(Complete Version)(CC字幕) The KK Show - 153

  • Опубликовано: 16 июл 2024
  • 被捲入中國澳洲外交風暴的Michael Smith,他經歷了上海的家在深夜被公安突襲、被大使館警告、逃到澳洲領事館尋求庇護。到底是為什麼,這個過程是怎樣,Michael 這次來台灣跟我們分享!
    Our guest tonight is the author of "The Last Correspondent". He is here to share his story on how he secaped China when Australia and China had diplomatic war.
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    【每週二、四、日晚上 9 點更新】
    Welcome to Bailingguo News
    The FREEst International News Podcast in the Chinese Speaking World
    #TaiwanPodcast #podcaststudio
    ➤ 影片時間軸:
    00:00 乾爹:康和證券
    02:46 乾爹:威秀影城
    03:18 開頭
    04:07 逃出中國前最後幾天
    09:32 躲進澳洲駐華領事館
    11:18 香港籍伴侶想留在中國
    13:54 Michael Smith的香港夢
    17:41 以前的香港好好玩
    18:42 2018年到上海工作
    20:56 澳洲商界對中國的看法
    23:09 澳洲人民為什麼反中國
    26:16 詭異的新疆之旅
    31:03 真的有記者相信中國的大外宣
    33:30 中場休息
    33:36 聯絡中國的朋友們
    35:45 撰寫新疆之旅的報導
    37:16 被請去喝茶
    38:40 中國在雪梨的大外宣
    42:04 澳洲人擔心習近平連任嗎
    43:30 見證香港的抗議運動
    48:48 外籍人士看反送中運動
    50:40 在中國賺錢的外籍人士們
    52:53 天津「鬼城」
    54:45 中國經濟會崩盤嗎
    56:48 上海封城情況
    59:43 搬去日本了
    1:03:47 幫中國工作的外國記者
    1:06:04 這本書想寫給誰看?
  • ПриколыПриколы

Комментарии • 411

  • @isaacwalker6646
    @isaacwalker6646 Год назад +174

    Mike是澳洲人,他「回去」澳洲總領館是尋求領事保護 (consular assistance), 而不是庇護(asylum). 前面是對內,後者是對外

  • @mogimeow
    @mogimeow Год назад +295

    I live in Australia and I remember this guy, read a couple of ABC news articles about his stories when he just got back in Australia, it was like reading a thriller. Taiwan has been on the ABC news quite frequently since last year and there’s definitely an increased awareness of the tension and the threat Taiwan is facing over here. I’ve come across quite a few strangers whom I happened to talk to on the streets or cafes said to me that they were really worried about Taiwan when they found out I was Taiwanese. A few weeks ago, I got chatting to a lady at a cafe. When she was leaving she came over to my table and said to me that she prayed for Taiwan everyday. I was deeply moved.

    • @user-qb4ki8et4n
      @user-qb4ki8et4n Год назад


    • @user-hh8ld6tc9u
      @user-hh8ld6tc9u Год назад

      I am really glad that the West has finally found out the truth about China now.
      Before 2016, whenever I read articles about China from TIME magazine,I usually felt like there were some misconceptions and illusions about China in those articles. Even before 2020, some articles were not so accurate about China,especially when Trump were saying negative things about China,which were quite true. Of course I knew why TIME didn’t buy what Trump had said.But TIME also had some illusions about China as well.
      I am not surprised what this journalist had been through,though it was still quite terrifying. And I think most Taiwanese won’t be surprised either😂😂😂.
      I am really glad the West has finally started to know the reality. It’s beneficial to the whole world.
      And what a cute and sweet lady,by the way~~❤️

    • @Harthorn
      @Harthorn Год назад +2

      Good to hear

    • @marsminer996
      @marsminer996 Год назад

      When she was leaving she came over to my table and said to me that she prayed for Taiwan everyday.?????还可以再虚假一点吗

    • @kiddyzheng
      @kiddyzheng Год назад

      i really doubt Aussie can pick Taiwanese out from other Asian. Not a wise way using false information to fight CCP propaganda. You can make yourself as bad as CCP

  • @288min
    @288min Год назад +209

    聽到香港外商對 "反送中" 的反應 , 想起太陽花學運時 , 在台外商要我們像少年拍一樣 , 學習與老虎相處 , 當時在音帝大地 "大腸花論壇" 的年輕人反嗆 , 到底有沒有看過電影啊 ?, 最後少年與老虎分道揚鑣耶 ! 感謝太陽花 !

