Which Path of Titans videos would you all like to see next? ⬇⬇⬇ More videos coming soon! This one took extra long to make so I hope you all enjoy! (Edit) I totally forgot to include subspecies in my build! I would recommend acceleration as my top pick, second best is heal rate. The bleed subspecies is terrible, don’t use it! (Unfortunately bleed looks the best though)
Would it be possible to do a video analyzing the charge attack changes like, like how long you have to charge to do full damage and the lowest damage you do when not charging long enough. Possibly even a guide to pycno as I feel the charge changes have made it a bit harder to play effectively.
Now THIS, is the kind of guide I’m looking for. Not only featuring a build with logical reasons why you should use it compared to others (that Hunters Instinct plus the Hide is genius), and combat guide featuring various types of dinos you may encounter and how to fight them, but also ways you can escape if need be. Add that with the edited in slowed down replays, stat speed sheet breakdown, and pointing out those tips like the break checks, makes this one of the best, if not the best, guides I’ve seen. Well explained, well edited, well constructed. 100% subscribing, I’ll be keeping an eye out for more of these.
This is the best and most in-depth guide I’ve seen on Path of Titans. Best build, explanations for it, stat breakdowns, tips, and replays. This guide is amazing! Fantastic video!
Great Achille video, I prefer playing Achille, and the jump/kick/pounce trick to make distance is something I've never thought of. It helps alot, really boosted my successful hunt percentage.
Dang, this is a great guide! I knew some of it, but it helped clarify some questions I had. I am hoping to put it to use and get better with my Achillo! Thanks for the tips!
Ok some thoughts after playing this build: -5% run speed is great for traveling but once combat starts it’s useless. But we spend so much time traveling so it can be useful. - raptor strikes is good for fighting other Achillos but I have a hard time when using claw to fight raptors likely because of the hit box. Reg bite hit box is still not the best but I can do some damage when jumped by small stuff. - raptor packs greater than 4 or 5 I have a hard time because of pounce and the Achillos slow run speed. I usually kill 1 or 2 but end up dead every time. Just reminds me this ain’t a solo game. Again if the hit box was a little better I could bit while they are pounced but I end up bucking just to get pounced again. So far that’s the only place I’m stumped but I guess it is reasonable to lose a 5 on 1. Achillos needs better hit box is my end note here.
Loved the guide it was so well informed and helpful. Same advice I would give any Achillo player. I definitely would like to see a Alio guide. While not technically good I still think Alio has a place in the meta that being a good Raptor counter(Yes even Achillo if played well) It’s an underrated playable right now. It’s so good at chasing down weakened opponents as well and very good at ambush and hit and run. Just want some love shown for my speedy Tyrannosaur it deserves some
Very good guide, my only small gripe is no mention of the subspecies and the pros and cons. I personally go for acceleration to quickly get into my ambushes or to bolt after a pounce but curious on your thoughts.
You’re right, it’s the one thing I totally forgot to mention lol. I also recommend and use acceleration sub. Very helpful for moving post pounce (like you said) or if you happen to get caught/stopped on janky terrain in a fight
@@mixtapegamer7788 I’d say pretty similarly so far. Achillo is still quite good against other mid and small tiers and can still be good against apexes as well, you just have to be a bit more careful now that you have less hp
A while ago a buddy on panjura official told me to use shred, regarding it as "the best."But its so bad at fighting other achillos and mid tiers. I eventually switched to raptor strikes and I saw this video today, the day after I swapped. Now I see how strong it is. Thank you for this build, first thing I'm doing is hitting the hc.
Glad it helped! Shred is neat, but I was just explaining to another commenter what you just said - without raptor strikes, you’ll lose to any mid tier player who knows what they’re doing. It makes life soo much easier running it. People always seem to underestimate it, it has the highest dps of all achillo’s attacks by a mile!
Yessir! Btw, what is the best camouflage skin for achillo in panjura? I've wondered what would be helpful to sneak up on prey to quickly stack raptor strikes and vulture isn't doing the job.
@@DaMoose-ng6xz That's a tough one... Achillo doesn't really have many good camo skins, most of them looks like parrots lol. Maybe trogon with the all the greens and dark colors might work? You can also make a more beige/green combo as well
as a pachy main, achillo is most definitely a good challenge to deal with. maybe not as much as a cerato, but every fight i’ve had with an achillo has been pretty intense. generally i try to bait attacks from achillos that try to facetank, but, dang does that claw have range lol
Very helpful as I duo an Achillo with a friend of mine. I picked bleed subspecies because it was pretty and well bleeding out an enemy sounded good. lol Does bleed have a big disadvantage in PvP? If it was mentioned in the video, sorry. It’s a lot of information, but it’s the best Achillo survival/ attack guide out there.
