Prince sparkles Reaction To Legendy Polskie | Film Jaga | Allegro

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Prince sparkles Reaction To Legendy Polskie | Film Jaga | Allegro
    This is my first time reaction to legendy polskie film jaga | allegro
    Please like and subscribe to my RUclips channel 🙏🏾
    This movie is base on baba yaga
    Link to the original video: • Legendy Polskie. Film ...

Комментарии • 31

  • @roobalekr6071
    @roobalekr6071 4 месяца назад +8

    Jaga moves in a fraction of a second, but when the devil came, he stopped time

  • @adammichalak7398
    @adammichalak7398 4 месяца назад +5

    Cała seria leged jest ciekawa. Dziękuję

  • @elzbietabetlej4085
    @elzbietabetlej4085 4 месяца назад +8

    Hello, I can write some backstory to the Slavic mythology/ pre-Polish culture / beliefs that were demonstrated in modern conception by Allegro.
    Yaga was a witch, a forest protector and the guardian of the metamorphosis of a child into an adult. As this required the" death" of one stage and the " birth" of the other, Grimm brothers used it and created a tale of Baba Yaga who is ugly, kidnapps children, fattens them up and eats them.
    Therefore in this interpretation there is a lot connections of Yaga trying to take back civilisation and nature to flourish, oak tree she is planting is the sacred tree of Perun, Slavic god of thunder, therefore Boruta was so worried in the end. Noone messed with Perun, because his power was compared to greek Zeus. Boruta was worried Yaga would unleash Perun, also because to some tales she served him, she was a minor deity. Slavic mythology revolved around nature, sacred trees and forests, and the respect for nature and connection of man and nature.
    Grimm brothers didn't create a concept of Jaga as a ugly child/man eating demon, it was a Church, when Christianity arrived to Slavic lands , Church was trying to eradicate all pogan beliefs system and customs. One of the ways, was degrading pagan deities to the rank of the demons an portrate them as something unclean/unholy. Grimm brothers adapted the Christian version of Jaga and add few things from themselves and as their fairy tale were famous , the overal image of Yaga is negative, even though it was originally positive. With those few people remembering the origins , the big villain image of Yaga was spread around the world.
    Like the very term witch.
    Originally in Polish lands term witch was addressed to very wise women who got knowledge about herbs and healing. With coming of Christianity witches were portrayed as those serving devil ( they were originally pagans like the whole Slavic societies, duh) . Then those who were Christians, but got knowledge, wisdom and knew how to think independently were hunted down and burnt at stake ( inquisition) . Thankfully in Poland Inquisition was quickly abolished as Polish Kingdom established freedom and equality of beliefs( in XVc. were last cases of inquisition judgements).

    • @princesparklestv6809
      @princesparklestv6809  4 месяца назад +3

      Thank you so much for this information 🙏🏾

    • @elzbietabetlej4085
      @elzbietabetlej4085 4 месяца назад +3

      @@princesparklestv6809 you are welcome, I strongly recommend you other works of Allegro, like : Twardowsky, Smok , Operacja Bazyliszek. the stories are loosely connected with each other, each one tells the legends of Polish history. Twardowsky for example was actually a historic person, he lived in XVIc, as a mage (in those time mage was a title of broadly educated scientists) of Polish King Zygmunt II August. There are tons of stories correlated to Twardowsky, but the most popular was the one in which he sold his soul to a devil for a success and knowledge and was a first person to outsmart a devil.

    • @walimlot
      @walimlot 3 месяца назад +2

      Racja, wiele bóstw zostało zdegradowanych przez Kościół, jak Boruta, który był opiekunem lasu a nie diabłem, czy Perun, który był Bogiem pozytywnym, bogiem życia i przetrwania, dającym siłę. Ale akurat Jaga, w tym przypadku było to wcielone zło, zapewne straszono nią dzieci by same do lasu nie chodziły. W mitologii słowiańskiej było wiele złych demonicznych postaci. Znalazłem pewien komentarz, który wydaje mi się w miarę wiarygodny:
      "Baba Jaga to po polsku Baba Jędza (od *jęga „choroba, męka, cierpienie”). W ogóle w polskiej demonologii występuje cała grupa groźnych żeńskich duchów nazywanych jędzami i dopiero potem zaczęło się tak nazywać kobiety kłótliwe i złośliwe. Jędze zamieszkują w głębi lasów i roznoszą choroby po wsiach w wierzeniach rodzimych. Jędze zaczęto utożsamiać z czarownicami jako służkami szatana pod wpływem chrześcijaństwa. Stosunkowo największą odrębność względem „czarownic-satanistek” zachowały na Mazowszu i Podlasiu."

