There is really no exact amount for a visit visa but you should be able to prove that you can take care of yourself financially so to be on a safer side, atleast Ksh 2M in your account
At the moment student visa application takes place at the visa service center (TLS). There is no interview questions other than what are you going to do in Germany.
It's majorly about that, and they would want to know the year you'll finish your studies if you are planning to come back or not , also why you think studying there is good for you but not your country
@annejoypenda5014 also they rarely deny students Visa if you have your funding in order that's either self sponsored or scholarship sponsored because already you have the admission letter which really shows you when you need to be there and that you really need to be there, of course they check accomodations too
Thank you for this !😘
I hope it helps someone before messing up like I did
Bitteschön ❤️
Nyar okota how much is the visiting visa
There is really no exact amount for a visit visa but you should be able to prove that you can take care of yourself financially so to be on a safer side, atleast Ksh 2M in your account
In is there visa interview for students
@@amv104 Yes there is a visa interview for Students and if you don’t answer correctly they might deny you the visa
At the moment student visa application takes place at the visa service center (TLS). There is no interview questions other than what are you going to do in Germany.
It's majorly about that, and they would want to know the year you'll finish your studies if you are planning to come back or not , also why you think studying there is good for you but not your country
@annejoypenda5014 also they rarely deny students Visa if you have your funding in order that's either self sponsored or scholarship sponsored because already you have the admission letter which really shows you when you need to be there and that you really need to be there, of course they check accomodations too