I love this kind of lecture on live steam Eventually, I can be able to get speak more natural way in conversation with family and friends. Which is quite exciting for me. 선생님 번개강의 듣고 따라하면서 50대중반인 저도 무언가 머리속에서 정리가 되면서 할수 있을것 같은 약간의 자신감과 희망을 가지게 되었네요 선생님 진심으로 감사드립니다!!
감각동사 활용을 많이 안해서 I think ~ 썼던게 마치 제 얘기 같이 느껴졌어요 ^^ 썼었던 문장들을 다시 보니까 감각동사를 활용하는게 자연스러운 상황인것 같은게 꽤 되는것 같아요. ( 독백: 실전에서 빨리 나오게 더 익숙해져야 겠다 , 뭔가 펼쳐져 있는 조각들이 많아졌지만 정리가 되지 않은 느낌이다 ) 1. I felt like it was my story ( I felt as if it was my story) < 내 얘기 같았어, 마치 내 얘기처럼 느꼈어 > 내 얘기=my story? 한국식 표현? 뭔가 좀 음 2. It looked like the sentence (that) i had written < 그 문장(i think~ 로 시작하는) 내가 썼었떤 문장 (보기에) 같았어 > 3. I feel like i need to get used to it more < 더 익숙해지는게 필요한것 같아(느꼈어) > 4. It sounds like a lie < 거짓말 같은데(듣기에) > 5. It sounds like the song is a soft rock < 그 노래 발라드 같네(듣기에) > 6. A: Hey, what kind of music do you like listening to? < 어떤 음악 듣는거 좋아해? ? > B: Umm, I mostly listen to soft rocks but I feel like Red hat teacher likes hiphops < 주로 발라드 듣는데, 빨모쌤은 힙합 좋아하는 것 같아(느끼기에) > 7. A: Hey, where did you get the shoes < 그 신발 어디서 샀어 > B: I got them from online last week < 지난주에 쿠팡에서 샀어> A: they look really cool and comfortable to wear in the summer < 여름에 신기에 정말 시원하고 편할것 같아 (편해 보여) > 8. It's been already 5 years since the puppy (that) my mother raised for the first time died but I feel like it hasn't been very long since then. < 엄마가 처음 키웠던 그 강아지가 죽은지 벌써 5년 됐는데, 그후로 얼마 안 됀것 같아 (느껴져) > 9. A:Hey, this ice cream (that) you bought yesterday tastes pretty soft < 니가 어제 사온 이 아이스크림 꽤 부드럽네(~맛이네) > Do you want some? < 좀 먹을래? > B: I'm ok ( No thanks, i'm good ) < 아니 난 괜찮아 > 10. A: Hey, when did you wash your feet? < 발 언제 씼었어? > B: well, I'm exactly sure when i washed them , why? < 글쎄, 언제 씼어는지 확실히 모르겠는데 왜? > A: Oh~ god , how can they smell like rotten fishes? < 오~갓, 어떻게 발에서 썩은생선 냄새가 날수 있지? > B: what? ( 킁킁, 자기 발 냄새를 맡으면서,) Are you kidding me? I can't smell like anything A: LOL< ㅎㅎ >
It looks like you have enough passion . That banana looks perfactly ripe, exactly how I really want it for eating. It looks a little dirty. That banana looks too ripe. Those cars look like they've been there for a very long time. That stamp looks like it's been used for a very long time. Is that a cereal? That looks a porridge. It looks like it'll be hard to design. It doesn't look very good to eat. It feels a little tough. It looks a little dirty. It looks like it's a waste to use it. It doesn't look like you use it very often. It doesn't look like you drink very often. It doesn't look like you hang out with your kids very often. It doesn't look like you are good at homemaking.
