Judging 8 AITA D&D Reddit Post & Submissions! Buckle Up... | Ep 120

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 55

  • @SheBeast-OG
    @SheBeast-OG 6 месяцев назад +26

    As a DM, I once had a disabled player cry tears of validation when I said her character could be in a wheelchair and it wasn’t going to affect her mechanically unless she wanted it to. She had never been allowed to be a character that represented her IRL, as a wheelchair user. At the same time, another player threw a hissyfit about immersion. Because dragons and undead are realistic, but magic wheelchairs are a dealbreaker apparently. I told him (in more diplomatic words) to suck it up, and he left. I will always pick disabled representation with magic mobility devices and conveniently accessible dungeons over “realism” that punishes actually disabled players for wanting to see themselves in their PCs.
    That campaign got to a fairly high level and the player eventually tinkered her wheelchair into a battle mount. It was amazing.

    • @eldritchpodblast
      @eldritchpodblast  6 месяцев назад +2

      This is amazing. Thank you for being that safe space for her.

    • @danaslitlist1
      @danaslitlist1 6 месяцев назад

      Thank you for being an open minded and kind DM!! From a disabled player and fellow DM, you make a difference!

    • @shadenox8164
      @shadenox8164 2 месяца назад

      Oh lord, it reminds me of the shitstorm when the combat wheelchair homebrew came out. So many people upset that the thing even existed and that people might decide to use it in their own games. I really don't understand those people at all.

  • @kierancassidy5456
    @kierancassidy5456 6 месяцев назад +20

    As someone with a disability, I'm fine with people playing disabled characters, I just don't want to play one myself

  • @indiarobertson9906
    @indiarobertson9906 6 месяцев назад +10

    As a disabled person I don’t get why people are so against them existing in fantasy. I personally don’t play disabled characters because I like using D&D as a break from the challenges that having a disability can bring but if someone else wanted to play disabled character I’d be all for it (As long as they didn’t play them harmfully).
    I’m drinking mogu mogu and cuddling with my dogs btw

  • @zixserro1
    @zixserro1 4 месяца назад +1

    Third Story: Middleground solution for this is DM allows player to play a disabled character, then gives them the option to have their disability cured magically (which is why I'm assuming they don't think there would be disabilities in a fantasy setting), and allow the player to explain why it wouldn't work (could be due to a curse or a birth defect that restorative magic wouldn't be able to repair), or why they wouldn't want that solution to be given to them. I mean, the fact that OP also states that it's one-on-one RP between them and this one friend; why does it matter what the other person wants to play if the only people who are going to ever know the story are OP and the player? Even if it's in a group, it's just that group, so who cares? It's an insane and bad take on OP's part.

  • @danaslitlist1
    @danaslitlist1 6 месяцев назад +4

    “Disabled people don’t belong in fantasy” is enough to get my, a disabled person, blood BOILING. The fact that we’re told that we don’t belong in the real world already sucks, fantasy is really a life line for many of us. What I hear when people say that crap is that they’re not creative enough to find ways to incorporate disabled people into their world. As a player and DM this is just so…wild to me. It’s not hard to be inclusive and creative and understanding, as a DM you could do so much to help and allow disabled characters.
    I’ve played multiple disabled characters in D&D and other TTRPGs and each one has been incredibly special! From my blind Paladin to my modified human rogue with a prothetic leg to my own wheelchair user DMNPC!

  • @theparagoncompany
    @theparagoncompany 6 месяцев назад +7

    One of my players plays a human Armor Artificer who lost his legs in a fire. His armor gives him prosthetic legs but he's on a wheelchair the rest of the time.

    • @magicalmims
      @magicalmims 6 месяцев назад +1

      I have an artificer like this too! He didn't lose his legs but he did loose his fore arms in a magic exsplosion. My DM lets me use mage hand for his day to day stuff (they let me cast it with mental vs the standard somatic) but when he's expecting to fight or needs to climb he uses his armor to give him full arms :3c (I also got to multiclass him with bladesinger!)

    • @theparagoncompany
      @theparagoncompany 6 месяцев назад

      That sounds pretty dope. It's a great subclass for that because it says the armor replaces limbs.

  • @MrLeopel
    @MrLeopel 6 месяцев назад +2

    Leave a letter on your dead character. A self eulogy and will explaining what to do with your stuff, have the player read it out after they die if they are emotionally able as a goodbye to an important piece of their life.

  • @zixserro1
    @zixserro1 4 месяца назад

    Last Story: What makes that story even more insane is that Fighterman didn't just start looting the body in front of the lover; he started looting it, was told by the lover to stop, and STARED HER IN THE EYES AS HE CONTINUED LOOTING. Like, I can understand if they misunderstood the layout of the room, or didn't realize they were doing something rude in the moment and then immediately stopped, but this guy is doing the equivalent of stabbing a man in front of a cop, then complaining about getting arrested for stabbing the man. I do not understand that mentality, and it's insane that the party haven't abandoned this guy at this point. What an asshole. The fact that Fighterman already runs a campaign where he as the DM can do whatever shitty actions he wants (which it sounds like he does, which makes him sound like not a great DM, honestly), OP should just say that if he wants to have zero consequences for any of his actions, he has a whole other campaign that he runs where his NPCs can pull that kind of shit consequence-free, but in OP's game, being an asshole has consequences.

  • @Rainanana07
    @Rainanana07 6 месяцев назад +4

    In the first story I feel like they should have asked if they could have the items first, instead of taking it or stated the intention to take the stuff if she was ok with it. I know if that had happened to me my feelings would have been hurt.

  • @zixserro1
    @zixserro1 4 месяца назад

    Second Story: Yeah, 100% Angie's fault. It sounds like they were trying to do some crazy extreme stuff knowing they had a pocket-Wish that they could pull out as a last resort to just undo any mistakes they'd made, which is a terrible way to play D&D. Essentially setting save states within your campaign, which is awful. You guys are totally right; she's showing zero respect for anyone else at the table, and is trying to make this bit of the story all about her character, at least a little bit. You're also right about the table dynamic being ruined; even if the events were undone, her insane behavior is still known to the players, and who's to say she won't panic and do something like this again, but without the Wish to turn time back? Really weird choices all around by this player, and they absolutely need to decide if they're going to make a new character or leave the table.

  • @zixserro1
    @zixserro1 4 месяца назад

    Fourth Story: OP is not the asshole, on the sole reason that clearly the paladin player never came to them out of character to let them know they had an issue with how they were playing their character. I want to say that a person playing their character is never a reason to blame them for anything, with the caveat that the infamous "It's what my character would do" moments where a character acts like an asshole just to fuck with the game or whatever doesn't apply, as that's a different sort of situation than what OP is describing. If OP is just doing goofy stuff in-character that isn't purposefully derailing or messing up the game, then they are not at fault.

  • @zixserro1
    @zixserro1 4 месяца назад

    Fifth Story: So if OP always leaves an hour before the end of a session, and they haven't been a part of combat in months, does that mean that the sessions are ending on combats after OP has left, or just that the campaign doesn't have a lot of combats? Because if the latter is true, then OP isn't missing out on anything, the party just isn't fighting a whole lot. If the party is fighting, however, that's 100% on the DM. If OP has brought this gripe to their DM's attention, then they should be ending sessions right before combat, and then rolling right into initiative at the start of each game when OP has the time to play, and allowing him to participate in the fights. If the DM is having everyone but OP fight everything, then OP should get out of there, because if they built a character for combat that isn't getting to participate in any of it, then that's on the DM for not facilitating the game for that.

  • @castincactus7339
    @castincactus7339 5 месяцев назад +1

    The second AITA sounds like Angie maybe wanted to write her own story a bit more. Maybe she would like to DM, creating twists and evil characters etc. Hard to judge on so little information, but I do find that sometimes players would just rather be DMs and that playing does not suit them as well.

  • @zixserro1
    @zixserro1 4 месяца назад

    Sixth Story: Yeah, it's 100% the cleric who's the asshole in this situation. Them saying that OP is "preventing them from roleplaying how they want"... no they aren't. Cleric is very much roleplaying how they want, and if they can't handle another character glaring at them for acting how they want, then that's on them. It's not like OP's character attacked the cleric or even said anything to them; they're just giving them a harsh disapproving look. If that's all it takes for cleric to not be able to roleplay how they want, then OP is right; cleric just wants to be able to do whatever they want without any consequences, no matter how small those consequences are.

  • @Keplin1000
    @Keplin1000 6 месяцев назад +1

    My hot take is that rules written stun is hot dog butt, booty cheeks, stinky poo poo. Now im bit a dm and havent played at all as a matter of fact but ive only heard bad things about it and have seen it make some live play combats some of the worst viewing experiences out there.
    Maybe a good homebrew change is that stun only lasts 5 turns at max? Idk but i feel it would keep things moving and is still punishing.

  • @lutilda
    @lutilda 6 месяцев назад +2

    I would personally be upset if my party members DIDN'T take everything of value my character has on them when hey die. 😂 Obviously i would specify if something was particularly important/emotionally valuable. But otherwise i want them to take my things and give them back to my next character or use what makes sense that i wont. 😂

    • @LarisseMontrose
      @LarisseMontrose 5 месяцев назад

      Same tbh. Maybe another thing to ask about in session zero.

  • @stephenadams8712
    @stephenadams8712 6 месяцев назад +2

    Nice to see back glad about your blood test results I've been so busy myself I didn't notice I'm having nando's for dinner today

  • @zixserro1
    @zixserro1 4 месяца назад

    First story: OP is absolutely not the asshole, because what's the alternative? They leave useable gear on the corpse and just bury it with them? Unless they're lugging the corpse around, in which case, if they need to use one of the potions off of the corpse's body, is that disrespectful? To use an item a living party member needs to survive? If the dead character had been carrying the Macguffin that would save the world, should they have just not taken that off of the corpse either? Very selfish on the dead character's player's part to say that, but it was probably just an immediate emotional response.

  • @lutilda
    @lutilda 6 месяцев назад

    2nd story: If i was a player i wouldn't even want to play with that person again. She repeatedly choose to betray the party and wasted revival resources. Angie's player shouldnt be trusted if shes making choices like this after saying one thing and doing another repeatedly.

  • @the_purple_kat
    @the_purple_kat 6 месяцев назад +2

    Can someone tell the entity that it doesn't need to give me pneumonia to make sure that I watch the new episode of pod blast the second it comes out? Little over kill my dude, just shackle me like everyone else if thats an option. 😂
    No but for real this podcast is gettong me through bed rest. ❤

    • @eldritchpodblast
      @eldritchpodblast  6 месяцев назад

      PNEUMONIA? ENTITY, NOOOOOOOO 😭 (I hope you feel better soon, sorry to hear about that!)

  • @sherbert1321
    @sherbert1321 2 месяца назад

    I think with the first story, firstly they should have asked before taking the items, secondly they should have stated more clearly if they were planning on giving the items to whatever future character the player comes up with. Even if their new character wouldn't be able to use the items, I feel they should still offer the items to the new character.

  • @Sanne78
    @Sanne78 6 месяцев назад

    Glad you're back & hopefully well-rested.
    Fantastic winner entries 💜 but also so many creative writers in this community!

  • @LarisseMontrose
    @LarisseMontrose 5 месяцев назад

    I feel like Angie's player should be glad she was asked to roll another character to begin with tbh. Text based tends to be a little slower and I can't help thinking she wasted a lot of play time doing this. Especially if they're a group that expects a couple paragraphs per turn. She got a second chance with that character and blew it. Time to reroll and maybe bring Angie out at another table.

  • @chibirad
    @chibirad 6 месяцев назад

    glad to have y'all back last Thursday shift was brutal without y'alls content but I'm glad y'all feel refreshed!!!

