페미니즘은 파렴치한 '여성정치'를 지속가능하게 하기 위한 사상 기반이다. 페미니즘은 도그마이고, 헌법질서를 파괴하며, 민주주의 시스템을 붕괴시키는 전체주의 사회악이다. 정부가 대국민 '성인지 교육' 으로 전국민 페미세뇌교육을 하여, 여성단체들은 나랏돈으로 꿀을 빨고, 대한민국 남성들은 잠재적 가해자가 되어, 양심의 자유를 매우 심각하게 침해받고, 페미논리를 받아들이지 않으면 승진에 제약을 가하는 지경에 이르렀다. 페미니스트들이 부여잡고 있는 '구조적 성차별이 있다'는 주장의 숨은 의도는, 결과의 차이 자체를 이유로 남성에게는 불리하게, 여성에게는 유리하게 국가가 법제도적 차별을 가하는 것을 정당화하기 위한 수사적 주장에 불과하다. '구조적 성차별' 운운하며 우기는 것은, 국가의 합헌적 임무수행으로도 남은 결과의 차이를 모두 위헌적인 할당제와 우대조치로 해결해야 한다는 페미 진영의 신념을 표명한 것에 불과하다. 페미 진영 인사들은 모든 차별은 구조적이라고 한다. 그런식으로 말하면 구조적이지 않은 것은 하나도 없게 된다. 모든 것을 구조에 걸리도록 얼마든지 수사적으로 만들 수 있다. 무엇보다도 국가는 특정한 이념을 국민들에게 교육하거나 주입할 수 없다. 여성가족부가 주도하는 페미니즘 정책은 국가중립의무의 원칙을 위반하기 때문에 문제인 것이다. '여성주의' 하려거든, 그들끼리 동아리 시민단체 만들어서 국가와 지방정부의 지원을 끊고 자립해야 한다.
I feel like another thing that people say about us girls, is that if we lose weight, people would be like "you should eat more" "your legs look like they would snap" "you're so skinny that the wind could blow you away", but then we gain weight and people would start to tell you to "eat less" "you should work out more", like don't these people know that they are literally fat/skinny shaming us..?
@@tehreemfatima722 Yes! Omg like they make comments about everything, like "oh, you look so skinny," or like "you should'nt be eating that much, you look ...." My grandma told me i should watch my weight cause i'm kinda heavy for my height.
일단.. 다 들어본 말들이라 공감이 많이 되었고 출연진 4명 모두 좋은 가치관이 잡혀있어서 다행이라는 생각이 들었네요 현재 이러한 남녀갈등은 성별 불문하고 안좋은 가치관을 가진 사람들로 인해 점점 추잡해져 가고 있으며 평등이 아닌 서로의 이익과 단순하고 이기적인 생각들로만 가득해지고 있죠 서로를 이해하고 배려하면서 서로에게 좋은 현실적인 방안들을 생각할 수는 없는건지... 유독 한국에서 각기 여성에 대한, 남성에 대한 인식들이 안좋아져 가는 것이 마음 아프네요 특히 10대 분들, 해로운 커뮤니티에 빠지지 말고 본인만의 생각으로 좋은 가치관을 성립했으면 좋겠어요
Feminism is also a very good thing to talk about on the channel...since i know that the view over feminists in Korea is quiet divided and most times negative. I would love to see a discussion about that!
я думаю, что феминизм в Украине сейчас важнее, но феминистки закрывают на это глаза. пока украинкам приходится рожать в подвалах, приходится терпеть насилие со стороны русских солдат, феминистки молчат. почему? разве это не ужасно, что каждая война заканчивается одинаково для девушек? почему об этом говорят только украинские феминистки..
@@Pokayo разве то, что девушек насилуют, убивают и пытают это тема не достаточно важная? важнее какие то глупые слова, на которые никто не обращает внимание?
@G$SJ принуждать к войне только мужчин? у нас много украинок отдают свои жизни ради своей страны, но они не насилуют никого. разве смысл феминизма не в том, чтоб протестовать против ущемления прав женщин? почему тогда наших детей насилуют русские солдаты, а феминистки об этом молчат? это позор для всего феминистического движения. это дерьмо может добраться и до вас. или вы думаете, что русские остановятся на Украине? они уже стянули войска к границам Финляндии и говорят о том, что захватят Польшу следующей. и тогда это будет не только наши проблемы, это будет 3 мировая, которая затронет каждую страну в мире!
es peligroso..de igual manera seriamente hablando,hasta una chica miraría obviamente no piensa nada asqueroso pero una cosa es pensarlo y otra es actuar los que realmente acosan y se atreven a ejecutar cualquier pensamiento si son los que están locos
0:41 This happened to me and my female classmate when we were in college. A middle aged lady commented on how my classmate used her short shorts to make me her boyfriend (she didn't and I'm not) and the lady compared us to the other decent kids who only focus on their studies. I didn't notice it until some time after when she pointed it out
not that feminism is a super bad thing, but sometimes you're just defending your right as a woman and that kind of question ends up being ridiculous. like, what does it have to do with the fact that I don't want to be harassed whether I'm a feminist or not? it's just a basic right and respect.
Спасибо за русские субтитры) вы подняли очень хорошую тему. Действительно, почему в 21 веке кто-то давит на половую принадлежность? Мне было некомфортно слушать подобные замечания.
@@плаксаблин С чего вы взяли, что она русская? Даже, если бы была, не факт, что живёт в России и может она переехала в другую страну в детстве и не имеет никакого отношения к России? Почему вы обвиняете её в том, к чему она не причастна? Она что войну начала?!! Требовала чтоб украинцев убивали, насиловали и оскорбляли?!! Зачем нападать на человека, который никак не содействовал войне и не причастен к ней никоим образом?!! Многие русские выходили на митинги, но это никак не помогло ситуации, к сожалению. Хоть всё это и так обернулось, это ещё не значит, что каждый русский человек за войну и поддерживает её. Имейте хоть каплю рациональности и не нападайте на людей с претензиями за то к чему они вообще не причастны.
