Agreed. This seems to be an issue of trying to keep it humanoid because otherwise the Suits in charge think we cant 'sympathise' with the character. Total BS if you ask me. The new Beast of the Belle and the Beast live action movie is one of the most obvious victims of this treatment.
Robo Rat Yeah. It's sad. There are so many things you could do to innovate the design of Aliens. Heck, the series Rick and Morty is honestly one of the best scifi shows in a long time because they have a lot of good ideas when it comes to design, not only regarding Aliens.
I heard the door open to my office... It was delrith. Slowly, and seductively, he walked to my desk. I felt my heart race as he jumped into my desk and crawled towards me. Then he pulled me close and wispered softly into my ear: "I was on a planet, she got eaten by an autokill execution. She was dead. Peebee was dead, aaight? She wouldn't come back to life. And so I was running around she was still dead. Like we were doing cutscenes like across the planet and I couldn't bring her back I couldn't swap her out or anything..."
ME1 was the best cause it was made by bioware only. Mass Effect 2 was with some EA assistance and it was dumbed down.In my opinion ME2 is weaker than ME1 the only good thing about it was the suicide mission and the squadmates. ME3 where EA completely took control that game was fucked up and not just for its ending but now when I played Andromeda I thought ME3 was not a bad game after all xD
15 playthroughs? Thats nice. I had 9 charactes in ME1,each of them was unique because of the sheer number of dialogues. In ME2 4 chars was enough to know everything in the game but I decided to go 6 hoping for ME3 different endings. Unfortuntely that was unneccesary cause 3 walkthroughs were enough to see that game is not great and the outcomes are the same. I pretend that the other 3 *Shepards died in the Suicide Mission....
Damn, the difference between the real life model/actress,who was the ''template'' for female Ryder and the in game version of that character is insane! How did they fucked up so bad?
They did not. They changed it in a after release patch. So I assume either the rigging (animation) was broken and they had to change it, or the licence/art was revoked and they had to remove it.
TechyBen wrong. that story got proven false. im sure they didnt mean to fuck up animations. that was probably EA's fault. they pushed the game to release when it shouldnt be considered ready. However they did make the female characters less "sexist". because apparently only ugly women exist:) stupid SJW
I am a 68-year-old gamer and I love your show. You two are really funny, and thanks for the reviews they are great and spot on. I played the first 3 Mass Effect games and was really disappointed with Andromeda SAD!!! Thanks for the funny review.
Funny enough. The gaming industry didnt exist 68 years ago but it was existed in 40 years. So there only 1 thing comes to mind *YOU ARE FROM THE FUTURE?* Oh ancient gamer! Pls tell us what happen on year 2077? Did CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk finally released? Did TES IV was annouced? Did Fallout 76 finally completed? Pls tell us
@@PittedGrape Del is like 90% of their livestream content. You almost never manage to catch Joe actually streaming, it's usually Del. They can't get rid of him unless they can find another guy willing to live being shackled in Joe's basement playing Fallout 76 for 200 hours.
"I think I really pissed that one off! Maybe because I shot him in the face!" Wtf seriously that's the voice acting and lines?!?! I thought that was some guy on multiplayer!
"I was on a planet she got eaten by an auto kill execution. She was dead. Peebee was dead. Okay? She wouldn't come back to life. And so I was running around she was still dead. Like we were doing cutscenes like across the planet cause I couldn't get her back I couldn't swap her out or anything..." - Delrith 2017
@@recjr7685 . This is true. One guy on their team got fired for controversial rants on Twitter that were making people boycott the game. Then as Joe said, there's no default White main character, wtf is up with that ? I'm White and it is a Rpg, I want to play as a White person to role play cause I don't identify as Asian or Black. Bioware better get it together. The Gears of war series tried being politically correct and it pissed off a lot of people. The Rainbow flags in online were totally unnecessary
@@cometmoon4485. Who said I was whining ? This is an Rpg game. Change the skin color ? That's groundbreaking in an RPG game ? It is only 2020 now. This game is in my backlog and I'm glad that the one guy got fired. I'm tired of these developers virtue signaling. No one gives a shit if you're gay or straight in Gears 5 online, so what is with the rainbow flags ? Bioware has been doing this shit lately in their games too.
You're a character in a game. Do you complain this much about playing as a British explorer with giant breasts? Or a blonde, intergalactic bounty hunter? Or a Spartan god-slayer? Or a cowboy in the wild west? How about an Italian plumber? Perhaps a Japanese martial artist? You're supposed to use your damned imagination! Oh, but it's an rpg... Well, at least you know what women, gays, black people, and every other minority has felt like always having to play as a white male. And you're complaining about ONE game...
Omfg I'm 17 and I can't view this video. This is so fucking annoying I love rewatching Joe's videos, why can't the age restrictions be 16 or something.
Time to play ME2 suicide mission and get everyone killed, bioware are still developing ME3 and EA just announced a delay so finishing touches could be.... Oh wait, this is reality, Mass Effect 3 was terrible and Mass Effect: Feminism happened.
Ryan Is Mass Effect 3? Actually bad or are you still bandwagoning? I bought it and all the others except Andromeda recently with all DLC. I’m loving it but is 3 really too bad to play? Edit: I’ve played it recently and it IS NOT bad. It’s actually a GOOD game, people were salty because the decisions they make in 1 and 2 don’t have DRASTICALLY different endings in 3.
Geralt of Rivia It was never a "bandwagon", bioware stated and I quote "ME3 is the best place for new people to the franchise to start". If you'd played the original two, before they decided to fire the writer whos craftsmanship made those games exceptional, then the 3rd would have ruined it for you. If your one for a casual experience and want the game to play itself, enjoy a mediocre story with unlikeable characters then please, dive right in. But if you put story above "accessible to all" big budget nonsense, play the first two. One of the best gaming experiences of all time.
The "First Murder" side-mission set the tone of the game for me, as well as expectations for future missions. It showed a clear lack of attention to story telling. During their marketing campaign, Bioware was shamelessly bragging about having stepped away from the binary choice system, but in this mission they presented you with two choices, neither of which make sense in any realistic universe. Spoiler: A guy is charged with murder and labeled "first murderer in Andromeda". After investigation, it turns out that he actually attempted to murder someone, but the killing bullet wasn't his (damn kill-stealing kett). The choices you are presented with are to either sentence him as a murderer (exile) or release him as if he were innocent. What kind of bullshit logic is that? First of all, Ryder is nothing more than an over-glorified scout; how the hell is this his decision to make, and who assumed that he's got any right to make it? Where is the judicial system or council, or whatever they used on the citadel in the milky way? Where are the laws regarding this stuff? You've got tens of thousands of souls aboard the Nexus and no civil infrastructure/protocols prepared in advance? Second of all, why are there only two choices? This guy needs to be punished for attempted murder (in modern society this is typically a lesser offense than second-degree murder), not for first-degree murder - it can even be the same punishment considering the circumstances, but that distinction needs to be made. What about other choices? How about Ryder asking to have the guy released into his/her custody (since for some reason it's his/her choice anyways), and then decide what to do with him after that? For example, once in custody, Ryder could opt to just kill the guy in some back room, or make him into a janitor aboard his ship. I personally wouldn't pick those choices, but having them adds depth to an otherwise retarded dilemma that's a binary choice for no reason at all. The other Mass Effect games made you think. They presented you with choices that at times (despite being binary) were morally taxing and forced the player to go through some introspection or logical reasoning (with an extra layer added by perspectives of present companions). Even some missions that ended without a choice, left a small message as food for thought (for example, look up the mission "UNC: Rogue VI" for ME1 in wiki and check out the trivia section). This was, to many fans, the biggest attraction that made the mass effect universe memorable and a favorite. The writers behind ME4 threw that away due to either complete incompetence, or lack of respect for their subject matter - both are inexcusable.
Its a sad trend we are seeing with developers who think that because they have a big following they can dish out anything they like and people will lap it up, sad thing is alot of people do and that is why we get to this sort of situation where the 4th game of a series has taken leaps backwards. The biggest draw card to ME games has always been the story telling and to dumb it down to the extent it has been is a slap in the face to true fans of the game that have played every one. However if they do bring back that indepth story telling with this combat system and some tweaks to exploration they could have another game of the year next time out if they are willing to get back to putting the effort in to the story telling side of things.
I agree that several missions felt a bit unsatisfying. But overall I had a great time with MEA and especially the main story was really good. After the first 30 to 40 hours in, I realized that this wouldn't be as overwhelmingly epic as any game of the original trilogy. But it still is a great foundation for a new trilogy. With a new Team taking a new aproach to this universe. Because thats a crucual point here: This was not the same team that made the OT. And while I and probably everyone else wished, that the orginal Team would work on the new Trilogy, the reality simply is that they dont. And we have to be happy that we at least get another Mass Effect game and that it even is a decent one. Allthough it is published by EA.