Thank you! The abilities here are a little out-dated as achillo has changed since, but bleed is quite good in PvP. Achillo's ripping kick just got a bleed damage buff, so you have a better reason to run the bleed sub now (ripping kick is achillo's only bleed ability so previously this sub didn't have much use). I still think acceleration sub is the best for PvP, but it definitely looks the worst! Bleed sub is pretty
@ Very cool! It’s good to hear that my favorite feathered dino got a buff for it. I’m always excited to play it. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!
@@_DEX_- There’s a whole raptor buffing kit the devs tried to force on achillo - I personally do not like it. I’d rather play achillo with other achillos! And I don’t believe there are raptor buffs (like night stalker) that raptors can use to buff achillo either
Very good vid Khan well done! Very informative. I did make a Achillo pvp vid, and in that I use normal bite, I prefer it to raptor strikes now after the update. It saves stacking up and they buffed the cooldown so it's quick enough to spam.
Has survival of the fittest always been a solo only ability? Wanted to make this build but play with friends a decent amount and nobody runs raptors so this seemed perfect but I guess the only useful ability is hollow bones?
It has, and you can still use it with a friend, you just have to ungroup during combat. It’s a little annoying but that’s what I usually do. Hollow bones would be the next best pick but it’s a lot less useful than SotF overall
Dying isn't the best way to understand, playing is. You might die figuring it out though. If you die, try to reflect on what you could have done better in that fight. To answer your question: By playing carefully. The tips needed to deal with multiple opponents at once are all in this video :) I'd target the megs. If you get venomed, you get 10% faster. See what you can isolate from their group. Focus on one target. Megs are always easy kills on achillo if they aren't near water. If you get overwhelmed, retreat to an exit point nearby like I talked about in the video. None of the dinos you listed can jump well, so you'll be safe up on something like a boulder where you can jump up but they can't reach
@@lilianavazquez5534 Really situational. Raptor strikes is best used if you have the opportunity to tail ride or ramp on something without taking much damage (especially other mid tiers). Claw attack is most frequently used if you are hit and running on larger tiers or defending from small tiers like I said in the video.
A fellow speed boost enjoyer! It’s definitely more “off meta” than what most people would run I’d say, but I think it’s definitely the best if you’re running solo/small groups. I like brining somewhat different builds to the table :)
I just got back into the game after a 3 week break. This is the build I been using since the start as well. I only came to this video to seen the changes on ripping kick cause ik they changed it in the time I was gone, but despite that this has been my main build I just don’t waste time on pounce😂😂
@@Eli-akad Ripping kick for conc changed, achillo’s hasn’t. It’s still really low bleed and damage, mostly just a movement ability or a short heal blocker. Pounce is also super good for movement (better than ripping kick) so don’t underestimate it for that!
@@Khanware I remember they increased the cooldown temporarily. I personally feel as ripping kick is a solid move option. I also found it’s ok when getting pounced by raptors as in extended fights that small amounts of tick damage adds up. I’ll consider using pounce, I just used the other move as it’s lower cooldown allowed me to utilize to much more effectively than pounce alone
@@Eli-akad Yeah they changed the cool down back to normal, that was just a temp bandaid fix for an issue. Kick is definitely spammable and good in fights, pounce is useful for catching up to or escaping stuff across big jumps like rivers or cliffs. The both have their own niche :)
so in ur opinion is achillo still good to run? im new but i rlly like raptors im on offical and i was also wondering what type like the bleed bonus acceleration or whats best?
It's still pretty decent, the hp did get nerfed not that long back so you have to be a bit more careful in fights. However, its raptor buffing calls got a bunch of buffs recently so if you're playing with a raptor group, achillo can provide a lot of support. In terms of sub, acceleration is still the best imo. The bleed sub isn't super viable because achillo only has 1 ability that actually causes bleed (ripping kick)
Not sure, if it did it was a while back. Keep in mind this is just base speed, so it doesn’t factor in things like speed hide and such. I believe pachy has speed hide and pycno doesn’t
tip from achi player, prioritize jumping over dinos that are smaller than you, this gives a massive advantage to get free tailrides and dodging hits perfectly works best against megs and ceras and its hilarious
You can definitely pull this off. However, you have to be really careful doing this, especially against larger groups because if you get stuck or bump them as you go over, you could die very fast. It’s risky, but my favorite time to do this is over lunging sarcos that fly out of the water trying to grab you lol
@@Khanware i have a question, isnt the normal bite better than raptor strikes? I personally think it differs on playstyles because raptor strikes needs a very aggressive playstyle while mines very evasive with achi
@@babibolonian9680 Raptor strikes is actually better. You can easily win a 1v1 if you’re running raptor strikes and the other achillo is on default bite. The achillo section of my most recent video showcases why raptor strikes is so good against other achillos (and smaller mid tiers). The reason you should never run default bite is because claw attack does superior damage for hit and running. So there’s never really a good scenario where you would use both sequentially; you’re most often just going to use one or the other, in which case claw attack is better cause it does more damage. If you’re face tanking or have time to land multiple hits, raptor strikes far out dps’s both default bite and claw attack, so there’s no reason to run default imo :) Hope that makes sense!
