This was one of my dad's favorite songs. He, in some way, saved the world. Not because he literally did that, but he helped so many people. He was a rather well-known person locally, loved by many. In other words, he was some kind of "local hero". Unfortunately, he died exactly 11 months ago: on January 30th, 2023. Shortly before he died, we were doing repairs to an arcade machine, and he suddenly recalled the chorus of this song, and asked me to play this. I loved it, completely blind of what the lyrics' true meaning was. Today, December 29th, 2023... A day before my father's death anniversary, I'm listening to this song, to remind me that my father did so many great things to a lot of people. "Save the world," that is the feeling I get when listening to this song. Save the world to continue my father's legacy. Happy new year, father. May you rest in peace, drinking the chalice of victory and watching upon me, as I continue your legacy.
The lyric that says, "If you ever meet your inner child, don't cry. Tell them everything is going to be alright", always makes me emotional! Such an amazing song :)
I remember once i was listening this song by myself in my room dancing..i already knew the melody but never paid attention to the lyrics until that moment he said "if you meet your inner child, don't cry" i cried immediately 😅 from dancing to depressed & the song wasn't over yet.
Aún no pierdo la Fe en el día en el que al fin podamos vivir libres de prejuicios, envidia y sobre todo, libres de guerras. Creo en que ese día llegará y unidos todos al fin podremos cantar juntos este Hermoso Himno
Это великий трек,с глубоким текстом! Сейчас таких не делают-нет. Даже нынешнее поколение тянется к прошлому,черпая для себя вдохновение! Открой свое сердце,что ты чувствуешь?… Тескт этого трека сегодня,на фоне сходящегося с ума мира,как никогда актуален. Мне 32 года,а после прослушивания плакать хочется,как ребенку! World Hold On! Thanks Bob!
You may not believe it, but I cried many times with this clip. I remembered myself. It's not my fault, I cry every time I see it. A simple child who wants to save the world. In his mind and in his imagination. Thank you for this unique clip.
"If you ever meet your inner child dont cry, tell them everything is gonna be alright." That hit me square in the heart and jerked the tears out. great song
I was 14 or so when this song released, it was everywhere, and I couldn't get enough of it, I had it on my MP3 player. When you're young it just hit different, it was making me so excited for life and made my imagination flourish, so keen to explore the world. I used to listen to it day and night and always ran to the TV when they played it.
good news. Every music of any time holds weight in the field of philosophy, regardless of you personal likings. Being studied by philosophers doesnt make it any better or very important. Its been centuries since philosophy stopped being a word used to aggrandize arbitrary values.
j'ai des larmes en ecoutant cette musique , merci pour les émotions c'etait une période de séparation ,j'ai telment mis de bob sinclar dans la tête de mon fils en 2006 ,trop de souvenirs merci
2006, éramos tan felices y no sabíamos... llegaba de la escuela, ponía música y si era fin de semana me preparaba para salir, los zumbidos del MSN no paraban y esa sensación se salir a bailar con amigos se hacía presente... disfruten la vida amigos, es hermosa , mucho amor para todos 😘
“If you ever meet your inner child, don’t cry. Tell them everything is gonna be alright” Idk why but that really hit home. Did he know that the kids back in 2006 will play this song again when their older and remember the nostalgic moments we had when we were still young and carefree?? So much has been going on and we can’t help but wish we could go back in time Damn....
My brother died 4 months ago, today is my birthday. I think of his kids joining me to celebrate & this was one of their favorite songs to sing together. Just feels right to play it with them🥲 we miss you brother!❤
Two months ago, I heard that my best friend from college had passed away. He's only 40 years old, I can't believe it. On that friend's Facebook page, another friend linked this song. So I heard this song for the first time in 2024. I miss my friend so much and I think I'll listen to this song sometimes. I miss you Carlos.
tengo 17 años, mis padres me pusieron esta canción a los meses de salir, por que me gustaba el espacio, cuando se popularizo y salió en la radio me dijeron que ellos la pusieron para mi, aunque obvio no era verdad y cuando la escucho no puedo evitar llorar por los recuerdos ,no fueron etapas fáciles y mi refugio siempre ha sido la música por eso mismo he llegado a llorar en centros comerciales o en los carros, solo quería contar esto, ya que veo que a muchos les ha influido esta canción en su vida solo quería compartir como lo hizo en la mía
Lo mismo me ha pasado.... he llegado a ver a la musica como un recipiente para las emociones y recuerdos que en algun momento tuvimos, es por ello que al volver a escucharlas destapas ese recipiente lleno de recuerdos y sentimientos.
Leyendo los comentarios noto que somos muchos los que sentimos nostalgia al escuchar este tema. Tengo 32 años y en 2006 tenía 16 años. Noto que la mayoría que tiene mi edad manifiesta exactamente las mismas sensaciones. Eramos libres, jóvenes, felices, sin preocupaciones, era todo mucho más mágico y más noble. Siento que vivíamos a otro ritmo y gozabamos de otra forma, hasta la música se oía diferente. Que nos habrá pasado? La vida? El tiempo? Las obligaciones? Realmente no lo sé, pero que lindo era ser adolescente y ser feliz. Saludos a los de mi generación y aguante el msn, el fotolog y salir a bailar con amigos.
O ano era 2005, descendo pro litoral ouvindo meus pais estralando essa música no carro sem miséria, não tinha problemas nem preocupação. Eu era feliz e não sabia, sou grato por ter vivido isso
Its 6am in Serbia and im listening to this song and laying in my bed Sometimes when i listen to this song and read comments i just wonder how far are other people and what are their thoughts when they hear this song..Someone has memories..Someone is thinking about someone...Someone have love problem, someone just laying and dreaming..I hope you all doing well and be safe! Enjoy little things!