@@DarkSide-uf8ci выходить на митинги нужно было 20 лет назад, когда путин совершал террористические акты и обвинял в этом мирных чеченцев. бомбил их дома!
@@плаксаблин Оо, да неужели, а когда правительство Украины тоже самое делали с Донецком и Луганском украинцы что-то не зыбко торопились им противостоять.
@@DarkSide-uf8ci ооо да, а ты знаешь, что Донецкая и Луганская области - Украина?:) мой отец оттуда и я прекрасно знаю, что там происходило. а вы узнали об этих городах лишь после 24 числа:(
It breaks my heart to see how every girl no matter where they are from (geographically) have heard these once.. no matter where you go it's same for us in every part of the world
to be honest it's really funny to hear that phrase about period cause its literally devalues women's emotions like we can't feel anger, annoyance or smth else
En sus vídeos de "Mujeres que normalmente no ven" deberían invitar a una chica feminista para que exponga sus puntos y aclare los estereotipos que tienen. // In their videos of "Women that normally the Teens don't see" you should invite a feminism to expose her points of view.
1:40 thank you !!! Why do people feel such an incessant need to question girls for every decision that they make that they don't agree with??? "Why do you wear makeup, you should just be confident in yourself". Who are you to tell someone how to express their confidence/themselves? Why would you even assume that it's bc of lack of confidence in the first place? Even if it is, why's it so wrong for them to use makeup to make them more confident? It's condescending when people do that. When you say things like that to a woman it's like you don't think of her as an adult/person that's capable of making their own decision for themselves. And putting aside the sexism thing, just generally people shouldn't be so quick to judge others for their decisions. If it's coming from a place of love it's fine to give your advice, but then you move on. Bc adults make their own decisions and face their own consequences.
Also, I used to hear all the time that I should close my legs and wear dresses. My dad told me that I won't get a boyfriend because of the way I dress and it gets on every single one of my nerves oh my gosh. I also hate when guys say 'you're good.... for a girl', I got that in primary school, I was racing some boys and I came in like second or third and then one of the guys said I'm fast for a girl like what? Dude, I was faster than almost all of you and you still felt the need to add 'for a girl'!?
One time there was a 100M running race in our locality I was the only girl who participated (many girls didn't becoz of their parents) so they told me to run with boys ...I came first and everybody said u are too fast for a girl ?? Like bruh wdym by that
IKR LIKE I'm in 10th grade and I'm faster than more than half of the class including boys and they just can't accept that like wha------ they be like u'r fast for a girl I wanna punch them and I reply back saying nah nt really I'm fast for boys as well
Eu acho que pra responder a pergunta sobre ser ou não feminista, dependeria da percepção da pessoa que perguntou, pq pra mim, ser feminista é defender os direitos da mulher, sendo elas cis, trans, negras, brancas, enfim, mulheres, pq muitas vezes tem pessoas q defendem só um grupo de mulheres, e não seria justo com os outros grandes grupos, enfim, dependeria da percepção da outra pessoa sobre o significado de ser feminista, pq minha resposta poderia mudar, mas ao meu ver, acho q isso seria ser feminista, defender os direitos das mulheres que deveriam ser óbvios pros outros
sim, mas na Coreia feminismo é visto como ser radical, ser contra homens, etc... é uma questão de linguagem já que podemos ver que o pessoal é contra ideias sexistas, mas é algo ainda a ser mudado no futuro... aí é dificil responder "sim" pra algo que gera tantas tretas lá...
@@NathyIsabella até no Brasil tem essa visão, principalmente os homens. Mas muitas mulheres concordam com o feminismo. Na Coreia é mais velado mesmo, tem gente que concorda mas tem medo das críticas.
Feminismo não é só para o direito da mulher, o feminismo é para que ambos os grupos (feminino e masculino) tenham direitos iguais, como salário, poder, oportunidade, etc.
É o famoso feminismo excludente do qual eu prefiro n fazer parte, pois pra mim a ideia de ser feminista é a mesma da sua. Eu só acrescentaria que busca a igualdade de gênero, de modo q até pra homens o feminismo é benéfico
lo peor es cuando escuchas estas cosas estando en la escuela primaria, por que yo me acuerdo que con 8,9 10 años me decían tipo "eres una niña por que juegas a futbol ?" o " pareces un chico por que siempre llevas pantalones" (en mi escuela no habían uniformes) y yo tipo soy menor de edad, déjenme vivir mi infancia tranquila ya cuando crezca tal vez cambie, ahora tengo 23 y sigo en las mismas pero me cabrea aun mas todo lo que me dicen , por que por ejemplo yo no suelo llevar maquillaje y el día que me pongo aun que sea un poco de rimmel ya sueltan el típico comentario , de si quede con alguien por maquillarme, pero eso si aquí (España) no te preguntan si eres feminista aquí ya te etiquetan como feminazi si apoyas a algún movimiento para la igualdad o la protección de la mujer
Im tired how women CAN LITERALLY NEVER WIN, if you used to much make up, you are a bimbo, if you dont use "you dont take care of yourself" if you speak up "men dont like fiesty women" you are calm you are a doormat (apparently) If you use long and big clother you dont have self steem but uf you use short fitted clothes you are TOO much into youself Is tiring !!!!!!
These sentences getting me annoyed too BAHAHAHA I love how they react and at the same time it's actually sad that the girls heard almost every sentence :(
"are you a feminist?" really annoying, especially when you defend your opinion during an argument. And it's confusing. If I'm answer "Yes, so what?", a person with a small outlook will answer something like: "Now it is clear why you are so aggressive. Women have invented problems for themselves. There is no point in proving something to you, you are stupid." However, these same people often do not have any idea on the issue of feminism. 🥲 Sorry for my english
The korean view of feminism is a completely radicalised feminism, and not the same as what we mean in English when we talk about feminism. You're absolutely right though! It's like how, a few years ago, saying anything online about showing respect to other people would get you disapproving replies about how political correctness is bad and you'd be called a social justice warrior
El feminismo de Latinoamérica y de grinfolandia son horribles y super tóxicos... Son super doble moral, hipócritas, premian la prostitución, son tontas, etc...
