✍️🌠🌍👁️ One of the great stand-up comedians' shows that can help explain the shaky justice of history for this time 🌍👁️ ... this video came out about 12 years ago I watched the work of Bnei Adama (humans) always white and transparent.... Thank you for the memory, the video and the squint The protocol the video for justice for history ...... Thank you that there is a creator of the world 👆 watching everything and justice has come to light 🌞 👆
she was an irreplaceable artist who brought modernity in Ethiopian history!!!! i lately know about her but i am so impressed how fashionable she was!! rest in peace !!
7ii I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area 7 I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area 7 I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area 7 I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area 7 I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area 7 I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area 7 I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area
ኦሪት ዘዳግም 22:5 "ሴት የወንድ ልብስ አትልበስ፥ ወንድም የሴት ልብስ አይልበስ፤ ይህን የሚያደርግ በአምላክህ በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ የተጠላ ነውና። " Deuteronomy 22:5 "A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God."
እንዳው የመጨረሻዋ ተወዳዳሪ በሳቅቅቅቅቅ😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂ሁሌ ባየው አይሰለቸኝም ሲደብረኝ ብቅ እላለሁ😂😂
I have watched this video for over 10 years and the funniest performance I’ve ever seen 🤣🤣❤
✍️🌠🌍👁️ One of the great stand-up comedians' shows that can help explain the shaky justice of history for this time 🌍👁️ ... this video came out about 12 years ago I watched the work of Bnei Adama (humans) always white and transparent.... Thank you for the memory, the video and the squint The protocol the video for justice for history ...... Thank you that there is a creator of the world 👆 watching everything and justice has come to light 🌞 👆
like yoi
Wawww Geteshi mamoo teqabel
ilike somuch you song ♡♡♡♡thanks geteshi brother to you firend !!!! Ilove you all of etiophiya !!
Freye my heart start melting!! Wowww yeshebelu wetat!!
this is the funniest show ever 😂😂😂😂
It's beautiful amazing 😍 💓 comedy Love ❤️🙏 ❤️🙏 ❤️ 2020 for ever
እረ ሞት በሳቅ ከተፈጠርኩ እደዚህ ስቄ አላቅም የእውነት አሪፍ ነው 😘😘😘😘
Hahahahahaha ወይኔ እናቴ ለዘፈን ገብቶ እለቅሶ አለ አለ እንዴ kkkkkkkkkk ኡፍፍፍፍፍፍፍ ኧረ በሳቅ ወይ መሞቴ ነው ዛሬ ሚጡ
Anyone in 2024
I can watch it over in over the funniest performance ever! 🤣🤣🤣
she was an irreplaceable artist who brought modernity in Ethiopian history!!!! i lately know about her but i am so impressed how fashionable she was!! rest in peace
I think he is transvestite,should not be accepted .
ክክክክክክክ ቦግ ይበልብሽ ያባቴ አምልክ አለ ሀሀሀሀሀሀሀሀሀ ኧረ ወይኔ
Eshete Endet Biyashwe nwe, Eshete, Eshete Emtelwe gobeze !?? 😆
Ohh my God !..the lady at the end is hillarious!...she is funny as hell!...hahaha
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk bataam tamachashign I am singled.......imilaw bootaa yimachish aboo
ቦጋሊ አረ እደዉ ቦግ ቦግ ይበልብሽ ክክክክክክክክክክ
exactly like my grandma, Bogalech hahaha perfect!
Deboche kkkkkkkkk
If so much funny
Who is watching this and still laughing in 2019....
I am here for 2022😂❤
አመ ሲንጊሌ እሰይ የኔ ማርያም አለች ክክክክክክ አቦ ይመቻት
ወየው ልቤ ቆሰለ ለ5 ጊዜ አይቸው አለሁ ግን ባየየው አልጠግበውም
እሸታ ትመቻለች አገራቸው ለጠፋባቸው ባህልን ትተን የሌላ በሀል መከተል ታሰውቃቸው ትልቅ ትምህርት ነው ለትውልድ መለቀሰ ይገባል ወዴት እየሄደ ነው ያለው ይህ ትውልድ አድናቃሽ ነኛ ዋው
meskerem gobez new betam set hono meserat yamerebetal
meskerem gobez new betam set hono meserat yamerebetal
kkkkkkkkውይ በሳቅ ሞትኩኝ አቦ ይመቻቹሁ 😍😍😍💓💓💖💖👌👌👈👍👍👍👈👈
frihiwote amazing performance
ወይኔ ጉልማ በዚህ ስላየሁክ እንዴት ደስ እንዳለኝ
Aster song gives me goosebumps
nice joke continue it i appriciate u
This is the funniest ethio comedy clip I've ever seen
ክክክክክ እንድንሞት ነው እንዴ ፍላጎታችሁ ይመቻችሁ ቀጥሉበት
Wey gud setoa gedlchn 😄😄😅😅😅
kkkkkkkkkkkkkklkllll ere uuuuuukkkkkkkkkkk uuuuuffffff motko ay eshetaa enanmm beteragna amarika kehune kkk
አረ ጋሽ ጉልማ ክክክክክ በጣም ታምራላቹ ሁላችሁንም የአገሬ ልጆች
ክክክክክክክክክክ የኔ ማሮች ደስ ስትሉ አቦ ይመቻችሁ
FABULOUS... Try to translate ... Keep it up Ethiopia ...