Sean Ryan I hope that person thinks about you too! They say if we think about someone in some point, that person also thinks about us..So, who knows man.. :)
Milan Jos je veca fora sto ja imam 19 godina i na zalost nisam ni bio rodjen kada su se ovakve stvari slusale..Hvala Bogu pa imamo nesto poput youtube-a gde mogu da uzivam uz ovako nesto..A mogu da zamislim kakvo je vreme bilo uz ovakvu muziku.. :)
Nostalgia boa dmais , me faz lembrar a infância nessa época eu tinha 7 anos , mas lembro de cada momento e dessa música que tocava na rádio e eu ficava torcendo pra tocar dnv outra vez , na época n tínhamos telefone pra pesquisar com facilidade só nas rádios mesmo e na MTV ❤🎶
As a 30 year old guy, theres very little that makes me feel emotional but listening to music that can take you back to such good timee is one of them. ❤😢
This song reminds me of my childhood. That early 2000’s feel. Also, it makes me really happy and grateful for what I have. I love my dog and my family so much. Blessings for everyone.
É inexplicável como essa musica mexe com nossos sentimentos. Ela me leva para dentro das baladas e me faz ver os flash das luzes, das pessoas, dos amigos que compartilhei esses momentos tão prazerosos. E hoje só nos resta fechar os olhos e lembrar. 😊
“ Look inside, you'll find a deeper love The kind that only comes from high above If you ever meet your inner child, don't cry No, no, oh Tell them everything is gonna be alright World, hold on Come on, everybody in the universe World, hold on One day you will have to answer to the children of the sky “
Una obra maestra que nadie debería olvidar, la sigo escuchando y poniéndose la piel de gallina tantos años después.Que viva la buena música y los sentimientos que genera en nuestro interior 👏👏👏👏
Thank goodness I've finally found this song. Years ago it was used in a promo for a soccer World Cup, I liked it, but it wasn't clear enough to hear many words. I walked into a Supermarket today and it was playing on their sound system. Coincidence is a great thing sometimes. 🇦🇺👍
Tal vez por que la relacionas a la cancion con alguna vivencia de tu vida. Esta canción me hace acordar cuando yo tenía 15 años (ahora tengo 29), me recuerda a la secundaria, al mundial Alemania 2006, a una chica con la que salía por aquella época y me genera nostalgia porque el tiempo pasa, no hay nada que se puede hacer. Lo peor es verte grande crecido, y ver que tu niño interior ya no existe más: entraste al mundo de los adultos. Una simple cancion puede transmitir muchisimo, eso es lo hermoso que tiene la música.
Es normal compa puede que te recuerde algo muy bonito o importante para ti, en mi caso yo lloro con esta cancion porque me recuerda cuando vivia con mi padre y a el le encanta esta cancion.
Hola, a mi me gusta mucho este videoclip junto con love generation porque tengo dos niños de cuatro y dos años y deseo mucho que ellos como el protagonista de estos videos tengan una infancia feliz, que encuentren amor a donde quiera que vallan y tengan sueños maravillosos donde puedan ser héroes y salvar el mundo si se lo proponen.
Estaba a punto de quedar loca porque recuerdo que tenía un CD con varios vídeos que eran hits en ese momento y entre ellos estaba éste video, a mi me encantaba pero nunca me grabé su nombre porque era pequeña, y ahora me lleno de nostalgia y felicidad de saber que ya encontré la canción, tremenda joyita. ❤
Funny how this song affected a generation. I was studying today when suddenly this song hit me really hard. Now I read the comments and notice that I'm not the only one. Wow, 2006 was definetely the best year of my life.
your where 16/18 and hung out with your friends allot! go 2 school and didnt give a fuck . bike riding everywhere drinking beer in the places you and your friends only know ! fml now 😂
I was 15 when this song came out, they played it on every radio, I hated it (being a metalhead) as a commercial piece of crap. Now, 15 years later, it's one of the songs I hear and it instantly kicks me right into the nostalgic personal bubble, freezes time and bursts all the memories in my head. Pure melancholia and beauty.
🎉 merci pour toutes l'imagination de l'être humain qui peut être aussi réconfortante que méchante ! Mais ces paroles rappel vraiment que nous étions enfants et que en grandissant nous devons rester humble pour tout et le faire savoir à nos enfants pour ne pas qu'ils se perdent dans ce futur de perdissions et surtout d'oublie de son prochain en juste s'occupant de son propre nombril : nous sommes l'exemple de nos enfants et donc devons leurs apprendre le respect puis l'empathie puis le contentement et le reste suivra ; une bonne année pour toutes l'humanité avec la Paix pour tous 🤗
Still remember this song when it came out when I was in middle school and now I'm a grown ass man. Still brings back memories and feelings from then. Music is such a crazy thing!
ass man? you mean you're a homosexual or a deformity where you have an odd ass shape about you? Both? Oh... both. Well... God has a purpose for us all, Ass-man, somewhere in your ass-ness is your destiny, seek it out.
I dont know if it's only me, but this song aged like fine wine to my ears. It played a lot during my youth but was never my type. Gotta love the vocals and the groove.
its because our society has waged a war on masculinity to such an extent that a boy with dreams who works hard and achieves his goal may be seen now as "toxic you know what"
Tenía más de 12 años buscando está canción, y al encontrarla fue una sensación única, irrepetible y me transporta a esa época que era un simple adolescente.
hace poco esta canción apareció en una propaganda de una casa que hace agendas. Mi hijo que hoy tiene 28 años la escuchaba siendo adolescente y no saben lo que siento al escucharla, transmite muchas cosas, pero lo que hice fue buscar la traducción de su letra. Y realmente chicos hay algo que va más allá de lo físico y te eleva en tu ser espiritual 💖Somos hijos del Cielo 💕❤️☺️
Damn, this song hits so hard, especially now in 2020. Many of us want so desperately to save the world, but none of us truly has the power or the ability to do so. It's well beyond our level of control.
well... to change the world is a pretty egotistical concept... although i know where you're coming from there are a lot of diferent types of people with many diferent ideas of what the world should be... to change the world is impossible, what i started doing was to change my behavior towards the ppl that surround me, everywhere i go i try to be empathic, caring and loving etc... you might not change the world, but you will definitely change the ppl around you
You can start by : voting, eating less meat, not taking plane, watching videos in 144p, buying less things. With just these simple things you would already be doing enough.
