Don't Be Boring: Winning the Attention Game by Don Watkins

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025

Комментарии • 17

  • @AssaultSpeed
    @AssaultSpeed 2 года назад

    Don needs to get in contact with people in RSD

  • @SimplyApollo
    @SimplyApollo 2 года назад +2

    I think in general the trickle down theory is the accurate one. You should never expect your average joe to come home from work and turn on a Peikoff lecture. The point is influencing the people who are specialized enough to have a chance of finding you in the first place. Religiously following the 5 S's or any other trick is a Misintegration, yes it is helpful but ultimately what matters is having a solid metaphysics, epistemology, and an ethics based on survival. If every ARI video was hitting 100M views like a Mr. Beast video then something is probably seriously wrong with reality, sure it would put more food on the table, but the masses attention is a arbitrary and pointless thing. Get the leading intellectuals on your side and they would spread your ideas to the people that matter.

    • @BeefT-Sq
      @BeefT-Sq 2 года назад +1

      I would bet the farm on a different strategy : Make them think there is an Objectivist lurking behind every tree .
      And don't be so serious all the time ; I kid my religious friends that they still have time to make a decision to give their lives over to John Galt . One of them , arguing for the existence of God, shot back that John Galt is a fictional character . I replied, " Yes, but at least WE admit it " .
      When some jerk uses the standard smear that Ayn Rand was on Social Security , I caution them , " Don't defame The Prophet " .
      And stop the Objectivist habit of perfectionism . As I say , " Objectivists aren't perfect, just never forgiven " .

    • @TeaParty1776
      @TeaParty1776 Год назад

      @@BeefT-Sq Good humor.

  • @BeefT-Sq
    @BeefT-Sq 2 года назад +1

    Boring ? Me ? Not likely . I promote Objectivism by speaking up wherever I can . I don't shy away from Identifying myself as an " Objectivist " even though I am not some sort of expert on the philosophy . I make sure I don't present Ayn Rand as an infallible deity ; people have to know that I am open to the possibility that her opinions on the American Indians or animal rights or some other topic could be wrong . The distinction between the philosophy and Ayn Rand herself must be clear . I use plain language when possible ; I talk about the right to keep what you earn, the idea that taxation is immoral and ought to be minimalized even if we can't get rid of it completely but I avoid language that people don't understand such as " achieving one's values " , " the law of identity " etc.
    I am out to reach anybody , including the anti-intellectual rednecks because I think it is important to let everybody know that somebody disagrees with the ideas that are popular . Maybe they won't be persuaded but they won't ask who Ayn Rand is again .
    One idea that ARI hasn't had the sense to use was my idea of "tracts" like the small literature that religious organizations distribute , with comic book formats and so forth and catchy titles like " Property Rights and Taxes " , " Reason or Religion " , " Living a Moral Life " , " Charity vesus Self-sacrifice " , " Disciplined thinking and Conspiracy Nonsense ", " Ethical Living ", " Law and Order " etc.
    I say : Go after the masses . Confront. Agitate. Challenge . Set the example. Speak up . Argue honestly . Don't just preach to the choir or the brilliant .
    And stop kicking people like Carl Barney and Robert Tracinski to the curb . This cultish thing has got to stop .

    • @maryahhaidery7986
      @maryahhaidery7986 Год назад

      The tract idea sounds good - you could ask the Jehovah’s Witnesses ppl for help on that. And while you’re at it, maybe you could ask them how not to turn off people by putting on a superior air of someone who is “brilliant” but not too proud to talk to rubes and red necks. I’m sure they won’t immediately be able to pick up on the condescension but just in case. But you can’t really criticize ARI for excommunicating people who dared to disagree with them. It was a core tenet of Rand’a teachings since she kicked out Branden and like a dozen others and then made people sign statements swearing never to contact them. I’m curious what exactly makes you think it’s not a cult? Because they say they aren’t? (Does a racist admit to being a racist?) or because you feel the need to defend them against accusations of being a cult? (Which is also something a cult would do). I mean is there any way in which they operate that is non-cult like? I’d love to hear an example

  • @aarononeal9830
    @aarononeal9830 2 года назад

    Please talk about Ecosia they are a search engine that plants trees

    • @geekonomist
      @geekonomist 2 года назад

      Nice attempt to capture attention

  • @maryahhaidery7986
    @maryahhaidery7986 2 года назад +1

    Don’t you love when utterly unsuccessful narcissists whose novels no one has ever heard of give lectures on “How to be Successful?” based on their limited success in their secondary careers parroting other people’s ideas?