    • @Li_Jonny
      @Li_Jonny Год назад +20


    • @user-od7iu4uf3i
      @user-od7iu4uf3i Год назад +3


  • @anastasiar.1771
    @anastasiar.1771 Год назад +96

    11:36 金句必須標註出來
    Everyone! He knew it wasn't my fault but of course he blamed me. That's what your partner do.

  • @Porako
    @Porako Год назад +130


    • @kwoo24
      @kwoo24 Год назад +9

      等等又會出現一些「主持 expert」來批評KK訪談不夠仔細、表現太聒噪、不夠中立等等。。。

  • @alicewu3085
    @alicewu3085 Год назад +119


  • @sphinxtan9158
    @sphinxtan9158 Год назад +41

    結尾小狗的故事真是畫龍點睛。雖然Michael說是人們更在乎小狗的故事 > 與政治相關的事。但其實人們關心政治,正是因為政治關係到我們生活中的這些小事。簡單說,人們關心政治的目的,不過就是為了維護生活中的小確幸。

  • @yaya5tim
    @yaya5tim Год назад +57

    我自己臺灣國小念完就在國外生活長大了, 但我一直都有養成看台灣新聞跟台灣youtuber的習慣, 我也知道台灣媒體報的很多都是帶風向, 我也會做中英文報導交叉對比資料可信度, 我覺得以國外尤其是以歐美西方國家媒體還有社會的角度來說, 的確我們比台灣人急得跳腳, 其中很大一部份的外國人的確是不太清楚台灣跟中國之間的相處型態, 也很難以台灣人的角度來看待這件已經疲勞轟炸台灣人70年以上的威脅了
    但是有一小部分的外國專業人士是很清楚兩邊的心態的, 他們一樣跳腳的原因, 是因為台灣國防感覺沒有落實, 基層人員到高層似乎都沒有做好戰爭的準備, 所以他們才想要搧風點火希望讓台灣有點危機感, 因為台灣一直都生活在舒適圈, 卻沒有積極的應對這些威脅, 真正有危機意識的台灣人卻又不在權力核心, 其他基層台灣人也無法有效團結起來形成一股勢力, 雖然最近來說是有發現一些這樣的台灣人有在行動, 但規模不夠大, 裡面的人才也不夠多, 不足以應付隨時可能發生的衝突
    雖然現在國軍有因應政府跟社會的聲音進行部分改革, 但成效如何還需要再觀察, 我希望是一次改到位, 但看到刺槍術這種東西還沒被改掉, 告訴了我國軍內部高層的老古板們似乎還是沒有想要改變的意思, 如果他們真心沒有覺得自己方向有問題然後放下面子去改變, 那台灣不管改幾次都沒有太大的作用, 政府跟軍方也有明顯的默契認知問題, 可能蔡英文真的在軍隊裡沒有掌握住真正的軍隊老大, 才導致政府儘管有心想改, 軍方卻玩這種上有政策下有對策的遊戲打發掉, 讓政府表面上看起來有面子, 可以跟社會交代得過去, 但背地裡這軍隊依舊是他們的天下, 他們就是懶得改, 一改要多做好多東西, 多好多責任, 甚至可能很多單位跟人事分配都有問題, 他們利益分贓不均就會軍方內部派系起衝突, 我覺得這些才是問題所在, 也不是總統下令就能改掉的
    雖然我還是了解台灣人有多老神在在, 但說穿了也是一種無奈, 大家都知道如果打來了就是沒得躲, 就是要硬著頭皮跟對方幹然後存活, 有這層的認知才導致很多台灣人老神在在, 但其實老神在在分兩種, 一種是"躲也沒用努力也沒用, 來了就認了", 一種是"隨時都有可以發現這件事, 我計算了一下知道我自己可以怎麼存活, 怎麼安頓家人, 怎麼拿到武器, 怎麼盡可能的造成對方損傷"
    這兩種老神在在很不同, 前一種是沒計畫, 來了就擋一下, 死了就死了的態度, 後一種則是認知到自己可以做什麼, 大概可以撐到什麼地步都有大約計算過, 甚至也計算過如果失敗的後果, 然後計畫完了, 自己才老神在在的看著局勢發展在一邊調整計畫, 目前我覺得台灣普遍都是第一種, 這種心態才危險, 雖然大家暫時可以放鬆不用多想, 但我覺得這種心態根本溫水煮青蛙, 而且是自己煮自己
    希望台灣人平常自己就可以多鍛鍊自己, 至少家裡附近防空洞在哪, 有空襲時要怎麼安頓家裡人這些都要大概計算過, 這樣你還能老神在在才是真正的老神在在, 而不是那種認命認死的老神在在
    我覺得國外的擔心還是比較真實的, 因為我有發現台灣國防部居然會刻意壓住一些中共的軍事行動的消息, 來安定台灣社會, 但這些消息卻都被日本第一時間發現並報導出來, 導致台灣還要從日本那裡得到解放軍的觀察跟行動, 這是一個很大的警訊, 台灣國防部居然不願意公開這些消息, 只為了不造成社會恐慌, 我覺得台灣軍方真的是有很大的問題, 這種問題很有可能變成解放軍入侵的隙縫, 我覺得台灣人還是需要提高警覺

