This is truth I have longed for, since my conversion, 10 years ago, to the Church of Rome. Thank you so much for this brilliant but devastating analysis of the state of the Church and the imposter who poses as its head. I join with all true believers, crying out to Heaven for forgiveness and mercy.
Deo gratias! The lucidity of Aristotle, the sobriety and humility of Aquinas, the cadence of Virgil, the spirit of a Padre Pio, and the vocal presentation of a Sir Lawrence Olivier or a Sir John Guilgurd --- all wrapped up in one place. Thank-you, Sir, and may God reward you.
Dear @GeneveMec , I am deeply humbled ... but in truth, I am in the company of none but have been the student of the first three and an admirer of the last two - and now a debtor to your kindness. Custodiat te Deus
@@GeneveMec Typos are like venial sins: they crouch in the corner, waiting to spring upon us all unforeseen! I am guilty of many: both typos and venial sins. And each can be as small as a single letter (in both senses): I believe that you meant “cOFundat te Deus” … God bless you … and not coNfundat te Deus” … May God confound you”! I believe that you are far too kind to have uttered the latter. 😋 Custodiat te Deus
@@Geoffrey-K-Mondello Oftimes, when I'm guilty of a typo and send it without editorial review, the first thing that comes to mind is "Forgive me Father, for I hit send. It has been two weeks since my last typo review."😳
My Dear @@GeneveMec , We are both susceptible to the same "venial sin" of sending a letter or comment posthaste without reviewing it for grammar, syntax, or silliness! Thank you for your patience awaiting my reply. I am new to YT and looking to reply to you *just* found where all the comments are to my videos. I am, then, twice grateful to you! Custodiat te Deus
to rhwinner, 'believers' not "faithful". Belief is the keeping in uncertainty of the inseparability and qualitative equality of thinking and having faith.
The Catholic Faith will and is surviving in groups here and there but I fear the Church you and I remember is gone. I am 80 years old and a cradle Catholic of 80 years' . Excellent presentation Thank You
Dear @MichaelReilly-r7h, Thank you for your kind and encouraging comment. I must, with great respect, disagree with you that the Church that you and I knew and loved is gone: Christ Himself promised that it will endure until He returns in glory at the consummation of all things. It IS ... as you said, in small enclaves, and in modern-day catacombs, enduring despite all the persecution from within the hierarchy of the Church herself! You and I could NEVER have envisioned this. But all the evil that has insinuated itself into the Church will NOT prevail over her. The petty figures within her, especially at the top, cannot achieve what even the world has attempted to do for 2000 years: kill the Bride of Christ. She endures because the Bridgeroom endures forever. The Bridegroom will never allow the Bride to be sundered from Him! Custodiat te Deus.
Always a joy and a fount of knowledge i find in Boston Catholic Journal Thank you and God Bless you Mr. Mondello I am happy now to also listen to your wonderful videos.
Dear @caterinemasak2193, You and I pray for the same thing each day in our Morning Offering! O, that God may give us holy, courageous, and fearless popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, and Religious! We must not cease to pray for this without tiring, @caterinemasak2193! What a dire warning our Blessed Lord has given them: "Quia tepidus es, et nec frigidus, nec calidus, incipiam te evomere ex ore Meo!" "Because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth." (Apoc. 3.16) Custodiat te Deus
Yes, @sapentium, let us look ever to Him Who is Faith ful and True - rather than the steward who has lost the Faith, and appears to keep company with father of lies ... Custodiat te Deus!
Dear @pepitovergarasilvestre7864, As I replied to one other :"Indeed! Are we not the new Cristeros? And we must be just as brave and as determined! " Custodiat te Deus!
Dear @patrickobrien8060, Thank you, sincerely, for your words of encouragement. I share your perplexity concerning the canonization of Paul VI - and am scandalized by what appears to have become the routine canonization of Vatican II popes by their successors, which, of course, trivilalizes the significance of canonization altogether. Perhaps we should see in this more the promotion of the agenda of Vatican II through its principal proponents, rather than the heroic sanctity, if any, of the man. Once again, thank you for taking the time to comment on this article. Custodiat te Deus
Dear @martinospitaletta8198, Please pardon me if I did not respond to your comment of yesterday. Yes ... Francis's pontificate has been a calamity, an affliction, from the beginning. When he first stepped out onto the loggia a shadow seemed to precede him from which many instinctively recoiled. It is a shadow that has followed him and grown more dark and sinister as the years pass.
WOW- how lucky I am to have stumbled across this beautiful heartfelt essay! All the bits and pieces of puzzlement and understanding I have had for years now- compiled here- summarized here about 10,000 times better than I ever could. Thank you Mr. Mondello. (Dr.?) I will listen to this at least 2 more times tomorrow and look forward to it. You pulled things together- MASTERFULLY !!!!!
Yes, disastrous for grooming by diseased identities of 'familyist' family members of their psychologically and or emotionally vulnerable family members in their procreation gift roles to in error misrepresent them as identities in need of union.
Dear @grahamcombs4752, Please forgive my tardy reply. I am new to YT and still finding my way about it. I just learned how to access *all* the viewers comments, and, hence, found yours today. I simply wish to express my sincere thanks for your encouragement ... and your exteremely kind assessment. Custodiat te Deus
I must heartily agree. As a convert, now @30 years and ongoing, I too see or sense a purposeful effort to destroy the one true church that at on time had the worship given by our church fathers of over 1,500 years. To save the Traditional Latin Mass is to save the one true Church. This says one who admired and pined for the true faith - solved by conversion & penitent prayers. I love the Traditional Catholic Church and plead for its return to the one true God and his only son Jesus Christ. Mother Mary please help us in our desperation and need!