Oof I'm so bad at combat in this game. On PC what do you have precise movement bound too? Tried a deathmatch server and died like 10 times and maybe got 1 kill. I was sprinting all the time, didn't really feel like I could walk
I use left alt for precise move. Easy key to reach with your thumb. Sometimes you just have to sprint, it's obviously situation dependent :) It'll all come with practice! I don't play deathmatch, but it might be a tough place to learn distancing and timing, etc. I imagine people won't care much about dying so people will play much more aggressive/less smart. I learned all my combat skills on official servers. Obviously more risk, but more people play more cautiously more often
Totally misread your comment, I thought you said tanking lol. Taking on anos is tough in their current state because knockback no longer knocks them out of hunker. The only guaranteed way to kill them is to pick them up with a sarco. Otherwise, you just have to hope they leave hunker and come after you so you can land a few hits, or wait nearby them until they get too hungry/thirsty and have to move
Honestly no clue off the top of my head lol, and I believe I’ve shed since this video. I picked a lot of the brighter greens/yellows though. As for the pattern, it’s the one with the darker face. The other two have a bright beak iirc
@@HumanInstrumentalityProject Achillo is still pretty good, it lost some hp though so you have to be a bit more careful. I haven't seen many currently on officials though, probably because pycno is running rampant rn. You can still kill a pyc on achillo, you just gotta be careful not to be overwhelmed because pyc deals more damage/is faster/has more stam. Achillo can still escape down/up cliffs though :)
OMG I FOUGHT THAT GROUP the other day when I joined u guys with my brother. 9:40 I nearly killed the sty and pachy but killed the iggy it looks like they just way stoned him. Then on my to the hc I panicked and attacked a spino on my spino when I wast full hp then died
@@zx6r502 I run acceleration. It looks the worst but you never know when your toe might catch an invisible rock hitbox and suddenly stop you lol. I’ve found it helpful
I’m not sure about that, but they did make shadow changes to a handful of dinos recently. I haven’t played achillo in a little so I’ll have to take a look
@@chris_chaos7061 did you equip it while in a home cave? You can’t equip abilities outside of a home cave. You also have to be in the air to use pounce (jump then pounce, etc), maybe that’s it? Other than that, I’m not sure what the issue would be
i don't get it why raptor strikes? at full stack's they deal 5 less damage than bite also shred is so busted for damage it deal's so much damage if you can pounce onto something it's amazing ( ofc keep in mind it's my opinion but i don't really see where raptor strikes would shine tho)
Raptor strikes because if you run shred or default bite, you lose every 1v1 with a player that knows what they’re doing on mid tiers. Raptor strikes gives you the ability to easily kill megs, ceratos, other achillos, styrs, etc. Raptor strikes is achillo’s highest dps ability by a mile. Everyone always underestimates it
@@Khanware yeah u prob right and i do agree for thing's you'r size it's very good but for thing's like allo,pycno,rex,sucho etc that size it ain't that good cuz u can't stay in as long
@@tomaszszyjanowicz2650 it just gives you all round best kit for any situation. On larger opponents, as I said in the video, I tend to use hit and run with claw attack. You can still do it with raptor strikes too if you think you’ll need your 5 stack to deal with a small opponent in a big fight or something
There are no official mods (made by the devs), only community mods as far as I know. The devs do endorse community mods though. Everything featured in my videos is vanilla/official servers.
Why is my Achillo getting out ran by literally everything. I’m not even able to outrun a Sucho. It’s feels like they’re cheating because everyone is faster than me. What’s going on?
Achillo is 1050 speed and sucho is only 950, so can't catch you. But if one starts close to you, it'll take some seconds before you can pull away as 100 speed difference isn't too much. Lots of things are faster than achillo currently which is why I run SOTF and Hunters Instinct to try and offset that a little bit
@ idk I just made a new one in the solo server and the first T. rex that tried to get me, I pulled a reverse and was on his tail immediately. Got a few bites and he ran away. I was still a juvenile. In official servers I’m grown and can’t do anything. Something is fishy.
@ well something is definitely fishy because rexes aren’t in solo mode lol. Keep in mind terrain can boost downhill movement a little, and creatures with larger stride will move a little differently than smaller ones in my experience
@ ya know, it could be that I’m new and just confused about what exactly is happening, but when I say T. Rex, I mean all tyranasaurus. Anyway in solos, it seems better so maybe being ganged up on made me feel like they were faster than they were.
