Questions/Time Stamps 12:40 How do we prevent unwanted people from getting into our personal hangar? 15:50 What about group members or party members? 18:43 What happens if you buy a larger ship bigger than the hangar that has been assigned? 23:55 Will other players be able to access their stuff in your hangar? 25:47 How many home hangars can a player have and can they change the location after they choose them? 27:57 Are there plans to allow personal hangars that are not at the major landing zones? 33:13 How are you going to make finding a party members hangar not a scrolling contest in the elevator if you're in a large party? 36:47 Is there an occupancy limit inside the personal persistent hangars? 38:10 If a player is inside their ship, inside their personal hangar and they log out from the ship bed, where do they wake up? 40:12 Can we equip weapons in our personal hangars despite the armistice zones? 42:40 What does all this mean for our OG hangar flare items? Can we use them to decorate our personal hangars? 48:15 How does manual or autoloading work at outposts, scrapyards and other non-hangar specific locations? 58:19 Is the mass of cargo still planned to affect ship performance? 1:00:47 Eventually we will be able to attach almost anything to a cargo grid, how is progress on that going? 1:03:10 Will you be able to attach a space suit to the cargo grid? 1:05:14 Is there any future at all whatsoever for cargo decks beyond just buying tractor beams and empty containers? 1:06:43 What happens if we bring contraband or stolen goods back to our personal hangar? 1:10:09 Current storage crates are indiscernible from one another in name and appearance, will it be possible to differentiate storage containers via changes to either the label, name, colour or some other means? 1:11:44 How much total SCU can the freight elevator hold at any one time and are all freight elevator capacities the same at all locations? 1:13:09 Will we be able to call up multiple vehicles simultaneously on a single vehicle lift? 1:15:50 Is there any other location besides the personal hangars where the ship lifts are being used to deliver vehicles to you? 1:16:22 Hypothetically, if I go out to the plains of Lorville or Microtech and I coerce a kind and gentle Kopion onto my ship, and I bring that ship back to my personal hangar and then I coerce the kind and gentle Kopion out of my ship and into my personal hangar, and then I leave. Does that Kopion now persist in my personal hangar for all time?
Can certainly appreciate the long form conversation with minimal edits. While it's disappointing, it sounds like these guys made the right call. Respect for them being up front about it.
Big respect to cargo-Chad for not pushing to live with a half - baked version of the hangars. That having to scroll through dozens of personal hangars in a large party is easy to solve, by the way. Just have a permanent button for your own hangar that doesn't scroll like the lobby in the habs
Definitely can see how disappointed Chad is about missing release, I really feel for the guy. We're all patiently looking forward to the actual release of the new cargo work, glad they took this approach. Hope they give him a nice vacation to rest and recharge once it's finished. Definitely deserves it!
Totally agree about the respect for the decision. Hangars being broken and having no players be able to access their ships or inventory would have made SC not a game at all.
@@BGIANAKyAs a developer myself, the description is exactly right. We regularly have to make schedules months out, about features we don’t yet know all of the detailed requirements for, nor know exactly how to do it yet, or even exactly what we want. You get started and iterate and figure things out along the way pursuing the vision for the feature. As you get closer and learn more, and iterate on it, the schedule gets more accurate, but being off a few weeks is not uncommon and it’s very challenging to hit the mark exactly. It really is a mile long dart throw. It’s not easy.
So glad to hear you recovered from your fall Jared! My first thought when the show was cancelled due to unforseen circumstances was "Oh no! I hope Jared is ok!"
Okay. My off topic chat point I'd like to bring up is, DO NOT REMOVE BED LOGGING!! You do that, and the interior of a ship is so much more useless. What's the point of "living" in your ships, if you can't live in your ship. I already really miss being able to have friends log off in my Connie. My buddies and I would live on that thing. They would log off in my beds to take care of irl stuff. Then log back in to come help. It was almost like they were just resting while I was getting to the mission. Now they have to stay afk. Soon, you might take all of it out?? Why? How can you say it's not part of the games future. It's a life/space sim. It is absolutely part of the game. Don't start cutting things because you want to rush it. You will start losing so many customers if you do stuff like this. Maybe not over beds. But plenty of other things.
They’re not taking away the ability to log out and log back into space, they’re just reworking it so it’s not tied to beds. That’s all they meant by bed logging is going away.
down the road you can always log off and login again at the same place - but getting a good night sleep in your bed will give you bonuses. Sounds like a good plan.
@@ZaphodTube logging back in exactly where I left off would be amazing. I always hate getting kicked for inactivity just to be spawned back at the furthest station from where I need to be.
@Luffy-rf1ek I’m fine with bodies staying like ark. Imagine you have your nice beautiful base on a planet, you log off and then spawn back in new Babbage apartments cuz you didn’t bed log. I much rather spawn exactly where I left off even if it’s in the middle of the desert. It also gives more immersion. If I’m stranded in the desert then I NEED rescue, most rescues now are forced, I’ve called rescue many times when I don’t even need it. Quickly relogging spawns me at a station, it feels like cheating. I once flew out into the desert with a few friends to do some off-roading and intentionally left my engines on so the ship would drift away so I could give the rescue team some gameplay. I’ve seen many occasions when people fake scenarios just to have a certain type of gameplay, that doesn’t feel real.
"Cargo decks still serve a purpose.." - "No. They do not." This is what I LOVE about CIG. Honesty. Refreshing honesty and candor. Self-awareness and lack of marketing fluff/speech/bs in these shows. Thank you Jared, and thank you CIG for staying true to yourself.
For Hanger Security how about having shields allways up (hanger doors still open but shields are allways up) and those shields only let it ships/players who are on the Accepted list. All others are treated as Hostile and cant get past the shields. I think this is a simple fix and helps to block pvpers/griefers.
I generally like this approach, but I would like to see it "physicalized" to allow for hacking/intel gameplay. Shield frequency code or something like that which has to be punched in. Maybe three modes: static frequency which is quick to share, but vulnerable to scanning, frequency hopping pattern that has to be distributed as a security key which can only be hacked/stolen, and a fully randomized hopping pattern for when you're not trying to collaborate. Could be useful for landing inside other ships too.
You triggered the hangar hanger meme in me. They should have thought about griefers first...probably they have no time playing their game themselves. Happens in development.