That's a fair sentiment, and I would hold it too if not for an incalculable amount of storytelling mistakes that were made throughout the campaign. You appear to be of the opinion that (correct me if I'm wrong), since this is a new team, they should be excused for a certain margin of error while they break themselves into their role/responsibility (much like the original team did with ME1), and that to compare the quality of this game to that of the OT is to hold an unfair expectation. To an extent you are correct; the new team was under a lot of pressure to carry the torch and build a game that carried on the legacy, even though it's a new universe, and that's an unfair level of responsibility to meet. However, note that all of my complaints surrounding this game pertained to story and writing thereof. With your argument, plenty of bugs could be excused (and I do excuse them), but I simply can't agree with you when you say the story was good or that it laid a good foundation; there are too many mistakes there to be justified by "new leadership". Fairness aside, I'll compare MEA to ME1, since they're both entry-points to their own sagas, and even though ME1 was not under the strain of high expectation the way MEA is, it had 1/15 of its budget, so I'll be liberal and call it a draw. ME1 had a simple, but complete story. It had a clear antagonist whose character developed over the course of the story, a vast setting with clearly thought-out history and politics that the player can investigate, a combination of "person against the supernatural" and "person against society" conflicts, and a real conclusion which resolved every question, leaving no plot holes. It did leave on the note of "we need to prepare for the bigger danger", but there was no question of what that danger was, and there were no unresolved questions about the universe. MEA's story was a mess. 1) It had a 0-dimensional villain who had less personality than any of the kett met along the way (reading a bit of text written by some kett soldier was more entertaining than the archon) - the archon's motive was "i need to enslave and kill you all because i'm an asshole", and that's it. By comparison, Saren was a racist (Speciesist?), bigot, and a general pain in the ass, but he had a clear motive outside of "i wanna screw everyone over" - he acted in a way he thought would benefit the galaxy, despite his hate for humanity. Even then, his character changed and his perspective shifted to a different POV as the story progressed - I can't see anything resembling this in the Archon; he's a styrofoam block by comparison. 2) it had lot of mystery introduced that was never resolved in any sufficient manner or (at times) was left unaddressed. Hell, the very first problem that the player runs into (scourge) initially felt like a massive, oppressive phenomenon that would play a massive part in the lore/history of the galaxy, and later in the story it's lazily summed up as the result of "an ancient race done goofed". Lame and pathetic writing. Do you remember that moment in ME1 when Sheppard faced a holographic communication of Sovereign for the first time? I still remember the goosebumps, astonishment and shock I felt when Sovereign revealed himself to be sentient and a self-proclaimed god. There was not a single moment in MEA which left an impression on me that could even come close to that (please name one). Even the "shocking" moment in MEA, when *SPOILER* it was revealed that the kett are actually converted from Angara, was lame. I couldn't believe the lack of originality or thought that went into making this plot twist; it's literally the collectors and indoctrination all over again, and it was predictable as hell. Forgive me for expecting something new (we're in a new saga, aren't we?). 3) Unlike Sheppard, Ryder is a bad character, and that's not because he's got a rubber face. He's a bad character because he does not develop or mature. He started off as a smart-mouthed reckless adventure seeker, and he remained the same until the end. He did not develop because he didn't have to face any real adversity, nor did he have any real moral qualms about anything he had to do over the course of his adventures. His adversary (Archon) is a brick that needs to be smashed. His job (making habitable planets) boils down to running chores for boring people. Most of his dialogue with other characters ends up being masturbatory comedy that serves no purpose - Lexi: "how do you manage to not lose yourself?" Ryder: "I'm just... naturally awesome" Lexi: "get out". Overall, MEA fails in its storytelling on way too many fronts, but the biggest one is that it's not a complete story. Each game within the original trilogy was a self-contained plot with its own narrative structure. Each one was complete, while retaining that one strong thread which connects them all (reaper threat). By the end of ME1, the player says "wow, that was great, can't wait to see how we get prepared for the reapers" (nothing else). By the end of ME2, the player says "Holy crap, that was intense, and I can't wait for the full war". By the end of ME3... the player is confused and angry. In each of those cases (maybe ME3 is a slight exception), the player doesn't have any outstanding questions other than "how will our next fight against the reapers go?". In comparison, by the end, MEA has so many plot threads left untied that it can't be considered a complete game (more like half of one), and as a result the player is left with more questions at the end of the game than they had going into it. "What happened to Ryder's mother?", "Who built the remnant and what happened to them?", "Why is the origin of the Angara species what it is?", "How do we deal with the scourge before it consumes us all?", "What will we do about the Kett Empire?", "What does nude Vetra look like?", etc.
SPOILER- concerning murder mission Letting him go is as good as locking him up for a long time for attempted murder. (I let him go based upon evidence gathered) If you let him go , he admits to his wife the truth , that he intended to kill the guy but the Kett bullet is the one that actually killed the victim , the wife then leaves him based upon this knowledge. Everyone around him accuses him of murder still thinking he's guilty , otherwise making his life miserable. He then allegedly out of depression and sorrow , willingly puts himself in cryo in an attempt to let time pass and perhaps clear the air of negativity around him. More than a scout , The Pathfinder is a senior mission officer, an expert in survival, diplomacy, and combat.
not allegedly, you get to talk to him in the cryogenics part of the ship as he's getting ready to go under. Also, the fact that he's being put into cryo is not punishment - getting frozen to essentially time-travel to a comfortable future, while everyone else faces the hardships to make that future comfortable, is escapism. He gets to simply run away from responsibility and stigma that he himself stirred up, and wake up much later when everything has "blown over". Admitting the truth to his wife was the least he could do, and the fact that she left him is the least of the punishment he deserves; he deserves way more. He *is* guilty, just of a lesser crime. What you described (-diplomacy) is a skill set that a scout needs to have, or any other soldier for that matter. The point is that being a judge-jury-executioner is not a right or responsibility that someone in his position should have. Aside from the fact that it's a decision for which an entire branch of government should be responsible (a branch that for some odd reason doesn't seem to exist in the initiative), having ryder pass out a verdict speaks to his integrity as a story character. It simply further removes him from being a believable character by putting the pressure of the entire galaxy on his shoulders, and he just shrugs it off. Real characters/people (no matter how badass) crumble under pressure, or at least show signs of it being heavy - only robots carry it as if it's nothing, and ryder is proven to be just that. a good tell-tale sign of this is when the player wants to make a sensible decision that isn't available. Tann: "hey ryder, make this decision for me because i'm too lazy to oversee the Nexus' civics" Ryder: "beep-boop, orders acknowledged" (player: "I wish I could tell Tann to go fuck himself right now").
"I was on a planet she got hidden by an auto kill execution She Was Dead! Peebee was Dead! I was on a planet..."😂😂😂 I think this was AJ's subtle way of showing how the game felt.
im pretty sure we are getting the quarian ark in the next dlc. all tough you probabily right. Just like joe said 40milions are seriusly nothing compared to other games, and all of this is definetly EA fault. The spark that made me think about this (low budget) was the fact that the asari looked all the same, the only one different was infact peebee. Honestly i hope they learn from the errors they done with MEA and build a supreme MEA2. I still didin't finish MEA but im having my fun for the moment, the plot isn't great but its good its very similar to ME1's plot and untill we don't get the next games the plot is obviusly messy.
At this point its only Shephard who can save this. They fucked up the core of what ME truly is. Only credit people keep giving this game is its graphics and its combat. Both of which are completely irrelevant compared to what ME originally was.
MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA *CRACKED* BY CPY i shat you not! Pathetic EA, pathetic and useless DRM! I don't even wanna play this mess. I AM JUST HAPPY TO SEE THEM BURN! Boycott DRM!
Let's face it, the bioware that gave us masterpieces like DA origins, Balders gate, ME 1 and 2, jade empire, star wars, is no more, all of their great writers left and now they are just a money making machine for EA
This should be already common knowledge for anyone who has a clue about gaming. I can't believe how everyone still call them "Bioware". I guess their shills in the gaming media still push these past names to hide EA's destructive influence.
The one guy repeats his explanation of his glitch about 3 times, and word for word, the first time he was cut off, the second time repeated word for word and described cut scene, then the third time repeats word for word and describes a squad of dracks, that's pretty crazy to repeat it word for word with the same inflection, seems like he's a robot, go look again, I though the video was repeating for a second
Un-broken and victorious yeah i think it was an insult to Kotor 1 & 2. I grew up with that game it was the closest thing to being in a starwars universe! haha im playin it right now on xbox one. The NOSTALGIA!!! 😃😄
Aniki Ignacio my god I damn near choked on my breakfast when other joe turned around with those eyes, that was one of the funniest things i've ever seen.
OMFG when other Joe turned around with those googly eyes I spit out my fucking coffee. This is the funniest shit I have seen. Thanks for the review Joe. I have been waiting patiently as I've been on the fence about this game.
I thought so but he ends each sentence differently. He literally rehearsed his 4 sentences and joe kept interrupting it and he really wanted to give us the whole 4 sentences at once
Well, Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was so well played because progress in that was directly tied to what ending you would get... Which is seriously stupid.