I tried to give Raptor Strikes a genuine try, but the first fight I got into it was the one part of my build that got me killed. Granted, it was on a server with mod dinos so that could play a part in it, but in my experience Raptor Strikes is really hard to maintain 5 stacks for on anything that isn't trying to facetank you because Achillo doesn't have the best turning. Against things that don't do bleed or venom the Survival hide doesn't do anything and against things that are faster than your base speed the speed sense doesn't do anything either. Personally I'm going to stick with the regular bite
Raptor strikes is quite good. I find it pretty easy to stack on large and small opponents alike if needed. Thing is, default bite is just bad either way you spin it simply because, theoretically, you should never need to use it. If you’re hit and running, claw attack is more effective because it does more damage than default bite, so it should always be used instead. If you have a chance to hit multiple times (aka both claws and bite), most of the time you should just be stacking and maintaining raptor strikes instead. Plus, an achillo with raptor strikes always out dps’s an achillo with default bite. It’s a free kill against most other small mid tiers if you utilize it properly
I don't think this is true... Unless the only thing you are fighting on achillo is struths. You don't need the bite for anything larger than small tiers. It does less damage than claw attack, which should be used for all hit and run scenarios instead. You won't have time against mid/large tiers to use both default bite and claw attack, so you're always just going to use claws cause it hits harder. Plus, raptor strikes makes for fine hit and run-ability as is. At max stack, you have only 5 less damage than default bite, and you can easily hit and run with it if you need an ability with a faster animation than claw attack as 10 seconds until your stack drains is plenty of time to land another hit playing hit and run
It’s not up to date as this guide was made a while ago (check the date). It’s not a lie. Achillo’s speed hasn’t changed, it’s 1050. Other creatures have gotten various speed buffs/nerfs. The only thing speed wise that’s changed about achillo is the fact that survival of the fittest only does a 5% speed boost now instead of a 10%.
Which Path of Titans videos would you all like to see next? ⬇⬇⬇ More videos coming soon! This one took extra long to make so I hope you all enjoy!
(Edit) I totally forgot to include subspecies in my build! I would recommend acceleration as my top pick, second best is heal rate. The bleed subspecies is terrible, don’t use it! (Unfortunately bleed looks the best though)
Khanware W achillo build I’ve alr been running same one since achillo came out and it’s awesome
(Except for the sense spot I like lone hunter,I’m a solo achillo B))
Thanks! Yeah both work great, lone hunter is definitely a good option as well
Would it be possible to do a video analyzing the charge attack changes like, like how long you have to charge to do full damage and the lowest damage you do when not charging long enough.
Possibly even a guide to pycno as I feel the charge changes have made it a bit harder to play effectively.
Now THIS, is the kind of guide I’m looking for. Not only featuring a build with logical reasons why you should use it compared to others (that Hunters Instinct plus the Hide is genius), and combat guide featuring various types of dinos you may encounter and how to fight them, but also ways you can escape if need be. Add that with the edited in slowed down replays, stat speed sheet breakdown, and pointing out those tips like the break checks, makes this one of the best, if not the best, guides I’ve seen.
Well explained, well edited, well constructed. 100% subscribing, I’ll be keeping an eye out for more of these.
Thank you! I usually make shorter videos so this was a bit of an experiment for me
3:08 HATZ BACKFLIP ❗❗❗❗❗
Hatz Ragdolls are pure gold
This build is so underrated, makes achillo the most survivable dino in the game aside from fliers and struth.
This is very well made, great job bro
Our life's just got 10× better. CAUSE THE *KING* POSTED
Nice profile pick
This is the best and most in-depth guide I’ve seen on Path of Titans. Best build, explanations for it, stat breakdowns, tips, and replays. This guide is amazing! Fantastic video!
Thank you!
Soo much info in one video! I’ll definitely be coming back to reference this one! Thanks!😊
It’s like 5 of my usual videos in one lol
One more tip: stegos charge tail can still hit you even in the front of it, so be careful pouncing stegos that try to charge tail you while pounced
It’s true! Although half the stegs don’t even seem to know that lol
By far the best guide I have ever seen on a PoT creature! Can't wait to practice Achillo, thanks!
I saw the other comment and I want to nickname you KING KHAN now. That's probably a name of an emperor from a gazillion years ago but idk
Good choice...
Ghengis Khan lol, he was a Mongolian leader. He didn't make good vids like khan does tho
Not exactly where I drew my name inspiration from but I’ll take it 😂
Who knows maybe he made edits abt his empire lmao@@EthanCD3107
thanks for the tip about the precise move brake check, been struggling against tail riders for a while.
Happy to help!
I've been looking for good current PoT videos today and I don't know why it took so long for youtube to show me yours but I'm happy now.
I’ve only been uploading PoT content for a couple months, could be why. Welcome to the community!
Great Achille video, I prefer playing Achille, and the jump/kick/pounce trick to make distance is something I've never thought of. It helps alot, really boosted my successful hunt percentage.