@@DannoHungplease don't.... Personal hangars should just be that, personal. Where we have our time for ourselves. Back in the days there was no intention in this kind of player interaction 'PvP'. Your player stuff at something like an homestead should be safe.
Every so often I watch an entire vid for Star Citizen live, this was one of them. Thanks for the info update and thanks to Chad and Jared to bring it all together for us. Great info session on what is to come you've got my attention. Cheers
Assuming we can get personal Hangars in any place that can spawn ships, i believe it would be super nice that diferent places had diferent costs abd modifiers. For example a hangar in the new cargo hubs would come with more SCU capacity or less cost for moving it. While diferent stations could have bonus to, refining, building, fueling, repairing, ammo cost, or be a stop to leave bounty pods, or have more personal item and weapon storage. Basicaly your starting location buffs your main game loop, but also makes it worth to go other places to get buffs from elsewere.
Allowing more than one personal location/hanger is a great money sink and pretty much part of every MMO. An even better idea for money sink is to allow transfer of goods from one location to another. This would ensure that players do not feel completely anchored to one location and has a side benefit of forcing players to spend money which is core to any MMO.
Holy frakk, Jared! Hope you're feelin' better, buddy! 🤞😬 I'm not worried about waiting a few more months for features to hit playtest. The reasons (stability!!!) are sound. Godspeed! And many happy returns, Disco! P.S. We can still go full Reaver ship if we get a boltdriver function on our multitools!
I do hope that they make it possible to log in and out from personal hangars sometime soon. I know it would kind of defeat the whole "train ride through the city" gameplay we've endured for so long, but I'd love to have a better reason to venture through these places than the repetition of running back to the hangar...
So...if you join a big party of 30 people in order to do a group mission. Lets say its Xeno threat or NT lockdown. All 30 of those people have access to your hanger. You and 20 of those party members are at the mission the other 10 could just take everything in your hanger. And any other unsuspecting person who wants to group up. This will do wonders for teamplay and random groups popping up.
That’s what I thought too and it’s sorta true. They can steal anything you have left around, they won’t be able to access your inventory there. Slightly better, but yeah huge potential for theft
This is why they AREN'T allowing party members to access your personal inventory at this time. That will be coming later when they have the functionality to differentiate between someone more or less trusted (25-30min mark)
@@possibly_a_retard That is not the issue. It's a persistent hanger. Anything you leave laying around like your hanger flair, suit lockers, sub gear its up for grabs. You could always just not leave it out, but then what is the point of a persistent hanger. Just have a regular hanger.
@@artlife9563 A: You realize in the plan there is the ability to break into hangars, ships, land claim structures, etc. Your stuff will never be 100% safe. There will be different levels of security, and Stanton locations will be safer than outlaw spaces like Pyro. But yeah, they can and will take your stuff. Period. B: Items taken will be marked stolen. The thieves can get a crimestat, and law enforcement will be after them. Its not a free for all. C: Their hangers are open too. So if you find out someone is doing this, you can take stuff back from theirs.
i agree that party members is way too insecure for hangar commodity sharing. i feel like the org you are in, too, should determine who's hangar you can see in the elevator, and additionally give individuals the options to allow/disallow the sharing of specific commodities you own with the org, or tiers of members within the org. the game squad kind of does this with the vehicles for each team, where the squad leader of whomever interacts with a vehicle has to approve/deny if they may operate it, but once approved, all squad members can operate it freely. i like the idea of something like this: where i can approve/deny someone to pull out my hornet, while permitting any org mem to take construction materials without asking, but disallowing even the request to take my gold or quantanium
As for security, there used to be atmospheric shields. Can't those shields be increased in power and keyed to a person or ship to selectively allow/deny trespassers, and the owner be able to enable/disable these security shields?
@@danhtown1 There have always been delays in game development, do not pretend that it's a new concept. Now days, bugs exist in "finished" games that cost double the price of a Star Citizen starter pack. Consider the myriad of live service games, riddled with bugs every patch and eventually sunsetted following a few years of support. The fact that Star Citizen is in an Alpha shouldn't be a mark of shame. It demonstrates CIG's care and the luxury of time/money that they've been given from their community. If you want something done right, you need to give a team time. At least CIG is open about what is happening behind the scenes, unlike 90% of the Industry.
You could make Hangar Trespass, like the Ship Trespass feature. Like use the same code and modify it to work with hangars. It should also work with the impound feature.
Respect to the cargo team. If it wasn’t ready, then it was the right call. Shows a lot of integrity, and I’m glad to see CIG has people like Chad in place to make those decisions 👍
I really want a gun range in my hanger. Weapons should be allowed to owner of hanger and then anyone the owner allows:party, named players, org, etc. One thing that I've felt was severely missing was a place in the cities to test out the weapons and weapon attachments. I think the gun vendors in at the very least the major cities should have a gun range attached to shop for weapon testing. Set it up like individual bays with walls between from indoor ranges and make it where the weapon is only allowed inside the bay so you can't shoot anyone in adjacent bays. Great show regardless.
The funny thing is that the old hangar module actually had a gun range attached to it. Never could understand why they never made it into the game proper
I suggested this independently, a shooting range in one part of the hangar, perhaps as a piece of 'furniture' which allows weapon fire. One person at a time, or one person per lane.
I sometimes get so confused why people get so sweaty and weird about delays to features and releases. I mean... We're talking about a video game, not a new treatment for cancer. No ones' lives are on the line, and the world will keep spinning if we get to play cargo in July instead of May. 🙃 Thanks for making a cool video game! I'm excited to play it when it's ready! I hope the sweaty gamers in this community doesn't make your life too difficult!
As much as I agree with your comment i do want to point out that some people are of age and have invested in the game at age, for some time is more important than others. Just to keep in mind, rest I totally agree with , but its good to keep in mind that some are more "time limited" than others, thus leading to the responses they give :)
People have backed this game and died of cancer. I personally know someone that is getting treatment and may not live to see the fulfillment of this vision that started in 2012.
Yup I never worry about things I can’t control and go with the flow. Just like anything else in life. I also read the TOS. Can still play what’s available and have a life with other interest,hobbies,and activities. And even though I pledged around $7k it isn’t an investment.