The sad thing is, EA pulled the plug on Andromeda. No more dlc's, no sequels, nothing. This game is the first and last we'll see of Andromeda. This game flopped so hard it died less than 6 months in. Mass Effect as a series is on Hiatus because this game was such a disappointment
They announced that the game is getting a sequel they just cut the single player support .multiplayer is still getting support and is still populated easy to find matches instead of spending time to make dlcs for the game that money is being funneled into the next game
Un-broken and victorious it doesnt though your point is dumb. Me3 was a great game and meA had better combat than all the other games combined and if the series was dying it wouldnt be getting a sequel
@Honestly Brutal it is still good game but because issues you mentioned fo me it is at least 7/10 but personally i give it 8/10 .... and you know why no quarians ? because of shitty "fans" like f.e. @Gamehermit5050 ... quarians should come in dlc but "fans" shit on this good game so we dont have quarians and possibly no more mass effect games
So basically, all the elements of the game that made Mass Effect what is was (story, characters, dialogue), are the worst parts of Andromeda? Are you effing kidding me? Games these days are just one disappointment after another. What happened?
What happened? Social Justice and EA. Social Justice inspires the games to be less about characters and stories and more about characters being certain label. It also tries to get rid off attractive characters. It tries hard to make games equal for both/all genders unless it's violence towards women. And that's because they are inherently racist and sexist etc. towards the groups they actually want to protect because they see them as lesser beings unable to take care of themselves. EA on the other hand either buys studios and forces them to do what they want or all around inspires studios to be all about money. Get the most money for the lowest possible effort. And don't forget to add additional purchases into games that already cost $60. Offer customization where the interesting items are behind a paywall. And these kinds of business strategies. And that's because these companies are lead by people who have no trust in gaming industry lasting long enough. In the end games are fairly new media and these CEOs don't think they will last.
The part that really broke my heart was when I heard that Bioware Montreal was giving up on the game. Only five months after release they said "there will be no more patches and no DLC" the game is essentially dead. and when I hear that the Montreal studio ignored all criticism, it makes me lose faith in the company as a whole. I mean from what I have heard their response to criticism is "we are sorry, that you can tell what a great game this is and your too stupid to appreciate it." I don't know but If I had not bought the digital addition I would have returned it by now.
Actually more in lines of EA fault this time. Keep in mind bioware just a brand name. Lots of the original devs from Star wars old republic, mass effect and even dragon age 1 have left or moved on to other projects. This team was roughly all new and also bulk of bioware devs are working on that mmo game. All the money and recourses are going to here
If you're wondering why the dialogue in this game is so childish, and why they can't take criticism, it's because AAA games today are made by adult children Along with movies Sheltered brats who have never been told no and grew up with participation trophies
problem with the voice acting is that EA won't deal with voice actors who are trying to get the same rights and protections as Screen Actors Guild of America (SAG)
The voice acting in this game shows us exactly why the gaming industry needs to respect and actually pay proper voice actors and not just get some actor or 'celebrity' and use them to market the game. People need to know that voice acting is a whole entire art and profession on its own.
Other Joe with the googly eyes looks like Judge Doom. *sees semi-reenactment of WFRR, with Other Joe as Judge Doom* "When I made you review those shitty games, I TALKED....JUST...LIKE...THIIIISSSSSS!!!!!!!!"
Other Joe had me laughing hard at that intro. That is a great point about why couldn't we choose our own race now ? Like have unique branching story dialogue as a result, it would have made the game even more in depth.
Yeah, every race could’ve had different qualities. Like how the Krogans value brute strength or how the Asari have the abilities to use the force and shit
i think destiny budget wasn't 500 million for destiny 1 only microsoft gave them a 500 million contract for the sequels and the dlc's + the exlusives , so it's good share
call of duty mw 2 was 250 millions when 200 was marketing. Star wars the old republic was 200 mln only game production and this is most expensive game to date.
Andromeda is definitely 3/10 I don't care what Joe says. Its been out for almost two months now and it still has more bugs than a Bethesda game. I can't imagine what Andromeda was like on release.
Have to agree with RuBiiX. The game is objectively bad. Not the absolute worst, but it does not live up to the pedigree and standards that we've come to expect from BioWare, in reference to Mass Effect 1-3. And he's not wrong; there's quite a few people out there with insanely low standards (which is why there's been a steady increase in shitty games in recent years).
Forget Joes Score, he's a entertainer not a critic. To be a critic, you need to be critical. And he shills for so many objectively bad triple a games. Its downright mind-boggling. The dumber and more casual a game, the higher his score. Just look at his Bethesda reviews. Its sickening!
That's good news cause those animations were creepy and weird. Like bad botox injections. Someone told them their dad died and they smiling like they just smoked some high grade with Snoop Dogg
You don't need to play a game from 2015, 2016 or 2017 onwards to know it's shit, the majority of video games lately have been shit. Look at Mafia 3 how broken that was, and then this, then you look at Battlefront and DOOM which have little to no content then IW is just boring as shit
MrZodiac011 maybe broaden your genres of games. Stop playing so many FPSs, they've pretty much always been repetitive, boring and shitty. When a new version comes out every year you know they didn't give a crap about making it good.
Mafia 3, Watch Dogs 2, Wildlands aren't FPS games. I play anything really and the only games that have been good in the last 2 years are Rise of the Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs 2 and Battlefield 1, Battlefront was good but had no content, the rest are just garbage
They can take a lot away from this game I think they had a great concept but the races and creatures were more or less stale couple that with poor ai, the dumb faces, and constant glitches. You’re gonna get a cookie cutter game that isn’t as immersive or interesting as it should be. The dialogue was acceptable for the most part but yeah if they had polished this game more and spent more time on it I think it would have been a decent game with some replay value but all in all that’s what makes this game so bad was the potential that wasn’t succeeded.
@@anthonytokar3961 Man, ME3 and Andromeda were my favorites so far. ME3 for the story (ending excluded), and MEA for the combat. MEA is a fun game. Hands down, it's fun, way more than any other ME game. The story is forgettable. It's not bad, but it's certainly not good. And the characters all felt meh. Very, very meh. Not bad, just meh.
Albert Johnston no way, no way is the combat better in andromeda. Terrible AI, the weapons felt like you were shooting blanks, powers were over simplified. Being shot from 7 different directions is annoying honestly screw the jet packs.
Does anybody else have a problem with every Angaran speaking perfect and fluent English? This alien species from a completely different galaxy knows exactly how to speak English, sure someone may have taught them some English or whatever but the ancient Angaran ai that has been lost to the Angarans for quite some time also manages to speak English. I don't know if there's an explanation for all this that I missed while I was too busy watching my companion decide to be an owl and rotate their head like it's nobody's business or what.
LordManda2 Yeah, for the Milky Way, but I mean... they are in a completely different galaxy. It doesn't make sense that translators from the Milky Way can pick up a language from Andromeda that quickly or even at all. Though there are a lot more and worse immersion-breaking plotholes around MEA tbh
its not a plothole, the translators analyzed the language of the angara and after a while they could translate it. if you had played the game you'd know that.
Game developers need to stop making expansive RPGs into more streamlined, commercial experiences. Mass Effect, Fallout and even Destiny 1 are examples of huge game worlds that were super deep. Mass Effect Andromeda, Fallout 4 and Destiny 2 have all been streamlined into more 'Call of Duty' like experiences. Stop this. Please.
DO NOT confuse game developers with video game PUBLISHERS (read Pawnbrokers) that are the ones in command, the Bosses, the Lords, the fucking Godfathers.
like Joe said, 40 mil is not a big budget at all for developing a game especially at this scale and even more for a company first game. Yes, this is Bioware MONTREAL first game. They were just a supporting studio. And unless I missed it, Joe did not say he played the other versions of the game (XBox nd PC) cause they are fine, which I find a bit ironic given how much the interface is designed for console. So yea, the PS4 version is a massive mess and deserve the criticism but does not reflect the overall product.
you forgetting joe that bioware is not the bioware we knew ... almost all got fired and replaced with the new garbage team and the facist team leader that created that game...
That doesnt excuse them though. Its the damn brand that counts not the team. People come and go, the brand stays. Its like buying kosher products doesnt matter which people make it you expect it to be "kosher". If its labeled kosher. Or buying a Ferrari but then the factory goes to Japan and they make a Honda with a Ferrari label. You dont say well its not the same people its Japanese who made it so I'll let this one slip through.
yea that comes from his tweet '' no human should be white'' or something like this .. i forget bullshits like this on purpose for the stability of my mental health.. shame..
They wanted to wait till September to release it, EA said no get it done ASAP. The game isn't bad, its pretty good. If you want to blame anyone blame EA
NavyMicrobe Gaming You have to buy EA access, which is a surprisingly good service actually. You get all 3 for free essentially and you get some of the minor dlc's, you have to buy the rest.
ShaneO Radiosho What the fuck do you know about video games? Youre a car junkie normie. You are the type of people that only likes a game because of good looks. People like you dont look at a game thoroughly they just play it half blind and like it. New isnt always better, fucking accept it.
ShaneO Gollleeeee geeeeeooo man you are a mean rude individual aren't ya..... btw this game blows chunks compared to the first trilogy.... they better step up their shit.
"People like BioWare. They're up there with Blizzard." That didn't age well.
It's still true. Just in the jackassery kind of sense.
For Bioware and Blizzard.
Turns out when huge publishers buy out popular developers, they become utter garbage.
That REALLY didn't age well.
you can say that twice
You can fight like a Krogan
Run like a leopard
But you'll never be better than Commander Shepard.
Fuck yeah man, Gavin is my hero! Take this thumbs up!
