+GreenGoblinHD about how much of a cash grabbing, racial injustice milking fake he is? lol He literally called out Elvis iggy and miley for doing what hes doing.
soflo23 to you it may seem like a bullshit movement but for other people it’s a way to express their feelings on the subject, you can’t stop an idea no matter how much you try to
@soflo23 They should, in most cases. There are some "marchs" where i live that are pure bullshit and just fucking propaganda for a piece of shit goverment, its even worse when they destroy public (or private) propertie and dont even care, graffitis everywhere, trash everywhere and dont even care to clean, but there are sometimes in some places where people totally SHOULD march, because their rights are being violated or the things in that place are totally wrong. Im not talking entirely of what is happening in usa because i have pretty much little to no idea, but yeah, lets leave it at that vandalism does not equal to marching, even less when its for a "nonsense" cause or its not a honest cause.
This song was a few years too early. Got a lot of hate when it came out but man do I find it relevant. Touches a lot of the discourse around the conversations today.
+Just a WARLORD yes but too be apart of a culture and yet not do anything when real topics are brought up is wrong, "i wanna listen too rap, i wanna dress like how they dress, talk how they talk, say nigga, but when it comes time too be apart of their movement ohhhh no, i dont wanna do that now, its not my place"
Honestly, as long as you have dark skin wherever you are you're discriminated. I'm not black, but Indian. Where I live, there's not white supremacy, but chinese supremacy. People like us don't get university places and jobs easily. Not as bad as the threat to life in the US, but still, we're second class citizens in our own country.
+steve witte (xXOd3adkatOXx) Ain't no way to cover up how you really feel inside, just because we don't talk about doesn't mean its not there. In emotions and body language, the way people think. It's still going to be there. taking about it draws attention for matter to be addressed
+Chello >In emotions, the way people think. Now listen, I believe that all races ought to be treated equally... But there's no way to thought-police, and there damn well shouldn't be.
+Huey Freeman that's really not the point stop bringing up race in every little thing notice how we always divide ourselves by black and white or when the media goes " black guy so and so " or white man so and so , Hispanic male so and so it's pointless to bring someone's race up , honestly what needs to be taught to racist people that at the end of the day we're all the same they're literally in fucking denial. We separate ourselves from something we didn't dictate no one asks to born with the color of their skin no one is like aw damn I hope I'm white I hope I'm black. but reality of it is there will always be racism and fucked up shit in the world cause people are dumb as shit
He just admitted to using the black culture WITH NO SHAME. Pointing fingers at Iggy, Miley and Elvis...as of he knows their intentions because he's white....is playing with your intelligence. He's like the kid that kisses up to outdo the other kids who misbehave. He's not the answer.
were you listening to the right song? he was very clearly saying that he wants to help black people and march along side then for the whole "Black Lives Matter" thing but when he does people say he's only doing it for popularity rather than to pay respect to the people whose culture influenced him so much...pay attention next time
Looking at some these comments. I swear, people comprehension level is so low. This man is not trying to be black. This song has a great message. but some of you wouldn't see that way because of your ignorance. I can't tell if people are trolling or actually being serious. Great song, I hope he makes a video for this.
Indeed. I do enjoy the compilation of noises which humans call a "song". It is wonderful to hear words integrated in a fashion which fits my ideals. It is with immense joy I say, with many inferred platitudes, this: "Recizm bad. Me no like." The obvious has been stated. Now praise my intellect. My activism is unrivaled. I am off to post black square. *insert superfluous hashtag here*
+DaceyLove03 yeah, if I was a middleclass whiteboy, I'd lump in dirt poor white people with me, to quote another youtube comment ''When I was 15 my mom was murdered by a crackhead. I had to drop out of school and work in a mill. I didn't know what to call it but I guess it's white privilege.''
_White Privilege._ There's always that group in one race that's makes the rest of you look bad. We know not all are like that. We know. We know. Speak up, not that you're offended by the words _White Privilege_ but that you are offend by being categorized in that group. Speak up the rest and say "I am not like them. I care. Don't put me with those people of the same race as me." Speak, we'll listen. Talk, we'll hear. We all want to be equal, so don't fight against it. Become one with us and we will too. Sadly enough racism is still going on in our backyard of America. In your home, in my home, in the home of the people that get it everyday. I noticed some say "Where's my white privilege? I have it worst." right there you are using it. RIGHT THERE you are saying "my problems come first." Right there you just said AllLivesMatter. Now yes indeed all lives do matter, but now you are putting tape over the mouth of a black man that just got beaten by cop. Right there you just handcuffed the hands of a black child that goes to school every wondering why there skin makes them any less of a person. RIGHT THERE you are the elderly calling out racist remarks to a group of friends trying to live a normal day of there lives. People might not show it but _White Privilege_ does exist and they use it to be the victim of a terrible crime. Don't defend what's happening in front of your eye's everyday. #BlackLivesMatter
Instead of penalizing individuals for the crimes they commit, it's people like you who look to race immediately, and from that want to decide if they should be accountable for their actions or not.
Ray Rrayy it's the person as themselves, as a human. Not the race. Race doesn't matter when if you get caught in an act that goes against the law, it's the truth to hold the person accountable no matter what race they are for their action.
***** Saying all lives matter is basically covering up all the worst shit others go through. Saying all lives matter is like /qouteing from the video/ if one house was on fire, would you go around the block spraying all the house with water bcuz only one is on fire, or would you go to the house that needs the help. Of course the answer is going to the house that is on fire, the house that needs help.
***** the topic of the subject is Black Lives Matter. Of course All live do indeed matter, but as of the moment it's Black lives matter bcuz finally they are strong enough to speak up. I'm not saying others don't have it bad, I know it's worst for some. I've been through worst shit, but this isn't about me. This is about the discrimination that black people get everyday. Yes others may get but as I say again the topic of the matter is BLACK LIVES MATTER. Do you understand that? And if you're trying to prove something here I'm sorry but you're are not gonna get it here.
Dude I like Macklemore too, but this proves nothing man. This is a pop song with a good strong message. His rapping isn't crazy good on anything and this is coming from someone who's listened to him for a long time.
+Angry American Lmao didn't he just make fun of people who stereotype that "i only listen to macklemore and eminem cause they spesk about real issues!!!!"
+Holden Cole Fuck a dumbass genre, it's rapper rapping so everyone debating about spouting "ehhh, this is pop. Ehhh, this is hip-hop." Shut. The. Fuck. Up. This is a RAPPER RAPPING. So deal.
sadly it didn't. it aged like cancer. we just want it to not be applicable to today, we want to think of this as the past but it's still here haunting us and taunting us for every arbitrary death and every life lost.
Macklemore and Ryan thanks for standing for something. Fact is fact and truth is truth. Black people also deserves an opportunity to succeed. The laws are designed to keep people down.
+fuckakakaka no you're WRONG. The system is designed to block people in low income brackets to fail. Interview your white person in poverty and see how they're doing.
+chuku531 Just because you see more black people ont tv, sports and music etc, doesn't change the fact there is still a problem that needs to be solved for black people and all minorities.
This type of Rhythm and style is the shit that made him famous but it's also who made him who he is so to all those comments saying it's going to offend people or he wants to be black, you're wrong he's just himself
+MrJoshbono5 - Just a thought. When I look at anyone's top 5 rappers of all time, I see 5 highly edgy and controversial artists... I also see a lot of the same blatant honesty, sometimes at the expense of their own reputation. my 2 cents.
+Declan Lyons I totally agree. Anyone saying he just wants to be black is likely being defensive, uncomfortable and angry.And that is absolutely ok if that's how they need to play it. Just because he does hip hop doesn't mean he is trying to be black, he is doing his thing but being brutally uncomfortable honest about the truth of the matter. He is calling out the issue and trying to help people see it. Regardless of his color that is a good thing, it is the only way anything is going to get better. Picking up on the line, if you can't admit the house is on fire it doesn't matter how good your fire fighting team is. They are trying to be a part of some solution, we in Seattle know that because we see they walk the talk every day.
+BABYGRLK100 In case you didn't notice, 77% of the people in the United States of America are white. In case you didn't notice, the founders of the United States of America were white. Why would I be forced to learn the history of Africa, when I live in the United States? You are an absolute fucking idiot, you cretin.
+BABYGRLK100 ...right...because Blacks in North America have contributed a vast and colourful mosiac of history to the building of the United States. You were enslaved by Africans,shipped around the world, used as slaves....freed by whites, spent the next 150 years in a regressive black american culture and blame the "da white man" for your miserable lot in life. Black history is not interesting to others besides blacks. Sorry.
+BABYGRLK100 My history, err no it ain't called white history. Black privilege is having an entire class dedicated to just your race. Other history classes teach both dipshit.
+Wilson its a good song sending off a good message and white guilt seems like they need some more of that can just kill sandra and not give 2 fucks rather he was genuine or not what he said needs 2 be said
Important reminders whenever someone mentions White privilege to avoid confusion: 1) White privilege does not mean that you are automatically racist for being White 2) White privilege is not brought up to make you feel guilty for being White 3) When White privilege is brought up, a minority is not attacking you the individual White person specifically 4) White privilege does not mean that you don't have problems as someone who is white 5) White/majority privilege is not unique to only White people (these same power dynamics exist wherever there is a dominant group or majority. It just happens to be White people here.) 6) Some forms of White privilege are logically justifiable 7) The idea of White privilege is relevant to ALL minority groups in the U.S., not just Black people...
When you hear the term "White privilege" what are you thinking of though? Why do you think White privilege is nonsense and racist? And when you say it's racist, for whom? (Whites, People of Color, all of the above? Etc.) I want to understand where you're coming from before we have (what I hope will be) a conversation about this to avoid confusion...
RoseEyed it's racist against whites obviously, it's an accusation that skin color is more responsible for success in life than actual hard work/merit; which is not true. It's also used to silence white people's opinions ie: "check your privilege" there is no inborn advantage to having white skin, a poor white person has a shittier life than a rich black person. The only privilege is the privilege of being wealthy, and if there are more wealthy white people in North America it's because our ancestors worked for it, so it's not a privilege. Please do not give me that nonsense that racism is anything other than "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." The political definition that Racism/Sexism etc. is determined by a power structure is nonsense.
I'll address your points individually to make it easier :) I don't think White privilege is intended to be racist against whites. It's simply the "benefits/advantages" that White people have in our and other Western cultures as a result of history (racism's legacy) and their numerical presence and influence. I AGREE "check your privilege" is too often used to shut down these conversations (AS is "White privilege isn't real"). (Both groups are in the wrong on that regard.) I AGREE hard work can lead to success, no matter one's skin. (But this belief and White privilege aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.) Our implicit biases/prejudices (those that a person may be unaware of that result from repeated exposure to certain stereotypes, thoughts, or experiences, & our own in-group biases = our natural preference for those who look like us) can play a role. I AGREE that a poor White person will probably have a shittier life than a rich Black person. Once more, this belief and White privilege aren't mutually exclusive. People too often think issues like these are cut and dry when there are actually various levels to "privilege". It's called INTERSECTIONALITY, meaning a person can be privileged in one area while underprivileged in another (& vise versa). For example, a gay person may be "disadvantaged" due to their sexual orientation, but if he is White OR rich, it may counteract that. Another person may be rich and straight but plagued by mental illness. Another example: We're ALL privileged for living in a 1st world country, but that does not mean we aren't disadvantaged in other areas (mentally ill, LGBTQ, poor, immigrant, etc.). SO WHITE PRIVILEGE DOES NOT MEAN THAT WHITES HAVE NO PROBLEMS OR THAT A MINORITY CANNOT BE ADVANTAGED IN OTHER WAYS. You said "and if there are more wealthy white people in North America it's because OUR ANCESTORS worked for it, so it's not a privilege." This fact is actually a DIRECT CONSEQUENCE/EXAMPLE of white privilege. Much of White privilege is the result of racism's legacy or White people's numerical presence. Those White ancestors likely DID work hard. But as a result of Jim Crow, slavery, mass genocide, and the EXCLUSION OF MINORITY GROUPS the ANCESTORS of minorities who ALSO worked hard were not able to get the same results. Resulting in your own statement "and IF THERE ARE MORE wealthy white people in NA..." And by the definition of privilege, you yourself did nothing to help your family gain that wealth. You can do things to maintain it afterward as you mature but upon birth, you were coincidentally born into a family that already had it = you did not EARN it... So it would still be a privilege that others who weren't born into it (something they also didn't have autonomy over) don't have.