    • @CNLHQ
      @CNLHQ Год назад +1


    • @user-ru6rr5do8z
      @user-ru6rr5do8z Год назад


    • @even84211
      @even84211 8 месяцев назад +3


    • @yaya5tim
      @yaya5tim 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@user-ru6rr5do8z 台灣今天的民主化也有海外台灣人幫忙努力才做到的,那些想要終止國民黨專政而被通緝最後流放海外的,都是我們這些人接待他們的

  • @wendee290
    @wendee290 Год назад +226


    • @bailingguo
      @bailingguo  Год назад +11


    • @phagyauto160
      @phagyauto160 11 месяцев назад


    • @julie9353
      @julie9353 11 месяцев назад


    • @SP-vo4vy
      @SP-vo4vy 9 месяцев назад


    • @phagyauto160
      @phagyauto160 9 месяцев назад

      @@SP-vo4vy 孟晚舟一样可以接受访问笑谈“逃出加拿大”,你们预设立场,把全世界所有国家都在做的事情用不同的态度去看待。除此之外,这个节目也不讨论五眼国家对中国的情报渗透,单方面看热闹式的塑造中共很可怕的氛围,所以这并不是个专业的政论节目,改名叫民主的傲慢与偏见更合适。

  • @edenchou9139
    @edenchou9139 Год назад +82


  • @samg3367
    @samg3367 Год назад +34

    The best episode in a long time.

  • @wilson0322
    @wilson0322 Год назад +14


  • @ray_eat_food
    @ray_eat_food Год назад +55

    這集好看耶 從頭看到尾~

    • @WYCAN
      @WYCAN Год назад +13

      Michael's Aussie accent is not very strong. :)

    • @chingtiwang
      @chingtiwang Год назад +32


    • @WYCAN
      @WYCAN Год назад +9

      @@chingtiwang more guests like Michael would be nice. It would help to expand people’s exposure to opinions outside Taiwan (although I know translating and subtitles are a lot of work 😅)

  • @user-qb4ki8et4n
    @user-qb4ki8et4n Год назад +37


  • @amberazkaban
    @amberazkaban Год назад +8


  • @mihumisag
    @mihumisag Год назад +5


  • @alexjetertw
    @alexjetertw Год назад +31


    • @chingtiwang
      @chingtiwang Год назад +5

      Stephen 竟然沒有剪掉😅

  • @wendy6823
    @wendy6823 Год назад +2

    有趣又有深度的訪談,在台灣電視或RUclips 都難得一見,年輕一代還是有優秀的人才,比那些不斷在「強調自己有多資深的記者」好太多!