Wolf Jerry nice 👍
quoting miracle of sound I totally agree Shepard is the one and only
ThunderJunkOC and you can a thumbs up just for saying that in my opinion Gavin is a musical genius
Truer words are seldom spoken.
Someone wrote that on a piece of paper and left that on my windshield cause I had nd1 stickers on my car 🤣
Plot twist devs did motion capture but their faces just were tired.
"sorry my face is tired I can't show emotion" 😂😂😂
HolyDr1ver I bet that's the case lol
Vil Samom lmao
Yeah because they got shot in the face lol
What a twist!!
“Your goddamn dad is dead!!” 🤣😂🤣😂
Can you just imagine if someone told you this in this manner?! 🤣😂🤣
And then followed up by saying “my face is tired” while having a completely dead pan look?
Chronos 353 They’d be fired on the spot
Dude that still makes me laugh
Welp.... Game's over.... nothing to see here.
fearlesswee their faces*
sorry our developers are greedy :)
fearlesswee animators*
fearlesswee dahiojad
My face is tired
Napoleon Bonaparte That's their excuse for having shitty facial animations.
My face is tired from all that laughing!
I hate it how in so many Scifi-games and -movies the Aliens are just humans with weird heads.
Like in this day and age you could be so much more creative about the design.
Ben Schmie. The worst ones are the aliens from Guardians of the Galaxy. Many of them are just green, blue or purple people. ROTFL
I agree. Those aliens suck.
Agreed. This seems to be an issue of trying to keep it humanoid because otherwise the Suits in charge think we cant 'sympathise' with the character. Total BS if you ask me. The new Beast of the Belle and the Beast live action movie is one of the most obvious victims of this treatment.
Robo Rat Yeah. It's sad. There are so many things you could do to innovate the design of Aliens. Heck, the series Rick and Morty is honestly one of the best scifi shows in a long time because they have a lot of good ideas when it comes to design, not only regarding Aliens.
I heard the door open to my office... It was delrith. Slowly, and seductively, he walked to my desk. I felt my heart race as he jumped into my desk and crawled towards me. Then he pulled me close and wispered softly into my ear:
"I was on a planet, she got eaten by an autokill execution. She was dead. Peebee was dead, aaight? She wouldn't come back to life. And so I was running around she was still dead. Like we were doing cutscenes like across the planet and I couldn't bring her back I couldn't swap her out or anything..."
I came, not gonna lie.
Marijan Karaula LMFAOO
eh, not my proudest fap
Eh...I've read worse...
Dude I thought the video was glitching out and replaying audio because Delrith literally repeated what he said word for word 3 times in a row...
I know
What da hell was he repeating himself.
DoctorSargeMD For real, I came to the comments just to see if someone mentioned that. Weird af
DoctorSargeMD it was a rare editing mishap i think
DoctorSargeMD what time in the video?
they ranted about glitching while making massive glitches.
1. Bioware is one of the best RPG creators
2. EA aquires Bioware
3. ...
4. RIP Bioware
ME1 was the best cause it was made by bioware only. Mass Effect 2 was with some EA assistance and it was dumbed down.In my opinion ME2 is weaker than ME1 the only good thing about it was the suicide mission and the squadmates. ME3 where EA completely took control that game was fucked up and not just for its ending but now when I played Andromeda I thought ME3 was not a bad game after all xD
15 playthroughs? Thats nice. I had 9 charactes in ME1,each of them was unique because of the sheer number of dialogues. In ME2 4 chars was enough to know everything in the game but I decided to go 6 hoping for ME3 different endings. Unfortuntely that was unneccesary cause 3 walkthroughs were enough to see that game is not great and the outcomes are the same. I pretend that the other 3 *Shepards died in the Suicide Mission....
guys we must pray EA not messing around with DA franchises
EA is cancer.
From Dragon Age Badass Origins to Dragon Age fetchquisition... :P
Kill. Me. Now.
Couldn't have said it better myself, friend.
She was dead, Peebee was dead he said that three times with the same tone and delivery. Is he a robot?
I noticed that too, was really weird
It was bad editing.
i thought i accidentally rewinded
He was just lagging irl lol
I looked for this comment lol
nearly 2 months and i still stop back to watch that fucking googly eye nonsense at the beginning xD
Still laugh at this, and music is so fits.
It's amazing huh
What? Sorry, I cannot hear you.. my face is tired.
Konstantin Trifonov yuy
Damn, the difference between the real life model/actress,who was the ''template'' for female Ryder and the in game version of that character is insane! How did they fucked up so bad?
The lead modeler is a SJW who had zero prior game design/development experience. Her only professional experience was as a cosplayer.
They did not. They changed it in a after release patch. So I assume either the rigging (animation) was broken and they had to change it, or the licence/art was revoked and they had to remove it.
Addison Wilson That story was debunked 2 weeks ago. Get facts right stop following.
TechyBen wrong. that story got proven false.
im sure they didnt mean to fuck up animations. that was probably EA's fault. they pushed the game to release when it shouldnt be considered ready. However they did make the female characters less "sexist". because apparently only ugly women exist:) stupid SJW
"Pre order"
Humans look more like aliens than....aliens lol
Aliens look better
I am a 68-year-old gamer and I love your show. You two are really funny, and thanks for the reviews they are great and spot on. I played the first 3 Mass Effect games and was really disappointed with Andromeda SAD!!! Thanks for the funny review.
Please share your wisdom of the acient gamers
Dude you’re a badass
Funny enough.
The gaming industry didnt exist 68 years ago but it was existed in 40 years.
So there only 1 thing comes to mind
Oh ancient gamer! Pls tell us what happen on year 2077?
Did CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk finally released? Did TES IV was annouced? Did Fallout 76 finally completed? Pls tell us
Alex Ya I really don’t think he means he’s been playing for 68 years he just said *68 years old gamer*
His been playing games 68 years
I felt like I was tripping when Dell kept repeating himself... 😂
i know this is an old video but honestly I feel del needs to be replaced.
@@PittedGrape nah he does goodwork with his rapidfire reviews and joe edited dels lines twice in this video.
@@PittedGrape Del is like 90% of their livestream content. You almost never manage to catch Joe actually streaming, it's usually Del. They can't get rid of him unless they can find another guy willing to live being shackled in Joe's basement playing Fallout 76 for 200 hours.
@@knicknevin9975 Roflmao you make it seem like Del is AJ's personal troll/yeti that AJ feeds with games lol
"I think I really pissed that one off! Maybe because I shot him in the face!"
Wtf seriously that's the voice acting and lines?!?! I thought that was some guy on multiplayer!
"Because I shot him in the FUCKING face". And that's exactly what he wanted to say.
Simple Quirky Game Time that's why he is never on team
The devs asked for insult ideas from their 8 year old COD obsessed children
James Williamson I think your lying because I’ve heard some incredible insults from those kids online
Those googly eyes are hilarious.
Agreed xD
And accurate
Google-y Eyes? Get it? Because STADIA is a joke right now?
Lol - I still come back just to watch the intro. 🤣
Just came back after 2 years to see Other Joe's glorious face. XD
I came here after 3 years to vent, and to laugh.
Report to the Normandy immediately. We’ll bang. Ok?
"I was on a planet she got eaten by an auto kill execution. She was dead. Peebee was dead. Okay? She wouldn't come back to life. And so I was running around she was still dead. Like we were doing cutscenes like across the planet cause I couldn't get her back I couldn't swap her out or anything..." - Delrith 2017
bro i thought i was high he said that like 4 times
She didnt die she just got stuck
Del sounded like he was traumatized. Maybe Peebee was his Ryder's love interest?
WTF, is it me or did Delrith repeat himself three times?
Shivank Sharma not just you. I thought i was going crazy
I think the glitches from the game haunt them in real life as well
Shivank Sharma I thought my video was like glitchin out
Shivank Sharma it was obnoxious
Maybe editing issues.
"It seems like they purposely made the characters ugly"
lol they did do that
They made the female characters faces purposefully unattractive because the bioware staff is mustly composed of SJWs now.
@@recjr7685 . This is true. One guy on their team got fired for controversial rants on Twitter that were making people boycott the game. Then as Joe said, there's no default White main character, wtf is up with that ? I'm White and it is a Rpg, I want to play as a White person to role play cause I don't identify as Asian or Black. Bioware better get it together. The Gears of war series tried being politically correct and it pissed off a lot of people. The Rainbow flags in online were totally unnecessary
You can change the skin colour of your character, quit whining.
@@cometmoon4485. Who said I was whining ? This is an Rpg game. Change the skin color ? That's groundbreaking in an RPG game ? It is only 2020 now. This game is in my backlog and I'm glad that the one guy got fired. I'm tired of these developers virtue signaling. No one gives a shit if you're gay or straight in Gears 5 online, so what is with the rainbow flags ? Bioware has been doing this shit lately in their games too.
You're a character in a game.
Do you complain this much about playing as a British explorer with giant breasts? Or a blonde, intergalactic bounty hunter? Or a Spartan god-slayer? Or a cowboy in the wild west? How about an Italian plumber? Perhaps a Japanese martial artist?
You're supposed to use your damned imagination! Oh, but it's an rpg... Well, at least you know what women, gays, black people, and every other minority has felt like always having to play as a white male.
And you're complaining about ONE game...