@@ComedyGlor Korean state institutions teach and teach that men are potential perpetrators, Korean lawmakers demean Korean soldiers who are being dragged away as housekeepers, and many feminist groups demean the military as camps. Also, many women's groups are demonstrating, demeaning Korean men, and limiting freedom of expression in PC ideology.It may not be that only redical feminism exists in Korea, but it is redical feminism that is leading the current feminism in Korea.
я зла не на шутку, это очень огорчает, их уровень мышления дошли до такого, что ты просто забьёшь на них, всё равно бесполезно им отвечать, они не поймут как ни говори. спасибо за русские субтитры 🥺❤️
All those phrases made me so angry honestly, especially period one and the feminist one. It's using a good thing as an insult, being a feminist is about wanting equality and there's no shame in that but all they think about is misandry and radical feminism when they hear the word or when they hear a girl standing up for herself. And for the period one it is so annoying when I'm not on my period and I'm upset for a valid reason but it's invalidated and belittled by them boiling it down to 'she's upset, she must be on her period'. And when I am on my period, I am in pain, my hormones are all over and there is blood leaking from my vagina and is probably going to get all over my underwear but you're treating it like I'm upset over something trivial and behaving as though having a period is easier than it is.
I think that there should be a male version of this because not only do girls face something like this but also men but people often ignore this because they think that "well since he is a man" or "because he's strong."
2:15 We have the same struggle here, regarding the comment "you are a woman, there is no need to pursue higher education because in the end you will only take care of the house", it is very disturbing and sounds very demeaning to women. like whether just because going to have children and taking care of a woman's house does not require knowledge? even though the first teacher for a child is his own mother, how can you be a good teacher if you can't just pursue education? where will this knowledge come from? Magic? Of course not, that's crazy
В России есть 1,5 года декретного отпуска, потрм все выходят на работу. Женщины всё успевают, и детей воспитывать, и работать. Домашние заботы очень ограничивают женщину, одно и то же каждый день, нет развития.
Honestly, my opinion is that if my wife earns more than me, I have no problem being a house husband to raise the kids, but if it's not that case, it's better for her to focus on raising kids cause the education quality has dropped since my school days
Por qué el feminismo en Corea es algo malo? El feminismo en el mundo es quien defiende a las mujeres de todos esos comentarios sexistas que tanto les molesta
Seriously, the only remark I haven't heard is about the makeup one since I don't go out and wearing much makeup isn't a thing here and people rarely wear makeup anyway
If you dress simply and don’t wear makeup, they tell you that you are ugly and lazy. If you wear flattering clothes and put effort in, they say it’s because you want men’s attention. There’s no winning. Just dress however you want and fuck what people think.
Já ouvi muitos desses comentários também, e já estou acostumada. E na minha opinião o feminismo é nescessário sim mesmo q aja alguns tabus. Nos mulheres não devemos abaixar cabeça para homens machistas.
My dad was a stay at home dad while my mom went ahead with her career. After about 5 years of my dad taking care of the house, my parents divorced and he had to do a fresh start for his career.
As a girl I'm not allowed to wear cloths above knee even when I'm home Have to come home before 6 p.m Have to ask for permission for literally everything Have to answer so many questions if i go out somewhere But let's just try to find out the positive aspects..life is too short to be wasted💜
Lol it doesn't have any connection with the video. In your situation your parents make so strict rules probably because they love your brother as a person more (not because he is a male). It can be vice versa.
@@Delije_4 my parents love both of us equally.. U can say it's patriarchy or just the society.. Every person needs to play a role to create a better society right.. If the society doesn't judge a girl on what she wears or does eventually our parents will also treat us equally..have a Good day
This is so funny, Koreans anti feminist in the comments acting like Korea is an egalitarian country when Korea has the largest gender wage gap when they find out that feminism is not about hating men their heads explode
The "girls don't have to study hard as long as they are pretty" is relatable because based on fact, beautiful girls tend to get alot of boys attention (poor to rich) so all they have to do is make a choice of their life. This is not hate comment ya because most ugly guys I saw have such hot girlfriends and I just don't understand until fate made us accidentally met at the parking lot letting me know that the guys drove Mercedes/Bmw lmao
후..................ㅎ..ㅎ... 제가 화나는 말..왜 이렇게 예민해?생리하냐?이.말^^ 아. 이건 1등으로고 2등.여자치고 많이 먹네?이 말은..아는 동생들이 장난으로 돼지라는 말 많이 쓰는데....(1등도 포함.^^) 막 3등은..여자애가 겁도 없이 밤늦게 다녀?우리가 약하다는거..(근데..남자들도 그런 말 들을 수도..부들부들^#^) [너무 화나니까 많이 썼네요.차별없으면 좋겠네요.남자도 사람, 여자도 사람!똑같은데..ㅎ]
I think Korea is a place where if you are pretty you are a goddess and a popular one and could get everything every job But if you don't fit the standards then you won't be able to live Like why do Koreans do this, they have such a dirty mindset that a girl can be bad at studying if she is good looking like why Telling you the truth that your face can not give you jobs or money (but I guess in Korea it can ) and looking pretty is not everything
3 one.. here in india people don't give a damn about makeup.. it's only for parties and special occasions.. i am 18 and idk anything about makeup but i feel pressure on girls to reach that beauty standard.. in korea ig these standards are firm and people of all ages do makeup with is neither a good thing but nor a bad thing if i say.. good because people may get chance to represent themselves or it may make them happy.. bad because i feel the pressure of looking in a certain way to sustain or be respected in society..