Dear @bradchristy5002, It is such consolation to all of us to hear the confession of Faith that you express! It is, I am certain, the ardent desire of all who hold fast to, and who love our Blessed Lord and His Holy Mother, Mary ... and our Mother the Church Militant on Earth, the Church Suffering in Purgatory, and the Church Triumphant in Heaven! Who shall throw her down? Think: the many who persecute her now, from within and without, are as a handul of grains of sand on a forsaken beach, compared to the *incalculable* number of faithful in Heaven from the beginning of Holy Mother Church --- and we know not how many that remain faithful even now. If we can accept a painful truth, then we must say that ours has been an evil generation ... Custodiat te Deus.
@@Geoffrey-K-Mondello Dr. Mondello, Deo gratias for your replies, especially in light of your busy schedule. The putting into proper context by your " a handful of sand on a forsaken beach" both born of Aquinas' "99% of all creation" and worthy of the name Χρυσοστομος. --- Custodiat te Deus.
Very well articulated Dr. Mondello. All that Francis and his cohorts have done to the church we are told, has been inspired by the "spirit." Would the Holy Spirit really scorn and name call people who favor the Latin liturgy and love its holiness and beauty?
Dear @owensclock, I, too, think it very unlikely that the Holy Ghost would inspire His servant to use abusive language, and to scornfully dismiss those who do not conform to his wayward demands and shameful teachings. This is not of God ... but of the world. But then, Francis is very much a man "of the world," and more eager to please the world than God. Custodiat te Deus.
No, the Catholicism of Bergoglio is not Catholicism. As Joseph Robinette Biden has been to the Presidency, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been to the Papacy.
Dear @dianneraimondi8382, Forgive me for being so late in replying to you. I am new to YT and just found where *all *the comments from viewers are. I agree with you. The increasingly new religion of Francis & Friends is *not* the Catholicism of the 2000 years preceding Vatican II, and especially Francis as its most zealous promoter. It is, as I have called it in my papers, the "Post-Catholic Conciliar church of Vatican II", which is the merest simulacrum of the One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of our forbers. Custodiat te Deus
Note well: What this speaks of is the beginning of some real-time = Good News. Progressives just can't help themselves, it is almost sad to watch them struggle fiercely against themselves - or would be, if it were not so amusing. For those of my era, and somewhat before, Papa Bergoglio's era is all Old Time stuff, dressed in a rainbow ribbon, with fluffy pom-poms, and a knitted Monkees Hat; it is a regurgitation of the Frankfort School of 'Thought' (so-called). Basically what we are witnessing is merely the eroticisation of politics through rebellious victimhood (all over again) .. not the sort of thing suited to a family-friendly audience, and that is its whole/ sole point - it is viscerally unfriendly indeed hostile to the point of revolution toward anything that 'stinks' of 'tradition' (the Catholic sort, of course, not its own). And most of it is about as thoughtful as infantile anger now turned into senile anger; all of that Freudianised Marxist Dialectical long-march blather associated long-long-ago with Herbert Marcuse ('Eros And Civilisation' - sort 'Rebel Without A Cause' smeared over with remnants of 'On The Road' beat-generation mess and the early 20th-century Free Love set). Iddy Biddy tantrums, den, is it, Didums .. Do pick up his rattle for him, nurse, he likes to throw it - currently played out by those with one foot (or more) in the grave. Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek. God bless. ;o)
to TheLeonhamm, it is not "Faith" but in uncertainty belief. I try applying roman catholic economist, Colin Clark's, exercise in 1964 simultaneously at Vat 2 and the UNO FAO role groups of an absolute power of simultaneous authorisations by his consecrated male female marriage vowed to God.
@@oliverclark5604 The Frankfort School of 'Thought' indeed had nothing whatever to do with faith - at least not The Faith, as it was once expressed by Catholics with authority, and officially so. As for the Gypsy Economist, Colin Clark, his 'Growthmanship' is still a delight .. in the oddly serious way of Dante's 'Purgatorio' a divine comedy rather than Catherine of Genoa's 'Treatise on Purgatory' (contact with the fire of Love). The principles at work in any uncertainty of belief (and thus also of unbelief) are limited by the context of qualitative assessment and quantitative expression (as in chemistry and economics). In short, the measure by which we measure shall be the measure given to us; a reality that Papa Bergoglio clearly struggles with, along with the Frankfort School ideologies, for a measure requires some sort of rule - commonly shared if received through different circumstances (aka a tradition). If 'Eros' is the 'god' set up as one's own rule then 'Charitas' - as a rule shared as binding on each 'self' and all - must be made a demon .. that is not what Pope Francis seems to want, but it is what others are making from the managerial mess he prefers about him. God bless. ;o)
@@TheLeonhamm You do not show your understanding the Multiplier of economic processes and non-economic progress. The Multiplier was noted from 1931 by Keynes and Clark and applied from 1964 to 2021 by Clark family members consenting in uncertainty of their belief to be joined in consecrated marriages, male female vowed to God and celibate vowed to man in Christ as inseparable and qualitatively equal. Pope Francis' consecrated celibate marriage on 17 June 2021 in the Italian Parliament and his Vatican state cases on this reference point in uncertainty of his belief withstood the extreme tensions not of managerial mess but caused by grooming by diseased identities of 'familyist' family members of their psychologically and or emotionally vulnerable family members in their procreation gift roles. The inducement of "higher vocation" was for the purpose of occult as hidden, incest connected as substitute mate inversion of ensuring gift roles and need of insuring identity. This inversion was of not keeping in uncertainty of belief the inseparability and qualitative equality of thinking roles, of thinking roles and having faith identity, and of identity in a trinitarian keeping for economic advantage by tax-exemption embezzlements and lower insurance cost by fraud of families of the 'familyist' family member groomers.