Ésta canción sonaba cuando yo era adolescente. Y me identificaba con ese chico, porque quería escapar de mi casa desde muy temprana edad. Cuando tuve catorce años me fuí para nunca más volver. Y ahora, después de tantos años y tantos pesares, peleas y desafíos, soy adulto y cuando escucho ésta canción recuerdo con algunas lágrimas mis ganas de escapar. Y me vienen a la mente todos esos niños que también quieren escapar y no tienen dónde. Desde acá les envío mis saludos a todos esos niños del cielo: ¡Ánimo, no se rindan! ¡Al fin también ustedes podrán escapar!
Yo fui uno de ellos .. escape a los 15 años para jamas volver ! .. me identifico contigo hermano y si .. si se pudo ahora tengo mi negocio propio vivo bien y soy LIBRE ! ..
Esta joya debería tener más likes, más vistas, más de todo un poco, es una joya recuerdos de mi infancia, y aún en pleno 2021 casi 2022 escuchándolo 🇨🇴🍻🎶
Todas as vezes que escuto essa música sinto uma paz imensa em mim. Me faz lembrar da minha adolescência e de como tudo era mais fácil naqueles tempos, já nos meus dias atuais minha vida não tem sido muito fácil.
@@evanildo5803 Eu creio que entre a adolescência e início da vida adulta é a melhor época de nossas vidas, passou disso a vida começa a apresentar vários problemas.
@@MegaDavizera A minha já começou a ter sinais de podridão da transição de infância para aborrescência com o maldito divórcio dos meus pais em outubro de 2014, que acabou com 99% das coisas boas que eu tinha, me levando a ter ansiedade e quade depressão. Até hoje, os efeitos colaterais do divórcio prejudicam minha vida.
@@Victor_2000s Na minha vida oque mais me marcou foi um AVC hemorrágico que meu pai sofreu, passei por momentos muito difíceis inclusive tive que ficar em casa por 7 meses fazendo os cuidados de enfermagem do meu pai. E todas as vezes que escuto essa música eu volto no tempo e lembro de como era boa minha juventude e como meu pai estava tão bem de saúde.
Musicas do Bob Sinclar me fazem acessar memorias da infância e adolescência onde eu vivia sem preocupações e com simplicidade, é como se eu estivesse revivendo aqueles momentos.
Still here in 2020 😍😍😍🥰😘🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍 who's with me? Thank you for all the likes, i did not know bob has so many fans still 😍😘 god bless u all gorgeous humans 😘😘😘
Éramos adolescente, niños y jóvenes que disfrutamos de lo mejor de la música, grandes artistas y compositores, nada que ver con el reciclaje de ahora en día, "música" sin sentido y sin valor alguno. Soy del 89 y disfruté lo mejor de los 80s, 90s, 2000, 2010. Hasta ahí llegó todo.
This was one of my dad's favorite songs. He, in some way, saved the world. Not because he literally did that, but he helped so many people. He was a rather well-known person locally, loved by many. In other words, he was some kind of "local hero".
Unfortunately, he died exactly 11 months ago: on January 30th, 2023. Shortly before he died, we were doing repairs to an arcade machine, and he suddenly recalled the chorus of this song, and asked me to play this. I loved it, completely blind of what the lyrics' true meaning was. Today, December 29th, 2023... A day before my father's death anniversary, I'm listening to this song, to remind me that my father did so many great things to a lot of people. "Save the world," that is the feeling I get when listening to this song. Save the world to continue my father's legacy.
Happy new year, father. May you rest in peace, drinking the chalice of victory and watching upon me, as I continue your legacy.
so sorry for your loss, dude :(
Beautiful.. may his memory be eternal ❤️
Sounds like great father Appel doesn’t fall far from the tree sending love to ya both 😊
Bro who ever you are just know this first off I love you secondly your spirit is strong you have a strong angel with you stay with the light
The lyric that says, "If you ever meet your inner child, don't cry. Tell them everything is going to be alright", always makes me emotional! Such an amazing song :)
Acabei de ouvir e bateu fundo 😢
I remember once i was listening this song by myself in my room dancing..i already knew the melody but never paid attention to the lyrics until that moment he said "if you meet your inner child, don't cry" i cried immediately 😅 from dancing to depressed & the song wasn't over yet.
stuff that took life happening to me to understand
I remember listening to this song when life was simple. Just a random happy child. I miss these days.
yeah bro...
The feels, the nostalgia. Man I feel you deeply.
I feel like crying :’)
Aún no pierdo la Fe en el día en el que al fin podamos vivir libres de prejuicios, envidia y sobre todo, libres de guerras. Creo en que ese día llegará y unidos todos al fin podremos cantar juntos este Hermoso Himno
My girlfriend said this song sucked, now she's single!
Way to go brother
she deserved it
That’s my man
The world need this song today more than ever
Indeed 🙏💗
True story 🙏
Funny you should say
My dad loved this song, the day he died, I was in the car the way to his funeral this was on the radio like it was meant to be!!!
Your father was a fine man with great taste in music! Thanks for sharing this tender moment with us...
RIPeace Love Light
Im so sorry for yor dad. 😢greatings from Hannover. S.🇩🇪
such is life brother we are next and so on
My Mother listened to and sang this song. Every time I hear it I remember her dancing and singing it from the rooftops.