"your a girl why are you out so late at night?" a guy is saying this when they(some guys) are the reason this is happening- dont u think if there were people not with bad intention out there, there would be no comparison between guys and girls like why is it this that only girls are told this not guys because (some) guys are the reason for this really i hate sexist people what people say to me is that your a girl why are you wearing a shirt-? or why dont you just play with dolls u do evrything guys do-and dont get me on bodyshaming i am very skinny so any guests who come in our house is always like OmG yOu ArE mOrE sKiNnIeR tHaN tHe LaSt TiMe i SaW yOu! OK?! I LOOK AT MYSELF MORE THAN U DO YOU DONT NEED TO MAKE A FUSS ABOUT IT
you're not humanist if you're not a feminist. feminism is a advocacy of equality not only between 2 genders but for every human. it's a movement of inclusivity, thus we also highly support the lgbtqia+ community and such. more people need to be educated about this, i don't understand why a lot of people use feminism as slander, it's so dumb :"
다들 침착하라구..!😥😥
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페미니즘은 파렴치한 '여성정치'를 지속가능하게 하기 위한 사상 기반이다.
페미니즘은 도그마이고, 헌법질서를 파괴하며, 민주주의 시스템을 붕괴시키는 전체주의 사회악이다.
정부가 대국민 '성인지 교육' 으로 전국민 페미세뇌교육을 하여,
여성단체들은 나랏돈으로 꿀을 빨고, 대한민국 남성들은 잠재적 가해자가 되어, 양심의 자유를 매우 심각하게 침해받고,
페미논리를 받아들이지 않으면 승진에 제약을 가하는 지경에 이르렀다.
페미니스트들이 부여잡고 있는 '구조적 성차별이 있다'는 주장의 숨은 의도는,
결과의 차이 자체를 이유로 남성에게는 불리하게, 여성에게는 유리하게 국가가 법제도적 차별을 가하는 것을 정당화하기 위한 수사적 주장에 불과하다.
'구조적 성차별' 운운하며 우기는 것은,
국가의 합헌적 임무수행으로도 남은 결과의 차이를 모두 위헌적인 할당제와 우대조치로 해결해야 한다는 페미 진영의 신념을 표명한 것에 불과하다.
페미 진영 인사들은 모든 차별은 구조적이라고 한다. 그런식으로 말하면 구조적이지 않은 것은 하나도 없게 된다.
모든 것을 구조에 걸리도록 얼마든지 수사적으로 만들 수 있다.
무엇보다도 국가는 특정한 이념을 국민들에게 교육하거나 주입할 수 없다.
여성가족부가 주도하는 페미니즘 정책은 국가중립의무의 원칙을 위반하기 때문에 문제인 것이다.
'여성주의' 하려거든, 그들끼리 동아리 시민단체 만들어서 국가와 지방정부의 지원을 끊고 자립해야 한다.
I feel like another thing that people say about us girls, is that if we lose weight, people would be like "you should eat more" "your legs look like they would snap" "you're so skinny that the wind could blow you away", but then we gain weight and people would start to tell you to "eat less" "you should work out more", like don't these people know that they are literally fat/skinny shaming us..?
like being too discriminatory, sometimes I think 'is this what I wanted to be born as a girl? ' if so I HONESTLY FEEL REGRETTING:)
its bodyshaming and i hate it
Society wants to control everything about our bodies and minds and that's disgusting
@@Raka2897 me too i started criying front of mother becoz of the regret of being a girl😭
@@tehreemfatima722 Yes! Omg like they make comments about everything, like "oh, you look so skinny," or like "you should'nt be eating that much, you look ...." My grandma told me i should watch my weight cause i'm kinda heavy for my height.
일단.. 다 들어본 말들이라 공감이 많이 되었고 출연진 4명 모두 좋은 가치관이 잡혀있어서 다행이라는 생각이 들었네요
현재 이러한 남녀갈등은 성별 불문하고 안좋은 가치관을 가진 사람들로 인해 점점 추잡해져 가고 있으며 평등이 아닌 서로의 이익과 단순하고 이기적인 생각들로만 가득해지고 있죠
서로를 이해하고 배려하면서 서로에게 좋은 현실적인 방안들을 생각할 수는 없는건지...
유독 한국에서 각기 여성에 대한, 남성에 대한 인식들이 안좋아져 가는 것이 마음 아프네요
특히 10대 분들, 해로운 커뮤니티에 빠지지 말고 본인만의 생각으로 좋은 가치관을 성립했으면 좋겠어요
tysm miss and yes i am a teenage girl
Feminism is also a very good thing to talk about on the channel...since i know that the view over feminists in Korea is quiet divided and most times negative. I would love to see a discussion about that!
я думаю, что феминизм в Украине сейчас важнее, но феминистки закрывают на это глаза. пока украинкам приходится рожать в подвалах, приходится терпеть насилие со стороны русских солдат, феминистки молчат. почему? разве это не ужасно, что каждая война заканчивается одинаково для девушек? почему об этом говорят только украинские феминистки..
@@плаксаблин феминизм важен и в мирное время в любой стране
@@Pokayo разве то, что девушек насилуют, убивают и пытают это тема не достаточно важная? важнее какие то глупые слова, на которые никто не обращает внимание?
@G$SJ принуждать к войне только мужчин? у нас много украинок отдают свои жизни ради своей страны, но они не насилуют никого. разве смысл феминизма не в том, чтоб протестовать против ущемления прав женщин? почему тогда наших детей насилуют русские солдаты, а феминистки об этом молчат? это позор для всего феминистического движения. это дерьмо может добраться и до вас. или вы думаете, что русские остановятся на Украине? они уже стянули войска к границам Финляндии и говорят о том, что захватят Польшу следующей. и тогда это будет не только наши проблемы, это будет 3 мировая, которая затронет каждую страну в мире!