Unmitigated apostacy. just schism already, let the rest of us get on with business. You can have your little sca reanactments in your own little chuches and us Catholics can celebrate the real presence without your constant whining ruining the mood.
Dear @myguitardidyermom212, Apostasia iam est! It is de facto schism already ... Francis & Friends have already been in schism from the teachings and faith of our Holy Mother Church prior to that destructive Council beginning in 1962. Francis is simply bringing Vatican II to its ideological conclusion expressed in its 1964 decree "Unitatis redintegratio" on Ecumenism; and that is the expunging of *all* differentiation, every distinction, between the Catholic Church and, not only every other Christian "ecclesial community", but, as we have found under Francis, every *other* religion or pagan practice. Every "god" is God, and no "God" is "the god." Custodiat te Deus
We know from the scriptures that Jesus is in the boat, and He is not fond of his disciples fretting about anything, not death, not Peter. His response to Peter's very poor and disastrous seamanship, where he clearly set the wrong course at the wrong time and was in the process of literally killing everyone should give us something to chew on, when they woke Jesus, He asked: "Where is your faith?". Where, is a good question. Is it in the old mass? Is it in theology? Is it merely in Peter? No, the faith is in God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ Savior of mankind, king of the universe, and founder and guarantor of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith. This pope is indeed the pope, he has the keys. Neither this pope nor anyone can destroy the church, nor can this pope or any pope do anything other than what God Himself wills outright or what God Himself allows. In either case, all Catholics are called to trust in the Lord, love one another, love our enemies, and I would add the very wise words of Padre Pio: "Pray, hope, and don't worry." Neither the state of the church, the state of the union, reckless Russian dictators, false Catholic politicians, or Judas at the table, Judas at the chancery, or abuse of children, nor nuclear war, nor space aliens, nor anything should shake your faith in the church or the Lord. It is alive and well in those who live it and believe; it matters not who resides in the peanut gallery. It is not for us to judge the peanut gallery or any person, prelate, politician, or neighbor; it is for us to pray for and love everyone, even if they are prickly and smell. Jesus was born in a very stinky stable with lots of vermin. As He resided there, the beautiful and humble Virgin tended to Him. When God the Father's will took place and Jesus was on the cross, which will of God was it? He allowed it, Jesus went with it without complaint, doing the Father's will. Where the head goes so goes the body. I say leave the melodrama at the door, leave the complaints there as well, have the sense to offer your suffering up and stop complaining about the many opportunities to do so, embrace the here and now, tomorrow is another day. Offer it up and stop complaining, be thankful for the opportunity to accept whatever God asks. Can you dig it?
Dear @johnjon1823, Quite nearly all that you say is true: our faith must be in Christ alone, we must love and pray for others, especially those who hate us, and we must always cleave to Holy Mother Church, the Ark of salvation. All this is true. But I must take issue with your implicit argument that, in the face of evil and sin, we must simply "let it pass. Evil and sin exist ... and since they exist, it is the case that God either wills it or permits it, and for our part we should do nothing." Is this what God calls us to do in the face of evil? Nothing? Is it not precisely because of our faith in Christ that we are called to contend with evil and to overcome it with good? (Romans 12:21) To stamp out evil in our midst? When Arius began to poison the Church, should St. Athansius have simply stood by and "let it pass" as somehow fulfilling God's active or passive will? Should Charles Martel have opened the gate at Tour to allow the Muslim Umayyad invasion to conquer Europe as well as the Levant? No. We must confront and contend with evil and sin, and with those in the Church who would make the Bride of Christ a courtesan to the world. Custodiat te Deus
@@Geoffrey-K-Mondello You are incorrect in your characterization of my "implicit" argument. There is no implicit surrender to anything in what I have said. I said offer it up and forget the melodrama. I say this, for several reasons, one important one being the on-going attack on the hierarchy in general and the damage that is caused by the seriously caustic remarks that I have seen online, along with the advent of expert talking heads who by deportment and language more than tacitly attack the church by effectively destroying trust in the Providence of God during times of difficulty, and who advance everything except the solution of prayer and fasting. Rarely if ever do I see anyone call for on-going prayer and sacrifice for anything at all. The only thing "offered up" are complaints, countless criticisms, and some odd-ball theological stance where the majority of Catholics at mass are condemned because they do not meet some odd standard of superior excellence in theological depth and religious practice, it is an approach I see from the "right" worthy of the leftist Jesuits but in the other direction, almost all the time and with NO finesse. The left at least has finesse, the right does not, guess which one works? I say there is One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, with one pope and over a billion members, and the NO amount of complaints on the internet are productive. If one wishes to complain about the state of the church, or go "all synodal" without an invitation, then write letters and make appointments, form prayer groups and frankly offer it up and just live as a good Catholic. Instead, I often see self-appointed voices of Catholicism who really do strain the gnat for a living based on clicks. None of what I propose is surrender to evil, not one inch. I advocate prayer, fasting, and careful respect of the leadership, and speaking out by personal words to actual people in person or by letter, not by bullhorns and yelling on the internet. So, no, I do not advocate surrender to evil.