I miss you Mommy.
that plain sad bro
Blessings yo
Это великий трек,с глубоким текстом! Сейчас таких не делают-нет. Даже нынешнее поколение тянется к прошлому,черпая для себя вдохновение! Открой свое сердце,что ты чувствуешь?… Тескт этого трека сегодня,на фоне сходящегося с ума мира,как никогда актуален. Мне 32 года,а после прослушивания плакать хочется,как ребенку! World Hold On! Thanks Bob!
Как же хорошо, что такие как мы есть. Мне тоже 32 и всё так же.
@@STANSMIT мне 27. это шедевр друзья 🥰🥰🥰
42 👍😭
Its April 2024, let's see how many legends are listening to this incredible song🤯❤
Greetings from Mexico
Surely more than your subs (I've 523M subs)
Hey buddy
Here I am
Regards from 🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮
You may not believe it, but I cried many times with this clip. I remembered myself. It's not my fault, I cry every time I see it.
A simple child who wants to save the world. In his mind and in his imagination.
Thank you for this unique clip.
the same about me
that's gay
@@guidancefromjah says the mf with a pfp depicting his fantasy that he'll probably never have
Diva podium...discothèque de le Rancho Royan...❤19..immortel. Que des bons souvenirs. Bdx ❤
"If you ever meet your inner child, don't cry. No, no...Tell them everything is gonna be alright"" Such a powerful phrase!!
Todos tenemos un niño interior 😢❤😎👍
Very poignant words ♥️🎶♥️
My inner child is the one telling ME not to cry and everything is going to be alright.
ya man, i cried right away :D
You might want to try The Smiths.
"If you ever meet your inner child dont cry, tell them everything is gonna be alright."
That hit me square in the heart and jerked the tears out. great song
79 9ppl 🚓🚓🍱🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙
@@arazsemedov3528 what are you typing my dude
All the lyrics are amazing and make me tear up 😭💖
Cara essa música traz uma sensação nostálgica muito boa! Foram momentos inesquecíveis!!
One of the best hits of my life!
Vc tem bom gosto dmais
E obg pelas músicas do maneva
Yeaaaa Babyyy !!!
Ase #sssS#ssssdsD2s2s~#S#~&qq 11 adra@@LucasPereira-dh4it %ññ
%/)} oooo{) 11oi
@@LucasPereira-dh4it sgq7pp7hpps
I was 14 or so when this song released, it was everywhere, and I couldn't get enough of it, I had it on my MP3 player. When you're young it just hit different, it was making me so excited for life and made my imagination flourish, so keen to explore the world. I used to listen to it day and night and always ran to the TV when they played it.
Le monde de maintenant est beaucoup moins palpitant que de notre temps.
La jeunesse actuelle ne vaut pas notre jeunesse
I am totally convinced late 90's, early/mid 2000's dance music videos should hold weight in the field of philosophy
О да,вы правы на 💯
good news. Every music of any time holds weight in the field of philosophy, regardless of you personal likings. Being studied by philosophers doesnt make it any better or very important. Its been centuries since philosophy stopped being a word used to aggrandize arbitrary values.
Got me through life.
j'ai des larmes en ecoutant cette musique , merci pour les émotions c'etait une période de séparation ,j'ai telment mis de bob sinclar dans la tête de mon fils en 2006 ,trop de souvenirs merci
2006, éramos tan felices y no sabíamos... llegaba de la escuela, ponía música y si era fin de semana me preparaba para salir, los zumbidos del MSN no paraban y esa sensación se salir a bailar con amigos se hacía presente... disfruten la vida amigos, es hermosa , mucho amor para todos 😘
I miss you too
Song from 2006, it isn't not from 2005
Que recuerdos de esos tiempos 🥺
2005 was a nice year but this song is from 2006
Как же легко дышать при встрече таких песен своего детсва и юности ....
ЖИЗА))))***** sss..junior. gio.
Спасибо за этот шедевр, сколько лет , а от клипа плачу до сих пор
Согласен здорово качает…Тек-хаус❤
Vive les DJ français 🇨🇵❤️
Я тоже плачу. Невероятные воспоминания, какая-то другая жизнь
@@Людмила-л5з7и вот я о том же ! Как будто жизнь стала другой
Los que aún escuchamos este temon 2025 12 de enero
“If you ever meet your inner child, don’t cry. Tell them everything is gonna be alright”
Idk why but that really hit home. Did he know that the kids back in 2006 will play this song again when their older and remember the nostalgic moments we had when we were still young and carefree?? So much has been going on and we can’t help but wish we could go back in time
It's ok, let's just, remember those times with a smile
Real Talk
Best you can do is nostalgia it up... The old movies music entertainment in general, plus the memories.
I think i cried a little😭😭😭😭😭
My brother died 4 months ago, today is my birthday. I think of his kids joining me to celebrate & this was one of their favorite songs to sing together. Just feels right to play it with them🥲 we miss you brother!❤
Respect.... ❤
we are with you❤
Stay strong girl❤️ ur brother was legendary appreciating tunes like this
Fica em paz e ore por ele 🙏
This song reminds me of mornings when mtv was on before school :( when life was simple and responsibility was almost non existent. For the youth
always keep that in mind when balancing out life in regards to sayings vs doings.
The good old days but responsibility alway existed
Then you have to manage your responsibility in a better way...
✨️🦋 This will be THE song of this new generation 🥰 🦋✨️
Two months ago, I heard that my best friend from college had passed away. He's only 40 years old, I can't believe it. On that friend's Facebook page, another friend linked this song. So I heard this song for the first time in 2024. I miss my friend so much and I think I'll listen to this song sometimes. I miss you Carlos.
Sorry. It stinks or sucks. Just think about him in the way you loved him...
Sorry for your loss brother. May the Lord be with you 🙌🏾❤️
I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤
@@GiovanniAssis-nv1uqLord is written with a capital letter, GOD bless you.
Una lágrima recorre por mis mejillas escuchando estos clásicos.
