Scientific community and US created 2 lies. Do you know the law of entropy increase(Energy transfer from high to low energy)? Scientists have said that the universe has been increasing entropy because of redshift and radiation proved. The law of entropy increase is degradation, so why do they still recognize the evolution of the universe? Lies against christ Stellar evolution is the probability of a star evolving after death, but the gravity is getting smaller and smaller (degradation), because energy and matter are diffused. The cosmic microwave background radiation and the cosmic redshift (evidence of the Big Bang) contradict the Big Bang. After the Big Bang, it is evolution, but these evidences prove that the universe has been degenerating (creationism). The scientific community is very cunning, so they say is big bang evidence Scientific community second lie: In this US self-directed acted lie alien video. 9: 20 and 10: 19 alien basically made of wool, eye made of paper. The organs reflect light because they are made of materials.видео.html&t
@@delayedcreator4783 You can't find it in Wikipedia, because it was clearly written by me. That is an old comment, I updated it. According to the law of entropy increase, the longer the time, the more serious the transition from order to disorder (degeneration), which indicates that the universe cannot evolve and can only be created by God. Scientists have discovered that the current universe is degenerating, the earth is gradually out of orbit, and many stars die. There are very few evolutions, and evolution can only form gaseous stars, not solid (earth-like) Actually, I reasoned from here Scientists say that the initial universe has the smallest entropy, but they dare not say what entropy means. The smallest entropy is the most regular. Isn't it created by God? They admit that the evolution of the universe and the initial entropy of the universe are the smallest, but the minimum entropy can only degenerate. contradictory
@@RealCraftspirit I believe the point of the video was to give in good detail what happened during these times of expansion. Not specifically all of them. Such as what exactly happened when the expansions started.
Single handedly the best, the BEST Big Bang animation I've ever seen. The one with best sense of time and space/size scales, and finally one where the explosion and first stages actually look like what's theorised, rather than just "boom, now there are galaxies"! The fact you can actually see them build, and at proper scale, makes it all more mindblowing. Good job!
"The more I believe in science, the more I believe in God." -Albert Einstein Hmmm... who am I going to trigger first, Religous people, or Atheists? I wonder................
Bravo! Einstein understood better than most. There is a cause-and-effect phenomenon going on here, and Einstein wanted to read God's mind. That's what any good scientist does. We have not yet adequately defined "God." But there are too many logical fallacies being pushed from both sides of the argument. Hawking included.
@Juno Donat Everyone has been creating "gods" because there is one true God. There's a reason why all of humanity has been doing this. It was supposed to be like that.
"Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity , when we separated them, and made from water every living thing ? Then Will they not believe? " QUR'AN (21:30)
How a man over 1400 years ago can tell about this theory even though he can't read and write . this ayah prove that he was a messenger of god and god tell him about this and there is a lot more scientific fact mentioned in Quran which was impossible to tell by a man over 1400 years ago
"We think we have solved the mystery of creation, maybe we should label the universe and charge everyone royalties for their existence." I didn't know Hawking was so funny
Do not those who disbelieve think that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then We parted them and created from water every living thing? Will they not then believe? ”(Surah Al-Ambiya 21:30)
Do not those who disbelieve think that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then We parted them and created from water every living thing? Will they not then believe? ”(Surah Al-Ambiya 21:30)
In the holy book of Sikhism “sri Guru Granth Sahib” the first guru of Sikhs has already mentioned about big bang , law of conservation of mass and energy, 550 years ago. The scripture name is “Japji Sahib, the first chapter of Guru Granth Sahib” , statements are like this: “keeta pasaao, ekko kuwaao, tiss te hoye lakh dareyaao” meaning the intelligent almighty in formless form had passed only one command and by that command expansion happened which caused flow millions rivers of the stars. (As stated in big bang theory)
It wasn't an explosion, it was an expansion. Too much variation in density and distribution. Not even close to any commonly held understanding of what happened.
دعونا نقف لحظة عند قوله تعالى: (أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ) [الأنبياء: 30]. (الرتق) في اللغة هو عكس (الفتق)، وفي معجم القاموس المحيط: فتقه أي شقَّه، وهاتين الكلمتين تُستخدمان مع النسيج، فعندما يمزق النسيج ويباعد بين خيوطه نقول (فتق الثوب)، والرتق هو العكس، أي جمع وضم هذا النسيج. وفي تفسير ابن كثير: "ألم يروا أن السموات والأرض كانتا رتقاً أي كان الجميع متصلاً بعضُه ببعض، متلاصق متراكم بعضه فوق بعض في ابتداء الأمر". إذاً فهم ابن كثير من الآية أن الكون (السموات والأرض) كان عبارة عن مادة متلاصقة متقاربة من بعضها متراكمة فوق بعضها، وطبعاً هذا كان في بداية الخلق. ثم باعد الله بين السماء والأرض وفصل بينهما. ولو تأملنا ما جاء في البحث السابق نرى بأن الباحثين يتحدثون بدقة عما تحدث عنه ابن كثير!! فهم يقولون إن الكون في بداية أمره كان عبارة عن مادة على شكل نسيج متقارب ومتراكم بعضه فوق بعض، ثم بدأت خيوط هذا النسيج تتباعد خلال بلايين السنين. والعجيب أنهم صوَّروا هذه العملية (أي عملية الفتق وتباعد خيوط النسيج) باستخدام السوبر كمبيوتر، ووصلوا إلى نتيجة شبه يقينية أن خيوط النسيج الكوني تتباعد عن بعضها باستمرار تماماً كما تتباعد خيوط القماش نتيجة تمزقه!
i like how u went from dust to planets and balls of fire, very thorough of you, convenient that your camera man was traveling between universes at that time huh
According to the hypothesis of the evolution of the universe, when it has not yet evolved, all matter and energy are in balance, and the matter and energy it needs are diffused outward in accordance with the laws of physics (the gravitational force of matter balance is canceled), so where is the matter, energy and gravitational to evolve? So it can only be created by God.
The current theory is that there was something. The big bang is the theory explaining development of the Universe and it's continuously expanding state. Once we figure out what the initial state is, then we'll figure out why it expanded.
well if u think about it, there wasnt "nothing" before big bang, there was a massive singularity that stretched into itself and sucking every energy and everythig that was before, it exploded and created the universe, but its still a mystery to this day if someone made it explode or how there was energy and singularity before, no one knows but big bang is the most popular theory of how universe was created.
﴿أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا ۖ وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ ۖ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ﴾ [ الأنبياء: 30] Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe? the quran
The animation is good ,but the science part is not totally right. As a 3D visual effect designer, I wanna make my video right. there should n't be refraction light in the universe 2:43,because there is no air.second the 8 planets in the solar system should have angle, none of them spin straight.
"The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books (completed),-even as We produced the first creation, so shall We produce a new one: a promise We have undertaken: truly shal We fulfil it" Quran/Surah al-Anbiya/Verse 104
At what point did the universe start? Is that point close to earth? we know its expanding ,but from what point did it start? Where was that singular beginnig where the big bang happened?
Non-english speaker here, anyone's got a clue on where can I find subtitles, even in English? I can understand most of the audio, but at some parts I miss the general meaning of the sentences..
This representation seems to be very wrong, as it shows a little light exploding out of nowhere and shining brightly and suddenly galaxies.The Big Bang is actually an expansion, it is not an explosion that happened out of nowhere, it should be more or less like this The Universe begins to form, it becomes super condensed, when it forms it immediately begins to expand in the first millionths of a second, slowly, and the more time passes the faster the expansion becomes, all this without any sound or with an almost monotonous hissing sound in the background, and without any great brightness during the process, something darker without any epic shine is more correct. After that, the environment becomes more similar to what we usually call outer space.After the previously mentioned processes along with the formation of atoms, and the atoms growing and merging can show space being distorted and the first black holes forming.After this we see that the fusion of atoms generated massive and giant stars, the stars start small and cannot be called stars, then they grow until full formation.And next to that it can show the primordial planetss. This is millions of years after the expansion, but remembering that the "Big Bang" does not end, it continues indefinitely, and becomes increasingly smaller.. And that's still billions of years before the Earth was born, and before the Sun itself and the first Galaxies. We also have the first supernovae and they occur millions of years after the formation of stars, and stars are born continuously at least four per year, and at this earliest time perhaps it was more. The representation in the video is basically a simplified and poetic version, and basically the vision that people have of the Big Bang in the popular imagination has become a modern creation myth. So what's in the video is not the Big Bang that happened in real life... I'm sorry guys, you may have had entire childhoods ruined, at first I didn't like knowing I was wrong, but Then I thought it was much cooler. I liked this video because it is very correct, I didn't expect it to be so scientifically correct, as the Big Bang is generally exaggerated in simulations.
I can basically confirm "The representation in the video is basically a simplified and poetic version, and basically the vision that people have of the Big Bang in the popular imagination has become a modern creation myth."
What is an explosion? A clump of matter stretching while cooling down. Sounds like "explosion" to me, especially when you show that expansion over hundreds of millions of years and compress it to a few seconds.
Dino Johannes wow you are really innocent about Islam, learn some more. Prophet Mohammed saw isn't a phedophile, Aisha was 9 years old, they didn't do anything after she reaches puberty. Puberty -----> the cue of mature, and there is no limits between love. Your words is nothing but forming a shallow statement. For the terros, there are a lot of misunderstanding about this one, so so much. Well, what if someone has the right way and we pick the false one, that person would be furious bcs he's going to jail. But our God, He didn't taught us to terror, but He taught us to be wise, to make a wise and honest war. And it's not in the name of hate, but in the name of Him and Islam, so as long as you're not torturing and killing us like they do in Syria or Palestine, we won't attack you (we haven't killing you guys without a reason pls, ISIS is also a fake organization). But we just want to make ourself an Islamic country, so it's safe for us, but you guys just jealous and make false and insulting issues, you even made ISIS. You're like hating Islam that much, and killing us, mainly your ancestors. They made a false issues and it made islam looks so bad year by year, remember at the ottomans and abbasiyah, they'd once became one of the most sophisticated country, but the islamic science centre was attacked and robbed by the Romans and Greece. Astaghfirullah, may God be with you, the truth is here. Do not insult others if you don't know the truth, if you don't want to be insulted. You're actually make a bad personality for your religion bc of these- mostly from the succesfuls
The truth is that no one on this planet truly knows where we come from. We all have conflicting beliefs. It is only when learn to work as one, that we will discover our beginnings. This was a beautifullly created video and experience. Imagine being alive to witness the beginning. Peace
Nicely done, fist big bang animation that isn't just a dumb explosion flinging away galaxies. This actually looks pretty convincing. Just one minor thing that 'bothers' me. The calender slows down at 1:30 and at the same time you see two galaxies colliding. An event like that takes place over the course of several million years, not 300.
@Juno Donat cuz matter and energy cannot exist out if nothing , and they have no conscience to deside to create some universe , but God is not a matter or energy , cuz if he was he wouldn't not be a god , cuz he is controlled by the matter law and he has to be created by someone But he is not like anyone Surah ikhlas "و لم يكن له كفوا احد" which means there is nothing like him , he is not a matter or an energy
@Juno Donat no that is impossible , cuz scientists prooved that there is no way that energy and matter can be eternal , they even have a begining , and they claim that the world is in his way to end , they claimed that everything has a begining and an end
This was simply breathtaking! Extremely BEAUTIFUL animation! EASILY the best big bang simulation on RUclips! Do you do music videos? lolol great work yo! #OD9
The question is what existed before the universe. What does the universe exist in and what is it expanding in? Space-time and all the material and energies of it need an Eternally existing cause, to exist in!
@Harvey Hester Yes, I'm very aware of this and will stop talking to anyone who clearly shows an adversarial spirit. I understand what your saying and you are correct. Shalom/Peace
I'm no expert but I always find these simulations to be fundamentally flawed right from the start. Big bang simulations always show a single point from which comes into existence when this simply cant be the case.
This simply can't be the case to you because you are no expert. If you were an expert, you'd realise it's possible. Hence we have this theory, and hence it's as widely accepted as it is. 🙃
@@chris4728 What? He's right. The Big Bang didn't expand from a place with a specific center. It was the entire universe all at once. You are just as much in the center of it as I am as Jupiter is as the Andromeda Galaxy is. The animation is incorrect. Literally every single astronomer on earth agrees on this. This video might help:видео.html
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... coming from a former muslim who has studied the Koran for the better part of a decade, it is the most shit filled thing ever and NO MENTION of the big bang exists, no mention of evolution, no mention of quantum mechanics, no mention of genetics, no mention of chemistry, physics, biology or anything! The Koran does not even know where the sperm comes from FFS!
According to the hypothesis of the evolution of the universe, when it has not yet evolved, all matter and energy are in balance, and the matter and energy it needs are diffused outward in accordance with the laws of physics (the gravitational force of matter balance is canceled), so where is the matter, energy and gravitational to evolve? So it can only be created by God, ,
@@23Danimator a jak je to s tou časomírou, šlo to po jedničce, jenom zrychleně, nebo sis vypočítal a naplánoval kdy a kde máš mít jaký "letopočet", a podle toho si stanoval číslo, které se 60x za vteřinu obměnilo?