    • @Mr.Witness
      @Mr.Witness Год назад

      Where did you get any of that from this talk?

    • @maryahhaidery7986
      @maryahhaidery7986 Год назад

      @@Mr.Witness I’m not sure why I quoted the talk as saying “How to be Successful” rather than how to “Get Attention”. They might have. changed the title (as they are known to do from time to time) or it could have been based on some earlier pod of his where he was bragging about the book and said something like (I kid you not) “obviously once you embrace Oism, people will just come up to you and notice right away because it will be hard to hide the fact that you’ve suddenly become successful in X”. I think I had to turn it off to throw up at that point. But Don’s just swarmy. He’s done swarmy things I can’t talk about and he does insignificant but dumb things like use a line from a musical for one of his articles and when he’s complimented on it, fails to correct the person. Small thing, I know. But I’m good at reading people. But for your sake, I did quickly skim the video, and like Gena Gorlin, another ARI devotee who hasn’t really done anything original or risky, I found nothing in the stuff he presented as particular new or interest or not common sense. Though of course he did briefly mention the counterintuitive conclusion of a study that he claimed was false without providing any details on the study or why he thought it was false. Gorlin does this too more than you might realize. There are opinions that just become ingrained in you when you make being an Objectivist a part of your identity. They’re opinions you and your audience accept as canon and therefore don’t require proof. And it’s particularly dangerous when these dogma involve ideas on social or actual hard sciences which are constantly being updated.

    • @Mr.Witness
      @Mr.Witness Год назад

      @@maryahhaidery7986 Ah i see , well id love if you shared some links / timestamps of some of the moments you speak of with him and Gena, im creating quite an extensive document cataloguing such things.
      On the title change thing, I was there in the audience and it was always called this even as it was being live-streamed during the conference. Thanks for the clarification

    • @maryahhaidery7986
      @maryahhaidery7986 Год назад

      @@Mr.Witness I don’t know you or what you’re goal is, so forgive me if I pass on that.
      I’m in the midst an extensive project revealing evidence to support their chronic self-deception, rationalizations, hypocrisies, carelessness, exploitation, indifference to the consequences of their actions and complete refusal to engage in any serious criticism of Rand and her philosophy.
      I don’t know how long it will take because I am unwell much of the time and listening to them takes a great deal out of me but I feel I owe it to young people who might be bamboozled by their BS and suffer unknown damage as a result. Meanwhile there are more important things Im working on like like helping organizations fight the menace of Trump and Trumpism and the utterly unethical dishonest selfish, craven, cowards in the government and the right wing media ecosystem who refuse to denounce him or tacitly or openly support him and his crazy policies. I have two children. And I love the idea of America (though I don’t think it’s “capitalism” that’s makes it as fucking exceptional as Randians like to think it is - I think it’s the mixture that can only come from a diversity of people, ideas and perspectives. Anyway, I want my children to grow up to know what America can be when it realizes why it’s great so I have to fight the things that are trying to destroy it. Trump and the right are #1. ARI and Rand are #2 - though that’s more of a personal crusade.

  • @drstrangelove09
    @drstrangelove09 2 года назад

    we're in a financial crisis right now

    • @BeefT-Sq
      @BeefT-Sq 2 года назад

      Quick ! Print more money . 😉

  • @drstrangelove09
    @drstrangelove09 2 года назад

    for Yaron, maybe if he wasn't one of those typical TDS people like all the other "public intellectuals"?

    • @BeefT-Sq
      @BeefT-Sq 2 года назад

      If ARI leaders like him want to spread the word, they can do more than give speeches . How about forming a coalition of groups that agree to share ideas and set some common goals such as defending constitutional rights and law enforcement . You can start by contacting Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership ...