After 2 years with DTS, I transferred to Liberty because of the stuff like that they do... they had “Woke Church” author Eric Mason at a chapel service, it was terrible... Tony Evans, one of the biggest DTS grads just endorsed Eric Mason’s latest book... this liberation theology stuff is SO pervasive... people can’t even see how damaging it can be; I think it’s because they don’t want to look at it... thank you for your ability to both notice it, understand it, and describe it for your growing audience of listeners! Definitely sharing this!
DTS used to be ultra-dispensationalist 45 to 50 years ago. For them to move forward to progressive leaning theology like Liberatiom Theology us shoking
I appreciate the clarity with which you explain the weaponized apology. The only resistance to the weaponized apology is to reject the fear of men and submit yourself to the Lord’s righteous judgment. May God help us! ““Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.” Matthew 5:11 NKJV
This is the very first time I’ve visited your channel. Halfway through, I hit the subscribe button. Though many of us have a sense that these corporate apologies are nothing more then virtue signalling, you have very succinctly defined what this actually means. Apologizing for the sins of others is easy and makes us feel good about ourselves. It leads to pride in our own virtue. There is no repentance in it because you can’t repent for someone else’s sin. Apologizing for our own sin is hard, and does not make us feel good about ourselves. In fact , it highlights just how wretched we truly are. It leads to humility . Humility is the only posture that can lead to true repentance. That’s a very important distinction and one that’s easily missed. Thanks for pointing it out.
Today my husband had to dial in to a training session titled "A continuing conversation about race," and he was surprised when the video shown during the session was Phil Vischer's ridiculous racial disparity video. There was a disclaimer at the beginning that though the video was made by a "religious" person, his company does not endorse the religion but does find the information contained in the video to be important and relevant. 🤦♀️ We were sick.
The company I work for has diversity, equity and inclusion included in it's company mission and self description. They also have information encouraging people to "self identify" themselves because "who we are" is somehow so important to the company.
I just don’t see things ever going back to how they were. People everywhere have lost all sense of truth. We shouldn’t be surprised and taken aback, but we are. The Bible speaks about these things increasing as Christ’s coming draws near. As difficult as it is, we (I) need to be praying for God’s truth to prevail through all the lies.
I'm a DTS alum and sounded off on them after seeing this chapel message earlier in the year. So many of my former classmates defended them and refused to hear my concerns. There are profs that propagate CRT openly and they've silenced the opposition.
I’m from Dallas and was a click away from applying. Had many DTS friends and thought it was solid. So glad I couldn’t afford the extravagant prices. The Lord saved me from that.
I have two degrees from DTS and have become very sad over the direction of the seminary as communicated by this video. Anyone who struggles with DTS's direction and is an alumni should let DTS know. I plan on doing this very soon.
Proxy repentance like proxy baptism is arrogant and presumptuous. Who gave them the authority and spiritual jurisdiction to stand in the place of another? God alone has such authority and jurisdiction.
I feel so bad for Derek Chauvin and wish I could tell him his trial was unfair and then share the gospel with him. And I'm so mad at BLM but God showed me I should have concern for their souls too so I wish I could share the gospel with them as well.
I'm British but I feel you. I have the same urge in my heart. Just to have 5 minutes with him and express that even in this apparent hopeless situation there is hope in Jesus Christ to make him free while yet imprisoned. Maybe we could write to him?
@@Bombadil777 Now would be a good time because I think he will win the appeal. He had a long history of abusive behavior but his boss, now Senator Amy Klobuchar, then AG, didn’t call him to task. She was certainly aggressive while questioning Justice Kavanaugh during his hearing but maybe she was more of a wimp before. She seems to have been a pandering AG. If Chauvin was allowed to be abusive, he will possibly profit from a little time to think about his sins.
I kept wondering why it wasn't moved in the first place. The community had already threatened the jurors. Then on top of that, they were aware of the riots that were destroying their community. So it was not a fair verdict based upon the evidence, in my opinion. I appreciated what the judge said about the politicians needing to stay out of the case but I was irritated with the idea that he thought that telling them not to watch the news would be enough to stop them from being prejudiced. I think this was a great injustice to Chauvin, the justice system and our country. So much anger without truly following the evidence because of the narratives that Floyd was innocent and Chauvin was racist. That's it. It fit the narrative. And breaks my heart. As to the whole hiring policy, it makes me so frustrated. As a white girl who was grown up in a poor community, without a father, and was constantly told that I had some kind of privilege over the native american and Mexican children that I went to school with, I have experienced much prejudice against me. From the churches that rejected us (in the 90s) because my mom was divorced with children, to the school programs I was rejected from because I was white and not the right ethnic group, to the scholarships that I was ineligible for because of my race, to the rejection from jobs because my Spanish was not fluent (and I was not Mexican). Prejudice and racism is a sin on all people. White people are not excused from being attacked. I am far from the only one. I have friends who experienced the same thing in different parts of the country. Meanwhile I had friend of other races who had far more than me because they were able to get more financial aid (or whatever) simply because of the color of their skin. I love people of all races, but I fear for my white boys who are being raised in a society that is actively trying to exclude them (or people like them) because they do not fit into the right categories. I miss when all my various ethnic friends and I could simply be together and enjoy one another's company without it being a big deal.
I always thought they are trying to get out in front of any accusations and basically are rolling over to show their belly ("please don't hurt me, I submit!") with these sycophantic "apologies" or shows of repentance. Like on cue. Hoping not to get indicted or tarnished.
The apologizing for people that have gone on before us, makes me think about the cultish practice of proxy baptisms by the Mormons. Excellent job on both topics. Thank you
DTS went off the rails back the 1980's with Zane Hodges pushing non-Lordship theology. If you need any other proof of that, look at their lineup of "softball" theologians. Most notably the Marcionist heretic, Andy Stanley. And no, the school is not necessarily responsible when a man goes "off-the-rails". But I went to G3 a few years ago and the DTS booth had a life-sized cutout of Andy Stanley at their booth, so...I guess they're okay with him, and they want his image to promote their school. So DTS is a theological outhouse. Has been for a long time.
Anything we do that is ''good'' ...and _definitely_ publicly ... The Word says is it but filthy rags to God. ''As it is written, There is none that doeth good, no, not one.'' ~ Romans 3:l0 Thank you Jon. :)
@@JenniferoftheSea I don't believe the officer intentionally killed him at all. I think he was in poor health and fighting with the officers didn't help a thing.
@@JenniferoftheSea I certainly don't have all the answers, but if he had just stayed in that car, he would have been a lot better off. Everyone would have been. So sad.
The civil trial was moved to another city. The criminal trial for O.J. was held in downtown L.A. with a jury of mostly black women who had racial bias. One of the male jury members was a former black panther. Hence the not guilty verdict.
How is one killing put in three different categories of killing and charged as three killings? If it was 2nd degree murder then it was not merely third degree or manslaughter, it can't be all three and it was not three killings. It's just silly, pretend court with real consequences.
I appreciate your giving attention to this topic. The problem that I have with corporate apologies is the one sidedness to them. In large groups there is always a wide range of perspectives based on limited knowledge of the situation at hand. Corporations pick a side, a position and leave the opposing "brothers and sisters" to look like they are "wrong". That begins an eye for an eye exchange and people dig in and it doesn't take long before a battle breaks out. The corporations love to have the upper hand in a brawl and love the spotlight to capture their righteousness. In the mean time their beloved Golden Rule is out the window. And the justification narrative and blame games begin. Pretty dumb for being so smart.
Jon, I DO have your first name right, don't I? I"M quite sure.. I just want to say, I believe I am born again. and in this light I happened upon you, here... I usually listen to you; you're very special to me, I could almost say dear here... LOL.. but really... You remind me so much of my favorite relative... no... I've got sisters, but, you remind me of my favorite nephew, Joshua. Maybe you'll meet him sometime, he lives around Kansas City, do you? I'd like to hear that conversation! Today when I saw you, heard you, grokked you, I said why ever did I give him a bit of a hard time, a time or two??!! It's a bit of a Barney Fife, "Nip it, nip it in the bud!" It gives me a critical edge that can even be very cutting at times. I'm sorry. Right now, that strikes me as absurd as being rude to a relative at a family reunion. WHY, again, would I want to go and do that ??!!. So I am asking God to change me so that I don't have to be abrasive; tiresome as a porcupine. Say a prayer for me.
Perhaps the Un-Woke should put out similar sorts of apologies. We should apologize for our complicity with the rise of the woke voices, for not recognizing the harm they did and continue to do. I'll do one now. I am so sorry that I failed to see the development of Woke ideology in the mind and heart of Mark Yarbrough an the harm he has done and is doing to the message of the gospel, the church, and our nation.
Without unpacking this in a comment (besides Jon or Mike Winger can do that better), we should recognise the Bible makes a clear distinction between those who are ‘bad’ and fail to seek, know and fulfil the purposes of their creator (all of us are members of this set)...e.g. Romans 3, and those who are ‘evil’ or ‘wicked’ whose hearts design (intentionally) to harm, hurt and destroy others (we are NOT all members of that set) Genesis 6:5-7, Psalms 5:4-6, 11:4-6. But whether bad or evil, we ALL need the saviour.
Almost seven minutes in and I still don't know what the verdict is... I guess I'll look it up real quick. Seems like it was either guilty or hung jury, but a hung jury requires more time I think l, so I guess guilty?... Yeah, guilty. Seems there was plenty of reasonable doubt, but I suppose I better hear that evidence in detail before I can assess if there was reasonable doubt or not. Obviously this is a mistrial. Keeping the trial local and not sequestering the jury is a blatant decision to intimidate the jury, it is unreasonable to think anyone thought those were valid decisions. If the mistrial stands, then we have already crossed the line into a Marxist dystopia.
Of course this was not a fair trial. It was never about facts. There was most certainly reasonable doubt. There's no where in this country, with the world of social media, that a fair trial is possible.
One problem I’ve had the entire time (once some so-called facts came out) is: Is this the amount of force exerted over one ( 1 ) counterfeit $20 bill? As a former bank teller I could spot them easily. You compare them to the original/ true ones. They stick out. I counted $4,000 in $20s one day - at the drive thru. Wasn’t supposed to have been allowed but an exception was made and a witness came over to stand beside me as I counted. I immediately pulled out the strange bills and set them to the side. We confirmed the total amount and asked the driver to come inside the branch. The story was, they had just sold a vehicle and received cash for it. Documentation made, we explained to the customer “that we realize you took this money in good faith and had nothing to do with the counterfeiting. But we have to take the bill out of circulation.” Next we called the Secret Service and gave them the serial numbers, they called us back and confirmed and we followed protocol. Sent it to them in a specially designed envelope for such a time as this. Why was this not followed? What if George went to the ATM and that was the $20 he was given. He doesn’t know. Why wasn’t he innocent on the street until the $20 was investigated as the one at the bank was for my customer? This is something no one talks about!! ONE twenty dollar bill?!?!?! We each probably pass these bills around us and never know ... why wasn’t George afforded the grace by the merchant who might say, “Mr. Customer, I am not comfortable accepting this bill. Do you have another? Can you purchase your items with something besides this bill? Is that what happened? Why wasn’t it explained? I feel like I could have explained it to him and given him the dignity of innocence. After all, whether high or not, did he have a printing machine in his home where HE WAS THE ONE printing off one bill at a time to purchase a soda at the corner store??? So tragic!!! Did. Not. Have. To. Happen.
Floyd's death was an unnecessary tragedy. That said, it wasn't just the counterfeit bill - Floyd physically intimidated the cashier after the cashier told him it was a counterfeit bill and asked him to put the cigarettes back.
This case reminds me of a toddler who throws a fit in the market. The parents try to cajole the child and finally give in and hand the child a candy bar. One event isn't the issue, but the precedent this sets for the toddler. He rightly learns that throwing a tantrum results in getting his way. This child is being trained up in entitlement and violence. BLM throws a massive criminal tantrum and the powers that be try to assuage the criminality rather than correct and discipline immediately. Instead, the media, courts, and government give in to the mob, offering up a human to quell the mob. BLM just learned that tantrums result in capitulation. The maturation of this movement is a society that uses violence and manipulation for personal gain. This is why good cops will want to resign. Justice no longer matters, just the bloodlust of the mob.
The more the Church tries to accommodate to the concerns of the unregenerate the more it dissipates the concerns of Christ. As the SBC and DTS adjusts the gospel of Christ to the present concerns of the world, it by definition becomes worldly and less spiritual. There is an attempt by the woke culture to redefine original sin as "systemic racism". If the church falls for it they will also lose the support of the Spirit of God. We need to be constantly reminded that the unregenerate world is not in the position to define sin. "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." 1 John 5:19. "But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them." 2 Cor. 4:3-4
My understanding is this police officer was trained in this manner. Yes I do think he should have noticed a lack of movement from before, but the police department should have some responsibility.
On the jury ? re news flashes from cell phones; I was on a jury for 1st degree murder (death penalty on the table) and we left phones with Sheriff charged by Judge to be with jury all the time. We were not sequestered but charged by the judge not to read newspapers, or watch the news. I truly believe that the jury had enough respect and honor for the severity of the case not to tarnish the case and especially the verdict. I see, saw justice done.
We need to discuss Sins of Omission. It is true that maybe George Floyd was going to die anyway AND Derek Chauvin should be punished for failing to render aid to a man in medical distress AND the trial was a sham. Those things can be true at the same time. We as Christians recognize that sins of omission are just as culpable as sins of commission. There is no way a reasonable person can say that the officers made an accurate threat assessment of an unconscious man with his hands cuffed behind his back in failing to render aid. Police have a fiduciary duty to render aid. It's a well established principle for First Responders, and if one gets ANY training, they now have an elevated duty to render aid according to their skills. This is written into law because we recognize sins of omission. Therefore: It is simultaneously just that Chauvin gets punished AND that the trial was a sham. The Bible would suggest a life for a life. So it's not outside the realm of reasonability.
Jon, once again, the problem with the “we have sinned “ statement is no mention of specific sins. None seems to be needed when you are virtue signaling. Just for show, which is ironic for a believer in Christ.
Judge not lest ye be judged thyself. Everyone has hate, even the most lovely loving Christian Scientist that I've known, the sweetest person who accepted everything that I've known, couldn't withstand those who didn't say thank you enough. From my view you are creating strife where peace is called for. You are also creating a strawman argument. There is no reason not to bring to our minds the sins we make, have made, or may make in the future. DTS is racist to some degree, it is in Dallas. Jesus calls for us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to remove beams before seeking motes. To your show, I say, meh.
Trust the judge and jury to make a decision based solely on the facts while there is an EXPLICIT threat to the safety of them and their families? Our system is meant to work for a CIVILIZED society. Not where VIOLENT DEMOCRATS are roaming the streets in gangs, rioting, looting and committing arson. These people don't live in fortresses. They live in communities and their kids go to school where they are exposed to VIOLENT DEMOCRATS, VIOLENT BIDEN SUPPORTERS.
@@IamDoogy Nope. Crystal clear. I am kind of slow, so I want to make sure I am understanding. There was some discussion in the video about some people not trusting the system, so I wanted to understand.
Chauvin immediately stood and calmly placed his hands behind his back.
Imagine where we’d be had George done the same.
That is absolutely a very insightful comment
After 2 years with DTS, I transferred to Liberty because of the stuff like that they do... they had “Woke Church” author Eric Mason at a chapel service, it was terrible... Tony Evans, one of the biggest DTS grads just endorsed Eric Mason’s latest book... this liberation theology stuff is SO pervasive... people can’t even see how damaging it can be; I think it’s because they don’t want to look at it... thank you for your ability to both notice it, understand it, and describe it for your growing audience of listeners! Definitely sharing this!
I think it is simply the fact they are smart and know they stand to lose money and power, thus demonstrating their true allegiance.
DTS used to be ultra-dispensationalist 45 to 50 years ago. For them to move forward to progressive leaning theology like Liberatiom Theology us shoking
I appreciate the clarity with which you explain the weaponized apology. The only resistance to the weaponized apology is to reject the fear of men and submit yourself to the Lord’s righteous judgment. May God help us!
““Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.”
Matthew 5:11 NKJV
When I heard you talking about corporate apologies, I thought I'd mention Lewis' essay--you beat me to it.
The George Lloyd family was given 26 million dollars.... Which encourages more people to try to cash in.
This is the very first time I’ve visited your channel.
Halfway through, I hit the subscribe button.
Though many of us have a sense that these corporate apologies are nothing more then virtue signalling, you have very succinctly defined what this actually means.
Apologizing for the sins of others is easy and makes us feel good about ourselves. It leads to pride in our own virtue.
There is no repentance in it because you can’t repent for someone else’s sin.
Apologizing for our own sin is hard, and does not make us feel good about ourselves. In fact , it highlights just how wretched we truly are.
It leads to humility . Humility is the only posture that can lead to true repentance.
That’s a very important distinction and one that’s easily missed.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Thank You Jon ! 👍 You are a "clear" voice in these "muffled" times...🙏🏻🇦🇺
Today my husband had to dial in to a training session titled "A continuing conversation about race," and he was surprised when the video shown during the session was Phil Vischer's ridiculous racial disparity video. There was a disclaimer at the beginning that though the video was made by a "religious" person, his company does not endorse the religion but does find the information contained in the video to be important and relevant. 🤦♀️ We were sick.
The company I work for has diversity, equity and inclusion included in it's company mission and self description. They also have information encouraging people to "self identify" themselves because "who we are" is somehow so important to the company.
I just don’t see things ever going back to how they were. People everywhere have lost all sense of truth. We shouldn’t be surprised and taken aback, but we are. The Bible speaks about these things increasing as Christ’s coming draws near. As difficult as it is, we (I) need to be praying for God’s truth to prevail through all the lies.
I'm a DTS alum and sounded off on them after seeing this chapel message earlier in the year. So many of my former classmates defended them and refused to hear my concerns. There are profs that propagate CRT openly and they've silenced the opposition.
I’m from Dallas and was a click away from applying. Had many DTS friends and thought it was solid. So glad I couldn’t afford the extravagant prices. The Lord saved me from that.
I have two degrees from DTS and have become very sad over the direction of the seminary as communicated by this video. Anyone who struggles with DTS's direction and is an alumni should let DTS know. I plan on doing this very soon.
Come on Dallas Theological Seminary. No person is without sin, but that doesn't mean that every single person is guilty of every single type of sin.
Proxy repentance like proxy baptism is arrogant and presumptuous. Who gave them the authority and spiritual jurisdiction to stand in the place of another? God alone has such authority and jurisdiction.
I feel so bad for Derek Chauvin and wish I could tell him his trial was unfair and then share the gospel with him. And I'm so mad at BLM but God showed me I should have concern for their souls too so I wish I could share the gospel with them as well.
I'm British but I feel you. I have the same urge in my heart. Just to have 5 minutes with him and express that even in this apparent hopeless situation there is hope in Jesus Christ to make him free while yet imprisoned. Maybe we could write to him?
@@Bombadil777 Now would be a good time because I think he will win the appeal. He had a long history of abusive behavior but his boss, now Senator Amy Klobuchar, then AG, didn’t call him to task. She was certainly aggressive while questioning Justice Kavanaugh during his hearing but maybe she was more of a wimp before. She seems to have been a pandering AG. If Chauvin was allowed to be abusive, he will possibly profit from a little time to think about his sins.
@@Bombadil777 I'd love to write to him and have been trying to figure out how to do that
I kept wondering why it wasn't moved in the first place. The community had already threatened the jurors. Then on top of that, they were aware of the riots that were destroying their community. So it was not a fair verdict based upon the evidence, in my opinion. I appreciated what the judge said about the politicians needing to stay out of the case but I was irritated with the idea that he thought that telling them not to watch the news would be enough to stop them from being prejudiced. I think this was a great injustice to Chauvin, the justice system and our country. So much anger without truly following the evidence because of the narratives that Floyd was innocent and Chauvin was racist. That's it. It fit the narrative. And breaks my heart.