The titles your past pope's as vicar of Christ and most holy father. Check out the past claims of your pope's as literally god on earth. Vatican 2 is a smokescreen for naive people searching for meaning. The claim they make of being successor's of the Jewish apostles has been a disgrace to the apostles themselves.
Dear @frederickanderson1860, I regret that you misunderstand the doctrine and the Catholic Church's teaching on the nature of the papacy ... Many non-Catholics do, and in fact, many practicing Catholics do as well. Few lay Catholics are theologians or are called to understand many of the dogmas of our Church. They assent to them in the humble recognition that men of great learning and even greater holiness have explored them deeply - many of them profound philosophers and theologians who to this day have no peers in academia - and found them sound and in accordance with the earliest Apostolic Fathers and the later Church Fathers, as well as the great Medieval Theologians, and even later critical Catholic theologians and thinkers. To dismiss such Catholics as "simple" is * not* an affront to them: who among us can claim to possess the perspicacity and broad knowedge of these thinkers? For our part, @frederickanderson1860, we cannot be disdained as "too simple" in our understanding or acceptance of, say, the American Constitution, simply because we assent to its principles and declarations even while we do not possess, even in part, the profound understanding of Constitutional Scholars and Lawyers. Just by the way, @frederickanderson1860, no pope in history ever claimed to be, or esteemed himself to be, gods on Earth. They are sinful men ... like us. Custodiat te Deus
The ecumenical movement has been extremely succesful and is well articulated by the dycastery for eccumenism. It has been going on for 60 years in accordance with Jesus words in John 17.
Dear Michael, You are referrring to St. John. 17.21: "That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us." This is, perhaps, the most common trope for the Ecumenical agengum, but there are far, far, more citations that tell us that we are not to be on good terms with the world, and evey other religion. In fact, Christ assures us that, to follow Him will not entail being "loved' and "accepted" by the world ... but quite the contrary: I suggest that you also read in the same chapter: "I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world; as I also am not of the world.(St. 17.14) ... and, "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because fyou are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. J(ohn 15:18-21). We are not to seek the approbation of the world and false religions. No! "Love not the world, nor the things which are in the world. If any man love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, is the concupiscence of the flesh, and the concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life, which is not of the Father, but is of the world (1 St. John. 2.15-16) Also, Michael, there is no "Dicastery for Ecumenism." Custodiat te Deus
@@Geoffrey-K-Mondellowhen Jesus prayed“ that they may be one”, He also concluded” that they may also be in us” , and we seem to be moving in the opposite direction, because seemingly we are going to be in them, instead of evangelising to bring them to the true Faith.
If thats the best you can do, critisize the Holy Father, and critique Vatican II, the largest ecumenical gathering in history, where the wonderfull documents, passed by nearlly 2500 bishops, i suggest you stop waffling and get on your knees and pray for the Holy Father and the Bishops and the world. You will answer for your critsisms before the Lord. Your sowing of division is not of God.
Dear @michaelmcgrath6054 I do not question your sincerity, but I must take issue with you on the substance of your argument. Perhaps we can look at it point by point, yes? First: the Council of Nicaea of 325 was attended by 300 bishops that finally affirmed what we call the Nicene Creed. Yes, they were 2,200 less than the bishops participating in Vatican II. But the Church was exponentially smaller then, both geographically, and, consquently, in numbers. Hence there were far, far, fewer bishops. Suggesting that sheer numbers of bishops in agreement is an indicator of doctrinal integrity and validity is not a strong argument. We need only look at the present spectacle of the "Synod on Synodality" to see this. The Second Point is this: your assessment of the documents of Vatican II - that they are wonderful - is not shared by many. I have actually read them and find them extremely troubling, especially Sacrosanctum concilium, the Constitution On the Sacred Liturgy, especially Unitatis Redintegratio, the Decree On Ecumenism, Nostra Aetate, the Declaration On the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, and Gaudium et Spes, Pastoral Constitution On the Church in the Modern World. The very clear break from the 20000 year Catholic understanding of significant issues in these deeply defective documents is unmistakable and inexcusable. Ecumenism is not worth the cost of Catholicism, and the two, ultimately, are irreconcilable ... as I believe we will see before the end of Francis's pontificate. Lastly, I do, in fact, pray very earnestly for Francis every morning: that he will either recover the Catholic Faith that he has apparently lost, or be given that holy Faith anew - apart from which, if we are to believe genuine Catholic Doctrine and Dogma - no man will be saved. You will still find that perennial teaching, even in the "new" Catholic Catechism. Good keep you, Michael.
This is truth I have longed for, since my conversion, 10 years ago, to the Church of Rome. Thank you so much for this brilliant but devastating analysis of the state of the Church and the imposter who poses as its head. I join with all true believers, crying out to Heaven for forgiveness and mercy.
Deo gratias! The lucidity of Aristotle, the sobriety and humility of Aquinas, the cadence of Virgil, the spirit of a Padre Pio, and the vocal presentation of a Sir Lawrence Olivier or a Sir John Guilgurd --- all wrapped up in one place.
Thank-you, Sir, and may God reward you.
Dear @GeneveMec ,
I am deeply humbled ... but in truth, I am in the company of none but have been the student of the first three and an admirer of the last two - and now a debtor to your kindness. Custodiat te Deus
Confundat te Deus.
Typos are like venial sins: they crouch in the corner, waiting to spring upon us all unforeseen! I am guilty of many: both typos and venial sins. And each can be as small as a single letter (in both senses): I believe that you meant “cOFundat te Deus” … God bless you … and not coNfundat te Deus” … May God confound you”!
