How the Brain Creates Reality - Bayesian Inference & Predictive Coding in the Human Brain and AI

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • Did you know that how the brain creates reality is similar to the way engineers build AI?
    Through processes like Bayesian inference and predictive coding, our minds generate reality through 'best guesses' based on limited sensory input.
    Learn more with Dr. Shamil Chandaria of Oxford in our latest video. The full podcast will be released on September 3.
    FitMind is a mental fitness nonprofit that aims to make science-based meditation accessible to all.
    Please subscribe to this channel for new videos, including the upcoming free 30-day course called "Meditation, Science & Bliss."
    Podcast: www.fitmind.or...

Комментарии • 17

  • @hansenmarc
    @hansenmarc 19 дней назад +3

    I love hearing about the Bayesian Brain Hypothesis. I’m really looking forward to the full interview with Shamil Chandaria.
    We’re all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It’s just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality. -Anil Seth

  • @InvestorBillionaire
    @InvestorBillionaire 20 дней назад +2

    There is still so much more that we still do not fully comprehend about our human brain.

  • @jorgefelino
    @jorgefelino 16 дней назад +1

    Inference is only a game of words. There are no objects, only words, words are the only objects that seem to be there, but they are only a brain construction, like a dream

  • @michaelhaines
    @michaelhaines 17 дней назад +2

    Those bloody neurons are pretty amazing for lifeless lumps of apparent matter 🙂
    While it is plain that ‘life’ is an enduring mystery, it is quite possible to see aspects of ‘the dream’ for what they are.
    Neurons are a very recent story that benefits from an apparent correlation between 'observed brain activity' and 'reported experience'
    The idea that the brain is the source of Consciousness is founded upon the theory of a ‘material’ world.
    The trouble is that when this theory is applied from the ‘first person perspective’ it results in a paradox
    If you start with the belief that the ‘observed world is material’ and trace the processes of perception propounded by the material theory, you end up with the conclusion that the world that is actually observed must be an ‘immaterial illusion inseparable from the observing’ !!!
    All theories about the world are just ideas.
    The most rigorous theories use mathematics to model the form of theoretical objects (quantum field, sub-atomic particles, atoms, molecules, proteins, cells… all the way up to stars, galaxies, clusters, and the background radiation), and their theoretical properties (mass, charge, spin, etc), along with specified theoretical constants (Fine-structure Constant, etc), as well as theoretical laws (Conservation of Momentum, etc) that together describe their theoretical behavior.
    There is usually a long chain of mathematics (including the maths embedded in the devices apparently used in any experiment, as well as those used to apparently display the results) that links the theoretical behaviour to the observations.
    A theory is held to be valid when the theoretical behaviour of the theoretical objects reliably (though not necessarily perfectly) maps or predicts the observed behaviour of observed objects.
    That is all.
    No science can ever say anything about the ‘true nature’ of the fleeting sensory images (colours, odours, flavours, feelings, sounds) and ideas (of number, form, and meaning) that together manifest apparent ‘things, events, and relations’…
    Nor can it ever say anything about ‘meaning’, or the ‘lived experience’. What it is to experience a dawn over the desert, or the thrill and terror of battle to the death, or the hug of a child, or an argument with the boss, or the disgust at a rotting pile of garbage, or the strains of a Mozart symphony or the heady beats of an African drum… or anything else about what it is to experience ‘life’.
    All theories are based upon ideas of ‘number, form, and meaning’.
    No idea can exist that is not Known.
    Knowing-ideas is an attribute of Consciousness.
    Consciousness is not an idea. It is not any ‘what’
    As such, no theory can explain the Reality of this Consciousness in which and to which all theories, observations, and meaning appear.
    Quite simply, Consciousness is inconceivable…
    And yet so plain.
    That it is, is ‘self-evident’:
    Seeing-colours, Hearing-sounds, Tasting-flavours, Smelling-odours, Feeling-feelings, and Knowing-ideas (of number, form, and meaning)… with Power to manifest fleeting ever-changing sensory images in accord with ideas to create the appearance (within and to ItSelf) of an apparent 3D world perceived (in turn) from the perspective of each creature in the apparent world; and experiencing the apparent body, thoughts, feelings, and surroundings of the apparent creature from the ‘first person perspective’ as ‘my body, and my thoughts, and my feelings, and my surroundings’… as in a dream.
    This may seem preposterous until the proposition is examined scientifically… by observation:
    Look straight ahead.
    Notice no ‘body’ is apparent.
    Notice the visual field appears like a circle/ellipse and that ‘beyond the edge’ there is neither black nor white… simply nothing.
    Now look down
    Notice that only the front of the torso and limbs are apparent… but no head.
    Where the head should be, the ‘whole world’ appears… or at least that bit perceivable from the perspective of the person One appears to be.
    Plainly, this Consciousness is contained in no body, as all bodies are appearances in it.
    A thought may come that ‘I can See my body’… but any body that is perceived is just another ‘sensory image’ apparent in and to Consciousness.
    Or it may seem that ‘I can feel my head’… but a feeling is not an actual head, nor is the idea (that ‘the feeling is my hand touching my head’) an actual head.
    This visual field is called The Single Eye of God. it it is the Eye of Consciousness… the only Eye there is.
    This Eye not only Sees-colours, it also Feels-feelings, Hears-sounds, Tastes-flavours, Smells-odours, and Knows-ideas.
    As any experience is arising (say reading these words), there are no other experiences apparently happening any where or any when else…
    For there is no where but ‘Here’ and no when but ‘Now’
    This Here is Spaceless and this Now is Timeless…
    Changeless, Odourless, Flavourless
    invisible, Inaudible, Inconceivable
    Omniscient (alone Knowing all that is Knowable)
    Omnipotent (the only Power there is… manifesting these appearances)
    Omnipresent (alone this in which and to which everything appears)
    This is Thou… so long as no meaning is associated with the words ‘This’, ‘is’, or ‘Thou’ 🙂
    The science is clear. No debate. No Consciousness: no colours, no flavours, no feelings, no odours, no sounds, and no ideas (number, form…