As to the whole hiring policy, it makes me so frustrated. As a white girl who was grown up in a poor community, without a father, and was constantly told that I had some kind of privilege over the native american and Mexican children that I went to school with, I have experienced much prejudice against me. From the churches that rejected us (in the 90s) because my mom was divorced with children, to the school programs I was rejected from because I was white and not the right ethnic group, to the scholarships that I was ineligible for because of my race, to the rejection from jobs because my Spanish was not fluent (and I was not Mexican). Prejudice and racism is a sin on all people. White people are not excused from being attacked. I am far from the only one. I have friends who experienced the same thing in different parts of the country. Meanwhile I had friend of other races who had far more than me because they were able to get more financial aid (or whatever) simply because of the color of their skin. I love people of all races, but I fear for my white boys who are being raised in a society that is actively trying to exclude them (or people like them) because they do not fit into the right categories. I miss when all my various ethnic friends and I could simply be together and enjoy one another's company without it being a big deal.
Amen! Amen amen!!!!
I appreciate your thoughtful insight. Thank you!
I always thought they are trying to get out in front of any accusations and basically are rolling over to show their belly ("please don't hurt me, I submit!") with these sycophantic "apologies" or shows of repentance. Like on cue. Hoping not to get indicted or tarnished.
The apologizing for people that have gone on before us, makes me think about the cultish practice of proxy baptisms by the Mormons. Excellent job on both topics. Thank you
Of course DTS is woke. Eric Mason went there, and he speaks at their chapel services on occasion.
DTS went off the rails back the 1980's with Zane Hodges pushing non-Lordship theology. If you need any other proof of that, look at their lineup of "softball" theologians. Most notably the Marcionist heretic, Andy Stanley. And no, the school is not necessarily responsible when a man goes "off-the-rails". But I went to G3 a few years ago and the DTS booth had a life-sized cutout of Andy Stanley at their booth, so...I guess they're okay with him, and they want his image to promote their school.
So DTS is a theological outhouse. Has been for a long time.
Anything we do that is ''good'' ...and _definitely_ publicly ... The Word says is it but filthy rags to God. ''As it is written, There is none that doeth good, no, not one.'' ~ Romans 3:l0 Thank you Jon. :)
If he had stayed in the police car instead of resisting, he'd be alive today.
Didn't he die of an overdose?
So the cop killed him or was it was an overdose??
@@JenniferoftheSea I don't believe the officer intentionally killed him at all. I think he was in poor health and fighting with the officers didn't help a thing.
@@JenniferoftheSea I certainly don't have all the answers, but if he had just stayed in that car, he would have been a lot better off. Everyone would have been. So sad.
@@JenniferoftheSea it was an overdose. His drug dealer was sitting in the car while Floyd was inside the store
🎯 nailed!!!
The civil trial was moved to another city. The criminal trial for O.J. was held in downtown L.A. with a jury of mostly black women who had racial bias. One of the male jury members was a former black panther. Hence the not guilty verdict.
How is one killing put in three different categories of killing and charged as three killings? If it was 2nd degree murder then it was not merely third degree or manslaughter, it can't be all three and it was not three killings. It's just silly, pretend court with real consequences.
Consider reaching out to Nate Brody, Viva Frei, or Robert Barnes regarding Chauvin trial.
I appreciate your giving attention to this topic. The problem that I have with corporate apologies is the one sidedness to them. In large groups there is always a wide range of perspectives based on limited knowledge of the situation at hand. Corporations pick a side, a position and leave the opposing "brothers and sisters" to look like they are "wrong". That begins an eye for an eye exchange and people dig in and it doesn't take long before a battle breaks out. The corporations love to have the upper hand in a brawl and love the spotlight to capture their righteousness. In the mean time their beloved Golden Rule is out the window. And the justification narrative and blame games begin. Pretty dumb for being so smart.
Jon, I DO have your first name right, don't I? I"M quite sure..
I just want to say, I believe I am born again. and in this light I happened upon you, here...
I usually listen to you; you're very special to me, I could almost say dear here... LOL.. but really... You remind me so much of my favorite relative... no... I've got sisters, but, you remind me of my favorite nephew, Joshua. Maybe you'll meet him sometime, he lives around Kansas City, do you? I'd like to hear that conversation!
Today when I saw you, heard you, grokked you, I said why ever did I give him a bit of a hard time, a time or two??!! It's a bit of a Barney Fife, "Nip it, nip it in the bud!" It gives me a critical edge that can even be very cutting at times. I'm sorry.
