@@ichiromichael @1800 usd , it's an excellent lens w/ a convenient range of focal lengths, for paying jobs. For hobbyists this lens is too heavy to lug around the whole day. There are lighter (& cheaper?) alternatives, like the 2 f2.8 's that together cover the range 28 to 180. I'm getting the 28-200 f2.8 -5.6 which is light & good enough to complement the 17-28 (& a couple of fixed focals if necessary). Don't want to be weighed down. ( 0h, may be an extra a6 series body too !) Auto iso would fix the f/5.6 w/ flying colors (pun not intended). [ the 28-200 is already some 4 or 5 yrs old, hopefully version 2 will not be coming to market soon. ]
你好呀 有聲音 冇畫面 又可能病咗兩個禮拜 有少少出事
28-180 f/2.8仲有埋VC又真係勁到有啲假,但係鑒於前面有35-150,件事又好似得得哋喔。目前有用35-150,都好滿意,如果新鏡成像質量相若,我諗基本都會換
請問師兄有冇用嚟影event/接job? 35-150夠唔夠一般job用?
@@ichiromichael 唔好意思啊,我係個愛好者嚟,冇試過影event,不過有用嚟追星,喺機場兵荒馬亂時影,好用。日常啲攝影活動都有帶去用過,焦段確實泛用,特別喺啲唔方便換鏡嘅場合。希望幫到你
@@ichiromichael @1800 usd , it's an excellent lens w/ a convenient range of focal lengths, for paying jobs. For hobbyists this lens is too heavy to
lug around the whole day. There are lighter (& cheaper?) alternatives, like the 2 f2.8 's that together cover the range 28 to 180. I'm getting the 28-200 f2.8 -5.6 which is light & good enough to complement the 17-28 (& a couple of fixed focals if necessary). Don't want to be weighed down.
( 0h, may be an extra a6 series body too !) Auto iso would fix the f/5.6 w/ flying colors (pun not intended). [ the 28-200 is already some 4 or 5 yrs old,
hopefully version 2 will not be coming to market soon. ]
我等緊17-28 G2😊