  • @user-pj4ml3zz4c
    @user-pj4ml3zz4c Год назад +5

    Thank you all for mentioning and talking about HK. Interesting.

  • @KJCurry-Joyce
    @KJCurry-Joyce Год назад +4


  • @sophianing4349
    @sophianing4349 Год назад +155


    • @alania8737
      @alania8737 Год назад +22

      As a Chinese studying in the States now, I wish you good luck!

    • @YuShawStang
      @YuShawStang Год назад +11


    • @sl5515
      @sl5515 Год назад +13


    • @alicewu2808
      @alicewu2808 Год назад +9


    • @sophianing4349
      @sophianing4349 Год назад +52


  • @astro0512
    @astro0512 Год назад +8

    Awesome episode 👏!

  • @ava02251225
    @ava02251225 Год назад +2


  • @carol129715
    @carol129715 Год назад +1


  • @lover5310ify
    @lover5310ify Год назад +4


  • @haochen9119
    @haochen9119 Год назад +3


  • @Bill-Chen
    @Bill-Chen Год назад +1


  • @djong3775
    @djong3775 Год назад +10


  • @sisqosnew
    @sisqosnew Год назад +6

    Amazing Content!!

  • @rygeryang2421
    @rygeryang2421 Год назад +6

    讓我完全想起Adam Fletcher的書"從車諾比到北韓,12個瘋狂的冒險故事"

  • @ry02030203
    @ry02030203 Год назад +31

    I have never been that kinda person who comment under RUclips although have been watching 百靈果 for long, listening to all sorts of topics in all sorts of shows
    Clicking into the show and expecting everything about China, democracy, censorship, political stance but Hong Kong and the Movement (allow me to say this but not Protest). As a Hongkonger, I am thankful and touched, if not grateful that you guys have brought up the topic
    Thank you so much for even merely mentioning the topic and support for us….

    • @ry02030203
      @ry02030203 Год назад +4

      And I really wanna show my support and appreciation to 百靈果 for providing such an informative channel and content for everyone out there! Keep up the work and hope that I could be at TW for watching you guys on stage for the premiere IRL someday after TW opens up her border to HK people😢

    • @chingtiwang
      @chingtiwang Год назад

      See you soon ❤

    • @garishqualm344
      @garishqualm344 Год назад

      現在好多香港人 來台北住社會住宅 信義區新大樓 有社區公園那種遊樂設施

  • @klyeung
    @klyeung Год назад +8

    Thank you so much. It is really a nice and decent interview.

  • @yoyo-on6gf
    @yoyo-on6gf Год назад +34


    • @a0917294561
      @a0917294561 Год назад


    • @yoyo-on6gf
      @yoyo-on6gf Год назад +3

      @@a0917294561 她是拿了不少好處吧

    • @TheAlexGong
      @TheAlexGong 9 месяцев назад


  • @salinalin7382
    @salinalin7382 Год назад +14

    Wow it's a great interview 😉

  • @NormanYen
    @NormanYen Год назад +19


  • @naktim
    @naktim Год назад +39

    我看到威秀寶寶17歲的廣告直覺是 威秀寶寶再一年就會變成可以抽菸喝酒開車的威秀寶寶

    • @user-bf2mm4nm2l
      @user-bf2mm4nm2l Год назад +5


    • @user-oc2uc8xw7i
      @user-oc2uc8xw7i Год назад +4


    • @naktim
      @naktim Год назад +1

      @@user-oc2uc8xw7i 我想看到邊喝酒開車邊嗑藥抽菸的威秀寶寶形象看看

  • @tracylavender9231
    @tracylavender9231 Год назад +5


  • @user-sd7ti6ki4o
    @user-sd7ti6ki4o 8 месяцев назад


  • @light3298
    @light3298 Год назад +9

    精彩絕倫 想買書了

  • @macrom1683
    @macrom1683 Год назад


  • @ffchkgrich
    @ffchkgrich Год назад +6

    Great interview. 👍🏻

  • @ghgggg914
    @ghgggg914 Год назад +52


    • @kwoo24
      @kwoo24 Год назад +7


    • @ghgggg914
      @ghgggg914 Год назад +10

      @@kwoo24 嗯,不过其实这个采访中国人比台湾人更感兴趣。

    • @kwoo24
      @kwoo24 Год назад

      @@ghgggg914 真的嗎?怎麼說?