Dang, this is a great guide! I knew some of it, but it helped clarify some questions I had. I am hoping to put it to use and get better with my Achillo! Thanks for the tips!
I love the way you do best build videos. I'd really like to see more of them, especially for mods like Utah!
Ok some thoughts after playing this build:
-5% run speed is great for traveling but once combat starts it’s useless. But we spend so much time traveling so it can be useful.
- raptor strikes is good for fighting other Achillos but I have a hard time when using claw to fight raptors likely because of the hit box. Reg bite hit box is still not the best but I can do some damage when jumped by small stuff.
- raptor packs greater than 4 or 5 I have a hard time because of pounce and the Achillos slow run speed. I usually kill 1 or 2 but end up dead every time. Just reminds me this ain’t a solo game. Again if the hit box was a little better I could bit while they are pounced but I end up bucking just to get pounced again. So far that’s the only place I’m stumped but I guess it is reasonable to lose a 5 on 1.
Achillos needs better hit box is my end note here.
I use the brake-check move so much. It helps a TON.
Loved the guide it was so well informed and helpful. Same advice I would give any Achillo player. I definitely would like to see a Alio guide. While not technically good I still think Alio has a place in the meta that being a good Raptor counter(Yes even Achillo if played well) It’s an underrated playable right now. It’s so good at chasing down weakened opponents as well and very good at ambush and hit and run. Just want some love shown for my speedy Tyrannosaur it deserves some
Alio used to be the tail ride king. Sky was the limit. Still sad it got hit so hard with nerfs
@@Khanwareso true but still it has a place in the meta though just a very niche place right now
This rilly help since I’ve only played acilo 1s
Thank you great video as always !
Very good guide, my only small gripe is no mention of the subspecies and the pros and cons. I personally go for acceleration to quickly get into my ambushes or to bolt after a pounce but curious on your thoughts.
You’re right, it’s the one thing I totally forgot to mention lol. I also recommend and use acceleration sub. Very helpful for moving post pounce (like you said) or if you happen to get caught/stopped on janky terrain in a fight
I'm curious how this build stacks up after the changes to ripping kick and and survival of the fittest. Looking forward to seeing it
@@mixtapegamer7788 I’d say pretty similarly so far. Achillo is still quite good against other mid and small tiers and can still be good against apexes as well, you just have to be a bit more careful now that you have less hp
A while ago a buddy on panjura official told me to use shred, regarding it as "the best."But its so bad at fighting other achillos and mid tiers. I eventually switched to raptor strikes and I saw this video today, the day after I swapped. Now I see how strong it is. Thank you for this build, first thing I'm doing is hitting the hc.
Glad it helped! Shred is neat, but I was just explaining to another commenter what you just said - without raptor strikes, you’ll lose to any mid tier player who knows what they’re doing. It makes life soo much easier running it. People always seem to underestimate it, it has the highest dps of all achillo’s attacks by a mile!
Yessir! Btw, what is the best camouflage skin for achillo in panjura? I've wondered what would be helpful to sneak up on prey to quickly stack raptor strikes and vulture isn't doing the job.
@@DaMoose-ng6xz That's a tough one... Achillo doesn't really have many good camo skins, most of them looks like parrots lol. Maybe trogon with the all the greens and dark colors might work? You can also make a more beige/green combo as well
Ok, I'll try it out! Thank you!
as a pachy main, achillo is most definitely a good challenge to deal with. maybe not as much as a cerato, but every fight i’ve had with an achillo has been pretty intense. generally i try to bait attacks from achillos that try to facetank, but, dang does that claw have range lol
Very helpful as I duo an Achillo with a friend of mine. I picked bleed subspecies because it was pretty and well bleeding out an enemy sounded good. lol Does bleed have a big disadvantage in PvP? If it was mentioned in the video, sorry. It’s a lot of information, but it’s the best Achillo survival/ attack guide out there.
Thank you! The abilities here are a little out-dated as achillo has changed since, but bleed is quite good in PvP. Achillo's ripping kick just got a bleed damage buff, so you have a better reason to run the bleed sub now (ripping kick is achillo's only bleed ability so previously this sub didn't have much use). I still think acceleration sub is the best for PvP, but it definitely looks the worst! Bleed sub is pretty
@ Very cool! It’s good to hear that my favorite feathered dino got a buff for it. I’m always excited to play it. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!
Yes please more! What about Laten/Achillo combination? Achillo buffs smaller raptors and I think, not sure, Laten’s Night Stalker buffs Achillo.
@@_DEX_- There’s a whole raptor buffing kit the devs tried to force on achillo - I personally do not like it. I’d rather play achillo with other achillos! And I don’t believe there are raptor buffs (like night stalker) that raptors can use to buff achillo either
Very good vid Khan well done! Very informative. I did make a Achillo pvp vid, and in that I use normal bite, I prefer it to raptor strikes now after the update. It saves stacking up and they buffed the cooldown so it's quick enough to spam.