Idem x2
idem x2
Alguien que me recomiende otro clasico
tengo 17 años, mis padres me pusieron esta canción a los meses de salir, por que me gustaba el espacio, cuando se popularizo y salió en la radio me dijeron que ellos la pusieron para mi, aunque obvio no era verdad y cuando la escucho no puedo evitar llorar por los recuerdos ,no fueron etapas fáciles y mi refugio siempre ha sido la música por eso mismo he llegado a llorar en centros comerciales o en los carros, solo quería contar esto, ya que veo que a muchos les ha influido esta canción en su vida solo quería compartir como lo hizo en la mía
Lo mismo me ha pasado.... he llegado a ver a la musica como un recipiente para las emociones y recuerdos que en algun momento tuvimos, es por ello que al volver a escucharlas destapas ese recipiente lleno de recuerdos y sentimientos.
Leyendo los comentarios noto que somos muchos los que sentimos nostalgia al escuchar este tema. Tengo 32 años y en 2006 tenía 16 años. Noto que la mayoría que tiene mi edad manifiesta exactamente las mismas sensaciones. Eramos libres, jóvenes, felices, sin preocupaciones, era todo mucho más mágico y más noble. Siento que vivíamos a otro ritmo y gozabamos de otra forma, hasta la música se oía diferente. Que nos habrá pasado? La vida? El tiempo? Las obligaciones? Realmente no lo sé, pero que lindo era ser adolescente y ser feliz. Saludos a los de mi generación y aguante el msn, el fotolog y salir a bailar con amigos.
Cuanta razón!!
Falou tudo👏👏sou dessa geração tenho 29
E as coisas mudaram muito msmo...
tengo 35 años y mis grupos favoritos son daft punk, eiffel 65, modjo, bassement jaxx, junior jack, paul van dyk, bob sinclair, stardust, gorillaz
Все верно сказано!
enero /2025 sigue siendo mi rola favorita 🎶😎🔥❤
O ano era 2005, descendo pro litoral ouvindo meus pais estralando essa música no carro sem miséria, não tinha problemas nem preocupação. Eu era feliz e não sabia, sou grato por ter vivido isso
voçé tene rasao eu pemso mismo que voçe renan deus bendiga seu familia muito obrigado bendisiones
Crlh mano, é isso...
Tempo bom.
No meu caso essa música me traz memórias de ficar a tarde depois da escola deitado no sofá ouvindo a programação da mtv na rádio
Muita sdds desse tempo
@@lucaspereirahmj tempo bom neh agente tinha aquela antiga TV por assinatura "TVA"
Future generations please don't let this music die...
Trust me brother we bumping bob sinclair till the day we die!
There won't be no future generations. We are in the middle of a depopulation programme.
Dont worry
Just found this song and boy I'm glad my parents made me love the 90s and early 2000s
Its 6am in Serbia and im listening to this song and laying in my bed
Sometimes when i listen to this song and read comments i just wonder how far are other people and what are their thoughts when they hear this song..Someone has memories..Someone is thinking about someone...Someone have love problem, someone just laying and dreaming..I hope you all doing well and be safe!
Enjoy little things!
Bogdan Milisavljevic im now thinking about someone lieing in there bed in serbia 😂
Sean Ryan I hope that person thinks about you too! They say if we think about someone in some point, that person also thinks about us..So, who knows man.. :)
Jos dok pada kisa.. milina
Drži se brate! Mislim da svakoga spiči nostalgija kad čuje ovo, to je bilo do jaja vreme..
Jos je veca fora sto ja imam 19 godina i na zalost nisam ni bio rodjen kada su se ovakve stvari slusale..Hvala Bogu pa imamo nesto poput youtube-a gde mogu da uzivam uz ovako nesto..A mogu da zamislim kakvo je vreme bilo uz ovakvu muziku.. :)
A unos dias de 2025 y sigo escuchando esta joya como el primer dia que salió ❤
Godamn, the nostalgia on this one hits so hard, Miss my childhood when everybody was happy & everything was simple
i gone cry
We all do. It's okay to feel nostalgic, don't let it consume you though :). It's okay to look but it's unhealthy to stare.
your comment is very strong
smells like the 00s!
O ano é 2023 e só quem volta aqui sempre pra escutar esse tipo de música sabe a falta que faz esse tipo de música nos dias atuais, pura nostalgia
Nostalgia total, só lembranças boas.
lembro da minha mãe ela escutava top demais.
eu perdi o meu tio para um cancer mais essa musica me lembra ele e todos os bons momentos vividos com ele. Saudades.
@@lucasfarias127 então ela tinha bom gosto musical
Nostalgia boa dmais , me faz lembrar a infância nessa época eu tinha 7 anos , mas lembro de cada momento e dessa música que tocava na rádio e eu ficava torcendo pra tocar dnv outra vez , na época n tínhamos telefone pra pesquisar com facilidade só nas rádios mesmo e na MTV ❤🎶
As a 30 year old guy, theres very little that makes me feel emotional but listening to music that can take you back to such good timee is one of them. ❤😢
I'm 33 boy 😢
Didn't ask, tough guy.
As a 43 years old woman also 👍😊
X2 amigo
Excelente canción,buen tema musical.
Cordialmente Perú.🇵🇪
This song reminds me of my childhood. That early 2000’s feel. Also, it makes me really happy and grateful for what I have. I love my dog and my family so much. Blessings for everyone.
É inexplicável como essa musica mexe com nossos sentimentos. Ela me leva para dentro das baladas e me faz ver os flash das luzes, das pessoas, dos amigos que compartilhei esses momentos tão prazerosos. E hoje só nos resta fechar os olhos e lembrar. 😊
Tempos que não voltam mais 😢
Falou tudo, MT amigos que já si foram tbm, tenho 31 anos, mais esse som da MT nostalgia
Bob Sinclair trying to warn us about the Earth's future since 2006... What a wise legend!
Hearing this song after so many years and realised I now actually understand every word other than the catchy whistling
de ne seri
jebemti jesusa
Incredibly wise. Not looking to make a buck. At all.