@@itsdudewithacamera please, leave people alone, and personally, i believe that god was always there, so please respect my and other people's opinions.
Fir those people who thinks that universe created itself from nothing I will explain this for you Antimatter = A- Matter = A+ (A-) + (A+) = 0 So actually 0 = (A-) + (A+) So u actually can get something from nothing But u need to get the nothing first
@@roderickvigo3937 What they're saying is that when an equal amount of matter and an equal amount of antimatter combine, it turns to nothing, so if you have nothing it can turn into any amount (even an infinite amount) of matter and antimatter as long as there's an equal amount.
Book : Basic Material Cause of the Creation Contents; 1)Electricity is eternal. 2)Objections on Big Bang hypothesis 3) A blunder mistake of big bang theory 4)Universe created not from emptyness but from infinite volume 5)Co-ordination of attraction, movingness and repulsion 6) Origin of two forms of electricity whole space is surrounded by the matter having electricity charge get this document here :- 👇🤗
21:30 Did those who reject not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass and We tore them apart? That We made from the water everything that lives. Will they not acknowledge? 51:47 We constructed the universe with might, and We are expanding it. (QURAN)
Earth and Heavens were Ripped Apart You claim that the following verse is compatible with the Big Bang theory. But according to this theory, the Universe was formed about 13.8 billion years ago due to a rapid expansion from singularity. The earth was formed 4.54 billion years ago from accretion of debris that surrounded the precursor of the Sun. There was no "separation" of the "joined" earth and heavens as this verse suggests. It is, in fact, a repetition of cosmic egg myths in which an egg-like structure was split into two halves, the lower half forming the earth and the upper half forming the heaven. Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? Qur'an 21:30 There is no scientific theory in which the Earth and heavens were split apart from each other. To imagine that this describes the big bang, the atomic particles that would later form the Earth would at the beginning have to be separated from those that would go on to form everything else in the universe. This bears no resemblance to scientific cosmology, wherein the material that forms the Earth passed through at least one earlier generation of star, and more recently was part of various asteroids, comets and planetesimals orbiting the sun (which could all be described as being in the 'heavens') that sometimes collided and merged with each other, sometimes split apart, and gradually coalesced under gravity to form the Earth and other planets. Moreover, the very next verse Qur'an 21:31 speaks of mountains being placed on the Earth. Here 'the Earth' clearly means an actual world, so how do you expect anyone to believe that in the previous verse 'the Earth' refers merely to atomic particles at the time of the big bang that would billions of years later form the Earth? Universe was Made from Smoke Main Article: Quran and a Universe from Smoke Looking once again at the verses discussed above, it is worth pointing out that there was no stage of formation of the Universe that involved smoke (carbon particles suspended as a result of combustion; the word translated smoke is the noun dukhan دُخَانٍ, which literally means smoke, as from a fire). Nor did the Earth and heavens each "come" as separate entites at any point of time. Earth is a part of this Universe and has developed within it. Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come both of you, willingly or loth. They said: We come, obedient. Then He ordained them seven heavens in two Days and inspired in each heaven its mandate; and We decked the nether heaven with lamps, and rendered it inviolable. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Knower. Qur'an 41:11-12 Apologetics that try to reinterpret 'smoke' as the primordial state of the universe after the big bang should notice (aside from their poor grasp of science) that the Qur'an indicates a time when just the heaven, but not Earth is smoke. Furthermore, the Earth and its mountains are clearly mentioned as already existing in the previous two verses (Qur'an 41:9-10) Many things that the Qur´an said is false, or they took the idea from other scientists (Platos etc.) to cover their book with a few facts.
:"While Myths were talking about flying carpets, Qur'an was pointing to incredible facts." Muhammad Flies on a Winged Horse to Heaven Main Article: Buraq It took one week to travel from Mecca to the Farthest Mosque by camel. But the Qur'an reveals that a magical winged horse, called the Buraq, traveled a similar distance in a matter of minutes. No such creature has ever been shown to be real and it seems to only exist in legend and mythology. Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).
:"51:47 We constructed the universe with might, and We are expanding it." Since the earlier English translations of Surah 51:47 do not use the word "expanding," it is important to acknowledge that the most recent translations are hypothetical. Therefore, it is appropriate to question the translation that uses the word, "expanding." In order to explain certain observations that the view that the universe was static could not explain, astronomers in the twenties of the 20th century developed the theory that the universe is expanding. That the universe is expanding is now considered an established scientific fact.Some Muslims claim that the Qur’an contains a verse that state that the universe has been expanding. This is the verse in question: And the heaven We built it with might and We lamūsi‘ūn. (51.47) The term “lamūsi‘ūn” is usually understood as meaning “expanding.” The word “heaven” is taken to mean the “universe” and to be the object of the action of “expanding,” and thus it is claimed that this verse shows that the Qur’an has revealed that the universe is expanding. This, however, is a misunderstanding of the word “lamūsi‘ūn.” Translator Translation Pickthall We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof). Palmer And the heaven - we have built it with might, and, verily, we do surely give it ample space! Rodwell And the Heaven - with our hands have we built it up, and given it its expanse. Sale We have built the heaven with might; and we have given [it] a large extent. Shakir And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample. Sher Ali And We have built the heavens with Our own hands, and, verily, We have vast powers. Yusuf Ali With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace. But some translations allow a link between the verse and the expanding universe concept: Translator Translation Arberry And heaven - We built it with might, and We extend it wide. Hilali-Khan With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space thereof. Khalifa We constructed the sky with our hands, and we will continue to expand it. Whether or not accommodating linking the verse to the concept of expanding universe, all nine translators link the term “lamūsi‘ūn” to “expansion,” “space,” “vastness,” and such concepts. Some classical exegetes of the Qur’an have also established this link in the verse. For instance, Qurṭubī (d. 671/1272) and ibn Kathīr (d. 774/1372) interpret this term as meaning “We have expanded its borders.” Others, however, have differed. For instance, Zamakhsharī (d. 538/1144) and Baiḍāwī (d. 685/1286) take it to mean “We are capable.” Rāzī (d. 606/1209) considers both interpretations as possible, so he says that it may mean “we expanded it” or “We are capable.” Obviously, those who linked “lamusi’un” to “expansion” did not have the concept of expanding universe in mind. Nevertheless, linking this term to “expansion” is the result of wrong interpretation.
The animation is protected by copyright and it is not possible to do anything with it. The Animation/Music/Voice cannot be edited, separated, modified and distributed. The original Animation is FHD.
@@23Danimator According to the hypothesis of the evolution of the universe, when it has not yet evolved, all matter and energy are in balance, and the matter and energy it needs are diffused outward in accordance with the laws of physics (the gravitational force of matter balance is canceled), so where is the matter, energy and gravitational to evolve? So it can only be created by God.