사실 한국에서도 대부분의 사람들은 성평등에 관해선 좋게 봅니다. 그러나 한국의 극단적인 페미니스트들이 한 행동들이 모든 페미니스트들에 대한 시선을 나쁘게 바꿨습니다
짧은치마입으면 어떤장소나 시간에선 조심해야돼..이렇게 바꿔말해야 좋은목적의말일건데..말할때 진짜 상대방을 위해서 하는말인지 걍 생각없이 하는 말인지 돌아봐야할듯
그 말도 ㅈ같은데...
es peligroso..de igual manera seriamente hablando,hasta una chica miraría obviamente no piensa nada asqueroso pero una cosa es pensarlo y otra es actuar los que realmente acosan y se atreven a ejecutar cualquier pensamiento si son los que están locos
하실 말씀이 아니었으면 합니다. 너무 슬프다. 한국 여자로서 이 세상이 이렇구나 하는 생각에 울고 싶어집니다. 그냥 더 이상 이렇지 않았으면..
@@yunaaak ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 한녀로 태어나면 몸만 대줘서 돈 벌고 스윗남들이 집사줘 이거 저거해줘~~~`
짧게 입든 말든 뭔 상관인지 그렇게 생각하는 사람들이 이상한거 아닌가? 왜 남의 패션에 그렇게 관심이 많은지 모르겠음
These boys were raised well - also the view of feminism in Korea really needs to change..
0:41 This happened to me and my female classmate when we were in college. A middle aged lady commented on how my classmate used her short shorts to make me her boyfriend (she didn't and I'm not) and the lady compared us to the other decent kids who only focus on their studies. I didn't notice it until some time after when she pointed it out
Additional details for Filipino viewers 🇵🇭
We were riding a jeepney in UP Diliman, and she pointed it out once we got off the jeep
not that feminism is a super bad thing, but sometimes you're just defending your right as a woman and that kind of question ends up being ridiculous. like, what does it have to do with the fact that I don't want to be harassed whether I'm a feminist or not? it's just a basic right and respect.
여기 나온거 진짜 90%정도 다 들어본듯 진짜... 막 뭐라 하지도 못하겠고.. 집안 어른분들이 저렇게 말한경우도 있어서 진짜....
여자는 남자만 잘 만나면 돼...? 시발 이러니까 결혼안하지
팩트아니냐? 한녀들 몸팔다 취집하는거 보면 딱 답이 나오는데
ㅇㅈ 그리고 요즘 이상한 정신? 이상한 가치관을 가진 사람들이 많아서 남자든 여자든 서로 서로 조심해야할듯
@@이수아-n1i 맞아...요즘 진짜 인류애 바닥남
Спасибо за русские субтитры) вы подняли очень хорошую тему. Действительно, почему в 21 веке кто-то давит на половую принадлежность? Мне было некомфортно слушать подобные замечания.
@@плаксаблин С чего вы взяли, что она русская? Даже, если бы была, не факт, что живёт в России и может она переехала в другую страну в детстве и не имеет никакого отношения к России? Почему вы обвиняете её в том, к чему она не причастна? Она что войну начала?!! Требовала чтоб украинцев убивали, насиловали и оскорбляли?!! Зачем нападать на человека, который никак не содействовал войне и не причастен к ней никоим образом?!! Многие русские выходили на митинги, но это никак не помогло ситуации, к сожалению. Хоть всё это и так обернулось, это ещё не значит, что каждый русский человек за войну и поддерживает её. Имейте хоть каплю рациональности и не нападайте на людей с претензиями за то к чему они вообще не причастны.
@@DarkSide-uf8ci выходить на митинги нужно было 20 лет назад, когда путин совершал террористические акты и обвинял в этом мирных чеченцев. бомбил их дома!
@@плаксаблин Оо, да неужели, а когда правительство Украины тоже самое делали с Донецком и Луганском украинцы что-то не зыбко торопились им противостоять.
@@DarkSide-uf8ci настоящий человек !!!! Прямо не dark side , а bright side
@@DarkSide-uf8ci ооо да, а ты знаешь, что Донецкая и Луганская области - Украина?:) мой отец оттуда и я прекрасно знаю, что там происходило. а вы узнали об этих городах лишь после 24 числа:(
It breaks my heart to see how every girl no matter where they are from (geographically) have heard these once.. no matter where you go it's same for us in every part of the world
to be honest it's really funny to hear that phrase about period cause its literally devalues women's emotions like we can't feel anger, annoyance or smth else
En sus vídeos de "Mujeres que normalmente no ven" deberían invitar a una chica feminista para que exponga sus puntos y aclare los estereotipos que tienen. // In their videos of "Women that normally the Teens don't see" you should invite a feminism to expose her points of view.
1:18 다른건 한번쯤 그런 늬앙스로 들어본거 같은데 여자가 화장도 안 하냐는 말을 토씨 하나 안 틀리게 고등학생때 복도에서 같은반여자애한테 듣고 진짜 개 싸운게 생각나네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
화장을 하든 말든 뭔상관들인지ㅋㅋ
저도 화장 잘안하는데 요즘은 마스크때문에 더 안함ㅋㅋ
1:40 thank you !!! Why do people feel such an incessant need to question girls for every decision that they make that they don't agree with??? "Why do you wear makeup, you should just be confident in yourself". Who are you to tell someone how to express their confidence/themselves? Why would you even assume that it's bc of lack of confidence in the first place? Even if it is, why's it so wrong for them to use makeup to make them more confident? It's condescending when people do that. When you say things like that to a woman it's like you don't think of her as an adult/person that's capable of making their own decision for themselves. And putting aside the sexism thing, just generally people shouldn't be so quick to judge others for their decisions. If it's coming from a place of love it's fine to give your advice, but then you move on. Bc adults make their own decisions and face their own consequences.