Your program is wonderful.
I am single lady😂😂😂
hhhhhh wowww yemachal batam
ክክክክክክክክክክክክክክ ደሞ እንዲሂም ጀመራቹ እንዴ ደስ ስትሉ ክክክክክክክክክ...♥
በጣም የቆየ ነው
ፍሬ የአስቴርን በጣም ጉበዝ ናት
Wow!😀😀😀😀😀😀😀so funny I like it
This is hilarious!! It has been a long while since I laughed. Is there other part to it? Where did it take place? Who are the actors?
the singer was amazing
One of the Best funny talent I like it
Very funny vido I like
Wende lege set sihone yastelal comedy menamen 👌🏽yegu meleket demo yigrmal lol
aboo yimechis😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛
I am single Layd🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The last one was so funny
Ere endiaw medhani alem lemn rase bera feterk...😁😁😁😁
kkkkkkkkk areee. l am singel lady. kkkkkkkkkkopopopop kkkkkk
Himanot Ayallsew hi
ere gulumayeeee kkkkkkkk
nice to see yo
10 gize yihonal yayehut bayehut kutir yaskegnal hahahahahahh betam gobez nesh
Ay esht kkkk she is funny i love her.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂uwnet hoden eskemameg dirs new yesakut
እናመሰግናቸዋለን. ቆጆ . ነው . ክክክክክክክክ
freheyewot ymigerem demetse
kkkkkkk weyna tebenesh wereke
you guys so funny ! I like
יפה מאוד
አረ ወየው ሆደን አመመኝ ምን ልሁን በሳቅ
Machem yemayixegebu zemen yemayisherachew
ድምጥ መስጫማ አይደል😂😂😂
Nice job
Wow Amezig Gerami New
Ere yet hije lsak kkkkk kegtmu.
የአስቴርን የዘፈነችው
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ere bsake muthuge E/e ystachu mdame askftge nbre bdnpe aznnchuge
አልሰማህ ስትል ጎተትካት ክክክክክክክክክክ አረ በሳቅቅቅቅ
ክክክክክክ አረ በሳቅ ሞትኩ እንደዚህ አይነት ሰዎች የት ነው የሄዱት?
ሚጡ አልሽ kkkkkkkkkkkkkk አረ በሳቅ
Waw ምርጥ Standap comedy
ያአስቴር የዘፈነችው ይመችሽ
በጣም ድምፆ ይመሳሰላል
I love Joking
Wowww ❤️❤️❤️😘
she is so sweet and really comedian she kill me kkkkkkk
She is so Good and very funny!!!!
I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area
I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area
I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area
I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area
I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area
I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area
I have external cysts and abscesses in my vaginal area
ዋው የሸበሉ ጉብል ጉብል ያምራል
Oh good comedy
ምርጥ ነው
Kkkkk zefen yejemerkut negegr asteltogn hahahaha
Tigstye yene konjo tichyalesh iko 😂
Kkkkkk Laveeee
እረ በሳቅ ሞትኩ ስታምሩ
መጨረሻዋ ሴት በሳቅ ገደለችኝ
ከፍቶኝ ነበር ሳኩ😂
Are yaastuka yezefeneshw edet Des ylal dmtswa waw
hahahahahahahaha wowwww very funny i like it
የመጀመራው ወንድ ነው አይደል አረ ጉድ kkkkk
😂😂😂😂 ሜሪ
Anyone in 2019?
አቦ ሺ አመት ኑሩልን
እግዚአብሔር የጻድቃንን መንገድ ያውቃልና የክፋዎች መንገድ ግን ትጠፋለች መዝሙረ ዳዊት 1÷6
wawwww mari batam teru new
ye asteren yezefenechew she is good she know how to sing wow
እደዛሬዉ ሥቄ አላዉቅም ያረቢ
waww new
He looks like Michael Obama. Kkkkkkk.
ኦሪት ዘዳግም 22:5
"ሴት የወንድ ልብስ አትልበስ፥ ወንድም የሴት ልብስ አይልበስ፤ ይህን የሚያደርግ በአምላክህ በእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ የተጠላ ነውና። "
Deuteronomy 22:5
"A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God."
Kimmy Laughing
ቃለህይወት ያሰማልኝ እህቴ እግዚአብሔር በእድሜ በፀጋ ይጠብቅሽ ባለሽበት
Kimmy Laughing
Kimmy Laughing it's comedy my dear!!
There is nothing wrong with comedy, but there is a limit. You don't sacrifice dignity for a few laughs.
Kimmy Laughing shut up
kikikikikikikikikkikikiki Abo selamchu bezi bezizit yeblilachu
kkkkkk wyyyyy yemchchehu wawwww