The point about ancestors was a shitty point I admit that. "SO WHITE PRIVILEGE DOES NOT MEAN THAT WHITES HAVE NO PROBLEMS OR THAT A MINORITY CANNOT BE ADVANTAGED IN OTHER WAYS." In that case there's no point in using the term white/male/straight privilege at all, qualifying it with a skin colour is what makes it racist, there are privileged rich people and underprivileged poor people, there are mentally ill people and healthy people. What is the point in trying to rank and disect peoples privilege? Should we make different laws for different "privilege" levels so we can have an oppressive dystopian equality? If not, then this privilege ranking that SJWs are so obsessed with is completely pointless, and if so, then we are going to regress to a dark, racist and sexist place. The onyl sane option is for people to STOP caring about skin color etc, telling me I have white privilege just makes me 100% more likely to not give a shit about your "opression" I'm curious to know what privileges you think white people have, because I've seen lists of "male priveleges" and most of those are easily debunked with facts and common sense.
Vinny Vin that’s not the point, if he wanted the money there would be midroll ads. He posts the music to make a point in the world. Just because he makes money off of this doesn’t mean he wants it
@@itsblue8291 Unless he accounted that people would think like that, and see virtue in it, thus listening to it more believing he only wanted meaning e.e
mack is not dissing iggy or miley. Hes saying that theres ppl and artists who are who they are and are where they are because of black culture, yet wont stand up for blacks when they need it. And if mack stays silent for the ppl who have originated the art that serves as his passion and income itd be wrong because thatd mean hes just taking advantage of the art that blacks have originated without standing up for the actual ppl who originated it
+slimjim877 here are some examples, cornrows, dreads, hip hop, rap, urban fashion, hip hop dance, aave(which is the "ghetto" way that black people talk and many other things
+Jason Mullings we might have appropriated it but at least black people don't put down dreads and then get compliments when we wear them. We get insulted across the board whether African American or Rastafarian
i think there's a bit of confusion concerning the song - macklemore is recognizing that he does indeed have white privilege. he's telling the world that white privilege exists. he's saying that yes, all lives matter, BUT we're focusing on black lives matter right now. it's like the song says, if a house is on fire, the fire department doesn't spray water on the whole neighbourhood. we focus on the matter at hand. as a POC i'm happy that some artists are addressing this issue. please spread love and support.
excpet that idiom of the house on fire not only doesnt make sense in reality but it doesnt even make sense for the BLM movement at all. its not a direct comparison to what normal people are saying against a completely racist movement.
As a poc white privilege is real in western society due to biases and stereotypes everyone has. White people are the norm in countries like the usa. We see them as heroes. We have negative connotations of other races, who just seem to be in the background. But that doesnt mean white people should be guilty for being born! Just understanding history and being respectful. After all, each race and creed and class comes with its disadvantages and advantages. It just so happens white privilege is a specific thing talking about a specific topic.
+Janana The only thing your comment really said is that whites are overrepresented in the population of the United States. Well, yeah. The USA is a majority white nation and that's kinda how it's been for a while. Certain countries have certain racial groups that are in the majority, so I guess - using your logic - those countries with overrepresented racial groups have "Japanese" privilege, "Arab" privilege, and so on. That doesn't even make sense! Your logic is flawed.
Still listening in 2020, this song and message slaps...he spoke truth to power, and I can only respect anyone who has the courage to do that, especially during these turbulent times of chaos and confusion, worldwide. If someone is offended or defensive about the truth of these lyrics, you should be, now grow and become a better human being; life is better with self-awareness and growth.
I wonder how privileged the old people in Moldova feel about their 40 Euro pension, shaving their heads and selling their belongings _(sentimental or not)_ on the sidewalk just to make a quick buck.
@@CommissarKozlov You realize we can have empathy for other nations while addressing our own problems, right? Thorough Americans living in fear because where they live doesn't like their skin color or their sexuality or some other stupid reason. And then get called racist for saying this happens.
+TheSunChamber What do you mean by that ? We had the *Romans & Greeks, Anglo-Saxons, Normans, French, Germans, Italians, Spanish, the age of englightenment, information age !* We dominated the entire planet, discovered & connected population groups. All while Africans were doing nothing, they did not even evolve their culture to invent the wheel, written langauge, a stable form of governance.
Lmao did some of y'all even listen to what he was saying in the song? or just see the title and get mad right away bc someone is actually talking about injustice in the world towards P.O.C
This is the realest shit I have ever heard. Yet shockingly its not blowing up... Which is really surprising because a very popular issue two years ago was gay rights... And Same Love blew up... So why, given that #BlackLivesMatter, racial equality, and police brutality has been a strong topic for more than a year, is this song not getting more attention? I have never related or been emotionally impacted more to a track from him until now... And im a gay man who listened to Same Love. This song soared stories over Same Love to me! The concept, the production, the lyrics. Everything here was very impacting because it's still going on!
+Nalsegia Don't forget same love didn't "blow up" until 5 MONTHS after its release I predict this song will be just as popular if not more than same love. I honestly am moved by all of his songs especially same love wings and white privilege 1 and 2. they carry so much truth. I wish people in the comment sections weren't so ignorant and hateful. Just wait this song is going to be HUGE. I'm a 15 year old white straight male who grows up in a home with parents who make a sum of around 500,000$ a year so just keep in mind that there is hope for our country and equal rights across America because there ARE people like me. Progressive white wealthy pot smoking liberal teenagers who will grow up with the beliefs of equality. There IS hope.
+Amateur Videos I love how people like you want black people to be silenced and not speak up about whats going on. and you call it whining. Well excuse me for not wanting to be killed by police officers. sorry for not wanting to racially profiled. Im soo sorry Almighty White Man
+re5owns678 so what? Does that mean racist cops are ok because they don't kill the most? No that is like saying don't help find a cure for HIV cuz cancer is killing more
He spoke facts! People wanna be apart of black culture but won't stand up to the man for their lives. 💯 I applaud you Macklemore, Ryan Lewis and Jamila Woods! 👏👏👏 people can't handle the truth!
+Lindsey Hunt people dont want to be a part of black culture, even some black people dont want to be a part of black culture. white people and people of all races absorb things from other cultures because thats how society works.
hey Hannah Habib, thanks for stopping by and leaving a completely redundant comment like a child, have a nice day (btw the word you're looking for is incomprehensive)
k9 He's seeking approval from the African American community because of the guilt he feels for white people taking their culture, as he has done his entire career so you were right but it sounded like an accusation toward Macklemore for him trying to make up for having the "wrong race" for his genre
+ElvenNazgul ohh shit my bad. 😕. this race shit is starting to actually drive me nuts I guess. just tired of repeating the same shit. and being treated like we are lying. I remember white people being suprised by Rodeny King getting fuked up. And black people were like yes finally they got this shit on tape. they been fukin us up for years. I done got fuked up by white cops for driving while black. and then told to get in my car and go home left feeling less then a man and just not like a fukin human at all. and nobody see it until now. and still nothing. it don't matter. I live in a country that hates me. and I didn't do nothing. excuse me for tweekin a lil. It just upset me to hear a song get acknowledged cause a white guy is saying something black people have been speaking on for over 300 years.
Just reading the comments im just over the thought of a saved humanity. Im not even speaking on macklemores behalf. I guess I'll never understand how equality threatens and makes people feel so uncomfortable smh.
1) In the comment I said that i was not speaking about macklemore's song. I was speaking about the hate comments. 2) Idk what macklemore's real intentions were when he said what he said but miley and iggy as most celebs are making it a trend to appropriate cultures and to those cultures it comes off offensive.
+Samanthya Laguerre This isn't about equality though, it's about promoting tension between races who already had equal opportunities for the sole purpose of degrading the white race.
Lyrics Pulled into the parking lot, parked it Zipped up my parka, joined the procession of marchers In my head like, "is this awkward? Should I even be here marching?" Thinking if they can't, how can I breathe? Thinking that they chant, what do I sing? I want to take a stance 'cause we are not free And then I thought about it, we are not "we" Am I in the outside looking in, or am I in the inside looking out? Is it my place to give my two cents? Or should I stand on the side and shut my mouth? "No justice, no peace, " okay, I'm saying that They're chanting out, "black lives matter, " but I don't say it back Is it okay for me to say? I don't know, so I watch and stand In front of a line of police that look the same as me Only separated by a badge, a baton, a can of Mace, a mask A shield, a gun with gloves and hands that gives an alibi In case somebody dies behind a bullet that flies out of the nine Takes another child's life on sight Blood in the streets, no justice, no peace No racist beliefs, no rest 'til we're free There's blood in the streets, no justice, no peace No racist beliefs, no rest 'til we're free Blood in the streets, no justice, no peace No racist beliefs, no rest 'til we're free There's blood in the streets, no justice, no peace No racist beliefs, no rest 'til we're free You've exploited and stolen the music, the moment The magic, the passion, the fashion, you toy with The culture was never yours to make better You're Miley, you're Elvis, you're Iggy Azalea Fake and so plastic, you've heisted the magic You've taken the drums and the accent you rapped in Your brand of hip-hop, it's so fascist and backwards That Grandmaster Flash'd go slap it, you bastard All the money that you made All the watered down pop-bullshit version of the culture, pal Go buy a big-ass lawn, go with your big-ass house Get a big-ass fence, keep people out It's all stolen, anyway, can't you see that now? There's no way for you to even that out You can join the march, protest, scream and shout Get on Twitter, hashtag and seem like you're down But they see through it all, people believe you now? You said publicly, "rest in peace, Mike Brown" You speak about equality, but do you really mean it? Are you marching for freedom, or when it's convenient? Want people to like you, want to be accepted? That's probably why you are out here protesting Don't think for a second you don't have incentive Is this about you, well, then what's your intention? What's the intention? What's the intention? "Pssst, I totally get it You're by yourself and the last thing you want to do is take a picture But seriously, my little girl loves you She's always singing, 'I'm gonna pop some tags' I'm not kidding, my oldest, you even got him to go thrifting And 'One Love, ' oh my God, that song, brilliant Their aunt is gay, when that song came out My son told his whole class he was actually proud That's so cool, look what you're accomplishing Even the old mom like me likes it, 'cause it's positive You're the only hip-hop that I let my kids listen to 'Cause you get it, all that negative stuff it isn't cool" (Yeah?) "yeah, like, all the guns and the drugs The bitches and the hoes and the gangs and the thugs Even the protest outside, so sad, and so dumb If a cop pulls you over, it's your fault if you run" (Huh?) Damn, a lot of opinions, a lot of confusion, a lot of resentment Some of us scared, some of us defensive And most of us aren't even paying attention It seems like we're more concerned with being called racist Than we actually are with racism I've heard that silences are action and God knows that I've been passive What if I actually read a article, actually had a dialogue Actually looked at myself, actually got involved? If I'm aware of my privilege and do nothing at all, I don't know Hip-hop has always been political, yes It's the reason why this music connects So what the fuck has happened to my voice if I stay silent when black people are dying Then I'm trying to be politically correct? I can book a whole tour, sell out the tickets Rap entrepreneur, built his own business If I'm only in this for my own self-interest, not the culture that gave me a voice to begin with Then this isn't authentic, it is just a gimmick The D.I.Y underdog, so independent But the one thing the American dream fails to mention Is I was many steps ahead to begin with My skin matches the hero, likeness, the image America feels safe with my music in their systems And it's suited me perfect, the role, I've fulfilled it And if I'm the hero, you know who gets cast as the villain White supremacy isn't just a white dude in Idaho White supremacy protects the privilege I hold White supremacy is the soil, the foundation, the cement and the flag that flies outside of my home White supremacy is our country's lineage, designed for us to be indifferent My success is the product of the same system that let off Darren Wilson, guilty We want to dress like, walk like, talk like, dance like, yet we just stand by We take all we want from black culture, but will we show up for black lives? We want to dress like, walk like, talk like, dance like, yet we just stand by We take all we want from black culture, but will we show up for black lives? Your silence is a luxury Hip-hop is not a luxury Your silence is a luxury Hip-hop is not a luxury Your silence is a luxury Hip-hop is not a luxury Your silence is a luxury Hip-hop is not a luxury What I got for me, it is for me What we made, we made to set us free What I got for me, it is for me What we made, we made to set us free What I got for me, it is for me What we made, we made to set us free
+Bloch Brothers This song isn't shit. I understand not agreeing with the message, but I'd take this over a lot of the songs that get popular right now.
