Lord help me be like a tree planted by the rivers of water bringing forth fruit in his season and my leaves will not wither and whatever I do shall prosper
We had Sunday School for children and adults Vacation Bible School in Summer BTU Bible Training Union All year long Evangelize on Saturdays in the 50's 60's 70's 80' s and long before when church was the only place we could congregate.
Amen firmly rooted in the Word in Jesus Christ
I love the Word of God
Thank you God
Amen for being rooted in God in Jesus Christ in love with the Trinity
Have Mercy God Thank You for long-suffering in us
Amen for Salvation
Amen Pastor
Lord Have Mercy
Amen for the Holy Church. Forgive us Father God.
Have Mercy God
Amen God of Bible
Lord help me be like a tree planted by the rivers of water bringing forth fruit in his season and my leaves will not wither and whatever I do shall prosper
Wha wha
Forgive Me Lord
We had Sunday School for children and adults Vacation Bible School in Summer BTU Bible Training Union All year long Evangelize on Saturdays in the 50's 60's 70's 80' s and long before when church was the only place we could congregate.