  • @ytu77
    @ytu77 2 месяца назад +1

    Our sweet Jaga❤

  • @MaciejBogdanStepien
    @MaciejBogdanStepien 3 месяца назад +4

    Allegro (a company like Amazon in Poland) have sponsored a series of short movies covering old Polish legends. But with a hilarious twist from the creators: Once Poland was Christianized, the old demons and pagan gods were imprisoned in hell, as with the advent of Christianity the Hell, real Hell, entered the scene. And the guys from Hell represent a corporate entity. This is serious, this is a corporation, and they mean business. You don't f**k with them. Boruta is the director, Rokita is his right-hand man. They locked up all the pre-Christian demons and deities, and started to lure human (Polish) souls to hell. No time for amateurs. The Hell has opened the business in Poland. That's the background story, more or less.

    • @MaciejBogdanStepien
      @MaciejBogdanStepien 2 месяца назад +2

      Do not cut the song played along the end-credits. The song is the whole point.

  • @zorzyk6790
    @zorzyk6790 4 месяца назад +11

    You should watch Polish Legends in this order. "Smok" "Twardowsky" "Twardowsky 2.0" "Operacja Bazyliszek" "Jaga"

    • @roobalekr6071
      @roobalekr6071 4 месяца назад +3

      YT mini stories music to Legendy Polskie:
      "Aleja Gwiazd - Cover. Matheo & Anna Karwan. Legendy Polskie.",
      "Jaskółka uwięziona - Cover. Atanas Valkov&Georgina Tarasiuk. Legendy Polskie",
      "Cichosza - Cover. Marcin Macuk & Krzysztof Zalewski. Legendy Polskie",
      "Kocham wolność - Cover. Matheo & Damian Ukeje. Legendy Polskie",
      "Jezu jak się cieszę - Cover. Atanas Valkov & Skubas. Legendy Polskie",
      "Mój jest ten kawałek podłogi - Cover. Matheo & Andrzej Donarski. Legendy Polskie."

    • @zorzyk6790
      @zorzyk6790 4 месяца назад

      @@roobalekr6071 Chłop zaczął od dupy strony ale skąd miał wiedzieć. Szkoda, że nie pociągnęli tematu dalej . Pewnie nowa władza w Allegro uznała, że szkoda kasy wydawać na takie "pierdoły"

    • @Lorek929
      @Lorek929 4 месяца назад

      It's completely optional

    • @roobalekr6071
      @roobalekr6071 4 месяца назад +2

      @@zorzyk6790 "Nowa władza"(?) - jest tak samo ciemna, jak zagraniczniacy, którzy nie mają pojęcia, co oglądają (zresztą, jak i wielu Polaków), a te "pierdoły", to prawdziwy majstersztyk, nie ma tu miejsca na przypadek, począwszy od wyboru utworów muzycznych, po drobiazgi ze scenek, wszystko ma znaczenie, wszystko powiązane, a znajomość treści danej legendy to "nic", bo roi się tu od sugestywnych nawiązań. Dla przykładu w "Smoku", o ile znajdą się tacy, co wychwycą podany na talerzu plakat "GHOST IN THE SHELL", to ilu wyłapie wcześniejszą scenkę robotów skupiających wokół swego stwórcy (?), wymowną scenkę nawiązującą do "Blade Runner'a" z Harrisonem Fordem z roku 1982. Ktoś, kiedyś w Allegro wpadł na świetny pomysł i odwalił "kawał perfekt roboty" przez duże "K".

    • @zorzyk6790
      @zorzyk6790 4 месяца назад

      @@roobalekr6071 Masz człowieku całkowitą rację.

  • @yazoryazor115
    @yazoryazor115 3 месяца назад +2

    There will be no sequels to the films. The director was hired by Netflix for The Witcher

  • @jangalka1060
    @jangalka1060 4 месяца назад +2

    Greetings from Polish ;-) Your fan ❤

  • @adriandrost6542
    @adriandrost6542 Месяц назад

    It's the last part of all Polish Legends, it's not easy to understand it if you don't know what was slavic Perun. Something like Thor ;) If you go to end of this Video. End of creators subtitles you will see -How its end 😁

  • @badeusz
    @badeusz 4 месяца назад +5

    Yo my man, This is not exacly viking kind of chants, it's Slavic chants. Vikings were our neighbors, we fight with them. They came to our land to make a slaves from Slavic people. Some says, thats where come the word Slave. Check out for yourself slavic drums you will love it.

  • @lidiapoczyczynska6623
    @lidiapoczyczynska6623 3 месяца назад


  • @bazejsiraga6514
    @bazejsiraga6514 Месяц назад

    You missed a little fragment after credits.

  • @Mev-c5h
    @Mev-c5h 3 месяца назад +1

    6:36 you can use sign language

  • @drzewowit
    @drzewowit 4 месяца назад +4

    Jaga is the Slavonic archetypical which- demon. But to understand better this movie would help to see those 2 first-видео.html &видео.html English subtitles available.