Right now, that strikes me as absurd as being rude to a relative at a family reunion. WHY, again, would I want to go and do that ??!!.
So I am asking God to change me so that I don't have to be abrasive; tiresome as a porcupine. Say a prayer for me.
No worries!
Knelt on his shoulder, not his neck.
Yes! You are a million percent spot on!!
Miscarriage of justice. He may never get a fair trial.
Waters is a house rep, not a Senator.
She’s the one who recently told Jim Jordan to shut up.
Perhaps the Un-Woke should put out similar sorts of apologies. We should apologize for our complicity with the rise of the woke voices, for not recognizing the harm they did and continue to do. I'll do one now. I am so sorry that I failed to see the development of Woke ideology in the mind and heart of Mark Yarbrough an the harm he has done and is doing to the message of the gospel, the church, and our nation.
Without unpacking this in a comment (besides Jon or Mike Winger can do that better), we should recognise the Bible makes a clear distinction between those who are ‘bad’ and fail to seek, know and fulfil the purposes of their creator (all of us are members of this set)...e.g. Romans 3, and those who are ‘evil’ or ‘wicked’ whose hearts design (intentionally) to harm, hurt and destroy others (we are NOT all members of that set) Genesis 6:5-7, Psalms 5:4-6, 11:4-6. But whether bad or evil, we ALL need the saviour.
I'm waiting for them to start handing out "I'm a racist" ribbons.
Did you see Franklin Graham's statement? Apples don't fall far🍎
Sad to see all this, the agenda continues...
Pray for Chauvin.
The president with an asterisk by his name! LOL I like that! but true.
Almost seven minutes in and I still don't know what the verdict is... I guess I'll look it up real quick. Seems like it was either guilty or hung jury, but a hung jury requires more time I think l, so I guess guilty?...
Yeah, guilty. Seems there was plenty of reasonable doubt, but I suppose I better hear that evidence in detail before I can assess if there was reasonable doubt or not.
Obviously this is a mistrial. Keeping the trial local and not sequestering the jury is a blatant decision to intimidate the jury, it is unreasonable to think anyone thought those were valid decisions. If the mistrial stands, then we have already crossed the line into a Marxist dystopia.
Thank you! Yes, water witch did everything possible to incite violence. Was the jury scared or just woke?
Of course this was not a fair trial. It was never about facts. There was most certainly reasonable doubt. There's no where in this country, with the world of social media, that a fair trial is possible.
President* Biden lol.
Donald Trump is the REAL president!!
One problem I’ve had the entire time (once some so-called facts came out) is: Is this the amount of force exerted over one ( 1 ) counterfeit $20 bill? As a former bank teller I could spot them easily. You compare them to the original/ true ones. They stick out. I counted $4,000 in $20s one day - at the drive thru. Wasn’t supposed to have been allowed but an exception was made and a witness came over to stand beside me as I counted. I immediately pulled out the strange bills and set them to the side. We confirmed the total amount and asked the driver to come inside the branch. The story was, they had just sold a vehicle and received cash for it. Documentation made, we explained to the customer “that we realize you took this money in good faith and had nothing to do with the counterfeiting. But we have to take the bill out of circulation.” Next we called the Secret Service and gave them the serial numbers, they called us back and confirmed and we followed protocol. Sent it to them in a specially designed envelope for such a time as this. Why was this not followed? What if George went to the ATM and that was the $20 he was given. He doesn’t know. Why wasn’t he innocent on the street until the $20 was investigated as the one at the bank was for my customer? This is something no one talks about!! ONE twenty dollar bill?!?!?! We each probably pass these bills around us and never know ... why wasn’t George afforded the grace by the merchant who might say, “Mr. Customer, I am not comfortable accepting this bill. Do you have another? Can you purchase your items with something besides this bill? Is that what happened? Why wasn’t it explained? I feel like I could have explained it to him and given him the dignity of innocence. After all, whether high or not, did he have a printing machine in his home where HE WAS THE ONE printing off one bill at a time to purchase a soda at the corner store??? So tragic!!! Did. Not. Have. To. Happen.
Floyd's death was an unnecessary tragedy. That said, it wasn't just the counterfeit bill - Floyd physically intimidated the cashier after the cashier told him it was a counterfeit bill and asked him to put the cigarettes back.