100% total respect on this choice making of not putting it into the initial launch, I rather have it in the game working properly and little to no issues, then rushing and just getting it out for the main launch.
glad to hear you are feeling better Jared 🙂 seems like a lot more is to come that will flesh out SC to be the game of not just a generation but a game of generations to come... happy to be a part of the 'verse yeah I'm with Jared on this... bodies should be attachable.... so we can go out on a limb, to collect corpses
It would be fun to have an area for target practice in one's hangar. This could be an asset purchased by the player, and they should be able to place it where they want. Length can be a reasonable range but players can bring targets closer to reduce difficulty. Scopes would be used for distant targets. Allow one person or one person per lane (add lanes in modular fashion). Door opens like regular door. Auto targets reset themselves with 'hit' effects and appropriate sound FX. Player should have choice of various target styles.
GIB **Selective Armistice for Personal Hangars!** Allow owners / selected players to draw weapons inside Hangars, while leaving everyone without permissions unable to draw weapons. Does that fix the problem? I think so :D
Its strange that Cargo Chad called it "Bay Jeeng" Point. I and all my crew usually call it "Bye Genie" Point.... Now we need a pronunciation guide lol, I also just saw this was addressed mid video lol. Secondly, Thank you again Jared. Love your candor and respect for your fellow devs, and thank you Chad for actually detailing the issues and spending time to explain *why* decisions are being made and the direction the team wants to go. This is the kind of transparency I would love to see more of. Dates are not necessary, timelines are inconsequential, but telling us where the teams are, what their intention is, and what we will actually see in game... That is beautiful.
my ONLY question being, if cargo loading are no longer automatic, you'd have to load by do you deal with Catac Railen .... it has 300, exteneral ...cargo boxes...and they don't look like huge boxes..... how do you deal with that awesome, fancy looking...very interesting allien cargo ship ...
I do have a question what about ships like a carrack that's supposed to come with it's own seperate industrial hangar if you buy the expo pack since I plan to buy it on sept 2nd am I gonna have a seperate personal hangar for that?
Look into the way co op works on Farm Sim. The owner of the farm can go into the multiplayer menu and choose specific rights for each person. Such as the ability to buy/sell equipment, buy/sell land, buy/sell commodities, and even the ability to drive the other players vehicles. Being able to grant certain access to specific players would be awesome.
I think Atlas does great for players and ships when logging off. Your character and ship are right where you left them, and anyone can interact with them.
Really hope they fix the Hull C with a new patch soon. I keep clipping through the ship and being thrown into space whenever I purchase something and try to get back on the ship.
Hanger access for party members is not good for a lot of players. I am in multiple orgs, and I will party-up with for missions, but I don't trust them in my hanger. I want to provide access to only trusted friends.
I think one of the best ways to accomplish that, is letting us have fps weapons tied to our ships. Not unlike that one bug that got fixed a while ago. Where you could store weapon on your ship, and repairing replenished the weapon
My big question is, if I bought a hanger upgrade like the Aeroview hanger, will I have access to this now as my personal hanger or is it going to start off as standard for everyone?
It's the right call, when devs are not comfortable with puting a huge feature in the game. Much respect, it's not easy to admit that a feature set is just not ready for prime time.
I also appreciate the concerns you have before dropping a patch that might have issues, and I don't mind waiting until you get it stable and secure. I'm not disappointed, because I'm a backer. I hope you are ok, as I don't like getting knocked out either, except trying to walk after waking up. lol, that is funny. Maybe add a crime stat to multiple attempts to break into player's hangers.
DedLeader had a video with a ton of great questions. Called: "Things About Persistent Hangers We Don't Know Yet!" - Will certainly keep people from partying with rando's and forgetting to drop party when they log out. Be nice if the hangers could be assigned to your org so you don't have to be in party to let someone in. like GW2 Guild Halls.
With all the committed changes it seems smart to get all the UI and QOL stuff sorted so it looks good and durable for the extra load and chaos that comes with ILW and free fly events and XT. Save the heavy lift of the new inventory plumbing and potential perils when things are a bit calmer unless it's really ready. Measure twice to cut once as they say.
DEVS! Please don't get overwhelmed with the reactions to delays. Most of us know you're doing your best and it is ENOUGH! We love you and we are excited for when you're ready to release what you can. Ignore the loud jerks.
Jared, glad you're okay man! Recover well, sir. Concussions are no joke. Maybe I missed it, but is your personal hangar sized for your largest flyable ship or largest ship you own even if it's not flyable? Guessing it's largest flyable, but I'm looking for confirmation.
RE Hauling mission cargo, you absolutely should be able to take it somewhere other than the intended destination, not to sell it but to facilitate trans-shipping and cargo consolidation. This is how cargo works in the real world. Smaller ships should be able to grab smaller cargo runs from various smaller locations, and consolidate them all at a larger station where say a Hull-C will take it all to somewhere else for final delivery.
in another mmorpg with npc guards guarding a forbiden entrance, it was possible for gathering an extreme large group of players and rush in all the same time, and reach places were not meant for to be reached.
It's not a significant delay, and it allow to to avoid another 3.18. There is nothing to justify or be ashamed the cargo package is a big chunk of the game, well done.
That makes sense to me. Don't break the ability to call a ship to a hangar. But yes, I eventually want to use my fish tank, Manarik and Vatio Vittas in my hangar at some point...
Can we get a notification when someone enters or leaves our Personal Hangar, so we'll know if some random we invited to party to help with Siege or XT is trying to steal our hoard of loot?
Wishing for an easy recovery to you, Jared. As others have said, selective shielding make sense. I could also see guards on site to kick trespassers out instead of teleporting them.
quick clarification. They say the hangar you get is tied to the largest ship you currently have. is that from the ships that are currently in game or will I get a hangar that is sized for my Kraken that I am very patiently waiting for?
This is legit the only thing I wanted answered. I own an arrastra. So am I getting my loaner mole sized hangar or an arrastra sized. Oh well. Time will tell I suppose.
I’d rather you get hangars and cargo correct, than release it as a buggy mess. Besides, I wanted the new looting system and map in, was my thing. It will get done when it gets done, pantiently waiting since 2012 😂.