I noticed how this song was 8 minutes and 43 seconds long. Only a few seconds off from how long George was Knelt upon. I first stumbled upon this several days ago, and when I noticed how long it was, I thought it was in tribute to George. Then I noticed this song was made 4 years ago.
I listened to this back when it came out, revisited it just now and thought that the line above being able to breathe was a reference to George Floyd - and then I remembered when this came out
Claiming that all white people are privileged isn't a healing message or a positive message. Or an ACCURATE message. It's just a self-loathing pussy virtue-signaling.
As lyrically gifted Eminem is he's not speaking like this on the microphone . I'm not really a listener of Macklemore , but I have to give him credit for this track . He used his platform to speak on social ills so I have to put some respect on his name for that .
Wasn't that a song from Relapse ? No disrespect , but this song just rival any song that Eminem has about social issues . See , Eminem may have the rhyme schemes and sounds cool , but to me substance trumps that . Even though Eminem is more skilled than Macklemore , but he laid more depth out than Eminem has on this subject .
rpavic3 What by how many syllables he flip before he reaches his next bar ? All that's fine and dandy , but if you're not reaching the people with your caliber of talent and platform then why bother entertaining the same old same ? Eminem is more technically gifted than Macklemore and I'm not debating that , but I'd rather listen to a message and substance than verbal acrobatics and that's real .
+dis guy great comeback... your so original, not you need to be mature dont tell people to drink bleach. Didnt you learn when you were in preschool, 'if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything.' 3 words for you buddy: get a life
@Joel The Messenger bruh. why are you spreading that cringy ass stereotype about black men being obsessed with white women? (though obviously nothing wrong with an interracial relationship)
I come back to this video every time an innocent person dies due to police brutality. Just imagine how many times I’ve been back here since this song released. 😔 It’s saddening.
Thank God, I mean I love your new stuff with Ryan Lewis, but I really hope this is a return to your earlier album, Language of my World. I love the fact you can have a lighter and funnier side, but I am definitely welcoming a return to discussing the hard issues to a great beat and intricate lyrics.
+Thomas Lazzari Language of my World is amazing, don't want to sound like one of those annoying hipsters claiming that they listened to someone before they were famous. But, grew up on that album and his music videos from 2010. So glad that he got the recognition he deserves through the funny stuff, but thats not the Mack that I loved back then and this song has gotten me excited.
Dang this song actually talk about how people feel about Black Lives Matter. I'm Black and I feel the same way because my dad's military status allowed us to live away from the problems but then I move to D.C where I'm on the front lines and have to make a decision on where you stand. I never had a bad run in with cops but I see the problem because where there is one good police officer their is five bad ones. This song helped me gain more clarity in a complicated issue.
I listen to this and my heart breaks just replaying all the moments of injustice I have seen happen in my short time being alive in my head while listening to this.
4 years ago I didn't understand what Macklemore intent to say. (I'm learning English at the time). Finally, I understood what he intent to say after George Floyd got killed. This is so sad for our generation.
Tbh he not talkin about George Floyd this happen way before him. Back during segregation. A white woman lied and said a black kid whittled at heR. They beat him, hung hi, and stuff I won't say. Around Bill Cosby "acusseres" came out" she admitted she lied
Privilege - A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people. Feel free to post some examples of white, black, asian, men, women privileges that fit the definition.
+Will Herbert Affirmative action isn't actually a thing anymore (at least on a college level). It was done away with about two or three years back. Now AA in colleges only applies when colleges have an extreme, and I do mean extreme, lack of minority races enrolled compared to white enrollment. I believe workplace AA still exists however.
Maybe get Nicki Minaj to shake her ass and outline her crotch. OH OH. Ariana Grande needs to be wearing a crop top!!!!! Let's put some Rihanna in the mix, make sure we get a shot of her with Chris Brown.
I love you, if you're reading this. As a black man in this country, my frustrations behind George Floyd's murder are so great BECAUSE I want everything to work out. I want to exist peacefully with my fellow white brothers and sisters. I want all races to stand together as one. It brought tears to my eyes seeing white people peacefully protest alongside people who look like me, and I want to say thank you 🙏. RIP George Floyd.
Thank you, you'd be surprised how much I was looking for this specific type of comment. Rioters hijack your cause. That being said, I think if our movement is to succeed -- we need to denounce and condemn the rioters, MLK preached peace and love, we *need* to stick with his ideals, hate only breeds more hate.
@@TheSoHysterical Black Lives does matter, so does white lives, and police lives -- innocent lives matter. I am with you on equality and love, but I am against you when you fight people completely irrelated. Must I go onto the list? Must I have to show you the harm to you, the videos are gory, they are sick, I cry every time I see such violence, a Woman who was just speaking to a crowd of rioters in broad daylight beat down with wooden planks in front of her own store which has now been ruined, a female. Punished, whacked, being thrown ladders at, being abused. Her husband came to help with a golf club, he got immediately assaulted for trying to help his wife, he was forced to watch the lady nearly die in front of him, as he too suffered horrible wounds. The screaming, the crying, the violence. And then at the end of the video, "Let go of my wife!" as he cried wanting help defend innocence... Cars drove by as if it was the new normal, too intimidated by thugs and criminals to stand up for innocents... A man in Dallas Texas stoned nearly to death for defending his home, for defending himself... It sent chills up my spine to watch the blood stain the pavement, to see a mob stone him in America... A skateboard to the back of his head. Blood pouring. I felt depressed when I found out the riots do not condemn this violence, when ordinary citizens defended them saying that all whites are racists, all whites must die, etc... An entire Metropolis now suffers violence, dying each day. 10 cops died in the last 48 hours that I know of, a few of them are African American, like David Dorn... When I think of BLM, I fail to connect them now to MLK because of this violence. MLK preached love, not hate. MLK preached peace, not violence. MLK preached unity, not division and criminalizing all of the white skin tone with the stains of the past they had no say in. Why must we descend to race every time we speak? We all hate racists, when I was raised I was told to love people, not told to 'hate that black kid.' When I was raised I was told we are all unique, not 'think of everything you can ever possibly relate to, as an attack on you.' We are individuals, we are loving Americans. MLK did not burn the flag, ruin the entire memorial, no, he stood up against his violent offenders and did not swing, he said I love you. "Even if you bomb my house and threaten the lives of my children, as hard as it is, I will still love you." Can't you see how ironic it is? That the people who condemn the violence by cops are the ones who condone their own violence? The damage is already done, can't you see that now, there is no way to help the injured and affected. Hate breeds more hate, love breeds more love.
Vinny Vin just to piss you off I’m not gonna read through that, I heard enough when you tried saying all lives matter. All lives won’t matter until black lives do.
@@TheSoHysterical It matters, again, all lives matter at least to me and 99% of America. You forget yourself. I'd rather you read it, if not, oh well. I will still love you like MLK preached me to do so. May Jesus bless you.
+LIL B You're delusional if you actually think that I'm going to "lose my rights" if Trump becomes president. I am no Mexican, I'm an American, born and raised, and Trump DOESN'T hate mexicans. He married a fucking immigrant, why would he be racist? Do you honestly think that congress, the legislative, or the judicial branch would actually allow him to repatriate and extradite legal Mexicans? He doesn't even want that, so that scenario is already highly unlikely enough, but even then, the likelihood of illegals getting amnesty is intensely prevalent. And why would you laugh if I was denied my civil rights? That's not funny, that's just fucked up. Maybe you need to look into become a more intelligent and principled individual.
+Tom Ryan the pot has been stirring for many many many years with zero resolution.. I think we should stop stirring the pot once we have a solution to this madness.. as a white person I don't know what I can do honestly
Yes because ignoring shit makes it go away. Cancer doesn't go away because you ignore it. Well, racism is a cancer that society has and it will only destroy society if we ignore it.
+Tom Ryan Yeah because ignoring racial tensions is going so well for us. Tom here is a poster child for white privilege. I bet he didn't even listen to this song.
All four of them was charged with murder, even if they weren't all involved in killing him, as autopsies show, but because bias and political pressure, you can kill anyone purely by being criminal in the streets.
I'm so glad white people are finally admitting their privilege. It's a big step forward for equality edit: hey guys. I've decided not to comment anymore. I just made a simple statement. & it kinda got out of proportion. Thank you so much. for the people who understands white privilege.& for the other people who disagrees. I hope you find happiness and maybe one day you'll understand. love one another
Joshua Razey tell me, how many times have you been pulled over and feared for your life? or for walking down the street? or for looking “sketchy”? have you ever been given looks for waking into a store? do people cross the street to avoid you? we’re you told as a child how to save your life if you’re in an encounter w police? are people debating about your life? your rights? your freedom? ofc you have struggles, all of us do, but does your skin colour add to them, and make them worse?
@Echo Echo Right his wrongs? For being born something beyond his choice? Nah. Nobody should apologize for being who they are, white people are no exception.
This is the ultimate dream most people want but the unfortunate reality is that such a thing will never happen. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger said in Terminator 2 "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves".
I think it's possible for the human species to learn, therefore it's also possible to get over racism, sexism, homophobia and all kinds of discrimination.
This track is deeply moving and I wish that the idea that lives within it will not only be spread but also grow in peoples heads. I am proud to say that it already reached me.
@@dinolover I get that, but when he came out with this song it made waves then, its all the more relevant now, even though this has been happening for decades, centuries. Especially when music is a way of processing that many turn to. It may be sad, but so is what has happening to our fellow black people. The more awareness the better. Said with 💓, not hate. I hope that as a society we become better.
I'm Mexican. I'm not one of those people that only listen to white rappers. I listen from people like Kanye to Young Thug, Future, Eminem, all around. But it outrages me when people don't give Macklemore credit. There's a lot of white rappers that are just that, but Macklemore has always kept it real, and it's sad that a lot of people won't understand that.
Cause he's shit 🤷♂️ no offence. And when artist starts to get political, thats when they plumit. No one wants to listen to a political song, 50% of your fans would disagree with what your saying.
+ihazdaforks no!! saying that white privilege is a thing then availing of opportunities which he has been given access to due to being white would be hypocritical use the correct word if you are gonna try make a point
Ross Mc He bitched about Miley and Iggy appropriating black culture when he's doing the same thing with hip hop. He's a hypocrite. Notice how it's only white people that say that white people have privilege. You have no idea what privilege means... Privilege is your family being wealthy and having class. Poor white people get treated like shit by society as well.
Joseph Williams Because privilege is a flawed concept at best when it's not being used so vaguely as to be unfalsifiable. No white person should accept white privilege without having it strictly defined in such a way that it can actually be demonstrated or contradicted.