This case reminds me of a toddler who throws a fit in the market. The parents try to cajole the child and finally give in and hand the child a candy bar. One event isn't the issue, but the precedent this sets for the toddler. He rightly learns that throwing a tantrum results in getting his way. This child is being trained up in entitlement and violence.
BLM throws a massive criminal tantrum and the powers that be try to assuage the criminality rather than correct and discipline immediately. Instead, the media, courts, and government give in to the mob, offering up a human to quell the mob. BLM just learned that tantrums result in capitulation. The maturation of this movement is a society that uses violence and manipulation for personal gain. This is why good cops will want to resign. Justice no longer matters, just the bloodlust of the mob.
The more the Church tries to accommodate to the concerns of the unregenerate the more it dissipates the concerns of Christ. As the SBC and DTS adjusts the gospel of Christ to the present concerns of the world, it by definition becomes worldly and less spiritual. There is an attempt by the woke culture to redefine original sin as "systemic racism". If the church falls for it they will also lose the support of the Spirit of God. We need to be constantly reminded that the unregenerate world is not in the position to define sin. "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." 1 John 5:19. "But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them." 2 Cor. 4:3-4
My understanding is this police officer was trained in this manner. Yes I do think he should have noticed a lack of movement from before, but the police department should have some responsibility.
On the jury ? re news flashes from cell phones; I was on a jury for 1st degree murder (death penalty on the table) and we left phones with Sheriff charged by Judge to be with jury all the time. We were not sequestered but charged by the judge not to read newspapers, or watch the news. I truly believe that the jury had enough respect and honor for the severity of the case not to tarnish the case and especially the verdict. I see, saw justice done.
Blind guides.
DTS Blah! Blah! Blah!
We need to discuss Sins of Omission. It is true that maybe George Floyd was going to die anyway AND Derek Chauvin should be punished for failing to render aid to a man in medical distress AND the trial was a sham. Those things can be true at the same time. We as Christians recognize that sins of omission are just as culpable as sins of commission.
There is no way a reasonable person can say that the officers made an accurate threat assessment of an unconscious man with his hands cuffed behind his back in failing to render aid. Police have a fiduciary duty to render aid. It's a well established principle for First Responders, and if one gets ANY training, they now have an elevated duty to render aid according to their skills. This is written into law because we recognize sins of omission. Therefore:
It is simultaneously just that Chauvin gets punished AND that the trial was a sham. The Bible would suggest a life for a life. So it's not outside the realm of reasonability.
DTS theology got DT.
Jon, please see comment below. Chauvin may Not Have Knelt oh Floyd’s neck.
Jon, once again, the problem with the “we have sinned “ statement is no mention of specific sins. None seems to be needed when you are virtue signaling. Just for show, which is ironic for a believer in Christ.
First View!😂
Judge not lest ye be judged thyself. Everyone has hate, even the most lovely loving Christian Scientist that I've known, the sweetest person who accepted everything that I've known, couldn't withstand those who didn't say thank you enough. From my view you are creating strife where peace is called for. You are also creating a strawman argument. There is no reason not to bring to our minds the sins we make, have made, or may make in the future. DTS is racist to some degree, it is in Dallas. Jesus calls for us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to remove beams before seeking motes. To your show, I say, meh.
You seem to not trust the judge and jury in this case.
Trust the judge and jury to make a decision based solely on the facts while there is an EXPLICIT threat to the safety of them and their families?
Our system is meant to work for a CIVILIZED society. Not where VIOLENT DEMOCRATS are roaming the streets in gangs, rioting, looting and committing arson.
These people don't live in fortresses. They live in communities and their kids go to school where they are exposed to VIOLENT DEMOCRATS, VIOLENT BIDEN SUPPORTERS.
@@IamDoogy Translation: you don't trust the judge and jury - and offer a reason why you don't trust the judge and jury. Good to know.
You needed a translation???
@@IamDoogy Nope. Crystal clear. I am kind of slow, so I want to make sure I am understanding. There was some discussion in the video about some people not trusting the system, so I wanted to understand.
You seem to be a troll who does nothing but come to Christian videos to harass.