I have this SewMate Plus IV cabinet and love it, but I just got a Solaris machine and it doesn’t fit in the hole. I would like to purchase a new top for my new machine to fit. I am in my 80’s now and its too much for me to buy new cabinet at my age. Wish it would be considered to purchase new top board. I have a contractor that could do this for me. Thanks so much for consideration. 5:515:53
Yo quiero una mesa para mí máquina pero no tengo plata me gustaría tener para poder poner mí máquina sí alguien tiene una mesita para que me regalé me puedes escribir por feis. Me llamo Olga torres gracias de Colombia Villavicencio bendiciones
esta muy bien donde se puede adquirir sin ser estafado
I have this SewMate Plus IV cabinet and love it, but I just got a Solaris machine and it doesn’t fit in the hole. I would like to purchase a new top for my new machine to fit. I am in my 80’s now and its too much for me to buy new cabinet at my age. Wish it would be considered to purchase new top board. I have a contractor that could do this for me. Thanks so much for consideration. 5:51 5:53
donde la venden
Please check your link it doesn’t work I want to purchase the table
How much price of this item
What's the price and how can we buy
Precio y como conseguir uno
Where can I get this table
كم سعره...?How much is it
How much it is? N how to buy thus table?
Qual o preço?
The beatiful woman
How much?
sewing mate plus 54 in long closed...
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Yo quiero una mesa para mí máquina pero no tengo plata me gustaría tener para poder poner mí máquina sí alguien tiene una mesita para que me regalé me puedes escribir por feis. Me llamo Olga torres gracias de Colombia Villavicencio bendiciones