  • @williamnelson4968
    @williamnelson4968 18 дней назад +2

    If the brain "creates reality" what created the brain? Isn't it better to change your proposition from “brains create our reality” to, “Minds, (brains, human or otherwise) create a view of reality that supports the organisms’ need to sustain itself in order to reproduce and therefore evolve?”

  • @christiholden131
    @christiholden131 20 дней назад +1


  • @JohnSmith190377
    @JohnSmith190377 20 дней назад +2

    He doesn’t explain though how mental illness like depression happens, if the mind is constructing everything, and it’s an illusion, why would it also create a depressive state

    • @LaurArt_UK
      @LaurArt_UK 18 дней назад +2

      Depression isn't the brain functioning normally though right, but something going wrong? E.g. blocked hormones. He's talking about how it works normally when everything is functioning correctly/well. Depression can be caused by external factors, chemical imbalances etc, not a healthy brain creating it.

    • @stevenabeles616
      @stevenabeles616 17 дней назад

      Contrast.Depresion and fear are so unlike our native state when not incarnated.Contrast brings things to be examined into focus.

    • @who0lee
      @who0lee 17 дней назад +2

      My hypothesis is that depression exists to slow us down and give us the opportunity to learn to be better

    • @JohnSmith190377
      @JohnSmith190377 16 дней назад +2

      @@who0lee I like your hypothesis. I have had the most profound insights when amidst deep suffering and sadness

    • @JoshuaRichardson123
      @JoshuaRichardson123 15 дней назад

      Great question. We will cover this is more detail in the full podcast :)

  • @ibrahimskandarani118
    @ibrahimskandarani118 20 дней назад +1

    I like the idea of your video. I really wanted to watch it. however the music was so distracting I couldn't focus on what you were saying. but thank you. I hope you reloa it with out the music.

    • @JohnSmith190377
      @JohnSmith190377 20 дней назад +3

      Lol I didn’t even realise there was music, I was too interested in what he was saying, fascinating how two brains can have two different experiences of the same thing

  • @ericrobinson541
    @ericrobinson541 17 дней назад

    Why do we need that music ?

    • @who0lee
      @who0lee 17 дней назад +1

      Someone like me wants it cause it helps me relax while I’m taking in new information