Also, I used to hear all the time that I should close my legs and wear dresses. My dad told me that I won't get a boyfriend because of the way I dress and it gets on every single one of my nerves oh my gosh. I also hate when guys say 'you're good.... for a girl', I got that in primary school, I was racing some boys and I came in like second or third and then one of the guys said I'm fast for a girl like what? Dude, I was faster than almost all of you and you still felt the need to add 'for a girl'!?
omg i feel u gurl that exactly happened to me
One time there was a 100M running race in our locality I was the only girl who participated (many girls didn't becoz of their parents) so they told me to run with boys ...I came first and everybody said u are too fast for a girl ?? Like bruh wdym by that
@@hwauroraa_ Exactly, you're just fast period. It's so annoying
IKR LIKE I'm in 10th grade and I'm faster than more than half of the class including boys and they just can't accept that like wha------ they be like u'r fast for a girl I wanna punch them and I reply back saying nah nt really I'm fast for boys as well
Eu acho que pra responder a pergunta sobre ser ou não feminista, dependeria da percepção da pessoa que perguntou, pq pra mim, ser feminista é defender os direitos da mulher, sendo elas cis, trans, negras, brancas, enfim, mulheres, pq muitas vezes tem pessoas q defendem só um grupo de mulheres, e não seria justo com os outros grandes grupos, enfim, dependeria da percepção da outra pessoa sobre o significado de ser feminista, pq minha resposta poderia mudar, mas ao meu ver, acho q isso seria ser feminista, defender os direitos das mulheres que deveriam ser óbvios pros outros
sim, mas na Coreia feminismo é visto como ser radical, ser contra homens, etc... é uma questão de linguagem já que podemos ver que o pessoal é contra ideias sexistas, mas é algo ainda a ser mudado no futuro...
aí é dificil responder "sim" pra algo que gera tantas tretas lá...
@@NathyIsabella até no Brasil tem essa visão, principalmente os homens. Mas muitas mulheres concordam com o feminismo. Na Coreia é mais velado mesmo, tem gente que concorda mas tem medo das críticas.
Feminismo não é só para o direito da mulher, o feminismo é para que ambos os grupos (feminino e masculino) tenham direitos iguais, como salário, poder, oportunidade, etc.
É o famoso feminismo excludente do qual eu prefiro n fazer parte, pois pra mim a ideia de ser feminista é a mesma da sua. Eu só acrescentaria que busca a igualdade de gênero, de modo q até pra homens o feminismo é benéfico
이제 반대버전도 나왔으면 좋겠다!! 여자가 남자한테로 공감 많이 될듯해여
The fact that people still says this even in this generation... Hope the upcoming generation is more thoughtful
미현님 말고 여자 분 너무 이쁘고 좋고 너무 사랑해요!!물론 미현님도 되게 이쁘세요
저기있는 남자분들 말 잘하신다. 요즘 한국에서 젠더이슈가 심해 이 영상 들어올때도 댓글창에서 싸우고있을까봐 긴장했다
lo peor es cuando escuchas estas cosas estando en la escuela primaria, por que yo me acuerdo que con 8,9 10 años me decían tipo "eres una niña por que juegas a futbol ?" o " pareces un chico por que siempre llevas pantalones" (en mi escuela no habían uniformes) y yo tipo soy menor de edad, déjenme vivir mi infancia tranquila ya cuando crezca tal vez cambie, ahora tengo 23 y sigo en las mismas pero me cabrea aun mas todo lo que me dicen , por que por ejemplo yo no suelo llevar maquillaje y el día que me pongo aun que sea un poco de rimmel ya sueltan el típico comentario , de si quede con alguien por maquillarme, pero eso si aquí (España) no te preguntan si eres feminista aquí ya te etiquetan como feminazi si apoyas a algún movimiento para la igualdad o la protección de la mujer
존나 웃긴건 너네 왜 군대안가? 이런말하면 성차별이라고 생각도안함 ㅋㅋ
그냥 평생 안보무임승차하는거는 부끄럽지도않지
왜냐 부끄럽건말건 그게 편하거든
너가 애를 안낳아서 한국 출산률이 낮아지는 거야로 대응가능
ㄹㅇ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그러고 고작 들고온다는게 선택인 임신ㅋㅋㅋ 의무랑 선택을 비비려 들고있는게 참 우스움
@@볼카더락 의무면 존중을 해 그성별 ㄴ아
ㅋㅋ 여자들은 편한줄 모르지
사실상 걍 내가 안가니까 관심꺼 이거임 ㅋ
청춘을 버리는건데 씨발
Im tired how women CAN LITERALLY NEVER WIN, if you used to much make up, you are a bimbo, if you dont use "you dont take care of yourself" if you speak up "men dont like fiesty women" you are calm you are a doormat (apparently)
If you use long and big clother you dont have self steem but uf you use short fitted clothes you are TOO much into youself
Is tiring !!!!!!
These sentences getting me annoyed too BAHAHAHA I love how they react and at the same time it's actually sad that the girls heard almost every sentence :(
"are you a feminist?" really annoying, especially when you defend your opinion during an argument. And it's confusing.
If I'm answer "Yes, so what?", a person with a small outlook will answer something like: "Now it is clear why you are so aggressive. Women have invented problems for themselves. There is no point in proving something to you, you are stupid."
However, these same people often do not have any idea on the issue of feminism. 🥲
Sorry for my english
The korean view of feminism is a completely radicalised feminism, and not the same as what we mean in English when we talk about feminism. You're absolutely right though! It's like how, a few years ago, saying anything online about showing respect to other people would get you disapproving replies about how political correctness is bad and you'd be called a social justice warrior
El feminismo de Latinoamérica y de grinfolandia son horribles y super tóxicos... Son super doble moral, hipócritas, premian la prostitución, son tontas, etc...
El feminismo de tú país es diferente en Corea, por eso ellas se enojan cuando les preguntas "¿eres feminista?"
@@palmtree1958 this happens everywhere not just in korea. And i'm sure feminism in korea is not all radical feminism either
@@ComedyGlor Korean state institutions teach and teach that men are potential perpetrators, Korean lawmakers demean Korean soldiers who are being dragged away as housekeepers, and many feminist groups demean the military as camps. Also, many women's groups are demonstrating, demeaning Korean men, and limiting freedom of expression in PC ideology.It may not be that only redical feminism exists in Korea, but it is redical feminism that is leading the current feminism in Korea.