***** Sweetheart, if you don't see how its hypocritical, you need to either go look up the definition of hypocrisy or cultural appropriation. I ain't google.
Doesn't work like that. Your life isn't hard bc ur white like with many people of color who are denied jobs bc of their race (yes it still does happen) which in return makes life hard. U are given a certain priv like not being constantly profiled and people taking u seriously when ur mad and not being labeled as an aggressive black man. Cmon I'm white and I get it! I don't have to feel guilty for being white and we don't have to do anything lol we just have to amplify the voice of people of color and let them speak
Lmfao. Never heard of this song before, nor been recommended until I accidentally pressed the wrong video. I still don't care. The comment section is gold though. Love a little giggle
I see a lot of people asking what white privilege is. I think a lot of white people think white privilege is being more likely to be hired for a job or growing up in the suburbs. While those things are part of white privilege, its not the core of it. White privilege at its core is the ability to send your son to the store without worrying about if he will be shot for being black. White privilege is not having to understand the feeling of being hated for nothing but your skin color. White privilege is not having to witness a woman go to the other side of the street when she sees you walking her way on the sidewalk. White privilege is not having to tell your 5 year old child who is starting kindergarten that there may be some kids in her class that will exclude her because she is black, and only because she is black. It is imperative that white people, especially white artists, use their white privilege to be heard in the cause to end racism. Our whiteness is a platform to be heard until our black brothers and sisters can have their voices heard too.
+Ashley Singh ehhh.. "the ability to send your son to the store without worrying about if he will be shot for being black" black people arent shooting other black people because they are black. and racists dont really be out there shooting random black kids for being black either. As a white person i been hated on for being white.. you can be a sketchy looking white dude and have a woman move away from you.. white privlege to me is all about cops arresting more black people than whites for the same crimes we all commit. such as weed possession. As well as not hiring equally qualified black people..
I'm not gonna touch on the other stuff but I can say that as the father of a white six year old, I have seen my daughter being excluded by black children solely because she is white, not the other way around. Fortunately, it's a rare occasion. I live in the South and I can assure you my generation, as a whole, are not racist. We're the most tolerant generation. And our children are and will be even more tolerant. Perhaps if we stop assuming "white privilege" equates to "white racists", real change can occur. Instead of pointing fingers and placing blame. Black lives do matter, but whites will never take that seriously until black lives start mattering to black people first. That's the honest truth. There needs to be accountability from both sides. I've always wondered what black police officers think about the black lives matter movement.
I knew I'd regret reading these comments
Me too I got mad, sad, happy, irritated, encouraged than back to being mad by reading these comments
I feel you man it's mad depressing
just finished reading them.......depressing .....just depressing like Stevie J's career
Yep, can't say I expected different sadly
Well this is gonna get people talking
+GreenGoblinHD He's already trending
Funny to see you here, always watching your vids ;)
+GreenGoblinHD about how much of a cash grabbing, racial injustice milking fake he is? lol He literally called out Elvis iggy and miley for doing what hes doing.
+The Patient Go watch Fire Squad - J Cole, listen to the lyrics bout half way through the song to understand this.
"are you marching for freedom? or when it's convenient" a truly great line
soflo23 to you it may seem like a bullshit movement but for other people it’s a way to express their feelings on the subject, you can’t stop an idea no matter how much you try to
@@badazagarza6334 the idea of vandalism?
Cringe line by a cringe rapper
@@IloveTide1997 lol what, yeah sure mate
@soflo23 They should, in most cases.
There are some "marchs" where i live that are pure bullshit and just fucking propaganda for a piece of shit goverment, its even worse when they destroy public (or private) propertie and dont even care, graffitis everywhere, trash everywhere and dont even care to clean, but there are sometimes in some places where people totally SHOULD march, because their rights are being violated or the things in that place are totally wrong.
Im not talking entirely of what is happening in usa because i have pretty much little to no idea, but yeah, lets leave it at that vandalism does not equal to marching, even less when its for a "nonsense" cause or its not a honest cause.
This song was a few years too early. Got a lot of hate when it came out but man do I find it relevant. Touches a lot of the discourse around the conversations today.
"We take all we want from black culture, but will we show up for black lives?"
THIS is basically it. The whole song.
+Madhu T and: blacks,asians,hispanics also take shit invented by white people, things that were literally their whole culture
+Jurgen Nyerenyere you ever wear jeans?
Denim specifically though, was invented by french
+Just a WARLORD yes but too be apart of a culture and yet not do anything when real topics are brought up is wrong, "i wanna listen too rap, i wanna dress like how they dress, talk how they talk, say nigga, but when it comes time too be apart of their movement ohhhh no, i dont wanna do that now, its not my place"
Honestly, as long as you have dark skin wherever you are you're discriminated. I'm not black, but Indian. Where I live, there's not white supremacy, but chinese supremacy. People like us don't get university places and jobs easily. Not as bad as the threat to life in the US, but still, we're second class citizens in our own country.
"You know how you get rid of racism, stop talking about it." -Morgan Freeman.
Division and race baiting gets you nothing.
+steve witte (xXOd3adkatOXx) Ain't no way to cover up how you really feel inside, just because we don't talk about doesn't mean its not there. In emotions and body language, the way people think. It's still going to be there. taking about it draws attention for matter to be addressed
>In emotions, the way people think.
Now listen, I believe that all races ought to be treated equally... But there's no way to thought-police, and there damn well shouldn't be.
Prison Mike I'm just trying to say not talking about a topic doesn't rid of it.
Let's stop talking about terrorism. That should get rid of that too, right?
+Huey Freeman that's really not the point stop bringing up race in every little thing notice how we always divide ourselves by black and white or when the media goes " black guy so and so " or white man so and so , Hispanic male so and so it's pointless to bring someone's race up , honestly what needs to be taught to racist people that at the end of the day we're all the same they're literally in fucking denial. We separate ourselves from something we didn't dictate no one asks to born with the color of their skin no one is like aw damn I hope I'm white I hope I'm black. but reality of it is there will always be racism and fucked up shit in the world cause people are dumb as shit
0:55 gives me chills..i wished this song blew up like Same Love did because it could really get people talking like that song did
So true
Me too 🤚🏼
This song is approximately how long the officer had his knee on the back of George Floyds neck. Let that sink in...
Murray 😢😢😢
wow. that’s insanely powerful. 3rd degree is not enough
rest in peace george
Oh my god this is all because of POLICE. POLICE. THE ONES TO KEEP US SAFE. THEY ARE NOT KEEPING US SAFE. Racist cops should not be a thing.
The cop had his knee on him for 8 minutes and 42 seconds? on the dot? Or are you just pulling things out your ass
I was not expecting for this to go the way it did. This is some me real shit! This is awesome! It gave me chills.
*some real
He just admitted to using the black culture WITH NO SHAME. Pointing fingers at Iggy, Miley and Elvis...as of he knows their intentions because he's white....is playing with your intelligence. He's like the kid that kisses up to outdo the other kids who misbehave. He's not the answer.
+Joshua “Stanforty” Jade shut up 🙄
were you listening to the right song? he was very clearly saying that he wants to help black people and march along side then for the whole "Black Lives Matter" thing but when he does people say he's only doing it for popularity rather than to pay respect to the people whose culture influenced him so much...pay attention next time
+Trent Marstin hes spreading awareness for those who are ignorant or are white supremacists.
Pray for me as I look at these comments and try not to get angry.
+Trina Biswas i almost broke my punched my screen reading the comments.
+Mal Del rey you need anger management therapy then, if you're getting mad on the internet you shouldn't be on the internet
Most of the angry comments never listened to the song fully and never noticed that. I love that this song stirs controversy.
Too late boo lmao
+STraTyNobLeEy67 BlU3gRaSs; Fun fact: Jonathan Butler's family is in the top 1%.
Looking at some these comments. I swear, people comprehension level is so low. This man is not trying to be black. This song has a great message. but some of you wouldn't see that way because of your ignorance. I can't tell if people are trolling or actually being serious. Great song, I hope he makes a video for this.
I thought you were dead
Your right he is trying to an edgy fuckwit and show how sorry he is for being born white.
+Nick Dwyer It was a government conspiracy it never happened! It was an excuse to take away our guns!
+Michael Brown Enlighten us, you genius.
This song hits even harder today :(
I hate how this shit remains relevant because we can't fix our shit
Chabotal It always hit hard.
Indeed. I do enjoy the compilation of noises which humans call a "song". It is wonderful to hear words integrated in a fashion which fits my ideals. It is with immense joy I say, with many inferred platitudes, this: "Recizm bad. Me no like."
The obvious has been stated. Now praise my intellect. My activism is unrivaled. I am off to post black square. *insert superfluous hashtag here*
Says the idiot with devil horns
He gets it. oh my gosh im about to cry.he gets it
+DaceyLove03 yeah, if I was a middleclass whiteboy, I'd lump in dirt poor white people with me, to quote another youtube comment ''When I was 15 my mom was murdered by a crackhead. I had to drop out of school and work in a mill. I didn't know what to call it but I guess it's white privilege.''
Bitch you dumb get over yourself.
We don't need a white mommy or daddy to fight our own battles! Kissing white liberal ass and seeking for them pat you on the head is not a win girl!!!
+damn bro That's true but there's not as many white people in Compton. But there is still a lot of profiling here.
+damn bro *L*
_White Privilege._
There's always that group in one race that's makes the rest of you look bad. We know not all are like that. We know. We know. Speak up, not that you're offended by the words _White Privilege_ but that you are offend by being categorized in that group. Speak up the rest and say "I am not like them. I care. Don't put me with those people of the same race as me." Speak, we'll listen. Talk, we'll hear. We all want to be equal, so don't fight against it. Become one with us and we will too. Sadly enough racism is still going on in our backyard of America. In your home, in my home, in the home of the people that get it everyday. I noticed some say "Where's my white privilege? I have it worst." right there you are using it. RIGHT THERE you are saying "my problems come first." Right there you just said AllLivesMatter. Now yes indeed all lives do matter, but now you are putting tape over the mouth of a black man that just got beaten by cop. Right there you just handcuffed the hands of a black child that goes to school every wondering why there skin makes them any less of a person. RIGHT THERE you are the elderly calling out racist remarks to a group of friends trying to live a normal day of there lives. People might not show it but _White Privilege_ does exist and they use it to be the victim of a terrible crime. Don't defend what's happening in front of your eye's everyday. #BlackLivesMatter
+Bolt Arellano You did good here ❤❤
Instead of penalizing individuals for the crimes they commit, it's people like you who look to race immediately, and from that want to decide if they should be accountable for their actions or not.
Ray Rrayy it's the person as themselves, as a human. Not the race. Race doesn't matter when if you get caught in an act that goes against the law, it's the truth to hold the person accountable no matter what race they are for their action.
***** Saying all lives matter is basically covering up all the worst shit others go through. Saying all lives matter is like /qouteing from the video/ if one house was on fire, would you go around the block spraying all the house with water bcuz only one is on fire, or would you go to the house that needs the help. Of course the answer is going to the house that is on fire, the house that needs help.
***** the topic of the subject is Black Lives Matter. Of course All live do indeed matter, but as of the moment it's Black lives matter bcuz finally they are strong enough to speak up. I'm not saying others don't have it bad, I know it's worst for some. I've been through worst shit, but this isn't about me. This is about the discrimination that black people get everyday. Yes others may get but as I say again the topic of the matter is BLACK LIVES MATTER. Do you understand that? And if you're trying to prove something here I'm sorry but you're are not gonna get it here.
This proves everyone wrong who says that Macklemore isn't a "real rapper"
Dude I like Macklemore too, but this proves nothing man. This is a pop song with a good strong message. His rapping isn't crazy good on anything and this is coming from someone who's listened to him for a long time.
+Angry American Lmao didn't he just make fun of people who stereotype that
"i only listen to macklemore and eminem cause they spesk about real issues!!!!"