... Paraphrasing a couple of Murphy's laws: ..."Nothing ever goes exactly as planned", and "Take any projected completion time frame and double it, and you will be closer to the true time frame." Smart man that Murphy... 😏
@@tropicthndr you don't need to be here you know. you think you enjoy complaining or trying to get a rise out of others but you'll remain miserably chained by the past which you can do nothing but moan about until the day you let it go (insert obvious children's song here) .
It's been quite the task for CIG to get the 3.23 EPTU stable, with quite a bit of work left to do. Half the people couldn't get hab elevators to work last night. I'm glad they made the decision to wait and concentrate on smoothening out the base of this patch. I'm sure if Hauler gameplay was my thing I may feel different, but I think the persistent hangars are a beast of their own to be trouble shooting at the same time.
They could have a code to access the elevator and an animation like sitting down in a chair for single elevators or for groups like drop pods so no one else can get into the hangers... does anyone think drop pod elevators with a hand scanner if in a group so only they can access it or with a password? it could look cool with drop pods back to back in a circle or different patters and kind of makes since for a game to avoid anyone in your hanger you don't want also the pods would be on a pole to give you a visual in a circle of six with another six on top ready to come down if you have a big crew and this repeats until everyone is in.
With such a huge change in the fundamental flow of the game, it's probably safe to assume it would have some hiccups. I think many of us are used to kind of powering through such hiccups, as frustrating as that would be. But I've always been a fan of a more functional and polished product so I hope this is the new standard.
Great job CIG. So happy you have figured it out. So much better to NOT release buggy patches. Kudos to you. Please consider selling to us players LICENSES to manufacture ships ourselves rather than directly selling the ships. This will greatly improve player happiness and satisfaction. CIG would make MUCH more money and profits by selling ship manufacturing licenses rather than selling ships directly.
Here's the question I had that was unanswered. If I arrive at an outpost in a Hull A and buy 64 SCU I'm going to want 4 16scu boxes. If I arrive in a Spirit I'm going to want 2 32scu boxes and if I arrive in a Freelancer I'm going to want a 24 and a bunch of 4s and 2s. Yet they are all 64 SCU. How do I control that?
i think from what they said u couldnt control that... for example, small trades will only provide 1 and 2 scu size boxes... and larger one like on L points will have only bigger one...
@@RaysGuide they said its for diversification of trading and hauling, and make every ship worth it... for etc. not only using C2... but like in real life, u have vans, trucks, ships... small boxes, cointerners, pallets...
My biggest worry is that doing the smaller trades to the landing areas that dont gave automatic loading that people will camp those and start using their tractor beams to steal your cargo while you are trying to load it onto the elevator and you cant do anything about it
Questions/Time Stamps
12:40 How do we prevent unwanted people from getting into our personal hangar?
15:50 What about group members or party members?
18:43 What happens if you buy a larger ship bigger than the hangar that has been assigned?
23:55 Will other players be able to access their stuff in your hangar?
25:47 How many home hangars can a player have and can they change the location after they choose them?
27:57 Are there plans to allow personal hangars that are not at the major landing zones?
33:13 How are you going to make finding a party members hangar not a scrolling contest in the elevator if you're in a large party?
36:47 Is there an occupancy limit inside the personal persistent hangars?
38:10 If a player is inside their ship, inside their personal hangar and they log out from the ship bed, where do they wake up?
40:12 Can we equip weapons in our personal hangars despite the armistice zones?
42:40 What does all this mean for our OG hangar flare items? Can we use them to decorate our personal hangars?
48:15 How does manual or autoloading work at outposts, scrapyards and other non-hangar specific locations?
58:19 Is the mass of cargo still planned to affect ship performance?
1:00:47 Eventually we will be able to attach almost anything to a cargo grid, how is progress on that going?
1:03:10 Will you be able to attach a space suit to the cargo grid?
1:05:14 Is there any future at all whatsoever for cargo decks beyond just buying tractor beams and empty containers?
1:06:43 What happens if we bring contraband or stolen goods back to our personal hangar?
1:10:09 Current storage crates are indiscernible from one another in name and appearance, will it be possible to differentiate storage containers via changes to either the label, name, colour or some other means?
1:11:44 How much total SCU can the freight elevator hold at any one time and are all freight elevator capacities the same at all locations?
1:13:09 Will we be able to call up multiple vehicles simultaneously on a single vehicle lift?
1:15:50 Is there any other location besides the personal hangars where the ship lifts are being used to deliver vehicles to you?
1:16:22 Hypothetically, if I go out to the plains of Lorville or Microtech and I coerce a kind and gentle Kopion onto my ship, and I bring that ship back to my personal hangar and then I coerce the kind and gentle Kopion out of my ship and into my personal hangar, and then I leave. Does that Kopion now persist in my personal hangar for all time?
Please do find/replace: “hanger”::”hangar”
@@rolinthor It must of bugged you that I misspelt it 17 times XD It's fixed now. 👍
@@tyller77189 OCD man thanks you.
Thanks for the time stamps. MVP!
@@rolinthorhe was right the first time.. This was about personalized clothing hangers. Not aircraft hangars. 😅
Can certainly appreciate the long form conversation with minimal edits. While it's disappointing, it sounds like these guys made the right call. Respect for them being up front about it.
For sure. Nice to hear Chad explain that they couldn't get it in because they weren't able to get it in.
CIG has a tendency to be “up front” about things only very late in the game.
Especially since Chris screwed over everyone by firing the Devs working on this project because they wouldn’t relocate to UK.
This was a live episode, there should be no edits in this stuff
@@rolinthor "Up front" meaning, in reality, "down behind"
Big respect to cargo-Chad for not pushing to live with a half - baked version of the hangars. That having to scroll through dozens of personal hangars in a large party is easy to solve, by the way. Just have a permanent button for your own hangar that doesn't scroll like the lobby in the habs
Definitely can see how disappointed Chad is about missing release, I really feel for the guy. We're all patiently looking forward to the actual release of the new cargo work, glad they took this approach. Hope they give him a nice vacation to rest and recharge once it's finished. Definitely deserves it!
Totally agree about the respect for the decision. Hangars being broken and having no players be able to access their ships or inventory would have made SC not a game at all.
this aged well didnt it
I'm happy Jared is OK.
Me too❤
Did something happen? I haven't been following development closely lately.
@@splurg123 He fell and knocked himself out, gave himself a concussion.
