in one video they said bridgettes dad and grampa never met, when before that they did a video together. Thats all the proof i need and you cant tell by the reactions? you must be 13 im assuming.
I keep meaning to say -- it's really cool to see how happy you guys are these days. When I look at the older videos, it looked (to me) like you guys were struggling and sad. It's pretty awesome to see you guys happy.
I have watched them since 2009 & I think struggling is an understatement ... BUT even when they had nothing to their name they had genuine love for one another. AGP & Grandma made sure those grandbabies were always fed & had a roof over their head. Those were important lessons and shaped Michael into the man he is today. Money doesn't buy happiness that is important to know.
GRANDPA: ""they where stealing my microwave, my coffee pot, and my toaster oven and then I have another coffee pot"" 😂😂😂😂 how many coffee pots does he have???😧
Michael's such a maniac that even when it backfired he comes back and keeps recording for the views. It says alot that when he's caught breaking in and his dad puts him on video he runs out and they drives off quick as shit.
"They were stealing my coffee pot, my other coffee pot and my little coffee pot" lmao
@MixdUp Breaks one coffee pot each week so thats probably so
The metal one is a kettle
He never once said that sentence
I like how AGP is acting like the officer is talking back when he starts filming 😂😂😂😂😂😂
yes officah
That is like one of my favorite things about this video 😂😂😂
Why ereryone is puting emois
@@simplymsp1590 idk man 😂😂😂😭😭🤬😡🤬
“what about halls chophouse downtown?”
“man we can’t afford that”
“i’ll pay”
“.. well shit i’ll be there in a few minutes then” 😂😂😂😂
That was grandpa for ya. Tight with his own money but loose with michaels. Bet he just wanted to see Michael squirm for fucking with him😂😂😂
Hahahaha lo this is Gold 😂😂😂
"Alright dad did she put everything up to your satisfaction?" "Yes" "Ok Call!" "you're going to jail" gets me everytime
Jets vs. Falcons
@@IMHIMQuinChaseInTheBuilding 😝 p
6:34 "And there she's stealing money from the table too. THAT'S A DOUBLE THEIFT!" -AGP😂😂😂
"This our money!"
liam&ian gaming No it was on my table! 😂
So it’s my money
Adan Walton we bought this table!
I don't know why everybody is saying this is fake, it's the most real video I've ever seen in my entire life.
Oliver! Please teach me how to draw agp!
you seriously think this is real? You must think jeersey shore was real too
in one video they said bridgettes dad and grampa never met, when before that they did a video together. Thats all the proof i need and you cant tell by the reactions? you must be 13 im assuming.
they don't actually have proof its fake lol
"J-A-I-L-L, JAIL!"
Billy Shears 😂😂😂
Lol 😂
Bridget: what about me
Grandpa: You can stay
idk why but thats my favorite part
Dorsey m that’s creepy
@@caliwashere not really he wanted to hit her......
W-what do you plan on doing with her sir?!?
"What about me?"
"You can stay!"
Grandpa just kidnapped Bridgette
FnafKing fnaf
FnafKing fak u
FnafKing she's going to have to wait for Luigi to rescue her because Mario's a little fat bitch
Nina Jeffs hi
"J A I L L JAIL!" lmao
Jack Gavin oh Christ
Sentinel Fade you don't say
I keep meaning to say -- it's really cool to see how happy you guys are these days. When I look at the older videos, it looked (to me) like you guys were struggling and sad. It's pretty awesome to see you guys happy.
I have watched them since 2009 & I think struggling is an understatement ... BUT even when they had nothing to their name they had genuine love for one another. AGP & Grandma made sure those grandbabies were always fed & had a roof over their head. Those were important lessons and shaped Michael into the man he is today. Money doesn't buy happiness that is important to know.
@@Scorpiobwscorpio shut the fu%k up no one gave you permission to speak woman
Binge watching all of these videos. Never gets old with lots of laughs. Man I miss AGP
3:59 “YOU ROBBING YOUR OWN DADDY?” cracks me up every time 😂
They were stealing my coffee pot, my microwave, my other coffee pot, my toaster oven, then I got a lil coffee pot
lil pottyz
I miss AGP😭😭
Melissa M me too😢
That explains why he’s always so hysterical, all that coffee! 😆
7:19 AGP's little wink made me roar with laughter.
3:59 "u robbing yo own daddy... damn!"😂😂
I didn't know I raise a thief.
3 coffee pots😂😂😂
what yo cute ass doing on this typa video
Valentina Martinez man really loves his coffee
2 coffee pots and a kettle
Hot pot
Trying to bribe him with 50$ 😂😂
I would’ve took the $50 but he still would’ve been gone to jail
@@chrome7695 he added $20 more you piece of shit
@@chrome7695 then he said 50 dollars you ill minded fuck
Night Shade shit id still take it
So, he won't take it from Mike, but he doesn't want Bridgette taking it?🤣
When you have to wake up for school 2:54
More like when my mom is banging on my door to wake me up
When your joke is so corny and over used
LiL Berg this was actually funny, unlike the others.