I was just thinking God he can't rap as I came across your comment.
+Crystal Mami Lmfaoooo me too
+Holden Cole Fuck a dumbass genre, it's rapper rapping so everyone debating about spouting "ehhh, this is pop. Ehhh, this is hip-hop." Shut. The. Fuck. Up. This is a RAPPER RAPPING. So deal.
This song sadly aged like fine wine
Cece Hope Sadly could not agree more
I like wine
sadly it didn't. it aged like cancer. we just want it to not be applicable to today, we want to think of this as the past but it's still here haunting us and taunting us for every arbitrary death and every life lost.
..so it aged well then?
Macklemore and Ryan thanks for standing for something. Fact is fact and truth is truth. Black people also deserves an opportunity to succeed. The laws are designed to keep people down.
+chuku531 they should give their positions and money to black people then
+fuckakakaka no you're WRONG. The system is designed to block people in low income brackets to fail. Interview your white person in poverty and see how they're doing.
i know the system is built to keep poor people down, affirmative action should be income based not race based
+chuku531 what laws keep people down? The drug war enforcement? Ill give you that one. But what else?
+chuku531 Just because you see more black people ont tv, sports and music etc, doesn't change the fact there is still a problem that needs to be solved for black people and all minorities.
This type of Rhythm and style is the shit that made him famous but it's also who made him who he is so to all those comments saying it's going to offend people or he wants to be black, you're wrong he's just himself
He is a try hard and clearly doesn't have the talent to rap unless it's super edgy and controversial.
+MrJoshbono5 - Just a thought. When I look at anyone's top 5 rappers of all time, I see 5 highly edgy and controversial artists... I also see a lot of the same blatant honesty, sometimes at the expense of their own reputation. my 2 cents.
+Declan Lyons I totally agree. Anyone saying he just wants to be black is likely being defensive, uncomfortable and angry.And that is absolutely ok if that's how they need to play it.
Just because he does hip hop doesn't mean he is trying to be black, he is doing his thing but being brutally uncomfortable honest about the truth of the matter. He is calling out the issue and trying to help people see it. Regardless of his color that is a good thing, it is the only way anything is going to get better. Picking up on the line, if you can't admit the house is on fire it doesn't matter how good your fire fighting team is.
They are trying to be a part of some solution, we in Seattle know that because we see they walk the talk every day.
well said.
White privilege is the fact that your history is taught as part of the main curriculum, while mine is taught as an elective.
Man, this hit hard.
+BABYGRLK100 In case you didn't notice, 77% of the people in the United States of America are white. In case you didn't notice, the founders of the United States of America were white. Why would I be forced to learn the history of Africa, when I live in the United States? You are an absolute fucking idiot, you cretin.
+BABYGRLK100 ...right...because Blacks in North America have contributed a vast and colourful mosiac of history to the building of the United States. You were enslaved by Africans,shipped around the world, used as slaves....freed by whites, spent the next 150 years in a regressive black american culture and blame the "da white man" for your miserable lot in life. Black history is not interesting to others besides blacks. Sorry.
thank you for saying this
+BABYGRLK100 My history, err no it ain't called white history. Black privilege is having an entire class dedicated to just your race. Other history classes teach both dipshit.
"Thinking if they can't, how can I breathe?"
RIP George Floyd
@@blender1188 he was a human being who was murdered thanks to racism and police brutality.
# Blender how? We was murdered for his **skin colour**
✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿 from 🇮🇪
ChaseMyWeaveForMe Papi How do you know that?
This is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 finally a white person who understands
+Wilson its a good song sending off a good message and white guilt seems like they need some more of that can just kill sandra and not give 2 fucks rather he was genuine or not what he said needs 2 be said
Wilson ok sure we beileve that fuck u mean a mike brown shot himself travon killed himself mlk shot himself malcom x shot himself ok
Wilson why is her mugshot of her on the ground
Wilson I'm not blameing white people for everything but white privilege is real and how tf if she did suffocate herself how did no one see that
+Wilson white privilege is real open ur eyes and i do not think whites as whole should feel guilty
Important reminders whenever someone mentions White privilege to avoid confusion:
1) White privilege does not mean that you are automatically racist for being White
2) White privilege is not brought up to make you feel guilty for being White
3) When White privilege is brought up, a minority is not attacking you the individual White person specifically
4) White privilege does not mean that you don't have problems as someone who is white
5) White/majority privilege is not unique to only White people (these same power dynamics exist wherever there is a dominant group or majority. It just happens to be White people here.)
6) Some forms of White privilege are logically justifiable
7) The idea of White privilege is relevant to ALL minority groups in the U.S., not just Black people...
The idea of white privilege is fucking nonsense and absolutely racist. The only privilege is the privilege of wealth, which people of all races have.
When you hear the term "White privilege" what are you thinking of though?
Why do you think White privilege is nonsense and racist? And when you say it's racist, for whom? (Whites, People of Color, all of the above? Etc.)
I want to understand where you're coming from before we have (what I hope will be) a conversation about this to avoid confusion...
RoseEyed it's racist against whites obviously, it's an accusation that skin color is more responsible for success in life than actual hard work/merit; which is not true. It's also used to silence white people's opinions ie: "check your privilege" there is no inborn advantage to having white skin, a poor white person has a shittier life than a rich black person. The only privilege is the privilege of being wealthy, and if there are more wealthy white people in North America it's because our ancestors worked for it, so it's not a privilege. Please do not give me that nonsense that racism is anything other than "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." The political definition that Racism/Sexism etc. is determined by a power structure is nonsense.
I'll address your points individually to make it easier :)
I don't think White privilege is intended to be racist against whites. It's simply the "benefits/advantages" that White people have in our and other Western cultures as a result of history (racism's legacy) and their numerical presence and influence.
I AGREE "check your privilege" is too often used to shut down these conversations (AS is "White privilege isn't real"). (Both groups are in the wrong on that regard.)
I AGREE hard work can lead to success, no matter one's skin. (But this belief and White privilege aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.) Our implicit biases/prejudices (those that a person may be unaware of that result from repeated exposure to certain stereotypes, thoughts, or experiences, & our own in-group biases = our natural preference for those who look like us) can play a role.
I AGREE that a poor White person will probably have a shittier life than a rich Black person. Once more, this belief and White privilege aren't mutually exclusive. People too often think issues like these are cut and dry when there are actually various levels to "privilege". It's called INTERSECTIONALITY, meaning a person can be privileged in one area while underprivileged in another (& vise versa). For example, a gay person may be "disadvantaged" due to their sexual orientation, but if he is White OR rich, it may counteract that. Another person may be rich and straight but plagued by mental illness. Another example: We're ALL privileged for living in a 1st world country, but that does not mean we aren't disadvantaged in other areas (mentally ill, LGBTQ, poor, immigrant, etc.).
You said "and if there are more wealthy white people in North America it's because OUR ANCESTORS worked for it, so it's not a privilege." This fact is actually a DIRECT CONSEQUENCE/EXAMPLE of white privilege. Much of White privilege is the result of racism's legacy or White people's numerical presence. Those White ancestors likely DID work hard. But as a result of Jim Crow, slavery, mass genocide, and the EXCLUSION OF MINORITY GROUPS the ANCESTORS of minorities who ALSO worked hard were not able to get the same results. Resulting in your own statement "and IF THERE ARE MORE wealthy white people in NA..."
And by the definition of privilege, you yourself did nothing to help your family gain that wealth. You can do things to maintain it afterward as you mature but upon birth, you were coincidentally born into a family that already had it = you did not EARN it... So it would still be a privilege that others who weren't born into it (something they also didn't have autonomy over) don't have.
The point about ancestors was a shitty point I admit that. "SO WHITE PRIVILEGE DOES NOT MEAN THAT WHITES HAVE NO PROBLEMS OR THAT A MINORITY CANNOT BE ADVANTAGED IN OTHER WAYS." In that case there's no point in using the term white/male/straight privilege at all, qualifying it with a skin colour is what makes it racist, there are privileged rich people and underprivileged poor people, there are mentally ill people and healthy people. What is the point in trying to rank and disect peoples privilege? Should we make different laws for different "privilege" levels so we can have an oppressive dystopian equality? If not, then this privilege ranking that SJWs are so obsessed with is completely pointless, and if so, then we are going to regress to a dark, racist and sexist place. The onyl sane option is for people to STOP caring about skin color etc, telling me I have white privilege just makes me 100% more likely to not give a shit about your "opression" I'm curious to know what privileges you think white people have, because I've seen lists of "male priveleges" and most of those are easily debunked with facts and common sense.
"It seems we're more concerned with being called racist than we actually are with racism." DAMN 10/10 in your face
Only insane sjw care.. mf call me a white supremacist cus I have conservative beliefs I’m not even white lol
It's so true.
Notice the lack of ads on this song? It’s subtle but he’s not actively trying to profit off of this
You make profits on just producing the song and people listening to it... This earned him how many subscribers? A shit ton of money.
Vinny Vin that’s not the point, if he wanted the money there would be midroll ads. He posts the music to make a point in the world. Just because he makes money off of this doesn’t mean he wants it
@@itsblue8291 Unless he accounted that people would think like that, and see virtue in it, thus listening to it more believing he only wanted meaning e.e
Lmao typical dumb blonde bitch 💀
I downloaded it for free four years ago on iTunes
mack is not dissing iggy or miley. Hes saying that theres ppl and artists who are who they are and are where they are because of black culture, yet wont stand up for blacks when they need it. And if mack stays silent for the ppl who have originated the art that serves as his passion and income itd be wrong because thatd mean hes just taking advantage of the art that blacks have originated without standing up for the actual ppl who originated it
Oh shut the fuck up u idiot
Can I ask you to define black culture in America?
+slimjim877 here are some examples, cornrows, dreads, hip hop, rap, urban fashion, hip hop dance, aave(which is the "ghetto" way that black people talk and many other things
So a hair style that's common throughout the world, music, and fashion are all exclusive to blacks? Makes perfect sense.
+Jason Mullings we might have appropriated it but at least black people don't put down dreads and then get compliments when we wear them. We get insulted across the board whether African American or Rastafarian
i think there's a bit of confusion concerning the song -
macklemore is recognizing that he does indeed have white privilege. he's telling the world that white
privilege exists. he's saying that yes, all lives matter, BUT we're focusing on black lives matter right now. it's like the song says, if a house is on fire, the fire department doesn't spray water on the whole neighbourhood. we focus on the matter at hand. as a POC i'm happy that some artists are addressing this issue. please spread love and support.
excpet that idiom of the house on fire not only doesnt make sense in reality but it doesnt even make sense for the BLM movement at all. its not a direct comparison to what normal people are saying against a completely racist movement.
I completely agree with what you're saying. Some people are too uncomfortable to ever see the truth
Yes let the whole neighborhood burn. Because that's logical.
the only one here to see it from both sides. I agree. no I don't have anything against anyone, it what ever the problem at hand it.
Ess Ess Essjaydoubleyouuu
Off topic but low key I'm trying to read some short comments and everybody out here writing a 3 page essay.
Because it's so important to talk about but not enough space!!
Peace & Blessings from R.I.
Plusssss too many emotions.
+American Fuel TV Excellent comment, but you'll get nothing but hate from these people down here in the comments. This place is a fucking warzone.
As a poc white privilege is real in western society due to biases and stereotypes everyone has. White people are the norm in countries like the usa. We see them as heroes. We have negative connotations of other races, who just seem to be in the background. But that doesnt mean white people should be guilty for being born! Just understanding history and being respectful. After all, each race and creed and class comes with its disadvantages and advantages. It just so happens white privilege is a specific thing talking about a specific topic.
+Janana The only thing your comment really said is that whites are overrepresented in the population of the United States. Well, yeah. The USA is a majority white nation and that's kinda how it's been for a while. Certain countries have certain racial groups that are in the majority, so I guess - using your logic - those countries with overrepresented racial groups have "Japanese" privilege, "Arab" privilege, and so on. That doesn't even make sense! Your logic is flawed.