  • @ApocryphalSaint
    @ApocryphalSaint 4 месяца назад

    It seems so dumb to leave all of a dead partners belongings on them and bury them with it all. Those potions weapons armor and money should absolutely go to the party if someone dies. (with the disclaimer that of course everything would go back to the pc if they came back)

  • @AnankeQ
    @AnankeQ 6 месяцев назад

    Hope you get you inside issues fixed and it is just a troublesome food vs like a gallbladder thing. Bodies are weird and should just work! lol
    I had similar sounding digestive issues and celiac test and other tests were negative. Ended up working with a dietitian (super helpful experience!) and she ended up putting me on a restrictive diet and slowly adding things in and we worked it out what I could eat safely.

  • @dannyleephantom
    @dannyleephantom 6 месяцев назад

    I... Am... Devastated.....
    My relentless praise and admiration for the beautiful, word "Penultimate" was left unrespected.
    Today is tragic, how will I recover... 😢

  • @Injichaag
    @Injichaag 6 месяцев назад +1

    I just wanted to say that I love the new ideas for home-brew. I had to take a step back from it and not participate in the last 2 because honestly it was kinda a feels bad. I never said nothing because I know you both work wicked hard on trying to include everyone. Also there wasn’t any anticipation for Mondays as there was before.

  • @jeanettekozue7287
    @jeanettekozue7287 6 месяцев назад

    I imagine my clogs clog the way my keyboard does lmao so typing does make the sound irl

  • @Fears_Gaming
    @Fears_Gaming 6 месяцев назад +2

    It sounds like Angie played the recent bg3 and wanted to play a Dark Urge irl. Terrible idea.
    That's at best my hope for this self destruction. Otherwise this is just someone who wants to ruin everyone else's fun.

  • @Mark73
    @Mark73 6 месяцев назад

    Pathfinder 2e has war wheelchairs and an entire class that revolves around a person's disability.

  • @Rainanana07
    @Rainanana07 6 месяцев назад +1

    Not eating, at work, comfy shoes.

  • @anthmeisterrrrr3336
    @anthmeisterrrrr3336 5 месяцев назад

    Aw yea, it's Cloggin Time! *cla-GHUNK, cla-GHONK*

    • @eldritchpodblast
      @eldritchpodblast  5 месяцев назад +1

      Hahahahahahahahaha this made me laugh so much

  • @punzrkool
    @punzrkool 6 месяцев назад +1

    7:24 One of us. One of us. One of us. 😈

  • @Pluto_Unbound
    @Pluto_Unbound 6 месяцев назад

    Im playing bg3, ima eating breakfast at 5pm so we ballin on the last day of ky spring break lol, and currently im just waiting for my artificer episode 🤨 (jokes)

  • @AdamSmiley1996
    @AdamSmiley1996 6 месяцев назад +1

    Don't touch my clogs >:c

  • @samwhite4961
    @samwhite4961 6 месяцев назад +1

    1:05:02 while I think OP is an asshole for his particular attitude toward disabled characters this question does make me think how to handle situations like one player wanting a character that has a legitimate mental or physical disability that rubs up against another players legitimate trigger. For example a player’s trigger is dismemberment and another player wants to play a character who is missing a limb. I think the answer is talk to each other to establish comfortable boundaries and compromise and if no compromise exists don’t play. OP is an asshole but I think there can be a nuanced discussion about player’s incompatibility at the table

  • @Big_walt1
    @Big_walt1 6 месяцев назад

    It's Cloggin time

  • @carimay3461
    @carimay3461 6 месяцев назад

    Have you been tested for SIBO?

  • @AhhDamnnn
    @AhhDamnnn 5 месяцев назад

    *clip clop* it’s clogging’ time

  • @morriemollu
    @morriemollu 5 месяцев назад

    Arrived home AS the ep finished
    *Slams car into park*
    Its fecking cloggin' time baybeeeee
    *Clank Clunkity CLONK CLANG*

  • @callmeemery8744
    @callmeemery8744 6 месяцев назад