I believe that you are far too kind to have uttered the latter. 😋 Custodiat te Deus
@@Geoffrey-K-Mondello Oftimes, when I'm guilty of a typo and send it without editorial review, the first thing that comes to mind is
"Forgive me Father, for I hit send. It has been two weeks since my last typo review."😳
My Dear @@GeneveMec ,
We are both susceptible to the same "venial sin" of sending a letter or comment posthaste without reviewing it for grammar, syntax, or silliness! Thank you for your patience awaiting my reply. I am new to YT and looking to reply to you *just* found where all the comments are to my videos. I am, then, twice grateful to you! Custodiat te Deus
Thank you. This deserves to be seen by a million faithful.
Dear @rhwinner,
Thank you, sincerely, for your encouragement. Custodiat te Deus.
to rhwinner, 'believers' not "faithful". Belief is the keeping in uncertainty of the inseparability and qualitative equality of thinking and having faith.
The Catholic Faith will and is surviving in groups here and there but I fear the Church you and I remember is gone. I am 80 years old and a cradle Catholic of 80 years'
. Excellent presentation Thank You
Dear @MichaelReilly-r7h,
Thank you for your kind and encouraging comment. I must, with great respect, disagree with you that the Church that you and I knew and loved is gone: Christ Himself promised that it will endure until He returns in glory at the consummation of all things. It IS ... as you said, in small enclaves, and in modern-day catacombs, enduring despite all the persecution from within the hierarchy of the Church herself! You and I could NEVER have envisioned this. But all the evil that has insinuated itself into the Church will NOT prevail over her. The petty figures within her, especially at the top, cannot achieve what even the world has attempted to do for 2000 years: kill the Bride of Christ. She endures because the Bridgeroom endures forever. The Bridegroom will never allow the Bride to be sundered from Him! Custodiat te Deus.
,@@Geoffrey-K-Mondello, your position is occult as hidden, and incest connected as substitute mate.
Always a joy and a fount of knowledge i find in Boston Catholic Journal
Thank you and God Bless you Mr. Mondello
I am happy now to also listen to your wonderful videos.
Ex corde meo ... thank you @biserkabrito2582 for your blessing. I take such utterances much to heart.
Praying for a Holy Pope to be elected to restore the one true Catholic Church of Jesus Christ.
Dear @caterinemasak2193,
You and I pray for the same thing each day in our Morning Offering! O, that God may give us holy, courageous, and fearless popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, and Religious! We must not cease to pray for this without tiring, @caterinemasak2193! What a dire warning our Blessed Lord has given them: "Quia tepidus es, et nec frigidus, nec calidus, incipiam te evomere ex ore Meo!" "Because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth." (Apoc. 3.16) Custodiat te Deus
It is getting terribly unlikely the more somebody in Rome stacks the college with his faithful followers.
In the meantime and always...keep your eyes firmly on Jesus
Yes, @sapentium, let us look ever to Him Who is Faith ful and True - rather than the steward who has lost the Faith, and appears to keep company with father of lies ... Custodiat te Deus!
May the Hammer fall quickly, and forge repentance from Francis on the anvil of Truth! Custodiat te Deus
Wow the translation nailed it. Didn’t think RUclips, a Google owned company would allow that
Dear @pepitovergarasilvestre7864,
As I replied to one other :"Indeed! Are we not the new Cristeros? And we must be just as brave and as determined! " Custodiat te Deus!
Excellent. Yes, Francis would like to eliminate the old Latin Mass, but Paul VI did indeed do that. And he has been inexplicably canonized.
Dear @patrickobrien8060,
Thank you, sincerely, for your words of encouragement. I share your perplexity concerning the canonization of Paul VI - and am scandalized by what appears to have become the routine canonization of Vatican II popes by their successors, which, of course, trivilalizes the significance of canonization altogether. Perhaps we should see in this more the promotion of the agenda of Vatican II through its principal proponents, rather than the heroic sanctity, if any, of the man. Once again, thank you for taking the time to comment on this article. Custodiat te Deus
Francis pontificate is .....horrific. A nightmare never ending and waking up to in a burning bed.....
Dear @martinospitaletta8198,
Please pardon me if I did not respond to your comment of yesterday. Yes ... Francis's pontificate has been a calamity, an affliction, from the beginning. When he first stepped out onto the loggia a shadow seemed to precede him from which many instinctively recoiled. It is a shadow that has followed him and grown more dark and sinister as the years pass.
"horrific" for diseased family member identity groomers. Try living the words from the "burning bush" at Exodus 3:14
WOW- how lucky I am to have stumbled across this beautiful heartfelt essay! All the bits and pieces of puzzlement and understanding I have had for years now- compiled here- summarized here about 10,000 times better than I ever could. Thank you Mr. Mondello. (Dr.?) I will listen to this at least 2 more times tomorrow and look forward to it. You pulled things together- MASTERFULLY !!!!!
Dear @timfinnigan8153,
Thank you, sincerely, for your encouraging words. I am humbled by them. Custodiat te Deus
God bless you for your calm assurance as you accurately set out the issues🙏
Greetings from Ireland🙏🇨🇮
Yes, his pontificate is DISASTROUS!
Yes, disastrous for grooming by diseased identities of 'familyist' family members of their psychologically and or emotionally vulnerable family members in their procreation gift roles to in error misrepresent them as identities in need of union.
@oliverclark5604 You must have a PhD in babbling or on magic mushrooms
I have never heard the Church at this moment better expressed.