@@spacep0d thanks for letting me know. I am glad space dad is okay.
This is what we need more of. Clear communication. I don’t care if it’s good or bad news. Clarity is what we care about.
They have been doing this for years now? lol!
Cargo Chad has a great head on his shoulders, I’m confident this will turn out okay
Ya but that mile on the target analogy was straight braindead lol
@@BGIANAKyno it wasn’t. It was a very apt description.
@@mcjoyful8102 no.
@@BGIANAKyAs a developer myself, the description is exactly right. We regularly have to make schedules months out, about features we don’t yet know all of the detailed requirements for, nor know exactly how to do it yet, or even exactly what we want. You get started and iterate and figure things out along the way pursuing the vision for the feature. As you get closer and learn more, and iterate on it, the schedule gets more accurate, but being off a few weeks is not uncommon and it’s very challenging to hit the mark exactly. It really is a mile long dart throw. It’s not easy.
@@brad433 still not a good analogy. I work in software development myself as well. The analogy is not good. I am sorry.
So glad to hear you recovered from your fall Jared! My first thought when the show was cancelled due to unforseen circumstances was "Oh no! I hope Jared is ok!"
Okay. My off topic chat point I'd like to bring up is, DO NOT REMOVE BED LOGGING!! You do that, and the interior of a ship is so much more useless. What's the point of "living" in your ships, if you can't live in your ship. I already really miss being able to have friends log off in my Connie. My buddies and I would live on that thing. They would log off in my beds to take care of irl stuff. Then log back in to come help. It was almost like they were just resting while I was getting to the mission. Now they have to stay afk. Soon, you might take all of it out?? Why? How can you say it's not part of the games future. It's a life/space sim. It is absolutely part of the game. Don't start cutting things because you want to rush it. You will start losing so many customers if you do stuff like this. Maybe not over beds. But plenty of other things.
They’re not taking away the ability to log out and log back into space, they’re just reworking it so it’s not tied to beds. That’s all they meant by bed logging is going away.
@@Felic_HRZNif that’s the case then I’m 100% fine with that. I’d LoVE to log out in the middle of a desert and spawn back exactly where I left off.
down the road you can always log off and login again at the same place - but getting a good night sleep in your bed will give you bonuses. Sounds like a good plan.
@@ZaphodTube logging back in exactly where I left off would be amazing. I always hate getting kicked for inactivity just to be spawned back at the furthest station from where I need to be.
@Luffy-rf1ek I’m fine with bodies staying like ark. Imagine you have your nice beautiful base on a planet, you log off and then spawn back in new Babbage apartments cuz you didn’t bed log. I much rather spawn exactly where I left off even if it’s in the middle of the desert.
It also gives more immersion. If I’m stranded in the desert then I NEED rescue, most rescues now are forced, I’ve called rescue many times when I don’t even need it. Quickly relogging spawns me at a station, it feels like cheating.
I once flew out into the desert with a few friends to do some off-roading and intentionally left my engines on so the ship would drift away so I could give the rescue team some gameplay.
I’ve seen many occasions when people fake scenarios just to have a certain type of gameplay, that doesn’t feel real.
"Cargo decks still serve a purpose.."
- "No. They do not."
This is what I LOVE about CIG. Honesty. Refreshing honesty and candor.
Self-awareness and lack of marketing fluff/speech/bs in these shows.
Thank you Jared, and thank you CIG for staying true to yourself.
For Hanger Security how about having shields allways up (hanger doors still open but shields are allways up) and those shields only let it ships/players who are on the Accepted list. All others are treated as Hostile and cant get past the shields. I think this is a simple fix and helps to block pvpers/griefers.
Yeah, simple sci-fi solution for area denial. Good idea.
I generally like this approach, but I would like to see it "physicalized" to allow for hacking/intel gameplay. Shield frequency code or something like that which has to be punched in. Maybe three modes: static frequency which is quick to share, but vulnerable to scanning, frequency hopping pattern that has to be distributed as a security key which can only be hacked/stolen, and a fully randomized hopping pattern for when you're not trying to collaborate. Could be useful for landing inside other ships too.
You triggered the hangar hanger meme in me. They should have thought about griefers first...probably they have no time playing their game themselves. Happens in development.
@@DannoHungplease don't.... Personal hangars should just be that, personal. Where we have our time for ourselves. Back in the days there was no intention in this kind of player interaction 'PvP'. Your player stuff at something like an homestead should be safe.
How about just not grief8ng a personal hangar?@@DannoHung
Every so often I watch an entire vid for Star Citizen live, this was one of them. Thanks for the info update and thanks to Chad and Jared to bring it all together for us. Great info session on what is to come you've got my attention. Cheers
If your only ship is too large for a hangar and requires a docking port, I wonder if they still just give you a max sized hangar.
Thanks for the transparency, Jared. I appreciate you guys, and I love seeing this game develop.
This was amazing. Well thought out, well investigated, well articulated.
Assuming we can get personal Hangars in any place that can spawn ships, i believe it would be super nice that diferent places had diferent costs abd modifiers.
For example a hangar in the new cargo hubs would come with more SCU capacity or less cost for moving it. While diferent stations could have bonus to, refining, building, fueling, repairing, ammo cost, or be a stop to leave bounty pods, or have more personal item and weapon storage.
Basicaly your starting location buffs your main game loop, but also makes it worth to go other places to get buffs from elsewere.
A Way to fix the griefer in the hangar is, that the owner of the hangar, has the ability to use weapons inside the hangar
This makes sense actually, target range inside hangar makes sense.
Allowing more than one personal location/hanger is a great money sink and pretty much part of every MMO. An even better idea for money sink is to allow transfer of goods from one location to another. This would ensure that players do not feel completely anchored to one location and has a side benefit of forcing players to spend money which is core to any MMO.
I'm glad you all held off till it's better. The game is worth waiting for.
Holy frakk, Jared! Hope you're feelin' better, buddy! 🤞😬 I'm not worried about waiting a few more months for features to hit playtest. The reasons (stability!!!) are sound. Godspeed! And many happy returns, Disco!
P.S. We can still go full Reaver ship if we get a boltdriver function on our multitools!
