Yes, it is disturbing. On the other hand, i find the dead crowd on other competitions these days also very annoying. Can't judge if that is mostly indifference, or just that the crowd is in awe by seeing those couples. So, i'm happy that there is cheering for the couples here. Do not underestimate how much we like or even need that as dancers.
Как же "возгласы" болельщиков в зале не соответствуют гармонии музыки и танца на паркете ...увы.
Полностью согласен. Но от этого, к сожалению, никуда не деться...
Yes, it is disturbing. On the other hand, i find the dead crowd on other competitions these days also very annoying. Can't judge if that is mostly indifference, or just that the crowd is in awe by seeing those couples.
So, i'm happy that there is cheering for the couples here. Do not underestimate how much we like or even need that as dancers.