Dear @grahamcombs4752,
Please forgive my tardy reply. I am new to YT and still finding my way about it. I just learned how to access *all* the viewers comments, and, hence, found yours today. I simply wish to express my sincere thanks for your encouragement ... and your exteremely kind assessment. Custodiat te Deus
I must heartily agree. As a convert, now @30 years and ongoing, I too see or sense a purposeful effort to destroy the one true church that at on time had the worship given by our church fathers of over 1,500 years. To save the Traditional Latin Mass is to save the one true Church. This says one who admired and pined for the true faith - solved by conversion & penitent prayers. I love the Traditional Catholic Church and plead for its return to the one true God and his only son Jesus Christ. Mother Mary please help us in our desperation and need!
Dear @bradchristy5002,
It is such consolation to all of us to hear the confession of Faith that you express! It is, I am certain, the ardent desire of all who hold fast to, and who love our Blessed Lord and His Holy Mother, Mary ... and our Mother the Church Militant on Earth, the Church Suffering in Purgatory, and the Church Triumphant in Heaven! Who shall throw her down? Think: the many who persecute her now, from within and without, are as a handul of grains of sand on a forsaken beach, compared to the *incalculable* number of faithful in Heaven from the beginning of Holy Mother Church --- and we know not how many that remain faithful even now. If we can accept a painful truth, then we must say that ours has been an evil generation ... Custodiat te Deus.
@@Geoffrey-K-Mondello Dr. Mondello,
Deo gratias for your replies, especially in light of your busy schedule.
The putting into proper context by your
" a handful of sand on a forsaken beach" both born of Aquinas' "99% of all creation" and worthy of the name Χρυσοστομος.
--- Custodiat te Deus.
Very well articulated Dr. Mondello. All that Francis and his cohorts have done to the church we are told, has been inspired by the "spirit." Would the Holy Spirit really scorn and name call people who favor the Latin liturgy and love its holiness and beauty?
Dear @owensclock, I, too, think it very unlikely that the Holy Ghost would inspire His servant to use abusive language, and to scornfully dismiss those who do not conform to his wayward demands and shameful teachings. This is not of God ... but of the world. But then, Francis is very much a man "of the world," and more eager to please the world than God. Custodiat te Deus.
Viva Christo Rey!
Dear @caterinemasak2193,
Indeed! Are we not the new Cristeros? And we must be just as brave and as determined! Custodiat te Deus
The Catholicism of Rome is not catholicism!
No, the Catholicism of Bergoglio is not Catholicism.
As Joseph Robinette Biden has been to the Presidency, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been to the Papacy.
Dear @dianneraimondi8382,
Forgive me for being so late in replying to you. I am new to YT and just found where *all *the comments from viewers are. I agree with you. The increasingly new religion of Francis & Friends is *not* the Catholicism of the 2000 years preceding Vatican II, and especially Francis as its most zealous promoter. It is, as I have called it in my papers, the "Post-Catholic Conciliar church of Vatican II", which is the merest simulacrum of the One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of our forbers. Custodiat te Deus
Note well: What this speaks of is the beginning of some real-time = Good News. Progressives just can't help themselves, it is almost sad to watch them struggle fiercely against themselves - or would be, if it were not so amusing. For those of my era, and somewhat before, Papa Bergoglio's era is all Old Time stuff, dressed in a rainbow ribbon, with fluffy pom-poms, and a knitted Monkees Hat; it is a regurgitation of the Frankfort School of 'Thought' (so-called).
Basically what we are witnessing is merely the eroticisation of politics through rebellious victimhood (all over again) .. not the sort of thing suited to a family-friendly audience, and that is its whole/ sole point - it is viscerally unfriendly indeed hostile to the point of revolution toward anything that 'stinks' of 'tradition' (the Catholic sort, of course, not its own). And most of it is about as thoughtful as infantile anger now turned into senile anger; all of that Freudianised Marxist Dialectical long-march blather associated long-long-ago with Herbert Marcuse ('Eros And Civilisation' - sort 'Rebel Without A Cause' smeared over with remnants of 'On The Road' beat-generation mess and the early 20th-century Free Love set).
Iddy Biddy tantrums, den, is it, Didums .. Do pick up his rattle for him, nurse, he likes to throw it - currently played out by those with one foot (or more) in the grave.
Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek.
God bless. ;o)
to TheLeonhamm, it is not "Faith" but in uncertainty belief.
I try applying roman catholic economist, Colin Clark's, exercise in 1964 simultaneously at Vat 2 and the UNO FAO role groups of an absolute power of simultaneous authorisations by his consecrated male female marriage vowed to God.
@@oliverclark5604 The Frankfort School of 'Thought' indeed had nothing whatever to do with faith - at least not The Faith, as it was once expressed by Catholics with authority, and officially so. As for the Gypsy Economist, Colin Clark, his 'Growthmanship' is still a delight .. in the oddly serious way of Dante's 'Purgatorio' a divine comedy rather than Catherine of Genoa's 'Treatise on Purgatory' (contact with the fire of Love).
The principles at work in any uncertainty of belief (and thus also of unbelief) are limited by the context of qualitative assessment and quantitative expression (as in chemistry and economics). In short, the measure by which we measure shall be the measure given to us; a reality that Papa Bergoglio clearly struggles with, along with the Frankfort School ideologies, for a measure requires some sort of rule - commonly shared if received through different circumstances (aka a tradition).
If 'Eros' is the 'god' set up as one's own rule then 'Charitas' - as a rule shared as binding on each 'self' and all - must be made a demon .. that is not what Pope Francis seems to want, but it is what others are making from the managerial mess he prefers about him.
