Blue Archive JP Grand Assault S10 Hieronymus Urban

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • I'm late to the party as usual, but not because "life happened" this time. It's actually Rabbit and Steel happened this time. I'm really liking that game, and I'm having so much fun. But that doesn't mean I can skip a season of raid in Blue Archive, so here I am.
    0:01 Light armor stats
    0:18 Light armor
    Most notable bit about this strat is using Ako's basic skill to heal the relic while it has healing debuff. Around 46 second mark, I use Ako's EX skill, and that delays her basic skill just enough. If you use EX skill too early, then it doesn't delay the basic skill, and if you use it too late, then it cancels her basic skill (which wasn't going to work anyway), so the timing is important. But it's not super tight, so you should be able to get it in few tries.
    Another thing is using Kokona's basic skill and EX skill back to back for the heal while . I have UE50 Kokona, but I don't know the minimum required to pull that off. At level 90, I'd assume it's not that tight, but I remember in previous seasons, it would not activate the relic by hair if you didn't meet the required stats.
    At the end, maybe I should have used Nonomi's EX skill to finish it off. I knew Hoshino's buff falls off around there, so I thought I'd just refill it, but looking at the video now, I think the bosses HP was low enough I wouldn't need her buff anymore.
    1:56 Heavy armor stats
    2:14 Heavy armor
    I don't think I had to consciously delay Ako's basic skill in this run. It did, however, involve curse RNG. I got lucky that Maki got it, then Kokona immediately healed her, but I had to restart quite a few times. I believe you need it on Kokona, or it's a reset (unless you get lucky like I did).
    I'm guessing the fight is over with Kazusa's last EX skill if you get good RNG. I didn't want to waste the luck I had because I had been resetting so many times up to this point, so I just went with it.
    Oh, and I really thought Mika was going to be picked here even though her stats aren't ideal for this fight. She gets picked in whole lot of other fights where her stats aren't ideal, so I thought it was going to be the same case, bust I guess I was wrong. Kazusa still strong.
    4:40 Special armor team 1 stats
    4:58 Special armor team 1
    I basically gave up on good RNG, and just started healing the curse off in this run. I don't think it was that far off from a good RNG run considering that. I think I found another example of less RNG dependent strat, so I might try that to improve my score.
    8:31 Special armor team 2 stats
    8:46 Special armor team 2
    Gym uniform Mari fans, rejoice! She was popular pick the first season of Hieronymus after she was available, but then she was dethroned by Kokona pretty fast after that in the top ranks, so in global version, I'd assume Kokona was picked more than Mari.
    Well, I guess the torment after, both characters had their turns.
    Anyway, this strat is fairly simple. And ideally, you'd finish the fight here. I didn't. Likely I didn't do very well with team 1.
    Maybe I could have timed the ult and groggy, but I don't think that's necessary.
    11:02 Special armor team 3 stats
    11:19 Special armor team 3
    I had to improvise a team here. I thought I'd just go in with whatever and still clear, but it turned out, Hieronymus is quite durable without specialized team.
    At first, I went with Atsuko, but she'd move out and no one could get her heals.
    Umika was picked because why not. I wasn't in my team in Fury of Set fight, but I always thought her rocket carts were fun skills.
    Speaking of Fury of Set, I did clear 100th floor just before uploading this video, but I didn't have a recording of it. And I had to constantly pause and check my notes, so I need to practice little more to be able to play well enough to record it. But it's ending soon, so hopefully I can get it quick.
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