    • @cheney4636
      @cheney4636 Год назад +4

      @@kwoo24 畢竟香港、新疆、疫情等等,雖然跟台灣人也有極大的關係,但對對岸的人來說,這是真正意義上的家務事

    • @garishqualm344
      @garishqualm344 Год назад +1

      @@cheney4636 香港 新疆 跟台灣不相關吧? 疫情倒是有關

  • @theaveragejoe5781
    @theaveragejoe5781 Год назад +1

    can you make a playlist with your english interviews? And while you are at it, can you make more english interviews. Thanks much 😊

  • @MariaCortez24
    @MariaCortez24 Год назад +25

    What an interesting interview. Love to hear more about similar subjects, not sure if you have done more in the past I just discovered your channel.

    • @bailingguo
      @bailingguo  Год назад +2

      Hi Maria, thanks for watching. Most of our contents are in Mandarin. There is a comedy serie we made called "Tough Bobas" depicting Taiwan China relationship. :)

  • @morris8981
    @morris8981 Год назад


  • @JJLiang99
    @JJLiang99 Год назад +23

    一集根本不夠,能不能有第二集! 我認真的。

    • @ShawnCranky
      @ShawnCranky Год назад +1


  • @AlexChien-ph3ne
    @AlexChien-ph3ne Год назад +14


  • @primafacie5029
    @primafacie5029 Год назад

    Great crossover

  • @c1h2e3r4r5y60
    @c1h2e3r4r5y60 Год назад +2

    what a story, god bless

  • @user-vp4qg3qw3u
    @user-vp4qg3qw3u Год назад


  • @TaiwanBalay
    @TaiwanBalay Год назад +11

    儘管「無聲的入侵:中國因素在澳洲」(Silent Invasion: China's Influence in Australia)揭露了中國對澳洲的滲透謀略作為,是否許多澳洲人可能上不夠警惕?

  • @rohany2270
    @rohany2270 Год назад +8


  • @spicyeddie
    @spicyeddie Год назад +10

    According to ‘Treaty of San Francisco’, the formal treaty that Japan signed to end the WWII , Japan gave up the dominion on Taiwan and no specifically which country to hand over.

  • @ooxxdudu
    @ooxxdudu Год назад

    Michael 書已買

  • @Giaji
    @Giaji Год назад +2


    • @garishqualm344
      @garishqualm344 Год назад

      我同時喜歡曹董 跟 柯文哲 很怪嗎

    • @Giaji
      @Giaji Год назад +2

      @@garishqualm344 不會吧, 因為某方面的本質應該是相同的, 都是希望台灣變更好, 我雖然稱不上"喜歡"柯P, 但是台灣政治需要不一樣的顏色,背景, 多元參與, 不然感覺就是走不出來的局.... 但是柯P作為政治家或許要再往上走就挺難的, 或是要有強大的speeking coach或禮儀coach包裝支撐... 個人魅力在政治世界還是滿重要的我覺得, 說彎了但是突然想到感覺他可以試試Bernie Sanders的路線 😅

    • @bucks8964
      @bucks8964 Год назад

      @@Giaji 柯後面言論太崩壞了,可以理解他討厭民進黨,但因為討厭民進黨就常常在麥克風前講一堆胡說八道的東西

  • @shufangcai
    @shufangcai Год назад +5


  • @santa4684
    @santa4684 Год назад


  • @hyt128
    @hyt128 Год назад +132

    17:15 Just something to note, Japan didn't officially hand over Taiwan to China at end of WW2. They've only declared defeat and "gave up" their colonies. It's the KMT and majority of the Taiwanese at the time had the idea of the unification in their head.