Alright everyone, hear me out on this...,
I think Joes eyes at the beginning aren't real eyes
Greg Rothschilds you think?
Greg Rothschilds
I've checked and I think you might be right!
get out? No way bro
Greg Rothschilds no shit
Greg Rothschilds Say WHAAAT? Not cool, I finally thought I saw someone who proved that this game was based on some sort of realism.
Almost 2 weeks later and the googly eyes still make me LOL on sight...
I watch the intro everyday lol
Kevin Brown same here, and the line "your god damn father is dead" is the cherry on top.
Kudos to Angry Joe for not breaking during the entire googly-eyed routine, LOL!
Or maybe the close-up served dual purposes? *snicker* good stuff.
Kevin Brown agreed
Quick, order the Red Dead Redemption costume now, so it arrives on time.
Realtime88 Gaming Lol true
Rockstar is super reliable. They never fail to deliver.
Literally everyone about andromeda "it's Bioware, they will be fine".
I hated GTA 5... just a micro-transaction mess. (Well I wouldn't say I hated it... I just preferred gta 4 over 5.
+Henry Ford Only time will tell.
When they laugh after him saying “maybe cause I shot him in the face” had me crying
got age restricted because of bullying and harrassment
james channel more like his parents got age restricted on *LIFE*
Omfg I'm 17 and I can't view this video. This is so fucking annoying I love rewatching Joe's videos, why can't the age restrictions be 16 or something.
What the hell, where did the bullying and harassment come into this?
You guys put your real age on here when you are under age? Da fuck whhyyy?
I don't understand why this video got a restriction. It doesn't show any nudity.
Time to go replay Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC and hang out with a REAL crew.
Time to play ME2 suicide mission and get everyone killed, bioware are still developing ME3 and EA just announced a delay so finishing touches could be.... Oh wait, this is reality, Mass Effect 3 was terrible and Mass Effect: Feminism happened.
Ryan Is Mass Effect 3? Actually bad or are you still bandwagoning? I bought it and all the others except Andromeda recently with all DLC. I’m loving it but is 3 really too bad to play?
Edit: I’ve played it recently and it IS NOT bad. It’s actually a GOOD game, people were salty because the decisions they make in 1 and 2 don’t have DRASTICALLY different endings in 3.
Geralt of Rivia It was never a "bandwagon", bioware stated and I quote "ME3 is the best place for new people to the franchise to start". If you'd played the original two, before they decided to fire the writer whos craftsmanship made those games exceptional, then the 3rd would have ruined it for you. If your one for a casual experience and want the game to play itself, enjoy a mediocre story with unlikeable characters then please, dive right in. But if you put story above "accessible to all" big budget nonsense, play the first two. One of the best gaming experiences of all time.
Chuchu vin It angers me that I scrolled all the way down through your comment and I didn't even unlock an achievement
The "First Murder" side-mission set the tone of the game for me, as well as expectations for future missions. It showed a clear lack of attention to story telling. During their marketing campaign, Bioware was shamelessly bragging about having stepped away from the binary choice system, but in this mission they presented you with two choices, neither of which make sense in any realistic universe. Spoiler: A guy is charged with murder and labeled "first murderer in Andromeda". After investigation, it turns out that he actually attempted to murder someone, but the killing bullet wasn't his (damn kill-stealing kett). The choices you are presented with are to either sentence him as a murderer (exile) or release him as if he were innocent. What kind of bullshit logic is that? First of all, Ryder is nothing more than an over-glorified scout; how the hell is this his decision to make, and who assumed that he's got any right to make it? Where is the judicial system or council, or whatever they used on the citadel in the milky way? Where are the laws regarding this stuff? You've got tens of thousands of souls aboard the Nexus and no civil infrastructure/protocols prepared in advance? Second of all, why are there only two choices? This guy needs to be punished for attempted murder (in modern society this is typically a lesser offense than second-degree murder), not for first-degree murder - it can even be the same punishment considering the circumstances, but that distinction needs to be made. What about other choices? How about Ryder asking to have the guy released into his/her custody (since for some reason it's his/her choice anyways), and then decide what to do with him after that? For example, once in custody, Ryder could opt to just kill the guy in some back room, or make him into a janitor aboard his ship. I personally wouldn't pick those choices, but having them adds depth to an otherwise retarded dilemma that's a binary choice for no reason at all.
The other Mass Effect games made you think. They presented you with choices that at times (despite being binary) were morally taxing and forced the player to go through some introspection or logical reasoning (with an extra layer added by perspectives of present companions). Even some missions that ended without a choice, left a small message as food for thought (for example, look up the mission "UNC: Rogue VI" for ME1 in wiki and check out the trivia section). This was, to many fans, the biggest attraction that made the mass effect universe memorable and a favorite. The writers behind ME4 threw that away due to either complete incompetence, or lack of respect for their subject matter - both are inexcusable.
Its a sad trend we are seeing with developers who think that because they have a big following they can dish out anything they like and people will lap it up, sad thing is alot of people do and that is why we get to this sort of situation where the 4th game of a series has taken leaps backwards. The biggest draw card to ME games has always been the story telling and to dumb it down to the extent it has been is a slap in the face to true fans of the game that have played every one. However if they do bring back that indepth story telling with this combat system and some tweaks to exploration they could have another game of the year next time out if they are willing to get back to putting the effort in to the story telling side of things.
I agree that several missions felt a bit unsatisfying. But overall I had a great time with MEA and especially the main story was really good. After the first 30 to 40 hours in, I realized that this wouldn't be as overwhelmingly epic as any game of the original trilogy. But it still is a great foundation for a new trilogy. With a new Team taking a new aproach to this universe. Because thats a crucual point here: This was not the same team that made the OT. And while I and probably everyone else wished, that the orginal Team would work on the new Trilogy, the reality simply is that they dont. And we have to be happy that we at least get another Mass Effect game and that it even is a decent one. Allthough it is published by EA.
That's a fair sentiment, and I would hold it too if not for an incalculable amount of storytelling mistakes that were made throughout the campaign. You appear to be of the opinion that (correct me if I'm wrong), since this is a new team, they should be excused for a certain margin of error while they break themselves into their role/responsibility (much like the original team did with ME1), and that to compare the quality of this game to that of the OT is to hold an unfair expectation.
To an extent you are correct; the new team was under a lot of pressure to carry the torch and build a game that carried on the legacy, even though it's a new universe, and that's an unfair level of responsibility to meet.
However, note that all of my complaints surrounding this game pertained to story and writing thereof. With your argument, plenty of bugs could be excused (and I do excuse them), but I simply can't agree with you when you say the story was good or that it laid a good foundation; there are too many mistakes there to be justified by "new leadership". Fairness aside, I'll compare MEA to ME1, since they're both entry-points to their own sagas, and even though ME1 was not under the strain of high expectation the way MEA is, it had 1/15 of its budget, so I'll be liberal and call it a draw.
ME1 had a simple, but complete story. It had a clear antagonist whose character developed over the course of the story, a vast setting with clearly thought-out history and politics that the player can investigate, a combination of "person against the supernatural" and "person against society" conflicts, and a real conclusion which resolved every question, leaving no plot holes. It did leave on the note of "we need to prepare for the bigger danger", but there was no question of what that danger was, and there were no unresolved questions about the universe.
MEA's story was a mess.
1) It had a 0-dimensional villain who had less personality than any of the kett met along the way (reading a bit of text written by some kett soldier was more entertaining than the archon) - the archon's motive was "i need to enslave and kill you all because i'm an asshole", and that's it. By comparison, Saren was a racist (Speciesist?), bigot, and a general pain in the ass, but he had a clear motive outside of "i wanna screw everyone over" - he acted in a way he thought would benefit the galaxy, despite his hate for humanity. Even then, his character changed and his perspective shifted to a different POV as the story progressed - I can't see anything resembling this in the Archon; he's a styrofoam block by comparison.
2) it had lot of mystery introduced that was never resolved in any sufficient manner or (at times) was left unaddressed. Hell, the very first problem that the player runs into (scourge) initially felt like a massive, oppressive phenomenon that would play a massive part in the lore/history of the galaxy, and later in the story it's lazily summed up as the result of "an ancient race done goofed". Lame and pathetic writing. Do you remember that moment in ME1 when Sheppard faced a holographic communication of Sovereign for the first time? I still remember the goosebumps, astonishment and shock I felt when Sovereign revealed himself to be sentient and a self-proclaimed god. There was not a single moment in MEA which left an impression on me that could even come close to that (please name one). Even the "shocking" moment in MEA, when *SPOILER* it was revealed that the kett are actually converted from Angara, was lame. I couldn't believe the lack of originality or thought that went into making this plot twist; it's literally the collectors and indoctrination all over again, and it was predictable as hell. Forgive me for expecting something new (we're in a new saga, aren't we?).
3) Unlike Sheppard, Ryder is a bad character, and that's not because he's got a rubber face. He's a bad character because he does not develop or mature. He started off as a smart-mouthed reckless adventure seeker, and he remained the same until the end. He did not develop because he didn't have to face any real adversity, nor did he have any real moral qualms about anything he had to do over the course of his adventures. His adversary (Archon) is a brick that needs to be smashed. His job (making habitable planets) boils down to running chores for boring people. Most of his dialogue with other characters ends up being masturbatory comedy that serves no purpose - Lexi: "how do you manage to not lose yourself?" Ryder: "I'm just... naturally awesome" Lexi: "get out".