Que buenos tiempos en donde las canciones tenian videos con tematica y no solo gente bailando
“ Look inside, you'll find a deeper love
The kind that only comes from high above
If you ever meet your inner child, don't cry
No, no, oh
Tell them everything is gonna be alright
World, hold on
Come on, everybody in the universe
World, hold on
One day you will have to answer to the children of the sky “
Una obra maestra que nadie debería olvidar, la sigo escuchando y poniéndose la piel de gallina tantos años después.Que viva la buena música y los sentimientos que genera en nuestro interior 👏👏👏👏
Y que dice??
Tienes razón amigo, los mejores tiempos.
Que recuerdos 💖 Cuando todo era más fácil, la vida parecía más bonita...
Tienes razón todo queda en recuerdos 😢y la juventud era pura fiesta sin ningún problema por trabajar o algo asi
@@jesusmontes1071 sí! Lo que daría por revivirlo todo
Ya se... eran épocas más padre, hacíamos desmadre pero como con sentido y todos éramos felices.
@@Palomoya totalmente!
Nunca fue tan facil la vida que temaaa
Thank goodness I've finally found this song. Years ago it was used in a promo for a soccer World Cup, I liked it, but it wasn't clear enough to hear many words. I walked into a Supermarket today and it was playing on their sound system. Coincidence is a great thing sometimes. 🇦🇺👍
¿Por qué me provoca tanta nostalgia esta canción? WTF? Por qué me hace llorar? Es porque me transmite demasiada buena vibra?
Tal vez por que la relacionas a la cancion con alguna vivencia de tu vida. Esta canción me hace acordar cuando yo tenía 15 años (ahora tengo 29), me recuerda a la secundaria, al mundial Alemania 2006, a una chica con la que salía por aquella época y me genera nostalgia porque el tiempo pasa, no hay nada que se puede hacer. Lo peor es verte grande crecido, y ver que tu niño interior ya no existe más: entraste al mundo de los adultos. Una simple cancion puede transmitir muchisimo, eso es lo hermoso que tiene la música.
A todos nos pasa. Yo suelo tirar lagrimas cuando escucho esta musica.
Es normal compa puede que te recuerde algo muy bonito o importante para ti, en mi caso yo lloro con esta cancion porque me recuerda cuando vivia con mi padre y a el le encanta esta cancion.
Hola, a mi me gusta mucho este videoclip junto con love generation porque tengo dos niños de cuatro y dos años y deseo mucho que ellos como el protagonista de estos videos tengan una infancia feliz, que encuentren amor a donde quiera que vallan y tengan sueños maravillosos donde puedan ser héroes y salvar el mundo si se lo proponen.
By..Gio. ..sss...buona.notte...
Estaba a punto de quedar loca porque recuerdo que tenía un CD con varios vídeos que eran hits en ese momento y entre ellos estaba éste video, a mi me encantaba pero nunca me grabé su nombre porque era pequeña, y ahora me lleno de nostalgia y felicidad de saber que ya encontré la canción, tremenda joyita. ❤
¡Enhorabuena! Dar con un tema que llevas tiempo buscando es casi como tocar el cielo con las manos 🤘🏻
Si hermoso tema
la escuchaste en castellano? te la pierdas
Cuando éramos felices pero no lo sabíamos. Nostalgia ♾
“Sei l’angelo che ha cacciato tutti i miei diavoli”
pura poesia.
Most people have absolutely no idea how prophetically accurate this masterpiece truly is 🙏🙏🙏
I agree with you 💯
you re the reason i came to the chat!!11!!1 xoaxoaooaxoax
I kbow
@@jjcosmio2225 bbbnnhhnnkkkuhyuyttezzjjfbb. Vkô’
I've heard this song over 50 times, but today it really hit me and made me start to tear up, keep spreading the love✌🏼
cuando la vida era facil,en esos tiempos
Soy el primer comentario
Terminando con todo !!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Funny how this song affected a generation. I was studying today when suddenly this song hit me really hard. Now I read the comments and notice that I'm not the only one. Wow, 2006 was definetely the best year of my life.
2006 and 2010 were my favorite years of my life so far.
2010 and 2012 were the best years of my life
your where 16/18 and hung out with your friends allot! go 2 school and didnt give a fuck . bike riding everywhere drinking beer in the places you and your friends only know ! fml now 😂
Myrthe Agten why what are you doing now?
Myrthe Agten isn't that good? You have a house, a job and a girlfriend! Do you know what some people would give for that?
I was 15 when this song came out, they played it on every radio, I hated it (being a metalhead) as a commercial piece of crap. Now, 15 years later, it's one of the songs I hear and it instantly kicks me right into the nostalgic personal bubble, freezes time and bursts all the memories in my head. Pure melancholia and beauty.
I could not describe how I feel when I listen to this song. Epic.
you described so perfectly that feeling!
@siegheilyolo My exact same story, lmao. Plus that now I really understand the lyrics. Good vibes.
Amo a misa
🎉 merci pour toutes l'imagination de l'être humain qui peut être aussi réconfortante que méchante ! Mais ces paroles rappel vraiment que nous étions enfants et que en grandissant nous devons rester humble pour tout et le faire savoir à nos enfants pour ne pas qu'ils se perdent dans ce futur de perdissions et surtout d'oublie de son prochain en juste s'occupant de son propre nombril : nous sommes l'exemple de nos enfants et donc devons leurs apprendre le respect puis l'empathie puis le contentement et le reste suivra ; une bonne année pour toutes l'humanité avec la Paix pour tous 🤗
Still remember this song when it came out when I was in middle school and now I'm a grown ass man. Still brings back memories and feelings from then. Music is such a crazy thing!
ass man? you mean you're a homosexual or a deformity where you have an odd ass shape about you?
Oh... both.