Who's still listening in 2020
#justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforahmaudarbery
More significant than ever before.
#justiceforfloyd ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
To this day.
Predictably the comment section is horrendous
+efcdk92 This song is horrendous.
+TheGoodest Goy How?
+Shannon Powell Because he's probably white, and doesn't like anything that calls him out on his ignorance.
+Logan Wendt amen lol
tru indeed
"Are you marching for freedom or when its convenient"
Old Mack is back!
+Jon Heddles Remember, Downtown will be on the same fucking album as this, no, no he's not
+Mike Hawk My point is it's awesome to hear that he still has this in him.
+Mike Hawk every album he has put out has similar songs. for example, "the penis song".
Yeah, no I am just joking
Still listening in 2020, this song and message slaps...he spoke truth to power, and I can only respect anyone who has the courage to do that, especially during these turbulent times of chaos and confusion, worldwide. If someone is offended or defensive about the truth of these lyrics, you should be, now grow and become a better human being; life is better with self-awareness and growth.
I wonder how privileged the old people in Moldova feel about their 40 Euro pension, shaving their heads and selling their belongings _(sentimental or not)_ on the sidewalk just to make a quick buck.
@@CommissarKozlov Sounds like a Europe problem, bless those old folk.
Shut up you
@@CommissarKozlov You realize we can have empathy for other nations while addressing our own problems, right? Thorough Americans living in fear because where they live doesn't like their skin color or their sexuality or some other stupid reason. And then get called racist for saying this happens.
Lol the opposite of white privilege is what’s happening in reality
This gave me chills. A white male in America finally admitting and showing that white privilege is a thing!!
Thank god.
+Iloveyou13610 His first song on white privilege came out in 2005
+TheSunChamber What do you mean by that ? We had the *Romans & Greeks, Anglo-Saxons, Normans, French, Germans, Italians, Spanish, the age of englightenment, information age !* We dominated the entire planet, discovered & connected population groups. All while Africans were doing nothing, they did not even evolve their culture to invent the wheel, written langauge, a stable form of governance.
Yes. While almost every other white celeb plays victim when people call out racial injustices...
Lmao did some of y'all even listen to what he was saying in the song? or just see the title and get mad right away bc someone is actually talking about injustice in the world towards P.O.C
how the FUCK can this have 13K dislikes? this is the fucking truth.
13k Donald trump lovers, racists, dumb fucks, etc. you get the point.
+Sam van Ojen If you believe this is the truth . . . you simply live in ignorance, sir.
The truth is harder than ignorance for some.
Rachel Herschman Indeed.
+Sam van Ojen. It's as true as the earth is flat.
This is the realest shit I have ever heard. Yet shockingly its not blowing up... Which is really surprising because a very popular issue two years ago was gay rights... And Same Love blew up... So why, given that #BlackLivesMatter, racial equality, and police brutality has been a strong topic for more than a year, is this song not getting more attention?
I have never related or been emotionally impacted more to a track from him until now... And im a gay man who listened to Same Love. This song soared stories over Same Love to me!
The concept, the production, the lyrics. Everything here was very impacting because it's still going on!
+Nalsegia The reason it hasn't blown up is that there's no music video, that's the only reason
+Nalsegia Don't forget same love didn't "blow up" until 5 MONTHS after its release I predict this song will be just as popular if not more than same love. I honestly am moved by all of his songs especially same love wings and white privilege 1 and 2. they carry so much truth. I wish people in the comment sections weren't so ignorant and hateful. Just wait this song is going to be HUGE. I'm a 15 year old white straight male who grows up in a home with parents who make a sum of around 500,000$ a year so just keep in mind that there is hope for our country and equal rights across America because there ARE people like me. Progressive white wealthy pot smoking liberal teenagers who will grow up with the beliefs of equality. There IS hope.
+Nalsegia - salute'
+Amateur Videos I love how people like you want black people to be silenced and not speak up about whats going on. and you call it whining. Well excuse me for not wanting to be killed by police officers. sorry for not wanting to racially profiled. Im soo sorry Almighty White Man
+re5owns678 so what? Does that mean racist cops are ok because they don't kill the most? No that is like saying don't help find a cure for HIV cuz cancer is killing more
I hate how this is massively relevant 4 years after its release
It will always be relevant. 3000 murders a year in cape town in 2019 and the reason is attributed to poverty caused by apartheid in the 1960s...
6 now
Sadly 7…
He spoke facts! People wanna be apart of black culture but won't stand up to the man for their lives. 💯 I applaud you Macklemore, Ryan Lewis and Jamila Woods! 👏👏👏 people can't handle the truth!
+Lindsey Hunt people dont want to be a part of black culture, even some black people dont want to be a part of black culture. white people and people of all races absorb things from other cultures because thats how society works.
+what a funny joke ok you just said it "absorb from other cultures" what does that mean then? I need an explanation lol
He doesn't mean those things he mean how white people do the same dances as blacks and or the type of clothes that they where
+kira Rogers exactly. I wasn't taking about the music and everything else the guy above said. look at beiber lol.
+Megadog black culture is pop all music and contemporary fashion
I'm scared to look at the comments...
You should be. People are idiots.
+Joshua Harris *claps* someone said it
+Joshua Harris
People are idiots for believing in white privilege? I agree.
+ShinobiSpec the only idiot here is you for saying that.
+ShinobiSpec what??
"do I get approval now, african-americans??" - Macklemore
There new stereotype.
hey Hannah Habib, thanks for stopping by and leaving a completely redundant comment like a child, have a nice day (btw the word you're looking for is incomprehensive)
k9 He's seeking approval from the African American community because of the guilt he feels for white people taking their culture, as he has done his entire career so you were right but it sounded like an accusation toward Macklemore for him trying to make up for having the "wrong race" for his genre
+Venom Snake tell your white brothers to apologies. you sound like a kid the song is not saying any of what you think. you are an idiot
✊🏻 ✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊
@@coldstonecanc3rgang994 bruh did u rly think that’s necessary
@@444LSARA Everything is necessary to get Wendy's tendies.
@@coldstonecanc3rgang994 ok ur not wrong.,
@@444LSARA Ikr. Wendy's tendies are for everyone. Let's bring people together!!!!!!
Random Fact Guy is here
There are crabs the size of a pea. They are called 'Pea Crabs'
+Candyfloss that's fantastic!
finally a comment worth replying to, I WANT A PEA CRAB!
Youre worth voting to the top because this is the last comment worth reading
thanks! they look pretty cool
Is there a white privilege one?
+Jehovanny Garcia Yeah, from one of his early albums. It's on youtube, look it up.
Evelina999 alright thanx
The Real SyXx Streetlawz lmfao yeah I meant is there a part one of the song like the first one lmfao
+Jehovanny Garcia yeah, its on one of his old, hard to find albums. The early stuff
+ElvenNazgul ohh shit my bad. 😕. this race shit is starting to actually drive me nuts I guess. just tired of repeating the same shit. and being treated like we are lying. I remember white people being suprised by Rodeny King getting fuked up. And black people were like yes finally they got this shit on tape. they been fukin us up for years. I done got fuked up by white cops for driving while black. and then told to get in my car and go home left feeling less then a man and just not like a fukin human at all. and nobody see it until now. and still nothing. it don't matter. I live in a country that hates me. and I didn't do nothing. excuse me for tweekin a lil. It just upset me to hear a song get acknowledged cause a white guy is saying something black people have been speaking on for over 300 years.
Who else is here from musical.ly?😂😂 but this song is so true...racial discrimination against different races is not okay
me 😁😂
Me lol
2020. This wasn’t ahead of its time. This has just been going on for too long.
Just reading the comments im just over the thought of a saved humanity. Im not even speaking on macklemores behalf. I guess I'll never understand how equality threatens and makes people feel so uncomfortable smh.
+Samanthya Laguerre We have a black president. What more could you possibly want?
+Samanthya Laguerre I agree with equality I just dont agree with the way he perceives it.
How do criticisms of white-folk foster legal and social equality?
1) In the comment I said that i was not speaking about macklemore's song. I was speaking about the hate comments.
2) Idk what macklemore's real intentions were when he said what he said but miley and iggy as most celebs are making it a trend to appropriate cultures and to those cultures it comes off offensive.
+Samanthya Laguerre This isn't about equality though, it's about promoting tension between races who already had equal opportunities for the sole purpose of degrading the white race.
Pulled into the parking lot, parked it
Zipped up my parka, joined the procession of marchers
In my head like, "is this awkward?
Should I even be here marching?"
Thinking if they can't, how can I breathe?
Thinking that they chant, what do I sing?
I want to take a stance 'cause we are not free
And then I thought about it, we are not "we"
Am I in the outside looking in, or am I in the inside looking out?
Is it my place to give my two cents?
Or should I stand on the side and shut my mouth?
"No justice, no peace, " okay, I'm saying that
They're chanting out, "black lives matter, " but I don't say it back
Is it okay for me to say? I don't know, so I watch and stand
In front of a line of police that look the same as me
Only separated by a badge, a baton, a can of Mace, a mask
A shield, a gun with gloves and hands that gives an alibi
In case somebody dies behind a bullet that flies out of the nine
Takes another child's life on sight
Blood in the streets, no justice, no peace
No racist beliefs, no rest 'til we're free
There's blood in the streets, no justice, no peace
No racist beliefs, no rest 'til we're free
Blood in the streets, no justice, no peace
No racist beliefs, no rest 'til we're free
There's blood in the streets, no justice, no peace
No racist beliefs, no rest 'til we're free
You've exploited and stolen the music, the moment
The magic, the passion, the fashion, you toy with
The culture was never yours to make better
You're Miley, you're Elvis, you're Iggy Azalea
Fake and so plastic, you've heisted the magic
You've taken the drums and the accent you rapped in
Your brand of hip-hop, it's so fascist and backwards
That Grandmaster Flash'd go slap it, you bastard
All the money that you made
All the watered down pop-bullshit version of the culture, pal
Go buy a big-ass lawn, go with your big-ass house
Get a big-ass fence, keep people out
It's all stolen, anyway, can't you see that now?
There's no way for you to even that out
You can join the march, protest, scream and shout
Get on Twitter, hashtag and seem like you're down
But they see through it all, people believe you now?
You said publicly, "rest in peace, Mike Brown"
You speak about equality, but do you really mean it?
Are you marching for freedom, or when it's convenient?
Want people to like you, want to be accepted?
That's probably why you are out here protesting
Don't think for a second you don't have incentive
Is this about you, well, then what's your intention?
What's the intention?
What's the intention?
"Pssst, I totally get it
You're by yourself and the last thing you want to do is take a picture
But seriously, my little girl loves you
She's always singing, 'I'm gonna pop some tags'
I'm not kidding, my oldest, you even got him to go thrifting
And 'One Love, ' oh my God, that song, brilliant
Their aunt is gay, when that song came out
My son told his whole class he was actually proud
That's so cool, look what you're accomplishing
Even the old mom like me likes it, 'cause it's positive
You're the only hip-hop that I let my kids listen to
'Cause you get it, all that negative stuff it isn't cool"
(Yeah?) "yeah, like, all the guns and the drugs
The bitches and the hoes and the gangs and the thugs
Even the protest outside, so sad, and so dumb
If a cop pulls you over, it's your fault if you run"
Damn, a lot of opinions, a lot of confusion, a lot of resentment
Some of us scared, some of us defensive
And most of us aren't even paying attention
It seems like we're more concerned with being called racist
Than we actually are with racism
I've heard that silences are action and God knows that I've been passive
What if I actually read a article, actually had a dialogue
Actually looked at myself, actually got involved?
If I'm aware of my privilege and do nothing at all, I don't know
Hip-hop has always been political, yes
It's the reason why this music connects
So what the fuck has happened to my voice if I stay silent when black people are dying
Then I'm trying to be politically correct?