    • @PiaoVlog
      @PiaoVlog Год назад +14

      是的~ 請看舊金山條約第二條

    • @user-gq2su2oo6i
      @user-gq2su2oo6i Год назад

      以美國的立場,美國的第一島鏈是不含其他外島的,協防 only 本島。

  • @FT1255
    @FT1255 Год назад +4

    16:44 Jet Li 是李連傑哦. 當時在香港真的很紅

  • @chiao3182
    @chiao3182 Год назад +3

    跪求2016西藏報導 T^T

  • @salinalin7382
    @salinalin7382 Год назад +25

    Will be great if you are able to invite /interview Bill Birtles from ABC news currently stationed in Taipei

  • @mrsb3083
    @mrsb3083 Год назад +5

    還以為是澳洲的電台採訪,二位主持英語沒有什麼口音,尤其是女主持,節目很精彩,會去看Mike 的這本書

  • @finny0410
    @finny0410 Год назад +17

    In fact, Japanese people are very talkative when you talk to them in Japanese

  • @luke1987515
    @luke1987515 Год назад +10


  • @cathyli3106
    @cathyli3106 Год назад +4

    最後狗狗見面的那段真感人 😂

  • @light_snow
    @light_snow Год назад +1

    14:04 Hobartian (waving~~~)

  • @99stevenng
    @99stevenng Год назад +3

    謝謝百靈果。。。感覺youtube中文界很缺乏這類的訪談, 尤其是以在中國的外國記者角度

  • @howar31
    @howar31 Год назад +7

    the whole story is just like a novel 😢

  • @NOLAN970
    @NOLAN970 Год назад +12


    • @bailingguo
      @bailingguo  Год назад +24


  • @clyou
    @clyou Год назад +4


  • @miayle9545
    @miayle9545 Год назад +33

    某方面來說 感謝這COVID 讓澳洲大多數人終於看清中共!不然 就像這記者一樣,大多澳洲人在疫情前對中共態度還是somewhat positive! 即便是新疆 and 反送中議題這麼大!果然還是要到中共經濟制裁澳洲 他們才會有切身之痛

  • @natasha7689
    @natasha7689 Год назад


  • @segasonic4
    @segasonic4 Год назад +2


  • @chenhsiu_min5953
    @chenhsiu_min5953 Год назад +11


  • @francodeercow
    @francodeercow Год назад +2


  • @Crochet-Fish
    @Crochet-Fish Год назад +2


  • @halod5345
    @halod5345 Год назад +4

    …对香港访谈那部分感觉很牵强 受访者比两位主持人要中立很多 (because he knew more)
    我基本上每年都去香港两三次 社会并不是像你们想象那样改变的. 你们一直想象回归后香港就变得很差 但其实极大部分普通人生活照常 甚至少了腐败和黑社会 意识形态的收缩也只是19年运动后才发生巨变.
    很喜欢贵节目 只是觉得两位对中国总有负面的且笃定的预设立场 maybe对不是真的了解的事情 可以中立的采访来宾
    love the interview overall!🫶🏼

    • @leeladic5737
      @leeladic5737 Год назад


  • @ciwaschen
    @ciwaschen Год назад +11


  • @TacticalGirlDad
    @TacticalGirlDad Год назад

    Kylie’s English speaking voice is so 🔥

  • @user-ec3nq8zd4q
    @user-ec3nq8zd4q Год назад

    Just pretty interested in what he did in China!

  • @SSSweating
    @SSSweating Год назад +7


  • @raywong7081
    @raywong7081 Год назад


  • @mogimeow
    @mogimeow Год назад +4

    Just something trivial….some people in Australia do think saying “piss off” is swearing. I personally don’t consider it a swear word but it is quite a strong word and can be considered rough or rude. I would only say “I’m pissed off” to people I know well in private so I can understand why Michael asked if he could swear before he said he was pissed off.

  • @Porako
    @Porako Год назад +36


  • @daredemodaisuki5937
    @daredemodaisuki5937 Год назад

    54:04 刺激經濟發展、建築行業

  • @user-wf7gp4es5i
    @user-wf7gp4es5i Год назад

    Damn it's really an adventure....

  • @VanHo-oz1gr
    @VanHo-oz1gr Год назад +2

    i want to buy the book through amazon but so unlucky cannot delivery to viet nam ... any one can help ?