Overall, MEA fails in its storytelling on way too many fronts, but the biggest one is that it's not a complete story. Each game within the original trilogy was a self-contained plot with its own narrative structure. Each one was complete, while retaining that one strong thread which connects them all (reaper threat). By the end of ME1, the player says "wow, that was great, can't wait to see how we get prepared for the reapers" (nothing else). By the end of ME2, the player says "Holy crap, that was intense, and I can't wait for the full war". By the end of ME3... the player is confused and angry. In each of those cases (maybe ME3 is a slight exception), the player doesn't have any outstanding questions other than "how will our next fight against the reapers go?". In comparison, by the end, MEA has so many plot threads left untied that it can't be considered a complete game (more like half of one), and as a result the player is left with more questions at the end of the game than they had going into it. "What happened to Ryder's mother?", "Who built the remnant and what happened to them?", "Why is the origin of the Angara species what it is?", "How do we deal with the scourge before it consumes us all?", "What will we do about the Kett Empire?", "What does nude Vetra look like?", etc.
SPOILER- concerning murder mission
Letting him go is as good as locking him up for a long time for attempted murder. (I let him go based upon evidence gathered)
If you let him go , he admits to his wife the truth , that he intended to kill the guy but the Kett bullet is the one that actually killed the victim , the wife then leaves him based upon this knowledge.
Everyone around him accuses him of murder still thinking he's guilty , otherwise making his life miserable.
He then allegedly out of depression and sorrow , willingly puts himself in cryo in an attempt to let time pass and perhaps clear the air of negativity around him.
More than a scout , The Pathfinder is a senior mission officer, an expert in survival, diplomacy, and combat.
not allegedly, you get to talk to him in the cryogenics part of the ship as he's getting ready to go under. Also, the fact that he's being put into cryo is not punishment - getting frozen to essentially time-travel to a comfortable future, while everyone else faces the hardships to make that future comfortable, is escapism. He gets to simply run away from responsibility and stigma that he himself stirred up, and wake up much later when everything has "blown over". Admitting the truth to his wife was the least he could do, and the fact that she left him is the least of the punishment he deserves; he deserves way more. He *is* guilty, just of a lesser crime.
What you described (-diplomacy) is a skill set that a scout needs to have, or any other soldier for that matter. The point is that being a judge-jury-executioner is not a right or responsibility that someone in his position should have. Aside from the fact that it's a decision for which an entire branch of government should be responsible (a branch that for some odd reason doesn't seem to exist in the initiative), having ryder pass out a verdict speaks to his integrity as a story character. It simply further removes him from being a believable character by putting the pressure of the entire galaxy on his shoulders, and he just shrugs it off. Real characters/people (no matter how badass) crumble under pressure, or at least show signs of it being heavy - only robots carry it as if it's nothing, and ryder is proven to be just that. a good tell-tale sign of this is when the player wants to make a sensible decision that isn't available. Tann: "hey ryder, make this decision for me because i'm too lazy to oversee the Nexus' civics" Ryder: "beep-boop, orders acknowledged" (player: "I wish I could tell Tann to go fuck himself right now").
The start with the googly eyes make me crack up
Is it just me or did Del tell the same story like 3 fucking times just with different endings?
Dominic Turturici yeah I thought i was going crazy lol
Still more endings than Fallout 4
and they talk about the lack of quality assurance
Dominic Turturici Lmfao, I thought I accidentally rewinded the video.
I thought that was only me lmao
"I was on a planet she got hidden by an auto kill execution She Was Dead! Peebee was Dead! I was on a planet..."😂😂😂 I think this was AJ's subtle way of showing how the game felt.
Maybe a doctor strange reference..?
That Peebee story repeats three times.
I thought youtube had glitched
5:30 I was dying, hell I sometimes come back to this just to have a laugh and make my day better. Thanks guys
liam moment
Cries in cyberpunk 2021😭
Just go to the stupid krogan moment for a laugh.
I think i really pissed that one off, probably because i shot it in the face lololol
Same here. :p Thanks for the timecode!
MEA2 plot: Shepard appears and saves the game.
That's has to be why the Quarian Ark was postponed.
Or they had no budget to model Quarians, and QA, and Faunts and so on
im pretty sure we are getting the quarian ark in the next dlc. all tough you probabily right. Just like joe said 40milions are seriusly nothing compared to other games, and all of this is definetly EA fault. The spark that made me think about this (low budget) was the fact that the asari looked all the same, the only one different was infact peebee. Honestly i hope they learn from the errors they done with MEA and build a supreme MEA2. I still didin't finish MEA but im having my fun for the moment, the plot isn't great but its good its very similar to ME1's plot and untill we don't get the next games the plot is obviusly messy.
At this point its only Shephard who can save this. They fucked up the core of what ME truly is. Only credit people keep giving this game is its graphics and its combat. Both of which are completely irrelevant compared to what ME originally was.
We'll bang, Ok?
My heart fills with joy whenever i hear you utter the words "YOU DONE FUCKED IT UP!"
We're talking about the same guy right?
I won't forget about Aliens back in 2013... "YOU FUCKED UP!"
MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA *CRACKED* BY CPY i shat you not! Pathetic EA, pathetic and useless DRM!
I don't even wanna play this mess. I AM JUST HAPPY TO SEE THEM BURN! Boycott DRM!
Let's face it, the bioware that gave us masterpieces like DA origins, Balders gate, ME 1 and 2, jade empire, star wars, is no more, all of their great writers left and now they are just a money making machine for EA
It's a gate where only bald people get in, doh.
This should be already common knowledge for anyone who has a clue about gaming. I can't believe how everyone still call them "Bioware". I guess their shills in the gaming media still push these past names to hide EA's destructive influence.
+TheEzco xD lost my shit.
Kakapac usually what happens when a company sells out
The one guy repeats his explanation of his glitch about 3 times, and word for word, the first time he was cut off, the second time repeated word for word and described cut scene, then the third time repeats word for word and describes a squad of dracks, that's pretty crazy to repeat it word for word with the same inflection, seems like he's a robot, go look again, I though the video was repeating for a second
It's obviously an editing mistake.
He glitched talking about the glitch
That's a Bug! I guess Joe did that on purpose to fuck with the YT audience, but it seems like nobody got the joke.
Delrith said the same shit like 3-4 times in this video lol
For real, surprised no one mentioned it. Peebee died, I mean she was dead and wouldnt come back to life, about 3 times.
Either he has incredible control over the tone of his voice to make it sound identical, or it was an editing mistake on Joe's part.
Timothy Holley yea came off as bad editing.
Tyler I thought it was intentional like he was glitched or maybe he just had to get the damn story out
I though I'm getting stroke or something since I was on the way and didn't pay 100% attention.
I think Delrith glitched.
his face is tired
lol -
Peebee is dead
"Sorry my face is tired"
@Un-broken and victorious probably a lazy writter.
Un-broken and victorious yeah i think it was an insult to Kotor 1 & 2. I grew up with that game it was the closest thing to being in a starwars universe! haha im playin it right now on xbox one. The NOSTALGIA!!! 😃😄 face is...tied.....what should I do???
5:30 someone actually consciously decided to put that in the game.
Their reaction to it put me on the floor
Its so bad its actually good
Thank you Corporate Commander for this game.
Corporate Commander : ops ops OPS! You need to pay 1 Billion dollars to say the 2 words *THANK YOU*
@@markguardiana600 AJ: (Comes and punches you in the face) FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!
I bet joe was laughing his ass off in his mind when other joe did that googly eye thing
"I'll relinquish one bullet. Where do you want it?"
That single fucking Shepard line is better than this whole game.
good times those were maybe one day we will get ME1 and ME2 remastered since we need it
We'll bang, okey?
"You won't look so smug with a hole in your head"
Right? Fuck this dumbass Fallout 4 style response wheel and bring back renegade and paragon. I need a reporter to punch.
David K head to Wall St Journal HQ and have at it.
the intro never gets old
Other Joe always going extra for laughs lmao 🤙🏽
Aniki Ignacio my god I damn near choked on my breakfast when other joe turned around with those eyes, that was one of the funniest things i've ever seen.
If only it wasn't spoiled in the thumbnail
theelectricindian That shit made me laugh so fucking hard!
Mass googly effect
Well thats just fucking great now im scared for the new dragon age
Me too a bit. DAI was pretty damn solid, plus Trespasser DLC especially. I'd hate to see the next DA be like the comparison of DAII after Origins.
DA2 was trash, DAI was trash really this is news for you?
Lebby Great what? It was awesome
DAI was solid? WUT? There is going to be another DA? Oh God... atleast I can still play my DA:O I guess.
Knight Templar why? the last two sucked dick so the bar is pretty low
OMFG when other Joe turned around with those googly eyes I spit out my fucking coffee. This is the funniest shit I have seen. Thanks for the review Joe. I have been waiting patiently as I've been on the fence about this game.
I had to call my husband whose playing siege in the other room just to have him see joe's intros. We both love your skits Joe.