Thanks! I love me some raptor strikes, I think a lot of people still under value it
Do one for pycno
I’m less familiar with pycno than achillo, but I’ll definitely consider it. It’s been requested a few times :)
Achilles is my favourite Dino rn love shredding down apexes
This was great!
13:55 i was the struthi. I knew you were low so i just went for it lol
Lol, that clip was from a while ago, ggs
@Khanware I know lol. I noticed my skin lol
Great vid
Has survival of the fittest always been a solo only ability? Wanted to make this build but play with friends a decent amount and nobody runs raptors so this seemed perfect but I guess the only useful ability is hollow bones?
It has, and you can still use it with a friend, you just have to ungroup during combat. It’s a little annoying but that’s what I usually do. Hollow bones would be the next best pick but it’s a lot less useful than SotF overall
Ik u said dying is the best way to understand but how do I deal with megs, Achilo/ styra and picnos and like mix packers who attack all at once ? 🤷♂️
Dying isn't the best way to understand, playing is. You might die figuring it out though. If you die, try to reflect on what you could have done better in that fight.
To answer your question: By playing carefully. The tips needed to deal with multiple opponents at once are all in this video :) I'd target the megs. If you get venomed, you get 10% faster. See what you can isolate from their group. Focus on one target. Megs are always easy kills on achillo if they aren't near water. If you get overwhelmed, retreat to an exit point nearby like I talked about in the video. None of the dinos you listed can jump well, so you'll be safe up on something like a boulder where you can jump up but they can't reach
@@Khanware I also have a question, does should I use raptor strikes more frequently then the claw attack?
@@lilianavazquez5534 Really situational. Raptor strikes is best used if you have the opportunity to tail ride or ramp on something without taking much damage (especially other mid tiers). Claw attack is most frequently used if you are hit and running on larger tiers or defending from small tiers like I said in the video.
Great video, thank you for all the amazing tips.
I had to agree with the video right when I saw the build, I’ve been using this exact one since Achillo release 😂
A fellow speed boost enjoyer! It’s definitely more “off meta” than what most people would run I’d say, but I think it’s definitely the best if you’re running solo/small groups. I like brining somewhat different builds to the table :)
I just got back into the game after a 3 week break. This is the build I been using since the start as well. I only came to this video to seen the changes on ripping kick cause ik they changed it in the time I was gone, but despite that this has been my main build I just don’t waste time on pounce😂😂
@@Eli-akad Ripping kick for conc changed, achillo’s hasn’t. It’s still really low bleed and damage, mostly just a movement ability or a short heal blocker. Pounce is also super good for movement (better than ripping kick) so don’t underestimate it for that!
@@Khanware I remember they increased the cooldown temporarily. I personally feel as ripping kick is a solid move option. I also found it’s ok when getting pounced by raptors as in extended fights that small amounts of tick damage adds up. I’ll consider using pounce, I just used the other move as it’s lower cooldown allowed me to utilize to much more effectively than pounce alone
@@Eli-akad Yeah they changed the cool down back to normal, that was just a temp bandaid fix for an issue. Kick is definitely spammable and good in fights, pounce is useful for catching up to or escaping stuff across big jumps like rivers or cliffs. The both have their own niche :)
Goated build video👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Very helpful now i can grow my achillo and try 💜 im solo or with a few friends so thanks
so in ur opinion is achillo still good to run? im new but i rlly like raptors im on offical and i was also wondering what type like the bleed bonus acceleration or whats best?
It's still pretty decent, the hp did get nerfed not that long back so you have to be a bit more careful in fights. However, its raptor buffing calls got a bunch of buffs recently so if you're playing with a raptor group, achillo can provide a lot of support.
In terms of sub, acceleration is still the best imo. The bleed sub isn't super viable because achillo only has 1 ability that actually causes bleed (ripping kick)
Looking at the speed chart i have a question, did pachys get a speed nerf? Since when are they slowet than pycno
Not sure, if it did it was a while back. Keep in mind this is just base speed, so it doesn’t factor in things like speed hide and such. I believe pachy has speed hide and pycno doesn’t
Can you do hatz?
tip from achi player,
prioritize jumping over dinos that are smaller than you, this gives a massive advantage to get free tailrides and dodging hits perfectly
works best against megs and ceras and its hilarious
You can definitely pull this off. However, you have to be really careful doing this, especially against larger groups because if you get stuck or bump them as you go over, you could die very fast. It’s risky, but my favorite time to do this is over lunging sarcos that fly out of the water trying to grab you lol
@@Khanware i have a question, isnt the normal bite better than raptor strikes? I personally think it differs on playstyles because raptor strikes needs a very aggressive playstyle while mines very evasive with achi
@@babibolonian9680 Raptor strikes is actually better. You can easily win a 1v1 if you’re running raptor strikes and the other achillo is on default bite. The achillo section of my most recent video showcases why raptor strikes is so good against other achillos (and smaller mid tiers). The reason you should never run default bite is because claw attack does superior damage for hit and running. So there’s never really a good scenario where you would use both sequentially; you’re most often just going to use one or the other, in which case claw attack is better cause it does more damage. If you’re face tanking or have time to land multiple hits, raptor strikes far out dps’s both default bite and claw attack, so there’s no reason to run default imo :) Hope that makes sense!