I do hope that they make it possible to log in and out from personal hangars sometime soon. I know it would kind of defeat the whole "train ride through the city" gameplay we've endured for so long, but I'd love to have a better reason to venture through these places than the repetition of running back to the hangar...
I would rather wait for hangers and cargo elevators when they are working as they should, cudos to the devs for not giving us them in a broken state.
*hangars, *kudos
Kudos to them for not giving us something more broken than usual, condemnation to them for over promising as usual.
There should be a "Permissions" menu for personal hangers so you can specify what party members can and can not do.
So...if you join a big party of 30 people in order to do a group mission. Lets say its Xeno threat or NT lockdown. All 30 of those people have access to your hanger. You and 20 of those party members are at the mission the other 10 could just take everything in your hanger. And any other unsuspecting person who wants to group up. This will do wonders for teamplay and random groups popping up.
That’s what I thought too and it’s sorta true. They can steal anything you have left around, they won’t be able to access your inventory there. Slightly better, but yeah huge potential for theft
Can you repack commodities into larger boxes?
This is why they AREN'T allowing party members to access your personal inventory at this time. That will be coming later when they have the functionality to differentiate between someone more or less trusted (25-30min mark)
@@possibly_a_retard That is not the issue. It's a persistent hanger. Anything you leave laying around like your hanger flair, suit lockers, sub gear its up for grabs. You could always just not leave it out, but then what is the point of a persistent hanger. Just have a regular hanger.
A: You realize in the plan there is the ability to break into hangars, ships, land claim structures, etc. Your stuff will never be 100% safe. There will be different levels of security, and Stanton locations will be safer than outlaw spaces like Pyro. But yeah, they can and will take your stuff. Period.
B: Items taken will be marked stolen. The thieves can get a crimestat, and law enforcement will be after them. Its not a free for all.
C: Their hangers are open too. So if you find out someone is doing this, you can take stuff back from theirs.
i agree that party members is way too insecure for hangar commodity sharing. i feel like the org you are in, too, should determine who's hangar you can see in the elevator, and additionally give individuals the options to allow/disallow the sharing of specific commodities you own with the org, or tiers of members within the org. the game squad kind of does this with the vehicles for each team, where the squad leader of whomever interacts with a vehicle has to approve/deny if they may operate it, but once approved, all squad members can operate it freely. i like the idea of something like this: where i can approve/deny someone to pull out my hornet, while permitting any org mem to take construction materials without asking, but disallowing even the request to take my gold or quantanium
When are the Revel and York hangars be implemented?
Two months late, but as always, I do appreciate you Disco, and what you do for the community. I look forward to meeting you someday at an event. :)
Just put a force shield across the elevator door that only party members can walk through
Good idea. HOWEVER..... TIME THIEF!?!?!?
As for security, there used to be atmospheric shields. Can't those shields be increased in power and keyed to a person or ship to selectively allow/deny trespassers, and the owner be able to enable/disable these security shields?
I think cargo Chad just makes everything the right way. Thanks for that❤
Love the update on all of this with hangars. Excited to see they are taking the time to release it when its more polished.
Great episode, and super respect for Chad, it's easy to tell how much he loves the game. Keep it up!
This is fine. I'd rather CIG get it right than it be rushed. This isn't EA or Bethesda we are talking about. Still holding the line.
People been saying this for 12 years now lol , how long you gonna keep it going?
@@danhtown1until it’s good
I think so too. We held the line.
@@danhtown1 There have always been delays in game development, do not pretend that it's a new concept.
Now days, bugs exist in "finished" games that cost double the price of a Star Citizen starter pack. Consider the myriad of live service games, riddled with bugs every patch and eventually sunsetted following a few years of support.
The fact that Star Citizen is in an Alpha shouldn't be a mark of shame. It demonstrates CIG's care and the luxury of time/money that they've been given from their community.
If you want something done right, you need to give a team time.
At least CIG is open about what is happening behind the scenes, unlike 90% of the Industry.
@@ImMichaelB how much time, decades? What are we talking about here
Thank you Chad for being open and upfront it is a shame that its not going into 3.23 but I am looking forward to it
You could make Hangar Trespass, like the Ship Trespass feature. Like use the same code and modify it to work with hangars. It should also work with the impound feature.
Thank you for the detailed q&a, can't wait for this first version... and also can't wait for cargo mass to affect ship mass (on or off grid, I guess!)
Are you well, Jared? You sound like you at the recovering end of a cold or flu or something!! I wish you well!!
12 min in... he talks about how got a concussion...
I will happily wait another three months, if this feature then comes in in an awesome condition/state.
We will wait and then.... we follow the Hull C example =)
I would have rather had the new hangars even if they only worked 10% of the time. 😛
@@j.d.4697 no you wouldn't because if the ship spawning in your hangar breaks, the game becomes pretty much unplayable ;)
You will and it won’t.
Respect to the cargo team. If it wasn’t ready, then it was the right call. Shows a lot of integrity, and I’m glad to see CIG has people like Chad in place to make those decisions 👍
Thank you for welcoming me back to Werback, it is nice to be back home again.
I really want a gun range in my hanger. Weapons should be allowed to owner of hanger and then anyone the owner allows:party, named players, org, etc. One thing that I've felt was severely missing was a place in the cities to test out the weapons and weapon attachments. I think the gun vendors in at the very least the major cities should have a gun range attached to shop for weapon testing. Set it up like individual bays with walls between from indoor ranges and make it where the weapon is only allowed inside the bay so you can't shoot anyone in adjacent bays. Great show regardless.
The funny thing is that the old hangar module actually had a gun range attached to it. Never could understand why they never made it into the game proper
I suggested this independently, a shooting range in one part of the hangar, perhaps as a piece of 'furniture' which allows weapon fire. One person at a time, or one person per lane.
I sometimes get so confused why people get so sweaty and weird about delays to features and releases. I mean... We're talking about a video game, not a new treatment for cancer. No ones' lives are on the line, and the world will keep spinning if we get to play cargo in July instead of May. 🙃
Thanks for making a cool video game! I'm excited to play it when it's ready! I hope the sweaty gamers in this community doesn't make your life too difficult!
As much as I agree with your comment i do want to point out that some people are of age and have invested in the game at age, for some time is more important than others.