AGP: "You're going to jail! J-A-I-L-L! Jail!"
Me: "You're one letter short."
@@ConnerAquariums true
So you spell jail with 3 L's?
5:35- "my coffee pot, my microwave, my other coffee pot, my toaster oven, and I got a little coffee pot."😂
How many coffee pots does he have
He either loves coffee so much or he has extra incase they break
GRANDPA: ""they where stealing my microwave, my coffee pot, and my toaster oven and then I have another coffee pot"" 😂😂😂😂 how many coffee pots does he have???😧
Jayden Robinson everyone seems to think that putting emojis makes a comment better...
Jayden Robinson and a small cofeee pot lmao hahah
@@makavelithedon487 Chill out dude he's right it's annoying as hell.
at fast Michael
Fred Harris was Watching the video it Michael Michael
“Everything to your satisfaction?” “Yeah” “alright call” “your still going to jail” ahahaha this is one of the best
Agp: whos in here?
Bridgettes car is parked outside 😂
@@theotakupunk3484 1212
i love the wink he gave at 7:18 showing that this was a prank backfire with a prank. 😂
god i miss him
R. I. P. AGP ❤️
3:08 when my parents find out I got an F on a test
J-A-I-L-L jail 😂😂😂-AGP
Shannah Favata
O k
Do you understand that he had to raise 50 children so i don't think he had the time to get a good education
@@evilman8970 50 children??! Are you serious??!
3:22 that was the funniest thing ever 😂😂😂😂😂😂
"Officer, my son stole my 3 coffee pots"....😂🤣🛠
5:37 😂😂
Imagine if the police saw the video agp made
Police: Damn this dude loves coffee
How would they react to Michael's impression of an officer? Lol 😂
He heheeheh lol
One of the greatest pranks you pulled in a while I love this one
"I didn't know I raised a thief"
They use the threat "police" so damn much.
Its funny though
9:20 Michaels impression of a cop was the worst
No it was HILARIOUS 😂
Ganjaman it wasn't meant to be good. It was meant to hide his voice
Call him fat mike
Ganjaman is bhmekdnddzdbz s. vrbb
I didnt know a cops had a certain impression
5:09 "you understand officer?"
"Yes officer" 😂😂
2:54 that’s my alarm clock for school 😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
2:54-2:57 sounds like he is falling down a flight of stairs
I cried 😂
So you hit the stairs so hard you turn into the impostor
Do you know what that noise
"My coffee pot, my microwave.... my other coffee pot, my toaster oven, and my little coffee pot."
7:18 WINK
TOMEDY best wink ever! RIP Angry Grandpa
Brazybuldz I never noticed that thx
Official_. Nakenzie you wear glasses and you still blind.
Ismaeel lmao chill
Grandpa's war cry kills me every time, lmao
I love how grandpa tries to to scare people with his tools but when someone does it to him he yells scared shitless🤣🤣
9:59 when someone says hey to you but you dont know who they are
What’s the song
Omission - huma huma
Whats wrong with that you probably not a man rather a bitch woman if you do something like that
@@idaziz What??
I went to your time stamp and it brought me to an ad saying, "HEY YOU!! DO YOU HAVE CHRONIC BACK PAIN???!!!" Lol what a coincidence!
Rest In Peace Angry Grandpa 😭
3:15 AGP getting all hyped up....
Jumpscare......drops bat 😂😂
7:18 low key reminded me of Freddy vs Jason when Freddy winked at the end
Omg same
Rip agp
Every Games bruh
@@SethCarter1 O fuck you
@Red Pineapples ???
Theking 739
NATHANXL Gutierrez fuck you too go to hell
R.I.P Angry grandpa
Aedriane Garcia lmao 😂
I miss him too
@Aedriane Garcia lmaoooo 🤣🤣
@Aedriane Garcia lmao
Aedriane Garcia who took a dump in your cereal this morning?
2:54 I Thought It Was Gunshots Grandpa Shooting Shii Up 😂😂 RIP 😔
What is shii??? Like sushi??
@ hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha
5:14 That is Michael Green He's a thief😂😂😂 RIP AGP💔
grandpa jail J-A-I-L-L 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Bruh wrong spelling but need 1 L at the end
6:50 when I am in a spelling B and they tell me to spell jail.
Ironic since you actually misspelled Spelling Bee
@Red -crunch he did. It is “Spelling Bee” not “Spelling B”.
It's June 30th 2017 who misses the old kbdc and agp 😫
"What are you doing home?!" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!?!!?!" LMFAO!
"They were stealing my coffee pot, my microwave, my other coffee pot, my toaster oven, and my other little coffee pot."