What or Who? caused the Big bang? -According to the Law of Cause and Effect, every effect must have a cause. In other words, everything that happens has a catalyst; everything that came into being has something that caused it. Things don't just happen by themselves.
has anyone ever noticed that the view of the cosmos from outside looks like some sort of neural net? perhaps we are but axonal pathways, or the cosmic scale equivalent of atoms in a synaptic cleft, of a much larger cosmic being... perhaps the cosmos is a living creature, much like the earth and the gaia hypothesis.. perhaps the collective thoughts of all of the beings in the universe are to it what consciousness is for us. anyway, this was cool.
HOLY SHIT I've been thinking about this constantly for the past year or so. I'm so mind blown because your comment exactly matches what I believe. We are conscious of ourself. We are the self-consciousness of a greater mind. Maybe dark matter which exists in intergalactic space is equivalent to the "grey matter" and "white matter" in the brain?
I recognized the similarities to a neural net, but have no decent theory on this - unfortunately way too speculative. But to refer to the cosmos as a living creature: We, and everything we know, has more in common with the universe, than we first think. Every element heavier than helium (so are carbon and oxygen, to name two very important elements for life as we know it) is product of nuclear fusion inside a star. So every part of us, that is not hydrogen or helium was created in a star, somewhere in the universe. Plus, every element heavier than iron was created in an exploding star. Only supernovae deliver enough energy to force iron atoms into heavier elements. Got a golden wedding ring? It is in fact pure stardust. And this is why mankind is the universe, reflecting itself. This is why the universe can be referred to as a living creature - at least in some places.
+banjo blenda, Absolutely! And the cosmos is a child of the Great Creator (not made of space, time, energy or mass). We are not effect, but cause, if we choose to be. If you think you are that meat sack, then you're blinding yourself.
Fun fact: Non of us got this recommended, All of us looked it up
Yea of course
That's because we're weird.
@@Nominay Weird? No, we are curious and thirst for knowledge. EVERYONE ELSE is weird that they don't want to learn about thing's like this.
Holy crap, I saw myself being born.
I did not understand
look at this :)видео.htmlsi=sumNxWJmPAGiJztB
Bene! È andata sicuramente così! Ma chi ha creato la pallina iniziale? Dio?😊😊😊😊
I was watching the Big Bang while it was happening. Truly insane
@yoohoo productions lol
Scientific community and US created 2 lies.
Do you know the law of entropy increase(Energy transfer from high to low energy)? Scientists have said that the universe has been increasing entropy because of redshift and radiation proved. The law of entropy increase is degradation, so why do they still recognize the evolution of the universe? Lies against christ
Stellar evolution is the probability of a star evolving after death, but the gravity is getting smaller and smaller (degradation), because energy and matter are diffused.
The cosmic microwave background radiation and the cosmic redshift (evidence of the Big Bang) contradict the Big Bang. After the Big Bang, it is evolution, but these evidences prove that the universe has been degenerating (creationism). The scientific community is very cunning, so they say is big bang evidence
Scientific community second lie:
In this US self-directed acted lie alien video. 9: 20 and 10: 19 alien basically made of wool, eye made of paper. The organs reflect light because they are made of materials.видео.html&t
@Christian AlmanzaLonjino ?
@@ahahahhaaisyah4238 you copy paste it from wikipedia
@@delayedcreator4783 You can't find it in Wikipedia, because it was clearly written by me. That is an old comment, I updated it.
According to the law of entropy increase, the longer the time, the more serious the transition from order to disorder (degeneration), which indicates that the universe cannot evolve and can only be created by God. Scientists have discovered that the current universe is degenerating, the earth is gradually out of orbit, and many stars die. There are very few evolutions, and evolution can only form gaseous stars, not solid (earth-like)
Actually, I reasoned from here
Scientists say that the initial universe has the smallest entropy, but they dare not say what entropy means. The smallest entropy is the most regular. Isn't it created by God? They admit that the evolution of the universe and the initial entropy of the universe are the smallest, but the minimum entropy can only degenerate. contradictory
This is so horrifying and beautiful, just the sheer scale and magnitude of the blast is unimaginable.
The blast is quite literally everything that exists, the explosion yield in tonnage would be uncountable.
@Olle Carlsson Care to say why?
@@calebscott1477 Well first, it wasnt an "explosion", it was a sudden expansion of everything, that technically happened everywhere at once.
@@RealCraftspirit I believe the point of the video was to give in good detail what happened during these times of expansion. Not specifically all of them. Such as what exactly happened when the expansions started.
Incredible. Beautiful
I found this 11 years after upload, and roughly 14 billion years after what it's talking about. Really nice work on the rendering.
A difficult concept is that it would be impossible to see it from the OUTSIDE because there was NO outside.
This was made in 2008? It´s amazing! Please make another big bang simulation video 2017!
:) Thanks. I thinking about the new version, it's a lot of work. But there are other better Space animation.
It's a really good simulation for something that was made in 2008. The visual effects and the creator chose the best music for this kind piece.
It was made in 2008 and was on TV. It was just uploaded now
99th like.
Hawking's voice brought tears to my eyes
Single handedly the best, the BEST Big Bang animation I've ever seen. The one with best sense of time and space/size scales, and finally one where the explosion and first stages actually look like what's theorised, rather than just "boom, now there are galaxies"! The fact you can actually see them build, and at proper scale, makes it all more mindblowing. Good job!
If anyone is curious about the song, it's called Evropa by Nerobeat
Very good work, And sound track. Big work. Big bang.
0:39 Is this what the universe looks like now? A big nebula cloud?
"The more I believe in science, the more I believe in God."
-Albert Einstein
Hmmm... who am I going to trigger first, Religous people, or Atheists? I wonder................
Asrial Drymurr how is that going to trigger someone 😂😂😂
Bravo! Einstein understood better than most. There is a cause-and-effect phenomenon going on here, and Einstein wanted to read God's mind. That's what any good scientist does. We have not yet adequately defined "God." But there are too many logical fallacies being pushed from both sides of the argument. Hawking included.
"spooky physics' doesn't exist. - Einstein
turns out action at a distance is fact.
@Juno Donat Everyone has been creating "gods" because there is one true God. There's a reason why all of humanity has been doing this. It was supposed to be like that.
Why are religious people supposed to be triggered by this quote?
There's no reason.
My 6 years old sister is obssesed with this video, she asks me to play this for her every single day. Thanks for uploading this!
She's gonna be a genius
Other then some roblox girls
look at this :)видео.htmlsi=sumNxWJmPAGiJztB
Fun fact: cameraman is God
All hail the mighty Cameraman.
First thing invented was camera
Tuhan tidak punya kamera
0:17 where did that dot came from that's my biggeest question?