Oof I'm so bad at combat in this game.
On PC what do you have precise movement bound too?
Tried a deathmatch server and died like 10 times and maybe got 1 kill.
I was sprinting all the time, didn't really feel like I could walk
I use left alt for precise move. Easy key to reach with your thumb.
Sometimes you just have to sprint, it's obviously situation dependent :) It'll all come with practice! I don't play deathmatch, but it might be a tough place to learn distancing and timing, etc. I imagine people won't care much about dying so people will play much more aggressive/less smart. I learned all my combat skills on official servers. Obviously more risk, but more people play more cautiously more often
@@Khanware cool yeah, I made it to sub adult without dying and then got rocked 4 times in a row.
Any tips on taking on ankys
That’s what I wanna know 2
Totally misread your comment, I thought you said tanking lol. Taking on anos is tough in their current state because knockback no longer knocks them out of hunker. The only guaranteed way to kill them is to pick them up with a sarco. Otherwise, you just have to hope they leave hunker and come after you so you can land a few hits, or wait nearby them until they get too hungry/thirsty and have to move
Hey, with the skin you have here, Trogon what colours have you picked for each one and what pattern do you have?
Honestly no clue off the top of my head lol, and I believe I’ve shed since this video. I picked a lot of the brighter greens/yellows though. As for the pattern, it’s the one with the darker face. The other two have a bright beak iirc
@Khanware thank you ❤️
I need one for iggy or amarga Iggy players need to be more careful with the new health decrease and amarga is kinda a walking lunchbox
Lambeo can go from sanctuary isle to main land I did it with full water build dunking kick and paddle and water hide but 3x health regen sub specie
What about Laten?
Excelent pfp, did u use any AI? I love the image, I hope you still bringing content
Is this dino still good for solo play?
New player here and trying to find something fun for solo servers.
Do you mean the new solo modes? Or just normal official servers?
@ uhm. Let’s say both.
Official Solos and Unofficial PvP servers
@@HumanInstrumentalityProject Achillo is still pretty good, it lost some hp though so you have to be a bit more careful. I haven't seen many currently on officials though, probably because pycno is running rampant rn. You can still kill a pyc on achillo, you just gotta be careful not to be overwhelmed because pyc deals more damage/is faster/has more stam. Achillo can still escape down/up cliffs though :)
@ awesome. Thank you!
Gave you a sub too. You’re very helpful with your info.
@@HumanInstrumentalityProject Appreciate it!
OMG I FOUGHT THAT GROUP the other day when I joined u guys with my brother. 9:40 I nearly killed the sty and pachy but killed the iggy it looks like they just way stoned him. Then on my to the hc I panicked and attacked a spino on my spino when I wast full hp then died
What sub species you use?
@@zx6r502 I run acceleration. It looks the worst but you never know when your toe might catch an invisible rock hitbox and suddenly stop you lol. I’ve found it helpful
@@Khanware hmm thanks will run that
did they nerf achillo's jump height? i swear on most severs a jump build jumps so low..
I’m not sure about that, but they did make shadow changes to a handful of dinos recently. I haven’t played achillo in a little so I’ll have to take a look
I killed 10 Rex’s because of this build 😊
I have my punce ability locked and I a am an adult achillo and I dont get why it does not let me use it even on large oponents
@@chris_chaos7061 What do you mean locked? Have you purchased it?
@@Khanware yes I bought it but it stays like gray
@@chris_chaos7061 did you equip it while in a home cave? You can’t equip abilities outside of a home cave. You also have to be in the air to use pounce (jump then pounce, etc), maybe that’s it? Other than that, I’m not sure what the issue would be
@@Khanware Wow I didn’t know that thanks bro you saved me
i don't get it why raptor strikes? at full stack's they deal 5 less damage than bite also shred is so busted for damage it deal's so much damage if you can pounce onto something it's amazing ( ofc keep in mind it's my opinion but i don't really see where raptor strikes would shine tho)
Raptor strikes because if you run shred or default bite, you lose every 1v1 with a player that knows what they’re doing on mid tiers. Raptor strikes gives you the ability to easily kill megs, ceratos, other achillos, styrs, etc. Raptor strikes is achillo’s highest dps ability by a mile. Everyone always underestimates it
@@Khanware yeah u prob right and i do agree for thing's you'r size it's very good but for thing's like allo,pycno,rex,sucho etc that size it ain't that good cuz u can't stay in as long
but i'll try using raptor strikes
@@tomaszszyjanowicz2650 it just gives you all round best kit for any situation. On larger opponents, as I said in the video, I tend to use hit and run with claw attack. You can still do it with raptor strikes too if you think you’ll need your 5 stack to deal with a small opponent in a big fight or something
can someone tell me are the mods i see official? or are they just community mods that are in some community servers?
