What was it like being interviewed by Michael White?

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2

  • @brigwood7658
    @brigwood7658 7 лет назад

    What a wonderful little clip. Great idea/approach. Two things that sparkled for me: 1) a more general theme (partially gleaned, partially projected) of Michael ‘being there’ with you/the client/person precisely where there is new ground to stand on, a ground ripe with possibility but also a space where/when things can be scary, uncomfortable, hard to grasp/ articulate (the liminal ?) … where one could easily imagine an urge to retreat (I have this picture of someone who has earned your trust saying ‘come on in, the waters fine’. Although this analogy might also imply him being in front of you which doesn’t feel quite right). 2) Sarah’s mention of Michael point about the need for a certain periphery vision. I like this. It goes well with the po-mo view of discourses disclosing and lending focus to various things, where other things - although actually in plain sight, are ‘seen through’, serve as a background for what is foregrounded, invisible in their use (Schopenhauer/Heidegger) but which are actually there all along; and the need for us therapists to cultivate a radar of sorts (double listening, ab but implicit etc) maybe a certain ‘nocturnal vision’ (amazing what strange creatures emerge from the dark once you turn that damn light of truth out) to help break this reified crust and draw out (side shadow etc) these background aspects into our peripheral awareness/vision - yno - render the familiar strange for a moment, exoticize the domestic and all that. Anyways. I’m getting carried away now. Ha. Cheers guys.
    Brig Wood

  • @jennmooney
    @jennmooney 4 года назад

    Michael was my cousin. I only found out in the last few years but if anyone knows about Michael's parents or grandparents Id love to know. I grew up in Ireland and wished during my visits to Australia I had met him. I did write an email to him but it was about the time he went to San Diego so I never heard.