning here loll
“maybe your fingers are too fat” .. “maybe your to fat” gets me every time 💀
The videos are so short
Maybe your too short
Adds to the awkwardness
@@yokuredcorner4128 top comment god
@@yokuredcorner4128 😂😂😂😂😂
& awkward & cringy - the first time I was gonna watch these, I expected them to be half serious
Ffs he really picked up his food and moved table😂😂
"Dead in so many different ways"That got me dead
I've tried playing my 5 year old sisters keyboard which is the same as that, and it's literally so hard with fully grown fingers, Dave did well
oh please, lik he played a note, those sounds were edited
no they weren't, you can even hear them clicking the keys and that's how them little pianos sound
why would they bother editing that in you mong
Nihil Genus yoo wtf I sent you a dm about how good you are on piano and now I see you here hahahaha my insta is seanheneghan7
"Oh fuck! I forgot to ask about Drake" 🤣
R3JWAN except from your comments, delete them
3:22 she breaks character and laughs
3:00 too
Wait Dave was 18 in this, dude looks about 37
xxxtensioncord hes 21
Serjon Q9 this was 2 years ago though
He doesn’t look 18 but he doesn’t fucking look 37
@@sebastianmcmillan3276 I'm so lost 😂
3:18 did my man played "the potato flew around my room" giggling?
omdss i actually deeped it😂😂
Im Shy it’s a frank ocean song
Then proceeded to call her fat 😂😭
bro watching this back i only just realised he’s singing frank ocean at 3:30
fax i saw it on tiktok and i said is he fuvking singing frank ocean
3:19 Modie isn’t just a character anymore...
Why did she chew that chicken with so much anger after being called fat 😭
you just named the reason.
Every women is self contious about there weight lol
Jay Jay Swash what’s a good example. Tbh if they are self conscious they are the wrong weight I am good when I can b sexual and confident and can easily walk a hill etc
@@jayjayswash2729 Yeah first world problems
I’m literally in love woth Dave, My God!😭
This was so cringe yet entertaining
Get Michael dapaah
Ethier shaq or Dr Ofori 😂
Dr ofori 😂
3:23 "That one there was a violation, personally I wouldn't have it"
3:26 “Maybe you're too fat” -Modie, Daily Offender Crazy East Ender
the bit where she was giving him the piano and couldn't reach was adorable they both got so frustrated with each other
When the teacher says “i don’t know can you” when you ask to go toilet 2:10
Too short
It's always too short ffs
"You wined and dined that, man just mashed it" sounds like something AJ would say 😂
Who's AJ
@@comodidadaj Tracey
“Dead in so many different ways”. I feel like that could be a bar.
That laugh at 3:18 was muad lol
IAmChazza fam, what was a man thinking 😩😂
IAmChazza 😭😭😭😭
man sounded like mario hahaha
IAmChazza y
IAmChazza her face after kills me😂
That killed me 😂
Lord of Frog's Older I screamed 😂😂😂😂😂
Dave is a lyrical Genius!!! 🙌🏾😂❤️💯
Why can I fully see these two being a couple😂
Neax 44 you must be blind
Neax 44 I feel like they're real friends.
Nooooo 🤦🏻♀️
she LUUVES him
I honestly can't
Amelia: "Maybe your fingers are too fat" Dave: "Maybe you're too fat" fam I'm creasing 😂😂😂 that glare
This is a valid representation of what goes on in my head
This why girls are in love with Dave. Like if you agree
same lol
Because he likes calling girls fat?
@@furkannn2000 no, because he's good looking
Big Moisture I’m glad you cleared that up
3:18 wtf was the noise he made even the girl was like wtf
It's when an engine is hitting puberty
Daily offender, Crazy eastender
Ismail Aziz iT was modie
Modie was trying to break free
Their energy matches so much
1:35 his aj Tracey impression 🤣🤣
She's weirdly hot in like a 'I wouldn't notice her on the street' type way. Innit?
She would be a peng teacher ygm
Callum Hoffman is that even English
I think i would notice her
@@XAtxishaxX I want to know what subject peng is.
@@XAtxishaxX he means Peng as in attractive. Saying She would be a good looking teacher
This is my comfort video
get BIG NARSTEI on this. its gonna be hella funny
Tony Montana nah man he's fat enough,mans gonna have a heart attack on youtube
Tony Montana she ain't gonna eat anything, he's gonna finesse her food
MCR Kid that was funnier than mine I'll give you that 😂
erkan yunis yours wasn't funny tho g
M4RKY PRO learn how to spell though g
Gotta love Dave
I enjoyed this way toooo much! It's how he got up at the end for me 😍
Dave is one cool guy , the way he talks, his voice , his style , his movements , respect to him
3:18 *when Modie kicks in*
“Maybe you’re too fat”.....bruv Dave too funny 😂
This man just walked on set, called himself Modie and they decided to roll with it, he's legitemately his character Lmaooo.