There are no official mods (made by the devs), only community mods as far as I know. The devs do endorse community mods though. Everything featured in my videos is vanilla/official servers.
@@Khanware cool just downloading the game right now
Is normal bite worse?
Yes by far, I believe I explain why in the video
Why is my Achillo getting out ran by literally everything. I’m not even able to outrun a Sucho. It’s feels like they’re cheating because everyone is faster than me. What’s going on?
Achillo is 1050 speed and sucho is only 950, so can't catch you. But if one starts close to you, it'll take some seconds before you can pull away as 100 speed difference isn't too much. Lots of things are faster than achillo currently which is why I run SOTF and Hunters Instinct to try and offset that a little bit
@ idk I just made a new one in the solo server and the first T. rex that tried to get me, I pulled a reverse and was on his tail immediately. Got a few bites and he ran away. I was still a juvenile. In official servers I’m grown and can’t do anything. Something is fishy.
@ well something is definitely fishy because rexes aren’t in solo mode lol. Keep in mind terrain can boost downhill movement a little, and creatures with larger stride will move a little differently than smaller ones in my experience
@ ya know, it could be that I’m new and just confused about what exactly is happening, but when I say T. Rex, I mean all tyranasaurus. Anyway in solos, it seems better so maybe being ganged up on made me feel like they were faster than they were.
Yeeee, abaut the water I know. There are many that are waiting to ateck you. In water.
The only use for venom these days is slightly blocking your screen, yay :D
I tried to give Raptor Strikes a genuine try, but the first fight I got into it was the one part of my build that got me killed. Granted, it was on a server with mod dinos so that could play a part in it, but in my experience Raptor Strikes is really hard to maintain 5 stacks for on anything that isn't trying to facetank you because Achillo doesn't have the best turning. Against things that don't do bleed or venom the Survival hide doesn't do anything and against things that are faster than your base speed the speed sense doesn't do anything either. Personally I'm going to stick with the regular bite
Raptor strikes is quite good. I find it pretty easy to stack on large and small opponents alike if needed. Thing is, default bite is just bad either way you spin it simply because, theoretically, you should never need to use it. If you’re hit and running, claw attack is more effective because it does more damage than default bite, so it should always be used instead. If you have a chance to hit multiple times (aka both claws and bite), most of the time you should just be stacking and maintaining raptor strikes instead. Plus, an achillo with raptor strikes always out dps’s an achillo with default bite. It’s a free kill against most other small mid tiers if you utilize it properly
The Rex is me as my spino the other day 😅😭😭😭🙏
Loll always happy to hit you up with a ws on Fridays if you need it 😂
@@Khanwaresadly I forgot to join the other day
Tf is a steer?!
It’s a Styra. I think steer is just what’s he nicknames it.
Yep, people shorten it to styr, styra, or styraco
Just tells me they need to buff venom. Lol it’s bad
You know it’s bad when you want to actively seek it out during a fight 😂
Bro I keep getting demolished by hatz
What are you playing? Achillo?
Why is your pfp a weird AI image? You should get your own pfp for your channel branding
If you are more into the hit and run playstyle for Achiilo, default bite runs better
I don't think this is true... Unless the only thing you are fighting on achillo is struths. You don't need the bite for anything larger than small tiers. It does less damage than claw attack, which should be used for all hit and run scenarios instead. You won't have time against mid/large tiers to use both default bite and claw attack, so you're always just going to use claws cause it hits harder. Plus, raptor strikes makes for fine hit and run-ability as is. At max stack, you have only 5 less damage than default bite, and you can easily hit and run with it if you need an ability with a faster animation than claw attack as 10 seconds until your stack drains is plenty of time to land another hit playing hit and run
must love the mix pack losers and 3de partys losers
The speed chart is a lie the achilo is very slow and gets beaten by basically everything
It’s not up to date as this guide was made a while ago (check the date). It’s not a lie. Achillo’s speed hasn’t changed, it’s 1050. Other creatures have gotten various speed buffs/nerfs. The only thing speed wise that’s changed about achillo is the fact that survival of the fittest only does a 5% speed boost now instead of a 10%.
broo you can’t make a pvp tutorial when you Suck at this game
Sorry have I killed you before?