я зла не на шутку, это очень огорчает, их уровень мышления дошли до такого, что ты просто забьёшь на них, всё равно бесполезно им отвечать, они не поймут как ни говори. спасибо за русские субтитры 🥺❤️
Las 2 chicas son super tiernas ❤❤
No sé si las traducciones de los comentarios estarán mal pero los comentarios coreanos son tan 💀
These Korean comments in this comment section are just not it. This shows their real mentality.
They'd never say this to anyone in person either lol You know how scared they are in real life.
Shapiro is laughing at you
exactly agreed
고딩때 학원 여자애한테 사내새끼가 쪼잔하게 듣고 개빡쳤었는데
꿀밤 ㅈㄴ 마렵다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
사과하라고 그러세요 겁나 빡치네
@G$SJ그말도 차별이니까 하지마셈
@@goninjw 팩트를 말한건데 이게뭔차별?ㅋㅋㅋ 아 딱봐도 사상보이네ㅋㅋ
All those phrases made me so angry honestly, especially period one and the feminist one. It's using a good thing as an insult, being a feminist is about wanting equality and there's no shame in that but all they think about is misandry and radical feminism when they hear the word or when they hear a girl standing up for herself. And for the period one it is so annoying when I'm not on my period and I'm upset for a valid reason but it's invalidated and belittled by them boiling it down to 'she's upset, she must be on her period'. And when I am on my period, I am in pain, my hormones are all over and there is blood leaking from my vagina and is probably going to get all over my underwear but you're treating it like I'm upset over something trivial and behaving as though having a period is easier than it is.
I think that there should be a male version of this because not only do girls face something like this but also men but people often ignore this because they think that "well since he is a man" or "because he's strong."
Это действительно очень актуально 👍🏻 Спасибо за русские субтитры и конечно же за классные темы 🫶🏻 Салам от Кыргызстана 🇰🇬
We have the same struggle here, regarding the comment "you are a woman, there is no need to pursue higher education because in the end you will only take care of the house", it is very disturbing and sounds very demeaning to women. like whether just because going to have children and taking care of a woman's house does not require knowledge? even though the first teacher for a child is his own mother, how can you be a good teacher if you can't just pursue education? where will this knowledge come from? Magic? Of course not, that's crazy
В России есть 1,5 года декретного отпуска, потрм все выходят на работу. Женщины всё успевают, и детей воспитывать, и работать. Домашние заботы очень ограничивают женщину, одно и то же каждый день, нет развития.
"No pueden hablar con lógica así que preguntan '¿Eres feminista?'" GRITALO MÁS FUERTEEE
Crees en la brecha salarial y si sos de España... Estás a favor de Irene Montero???
It’s sad that we’ve grown used to these remarks and it’s very bizarre to me that the word “feminist” is used as an insult it’s just.....wow
아직 못봤는데 어째서인지 자막으로 보네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
They're so respectfull 🥺🥺💕
Honestly, my opinion is that if my wife earns more than me, I have no problem being a house husband to raise the kids, but if it's not that case, it's better for her to focus on raising kids cause the education quality has dropped since my school days
남자가 듣는 말도 해줘요 진짜 죽여버리고 싶은데 팰 수도 없고 참는 말들 진짜 많은데ㅋㅋ
두 여자분 성격 좋으실 것 같다
I am very excited to see these videos love from India😘🇮🇳
결국엔 너 페미야? 라는 말이 진짜 욕설이 되어버렸구나...
Comentarios que hemos oído toda nuestra vida
[남사친한테 성차별 발언을 해봤다] 편도 있으면 좋겠어요.
진정한 성평등
요즘 세상에 이런거도 심해져서 많이 속상해요 ㅠㅠ
그러면 영상이 안끝나서 불가능
"여자는 모르는 남자라면 한 번쯤 들어본 말들 [**, ***]" 이런게 좀 더 괜찮을듯;; 그렇게 지으면 "여사친에게 성차별 발언을 해봤다" 이렇게 제목을 짓겠죠...시기가 시기인지라.. 신중하게 제목 지어야됨;;
예를 들면...?
Feminist is nice probbaly I never was but it seems awesome🎀🎀😍😍
Eso chicas!!! Girls power!!!!
아 이것들 몇개 빼고 다 공감된다... 아니 여자라고 많이 먹으면 안돼나..? 여자라고 꼭 치마만 입어야 돼나? 여자라고 조신한 여자가 있고 미쳐 날뛰는 나처럼 그런 여자도 있겠죠.....하나하나가 다 공감된다.......ㅠㅠㅠ
Por qué el feminismo en Corea es algo malo? El feminismo en el mundo es quien defiende a las mujeres de todos esos comentarios sexistas que tanto les molesta
Seriously, the only remark I haven't heard is about the makeup one since I don't go out and wearing much makeup isn't a thing here and people rarely wear makeup anyway
좋은 컨텐츠입니다
미현이 되게 마니마니 이뿌땅~
I’m so very happy that the boys responses are similar to the girls, that they respect them and are upset for and with them.
If you dress simply and don’t wear makeup, they tell you that you are ugly and lazy. If you wear flattering clothes and put effort in, they say it’s because you want men’s attention. There’s no winning. Just dress however you want and fuck what people think.
Kkkkkkk amo esses vídeos
일찍이 자랑스럽다😁
남자것도 만들어주세요!!
남자는 제일많이듣는게 남자가 그것도 못하냐 가 1위아님?
Já ouvi muitos desses comentários também, e já estou acostumada. E na minha opinião o feminismo é nescessário sim mesmo q aja alguns tabus. Nos mulheres não devemos abaixar cabeça para homens machistas.
My dad was a stay at home dad while my mom went ahead with her career. After about 5 years of my dad taking care of the house, my parents divorced and he had to do a fresh start for his career.
그와중에 미동이 커엽다 헤헤헤
너 그날이야?
콱 그냥 부처님 옆으로 가게 해주고 싶은 말
스윗남들 시발 ㅋㅋ
que lindos uniformes y en Latinoamérica no difiere mucho estos temas
요즘에 사회구조?같은건 아직 여성이 많이 차별받고 있다고 하더라도 인식은 반대로 가고 있음
요즘에는 여성차별 발언하면 그래도 인식이 바껴서 그런지 불편하게 보는 사람이 좀 많은데 남성차별 발언하면 그냥 웃어넘기려고 하는 경우 개많음
남성에 대한 차별이 그만큼 심각할 리가 없다.