Just to keep in mind, rest I totally agree with , but its good to keep in mind that some are more "time limited" than others, thus leading to the responses they give :)
People have backed this game and died of cancer. I personally know someone that is getting treatment and may not live to see the fulfillment of this vision that started in 2012.
Because some people made the mistake to get in 10 years ago and to expect fast results.
People are heavily invested in this project, that’s all it is, and they are tired of being strung along
Yup I never worry about things I can’t control and go with the flow. Just like anything else in life.
I also read the TOS.
Can still play what’s available and have a life with other interest,hobbies,and activities.
And even though I pledged around $7k it isn’t an investment.
100% total respect on this choice making of not putting it into the initial launch, I rather have it in the game working properly and little to no issues, then rushing and just getting it out for the main launch.
glad to hear you are feeling better Jared 🙂
seems like a lot more is to come that will flesh out SC to be the game of not just a generation but a game of generations to come... happy to be a part of the 'verse
yeah I'm with Jared on this... bodies should be attachable.... so we can go out on a limb, to collect corpses
Understandable. It's good that you're making right decisions. We don't want a game show stopper.
It would be fun to have an area for target practice in one's hangar. This could be an asset purchased by the player, and they should be able to place it where they want. Length can be a reasonable range but players can bring targets closer to reduce difficulty. Scopes would be used for distant targets.
Allow one person or one person per lane (add lanes in modular fashion). Door opens like regular door. Auto targets reset themselves with 'hit' effects and appropriate sound FX. Player should have choice of various target styles.
GIB **Selective Armistice for Personal Hangars!**
Allow owners / selected players to draw weapons inside Hangars, while leaving everyone without permissions unable to draw weapons.
Does that fix the problem? I think so :D
Thank you very much for the explanation. Great episode!
Its strange that Cargo Chad called it "Bay Jeeng" Point. I and all my crew usually call it "Bye Genie" Point.... Now we need a pronunciation guide lol, I also just saw this was addressed mid video lol.
Secondly, Thank you again Jared. Love your candor and respect for your fellow devs, and thank you Chad for actually detailing the issues and spending time to explain *why* decisions are being made and the direction the team wants to go. This is the kind of transparency I would love to see more of. Dates are not necessary, timelines are inconsequential, but telling us where the teams are, what their intention is, and what we will actually see in game... That is beautiful.
Bikini Point. Where SpongeBob SpacePants lives.
I bet he calls it calliope too.
It's pronounced Bye-jeeni Point. "Bay jeen" point makes no sense.
Felt like he was talking about the BMM ( Locked in a vault )
considering the state of ptu right now, it was probably a good call, just to do was repairs before adding the new hanger mechianics.
"Welcome to: We're Back" ----- sounds about like how my week has been.... glad its friday.
Take your time guys and make it stable! 3.23 is already packed with features t othe brim! ^_^
Glad for the restraint. When a system touches on things as basic as calling a ship, the tolerance for failure is more slim.
my ONLY question being, if cargo loading are no longer automatic, you'd have to load by do you deal with Catac Railen ....
it has 300, exteneral ...cargo boxes...and they don't look like huge boxes.....
how do you deal with that awesome, fancy looking...very interesting allien cargo ship ...
I do have a question what about ships like a carrack that's supposed to come with it's own seperate industrial hangar if you buy the expo pack since I plan to buy it on sept 2nd am I gonna have a seperate personal hangar for that?
Look into the way co op works on Farm Sim. The owner of the farm can go into the multiplayer menu and choose specific rights for each person. Such as the ability to buy/sell equipment, buy/sell land, buy/sell commodities, and even the ability to drive the other players vehicles. Being able to grant certain access to specific players would be awesome.
I think Atlas does great for players and ships when logging off. Your character and ship are right where you left them, and anyone can interact with them.
When my girl comes home I'm gonna ask her, "Hey, you wanna see my cobra hiss?" 😂
Really hope they fix the Hull C with a new patch soon. I keep clipping through the ship and being thrown into space whenever I purchase something and try to get back on the ship.
How are you even able to get into the ship? When I call it, it's either invisible or the doors won't open.
@@starcitizenbotwith luck, though a dingy ship is useful. Spawn it, put it on a pad and call your HullC. Use your dingy and EVA to your HullC
Hanger access for party members is not good for a lot of players. I am in multiple orgs, and I will party-up with for missions, but I don't trust them in my hanger. I want to provide access to only trusted friends.
I think one of the best ways to accomplish that, is letting us have fps weapons tied to our ships. Not unlike that one bug that got fixed a while ago. Where you could store weapon on your ship, and repairing replenished the weapon
My big question is, if I bought a hanger upgrade like the Aeroview hanger, will I have access to this now as my personal hanger or is it going to start off as standard for everyone?
It's the right call, when devs are not comfortable with puting a huge feature in the game. Much respect, it's not easy to admit that a feature set is just not ready for prime time.
Use the terminal displays from the overdrive initiative bunker missions on the side of the cargo containers for naming
Glad you're ok, Jared!
I also appreciate the concerns you have before dropping a patch that might have issues, and I don't mind waiting until you get it stable and secure. I'm not disappointed, because I'm a backer. I hope you are ok, as I don't like getting knocked out either, except trying to walk after waking up. lol, that is funny. Maybe add a crime stat to multiple attempts to break into player's hangers.
DedLeader had a video with a ton of great questions. Called: "Things About Persistent Hangers We Don't Know Yet!" -
Will certainly keep people from partying with rando's and forgetting to drop party when they log out.
Be nice if the hangers could be assigned to your org so you don't have to be in party to let someone in. like GW2 Guild Halls.
Or literally ANY org feature in game. Anything.
With all the committed changes it seems smart to get all the UI and QOL stuff sorted so it looks good and durable for the extra load and chaos that comes with ILW and free fly events and XT. Save the heavy lift of the new inventory plumbing and potential perils when things are a bit calmer unless it's really ready. Measure twice to cut once as they say.
DEVS! Please don't get overwhelmed with the reactions to delays. Most of us know you're doing your best and it is ENOUGH! We love you and we are excited for when you're ready to release what you can. Ignore the loud jerks.
01:19:05 Chad's (placated?) smile, when asked by Jared to see his Cobra Hiss toy. 😂
Jared, glad you're okay man! Recover well, sir. Concussions are no joke.