I know ME TOO. It took me by surprised and I just busted out laughing
It's funny because I'm expecting a funny intro skit. But the punchline came way too soon. I was just settling in on the couch. LOL
Other Joe is a national treasure
Miss Sunshine Gaming that face he makes fucking kills me lmao
To this day still the most accurate intro they've ever done - 10/10 would recommend
Peebee was dead
Abyss She got hit by an auto kill execution, she was dead, Peebee was dead.
She wouldn't come back to life. She was dead.
So i was running around and she was still dead
the is the exact comment I was looking for
Thought they fucked the editing up but he finished the same story three different ways.
Ive never laughed so hard at the beginning of a youtube vudeo
I was ashamed at how much I was laughing
This comment should have got a heart... I heart this comment
"your god damn father is dead" lmao
oh you know its gonna be a fun review when Joe starts with "Ya done fucked it up!"
Sam Henderson But then the boring Vlog started ...
Grand Priest yeah i typed that while i was still watching the beginning thing
Maybe the comment was meant more for the person he order his customs from then for mass effect lol.
same sigh this game would of offered a fun review
Grand Priest yep very disappointing for a game review like this. they shouldn't have rushed it. it's just boring now
I still watch this even in December 2019 just to see other Joe do the googly eye thing lmao
Yup, same!
Good times ✌
Del just said the same 4 sentences 3 times in a row word for word. I thought YT was glitching.
im guessing Joe just fucked up the editing
I was hoping it was a joke about the bugs. But I'm not sure.
I thought so but he ends each sentence differently. He literally rehearsed his 4 sentences and joe kept interrupting it and he really wanted to give us the whole 4 sentences at once
wyyclef thats because he wanted to strongly emphasize the points he was making.
wyyclef. I don't know why they have that fuck face on any videos. Everyone bitches about him.
Well, Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was so well played because progress in that was directly tied to what ending you would get...
Which is seriously stupid.
Thank god they changed the war asset balance in legendary edition
The sad thing is, EA pulled the plug on Andromeda. No more dlc's, no sequels, nothing. This game is the first and last we'll see of Andromeda. This game flopped so hard it died less than 6 months in. Mass Effect as a series is on Hiatus because this game was such a disappointment
Good riddance
EA should close down Tumblrware while they're at it
They announced that the game is getting a sequel they just cut the single player support .multiplayer is still getting support and is still populated easy to find matches instead of spending time to make dlcs for the game that money is being funneled into the next game
Un-broken and victorious it doesnt though your point is dumb. Me3 was a great game and meA had better combat than all the other games combined and if the series was dying it wouldnt be getting a sequel
And you just kept proving zieg field's point
Maybe one day they will wake up and realize no one gives a fuck about their political agenda.
I love OJ so much with alot of the skits. How he doesnt break down in tears laughing idk 😂😂
googely eyes make everything better
even sex
+Extremely Memely to bad you'll never know
you right
Next patch should just be googly eyes on the characters. FIXED.
I think Joe was Drunk AF when he edited this...... either that or hes being clever and glitching out his video to make fun of the game.
Ryan Navin I think the latter lmfao
0/10 no Quarian bae
blakereed92 true dat
I miss Tali so much
blakereed92 Fuck off with that bae shit. Unless you're a 14 year old girl that is.
No need to get mad over someone saying bae, dude.
I missed tali so much
“Kill me now”what everybody was thinking when they played the game
Ryder started acting like tali
not everyone just whining kids ! it is good game
@Honestly Brutal it is still good game but because issues you mentioned fo me it is at least 7/10 but personally i give it 8/10 .... and you know why no quarians ? because of shitty "fans" like f.e. @Gamehermit5050
... quarians should come in dlc but "fans" shit on this good game so we dont have quarians and possibly no more mass effect games
If you liked the game why do you even care what I or anybody else says? You liked it cool that’s your opinion more power to you.
"Yes your goddam father is dead"😅
You're the new path founder
That intro is hilarious. Thank you, other Joe.
I wish Delith had mentioned whether Peebee was dead. At least once.
What annoyed me more was I felt like he didn't get to the point as the other two cut him off. :|
Debonaire Nerd I want to know how she died and if she could have been revived. Now the world will never know...
That intro was better than Mass Effect 3's ending without the extended cut.
So basically, all the elements of the game that made Mass Effect what is was (story, characters, dialogue), are the worst parts of Andromeda? Are you effing kidding me? Games these days are just one disappointment after another. What happened?
Tyler Brown femenists was involved with their "political correctnes", aka gays, trans, lesbians in the game.
Consoles mate. All games are being simplified because of the less versatile controllers
@@benth290 you sir are a moron
@Iriako Ishikawa To be fair, Einstein was Jewish.
What happened?
Social Justice and EA.
Social Justice inspires the games to be less about characters and stories and more about characters being certain label. It also tries to get rid off attractive characters. It tries hard to make games equal for both/all genders unless it's violence towards women. And that's because they are inherently racist and sexist etc. towards the groups they actually want to protect because they see them as lesser beings unable to take care of themselves.
EA on the other hand either buys studios and forces them to do what they want or all around inspires studios to be all about money. Get the most money for the lowest possible effort. And don't forget to add additional purchases into games that already cost $60. Offer customization where the interesting items are behind a paywall. And these kinds of business strategies. And that's because these companies are lead by people who have no trust in gaming industry lasting long enough. In the end games are fairly new media and these CEOs don't think they will last.
That intro, laugh so hard that my soul almost came out!
and then 30 minutes of let down
icedaddy1011 oscar worthy haha 😂
Same Fam
Hurr hue Hurrrrr!! 👴
DUUUDE so fucking funnny
At least you didnt get a game breaking glitch, cost me a 2 extra hours of gameplay.....
"After months of inbred alien colonisation, my face happened" - Manslayer
The part that really broke my heart was when I heard that Bioware Montreal was giving up on the game. Only five months after release they said "there will be no more patches and no DLC" the game is essentially dead. and when I hear that the Montreal studio ignored all criticism, it makes me lose faith in the company as a whole. I mean from what I have heard their response to criticism is "we are sorry, that you can tell what a great game this is and your too stupid to appreciate it." I don't know but If I had not bought the digital addition I would have returned it by now.
Well rip dragon age
Actually more in lines of EA fault this time.
Keep in mind bioware just a brand name. Lots of the original devs from Star wars old republic, mass effect and even dragon age 1 have left or moved on to other projects.
This team was roughly all new and also bulk of bioware devs are working on that mmo game. All the money and recourses are going to here
Its EA fault they control the studio
If you're wondering why the dialogue in this game is so childish, and why they can't take criticism, it's because AAA games today are made by adult children
Along with movies
Sheltered brats who have never been told no and grew up with participation trophies
problem with the voice acting is that EA won't deal with voice actors who are trying to get the same rights and protections as Screen Actors Guild of America (SAG)
the beginning to this was just epic!
Holy SHEEEIIITTT!!! I couldn't stop laughing! I needed that (its a been a real shitty day).
onTopOfYoMutha and nobody cares
Nobody asked you to.
Yo mama does...
Die? For what? Your mother?
I come back from time to time for Other Joe's opener. Award worthy stuff. No BS.
"YOU DONE FUCKED IT UP!" every time I hear that at the beginning of Joe's reviews, I know it's gonna be a good one lol
Unless it's something you're actually interested in, then it's the bell that tolls for thee.
LouisianaBurns Mmm well he wasn't really angry.
WELL .. I was hoping it would be a good review then he went lazy with it.
please by all means post a vid that is better than his, then call him lazy.
The voice acting in this game shows us exactly why the gaming industry needs to respect and actually pay proper voice actors and not just get some actor or 'celebrity' and use them to market the game.
People need to know that voice acting is a whole entire art and profession on its own.
11:38 is it just me or did Del just bug out and repeat everything three times.
A Very Disappointed Red Engineer yeh wtf?
A Very Disappointed Red Engineer del.exe is not responding
A Very Disappointed Red Engineer is like Del got a glitch in his DNA. lol
I think they did it on purpose!
he played this glitchy mess for like 60 hours...who wouldn't be glitchy IRL?
Other Joe with the googly eyes looks like Judge Doom. *sees semi-reenactment of WFRR, with Other Joe as Judge Doom* "When I made you review those shitty games, I TALKED....JUST...LIKE...THIIIISSSSSS!!!!!!!!"
Jared Samples Dude, you're right! It is like Judge Doom! He should have used that line.
Jared Samples Judge . . . Doom? Judge Doom or Judge Death?
He looked like a thumb with googly eyes glued on.
Other Joe had me laughing hard at that intro. That is a great point about why couldn't we choose our own race now ? Like have unique branching story dialogue as a result, it would have made the game even more in depth.
Yeah, every race could’ve had different qualities. Like how the Krogans value brute strength or how the Asari have the abilities to use the force and shit
Destiny had the $500 million budget. GTAV had a $265 million.
i think destiny budget wasn't 500 million for destiny 1 only microsoft gave them a 500 million contract for the sequels and the dlc's + the exlusives , so it's good share
Ilyas Abdelwahab
What are you talking about? Not one point in your comment is true.
Jacko Ludvich destiny is $500 million for all 4 games and dlc plus marketing
call of duty mw 2 was 250 millions when 200 was marketing. Star wars the old republic was 200 mln only game production and this is most expensive game to date.