Allah create that
"Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity , when we separated them, and made from water every living thing ? Then Will they not believe? " QUR'AN (21:30)
@@kurbankhan2830 sorry to hurt you but there is no god
How a man over 1400 years ago can tell about this theory even though he can't read and write . this ayah prove that he was a messenger of god and god tell him about this and there is a lot more scientific fact mentioned in Quran which was impossible to tell by a man over 1400 years ago
Please research about this before the death comes
Nice that you added the sound of Saturn too.
Song is Evropa - WWW Neurobeat
"We think we have solved the mystery of creation, maybe we should label the universe and charge everyone royalties for their existence."
I didn't know Hawking was so funny
it looks like a beautifully flower blossoming
Watch this synced with Dark Side of the Moon for a truly transcendental experience
0:23 Tifosi going ballistic seeing Ferrari winning at Monza in a nutshell.
Ok I’m lost so what was that little dot that exploded in the beginning what was it made of ?
2 balls of matter started spinning and created an explosion or "the big bang theory"
It's hard to imagine how fast the big bang happened even though it looks slow in the video.
Do not those who disbelieve think that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then We parted them and created from water every living thing? Will they not then believe? ”(Surah Al-Ambiya 21:30)
@@amin.documents Muhammed was a ped*phile.
The Big Bang would have looked frozen, considering that this happened over billions of years.
He: showed us 13700000000 billion light years in 3:50 seconds.
The big bang, didn't happen at a particular position in space. it expand space itself! Good luck animations that XD
You'll have do do something mankind has never done before. Create nothing. Not just nothing, but utter nothingness being PROJECTED FROM A SCREEN.
Yeah... its impossible :P
Since when does that matter when it comes to making a simulation? You can't be exact with a simulation. That's why it's called a simulation.
I was also commenting see but I saw URS... It looks like an explosion in space but not space expansion.
In the end is Germany Stuttgart you zooming?
How camera man was formed 🤣🤣🤣🤣
LOL 😆😂🤣
He existed before, along with queen Elizabeth. They were just floating in space
The animation of the galaxies colliding was so cool. That must have taken forever to render!
OUTSTANDING WORK! Best rendering of the Big Bang I've ever seen!
The cameraman must be a brave dude for taking these pictures and recording videos about the universal creation
Well this is amazing... Amazing!!!!! one big masterpiece
Do not those who disbelieve think that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then We parted them and created from water every living thing? Will they not then believe? ”(Surah Al-Ambiya 21:30)
In the holy book of Sikhism “sri Guru Granth Sahib” the first guru of Sikhs has already mentioned about big bang , law of conservation of mass and energy, 550 years ago. The scripture name is “Japji Sahib, the first chapter of Guru Granth Sahib” , statements are like this: “keeta pasaao, ekko kuwaao, tiss te hoye lakh dareyaao” meaning the intelligent almighty in formless form had passed only one command and by that command expansion happened which caused flow millions rivers of the stars. (As stated in big bang theory)
0:10 dark is dark and nothing is nothing. Two different "things".
so quick questions: what caused the big bang to explode? and before the big bang what lies beyond the empty void? and why did the void feels endless?
Perfect! I love this animation and I watch it and watch it and watch it. Great and beautiful animation! Good for you♥️
It wasn't an explosion, it was an expansion. Too much variation in density and distribution. Not even close to any commonly held understanding of what happened.
Then let's wait for your animation which might be a bit more accurate?
Conscious Motivations a bit late bud
@@Hex488 if you're so quick to say that to someone then let's see yours too...
Thank you very much for pointing out that this is a 3D animation. Low iq people would think it was filmed by a human
Awesomeness! This totally refreshed my memory and it helped me understand it better the second time around.
دعونا نقف لحظة عند قوله تعالى: (أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ) [الأنبياء: 30]. (الرتق) في اللغة هو عكس (الفتق)، وفي معجم القاموس المحيط: فتقه أي شقَّه، وهاتين الكلمتين تُستخدمان مع النسيج، فعندما يمزق النسيج ويباعد بين خيوطه نقول (فتق الثوب)، والرتق هو العكس، أي جمع وضم هذا النسيج.
وفي تفسير ابن كثير: "ألم يروا أن السموات والأرض كانتا رتقاً أي كان الجميع متصلاً بعضُه ببعض، متلاصق متراكم بعضه فوق بعض في ابتداء الأمر".
إذاً فهم ابن كثير من الآية أن الكون (السموات والأرض) كان عبارة عن مادة متلاصقة متقاربة من بعضها متراكمة فوق بعضها، وطبعاً هذا كان في بداية الخلق. ثم باعد الله بين السماء والأرض وفصل بينهما.
ولو تأملنا ما جاء في البحث السابق نرى بأن الباحثين يتحدثون بدقة عما تحدث عنه ابن كثير!! فهم يقولون إن الكون في بداية أمره كان عبارة عن مادة على شكل نسيج متقارب ومتراكم بعضه فوق بعض، ثم بدأت خيوط هذا النسيج تتباعد خلال بلايين السنين.
والعجيب أنهم صوَّروا هذه العملية (أي عملية الفتق وتباعد خيوط النسيج) باستخدام السوبر كمبيوتر، ووصلوا إلى نتيجة شبه يقينية أن خيوط النسيج الكوني تتباعد عن بعضها باستمرار تماماً كما تتباعد خيوط القماش نتيجة تمزقه!
i like how u went from dust to planets and balls of fire, very thorough of you, convenient that your camera man was traveling between universes at that time huh
According to the hypothesis of the evolution of the universe, when it has not yet evolved, all matter and energy are in balance, and the matter and energy it needs are diffused outward in accordance with the laws of physics (the gravitational force of matter balance is canceled), so where is the matter, energy and gravitational to evolve? So it can only be created by God.
this is so awesome! i don't get why this doesn't have more views? :o
look at this :)видео.htmlsi=sumNxWJmPAGiJztB
I am just here to observe, I'm not planning on stealing anything.
I don't even remember what was I here for.
Black Heart lmao
@@blackheart5842 hi
The current theory is that there was something. The big bang is the theory explaining development of the Universe and it's continuously expanding state. Once we figure out what the initial state is, then we'll figure out why it expanded.
The fact that something can come from nothing is absolutely unreal to think about.
well if u think about it, there wasnt "nothing" before big bang, there was a massive singularity that stretched into itself and sucking every energy and everythig that was before, it exploded and created the universe, but its still a mystery to this day if someone made it explode or how there was energy and singularity before, no one knows but big bang is the most popular theory of how universe was created.
﴿أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا ۖ وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ ۖ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ﴾
[ الأنبياء: 30]
Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?
the quran
Damn! Thank u Mr.Cameraman For recording this for us!
whats the music?