Maybe I missed it, but is your personal hangar sized for your largest flyable ship or largest ship you own even if it's not flyable? Guessing it's largest flyable, but I'm looking for confirmation.
Send are love and support to all the Devs and everyone that is involved at SC ❤
THIS is what I have been waiting for. I can't wait to customize my space :) Pun not intended
RE Hauling mission cargo, you absolutely should be able to take it somewhere other than the intended destination, not to sell it but to facilitate trans-shipping and cargo consolidation. This is how cargo works in the real world. Smaller ships should be able to grab smaller cargo runs from various smaller locations, and consolidate them all at a larger station where say a Hull-C will take it all to somewhere else for final delivery.
So what if i have a kraken privateer would my hangar size be tailored to that? Or would it go off of my reclaimer?
Being able to choose Grim Hex as starting location would be most excellent. Just add to the confirmation dialog that GH is not for newbies.
in another mmorpg with npc guards guarding a forbiden entrance, it was possible for gathering an extreme large group of players and rush in all the same time, and reach places were not meant for to be reached.
Thanks for sharing this with us!
missed it the first time, they're doing the cargo stuff out of LA so makes sense why they keep having to push it back.
Sounds like a good building block for Org owned hangars. Members can access org resources.
It's not a significant delay, and it allow to to avoid another 3.18. There is nothing to justify or be ashamed the cargo package is a big chunk of the game, well done.
Star Citizen Squadron 42 Update
That makes sense to me. Don't break the ability to call a ship to a hangar. But yes, I eventually want to use my fish tank, Manarik and Vatio Vittas in my hangar at some point...
Can we get a notification when someone enters or leaves our Personal Hangar, so we'll know if some random we invited to party to help with Siege or XT is trying to steal our hoard of loot?
loving the recent roadmap roundup reveals
Did they mention if you can store raw and refined ores in your hangers and storage?
Wishing for an easy recovery to you, Jared.
As others have said, selective shielding make sense. I could also see guards on site to kick trespassers out instead of teleporting them.
quick clarification. They say the hangar you get is tied to the largest ship you currently have. is that from the ships that are currently in game or will I get a hangar that is sized for my Kraken that I am very patiently waiting for?
This is legit the only thing I wanted answered. I own an arrastra. So am I getting my loaner mole sized hangar or an arrastra sized. Oh well. Time will tell I suppose.
You are not supposed to land a kraken in a hangar, but dock it. So there you have ur answer.
@@PatrickFisker Question still stands for people who have bought unreleased ships that are supposed to actually land.
@@813WolfShadow i think they will get a size for it if its concept or not :)
@@PatrickFisker I'm hoping lol! Time will tell
I’d rather you get hangars and cargo correct, than release it as a buggy mess. Besides, I wanted the new looting system and map in, was my thing. It will get done when it gets done, pantiently waiting since 2012 😂.
... Paraphrasing a couple of Murphy's laws: ..."Nothing ever goes exactly as planned", and "Take any projected completion time frame and double it, and you will be closer to the true time frame." Smart man that Murphy... 😏
The true run time was fkd when Chris fired the Devs working on this who wouldn’t relocate to UK.
@@tropicthndr you don't need to be here you know.
you think you enjoy complaining or trying to get a rise out of others but you'll remain miserably chained by the past which you can do nothing but moan about until the day you let it go (insert obvious children's song here) .
>find/create dead body
>put some magboots on them (after you turned them on)
>stick body to hull
It's been quite the task for CIG to get the 3.23 EPTU stable, with quite a bit of work left to do. Half the people couldn't get hab elevators to work last night. I'm glad they made the decision to wait and concentrate on smoothening out the base of this patch. I'm sure if Hauler gameplay was my thing I may feel different, but I think the persistent hangars are a beast of their own to be trouble shooting at the same time.
They could have a code to access the elevator and an animation like sitting down in a chair for single elevators or for groups like drop pods so no one else can get into the hangers... does anyone think drop pod elevators with a hand scanner if in a group so only they can access it or with a password? it could look cool with drop pods back to back in a circle or different patters and kind of makes since for a game to avoid anyone in your hanger you don't want also the pods would be on a pole to give you a visual in a circle of six with another six on top ready to come down if you have a big crew and this repeats until everyone is in.
With such a huge change in the fundamental flow of the game, it's probably safe to assume it would have some hiccups. I think many of us are used to kind of powering through such hiccups, as frustrating as that would be. But I've always been a fan of a more functional and polished product so I hope this is the new standard.
Great job CIG. So happy you have figured it out. So much better to NOT release buggy patches. Kudos to you.
Please consider selling to us players LICENSES to manufacture ships ourselves rather than directly selling the ships. This will greatly improve player happiness and satisfaction. CIG would make MUCH more money and profits by selling ship manufacturing licenses rather than selling ships directly.
having a "lost and found" that you can pay to retrieve items is PERFECT fix
Here's the question I had that was unanswered. If I arrive at an outpost in a Hull A and buy 64 SCU I'm going to want 4 16scu boxes. If I arrive in a Spirit I'm going to want 2 32scu boxes and if I arrive in a Freelancer I'm going to want a 24 and a bunch of 4s and 2s. Yet they are all 64 SCU. How do I control that?
i think from what they said u couldnt control that... for example, small trades will only provide 1 and 2 scu size boxes... and larger one like on L points will have only bigger one...
@fanATIc666x if so that would be the worst of possible answers. If I show up in a Hull A and they only have 24 and 32 boxes I can't buy anything?
@@RaysGuide they said its for diversification of trading and hauling, and make every ship worth it... for etc. not only using C2... but like in real life, u have vans, trucks, ships... small boxes, cointerners, pallets...
Yes but every example I gave was 64scu so that doesn't apply.
My biggest worry is that doing the smaller trades to the landing areas that dont gave automatic loading that people will camp those and start using their tractor beams to steal your cargo while you are trying to load it onto the elevator and you cant do anything about it
Please yes do make a space towel ! A towel is just about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can carry !
For the hangar sizing, idk why they dont just update the hangar size if necessary whenever a new ship is added to the players fleet.
Because we are supposed to furnish and decorate the hangar.
@@teahousereloaded that is not an insurmountable problem. You can increase the size of the hangar while keeping all of the users decorations.