아 엄마가 여자애가 늦게 돌아다니지 말라고 그런 적 있는데...
2:35 이쪽에 나오는 말 전에 짝남한테 들어서 정 뚝떨어짐
Mihyun you look so cute and beautiful❤
고.. 고지식??????? (으억..) 사망1:53
As a girl I'm not allowed to wear cloths above knee even when I'm home
Have to come home before 6 p.m
Have to ask for permission for literally everything
Have to answer so many questions if i go out somewhere
But let's just try to find out the positive aspects..life is too short to be wasted💜
Lol it doesn't have any connection with the video. In your situation your parents make so strict rules probably because they love your brother as a person more (not because he is a male). It can be vice versa.
@@Delije_4 my parents love both of us equally.. U can say it's patriarchy or just the society.. Every person needs to play a role to create a better society right.. If the society doesn't judge a girl on what she wears or does eventually our parents will also treat us equally..have a Good day
Very true and i tell mom wen im about to go walking on day time
She dont mind but wen im back she ask alot qoustens 😂 mom u told me its ok, right????
Do you mean above the knee?
This is so funny, Koreans anti feminist in the comments acting like Korea is an egalitarian country when Korea has the largest gender wage gap when they find out that feminism is not about hating men their heads explode
No existe la brecha salarial... Otra feminista tonta.
I would like to see something like that but with adults
The "girls don't have to study hard as long as they are pretty" is relatable because based on fact, beautiful girls tend to get alot of boys attention (poor to rich) so all they have to do is make a choice of their life. This is not hate comment ya because most ugly guys I saw have such hot girlfriends and I just don't understand until fate made us accidentally met at the parking lot letting me know that the guys drove Mercedes/Bmw lmao
kkk, muito bom a mina ficando com raiva do cara do nada hahahah
I love it
초6때 3학년 층에서 "야이 새끼야!''
이렇게 소리치다 3학년 쌤한테 혼났는데 3학년쌤이 그게 6학년 여자애 입 에서 나오냐고 뭐시라뭐시라 개소리하길래 흘러 들었어요
Y’all need to change the damn caption 😭
제가 화나는 말..왜 이렇게 예민해?생리하냐?이.말^^
아. 이건 1등으로고 2등.여자치고 많이 먹네?이 말은..아는 동생들이 장난으로 돼지라는 말 많이 쓰는데....(1등도 포함.^^)
막 3등은..여자애가 겁도 없이 밤늦게 다녀?우리가 약하다는거..(근데..남자들도 그런 말 들을 수도..부들부들^#^)
[너무 화나니까 많이 썼네요.차별없으면 좋겠네요.남자도 사람, 여자도 사람!똑같은데..ㅎ]
I think Korea is a place where if you are pretty you are a goddess and a popular one and could get everything every job
But if you don't fit the standards then you won't be able to live
Like why do Koreans do this, they have such a dirty mindset that a girl can be bad at studying if she is good looking like why
Telling you the truth that your face can not give you jobs or money (but I guess in Korea it can ) and looking pretty is not everything
what do you mean with, that guys dont know. they are the ones telling us that
3 one.. here in india people don't give a damn about makeup.. it's only for parties and special occasions.. i am 18 and idk anything about makeup but i feel pressure on girls to reach that beauty standard.. in korea ig these standards are firm and people of all ages do makeup with is neither a good thing but nor a bad thing if i say.. good because people may get chance to represent themselves or it may make them happy.. bad because i feel the pressure of looking in a certain way to sustain or be respected in society..
They talk too fast, I even had to stopped the video. LOL
Eu nunca vou ligar para isso não é pq sou uma menina q vou para de ser eu mesma…
Es triste qué esto sea relatable
난 오빠가 잘못해놓고 니 생리하냐 그나이에? 이난리여서 이해가 안감
"your a girl why are you out so late at night?"
a guy is saying this when they(some guys) are the reason this is happening-
dont u think if there were people not with bad intention out there, there would be no comparison between guys and girls like why is it this that only girls are told this not guys because (some) guys are the reason for this really i hate sexist people what people say to me is that your a girl why are you wearing a shirt-? or why dont you just play with dolls u do evrything guys do-and dont get me on bodyshaming i am very skinny so any guests who come in our house is always like OmG yOu ArE mOrE sKiNnIeR tHaN tHe LaSt TiMe i SaW yOu! OK?! I LOOK AT MYSELF MORE THAN U DO YOU DONT NEED TO MAKE A FUSS ABOUT IT
난 가디건 입었을때 어께가ㅋㅌㅌㅋㅋㅋ좁아서 내려갔는데 애들이 넌 왜 옷을 섹시하게 입어 남자꼬일까봐 걱정된다고ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Wdym by the title "boys dont know" ...... aren't boys saying those things???
Es un hecho que esto es una realidad del día a día de las mujeres
일반적으로 남자는 자신의 몸을 보호 할 수 있는 신체적 차이가 있는거고
자신의 몸을 스스로 보호 할 수 있는 피지컬을 가진
여자는 이런 말을 들을 일이 없지 않을까
듣더라고요..? 운동 오래해서 웬만해선 제가 이길텐데도 그러더라고요..?
@@user-go2dv7vy1b 그렇구낭
하지만 여자에게 그런 힘이 있다면?
@@aanyapaul4184 pls read
Боже! 🤤Обожаю такие видео. 🤪🤭🥴
you're not humanist if you're not a feminist. feminism is a advocacy of equality not only between 2 genders but for every human. it's a movement of inclusivity, thus we also highly support the lgbtqia+ community and such. more people need to be educated about this, i don't understand why a lot of people use feminism as slander, it's so dumb :"
Ay amigos si oyeras las cosas que se dice en mi pueblo