God has a purpose for us all, Ass-man, somewhere in your ass-ness is your destiny, seek it out.
Cuando no existían las redes sociales, qué hermosa época!!! Qué nostalgia!! :")
cuando arreglab
amos vernos con alguien por msjs de texto
Andres salinas pero un hermosa hermosa epoca
@@chrislacroix43 ya ves
Pero estas usando las redes sociales para escribir este commentario no?
@@moy6gomez054 no entiendes nada campeón, saludos...
This song has a very important message for us,the humans . So beautiful ❤
I dont know if it's only me, but this song aged like fine wine to my ears. It played a lot during my youth but was never my type.
Gotta love the vocals and the groove.
Same here bro✌️
Boys in back
Music like this doesn’t “age.” Classic rock ages.
Oremos por quienes llevan años buscando esta canción
Algún día la encontrarán como yo 😂
Me demoré 6 años
11 años
Mejor para que los tik tokers nunca la encuentren
I grew up with this song. One of those songs that will never die..
It sounds like another song in the chorus? the whistling part? i’m tripping
@@sesh_gremlin8529 You thinking of Peter Bjorn and John - Young Folks?
How old are you
11 @@deppjohny6590
Still sounds super fresh!
What a tune ! Not heard it for years, has a completely different meaning now. One love 🙏❤🎵
I don’t know why, but this song makes me very emotional. Nostalgic, sad and happy all at the same time
I feel you
I know exactly what you mean.
@@SuperBoss351 ❤️
@@piercemchugh4509 ❤️
its because our society has waged a war on masculinity to such an extent that a boy with dreams who works hard and achieves his goal may be seen now as "toxic you know what"
Adults of today will have a lot to answer to the children and adults of tomorrow. Great message of this song.
The future Is here🚀
Tenía más de 12 años buscando está canción, y al encontrarla fue una sensación única, irrepetible y me transporta a esa época que era un simple adolescente.
Bro me paso igual, pelos de punta
Me pasó eso hace un año, tenía la tonada la letra pero no la encontraba hasta que revise un viejo disco de mi madre dónde guardaba música de los 90
Cahillik kötü bir şey
hace poco esta canción apareció en una propaganda de una casa que hace agendas. Mi hijo que hoy tiene 28 años la escuchaba siendo adolescente y no saben lo que siento al escucharla, transmite muchas cosas, pero lo que hice fue buscar la traducción de su letra. Y realmente chicos hay algo que va más allá de lo físico y te eleva en tu ser espiritual 💖Somos hijos del Cielo 💕❤️☺️
Me pasó lo mismo lo encontré por un tik Tok
A maior alegria é poder escutar essas músicas novamente.
A maior tristeza é saber que não podemos voltar no tempo.
Realmente cara hoje as músicas não são tam Boas como as antigas da nojo ouvir alguma música d hoje
Luciano Cunha principalmente funk geração bosta essa de agora
luiscal ...Verdade o Funk devia ser Banido do Brasil!!! Funk não é música funk é um coco uma bosta
Época boa demais 😢
No entiendo el portugués pero le entendí al mensaje jajaja
si Gabriela, por esos buenos tiempos que quedaron atrás.....
My favorite 🎼👍🏼
Lo mejor en esa. Epok dorada,no había competencia para este DJ. Lo mejor del 2006 si no me ekivoqo
Cierra los ojos mueve la cabeza al ritmo de la música y recuerda en que momentos escuchabas este tema en el pasado :)
Marvelous. Thanks a lot, Bob. From Middle of the 🌎.... Blessings
Just 3 million for this. Unbelievable. it deserves atleast 100 million. I guess
It probably would've if RUclips was popular back then
+Deepak Khatri it's a new re-upload man, the original one had WAAY more
+Deepak Khatri this is unbeliavable buddy yeah
+Daniel Barreda yeah that's true I was looking for this for months and I came across it randomly
Deepak Khatri was youtube around the time this song came out?
Tengo sesenta(60) y,continúo disfrutando de la música,que no pasará jamás de moda..!!😉👍🤦♂️Saludos cordiales desde Argentina🇦🇷!!
Si si ahuevo
Sou do Brasil e esculto até hj, aqui virou febre essa música
Saludos desde Colombia :D
¡¡Hello I hope you are well!!! Yes,grandparents and parents!!!🇦🇷🇫🇷🇮🇪!!! Mezcla explosiva!!!😂
Damn, this song hits so hard, especially now in 2020. Many of us want so desperately to save the world, but none of us truly has the power or the ability to do so. It's well beyond our level of control.
well... to change the world is a pretty egotistical concept... although i know where you're coming from there are a lot of diferent types of people with many diferent ideas of what the world should be... to change the world is impossible, what i started doing was to change my behavior towards the ppl that surround me, everywhere i go i try to be empathic, caring and loving etc... you might not change the world, but you will definitely change the ppl around you
me gusta mucho tu punto de vista, I agree
How do you climb a mountain, if not step by step
You can start by : voting, eating less meat, not taking plane, watching videos in 144p, buying less things.
With just these simple things you would already be doing enough.
@@etienne8110 I'd argue not having children outweighs a lifetime of the above
Esta canción se encuentra en mi top 5 en Spotify ❤
Ésta canción sonaba cuando yo era adolescente. Y me identificaba con ese chico, porque quería escapar de mi casa desde muy temprana edad. Cuando tuve catorce años me fuí para nunca más volver. Y ahora, después de tantos años y tantos pesares, peleas y desafíos, soy adulto y cuando escucho ésta canción recuerdo con algunas lágrimas mis ganas de escapar. Y me vienen a la mente todos esos niños que también quieren escapar y no tienen dónde. Desde acá les envío mis saludos a todos esos niños del cielo: ¡Ánimo, no se rindan! ¡Al fin también ustedes podrán escapar!