The animation is good ,but the science part is not totally right. As a 3D visual effect designer, I wanna make my video right. there should n't be refraction light in the universe 2:43,because there is no air.second the 8 planets in the solar system should have angle, none of them spin straight.
There was no empty space around the big bang before it happened. It wasn't "dark" with a tiny dot in the "center" either.
"The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books (completed),-even as We produced the first creation, so shall We produce a new one: a promise We have undertaken: truly shal We fulfil it"
Quran/Surah al-Anbiya/Verse 104
At what point did the universe start? Is that point close to earth? we know its expanding ,but from what point did it start? Where was that singular beginnig where the big bang happened?
Non-english speaker here, anyone's got a clue on where can I find subtitles, even in English? I can understand most of the audio, but at some parts I miss the general meaning of the sentences..
how can u type in english
@@littledumpling5614 wow.. 5 years ago haha. I just learned by myself I guess. Music, movies and videogames were my teachers lol
If you press the "C" key then it should bring up the subtitles
Excuse me but did Stephen Hawking really say “we should patent the universe and charge everyone royalties for their existence.” (3:10) Huh??
It's just like a drop of food coloring wow that has everything prepared
This representation seems to be very wrong, as it shows a little light exploding out of nowhere and shining brightly and suddenly galaxies.The Big Bang is actually an expansion, it is not an explosion that happened out of nowhere, it should be more or less like this The Universe begins to form, it becomes super condensed, when it forms it immediately begins to expand in the first millionths of a second, slowly, and the more time passes the faster the expansion becomes, all this without any sound or with an almost monotonous hissing sound in the background, and without any great brightness during the process, something darker without any epic shine is more correct. After that, the environment becomes more similar to what we usually call outer space.After the previously mentioned processes along with the formation of atoms, and the atoms growing and merging can show space being distorted and the first black holes forming.After this we see that the fusion of atoms generated massive and giant stars, the stars start small and cannot be called stars, then they grow until full formation.And next to that it can show the primordial planetss. This is millions of years after the expansion, but remembering that the "Big Bang" does not end, it continues indefinitely, and becomes increasingly smaller.. And that's still billions of years before the Earth was born, and before the Sun itself and the first Galaxies. We also have the first supernovae and they occur millions of years after the formation of stars, and stars are born continuously at least four per year, and at this earliest time perhaps it was more.
The representation in the video is basically a simplified and poetic version, and basically the vision that people have of the Big Bang in the popular imagination has become a modern creation myth.
So what's in the video is not the Big Bang that happened in real life... I'm sorry guys, you may have had entire childhoods ruined, at first I didn't like knowing I was wrong, but Then I thought it was much cooler.
I liked this video because it is very correct, I didn't expect it to be so scientifically correct, as the Big Bang is generally exaggerated in simulations.
I can basically confirm "The representation in the video is basically a simplified and poetic version, and basically the vision that people have of the Big Bang in the popular imagination has become a modern creation myth."
It is not supposed to look like an explosion.Just like a small universe stretching while cooling down
What is an explosion? A clump of matter stretching while cooling down. Sounds like "explosion" to me, especially when you show that expansion over hundreds of millions of years and compress it to a few seconds.
real life gameplay: eating, working, sleeping, boring.
real life lore:
(Qur'an, 51:47) ""And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it.""
rickonami fake
Randy Rogers That's ok, i respect your point of view.
Idiot, can't respect other people's thoughts.
wauw nothing explodes
Dino Johannes wow you are really innocent about Islam, learn some more. Prophet Mohammed saw isn't a phedophile, Aisha was 9 years old, they didn't do anything after she reaches puberty. Puberty -----> the cue of mature, and there is no limits between love. Your words is nothing but forming a shallow statement.
For the terros, there are a lot of misunderstanding about this one, so so much. Well, what if someone has the right way and we pick the false one, that person would be furious bcs he's going to jail. But our God, He didn't taught us to terror, but He taught us to be wise, to make a wise and honest war. And it's not in the name of hate, but in the name of Him and Islam, so as long as you're not torturing and killing us like they do in Syria or Palestine, we won't attack you (we haven't killing you guys without a reason pls, ISIS is also a fake organization). But we just want to make ourself an Islamic country, so it's safe for us, but you guys just jealous and make false and insulting issues, you even made ISIS. You're like hating Islam that much, and killing us, mainly your ancestors. They made a false issues and it made islam looks so bad year by year, remember at the ottomans and abbasiyah, they'd once became one of the most sophisticated country, but the islamic science centre was attacked and robbed by the Romans and Greece. Astaghfirullah, may God be with you, the truth is here. Do not insult others if you don't know the truth, if you don't want to be insulted. You're actually make a bad personality for your religion bc of these- mostly from the succesfuls
The truth is that no one on this planet truly knows where we come from. We all have conflicting beliefs. It is only when learn to work as one, that we will discover our beginnings. This was a beautifullly created video and experience. Imagine being alive to witness the beginning. Peace
Nicely done, fist big bang animation that isn't just a dumb explosion flinging away galaxies. This actually looks pretty convincing.
Just one minor thing that 'bothers' me. The calender slows down at 1:30 and at the same time you see two galaxies colliding. An event like that takes place over the course of several million years, not 300.
What’s shocking for me is 12 years ago you uploded this video and still it has 919k seriously am shocked u deserve more best of luck 👍🏽
All of this happened faster that the speed of light, the camera man must have such a powerful camera
Atheists: I don’t see god
who's the cameraman then ?
To atheist : what does causing exist condition?
I find the answer in gospel concept in Islam. Thanks
@Juno Donat cuz matter and energy cannot exist out if nothing , and they have no conscience to deside to create some universe , but God is not a matter or energy , cuz if he was he wouldn't not be a god , cuz he is controlled by the matter law
and he has to be created by someone
But he is not like anyone
Surah ikhlas "و لم يكن له كفوا احد" which means there is nothing like him , he is not a matter or an energy
@Juno Donat no that is impossible , cuz scientists prooved that there is no way that energy and matter can be eternal , they even have a begining , and they claim that the world is in his way to end , they claimed that everything has a begining and an end
Wow man, that was so fucking awesome holy shit. Great creativity, music, efx. Thanks a lot.
This was simply breathtaking! Extremely BEAUTIFUL animation! EASILY the best big bang simulation on RUclips! Do you do music videos? lolol great work yo! #OD9
So at the beginning of the video nothing looks like darkness? Also. Negative time was present before the existence of darkness and light
Smokology 420 Yes,I too saw darkness before the big bang.And a second later,I was blinded by the bing bang up to now !
The question is what existed before the universe. What does the universe exist in and what is it expanding in?