10:05 “my mom will bail me out” how spoiled do you have to be, my parents wouldn’t do shit they’d go to work and then come get me afterwards 😂
" Y'all started on me but I'm smarter than you!" All I can think of during that is " J-A-I-L-L JAIL!" 😂👌🏻 I love agp
Nevada Mello Ikr haha
Rip agp i love you this is so hard
swaglad er.
Alphazombies789 ik im watching all his vids and im here just crying 😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢
Basil NadeME fuck you
Damn everyone watches his old videos 😂👍
Alphazombies789 rip agp 💔🙏
Am i the only one 2024? 2025 now
No, you are not.
@@Grandmaster_Dragonborn good
Of course not.
My favorite pranks are always the ones against Bridgette. Especially when Michael and AGP work together to pull it off lmfao
8:50 lmao “you’re the one going to jail”
ll-Shortz-ll not funny
@@BluePadGamesYT funny
i love AGP so much when im in a bad or sad mood its makes me happy every day cuz it inspired me xD
Angry GrandPa: "J A I L L JAIL!!
Me: "Something just doesn't belong here!"
You robbing your own daddy 🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
8:00 - 8:10 no offense but clean your car
Seth Quintero chill he just said that their nasty
Jorge Lucas yo I know but like it just got me mad like understand
Ikr get that beached whale out of it
Seth Quintero i agree wit u
Lil Soulja tats Bridgett’s dumbass
" & there she's stealing money off my table to that's a double theft " 😂😂
6:34 and there she's stealing money off my table too doesn't double theft 😂😂
He said 'that's a double theft' not double back
@@daniellewis3098 I thought he said doesn't double back
3:23 that was the funniest reaction ever
u kept replaying it if how funny it is😭😭😭😭
To be fair he didnt instantly know it was michael, so he reacted in that way because he was genuinely fesring that the burglar would attack him
3:20 when your grandpa bout to break the door down to punish you then you scare him
J A I L L JAIL!!!!
KidBehindACamera hey big fan as you can see tell grandpa I said hey
KidBehindACamera 1 ? Here is my hate comment to angry grandpa, grandpa lost a lot of hair from farting so much
Hamza Zlattan that was so shit 2nd of all this isn't his actual account
KidBehindACamera 1 hi why did he spell jail wrong
KidBehindACamera 1 what was grandpa doing when he screamed and then banged on something
It's cool to see Michael and Grandpa bonding and pranking Bridget.
Who else got sooooo happy when agp winked about the prank. Rest In Peace 🕊👑🕊
Should've used this as the trailer for don't breathe.
Don't Breathe IRL.
11:02 it’s funny when AGP trying to hit micheal he’s mad but he screamed of sadness this time😂
He's waiting outside the closet with a bat. Michael jumps out he throws the bat and runs..................WTF was the bat for?!
The fell dragon ikr
He was going to use a bat if it was actually a robber
He thought there was Only one and he is a Old Man and it confused him
11:01 this part always has me dying 😂😂
10:24 That music remembers me with my gang in school arriving late and last xD
What is the songs name???
@@jancuks84 Sportsman by
Jincheng Zhang
7:18 I love how they work together to try to prank Bridget
"you understand officer?" 🤣 😂
5:19 nice clean car 🙃
what was that song at the end of the video
Darude - sandstorm
Thanks :)
ryan koziol
aw you troll
Claw Kicker Huma Huma - Omission
He spelled jail wrong. He said J.A.I.L.L 😂
+Sam Brown lmfao
+Sam Brown actually, it's spelled.
He spells everything wrong. In trailwood, he spelled mine "miae"
3:22 look how he drops the bat, hilarious 😂
Good old days😉
Before he died
R.i.p agp just re-watching all his pranks
9:11 he sounds like that phony cop from scary movie😂
U mean Doofy
0:36 “well shi I’ll be there in a few min then!”😂😂😂😂🤣
I always lose my shit when Michael does the Officer Johnson voice!
2:52 that part is like they're both in a horror game trying to hide from grandpa with a weapon 😂
Michael's such a maniac that even when it backfired he comes back and keeps recording for the views. It says alot that when he's caught breaking in and his dad puts him on video he runs out and they drives off quick as shit.
I have watched this video over the last 5 years at least 20 times, why am i just now noticing that AGP winked at Mike to prank Bridgette 😂😂😂😂
2:53 me when you break into my house.
Jake Arinheart there not gunshots lol wtf 😂 I
@@ak47_snipz9 listen it sound like gunshots I know there aren't any but still
Jake Arinheart I know
I didn't break into your house.
9:09 That voice is priceless 😂
4:45 "don't golo" 😂😂
3:16 I GOTTA WHDKCOENFIGJENSK, COME OUT!!!!!! 😂😂 and his reaction getting spooked. I die every time.
4:49 hand on hip kills me 😂😂😂😂💀💀
I love it how grandpa is like 'You can't afford that' and then moments later 'Shit I'm on my way'
The very end is priceless LMAO
“…Do you need money to get to New York???!” 😭