I don't know the weather because I didn't leave my house all day. But it must have been cold outside. Because the weather is cold these days. 감각동사 + like 명사/ like 풀센텐스/ 형용사 (같은 바나나로 비교할 거면 look x.) That stamp looks expensive. (형용사) That stamp looks a little old. (형용사) That stamp looks like a lipstick. (like 명사) 한번도 안 쓴거 같은데? It looks like you've never used it. (like 풀센텐스) It looks really dry. (형용사) It looks like It'll be hard to wash. (like 풀센텐스) It feels tougher than it looks. It looks really useful. (형용사) It doesn't look like you use it very often. It doesn't look like she uses it very often. It looks like you don't use it very often. Q. How long has it been there? It's been sitting here for a couple of hours. Q. "What type of brush is that?" (그거 무슨 붓이에요?) What is that brush (used) for? I had it for a while. (오랫동안 가지고 있었다) 작은 디테일에 얽매이면 말을 할 수 없음 That banana looks like something I don't want to eat. (like 풀센텐스 ?) That mask design looks like something I've seen a lot. (like 풀센텐스 ?) That food in the cup looks like mashed potatoes. (like 명사) That mask looks really common. (형용사) It looks hard to wash. (형용사) ? That brush looks like 훈장님 would use it. It doesn't look like someone used it. It looks like someone didn't use it.
That gorilla looks just like you. 🦍 *시리얼볼 🥣 How long has that been there? It's been sitting here for a couple of hours. It looks like it'll be hard to wash. [이를비] It looks like porridge. *브러쉬 🖌 What kind of brush is that? 그게 무슨 붓이야? What is that brush for? 그 붓 무슨 용도야? Does it feel soft? It feels tougher than looks. (soft의 반대 tough) It looks very useful. It doesn't look like you use it very often. It doesn't look like she uses it very often.[유zizit] *사탕 🍬 저거 사탕이야? (도 제대로 못하는 토들러ㅠㅠ) Are those candies? Yes, they are. It looks like you already ate one. [유 어-뤠리 에이 원] 맛있어? Are they good? / Is it good? *헤드폰 🎧 They don't look that expensive. It looks like you've used them for quite some time. *라방 앞으로 아무때나 하신다는 소식에 It sounds like a very good idea. *마스크 😷 It looks like a new one. Try it on. It looks more comfortable than the one I have. *끝내기 아쉬워요~~ I wish keep going! 앞부분은 못들어서 아쉬워요ㅠㅠ 너무 감사합니다!!
강의 내용도 늘 훌륭하지만, 영상 퀄리티 역시 좋아요를 백번 천번 누르고 싶을만큼 넘 좋은거 같아요. 음악적 감각도 남다르신거 같고.. 진짜 짱입니다!!!
준비물까지…. 너무 멋지세요!!!!
오늘도 샘과함께 열공중이네요~~
다시봐도 너무 재밌어요.감각동사 늘 헷갈렸는데 조금 자신이 붙는것 같아요😊
you're incredible❗️thank you hard much. have a nice weekend😄
말씀도 너무 예쁘게 하셔서 더욱 더 도움이 됩니다.
쌤, 너무 감사드려요! 이렇게 하나의 표현을 마스터하기 위한 노력으로 긴 시간 할애해주시는 강의 정말 너무 좋네요. 앞으로도 이런 강의 자주 자주 부탁드릴게요! 선생님 정말 최고에요!
오늘도 복습하고 갑니다
항상 감사합니다~~
진짜로 뼈때리는 명강의 마음같아선 매일 했으면 좋겠지만 하고 싶을때만?? 하신다니깐 그래도 일주일에 최소 두번은 해주 세 요 ㅇ~~!~!~!
I think he needs some rest and time to prepare for better lesson for us. Let him do just whatever he likes.^^
매일 아침마다 조깅하면서 귀로 듣습니다
좋은 강의 감사합니다
I love this kind of lecture on live steam
Eventually, I can be able to get speak more natural way in conversation with family and friends.
Which is quite exciting for me.