Space-time and all the material and energies of it need an Eternally existing cause, to exist in!
@Harvey Hester
Planting seeds, we never know who The Most High will cause it to grow in.
@Harvey Hester
Yes, I'm very aware of this and will stop talking to anyone who clearly shows an adversarial spirit. I understand what your saying and you are correct.
My hypothetical answer would be quantum "subspace." Thwt subspace contains quantum strings.
I'm having doubt at 0:19
Magnificent work!
Realy good animation . just one point , The watter wasn't on the earth millions of years ago ;) Great work , hope you release a 1080p
I'm no expert but I always find these simulations to be fundamentally flawed right from the start. Big bang simulations always show a single point from which comes into existence when this simply cant be the case.
This simply can't be the case to you because you are no expert. If you were an expert, you'd realise it's possible. Hence we have this theory, and hence it's as widely accepted as it is. 🙃
@@chris4728 What? He's right. The Big Bang didn't expand from a place with a specific center. It was the entire universe all at once. You are just as much in the center of it as I am as Jupiter is as the Andromeda Galaxy is. The animation is incorrect. Literally every single astronomer on earth agrees on this. This video might help:видео.html
Please explain
@@mcj0014 The video I linked in the comment above will do it better.
@@thertcll Oh now I get it, yeah your right
Takes me back
Ah! At one nano second it was already the size of an orange..
So who make the explosion?
Imagine how gigantic that explosion must’ve been
Says 8 octillion bigger than Universe itself
But you are God that make, how you don't know?
@@roselimachado3458 How could the origin of something be bigger than that something while simultaneously expanding into that something?
So what did it explode and where if there was nothing and there was no time or space?
Koran ait verse ( Zariyat ' 47 ) '' We have established the Skies and we Are constantly giving and expanding'' 1400 years ago inform big bang
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... coming from a former muslim who has studied the Koran for the better part of a decade, it is the most shit filled thing ever and NO MENTION of the big bang exists, no mention of evolution, no mention of quantum mechanics, no mention of genetics, no mention of chemistry, physics, biology or anything!
The Koran does not even know where the sperm comes from FFS!
@@theguy6740 please watch this videoвидео.html
thank you
@@theguy6740 about the sperm , god said in quran (“Proceeding from between the back-bone [as-sulb] and the ribs [at-taraa’ib]”)
What does the universe expand into??
1:33 why there galaxy Collide?
did you do the transitions in blender too?. I want to learn to do transitions :c
According to the hypothesis of the evolution of the universe, when it has not yet evolved, all matter and energy are in balance, and the matter and energy it needs are diffused outward in accordance with the laws of physics (the gravitational force of matter balance is canceled), so where is the matter, energy and gravitational to evolve? So it can only be created by God, ,
@@ahahahhaaisyah4238 nobody cares
@@ahahahhaaisyah4238 you can search a simulation and copy it and create the animation your opinion of type bro
I didn't learn this. .
Before big bang where is the empty place cames from?
Děkuji :)
Vše dělám v Autodesk Maya
Hii you have a mail?i need Talk yo you
Klobúk dole 👍 vynikajúca práca! Prosím, čo je to za song???
Jak moc práce ti dalo udělat tuhle animaci?
@@craftcrewtv8094 cca 3 měsíce, jeden počítač, jeden člověk :)
@@23Danimator a jak je to s tou časomírou, šlo to po jedničce, jenom zrychleně, nebo sis vypočítal a naplánoval kdy a kde máš mít jaký "letopočet", a podle toho si stanoval číslo, které se 60x za vteřinu obměnilo?
1:03 what is that thing supposed to be? Btw this video is dope asf
It is the formation of a Crab Nebula. Thanks :)
The created is great سبحان الله
it happened 15 billion years ago.... not 1500 years ago when your god was created!!!
@@itsdudewithacamera please, leave people alone, and personally, i believe that god was always there, so please respect my and other people's opinions.
@@itsdudewithacamera you you mean cows existed at that time right?
@Sox İcivere Explain the existence of God?
Barbaric people still believes that their murderous god exist. LOL.
I like it. Good job working on that 👍🏻
Such a great animation. Keep it up. Mind blown!!
"The universe can create itself out of nothing"
Okay brother you have more faith than me at that point
Fir those people who thinks that universe created itself from nothing
I will explain this for you
Antimatter = A-
Matter = A+
(A-) + (A+) = 0
So actually
0 = (A-) + (A+)
So u actually can get something from nothing
But u need to get the nothing first
anti-matter matter reaction create high energy photon, (Gamma rays)
Is this supposed to be sarcasm or science or what cause i didn't understand!
were this anti matter came from
@@roderickvigo3937 What they're saying is that when an equal amount of matter and an equal amount of antimatter combine, it turns to nothing, so if you have nothing it can turn into any amount (even an infinite amount) of matter and antimatter as long as there's an equal amount.
@@leleuvulliez this is stupid to believe.from nothing becomes anti matter and matter?scientist must prove it create from nothing to something.
look at this :)видео.htmlsi=sumNxWJmPAGiJztB
the cameraman deserves more credit for his amazing work.
Do you want to sell that animation?
0:17 Let the Universe begin!!
This is THE one amazing work. Great skills needed. Impressive. Massive respect.
Book : Basic Material Cause of the Creation
1)Electricity is eternal.
2)Objections on Big Bang hypothesis
3) A blunder mistake of big bang theory
4)Universe created not from emptyness but from infinite volume
5)Co-ordination of attraction, movingness and repulsion
6) Origin of two forms of electricity
whole space is surrounded by the matter having electricity charge get this document here :- 👇🤗
21:30 Did those who reject not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass and We tore them apart? That We made from the water everything that lives. Will they not acknowledge?
51:47 We constructed the universe with might, and We are expanding it.
Earth and Heavens were Ripped Apart
You claim that the following verse is compatible with the Big Bang theory. But according to this theory, the Universe was formed about 13.8 billion years ago due to a rapid expansion from singularity. The earth was formed 4.54 billion years ago from accretion of debris that surrounded the precursor of the Sun. There was no "separation" of the "joined" earth and heavens as this verse suggests. It is, in fact, a repetition of cosmic egg myths in which an egg-like structure was split into two halves, the lower half forming the earth and the upper half forming the heaven.
Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
Qur'an 21:30
There is no scientific theory in which the Earth and heavens were split apart from each other. To imagine that this describes the big bang, the atomic particles that would later form the Earth would at the beginning have to be separated from those that would go on to form everything else in the universe. This bears no resemblance to scientific cosmology, wherein the material that forms the Earth passed through at least one earlier generation of star, and more recently was part of various asteroids, comets and planetesimals orbiting the sun (which could all be described as being in the 'heavens') that sometimes collided and merged with each other, sometimes split apart, and gradually coalesced under gravity to form the Earth and other planets.