I can book a whole tour, sell out the tickets
Rap entrepreneur, built his own business
If I'm only in this for my own self-interest, not the culture that gave me a voice to begin with
Then this isn't authentic, it is just a gimmick
The D.I.Y underdog, so independent
But the one thing the American dream fails to mention
Is I was many steps ahead to begin with
My skin matches the hero, likeness, the image
America feels safe with my music in their systems
And it's suited me perfect, the role, I've fulfilled it
And if I'm the hero, you know who gets cast as the villain
White supremacy isn't just a white dude in Idaho
White supremacy protects the privilege I hold
White supremacy is the soil, the foundation, the cement and the flag that flies outside of my home
White supremacy is our country's lineage, designed for us to be indifferent
My success is the product of the same system that let off Darren Wilson, guilty
We want to dress like, walk like, talk like, dance like, yet we just stand by
We take all we want from black culture, but will we show up for black lives?
We want to dress like, walk like, talk like, dance like, yet we just stand by
We take all we want from black culture, but will we show up for black lives?
Your silence is a luxury
Hip-hop is not a luxury
Your silence is a luxury
Hip-hop is not a luxury
Your silence is a luxury
Hip-hop is not a luxury
Your silence is a luxury
Hip-hop is not a luxury
What I got for me, it is for me
What we made, we made to set us free
What I got for me, it is for me
What we made, we made to set us free
What I got for me, it is for me
What we made, we made to set us free
Thank you.
"It seems like we're more concerned with being called racist"
Copy and paste neck head ass
SaRah oLiVeR your really bored huh ?
its a shame that this song has so many dislikes..
Maybe it's because the song is shit
Food for thought
+Bloch Brothers This song isn't shit. I understand not agreeing with the message, but I'd take this over a lot of the songs that get popular right now.
+Jared hartley It's great that there are 4x as many likes than dislikes.
+Jared hartley Like the song. Disagree with the message.
+goodwinep Daddy must have been a real asshole.
Even more critical is a nuanced understanding of concepts discussed in this song in light of today's events.
I noticed how this song was 8 minutes and 43 seconds long. Only a few seconds off from how long George was Knelt upon. I first stumbled upon this several days ago, and when I noticed how long it was, I thought it was in tribute to George. Then I noticed this song was made 4 years ago.
Macklemore is definitely a modern day prophet!
I listened to this back when it came out, revisited it just now and thought that the line above being able to breathe was a reference to George Floyd - and then I remembered when this came out
Macklemore the SJWs favorite rapper.
SJWs can't just listen to black rappers talk about the same issues?
This SJW prefers Kendrick Lamar.
+KaotikKnight Black people get shot because they're black and Macklemore defends it. Ok.
I fuck with Macklemore for this shit.
+Muna Nur So...You cannot accept the reality ?
Muna Nur My opinion bro lmao.
+Reezzie ???
The Hate You Give
This song is made before that book, but for that book.
"Your silence is a luxury, hip-hop is not a luxury." - Jamila Woods 2016
@Satan 666 thank you. just corrected it
Thank you for this healing message. Thank you for using your fame to spread a positive message. Thank you for keeping it real Macklemore/ Ryan Lewis.
Meta Morphis
It’s Ryan gosling
Claiming that all white people are privileged isn't a healing message or a positive message. Or an ACCURATE message. It's just a self-loathing pussy virtue-signaling.
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice." - MLK
I want this to get on trending
IF YOU DISLIKE THIS!!!.... I thank you. For having your own damn opinion, and not letting others change you!
+Benjamin Uluiva That there could be a lyric in a song.
But, but... Freedom of speech is racist... Wah, wah! everything is racist 😭😭
Zoë Grande what?
More like thank you for being dumb.
As lyrically gifted Eminem is he's not speaking like this on the microphone . I'm not really a listener of Macklemore , but I have to give him credit for this track . He used his platform to speak on social ills so I have to put some respect on his name for that .
BlackMusicGenre listen to Otherside you'll like it
Wasn't that a song from Relapse ? No disrespect , but this song just rival any song that Eminem has about social issues . See , Eminem may have the rhyme schemes and sounds cool , but to me substance trumps that . Even though Eminem is more skilled than Macklemore , but he laid more depth out than Eminem has on this subject .
Its not Eminem
I checked out the song and it's nice . It's got substance and it's personal about something that matters . Thanks for looking out .
rpavic3 What by how many syllables he flip before he reaches his next bar ? All that's fine and dandy , but if you're not reaching the people with your caliber of talent and platform then why bother entertaining the same old same ? Eminem is more technically gifted than Macklemore and I'm not debating that , but I'd rather listen to a message and substance than verbal acrobatics and that's real .
This is not just music, this is really art! One of the greatest songs of all time!
+dis guy great comeback... your so original, not you need to be mature dont tell people to drink bleach. Didnt you learn when you were in preschool, 'if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything.' 3 words for you buddy: get a life
he makes REAL music he talks about real things and our struggles in society
dis guy I could legit eat a bowl of alphabet soup and poop out a smarter comback then that.
Savannah Duenas 😂 yess
Oh no. It is garbage. Just like all of his "music"
If your triggered by this, hes talking about you
@Eric Eric Yep he's talking to u
Shut your mouth jamal
@Joel The Messenger bruh. why are you spreading that cringy ass stereotype about black men being obsessed with white women? (though obviously nothing wrong with an interracial relationship)
I come back to this video every time an innocent person dies due to police brutality. Just imagine how many times I’ve been back here since this song released. 😔 It’s saddening.
Rip George Floyd
Macklemore spoke about truth and he got judged
Me too :(
the song isn't call police privilege
white people are also killed by police, more actually
Innocent black people killed for being black
Thank God, I mean I love your new stuff with Ryan Lewis, but I really hope this is a return to your earlier album, Language of my World. I love the fact you can have a lighter and funnier side, but I am definitely welcoming a return to discussing the hard issues to a great beat and intricate lyrics.
+Thomas Lazzari Preach!
+Thomas Lazzari Preach!
+Thomas Lazzari Language of my World is amazing, don't want to sound like one of those annoying hipsters claiming that they listened to someone before they were famous. But, grew up on that album and his music videos from 2010. So glad that he got the recognition he deserves through the funny stuff, but thats not the Mack that I loved back then and this song has gotten me excited.
The Heist was kind of a showcase of both, but whatever he does is great anyhow
+Thomas Lazzari This comment makes me cringe
Dang this song actually talk about how people feel about Black Lives Matter. I'm Black and I feel the same way because my dad's military status allowed us to live away from the problems but then I move to D.C where I'm on the front lines and have to make a decision on where you stand. I never had a bad run in with cops but I see the problem because where there is one good police officer their is five bad ones. This song helped me gain more clarity in a complicated issue.
yea not really at all lol
It's five good cops and one bad one.
Easiest way to understand is to listen to interviews or people in your neighborhood who are comfortable talking about it.
I listen to this and my heart breaks just replaying all the moments of injustice I have seen happen in my short time being alive in my head while listening to this.
Anyone been listening to this song and "This Is America" more often than before?
yep and "alright"
4 years ago I didn't understand what Macklemore intent to say. (I'm learning English at the time). Finally, I understood what he intent to say after George Floyd got killed. This is so sad for our generation.
Tbh he not talkin about George Floyd this happen way before him. Back during segregation. A white woman lied and said a black kid whittled at heR. They beat him, hung hi, and stuff I won't say. Around Bill Cosby "acusseres" came out" she admitted she lied
All American black people should come here to the UK . We welcome your amazing culture with open arms .
+The Fake Slim Shady lmfao yeah you have no fucking clue man.
+The Fake Slim Shady Liess.
Lol take em
+The Fake Slim Shady why only blacks? there are other racial groups, racist liberal pig.
Are you living under a rock ? The U.K is one of the most racist countries in the world lol
Goosebumps every time. And tears. This song is so powerful and I'm just amazed by Ben and his deep and meaningful music. By far my favorite artist.
My sentiments exaclty!!!!
Privilege - A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people.
Feel free to post some examples of white, black, asian, men, women privileges that fit the definition.
+Tary88 women get quotas so they can get a position in male dominated jobs so the women are privileged.
Momonga chan Nice, an actual privilege.
+Tary88 Affirmative Action. Nuff' said.
+Will Herbert Affirmative action isn't actually a thing anymore (at least on a college level). It was done away with about two or three years back. Now AA in colleges only applies when colleges have an extreme, and I do mean extreme, lack of minority races enrolled compared to white enrollment. I believe workplace AA still exists however.
Short list so far.
Wild how he didn't make a music video for this song. Video would have been unreal.
It forces you to listen the message. It’s bigger than an image of him.
Would’ve been too topical
@@ashleyharrington5292 Could've played an actual video of the violence, more convincing to listen and see it than just listen.
Maybe get Nicki Minaj to shake her ass and outline her crotch. OH OH. Ariana Grande needs to be wearing a crop top!!!!! Let's put some Rihanna in the mix, make sure we get a shot of her with Chris Brown.
Would have been pretty pointless...much like the song
Props to Macklemore for this gem
I love you, if you're reading this.
As a black man in this country, my frustrations behind George Floyd's murder are so great BECAUSE I want everything to work out. I want to exist peacefully with my fellow white brothers and sisters. I want all races to stand together as one. It brought tears to my eyes seeing white people peacefully protest alongside people who look like me, and I want to say thank you 🙏. RIP George Floyd.
Thank you, you'd be surprised how much I was looking for this specific type of comment. Rioters hijack your cause.
That being said, I think if our movement is to succeed -- we need to denounce and condemn the rioters, MLK preached peace and love, we *need* to stick with his ideals, hate only breeds more hate.
RIP George Floyd. We need change, and we won’t rest until it comes. Black lives matter.
@@TheSoHysterical Black Lives does matter, so does white lives, and police lives -- innocent lives matter. I am with you on equality and love, but I am against you when you fight people completely irrelated. Must I go onto the list? Must I have to show you the harm to you, the videos are gory, they are sick, I cry every time I see such violence, a Woman who was just speaking to a crowd of rioters in broad daylight beat down with wooden planks in front of her own store which has now been ruined, a female. Punished, whacked, being thrown ladders at, being abused. Her husband came to help with a golf club, he got immediately assaulted for trying to help his wife, he was forced to watch the lady nearly die in front of him, as he too suffered horrible wounds. The screaming, the crying, the violence. And then at the end of the video, "Let go of my wife!" as he cried wanting help defend innocence... Cars drove by as if it was the new normal, too intimidated by thugs and criminals to stand up for innocents... A man in Dallas Texas stoned nearly to death for defending his home, for defending himself... It sent chills up my spine to watch the blood stain the pavement, to see a mob stone him in America... A skateboard to the back of his head. Blood pouring. I felt depressed when I found out the riots do not condemn this violence, when ordinary citizens defended them saying that all whites are racists, all whites must die, etc...
An entire Metropolis now suffers violence, dying each day. 10 cops died in the last 48 hours that I know of, a few of them are African American, like David Dorn...
When I think of BLM, I fail to connect them now to MLK because of this violence. MLK preached love, not hate. MLK preached peace, not violence. MLK preached unity, not division and criminalizing all of the white skin tone with the stains of the past they had no say in. Why must we descend to race every time we speak? We all hate racists, when I was raised I was told to love people, not told to 'hate that black kid.' When I was raised I was told we are all unique, not 'think of everything you can ever possibly relate to, as an attack on you.' We are individuals, we are loving Americans. MLK did not burn the flag, ruin the entire memorial, no, he stood up against his violent offenders and did not swing, he said I love you. "Even if you bomb my house and threaten the lives of my children, as hard as it is, I will still love you." Can't you see how ironic it is? That the people who condemn the violence by cops are the ones who condone their own violence? The damage is already done, can't you see that now, there is no way to help the injured and affected. Hate breeds more hate, love breeds more love.