OK but gta v is a masterpiece so what's your point? Lol
Andromeda is definitely 3/10 I don't care what Joe says.
Its been out for almost two months now and it still has more bugs than a Bethesda game. I can't imagine what Andromeda was like on release.
Pretty decent actually.
It's a bad game.....IMHO
Have to agree with RuBiiX. The game is objectively bad. Not the absolute worst, but it does not live up to the pedigree and standards that we've come to expect from BioWare, in reference to Mass Effect 1-3. And he's not wrong; there's quite a few people out there with insanely low standards (which is why there's been a steady increase in shitty games in recent years).
Forget Joes Score, he's a entertainer not a critic. To be a critic, you need to be critical.
And he shills for so many objectively bad triple a games. Its downright mind-boggling.
The dumber and more casual a game, the higher his score. Just look at his Bethesda reviews. Its sickening!
You have no idea, the horror.
Why does that one dude keep repeating the "autokill execution" story with Peebee? Heard the exact same setup like 4 times within 3 minutes.
Super Duperest same o.o this review is glitchy lol
cause he didnt get to finish the story until the third time because they kept going on tangents
It was an editing mistake.
Or maybe, just maybe, they were making a point on how glitchy it is. in that case, nice troll
Mass effect andromeda was so glitchy it caused an editing glitch in the video.
Update: they fixed the facial animations, & I'm currently playing it & honestly enjoying it lol
That's good news cause those animations were creepy and weird.
Like bad botox injections. Someone told them their dad died and they smiling like they just smoked some high grade with Snoop Dogg
Middle guy repeated the exact same thing to set up his dead companion story like 3 times...
Qwhat9 i thought it was a glitch in the editing lol
It was an editing mistake.
Dislexic Potato butt hurt much?
Mass effect andromeda was so glitchy it caused an editing glitch in the video.
Luis Aref It was a mistake in the editing. People are being stupid.
I live for you saying "you done fucked it up!" at the start of reviews for games I hate.
AdiRaptor did you play this game
You don't need to play a game from 2015, 2016 or 2017 onwards to know it's shit, the majority of video games lately have been shit. Look at Mafia 3 how broken that was, and then this, then you look at Battlefront and DOOM which have little to no content then IW is just boring as shit
MrZodiac011 maybe broaden your genres of games. Stop playing so many FPSs, they've pretty much always been repetitive, boring and shitty. When a new version comes out every year you know they didn't give a crap about making it good.
Mafia 3, Watch Dogs 2, Wildlands aren't FPS games. I play anything really and the only games that have been good in the last 2 years are Rise of the Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs 2 and Battlefield 1, Battlefront was good but had no content, the rest are just garbage
Faint366 Makise Kurisu is best waifu tbh
Mega Mass Effect fan here. Andromeda is an easy 4/10. Such a failure.
They can take a lot away from this game I think they had a great concept but the races and creatures were more or less stale couple that with poor ai, the dumb faces, and constant glitches. You’re gonna get a cookie cutter game that isn’t as immersive or interesting as it should be. The dialogue was acceptable for the most part but yeah if they had polished this game more and spent more time on it I think it would have been a decent game with some replay value but all in all that’s what makes this game so bad was the potential that wasn’t succeeded.
Mass effect 3 was pretty shit also
@@anthonytokar3961 Man, ME3 and Andromeda were my favorites so far. ME3 for the story (ending excluded), and MEA for the combat. MEA is a fun game. Hands down, it's fun, way more than any other ME game. The story is forgettable. It's not bad, but it's certainly not good. And the characters all felt meh. Very, very meh. Not bad, just meh.
@@albertjohnston1026 for a story based RPG having a forgettable story is kind of a Fuck up.
Albert Johnston no way, no way is the combat better in andromeda. Terrible AI, the weapons felt like you were shooting blanks, powers were over simplified. Being shot from 7 different directions is annoying honestly screw the jet packs.
That opening never gets old😂👌
Does anybody else have a problem with every Angaran speaking perfect and fluent English? This alien species from a completely different galaxy knows exactly how to speak English, sure someone may have taught them some English or whatever but the ancient Angaran ai that has been lost to the Angarans for quite some time also manages to speak English. I don't know if there's an explanation for all this that I missed while I was too busy watching my companion decide to be an owl and rotate their head like it's nobody's business or what.
it was said in Thane's conversations that everyone in the galaxy has translators in their ears. They're actually all speaking their own language.
LordManda2 Yeah, for the Milky Way, but I mean... they are in a completely different galaxy. It doesn't make sense that translators from the Milky Way can pick up a language from Andromeda that quickly or even at all. Though there are a lot more and worse immersion-breaking plotholes around MEA tbh
its not a plothole, the translators analyzed the language of the angara and after a while they could translate it. if you had played the game you'd know that.
7 inches soft how so?
That third guy kept repeating the exact same line about PeeBee being dead so much that I thought the video glitched and was repeating the audio.
I believe that was the joke
i really doubt that, and if it really is, im sorry but i will be skipping him talking from now on, in order to avoid his "jokes".
I think it was an editing error and it was put on a loop or something.
I miss the geth
@Char Aznable I miss myself.
@Char Aznable one day maybe I'll be a hero again, until that day Keelah se'lai!
Legion :'(
I miss liara
Game developers need to stop making expansive RPGs into more streamlined, commercial experiences. Mass Effect, Fallout and even Destiny 1 are examples of huge game worlds that were super deep. Mass Effect Andromeda, Fallout 4 and Destiny 2 have all been streamlined into more 'Call of Duty' like experiences. Stop this. Please.
DO NOT confuse game developers with video game PUBLISHERS (read Pawnbrokers) that are the ones in command, the Bosses, the Lords, the fucking Godfathers.
Destiny 1 deep? Cmon man i may be a day one level 400 on all 3 characters and probably spent over 100$ on that game and dlc but the story was NOT DEEP
Who else's jaw was on the fucking floor from 13:41 to 14:02? 5 years, 40 million dollars and over 200 developers my friends. What the actual fuck?
Bioware had a racist animator who spend most of his time on twitter and a cosplayer with no game experience.
Is that so?
King Gigan a glitch. one, out of over 100 hours of gameplay, that is so extremely rare (like peebee's leaning)
Its more then one glitch.
like Joe said, 40 mil is not a big budget at all for developing a game especially at this scale and even more for a company first game. Yes, this is Bioware MONTREAL first game. They were just a supporting studio.
And unless I missed it, Joe did not say he played the other versions of the game (XBox nd PC) cause they are fine, which I find a bit ironic given how much the interface is designed for console. So yea, the PS4 version is a massive mess and deserve the criticism but does not reflect the overall product.
ok so
OJ with googly eyes making grimaces ended up being a SHITLOAD funnier than i thought it would
you forgetting joe that bioware is not the bioware we knew ... almost all got fired and replaced with the new garbage team and the facist team leader that created that game...
Eryx626 ikr
That doesnt excuse them though. Its the damn brand that counts not the team. People come and go, the brand stays. Its like buying kosher products doesnt matter which people make it you expect it to be "kosher". If its labeled kosher. Or buying a Ferrari but then the factory goes to Japan and they make a Honda with a Ferrari label. You dont say well its not the same people its Japanese who made it so I'll let this one slip through.
lol the fascist team leader.
yea that comes from his tweet '' no human should be white'' or something like this .. i forget bullshits like this on purpose for the stability of my mental health.. shame..
damn right !!
12:33 - This whole sentence did NOT age well.
Oh boy
I think Bioware Montreal needs a little more hand holding before they're given a game again....
The original team is out, but i dont think its a bad game not an amazign one either but you know, wont spit on it
They wanted to wait till September to release it, EA said no get it done ASAP. The game isn't bad, its pretty good. If you want to blame anyone blame EA
EA was the one willing to give them the 5 extra months.
Winter Weisel thats the problem this is a lengardy franchise and it should had been made as such .... not this mediocre bull shit
Kathanis They had 4-5 fucking years.. it's unacceptable
so basically wait till it's $30 and they patch some of the broken stuff.
Mister Torgue Flexington yea that's fair. I'd say people should go buy the original trilogy with all the dlc enstead of this
NavyMicrobe Gaming id go do that if they had the trilogy for xbox one
Austin Dubose I think it is. They made all three backwards compatible.
NavyMicrobe Gaming You have to buy EA access, which is a surprisingly good service actually. You get all 3 for free essentially and you get some of the minor dlc's, you have to buy the rest.
Mister Torgue Flexington And as for the people who already bought it, "Pay $9.99 for minor bug fixes"
as a MASS EFFECT FAN this was a bad game
Tuffy Baxton whether you're a fan or not it still sucks
Tuffy Baxton putting the title "bad game" on this shit is embarrassment to the bad games
Mass Effect fans never bought into this garbage.
ShaneO Radiosho What the fuck do you know about video games? Youre a car junkie normie. You are the type of people that only likes a game because of good looks. People like you dont look at a game thoroughly they just play it half blind and like it. New isnt always better, fucking accept it.
ShaneO Gollleeeee geeeeeooo man you are a mean rude individual aren't ya..... btw this game blows chunks compared to the first trilogy.... they better step up their shit.
That was actually in game footage at the beginning