Moreover, the very next verse Qur'an 21:31 speaks of mountains being placed on the Earth. Here 'the Earth' clearly means an actual world, so how do you expect anyone to believe that in the previous verse 'the Earth' refers merely to atomic particles at the time of the big bang that would billions of years later form the Earth?
Universe was Made from Smoke
Main Article: Quran and a Universe from Smoke
Looking once again at the verses discussed above, it is worth pointing out that there was no stage of formation of the Universe that involved smoke (carbon particles suspended as a result of combustion; the word translated smoke is the noun dukhan دُخَانٍ, which literally means smoke, as from a fire). Nor did the Earth and heavens each "come" as separate entites at any point of time. Earth is a part of this Universe and has developed within it.
Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come both of you, willingly or loth. They said: We come, obedient. Then He ordained them seven heavens in two Days and inspired in each heaven its mandate; and We decked the nether heaven with lamps, and rendered it inviolable. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Knower.
Qur'an 41:11-12
Apologetics that try to reinterpret 'smoke' as the primordial state of the universe after the big bang should notice (aside from their poor grasp of science) that the Qur'an indicates a time when just the heaven, but not Earth is smoke. Furthermore, the Earth and its mountains are clearly mentioned as already existing in the previous two verses (Qur'an 41:9-10)
Many things that the Qur´an said is false, or they took the idea from other scientists (Platos etc.) to cover their book with a few facts.
I have many more false claims in the Qur´an for you.....
If you want to hear them.
:"While Myths were talking about flying carpets, Qur'an was pointing to incredible facts."
Muhammad Flies on a Winged Horse to Heaven
Main Article: Buraq
It took one week to travel from Mecca to the Farthest Mosque by camel. But the Qur'an reveals that a magical winged horse, called the Buraq, traveled a similar distance in a matter of minutes. No such creature has ever been shown to be real and it seems to only exist in legend and mythology.
Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).
:"51:47 We constructed the universe with might, and We are expanding it."
Since the earlier English translations of Surah 51:47 do not use the word "expanding," it is important to acknowledge that the most recent translations are hypothetical. Therefore, it is appropriate to question the translation that uses the word, "expanding."
In order to explain certain observations that the view that the universe was static could not explain, astronomers in the twenties of the 20th century developed the theory that the universe is expanding. That the universe is expanding is now considered an established scientific fact.Some Muslims claim that the Qur’an contains a verse that state that the universe has been expanding. This is the verse in question:
And the heaven We built it with might and We lamūsi‘ūn. (51.47)
The term “lamūsi‘ūn” is usually understood as meaning “expanding.” The word “heaven” is taken to mean the “universe” and to be the object of the action of “expanding,” and thus it is claimed that this verse shows that the Qur’an has revealed that the universe is expanding. This, however, is a misunderstanding of the word “lamūsi‘ūn.”
Translator Translation
Pickthall We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).
Palmer And the heaven - we have built it with might, and, verily, we do surely give it ample space!
Rodwell And the Heaven - with our hands have we built it up, and given it its expanse.
Sale We have built the heaven with might; and we have given [it] a large extent.
Shakir And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.
Sher Ali And We have built the heavens with Our own hands, and, verily, We have vast powers.
Yusuf Ali With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace.
But some translations allow a link between the verse and the expanding universe concept:
Translator Translation
Arberry And heaven - We built it with might, and We extend it wide.
Hilali-Khan With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space thereof.
Khalifa We constructed the sky with our hands, and we will continue to expand it.
Whether or not accommodating linking the verse to the concept of expanding universe, all nine translators link the term “lamūsi‘ūn” to “expansion,” “space,” “vastness,” and such concepts.
Some classical exegetes of the Qur’an have also established this link in the verse. For instance, Qurṭubī (d. 671/1272) and ibn Kathīr (d. 774/1372) interpret this term as meaning “We have expanded its borders.” Others, however, have differed. For instance, Zamakhsharī (d. 538/1144) and Baiḍāwī (d. 685/1286) take it to mean “We are capable.” Rāzī (d. 606/1209) considers both interpretations as possible, so he says that it may mean “we expanded it” or “We are capable.” Obviously, those who linked “lamusi’un” to “expansion” did not have the concept of expanding universe in mind. Nevertheless, linking this term to “expansion” is the result of wrong interpretation.
Great video. Exactly what i wanted for. Upload in good quality man.
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@@23Danimator According to the hypothesis of the evolution of the universe, when it has not yet evolved, all matter and energy are in balance, and the matter and energy it needs are diffused outward in accordance with the laws of physics (the gravitational force of matter balance is canceled), so where is the matter, energy and gravitational to evolve? So it can only be created by God.
Only fantasy. The reality is unknown . This is a film, not science.
What or Who? caused the Big bang?
-According to the Law of Cause and Effect, every effect must have a cause. In other words, everything that happens has a catalyst; everything that came into being has something that caused it. Things don't just happen by themselves.
The cause is still currently unknown, we can only wait to see what science will say
:) I'll make addition.
has anyone ever noticed that the view of the cosmos from outside looks like some sort of neural net? perhaps we are but axonal pathways, or the cosmic scale equivalent of atoms in a synaptic cleft, of a much larger cosmic being... perhaps the cosmos is a living creature, much like the earth and the gaia hypothesis.. perhaps the collective thoughts of all of the beings in the universe are to it what consciousness is for us.
anyway, this was cool.
HOLY SHIT I've been thinking about this constantly for the past year or so. I'm so mind blown because your comment exactly matches what I believe. We are conscious of ourself. We are the self-consciousness of a greater mind. Maybe dark matter which exists in intergalactic space is equivalent to the "grey matter" and "white matter" in the brain?
I recognized the similarities to a neural net, but have no decent theory on this - unfortunately way too speculative.
But to refer to the cosmos as a living creature: We, and everything we know, has more in common with the universe, than we first think. Every element heavier than helium (so are carbon and oxygen, to name two very important elements for life as we know it) is product of nuclear fusion inside a star. So every part of us, that is not hydrogen or helium was created in a star, somewhere in the universe. Plus, every element heavier than iron was created in an exploding star. Only supernovae deliver enough energy to force iron atoms into heavier elements. Got a golden wedding ring? It is in fact pure stardust.
And this is why mankind is the universe, reflecting itself. This is why the universe can be referred to as a living creature - at least in some places.
i completely agree. we are all children of the cosmos.
+banjo blenda, Absolutely! And the cosmos is a child of the Great Creator (not made of space, time, energy or mass). We are not effect, but cause, if we choose to be. If you think you are that meat sack, then you're blinding yourself.