Setting Your Eyes On Jesus In Times Of Trouble | June 16, 2024 - Sunday Worship

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
    Pastor Paul Timothy Viray
    "...we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”
    2 Chronicles 20:12
    Our eyes are upon you!
    Oh what a prayer! What a declaration! It is a prayer that catches the attention of our God. It is a prayer that has Grace written all over it!
    Many times, when we find ourselves powerless and at a lost on what to do with our problems, we become bitter and stressed. We never want to find ourselves in a situation where we do not know what to do. We resent the times where we are helpless and weak.
    But in God's eyes, these are actually the moments He wants His children to be in! In fact, the Bible calls us blessed when we are at the end of our ropes (Matthew 5:3 MSG). The reason according to the verse is that there will be less of us and more of God. It is during these times, when we do not know what to do nor have the power to meet the problem, where we are led to look to Jesus for help. It is during these times where we declare, "Lord, my eyes are upon You!"
    The enemy hates it! The enemy knows that the moment our eyes are set on the Lord, miracles happen! What the enemy will do is to try to bring us back to the law. He tries to bring us back to our efforts. He whispers, "what are you going to do with your problem?" He knows that the moment we look to ourselves for support that is the time we will fall.
    But the Lord loves it when we say, "My eyes are upon you!" When we say it, we turn our eyes away from ourselves and towards the Savior who loves to save us! When we say it, we also say, "Lord, what are You going to do with my problem?" And He loves it! He is actually waiting for it! You see, beloved, our God is so gentle that He will not force Himself to save us though He is yearning to do so. So He waits for us to give our consent. He waits for us to rest so that He can work. And by saying, "My eyes are upon you!", we give Him that consent! It thrills His heart to hear it because we are giving Him permission to work on our behalf! This is Grace living! To be under Grace is to cease from our efforts and to completely rely on the Lord working for us! Instead of us working which will bring limited and failing results, He can now work and bring results that will exceed all our expectations and imaginations!
    So beloved, say these words! Say, "My eyes are upon You, Lord!". Whether the challenge is small or big, say these mighty words! Say it and rest! Say it and see how your Savior will work all things for your good!

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  • @mrsjpalm2472
    @mrsjpalm2472 2 месяца назад +1

    My eyes are on You ❤🙏🏻