God bless. ;o)
@@TheLeonhamm You do not show your understanding the Multiplier of economic processes and non-economic progress.
The Multiplier was noted from 1931 by Keynes and Clark and applied from 1964 to 2021 by Clark family members consenting in uncertainty of their belief to be joined in consecrated marriages, male female vowed to God and celibate vowed to man in Christ as inseparable and qualitatively equal.
Pope Francis' consecrated celibate marriage on 17 June 2021 in the Italian Parliament and his Vatican state cases on this reference point in uncertainty of his belief withstood the extreme tensions not of managerial mess but caused by grooming by diseased identities of 'familyist' family members of their psychologically and or emotionally vulnerable family members in their procreation gift roles.
The inducement of "higher vocation" was for the purpose of occult as hidden, incest connected as substitute mate inversion of ensuring gift roles and need of insuring identity.
This inversion was of not keeping in uncertainty of belief the inseparability and qualitative equality of thinking roles, of thinking roles and having faith identity, and of identity in a trinitarian keeping for economic advantage by tax-exemption embezzlements and lower insurance cost by fraud of families of the 'familyist' family member groomers.
Takes centuries to build what the modernists dismantled in a lifetime.
Unmitigated apostacy. just schism already, let the rest of us get on with business.
You can have your little sca reanactments in your own little chuches and us Catholics can celebrate the real presence without your constant whining ruining the mood.
Dear @myguitardidyermom212,
Apostasia iam est! It is de facto schism already ... Francis & Friends have already been in schism from the teachings and faith of our Holy Mother Church prior to that destructive Council beginning in 1962. Francis is simply bringing Vatican II to its ideological conclusion expressed in its 1964 decree "Unitatis redintegratio" on Ecumenism; and that is the expunging of *all* differentiation, every distinction, between the Catholic Church and, not only every other Christian "ecclesial community", but, as we have found under Francis, every *other* religion or pagan practice. Every "god" is God, and no "God" is "the god." Custodiat te Deus
We know from the scriptures that Jesus is in the boat, and He is not fond of his disciples fretting about anything, not death, not Peter. His response to Peter's very poor and disastrous seamanship, where he clearly set the wrong course at the wrong time and was in the process of literally killing everyone should give us something to chew on, when they woke Jesus, He asked: "Where is your faith?". Where, is a good question. Is it in the old mass? Is it in theology? Is it merely in Peter? No, the faith is in God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ Savior of mankind, king of the universe, and founder and guarantor of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith.
This pope is indeed the pope, he has the keys. Neither this pope nor anyone can destroy the church, nor can this pope or any pope do anything other than what God Himself wills outright or what God Himself allows. In either case, all Catholics are called to trust in the Lord, love one another, love our enemies, and I would add the very wise words of Padre Pio: "Pray, hope, and don't worry."
Neither the state of the church, the state of the union, reckless Russian dictators, false Catholic politicians, or Judas at the table, Judas at the chancery, or abuse of children, nor nuclear war, nor space aliens, nor anything should shake your faith in the church or the Lord. It is alive and well in those who live it and believe; it matters not who resides in the peanut gallery. It is not for us to judge the peanut gallery or any person, prelate, politician, or neighbor; it is for us to pray for and love everyone, even if they are prickly and smell.
Jesus was born in a very stinky stable with lots of vermin. As He resided there, the beautiful and humble Virgin tended to Him. When God the Father's will took place and Jesus was on the cross, which will of God was it? He allowed it, Jesus went with it without complaint, doing the Father's will. Where the head goes so goes the body.
I say leave the melodrama at the door, leave the complaints there as well, have the sense to offer your suffering up and stop complaining about the many opportunities to do so, embrace the here and now, tomorrow is another day. Offer it up and stop complaining, be thankful for the opportunity to accept whatever God asks. Can you dig it?
Dear @johnjon1823,
Quite nearly all that you say is true: our faith must be in Christ alone, we must love and pray for others, especially those who hate us, and we must always cleave to Holy Mother Church, the Ark of salvation. All this is true.
But I must take issue with your implicit argument that, in the face of evil and sin, we must simply "let it pass. Evil and sin exist ... and since they exist, it is the case that God either wills it or permits it, and for our part we should do nothing."
Is this what God calls us to do in the face of evil? Nothing? Is it not precisely because of our faith in Christ that we are called to contend with evil and to overcome it with good? (Romans 12:21) To stamp out evil in our midst? When Arius began to poison the Church, should St. Athansius have simply stood by and "let it pass" as somehow fulfilling God's active or passive will? Should Charles Martel have opened the gate at Tour to allow the Muslim Umayyad invasion to conquer Europe as well as the Levant?
No. We must confront and contend with evil and sin, and with those in the Church who would make the Bride of Christ a courtesan to the world. Custodiat te Deus
@@Geoffrey-K-Mondello You are incorrect in your characterization of my "implicit" argument. There is no implicit surrender to anything in what I have said. I said offer it up and forget the melodrama. I say this, for several reasons, one important one being the on-going attack on the hierarchy in general and the damage that is caused by the seriously caustic remarks that I have seen online, along with the advent of expert talking heads who by deportment and language more than tacitly attack the church by effectively destroying trust in the Providence of God during times of difficulty, and who advance everything except the solution of prayer and fasting. Rarely if ever do I see anyone call for on-going prayer and sacrifice for anything at all. The only thing "offered up" are complaints, countless criticisms, and some odd-ball theological stance where the majority of Catholics at mass are condemned because they do not meet some odd standard of superior excellence in theological depth and religious practice, it is an approach I see from the "right" worthy of the leftist Jesuits but in the other direction, almost all the time and with NO finesse. The left at least has finesse, the right does not, guess which one works?