Tu comentario me conmovió
justo al kokoro bro
Yo fui uno de ellos .. escape a los 15 años para jamas volver ! .. me identifico contigo hermano y si .. si se pudo ahora tengo mi negocio propio vivo bien y soy LIBRE ! ..
Falou bonito! De onde você é amigo? Meus parabéns!!
Pero por qué querías escapar ???
If you grew up on this kind of music THEN YOUR CHILDHOOD WAS AWESOME!
Living in Boston now. A group of teenagers are listening to this, as I draft this comment! Emotions are eternal, be that in any decade!
Amazing thanks for commenting and sharing 🎉
Quien en Enero 2025 escuchando y bailando con este ritmo.
Yo y mi bebe Toda la semana Hablando Del asteroide😅 k el Quiere ver❤🎉😢Ledigo K nos mudaremos ala florida para ser Felices
Yo muchas veces 😂😂😂
precisamente ahorita
I'm just from Brazil and here I'm also loving it
Esta joya debería tener más likes, más vistas, más de todo un poco, es una joya recuerdos de mi infancia, y aún en pleno 2021 casi 2022 escuchándolo 🇨🇴🍻🎶
Si creo! mi hermano, recuerdos de nuestra infancia, saludos desde Medellín, Colombia...🇨🇴
@@GiraldoOssa97 x
Así es!! Saludos desde México
Valjermayne hi beautiful blonde
Don't thank god for Music. Thank human creativity
This song i listen to it since i was 21 years old am 26 years now and still loving it
I love you....
Been looking for this for years!!!!! ive found you!! lovelyness
Ame as well! Omfg 3 years looking for this damn song
Edwin Elmore I thought only non native english speakers had problem finding a music. Guess I'm wrong. (sorry for my english :P)
I'm not a native english speaker, but you got , so i am okqy , lol
Best feeling!!!
Ben Pocklington Me too!
Diciembre 2024 y esta cancion sigue despertando la misma emocion que el primer dia que la escuche ❤
El comentario en español que buscabas, saludos a los latinos desde México 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
Saludos paisano saludos de Jalisco México 🇲🇽
Saludos desde Perú👌
Gracias men
Todas as vezes que escuto essa música sinto uma paz imensa em mim.
Me faz lembrar da minha adolescência e de como tudo era mais fácil naqueles tempos, já nos meus dias atuais minha vida não tem sido muito fácil.
Eu falo o mesmo, o tempo passa, a vida parece que vai ficando chata.
@@evanildo5803 Eu creio que entre a adolescência e início da vida adulta é a melhor época de nossas vidas, passou disso a vida começa a apresentar vários problemas.
@@MegaDavizera verdade 😪
@@MegaDavizera A minha já começou a ter sinais de podridão da transição de infância para aborrescência com o maldito divórcio dos meus pais em outubro de 2014, que acabou com 99% das coisas boas que eu tinha, me levando a ter ansiedade e quade depressão. Até hoje, os efeitos colaterais do divórcio prejudicam minha vida.
@@Victor_2000s Na minha vida oque mais me marcou foi um AVC hemorrágico que meu pai sofreu, passei por momentos muito difíceis inclusive tive que ficar em casa por 7 meses fazendo os cuidados de enfermagem do meu pai. E todas as vezes que escuto essa música eu volto no tempo e lembro de como era boa minha juventude e como meu pai estava tão bem de saúde.
Musicas do Bob Sinclar me fazem acessar memorias da infância e adolescência onde eu vivia sem preocupações e com simplicidade, é como se eu estivesse revivendo aqueles momentos.
De vdd
where are you from my friend ??
@@gregoryhouse4245 we all are from Brazil
Grande Bob Sinclair 🇨🇱
Alguien en 2020 ? ❤️✨🙌🏻
Si en el Veinte Veinte papá
Yo hueliendo pericooooo
No se español. Pero escrito por espanol
Especially in times of Corona... World hold on... Spreading lots of love from Belgium
Respect for You and Belgium, we are still stand steady, THANKS FOR LOVE, love to You!
@@jackengland1517 stay strong!
Hold on
Sofie Jansegers love from the USA!
@@AprilAvilabrickellrealtoryou are not alone, we're in this together
La mejor época de mi vida cuando escuche por 1era vez este tema tan épico, siempre me pasare por aquí para recordar esos tiempos bellos ❤
Que regresen aquellos ayeres cuando éramos felices me trasporte a mi infancia
Ola amigo
Still here in 2020 😍😍😍🥰😘🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍 who's with me?
Thank you for all the likes, i did not know bob has so many fans still 😍😘 god bless u all gorgeous humans 😘😘😘
☝️ Good Sound 😎
Coool 2020😎😎😎😎
I am ^^
I am with u.
this song still gives me chills, why things have to change? :(
Diversity and change are some of the most beautiful things in life.
Yeah but this was a bad change
hey !
theres still time to change back ^_^
one of the best
Recuerdo esta canción y me llena de Nostalgia, eran buenos tiempos, todo era más alegre y tranquilo
Aunque todo depende de la perspectiva.
Es que estábamos chavos y teníamos más libertad que ahora.
ahah trop
Cuántos recuerdos en playa, celebrando que éramos jóvenes y no lo sabíamos.
One of the best songs of all time (in my opinion 😊).
Enjoy listening and good luck to all of us..❤
Éramos adolescente, niños y jóvenes que disfrutamos de lo mejor de la música, grandes artistas y compositores, nada que ver con el reciclaje de ahora en día, "música" sin sentido y sin valor alguno. Soy del 89 y disfruté lo mejor de los 80s, 90s, 2000, 2010. Hasta ahí llegó todo.
Yo del 89 también 🙌
Cuando llegabas del colegio, terminabas tu tarea y tenías todo libre, que tiempos tan bonitos
@@robertomaganao 😔😔😔
yo también del 89 que buena música en ése tiempo 👍
30 years???? hahahaha you re nutsss
@@GalileoGalilei90s I think that talk about him age, because this song is from 2006