  • @gqchou9906
    @gqchou9906 Год назад


  • @felatorng424
    @felatorng424 Год назад +24

    a. 不涉及政治的生活抱怨基本很少有事,或者有事情的机率不高(机率哦,也就是说:你不lucky还是会有事);涉及政治的生活抱怨(注:这就要看极权政府认为那些生活的事务“是高度政治化/和政治紧密相关”的)出事的几率会提高
    b. 你的“档案身份”(男/女,国籍,种族,宗教,岁数,所在单位,社会地位,政治倾向{这个档案栏目在中国的一些资料、填表中是存在的}....)+个人心理(这个超级重要),作为判断要不要让你“出事”的【背景】标准,对极权政府要不要花时间来【惩戒你】【说服你】【引导你】【恐吓你】【其他】来说是极度重要的
    c. 期间的社会情况:看看中国就知道了--就言论管制来说,防疫后比起防疫前的更常见、针对言论管制的政策和法律规章也比起防疫前更多;言论封锁的趋势,在习近平上台后和习近平上台前也是明显对比;奥运会前和期间,言论管制行为会增加,结束后会“稍微”减少。
    d. 效果:这个要根据b.因素做前提来决定。以极权政府的角度来说:管你哪里人,商人是必须要【吸收】【引导】【说服】的对象,因为如果商人反我,而我反了商人,我会赚不了钱,他亏多少我不知道,可是我亏多少我很在乎;但是,如果商人反我,而我反了商人,对于我来说,有比起【引导】你的好处,更大/必要的好处,我就会反了你。这个好处和利益是极权政府自己设定的标准,外界不一定看得出。如果今天说服刘晓波相信“六四镇压是有必要的”这个命题,而说服他这个命题带来的效果,是有比起不说服他,有更大的好处,中国政府妥妥去做。
    e. 成本:用高科技达成有效的言论管制(有效的“标准”一般是:不会威胁到政府权威性)肯定是最棒的,但是用高科技达成极度恐怖和夸张的言论管制肯定是最危险的,必须“收放自如”,让人有发泄口,“安抚民心”;低效果,高效率的言论管制是不需要的 | 高效果,高效率的言论管制是需要的 | 高效果,低效率的言论管制,需要提升效率 | 低效果,低效率就代表我不需要花时间在言论管制了,直接镇压比较快

    • @bailingguo
      @bailingguo  Год назад +7


    • @Gdd-dg9ym
      @Gdd-dg9ym Год назад +2


    • @Gdd-dg9ym
      @Gdd-dg9ym Год назад +7


    • @felatorng424
      @felatorng424 Год назад +1

      @@Gdd-dg9ym 我一直对台湾的白色恐怖时期没什么研究。我有点好奇,如果你有相关资料的话可以介绍我吗?我有时间就会去看

    • @Gdd-dg9ym
      @Gdd-dg9ym Год назад

      @@felatorng424 其實估狗就有了,網上資料很多,我的感想是,當政府想要消滅的對象不是一般百姓,而是上升到知識分子醫生老師,表示政府不是在隱藏什麼滔天大事,就是爛到不行了,把可用之人殺掉是滅國的行為是吧?