I say there is One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, with one pope and over a billion members, and the NO amount of complaints on the internet are productive. If one wishes to complain about the state of the church, or go "all synodal" without an invitation, then write letters and make appointments, form prayer groups and frankly offer it up and just live as a good Catholic. Instead, I often see self-appointed voices of Catholicism who really do strain the gnat for a living based on clicks.
None of what I propose is surrender to evil, not one inch. I advocate prayer, fasting, and careful respect of the leadership, and speaking out by personal words to actual people in person or by letter, not by bullhorns and yelling on the internet.
So, no, I do not advocate surrender to evil.
sigh More ati-Francis hyperbole.
The titles your past pope's as vicar of Christ and most holy father. Check out the past claims of your pope's as literally god on earth. Vatican 2 is a smokescreen for naive people searching for meaning. The claim they make of being successor's of the Jewish apostles has been a disgrace to the apostles themselves.
Dear @frederickanderson1860,
I regret that you misunderstand the doctrine and the Catholic Church's teaching on the nature of the papacy ... Many non-Catholics do, and in fact, many practicing Catholics do as well. Few lay Catholics are theologians or are called to understand many of the dogmas of our Church. They assent to them in the humble recognition that men of great learning and even greater holiness have explored them deeply - many of them profound philosophers and theologians who to this day have no peers in academia - and found them sound and in accordance with the earliest Apostolic Fathers and the later Church Fathers, as well as the great Medieval Theologians, and even later critical Catholic theologians and thinkers. To dismiss such Catholics as "simple" is * not* an affront to them: who among us can claim to possess the perspicacity and broad knowedge of these thinkers?
For our part, @frederickanderson1860, we cannot be disdained as "too simple" in our understanding or acceptance of, say, the American Constitution, simply because we assent to its principles and declarations even while we do not possess, even in part, the profound understanding of Constitutional Scholars and Lawyers.
Just by the way, @frederickanderson1860, no pope in history ever claimed to be, or esteemed himself to be, gods on Earth. They are sinful men ... like us. Custodiat te Deus
The ecumenical movement has been extremely succesful and is well articulated by the dycastery for eccumenism. It has been going on for 60 years in accordance with Jesus words in John 17.
Dear Michael,
You are referrring to St. John. 17.21: "That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us." This is, perhaps, the most common trope for the Ecumenical agengum, but there are far, far, more citations that tell us that we are not to be on good terms with the world, and evey other religion. In fact, Christ assures us that, to follow Him will not entail being "loved' and "accepted" by the world ... but quite the contrary: I suggest that you also read in the same chapter: "I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world; as I also am not of the world.(St. 17.14) ... and, "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because fyou are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. J(ohn 15:18-21).
We are not to seek the approbation of the world and false religions. No! "Love not the world, nor the things which are in the world. If any man love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, is the concupiscence of the flesh, and the concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life, which is not of the Father, but is of the world (1 St. John. 2.15-16)
Also, Michael, there is no "Dicastery for Ecumenism." Custodiat te Deus
@@Geoffrey-K-Mondellowhen Jesus prayed“ that they may be one”, He also concluded” that they may also be in us” , and we seem to be moving in the opposite direction, because seemingly we are going to be in them, instead of evangelising to bring them to the true Faith.
Papal bull? 🤔
If thats the best you can do, critisize the Holy Father, and critique Vatican II, the largest ecumenical gathering in history, where the wonderfull documents, passed by nearlly 2500 bishops, i suggest you stop waffling and get on your knees and pray for the Holy Father and the Bishops and the world.
You will answer for your critsisms before the Lord. Your sowing of division is not of God.
Dear @michaelmcgrath6054
I do not question your sincerity, but I must take issue with you on the substance of your argument. Perhaps we can look at it point by point, yes?
First: the Council of Nicaea of 325 was attended by 300 bishops that finally affirmed what we call the Nicene Creed. Yes, they were 2,200 less than the bishops participating in Vatican II. But the Church was exponentially smaller then, both geographically, and, consquently, in numbers. Hence there were far, far, fewer bishops. Suggesting that sheer numbers of bishops in agreement is an indicator of doctrinal integrity and validity is not a strong argument. We need only look at the present spectacle of the "Synod on Synodality" to see this.
The Second Point is this: your assessment of the documents of Vatican II - that they are wonderful - is not shared by many. I have actually read them and find them extremely troubling, especially Sacrosanctum concilium, the Constitution On the Sacred Liturgy, especially Unitatis Redintegratio, the Decree On Ecumenism, Nostra Aetate, the Declaration On the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, and Gaudium et Spes, Pastoral Constitution On the Church in the Modern World. The very clear break from the 20000 year Catholic understanding of significant issues in these deeply defective documents is unmistakable and inexcusable. Ecumenism is not worth the cost of Catholicism, and the two, ultimately, are irreconcilable ... as I believe we will see before the end of Francis's pontificate.
Lastly, I do, in fact, pray very earnestly for Francis every morning: that he will either recover the Catholic Faith that he has apparently lost, or be given that holy Faith anew - apart from which, if we are to believe genuine Catholic Doctrine and Dogma - no man will be saved. You will still find that perennial teaching, even in the "new" Catholic Catechism. Good keep you, Michael.
And the pope will answer for his horrible confusion he has cast most Catholics into , the worst pope ever not criticizing just state an obvious fact.
The sowing of division is coming from the Vatican.