Vinny Vin just to piss you off I’m not gonna read through that, I heard enough when you tried saying all lives matter. All lives won’t matter until black lives do.
@@TheSoHysterical It matters, again, all lives matter at least to me and 99% of America. You forget yourself. I'd rather you read it, if not, oh well. I will still love you like MLK preached me to do so. May Jesus bless you.
78,000 people liked this. This is why we need Trump.
please gtfo and educate yourself
cosmickitten Educate myself about what, exactly?
+Chuck Noris Chuck, you need to spend 60K student loan on a gender studies course run by fat lesbian jews before you open your mouth about race again.
+LIL B You're delusional if you actually think that I'm going to "lose my rights" if Trump becomes president. I am no Mexican, I'm an American, born and raised, and Trump DOESN'T hate mexicans. He married a fucking immigrant, why would he be racist? Do you honestly think that congress, the legislative, or the judicial branch would actually allow him to repatriate and extradite legal Mexicans? He doesn't even want that, so that scenario is already highly unlikely enough, but even then, the likelihood of illegals getting amnesty is intensely prevalent. And why would you laugh if I was denied my civil rights? That's not funny, that's just fucked up. Maybe you need to look into become a more intelligent and principled individual.
As long as he isn't an illegal leech he should be A-OK to start riding the trump gravy train to prosperity.
lets just keep stirring the pot of racial tensions
+Tom Ryan the pot has been stirring for many many many years with zero resolution.. I think we should stop stirring the pot once we have a solution to this madness.. as a white person I don't know what I can do honestly
Yes because ignoring shit makes it go away.
Cancer doesn't go away because you ignore it. Well, racism is a cancer that society has and it will only destroy society if we ignore it.
+Åke Persson STFU
+Tom Ryan Yeah because ignoring racial tensions is going so well for us. Tom here is a poster child for white privilege. I bet he didn't even listen to this song.
***** Ya keep letting the media manipulate people like you into creating race wars.
4 years later and how much powerful of a meaning this song has is crazy
Petey Zee man shut the hell up you goth telletubby lookin ass
All four of them was charged with murder, even if they weren't all involved in killing him, as autopsies show, but because bias and political pressure, you can kill anyone purely by being criminal in the streets.
Petey Zee because calling me a troglodyte is such a high IQ intelligent insult, right? at least i was a lil creative damn
@@lukas110 lmfaooo I -
@@Peteyzee98 the police that killed him should be charged with murder u mean
I'm so glad white people are finally admitting their privilege. It's a big step forward for equality
edit: hey guys. I've decided not to comment anymore. I just made a simple statement. & it kinda got out of proportion. Thank you so much. for the people who understands white privilege.& for the other people who disagrees. I hope you find happiness and maybe one day you'll understand. love one another
+AngelaLavie No one is admitting anything. The privilege doesn't exist and is an excuse for people to play the victim.
+Eric Crawford (FerrisFoto) true
+Eric Crawford (FerrisFoto) and who is the victim again?
+AngelaLavie and five steps back for common sense
+AngelaLavie is not that white people are privileged its that minoritys are so poor and dirty in comparison eww
he writes excellent lyrics; I love the message.
Littlespider310 - White privilege is bs
Littlespider310 did you listen to the actual lyrics?
Joshua Razey tell me, how many times have you been pulled over and feared for your life? or for walking down the street? or for looking “sketchy”? have you ever been given looks for waking into a store? do people cross the street to avoid you? we’re you told as a child how to save your life if you’re in an encounter w police? are people debating about your life? your rights? your freedom? ofc you have struggles, all of us do, but does your skin colour add to them, and make them worse?
Joshua Razey bud even non racist white people say it’s real and use their privilege for good. So what u talkin about it bein a myth?
@Echo Echo Right his wrongs? For being born something beyond his choice? Nah. Nobody should apologize for being who they are, white people are no exception.
we're all humans, why can't we just get along with each other...
This is the ultimate dream most people want but the unfortunate reality is that such a thing will never happen. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger said in Terminator 2 "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves".
allanimalsareequal can't, we're human.
I think it's possible for the human species to learn, therefore it's also possible to get over racism, sexism, homophobia and all kinds of discrimination.
Yes, but are we ready to fight the probability.
Are you?
Songs 5 years old and is twice as powerful today.
"actually read an article, actually have a dialogue "
Damn on a song where macklemore is wanting the fight to be over, the comment section seems like a war zone...
JuEon Kim scratching at and peeling scabs from a wound doesn't help it heal
Reigniting an issue that is nonexistent isn't trying to stop a fight.
Proof that stupidity transcends race....
JuEon Kim Well, after all, it is things like this that are causing society to be more racially divided than it has been since, like, the 60's.
Hank Hill that's the exact strategy Hilary Clinton tried to use to win the election
This track is deeply moving and I wish that the idea that lives within it will not only be spread but also grow in peoples heads. I am proud to say that it already reached me.
It reached me as well! Freaking EPIC track!!!
I’m glad we all collectively came back to this song.
Every time I hear this song till the end I get goosebumps!....And my soul....screams, "FREEDOM"!!!!!!!!!
I judge people on the actions not their skin color
yep, its behaviour, not skin
@dahlia noir oh shut the fuck up
Yo Boi he just brought up a proven statistical fact and your answer is : shut the fuck up. What a fuckin dumbass
@@yoboi267 Can't handle facts?
@@marioluigi6024 Can't understand the difference between correlation and causation?
Anyone else going around listening to songs like this after the murder of George Floyd?
This one and 'Kamauu-Police'
nah cause I dont seek sad shit out on purpose. Heck I'm only even here cause my moronic friend posted it.
@@dinolover you are DISGUSTING. it's a beautiful song. if you don't like it or support the message, leave. don't say something nasty.
@@dinolover I get that, but when he came out with this song it made waves then, its all the more relevant now, even though this has been happening for decades, centuries. Especially when music is a way of processing that many turn to. It may be sad, but so is what has happening to our fellow black people. The more awareness the better. Said with 💓, not hate. I hope that as a society we become better.
No I listen to music like this normally
I'm Mexican. I'm not one of those people that only listen to white rappers. I listen from people like Kanye to Young Thug, Future, Eminem, all around. But it outrages me when people don't give Macklemore credit. There's a lot of white rappers that are just that, but Macklemore has always kept it real, and it's sad that a lot of people won't understand that.
Cause he's shit 🤷♂️ no offence. And when artist starts to get political, thats when they plumit. No one wants to listen to a political song, 50% of your fans would disagree with what your saying.
am I raciest if I hate everyone equally?
Eyo Talk yes because that would make you racist to every race
Imperial Watch stfu
no ur just a target
1/4 dislikes? WHY?? It's so damn good.
nigga...... YOU KNOW WHY. .......SODIUM CHLORIDE .... That "NaCl" flowing alllll through their veins
+TheVideoChain Fr people can't take the truth when they hear it...
+jboymarv Because he says talking about white privilege, when he's white...He's being a hypocrite.
+ihazdaforks no!! saying that white privilege is a thing then availing of opportunities which he has been given access to due to being white would be hypocritical
use the correct word if you are gonna try make a point
Ross Mc He bitched about Miley and Iggy appropriating black culture when he's doing the same thing with hip hop. He's a hypocrite.
Notice how it's only white people that say that white people have privilege.
You have no idea what privilege means...
Privilege is your family being wealthy and having class. Poor white people get treated like shit by society as well.
Idk why we overlook this guy… very underrated
There are so many people in this comment section that are just stupid. If you don't like the song, don't listen to it, but don't say that it's wrong.
***** i know.
***** how do you know?
..but if I think it's wrong and the ideas are unfair to white people then what am I supposed to say other than that? :D
Edward Proxy why do you think its wrong?
Joseph Williams Because privilege is a flawed concept at best when it's not being used so vaguely as to be unfalsifiable. No white person should accept white privilege without having it strictly defined in such a way that it can actually be demonstrated or contradicted.
macklemore calling out other artists on cultural appropriation......what?
+Ali Quigley all he does is rap. Those other artists go further than that
+Ali Quigley anyone thinking cultural appropriation is an actual problem.......what?
DZKIM not claiming it is or isn't a problem... just pointing out the hypocrisy.
He himself is addressing it, he always has. He's pointing them out for not addressing it
***** Sweetheart, if you don't see how its hypocritical, you need to either go look up the definition of hypocrisy or cultural appropriation. I ain't google.
Where can I cash in my white privilege? My life is pretty shit right now.
Doesn't work like that. Your life isn't hard bc ur white like with many people of color who are denied jobs bc of their race (yes it still does happen) which in return makes life hard. U are given a certain priv like not being constantly profiled and people taking u seriously when ur mad and not being labeled as an aggressive black man. Cmon I'm white and I get it! I don't have to feel guilty for being white and we don't have to do anything lol we just have to amplify the voice of people of color and let them speak
+Aldo Jimenez I think he was joking lmao
+Lamerest 07734 He probably wasn't. That's a pretty common response from people who don't get it.
+Aldo Jimenez I admire you for that statement. Ppl have no empathy whatsoever. THank you.
+Michelle Walker idk if he was joking but still a good message to get across ily
Thank you for using your voice to make a difference, Macklemore.
Lmfao. Never heard of this song before, nor been recommended until I accidentally pressed the wrong video. I still don't care. The comment section is gold though. Love a little giggle
proud of this level of vulnerability. Thankful to feel heard.
How did 13K people dislike this?
+AwkwardEmily because 60,000 people's ignorance knows no bounds
+Norse Titan *has crossed guns for profile picture* ...........'kay
It's so sad ! This song is just beautiful 😻
idk but this is the most perfect song!
it might be people who disagree with this song this makes me cry 😔😔😢
I see a lot of people asking what white privilege is. I think a lot of white people think white privilege is being more likely to be hired for a job or growing up in the suburbs. While those things are part of white privilege, its not the core of it. White privilege at its core is the ability to send your son to the store without worrying about if he will be shot for being black. White privilege is not having to understand the feeling of being hated for nothing but your skin color. White privilege is not having to witness a woman go to the other side of the street when she sees you walking her way on the sidewalk. White privilege is not having to tell your 5 year old child who is starting kindergarten that there may be some kids in her class that will exclude her because she is black, and only because she is black. It is imperative that white people, especially white artists, use their white privilege to be heard in the cause to end racism. Our whiteness is a platform to be heard until our black brothers and sisters can have their voices heard too.
+Ashley Singh ehhh.. "the ability to send your son to the store without worrying about if he will be shot for being black" black people arent shooting other black people because they are black. and racists dont really be out there shooting random black kids for being black either.
As a white person i been hated on for being white..
you can be a sketchy looking white dude and have a woman move away from you..
white privlege to me is all about cops arresting more black people than whites for the same crimes we all commit. such as weed possession. As well as not hiring equally qualified black people..
+Ashley Singh Yes, thank you.
+Ashley Singh Yes, thank you.
I'm not gonna touch on the other stuff but I can say that as the father of a white six year old, I have seen my daughter being excluded by black children solely because she is white, not the other way around. Fortunately, it's a rare occasion. I live in the South and I can assure you my generation, as a whole, are not racist. We're the most tolerant generation. And our children are and will be even more tolerant. Perhaps if we stop assuming "white privilege" equates to "white racists", real change can occur. Instead of pointing fingers and placing blame. Black lives do matter, but whites will never take that seriously until black lives start mattering to black people first. That's the honest truth. There needs to be accountability from both sides. I've always wondered what black police officers think about the black lives matter movement.
Nice problem glasses. I'll be sure to weep extra hard over all of the black kids that were shot while fetching groceries.
what's this? None you say?
I remember when this song released how much backlash Macklemore got but boy has it aged like fine wine
May 2020: Ben... it's time for part 3. ✅