  • @rewe33
    @rewe33 Год назад

    還好 1.25倍速還聽的懂

  • @user-zz7jq9is6j
    @user-zz7jq9is6j Год назад +2


  • @qlbb
    @qlbb Год назад +1

  • @xyfd04814
    @xyfd04814 Год назад


  • @user-gb4fk5ms8e
    @user-gb4fk5ms8e Год назад


  • @lyw4540
    @lyw4540 Год назад

    38:19 字幕應該是採訪西藏人

  • @WYCAN
    @WYCAN Год назад +25

    Great interview. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks Kylie and Ken!
    Takeaway of this interview: History does repeat itself over and over again. I've always think that China is basically going through everything that Taiwan has gone through, by a lag of about 20-30 years. However, China probably will never have the chance to transition into a democracy. There was a chance, and Taiwan was lucky enough to grab it and ran with it. China had a chance, but the leader nip it in the bud. Maybe in an alternative universe things are different and there are hope. What Australia and the rest of the world is going through waking up with the reality with China, is what Taiwan has gone through too, by lag of about 20 years.
    The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
    Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
    There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.
    以往發生的事,將來還會發生; 先前做過的事,將來也必再做。日光之下,根本沒有新事。
    人可以指著哪件事說:“看啊,這是新事”? 所謂的新事在我們以前早就有了。
    3:44 The Great Escape
    6:02 I think it's at times like this you really appreciate your government's effort
    7:50 Maybe I am reading too much into it, but I still surprised that he was able to book a flight. Because you would think China has some sort of no fly list to prevent people from escaping. Or maybe he just wouldn't clear customs if he does show up for the flight
    8:53 Precedents are precedents because eventually it happened
    11:53 That's the thing with China or any totalitarian regime. If you have the means, you *can* have a great life. That's how you get numb to everything. But you will wake up from the dream when the government turn on you and come knock on your door
    13:00 The oblivious is always the bravest.
    17:27 I don't think anyone can deny that a lot of time Japanese or the British doesn't treat the Taiwanese and HKer well. After all, they are the colonizer. The "returning" does represent a possibility of change to the better. However I do think it's more so for Taiwan compare to HK. Afterall, HK is more developed at the time of handing back.
    21:30 When someone has you by the balls, it's going to be painful if you ever want to struggle out of the situation
    24:06 It's exactly the same with US situation. The rhetoric may be dying down a bit, but the actions are turning up the heat. I don't think it'll ever go back to what it was
    25:34 The trust level for China is at an all time low that I don't think any reasonable people nowadays would have complete trust in China when they say they are a peace loving country who would never go on the offensive
    26:12 It's hard to say how much Solomon Island would get the benefit from China since all the One Belt One Road initiative is on a downward spin. However, if the government is corrupt enough, it's hard to see if the situation will self-correct. Just look at Sri Lanka
    29:17 You know it's *fake* because it's too *perfect*. Nothing is ever perfect or meet your expectation 100% with no reservations.
    31:31 You are not a real journalist if you just ate everything that is spoon-fed to you. Those people doesn't deserve the title. A more fitting title would be a tape recorder who just repeats what was recorded
    32:35 I wouldn't use the word cynical. In my opinion a more fitting word would be "skeptical" or "suspicious". To be a good investigative journalist, you have to have a healthy dose of skepticism.
    33:21 Proofs that Propaganda works is the fact that it exists, and entities spends billions to create them
    37:42 Guess he never mentioned that Xi Jingping also looks like Winnie-the-Pooh lol
    47:36 Cornered and injured animals will behave unexpectedly. But you can't really blame them for acting that way. They want their last fighting chance.
    48:22 HK has a lot of expats. And I have to regrettably say that I have heard it from expat friends complaining about how the students makes a mess of HK, while they do have the privilege to just leave at will
    55:27 Personal opinion on China is that although you can never be sure on how things would turn, but the probability of a collapse has been steadily raising for years. In the past, when activities resumes and trade resumes, there is a chance that China recovers. But the current geo-political situation is basically a headwind for them, and that continues to increase the probability of a disaster
    58:12 People are so forgetful, just like the saying, 好了傷疤忘了痛. It's part of human coping mechanism but it can work against you, especially if you are prevented to talk about it
    1:00:50 So envious. Working for foreign company in Japan is a dream for many... (don't work for Japanese companies thought, you'll most likely regret it... it's just culturally too different)
    1:05: 17 Yeah but Ken, that's like also asking why people who grew up under democracy has fascinations about fascism and extremism. Personally I feel like a lot of time it's just the right moment with right incidents and you just get suck into it
    1:09:29 Well, a private plane to Australia did worked for Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, hahahaha

  • @hsuanwu2232
    @hsuanwu2232 Год назад +10


    • @user-ff2ls1ep5p
      @user-ff2ls1ep5p Год назад +6

      百齡果的風格一直是這樣啊 他們做的比較像是請來賓上來閒聊 並不是要訪問

  • @heceslen
    @heceslen Год назад +1


  • @bng2679
    @bng2679 Год назад +1

    The two anadian guy that got kidnap were also named Michael. They really have a thing about person named Micheal

  • @JJLiang99
    @JJLiang99 Год назад +15
