You should always at least double your current hz to actually see a massive difference, 120-240-480-960/1000hz, or from 144hz - 360hz rather than to 280. from 360hz either wait for 700hz - 750hz monitors or just switch to 1000hz in a few years. ( 1000hz at 1080p is 1ms of monitor persistence delay, which means that the picture won't get any " better " than that in terms of motion clarity at 1080p, even if you double it to 2000hz your eyes won't notice it being any " better " even though 2000hz would be 0.5ms of persistence delay. ) 1000hz is the true endgame and the goal. Monitor's that are ( for example ) 4k 32 inch, you would want the hz to be around 4000hz for it to be " perfect " Keep in mind since we are talking about sample and hold displays, you also need to get stable 4000 fps in game, and the 4000hz monitor must have below 0.2ms response times ( assuming it's one of those 4k 32 inch monitors as an example, if it is a 1080p monitor you just need 1000hz, 1ms or below response times ( OLED's can achieve that, LCD's can not ) and 1000 fps ingame.
20 - 21 💀☠️
Looking good
Worth upgrading from 144 to 280?
If your PC can go at that framerate yeah, if it can't there's no point in using it. Also check to use display port cable instead of HDMI.
You should always at least double your current hz to actually see a massive difference, 120-240-480-960/1000hz, or from 144hz - 360hz rather than to 280. from 360hz either wait for 700hz - 750hz monitors or just switch to 1000hz in a few years. ( 1000hz at 1080p is 1ms of monitor persistence delay, which means that the picture won't get any " better " than that in terms of motion clarity at 1080p, even if you double it to 2000hz your eyes won't notice it being any " better " even though 2000hz would be 0.5ms of persistence delay. )
1000hz is the true endgame and the goal. Monitor's that are ( for example ) 4k 32 inch, you would want the hz to be around 4000hz for it to be " perfect " Keep in mind since we are talking about sample and hold displays, you also need to get stable 4000 fps in game, and the 4000hz monitor must have below 0.2ms response times ( assuming it's one of those 4k 32 inch monitors as an example, if it is a 1080p monitor you just need 1000hz, 1ms or below response times ( OLED's can achieve that, LCD's can not ) and 1000 fps ingame.
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huntsman v3 pro tkl