선생님 번개강의 듣고 따라하면서
50대중반인 저도 무언가 머리속에서 정리가 되면서 할수
있을것 같은 약간의 자신감과
희망을 가지게 되었네요
선생님 진심으로 감사드립니다!!
감사합니다 존경합니다!
알고있어도 입이 안떨어지는, 상황끝나고남 항상 아~~이렇게할걸!! ,
영어사용할기회가 잘없어 눈으로만 공부해오던 깝깝했었던 저에게는 넘재밌는 강의..^^
그런맘을 잘이해해주고 긁어주는 아주 현실적인 강의방식인거 같아요.
It looks like a perfect lecture.
(완벽한강의인거 같아요!)
It seems ~ / I think~
뭘 선택해야될지???
1:08:43 2:01:53 내 생애 고릴라 두번 받은 라방!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 킵해놔야쥐
감각동사 활용을 많이 안해서 I think ~ 썼던게 마치 제 얘기 같이 느껴졌어요 ^^ 썼었던 문장들을 다시 보니까 감각동사를 활용하는게 자연스러운 상황인것 같은게 꽤 되는것 같아요. ( 독백: 실전에서 빨리 나오게 더 익숙해져야 겠다 , 뭔가 펼쳐져 있는 조각들이 많아졌지만 정리가 되지 않은 느낌이다 )
1. I felt like it was my story ( I felt as if it was my story) < 내 얘기 같았어, 마치 내 얘기처럼 느꼈어 > 내 얘기=my story? 한국식 표현? 뭔가 좀 음
2. It looked like the sentence (that) i had written < 그 문장(i think~ 로 시작하는) 내가 썼었떤 문장 (보기에) 같았어 >
3. I feel like i need to get used to it more < 더 익숙해지는게 필요한것 같아(느꼈어) >
4. It sounds like a lie < 거짓말 같은데(듣기에) >
5. It sounds like the song is a soft rock < 그 노래 발라드 같네(듣기에) >
6. A: Hey, what kind of music do you like listening to? < 어떤 음악 듣는거 좋아해? ? >
B: Umm, I mostly listen to soft rocks but I feel like Red hat teacher likes hiphops < 주로 발라드 듣는데, 빨모쌤은 힙합 좋아하는 것 같아(느끼기에) >
7. A: Hey, where did you get the shoes < 그 신발 어디서 샀어 >
B: I got them from online last week < 지난주에 쿠팡에서 샀어>
A: they look really cool and comfortable to wear in the summer < 여름에 신기에 정말 시원하고 편할것 같아 (편해 보여) >
8. It's been already 5 years since the puppy (that) my mother raised for the first time died but I feel like it hasn't been very long since then.
< 엄마가 처음 키웠던 그 강아지가 죽은지 벌써 5년 됐는데, 그후로 얼마 안 됀것 같아 (느껴져) >
9. A:Hey, this ice cream (that) you bought yesterday tastes pretty soft < 니가 어제 사온 이 아이스크림 꽤 부드럽네(~맛이네) >
Do you want some? < 좀 먹을래? >
B: I'm ok ( No thanks, i'm good ) < 아니 난 괜찮아 >
10. A: Hey, when did you wash your feet? < 발 언제 씼었어? >
B: well, I'm exactly sure when i washed them , why? < 글쎄, 언제 씼어는지 확실히 모르겠는데 왜? >
A: Oh~ god , how can they smell like rotten fishes? < 오~갓, 어떻게 발에서 썩은생선 냄새가 날수 있지? >
B: what? ( 킁킁, 자기 발 냄새를 맡으면서,) Are you kidding me? I can't smell like anything
A: LOL< ㅎㅎ >
좋아요.🤣🤣🤣하고싶을때 해주세요.
노래 나오는거 너무 귀여워요 ㅋ9분 남았음
맞아요.외모 얘기해요.그런데
외모에 대한 미의 기준이 우리와 다르긴 한것같아요.
It looks like you have enough passion .
That banana looks perfactly ripe, exactly how I really want it for eating.
It looks a little dirty.