Dave just mocks her the whole time 😂😂😂
dave has no game
@@elbuki4006 he's just playing about and he's Dave he doesn't need game could take your girp
@@elbuki4006 it’s supposed to be awkward it’s staged
We’re all alone on this together 💜
Are you South African. U hve a Mzansi Surname
Why is Amelia the most awkwardly funny person ever?? I love her 😂
dave is the cutest person in the world 🥺
Why is Dave acting like modie 😂
Or maybe his name is modie but he uses dave as an alias
Noooo, was dead ass expecting so much more from this, need a second date!
Just realizing how fine Dave is😍😍🤣
3:27 that right there is a violation 😭
Personally I couldn’t have it
@@tomgallagher2924 wouldn't*
@@a1wxvey623 Cheers mate.
@@tomgallagher2924 l
Amelia’s face after she says “mash what? Potato?” Will always make me laugh 😂😂😂that smile 🤧🤣🤣
what times that at lol
ahh never mind 1:50
3:18 Me collecting my GCSE results
Wanna see the unedited, not awkward convo they had bc they had bare chemistry
3:19 He sounds like he lost in Mario Kart 😂😂😂😂
Hahaha brilliant
Anyone else find Dave quite scary after seeing him in top boy
Susan Kamara I still think of him as modie😭
Susan Kamara daily offender
mitchell abionie crazy eastender
I only saw modie as Dave, now i only see Dave as modie
What clothing brand is he wearing on his sweater in this vid
just found she’s been putting these dates out for 6 years thats crazy
I need to channel Amelia when dealing with people, she’s got skills
Amelia: Is she dead?
Dave: *In soo many different ways*
@@jones7778 he was talking about melanie
who are samantha and melanie tho? (i know the song but do they stand for someone/something)
I laughed
she kept trying to roast him but he always came back at her stronger
Maybe your fingers are too fat.
*Maybe you’re too fat*
Felix da da da da daaa
He’s to smart for her init
@@OutcastKozify123 🤣🤣
Amelia uninspiredly handing Dave the piano ... Dave trying to reach it:“AMELIA!“ 😂😂😂
Dave was taking the piiiis
Urban Fox he is funny 😂
I was your 3k like
@@Gfresh844 PISS*
this is some exotic chicken shop tho rahh
Supa Dooba truss me😂
i heard the bossmans there can actually speak proper english
Money Motive 😂😂imagine they say "hope you enjoyed your meal" when your leaving 💀💀💀
Naahhh lets stick to the ends
lol my man said exotic u know
It’s a tradition to come back here every now and then😭
Let's get this to 420
Watching this after top boy and This video proves modie isn’t just a character
vdb pierre ok
The awkward silence when she passed him the piano lol
Not even a comment
Crying 😂😂
Morgan Freeman 😂😂😂😭
Most weirdest convo ever 😂😂
‘Man just mashed that I’m AJ ahh’
‘Mashed what?’
*’Hehe. Ok.’*
i mean yea i had no idea wtf dave was trying to say, seem butthurt the whole time
@@elbuki4006 he knows her style of comedy is to be awkward so he was going against it by roasting her hella
wasn’t she roasting him and he decided to shut up ? 😂
@@elbuki4006 I mean it was kinda back and forth the whole time that’s what these vids r like
Mashed potatoes
Think this was the best one Dave opened up more than most of the others
nah mate, the Kurupt FM crew, and Chabuddy G, were much better, coz they didn't know what to expect
This is about 56 minutes to short.
ProHenderson 🤣🤣🤣
Your ‘though’ is too short
Your right though haha
59 minutes too long.
I’m exactly the 7000 like 😎
She’s been on the grind for 6 years I’m excited to see her get 1 mil
Man called her too fat
Zinedine Ghauri
Life goals complete.
Miji Russell 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Not really, he questioned if she is
Miji Russell raaahhh 😂😂😂
And she thumped her drink down 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Daily offender, Crazy East Ender
What does that mean
@@rea4177 its what dave says in topboy famalam
A-“Maybe your fingers are too fat”
D-“Maybe you’re too fat”
That one there was a violation, personally I wouldn’t have it😂
Why is the table so long, moving like beauty and the beast
So funny 😒
“Who’s Samantha?”
“Ah this is a great story”
“Do tell”
“Samantha is a great person.”
He definitely didn’t say ‘ah this is a great story’
He said ah ha funny story
@@James-dl6ne chill out love
@@Captain1penguin i am chill what was not “chill” about that?
@@James-dl6ne chill
this girl been out here grindin for years. we all watch her vids. we owe her a subscription....
she actually made an effort to look hot for dave
Think it was more for the venue, bro
Azor Ahai not sure about that
Sam Wooto that's her favourite rapper she said that in one of the episodes
I made it 1.9 from 8 feel good 😂
@Anto 7 she ain't
They're social distancing.
Cispicious lol
Deserves more likes
They’re practicing
We love to see it😅😂
"can you serenade me" 😭🤣 she said that with the dullest face
“Maybe your fingers are too fat” “maybe your too fat” 😂😂😂😂💀
Maybe YOU ARE too fat
Proceeds to jam out on the piano
as I much as I love and respect Dave he's really not funny
Jack Harlow and Aitch got me hooked , but Dave is the one I want to rewatch. 😆This date is everything.
Really ??? I thought this one was boring
"Maybe your fingers are too fat"
"Maybe you're too fat"
LOOOOLLLLLLL mans got me gassed. I'm still feeling light headed 🤣
CAI平 haha.
Your comment has 666 likes
i think this the 50th time i've watch this
Me too
Shut up
Did I ask
He matched her character so good 🤣
Hes so attractive marnnnnnn
Blessing x if he’s your type
Blessing x ikr
Such me of babe
Wow ur sexy
@@TricksEU how old are you?
"You do seem like a plain Jane. Bit borin' " Lmaoo I died.
in soo many different ways
Nah this scared me, I read this comment as he said it in the vid
@@owenanderson628 same omg
she's very far from boring, like the opposite, coz you'd end up leaving with more questions than you arrived with
1:42 gets me every time “ahah okay” doesn’t even make sense
What kind of gentrified chicken shop is this 😂
One's that aren't in London.
A white one
Im dead😂
Man said Gentrified 😂 Geography GCSE right there
"Oh fuck, I forgot to ask about drake" dead 💀
1.2k likes! No comment! Amma fix that!
1.2k likes! 1 comment! Amma fix that!
This just turned Dave into one of my favorite artists
His impression of AJ 😂😂😂
Isaac Le Vay when did he do that?
Man just mash that😂
dave is fully SUCH a nice guy 💙
Ahh you look malnourished
Dave is actually a nice guy 😂
Not in this though
He was getting so pissed off at her you could tell😂😂
Izuku Midoriya it’s obviously staged
he shouldn't be scared of chicken shops, I grew up with them and turned out alright
This was my favourite interview, by far. Please sis, start doing outtakes or something because 4 and a half minutes is not enough 💔
did she pay u to say that
Andrew Moran I wish mate
Aj one was pretty good too
But Tobz was probably the best
+Al Vel she could of got ya 3piece and chips
Can't still believe he was 18 in this video
19* :)
@@1manning9 40*
@@mastaw 66*
they argue like were siblings
Maybe youre siblings
innit fam 😭😭
My mans too prestige to go normal chicken shop rah
Who’s here for Santandaves we re all in this together album release.
I swear they edit it too make it ten times more awkward
That’s the point
maybe you’re too awkward
A ToRnaDo FleW arOunD mY...
Looking at ur comment makes it 100× awkward
2:44 the way he says Amelia 🥰😂😂
Fr? Sounded kinda rapey
Strategy Plus What Bruh you need help
@@Zombiessssss lol
FortniteIs Shit true or nah
You can also here I’m leaning here loll
“maybe your fingers are too fat” .. “maybe your to fat” gets me every time 💀
The videos are so short
Maybe your too short
Adds to the awkwardness
@@yokuredcorner4128 top comment god
@@yokuredcorner4128 😂😂😂😂😂
& awkward & cringy - the first time I was gonna watch these, I expected them to be half serious
Ffs he really picked up his food and moved table😂😂
"Dead in so many different ways"
That got me dead
I've tried playing my 5 year old sisters keyboard which is the same as that, and it's literally so hard with fully grown fingers, Dave did well
oh please, lik he played a note, those sounds were edited
no they weren't, you can even hear them clicking the keys and that's how them little pianos sound
why would they bother editing that in you mong
Nihil Genus yoo wtf I sent you a dm about how good you are on piano and now I see you here hahahaha my insta is seanheneghan7
"Oh fuck! I forgot to ask about Drake" 🤣
R3JWAN except from your comments, delete them
3:22 she breaks character and laughs
3:00 too
Wait Dave was 18 in this, dude looks about 37
xxxtensioncord hes 21
Serjon Q9 this was 2 years ago though
He doesn’t look 18 but he doesn’t fucking look 37
@@sebastianmcmillan3276 I'm so lost 😂
3:18 did my man played "the potato flew around my room" giggling?
omdss i actually deeped it😂😂
Im Shy it’s a frank ocean song
Then proceeded to call her fat 😂😭
bro watching this back i only just realised he’s singing frank ocean at 3:30
fax i saw it on tiktok and i said is he fuvking singing frank ocean
3:19 Modie isn’t just a character anymore...
Why did she chew that chicken with so much anger after being called fat 😭
you just named the reason.
Every women is self contious about there weight lol
Jay Jay Swash what’s a good example.
Tbh if they are self conscious they are the wrong weight I am good when I can b sexual and confident and can easily walk a hill etc
@@jayjayswash2729 Yeah first world problems
I’m literally in love woth Dave, My God!😭
This was so cringe yet entertaining
Get Michael dapaah
Ethier shaq or Dr Ofori 😂
Dr ofori 😂
3:23 "That one there was a violation, personally I wouldn't have it"
3:26 “Maybe you're too fat”
-Modie, Daily Offender Crazy East Ender
the bit where she was giving him the piano and couldn't reach was adorable they both got so frustrated with each other
When the teacher says “i don’t know can you” when you ask to go toilet
Too short
It's always too short ffs
"You wined and dined that, man just mashed it" sounds like something AJ would say 😂
Who's AJ
@@comodidadaj Tracey
“Dead in so many different ways”. I feel like that could be a bar.
That laugh at 3:18 was muad lol
IAmChazza fam, what was a man thinking 😩😂
IAmChazza 😭😭😭😭
man sounded like mario hahaha
IAmChazza y
IAmChazza her face after kills me😂
That killed me 😂
Lord of Frog's Older I screamed 😂😂😂😂😂
Dave is a lyrical Genius!!! 🙌🏾😂❤️💯
Why can I fully see these two being a couple😂
Neax 44 you must be blind
Neax 44 I feel like they're real friends.
Nooooo 🤦🏻♀️
she LUUVES him
I honestly can't
Amelia: "Maybe your fingers are too fat" Dave: "Maybe you're too fat" fam I'm creasing 😂😂😂 that glare
This is a valid representation of what goes on in my head
This why girls are in love with Dave. Like if you agree
same lol
Because he likes calling girls fat?
@@furkannn2000 no, because he's good looking
Big Moisture I’m glad you cleared that up
3:18 wtf was the noise he made even the girl was like wtf
It's when an engine is hitting puberty
Daily offender, Crazy eastender
Ismail Aziz iT was modie
Modie was trying to break free
Their energy matches so much
1:35 his aj Tracey impression 🤣🤣
She's weirdly hot in like a 'I wouldn't notice her on the street' type way. Innit?
She would be a peng teacher ygm
Callum Hoffman is that even English
I think i would notice her
@@XAtxishaxX I want to know what subject peng is.
@@XAtxishaxX he means Peng as in attractive. Saying She would be a good looking teacher
This is my comfort video
get BIG NARSTEI on this. its gonna be hella funny
Tony Montana nah man he's fat enough,mans gonna have a heart attack on youtube
Tony Montana she ain't gonna eat anything, he's gonna finesse her food
MCR Kid that was funnier than mine I'll give you that 😂
erkan yunis yours wasn't funny tho g
M4RKY PRO learn how to spell though g
Gotta love Dave
I enjoyed this way toooo much! It's how he got up at the end for me 😍
Dave is one cool guy , the way he talks, his voice , his style , his movements , respect to him
3:18 *when Modie kicks in*
“Maybe you’re too fat”.....bruv Dave too funny 😂
This man just walked on set, called himself Modie and they decided to roll with it, he's legitemately his character Lmaooo.
Dave just mocks her the whole time 😂😂😂
dave has no game
@@elbuki4006 he's just playing about and he's Dave he doesn't need game could take your girp
@@elbuki4006 it’s supposed to be awkward it’s staged
We’re all alone on this together 💜
Are you South African. U hve a Mzansi Surname
Why is Amelia the most awkwardly funny person ever?? I love her 😂
dave is the cutest person in the world 🥺
Why is Dave acting like modie 😂
Or maybe his name is modie but he uses dave as an alias
Noooo, was dead ass expecting so much more from this, need a second date!
Just realizing how fine Dave is😍😍🤣
3:27 that right there is a violation 😭
Personally I couldn’t have it
@@tomgallagher2924 wouldn't*
@@a1wxvey623 Cheers mate.
@@tomgallagher2924 l
Amelia’s face after she says “mash what? Potato?” Will always make me laugh 😂😂😂that smile 🤧🤣🤣
what times that at lol
ahh never mind 1:50
3:18 Me collecting my GCSE results
Wanna see the unedited, not awkward convo they had bc they had bare chemistry
3:19 He sounds like he lost in Mario Kart 😂😂😂😂
Hahaha brilliant
Anyone else find Dave quite scary after seeing him in top boy
Susan Kamara I still think of him as modie😭
Susan Kamara daily offender
mitchell abionie crazy eastender
I only saw modie as Dave, now i only see Dave as modie
What clothing brand is he wearing on his sweater in this vid
just found she’s been putting these dates out for 6 years thats crazy
I need to channel Amelia when dealing with people, she’s got skills