That banana looks too ripe.
Those cars look like they've been there for a very long time.
That stamp looks like it's been used for a very long time.
Is that a cereal? That looks a porridge.
It looks like it'll be hard to design.
It doesn't look very good to eat.
It feels a little tough.
It looks a little dirty.
It looks like it's a waste to use it.
It doesn't look like you use it very often.
It doesn't look like you drink very often.
It doesn't look like you hang out with your kids very often.
It doesn't look like you are good at homemaking.
아ㅋㅋㅋ 재밌어요 수업
너무 뵙고싶었어요 플로리다에요
That banana looks like smiling at me.
I don't know the weather because I didn't leave my house all day.
But it must have been cold outside. Because the weather is cold these days.
감각동사 + like 명사/ like 풀센텐스/ 형용사
(같은 바나나로 비교할 거면 look x.)
That stamp looks expensive. (형용사)
That stamp looks a little old. (형용사)
That stamp looks like a lipstick. (like 명사)
한번도 안 쓴거 같은데?
It looks like you've never used it. (like 풀센텐스)
It looks really dry. (형용사)
It looks like It'll be hard to wash. (like 풀센텐스)
It feels tougher than it looks.
It looks really useful. (형용사)
It doesn't look like you use it very often.
It doesn't look like she uses it very often.
It looks like you don't use it very often.
Q. How long has it been there?
It's been sitting here for a couple of hours.
Q. "What type of brush is that?" (그거 무슨 붓이에요?)
What is that brush (used) for?
I had it for a while. (오랫동안 가지고 있었다)
작은 디테일에 얽매이면 말을 할 수 없음
That banana looks like something I don't want to eat. (like 풀센텐스 ?)
That mask design looks like something I've seen a lot. (like 풀센텐스 ?)
That food in the cup looks like mashed potatoes. (like 명사)
That mask looks really common. (형용사)
It looks hard to wash. (형용사)
? That brush looks like 훈장님 would use it.
It doesn't look like someone used it.
It looks like someone didn't use it.
That banana looks like it's been ( lying) there for several hours.
sitting 대신에 lying 가능한가요??
That 's sounds ~~
That sounds~~
의 차이가 있을까요~?.
초반부에 쌤이 사용하신 표현중에서
that's 오타예요 ㅎㅎ that 이 맞아요
한참 지나서 그냥 올려봅니다.
It looks just like the banana she gave me yesterday.
고릴라 소리도 켜주시징
성형 성형수술에 대한것도 해주시면 안될까용
That gorilla looks just like you. 🦍
*시리얼볼 🥣
How long has that been there?
It's been sitting here for a couple of hours.
It looks like it'll be hard to wash. [이를비]
It looks like porridge.
*브러쉬 🖌
What kind of brush is that? 그게 무슨 붓이야?
What is that brush for? 그 붓 무슨 용도야?
Does it feel soft?
It feels tougher than looks. (soft의 반대 tough)
It looks very useful.
It doesn't look like you use it very often.
It doesn't look like she uses it very often.[유zizit]
*사탕 🍬
저거 사탕이야? (도 제대로 못하는 토들러ㅠㅠ)
Are those candies?
Yes, they are.
It looks like you already ate one. [유 어-뤠리 에이 원]
Are they good? / Is it good?
*헤드폰 🎧
They don't look that expensive.
It looks like you've used them for quite some time.
*라방 앞으로 아무때나 하신다는 소식에
It sounds like a very good idea.
*마스크 😷
It looks like a new one.
Try it on.
It looks more comfortable than the one I have.
*끝내기 아쉬워요~~
I wish keep going!
앞부분은 못들어서 아쉬워요ㅠㅠ
너무 감사합니다!!
끝내기 아쉬워요 I wish we could keep going. 이라고 하신 것 같아요
정리해주셔서 감사합니다.
감사합니다 👍
정리요약까지 깔끔하게 잘 해주셔서 감사드립니다 !!